#!/usr/bin/perl -w use Getopt::Long; use Pod::Usage; use Sys::Hostname; use File::Copy; use File::Path; use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval); use Cwd; use strict; use vars qw(%TESTS %STATS $ABORT_RUN $MPI_GRAPHICS); # To add a new test, just create a new hash entry that has code # references for the Prep, Run and Clean stages of the test. # The new test can be selected using the -test option. %TESTS = ( 'vrad' => { 'PREP' => \&VRADPrep, 'RUN' => \&VRADRun, 'CLEAN' => \&VRADClean, }, 'vvis' => { 'PREP' => \&VVISPrep, 'RUN' => \&VVISRun, 'CLEAN' => \&VVISClean, }, 'shadercompile' => { 'PREP' => \&ShaderPrep, 'RUN' => \&ShaderRun, 'CLEAN' => \&ShaderClean, } ); %STATS = (); $ABORT_RUN = 0; $MPI_GRAPHICS = 0; local $SIG{INT} = sub { $ABORT_RUN = 1; }; my $start = 4; my $stop = 32; my $step = 4; my $test = "vrad"; my $list = undef; my $help = 0; my $man = 0; my @work_list = (); GetOptions("file=s" => \$list, "test=s" => \$test, "workerlist=s" => sub { shift; local $_ = shift; @work_list = split(',', $_) }, "start|s=i" => \$start, "stop|e=i" => \$stop, "step=i" => \$step, "graphics" => \$MPI_GRAPHICS, "help|?" => \$help, "man" => \$man) or pod2usage(2); pod2usage(1) if $help; pod2usage(-exitstatus => 0, -verbose => 2) if $man; my @extra_args = @ARGV; unless (@work_list) { for (my $workers = $stop; $workers >= $start; $workers -= $step) { push @work_list, $workers; } } if (defined($list)) { @work_list = ReadMachineList($list, \@work_list); } unless (@work_list) { die "No workers in list\n"; } my $logfile = "$test-$$.log"; print "Testing: ", join(", ", @work_list), "\n"; print "Logging to $logfile\n"; # Redirect console to log file and unbuffer the output open STDOUT, ">$logfile"; open STDERR, ">>$logfile"; my $oldfh = select(STDOUT); $| = 1; select(STDERR); $| = 1; select($oldfh); # Lock the list of machines if given # Prepare for the test # Run the test over the work list # Clean up after the test # Release lock on list of machines if given my $pass = defined($list) ? ReserveMachines($list, $test) : ''; TestPrep($test, @extra_args); for my $workers (@work_list) { last if $ABORT_RUN; TestRun($test, $workers, $pass, @extra_args); } TestClean($test, @extra_args); ReleaseMachines($list) if defined($list); sub ReadMachineList { my $list = shift; my $work_list = shift; my @machines = (); if (open(my $listfh, $list)) { while(my $line = <$listfh>) { chomp($line); next unless $line =~ /\S/; push @machines, $line; } } my @capped_list = grep { $_ <= scalar(@machines) } @{$work_list}; if ($#{$work_list} > $#capped_list) { print "Not enough machines to run test\n"; print "Reducing max workers\n\n"; } return @capped_list; } sub SetVMPIPass { my $machines = shift; my $pass = shift; system("vmpi_chpass.pl", "-p", $pass, "-f", $machines); } sub ReserveMachines { my $list = shift; my $pass = shift; my $host = lc hostname(); $pass .= "-test-$host-$$"; SetVMPIPass($list, $pass); return $pass; } sub ReleaseMachines { my $machines = shift; SetVMPIPass($machines, ''); } sub DoTestFunc { my $test = shift; my $func = shift; my $workers = $_[0]; if (exists($TESTS{$test}{$func})) { my $start = [gettimeofday]; &{$TESTS{$test}{$func}}(@_); my $stop = [gettimeofday]; my $time = tv_interval($start, $stop); $STATS{$func}{$workers} = $time / 60; } else { die "Failed to locate test function for: $test($func)\n"; } } sub TestPrep { my $test = shift; DoTestFunc($test, 'PREP', 0, '', @_); } sub TestRun { my $test = shift; DoTestFunc($test, 'RUN', @_); } sub TestClean { my $test = shift; DoTestFunc($test, 'CLEAN', 0, '', @_); } sub GetMPIArgs { my $n_workers = shift; my $pass = shift; my @args = ("-mpi"); push(@args, "-mpi_workercount", $n_workers) if $n_workers > 0; push(@args, "-mpi_pw", $pass) if $pass; push(@args, "-mpi_graphics", "-mpi_trackevents") if $MPI_GRAPHICS; return @args; } sub VRADPrep { my $n_workers = shift; my $pass = shift; my $basename = shift; my @extra_args = @_; my @mpi_args = GetMPIArgs($n_workers, $pass); system("vbsp", $basename); system("vvis", @mpi_args, @extra_args, $basename); copy("$basename.bsp", "$basename-$$.bsp"); } sub VRADRun { my $n_workers = shift; my $pass = shift; my $basename = shift; my @extra_args = @_; my @mpi_args = GetMPIArgs($n_workers, $pass); copy("$basename-$$.bsp", "$basename.bsp"); system("vrad", "-final", "-staticproppolys", "-staticproplighting", @mpi_args, @extra_args, $basename); } sub VRADClean { my $n_workers = shift; my $pass = shift; my $basename = shift; unlink("$basename.bsp", "$basename-$$.bsp"); } sub VVISPrep { my $n_workers = shift; my $pass = shift; my $basename = shift; my @mpi_args = GetMPIArgs($n_workers, $pass); system("vbsp", $basename); copy("$basename.bsp", "$basename-$$.bsp"); } sub VVISRun { my $n_workers = shift; my $pass = shift; my $basename = shift; my @extra_args = @_; my @mpi_args = GetMPIArgs($n_workers, $pass); copy("$basename-$$.bsp", "$basename.bsp"); system("vvis", @mpi_args, $pass, @extra_args, $basename); } sub VVISClean { my $n_workers = shift; my $pass = shift; my $basename = shift; unlink("$basename.bsp", "$basename-$$.bsp"); } sub ShaderPrep { my $n_workers = shift; my $pass = shift; my $basename = shift; $ENV{DIRECTX_SDK_VER}='pc09.00'; $ENV{DIRECTX_SDK_BIN_DIR}='dx9sdk\\utilities'; $ENV{PATH} .= ";..\\..\\devtools\\bin"; my $src_base = "../.."; my $dos_base = $src_base; $dos_base =~ s|/|\\|g; unlink("makefile.$basename"); unlink(qw(filelist.txt filestocopy.txt filelistgen.txt inclist.txt vcslist.txt)); rmtree("shaders"); mkpath(["shaders/fxc", "shaders/vsh", "shaders/psh"]); print "Update Shaders\n"; system("updateshaders.pl", "-source", $dos_base, $basename); print "Prep Shaders\n"; system("nmake", "/S", "/C", "-f", "makefile.$basename"); if (open(my $fh, ">>filestocopy.txt")) { print $fh "$dos_base\\$ENV{DIRECTX_SDK_BIN_DIR}\\dx_proxy.dll\n"; print $fh "$dos_base\\..\\game\\bin\\shadercompile.exe\n"; print $fh "$dos_base\\..\\game\\bin\\shadercompile_dll.dll\n"; print $fh "$dos_base\\..\\game\\bin\\vstdlib.dll\n"; print $fh "$dos_base\\..\\game\\bin\\tier0.dll\n"; } print "Uniqify List\n"; system("uniqifylist.pl < filestocopy.txt > uniquefilestocopy.txt"); copy("filelistgen.txt", "filelist.txt"); print "Done Prep\n"; } sub ShaderRun { my $n_workers = shift; my $pass = shift; my $basename = shift; my @extra_args = @_; my @mpi_args = GetMPIArgs($n_workers, $pass); my $old_dir = getcwd(); my $dos_dir = $old_dir; $dos_dir =~ s|/|\\|g; system("shadercompile", "-allowdebug", "-shaderpath", $dos_dir, @mpi_args, @extra_args); } sub ShaderClean { my $n_workers = shift; my $pass = shift; my $basename = shift; unlink("makefile.$basename"); unlink(qw(filelist.txt filestocopy.txt filelistgen.txt inclist.txt vcslist.txt)); mkpath(["shaders/fxc", "shaders/vsh", "shaders/psh"]); } END { if (%STATS) { print "\n\n", "-"x70, "\n\n"; for my $func (qw(PREP RUN CLEAN)) { print "$func\n"; print "="x length($func), "\n"; for my $workers (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %{$STATS{$func}}) { printf("%3d, %6.3f\n", $workers, $STATS{$func}{$workers}); } print "\n"; } } } __END__ =head1 NAME vmpi_test.pl - Test utility to automate execution of VMPI tools =head1 SYNOPSIS vmpi_test.pl [-test <test name>] [-file <host file>] [-start <num>] [-stop <num>] [-step <num>] [-workerlist <list>] [-graphics] [-help|-?] [-man] Options: -test The name of the test to run -file A file that contains the names of machines to use -start Lowest worker count to test -stop Highest worker count to test -step Interval to increment worker count -workerlist A comma separated list of worker counts to test -graphics Enable MPI visual work unit tracker -help|-? Display command line usage -man Display full documentation =head1 DESCRIPTION B<vmpi_test.pl> executes a specified test for each number of worker counts given on the command line. The worker counts can be provided as a start, stop and step relationship, or it can be specified using a comma separated list. An optional host list file can be provided to restrict the test to a given set of machines. These machines will have a VMPI password applied to them so that you will get exclusive access to them. =cut