%include <std/std_except.i> %include <pystdcommon.swg> /* Generate the traits for a 'primitive' type, such as 'double', for which the SWIG_AsVal and SWIG_From methods are already defined. */ %define %traits_ptypen(Type...) %fragment(SWIG_Traits_frag(Type),"header", fragment=SWIG_AsVal_frag(Type), fragment=SWIG_From_frag(Type), fragment="StdTraits") { namespace swig { template <> struct traits<Type > { typedef value_category category; static const char* type_name() { return #Type; } }; template <> struct traits_asval<Type > { typedef Type value_type; static int asval(PyObject *obj, value_type *val) { return SWIG_AsVal(Type)(obj, val); } }; template <> struct traits_from<Type > { typedef Type value_type; static PyObject *from(const value_type& val) { return SWIG_From(Type)(val); } }; } } %enddef %include <std/std_common.i> // // Generates the traits for all the known primitive // C++ types (int, double, ...) // %apply_cpptypes(%traits_ptypen);