//====== Copyright 1996-2004, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. =======
// Purpose: 

#include "tier1/utlstring.h"
#include "tier1/strtools.h"
#include <ctype.h>

// NOTE: This has to be the last file included!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

// Base class, containing simple memory management
CUtlBinaryBlock::CUtlBinaryBlock( int growSize, int initSize ) 
	m_Memory.Init( growSize, initSize );

	m_nActualLength = 0;

CUtlBinaryBlock::CUtlBinaryBlock( void* pMemory, int nSizeInBytes, int nInitialLength ) : m_Memory( (unsigned char*)pMemory, nSizeInBytes )
	m_nActualLength = nInitialLength;

CUtlBinaryBlock::CUtlBinaryBlock( const void* pMemory, int nSizeInBytes ) : m_Memory( (const unsigned char*)pMemory, nSizeInBytes )
	m_nActualLength = nSizeInBytes;

CUtlBinaryBlock::CUtlBinaryBlock( const CUtlBinaryBlock& src )
	Set( src.Get(), src.Length() );

void CUtlBinaryBlock::Get( void *pValue, int nLen ) const
	Assert( nLen > 0 );
	if ( m_nActualLength < nLen )
		nLen = m_nActualLength;

	if ( nLen > 0 )
		memcpy( pValue, m_Memory.Base(), nLen );

void CUtlBinaryBlock::SetLength( int nLength )
	Assert( !m_Memory.IsReadOnly() );

	m_nActualLength = nLength;
	if ( nLength > m_Memory.NumAllocated() )
		int nOverFlow = nLength - m_Memory.NumAllocated();
		m_Memory.Grow( nOverFlow );

		// If the reallocation failed, clamp length
		if ( nLength > m_Memory.NumAllocated() )
			m_nActualLength = m_Memory.NumAllocated();

#ifdef _DEBUG
	if ( m_Memory.NumAllocated() > m_nActualLength )
		memset( ( ( char * )m_Memory.Base() ) + m_nActualLength, 0xEB, m_Memory.NumAllocated() - m_nActualLength );

void CUtlBinaryBlock::Set( const void *pValue, int nLen )
	Assert( !m_Memory.IsReadOnly() );

	if ( !pValue )
		nLen = 0;

	SetLength( nLen );

	if ( m_nActualLength )
		if ( ( ( const char * )m_Memory.Base() ) >= ( ( const char * )pValue ) + nLen ||
			 ( ( const char * )m_Memory.Base() ) + m_nActualLength <= ( ( const char * )pValue ) )
			memcpy( m_Memory.Base(), pValue, m_nActualLength );
			memmove( m_Memory.Base(), pValue, m_nActualLength );

CUtlBinaryBlock &CUtlBinaryBlock::operator=( const CUtlBinaryBlock &src )
	Assert( !m_Memory.IsReadOnly() );
	Set( src.Get(), src.Length() );
	return *this;

bool CUtlBinaryBlock::operator==( const CUtlBinaryBlock &src ) const
	if ( src.Length() != Length() )
		return false;

	return !memcmp( src.Get(), Get(), Length() );

// Simple string class. 

CUtlString::CUtlString( const char *pString )
	Set( pString );

CUtlString::CUtlString( const CUtlString& string )
	Set( string.Get() );

// Attaches the string to external memory. Useful for avoiding a copy
CUtlString::CUtlString( void* pMemory, int nSizeInBytes, int nInitialLength ) : m_Storage( pMemory, nSizeInBytes, nInitialLength )

CUtlString::CUtlString( const void* pMemory, int nSizeInBytes ) : m_Storage( pMemory, nSizeInBytes )

// Purpose: Set directly and don't look for a null terminator in pValue.
void CUtlString::SetDirect( const char *pValue, int nChars )
	if ( nChars > 0 )
		m_Storage.SetLength( nChars+1 );
		m_Storage.Set( pValue, nChars );
		m_Storage[nChars] = 0;
		m_Storage.SetLength( 0 );

void CUtlString::Set( const char *pValue )
	Assert( !m_Storage.IsReadOnly() );
	int nLen = pValue ? V_strlen(pValue) + 1 : 0;
	m_Storage.Set( pValue, nLen );

// Returns strlen
int CUtlString::Length() const
	return m_Storage.Length() ? m_Storage.Length() - 1 : 0;

// Sets the length (used to serialize into the buffer )
void CUtlString::SetLength( int nLen )
	Assert( !m_Storage.IsReadOnly() );

	// Add 1 to account for the NULL
	m_Storage.SetLength( nLen > 0 ? nLen + 1 : 0 );

const char *CUtlString::Get( ) const
	if ( m_Storage.Length() == 0 )
		return "";

	return reinterpret_cast< const char* >( m_Storage.Get() );

// Converts to c-strings
CUtlString::operator const char*() const
	return Get();

char *CUtlString::Get()
	Assert( !m_Storage.IsReadOnly() );

	if ( m_Storage.Length() == 0 )
		// In general, we optimise away small mallocs for empty strings
		// but if you ask for the non-const bytes, they must be writable
		// so we can't return "" here, like we do for the const version - jd
		m_Storage.SetLength( 1 );
		m_Storage[ 0 ] = '\0';

	return reinterpret_cast< char* >( m_Storage.Get() );

void CUtlString::Purge()

void CUtlString::ToLower()
	for( int nLength = Length() - 1; nLength >= 0; nLength-- )
		m_Storage[ nLength ] = tolower( m_Storage[ nLength ] );

CUtlString &CUtlString::operator=( const CUtlString &src )
	Assert( !m_Storage.IsReadOnly() );
	m_Storage = src.m_Storage;
	return *this;

CUtlString &CUtlString::operator=( const char *src )
	Assert( !m_Storage.IsReadOnly() );
	Set( src );
	return *this;

bool CUtlString::operator==( const CUtlString &src ) const
	return m_Storage == src.m_Storage;

bool CUtlString::operator==( const char *src ) const
	return ( strcmp( Get(), src ) == 0 );

CUtlString &CUtlString::operator+=( const CUtlString &rhs )
	Assert( !m_Storage.IsReadOnly() );

	const int lhsLength( Length() );
	const int rhsLength( rhs.Length() );
	const int requestedLength( lhsLength + rhsLength );

	SetLength( requestedLength );
	const int allocatedLength( Length() );
	const int copyLength( allocatedLength - lhsLength < rhsLength ? allocatedLength - lhsLength : rhsLength );
	memcpy( Get() + lhsLength, rhs.Get(), copyLength );
	m_Storage[ allocatedLength ] = '\0';

	return *this;

CUtlString &CUtlString::operator+=( const char *rhs )
	Assert( !m_Storage.IsReadOnly() );

	const int lhsLength( Length() );
	const int rhsLength( V_strlen( rhs ) );
	const int requestedLength( lhsLength + rhsLength );

	SetLength( requestedLength );
	const int allocatedLength( Length() );
	const int copyLength( allocatedLength - lhsLength < rhsLength ? allocatedLength - lhsLength : rhsLength );
	memcpy( Get() + lhsLength, rhs, copyLength );
	m_Storage[ allocatedLength ] = '\0';

	return *this;

CUtlString &CUtlString::operator+=( char c )
	Assert( !m_Storage.IsReadOnly() );

	int nLength = Length();
	SetLength( nLength + 1 );
	m_Storage[ nLength ] = c;
	m_Storage[ nLength+1 ] = '\0';
	return *this;

CUtlString &CUtlString::operator+=( int rhs )
	Assert( !m_Storage.IsReadOnly() );
	Assert( sizeof( rhs ) == 4 );

	char tmpBuf[ 12 ];	// Sufficient for a signed 32 bit integer [ -2147483648 to +2147483647 ]
	V_snprintf( tmpBuf, sizeof( tmpBuf ), "%d", rhs );
	tmpBuf[ sizeof( tmpBuf ) - 1 ] = '\0';

	return operator+=( tmpBuf );

CUtlString &CUtlString::operator+=( double rhs )
	Assert( !m_Storage.IsReadOnly() );

	char tmpBuf[ 256 ];	// How big can doubles be???  Dunno.
	V_snprintf( tmpBuf, sizeof( tmpBuf ), "%lg", rhs );
	tmpBuf[ sizeof( tmpBuf ) - 1 ] = '\0';

	return operator+=( tmpBuf );

bool CUtlString::MatchesPattern( const CUtlString &Pattern, int nFlags ) const
	const char *pszSource = String();
	const char *pszPattern = Pattern.String();
	bool	bExact = true;

	while( 1 )
		if ( ( *pszPattern ) == 0 )
			return ( (*pszSource ) == 0 );

		if ( ( *pszPattern ) == '*' )

			if ( ( *pszPattern ) == 0 )
				return true;

			bExact = false;

		int nLength = 0;

		while( ( *pszPattern ) != '*' && ( *pszPattern ) != 0 )

		while( 1 )
			const char *pszStartPattern = pszPattern - nLength;
			const char *pszSearch = pszSource;

			for( int i = 0; i < nLength; i++, pszSearch++, pszStartPattern++ )
				if ( ( *pszSearch ) == 0 )
					return false;

				if ( ( *pszSearch ) != ( *pszStartPattern ) )

			if ( pszSearch - pszSource == nLength )

			if ( bExact == true )
				return false;

			if ( ( nFlags & PATTERN_DIRECTORY ) != 0 )
				if ( ( *pszPattern ) != '/' && ( *pszSource ) == '/' )
					return false;


		pszSource += nLength;

int CUtlString::Format( const char *pFormat, ... )
	Assert( !m_Storage.IsReadOnly() );

	char tmpBuf[ 4096 ];	//< Nice big 4k buffer, as much memory as my first computer had, a Radio Shack Color Computer

	va_list marker;

	va_start( marker, pFormat );
#ifdef _WIN32
	int len = _vsnprintf( tmpBuf, sizeof( tmpBuf ) - 1, pFormat, marker );
#elif POSIX
	int len = vsnprintf( tmpBuf, sizeof( tmpBuf ) - 1, pFormat, marker );
#error "define vsnprintf type."
	va_end( marker );

	// Len > maxLen represents an overflow on POSIX, < 0 is an overflow on windows
	if( len < 0 || len >= sizeof( tmpBuf ) - 1 )
		len = sizeof( tmpBuf ) - 1;
		tmpBuf[sizeof( tmpBuf ) - 1] = 0;

	Set( tmpBuf );

	return len;

// Strips the trailing slash
void CUtlString::StripTrailingSlash()
	if ( IsEmpty() )

	int nLastChar = Length() - 1;
	char c = m_Storage[ nLastChar ];
	if ( c == '\\' || c == '/' )
		m_Storage[ nLastChar ] = 0;
		m_Storage.SetLength( m_Storage.Length() - 1 );

CUtlString CUtlString::Slice( int32 nStart, int32 nEnd ) const
	if ( nStart < 0 )
		nStart = Length() - (-nStart % Length());
	else if ( nStart >= Length() )
		nStart = Length();

	if ( nEnd == INT32_MAX )
		nEnd = Length();
	else if ( nEnd < 0 )
		nEnd = Length() - (-nEnd % Length());
	else if ( nEnd >= Length() )
		nEnd = Length();
	if ( nStart >= nEnd )
		return CUtlString( "" );

	const char *pIn = String();

	CUtlString ret;
	ret.m_Storage.SetLength( nEnd - nStart + 1 );
	char *pOut = (char*)ret.m_Storage.Get();

	memcpy( ret.m_Storage.Get(), &pIn[nStart], nEnd - nStart );
	pOut[nEnd - nStart] = 0;

	return ret;

// Grab a substring starting from the left or the right side.
CUtlString CUtlString::Left( int32 nChars ) const
	return Slice( 0, nChars );

CUtlString CUtlString::Right( int32 nChars ) const
	return Slice( -nChars );

CUtlString CUtlString::Replace( char cFrom, char cTo ) const
	CUtlString ret = *this;
	int len = ret.Length();
	for ( int i=0; i < len; i++ )
		if ( ret.m_Storage[i] == cFrom )
			ret.m_Storage[i] = cTo;

	return ret;

CUtlString CUtlString::AbsPath( const char *pStartingDir ) const
	char szNew[MAX_PATH];
	V_MakeAbsolutePath( szNew, sizeof( szNew ), this->String(), pStartingDir );
	return CUtlString( szNew );

CUtlString CUtlString::UnqualifiedFilename() const
	const char *pFilename = V_UnqualifiedFileName( this->String() );
	return CUtlString( pFilename );

CUtlString CUtlString::DirName() const
	CUtlString ret( this->String() );
	V_StripLastDir( (char*)ret.m_Storage.Get(), ret.m_Storage.Length() );
	V_StripTrailingSlash( (char*)ret.m_Storage.Get() );
	return ret;

CUtlString CUtlString::PathJoin( const char *pStr1, const char *pStr2 )
	char szPath[MAX_PATH];
	V_ComposeFileName( pStr1, pStr2, szPath, sizeof( szPath ) );
	return CUtlString( szPath );

CUtlString CUtlString::operator+( const char *pOther ) const
	CUtlString s = *this;
	s += pOther;
	return s;

// Purpose: concatenate the provided string to our current content
void CUtlString::Append( const char *pchAddition )
	CUtlString s = *this;
	s += pchAddition;