//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ // //=============================================================================// #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN #include <windows.h> #pragma warning( disable: 4201 ) #include <mmsystem.h> #pragma warning( default: 4201 ) #include <mmreg.h> #include "snd_wave_source.h" #include "snd_wave_mixer_adpcm.h" #include "snd_wave_mixer_private.h" #include "hlfaceposer.h" // max size of ADPCM block in bytes #define MAX_BLOCK_SIZE 4096 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Mixer for ADPCM encoded audio //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CAudioMixerWaveADPCM : public CAudioMixerWave { public: CAudioMixerWaveADPCM( CWaveData *data ); ~CAudioMixerWaveADPCM( void ); virtual void Mix( IAudioDevice *pDevice, channel_t *pChannel, void *pData, int outputOffset, int inputOffset, fixedint fracRate, int outCount, int timecompress, bool forward = true ); virtual int GetOutputData( void **pData, int samplePosition, int sampleCount, bool forward = true ); virtual bool SetSamplePosition( int position, bool scrubbing = false ); private: bool DecodeBlock( void ); int NumChannels( void ); void DecompressBlockMono( short *pOut, const char *pIn, int count ); void DecompressBlockStereo( short *pOut, const char *pIn, int count ); void SetCurrentBlock( int block ); int GetCurrentBlock( void ) const; int GetBlockNumberForSample( int samplePosition ); bool IsSampleInCurrentBlock( int samplePosition ); int GetFirstSampleForBlock( int blocknum ) const; const ADPCMWAVEFORMAT *m_pFormat; const ADPCMCOEFSET *m_pCoefficients; short *m_pSamples; int m_sampleCount; int m_samplePosition; int m_blockSize; int m_offset; int m_currentBlock; }; CAudioMixerWaveADPCM::CAudioMixerWaveADPCM( CWaveData *data ) : CAudioMixerWave( data ) { m_currentBlock = -1; m_pSamples = NULL; m_sampleCount = 0; m_samplePosition = 0; m_offset = 0; m_pFormat = (const ADPCMWAVEFORMAT *)m_pData->Source().GetHeader(); if ( m_pFormat ) { m_pCoefficients = (ADPCMCOEFSET *)((char *)m_pFormat + sizeof(WAVEFORMATEX) + 4); // create the decode buffer m_pSamples = new short[m_pFormat->wSamplesPerBlock * m_pFormat->wfx.nChannels]; // number of bytes for samples m_blockSize = ((m_pFormat->wSamplesPerBlock - 2) * m_pFormat->wfx.nChannels ) / 2; // size of channel header m_blockSize += 7 * m_pFormat->wfx.nChannels; // Assert(m_blockSize < MAX_BLOCK_SIZE); } } CAudioMixerWaveADPCM::~CAudioMixerWaveADPCM( void ) { delete[] m_pSamples; } int CAudioMixerWaveADPCM::NumChannels( void ) { if ( m_pFormat ) { return m_pFormat->wfx.nChannels; } return 0; } void CAudioMixerWaveADPCM::Mix( IAudioDevice *pDevice, channel_t *pChannel, void *pData, int outputOffset, int inputOffset, fixedint fracRate, int outCount, int timecompress, bool forward /*= true*/ ) { if ( NumChannels() == 1 ) pDevice->Mix16Mono( pChannel, (short *)pData, outputOffset, inputOffset, fracRate, outCount, timecompress, forward ); else pDevice->Mix16Stereo( pChannel, (short *)pData, outputOffset, inputOffset, fracRate, outCount, timecompress, forward ); } static int error_sign_lut[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1 }; static int error_coefficients_lut[] = { 230, 230, 230, 230, 307, 409, 512, 614, 768, 614, 512, 409, 307, 230, 230, 230 }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: ADPCM decompress a single block of 1-channel audio // Input : *pOut - output buffer 16-bit // *pIn - input block // count - number of samples to decode (to support partial blocks) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CAudioMixerWaveADPCM::DecompressBlockMono( short *pOut, const char *pIn, int count ) { int pred = *pIn++; int co1 = m_pCoefficients[pred].iCoef1; int co2 = m_pCoefficients[pred].iCoef2; // read initial delta int delta = *((short *)pIn); pIn += 2; // read initial samples for prediction int samp1 = *((short *)pIn); pIn += 2; int samp2 = *((short *)pIn); pIn += 2; // write out the initial samples (stored in reverse order) *pOut++ = (short)samp2; *pOut++ = (short)samp1; // subtract the 2 samples in the header count -= 2; // this is a toggle to read nibbles, first nibble is high int high = 1; int error = 0, sample = 0; // now process the block while ( count ) { // read the error nibble from the input stream if ( high ) { sample = (unsigned char) (*pIn++); // high nibble error = sample >> 4; // cache low nibble for next read sample = sample & 0xf; // Next read is from cache, not stream high = 0; } else { // stored in previous read (low nibble) error = sample; // next read is from stream high = 1; } // convert to signed with LUT int errorSign = error_sign_lut[error]; // interpolate the new sample int predSample = (samp1 * co1) + (samp2 * co2); // coefficients are fixed point 8-bit, so shift back to 16-bit integer predSample >>= 8; // Add in current error estimate predSample += (errorSign * delta); // Correct error estimate delta = (delta * error_coefficients_lut[error]) >> 8; // Clamp error estimate if ( delta < 16 ) delta = 16; // clamp if ( predSample > 32767L ) predSample = 32767L; else if ( predSample < -32768L ) predSample = -32768L; // output *pOut++ = (short)predSample; // move samples over samp2 = samp1; samp1 = predSample; count--; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Decode a single block of stereo ADPCM audio // Input : *pOut - 16-bit output buffer // *pIn - ADPCM encoded block data // count - number of sample pairs to decode //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CAudioMixerWaveADPCM::DecompressBlockStereo( short *pOut, const char *pIn, int count ) { int pred[2], co1[2], co2[2]; int i; for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { pred[i] = *pIn++; co1[i] = m_pCoefficients[pred[i]].iCoef1; co2[i] = m_pCoefficients[pred[i]].iCoef2; } int delta[2], samp1[2], samp2[2]; for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++, pIn += 2 ) { // read initial delta delta[i] = *((short *)pIn); } // read initial samples for prediction for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++, pIn += 2 ) { samp1[i] = *((short *)pIn); } for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++, pIn += 2 ) { samp2[i] = *((short *)pIn); } // write out the initial samples (stored in reverse order) *pOut++ = (short)samp2[0]; // left *pOut++ = (short)samp2[1]; // right *pOut++ = (short)samp1[0]; // left *pOut++ = (short)samp1[1]; // right // subtract the 2 samples in the header count -= 2; // this is a toggle to read nibbles, first nibble is high int high = 1; int error, sample = 0; // now process the block while ( count ) { for ( i = 0; i < 2; i++ ) { // read the error nibble from the input stream if ( high ) { sample = (unsigned char) (*pIn++); // high nibble error = sample >> 4; // cache low nibble for next read sample = sample & 0xf; // Next read is from cache, not stream high = 0; } else { // stored in previous read (low nibble) error = sample; // next read is from stream high = 1; } // convert to signed with LUT int errorSign = error_sign_lut[error]; // interpolate the new sample int predSample = (samp1[i] * co1[i]) + (samp2[i] * co2[i]); // coefficients are fixed point 8-bit, so shift back to 16-bit integer predSample >>= 8; // Add in current error estimate predSample += (errorSign * delta[i]); // Correct error estimate delta[i] = (delta[i] * error_coefficients_lut[error]) >> 8; // Clamp error estimate if ( delta[i] < 16 ) delta[i] = 16; // clamp if ( predSample > 32767L ) predSample = 32767L; else if ( predSample < -32768L ) predSample = -32768L; // output *pOut++ = (short)predSample; // move samples over samp2[i] = samp1[i]; samp1[i] = predSample; } count--; } } bool CAudioMixerWaveADPCM::DecodeBlock( void ) { char tmpBlock[MAX_BLOCK_SIZE]; char *pData; int available = m_pData->ReadSourceData( (void **) (&pData), m_offset, m_blockSize ); if ( available < m_blockSize ) { int total = 0; while ( available && total < m_blockSize ) { memcpy( tmpBlock + total, pData, available ); total += available; available = m_pData->ReadSourceData( (void **) (&pData), m_offset + total, m_blockSize - total ); } pData = tmpBlock; available = total; } Assert( m_blockSize > 0 ); // Current block number is based on starting offset int blockNumber = m_offset / m_blockSize; SetCurrentBlock( blockNumber ); if ( !available ) { return false; } // advance the file pointer m_offset += available; int channelCount = NumChannels(); // this is sample pairs for stereo, samples for mono m_sampleCount = m_pFormat->wSamplesPerBlock; // short block?, fixup sample count (2 samples per byte, divided by number of channels per sample set) m_sampleCount -= ((m_blockSize - available) * 2) / channelCount; // new block, start at the first sample m_samplePosition = 0; // no need to subclass for different channel counts... if ( channelCount == 1 ) { DecompressBlockMono( m_pSamples, pData, m_sampleCount ); } else { DecompressBlockStereo( m_pSamples, pData, m_sampleCount ); } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : block - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CAudioMixerWaveADPCM::SetCurrentBlock( int block ) { m_currentBlock = block; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Output : int //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CAudioMixerWaveADPCM::GetCurrentBlock( void ) const { return m_currentBlock; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : samplePosition - // Output : int //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CAudioMixerWaveADPCM::GetBlockNumberForSample( int samplePosition ) { int blockNum = samplePosition / m_pFormat->wSamplesPerBlock; return blockNum; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : samplePosition - // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CAudioMixerWaveADPCM::IsSampleInCurrentBlock( int samplePosition ) { int currentBlock = GetCurrentBlock(); int startSample = currentBlock * m_pFormat->wSamplesPerBlock; int endSample = startSample + m_pFormat->wSamplesPerBlock - 1; if ( samplePosition >= startSample && samplePosition <= endSample ) { return true; } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : blocknum - // Output : int //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CAudioMixerWaveADPCM::GetFirstSampleForBlock( int blocknum ) const { return m_pFormat->wSamplesPerBlock * blocknum; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Read existing buffer or decompress a new block when necessary // Input : **pData - output data pointer // sampleCount - number of samples (or pairs) // Output : int - available samples (zero to stop decoding) //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int CAudioMixerWaveADPCM::GetOutputData( void **pData, int samplePosition, int sampleCount, bool forward /*= true*/ ) { int requestedBlock = GetBlockNumberForSample( samplePosition ); if ( requestedBlock != GetCurrentBlock() ) { // Ran out of data!!! if ( !SetSamplePosition( samplePosition ) ) return 0; } Assert( requestedBlock == GetCurrentBlock() ); if ( m_samplePosition >= m_sampleCount ) { if ( !DecodeBlock() ) return 0; } if ( m_samplePosition < m_sampleCount ) { *pData = (void *)(m_pSamples + m_samplePosition * NumChannels()); int available = m_sampleCount - m_samplePosition; if ( available > sampleCount ) available = sampleCount; m_samplePosition += available; return available; } return 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : position - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CAudioMixerWaveADPCM::SetSamplePosition( int position, bool scrubbing ) { position = max( 0, position ); CAudioMixerWave::SetSamplePosition( position, scrubbing ); int requestedBlock = GetBlockNumberForSample( position ); int firstSample = GetFirstSampleForBlock( requestedBlock ); if ( firstSample >= m_pData->Source().SampleCount() ) { // Read past end of file!!! return false; } int currentSample = ( position - firstSample ); if ( requestedBlock != GetCurrentBlock() ) { // Rewind file to beginning of block m_offset = requestedBlock * m_blockSize; if ( !DecodeBlock() ) { return false; } } m_samplePosition = currentSample; return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Abstract factory function for ADPCM mixers // Input : *data - wave data access object // channels - // Output : CAudioMixer //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAudioMixer *CreateADPCMMixer( CWaveData *data ) { return new CAudioMixerWaveADPCM( data ); }