//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include "hlfaceposer.h" #include <windows.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <mxtk/mxWindow.h> #include <mxtk/mxScrollBar.h> #include "mxexpressiontray.h" #include "expressions.h" #include "expclass.h" #include "ControlPanel.h" #include "FlexPanel.h" #include <mxtk/mxPopupMenu.h> #include "ChoreoView.h" #include "StudioModel.h" #include "ExpressionProperties.h" #include "InputProperties.h" #include "ViewerSettings.h" #include "mxExpressionTab.h" #include "choreowidgetdrawhelper.h" #include "ExpressionTool.h" #include "faceposer_models.h" #include "tier0/icommandline.h" #include "filesystem.h" #define MAX_THUMBNAILSIZE 256 #define MIN_THUMBNAILSIZE 64 #define THUMBNAIL_SIZE_STEP 4 #define DEFAULT_THUMBNAIL_SIZE 128 #define TOP_GAP 45 mxExpressionTray *g_pExpressionTrayTool = 0; mxExpressionTray::mxExpressionTray( mxWindow *parent, int id /*=0*/ ) : IFacePoserToolWindow( "ExpressionTrayTool", "Expressions" ), mxWindow( parent, 0, 0, 0, 0, "ExpressionTrayTool", id ) { setId( id ); m_nTopOffset = 0; slScrollbar = new mxScrollbar( this, 0, 0, 18, 100, IDC_TRAYSCROLL, mxScrollbar::Vertical ); m_nLastNumExpressions = -1; m_nGranularity = 10; m_nPrevCell = -1; m_nCurCell = -1; m_nClickedCell = -1; m_nButtonSquare = 16; m_nGap = 4; m_nDescriptionHeight = 34; m_nSnapshotWidth = g_viewerSettings.thumbnailsize; m_nSnapshotWidth = max( MIN_THUMBNAILSIZE, m_nSnapshotWidth ); m_nSnapshotWidth = min( MAX_THUMBNAILSIZE, m_nSnapshotWidth ); g_viewerSettings.thumbnailsize = m_nSnapshotWidth; m_nSnapshotHeight = m_nSnapshotWidth + m_nDescriptionHeight; m_pButtons = NULL; m_nPreviousExpressionCount = -1; m_bDragging = false; m_nDragCell = -1; CreateButtons(); g_pExpressionClass = new mxExpressionTab( this, 5, 5, 500, 20, IDC_EXPRESSIONCLASS ); m_pABButton = new mxButton( this, 520, 8, 50, 18, "A/B", IDC_AB ); m_pThumbnailIncreaseButton = new mxButton( this, 0, 0, 18, 18, "+", IDC_THUMBNAIL_INCREASE ); m_pThumbnailDecreaseButton = new mxButton( this, 0, 0, 18, 18, "-", IDC_THUMBNAIL_DECREASE ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Output : mxExpressionTray::~mxExpressionTray //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mxExpressionTray::~mxExpressionTray ( void ) { DeleteAllButtons(); g_pExpressionTrayTool = NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : cellsize - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void mxExpressionTray::SetCellSize( int cellsize ) { m_nSnapshotWidth = cellsize; m_nSnapshotHeight = cellsize + m_nDescriptionHeight; DeleteAllButtons(); CreateButtons(); redraw(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void mxExpressionTray::Deselect( void ) { CExpClass *active = expressions->GetActiveClass(); if ( active ) { for ( int i = 0 ; i < active->GetNumExpressions(); i++ ) { CExpression *exp = active->GetExpression( i ); if ( exp ) { exp->SetSelected( false ); } } } m_nCurCell = m_nPrevCell = -1; redraw(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : exp - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void mxExpressionTray::Select( int exp, bool deselect /*=true*/ ) { int oldcell = m_nCurCell; if ( deselect ) { Deselect(); } m_nPrevCell = oldcell; m_nCurCell = exp; if ( m_nCurCell >= 0 ) { CExpClass *active = expressions->GetActiveClass(); if ( active ) { CExpression *exp = active->GetExpression( m_nCurCell ); if ( exp ) { exp->SetSelected( true ); } } } redraw(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *btn - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void mxExpressionTray::AddButton( const char *name, const char *tooltip, const char *bitmap, ETMEMBERFUNC pfnCallback, bool active, int x, int y, int w, int h ) { mxETButton *btn = new mxETButton; strcpy( btn->m_szName, name ); strcpy( btn->m_szToolTip, tooltip ); btn->m_bActive = active; btn->m_rc.left = x; btn->m_rc.top = y; btn->m_rc.right = x + w; btn->m_rc.bottom = y + h; btn->m_pImage = new mxbitmapdata_t; Assert( btn->m_pImage ); btn->m_pImage->valid = false; LoadBitmapFromFile( bitmap, *btn->m_pImage ); btn->m_fnCallback = pfnCallback; btn->next = m_pButtons; m_pButtons = btn; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void mxExpressionTray::CreateButtons( void ) { int x = m_nSnapshotWidth - 2 * ( m_nButtonSquare + 4 ); int y = 4; AddButton( "undo", "Undo", "gfx/hlfaceposer/undo.bmp", &mxExpressionTray::ET_Undo, true, x, y, m_nButtonSquare, m_nButtonSquare ); x += ( m_nButtonSquare + 4 ); AddButton( "redo", "Redo", "gfx/hlfaceposer/redo.bmp", &mxExpressionTray::ET_Redo, true, x, y, m_nButtonSquare, m_nButtonSquare ); } void mxExpressionTray::ActivateButton( const char *name, bool active ) { mxETButton *btn = FindButton( name ); if ( !name ) return; btn->m_bActive = active; } mxExpressionTray::mxETButton *mxExpressionTray::FindButton( const char *name ) { mxETButton *p = m_pButtons; while ( p ) { if ( !stricmp( p->m_szName, name ) ) return p; p = p->next; } return NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void mxExpressionTray::DeleteAllButtons( void ) { mxETButton *p = m_pButtons, *n; while ( p ) { n = p->next; delete p->m_pImage; delete p; p = n; } m_pButtons = NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : x - // y - // Output : mxExpressionTray::mxETButton //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- mxExpressionTray::mxETButton *mxExpressionTray::GetItemUnderCursor( int x, int y ) { // Convert to cell space int cell = GetCellUnderPosition( x, y ); if ( cell == -1 ) { return NULL; } // Cell is off screen? int cx, cy, cw, ch; if ( !ComputeRect( cell, cx, cy, cw, ch ) ) { return NULL; } mxETButton *p = m_pButtons; while ( p ) { if ( p->m_bActive && x >= cx && x <= cx + cw && y >= cy && y <= cy + ch ) { // In-side cell int cellx = x - cx; int celly = y - cy; if ( cellx >= p->m_rc.left && cellx <= p->m_rc.right && celly >= p->m_rc.top && celly <= p->m_rc.bottom ) { return p; } } p = p->next; } return NULL; } void mxExpressionTray::DrawButton( CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper& helper, int cell, mxETButton *btn ) { if ( !btn || !btn->m_pImage || !btn->m_pImage->valid ) return; if ( !btn->m_bActive ) return; int x, y, w, h; if ( !ComputeRect( cell, x, y, w, h ) ) return; x += btn->m_rc.left; y += btn->m_rc.top; w = btn->m_rc.right - btn->m_rc.left; h = btn->m_rc.bottom - btn->m_rc.top; HDC dc = helper.GrabDC(); DrawBitmapToDC( dc, x, y, w, h, *btn->m_pImage ); helper.DrawOutlinedRect( RGB( 170, 170, 170 ), PS_SOLID, 1, x, y, x + w, y + h ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Output : int //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int mxExpressionTray::ComputePixelsNeeded( void ) { CExpClass *active = expressions->GetActiveClass(); if ( !active ) return 100; // Remove scroll bar int w = this->w2() - 16; int colsperrow; colsperrow = ( w - m_nGap ) / ( m_nSnapshotWidth + m_nGap ); // At least one colsperrow = max( 1, colsperrow ); int rowsneeded = ( ( active->GetNumExpressions() + colsperrow - 1 ) / colsperrow ); return rowsneeded * ( m_nSnapshotHeight + m_nGap ) + m_nGap + TOP_GAP + GetCaptionHeight(); } bool mxExpressionTray::ComputeRect( int cell, int& rcx, int& rcy, int& rcw, int& rch ) { // Remove scroll bar int w = this->w2() - 16; int colsperrow; colsperrow = ( w - m_nGap ) / ( m_nSnapshotWidth + m_nGap ); // At least one colsperrow = max( 1, colsperrow ); int row, col; row = cell / colsperrow; col = cell % colsperrow; // don't allow partial columns rcx = m_nGap + col * ( m_nSnapshotWidth + m_nGap ); rcy = GetCaptionHeight() + TOP_GAP + ( -m_nTopOffset * m_nGranularity ) + m_nGap + row * ( m_nSnapshotHeight + m_nGap ); // Starts off screen if ( rcx < 0 ) return false; // Ends off screen if ( rcx + m_nSnapshotWidth + m_nGap > this->w2() ) return false; // Allow partial in y direction if ( rcy > this->h2() ) return false; if ( rcy + m_nSnapshotHeight + m_nGap < 0 ) return false; // Some portion is onscreen rcw = m_nSnapshotWidth; rch = m_nSnapshotHeight; return true; } void mxExpressionTray::DrawExpressionFocusRect( CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper& helper, int x, int y, int w, int h, COLORREF clr ) { helper.DrawOutlinedRect( clr, PS_SOLID, 4, x, y, x + w, y + h ); } void mxExpressionTray::DrawExpressionDescription( CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper& helper, int x, int y, int w, int h, const char *expressionname, const char *description ) { int textheight = 15; RECT textRect; textRect.left = x + 5; textRect.top = y + h - 2 * textheight - 12; textRect.right = x + w - 10; textRect.bottom = y + h - 12; helper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", 9, FW_NORMAL, RGB( 0, 0, 0 ), textRect, "%s", expressionname ); // DrawText( hdc, expressionname, strlen( expressionname ), &textRect, DT_NOPREFIX | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER | DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS ); OffsetRect( &textRect, 0, textheight ); helper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", 9, FW_NORMAL, RGB( 63, 63, 63 ), textRect, "%s", description ); // DrawText( hdc, description, strlen( description ), &textRect, DT_NOPREFIX | DT_SINGLELINE | DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER | DT_WORD_ELLIPSIS ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : dc - // current - // rcx - // rcy - // rcw - // rch - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void mxExpressionTray::DrawDirtyFlag( CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper& helper, CExpression *current, int rcx, int rcy, int rcw, int rch ) { // Not dirty if ( !current || ( !current->CanUndo() && !current->GetDirty() ) ) return; int fontsize = 14; RECT textRect; textRect.left = rcx + 5; textRect.right = rcx + rcw; textRect.top = rcy + 5; textRect.bottom = textRect.top + fontsize + 2; helper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", fontsize, FW_NORMAL, RGB( 100, 240, 255 ), textRect, "*" ); } bool mxExpressionTray::PaintBackground( void ) { redraw(); return false; } void mxExpressionTray::DrawThumbNail( CExpClass *active, CExpression *current, CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper& helper, int rcx, int rcy, int rcw, int rch, int c, int selected, bool updateselection ) { if ( !current ) return; HDC dc = helper.GrabDC(); helper.DrawFilledRect( GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNFACE ), rcx, rcy, rcw + rcx, rch + rcy ); if ( current->m_Bitmap[ models->GetActiveModelIndex() ].valid ) { DrawBitmapToDC( dc, rcx, rcy, rcw, rch - m_nDescriptionHeight, current->m_Bitmap[ models->GetActiveModelIndex() ] ); helper.DrawOutlinedRect( RGB( 127, 127, 127 ), PS_SOLID, 1, rcx, rcy, rcx + rcw, rcy + rch - m_nDescriptionHeight ); } DrawDirtyFlag( helper, current, rcx, rcy, rcw, rch ); DrawExpressionDescription( helper, rcx, rcy, rcw, rch, current->name, current->description ); if ( c == selected ) { DrawExpressionFocusRect( helper, rcx, rcy, rcw, rch - m_nDescriptionHeight, RGB( 255, 100, 63 ) ); if ( updateselection ) { m_nPrevCell = -1; m_nCurCell = c; } if ( current->CanUndo() || current->CanRedo() ) { if ( current->CanUndo() ) { DrawButton( helper, c, FindButton( "undo" ) ); } if ( current->CanRedo() ) { DrawButton( helper, c, FindButton( "redo" ) ); } RECT rc; rc.left = rcx + rcw - 2 * ( m_nButtonSquare + 4 ); rc.top = rcy + m_nButtonSquare + 6; rc.right = rc.left + 2 * ( m_nButtonSquare + 4 ); rc.bottom = rc.top + 15; helper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", 9, FW_NORMAL, RGB( 200, 200, 200 ), rc, "%i/%i", current->UndoCurrent(), current->UndoLevels() ); } } else { if ( current->GetSelected() ) { DrawExpressionFocusRect( helper, rcx, rcy, rcw, rch - m_nDescriptionHeight, RGB( 127, 127, 220 ) ); } } } void mxExpressionTray::redraw() { if ( !ToolCanDraw() ) return; bool updateSelection = false; CExpClass *active = expressions->GetActiveClass(); if ( active && active->GetNumExpressions() != m_nPreviousExpressionCount ) { m_nTopOffset = 0; RepositionSlider(); m_nPreviousExpressionCount = active->GetNumExpressions(); } CChoreoWidgetDrawHelper helper( this, GetSysColor( COLOR_BTNFACE ) ); HandleToolRedraw( helper ); int w, h; w = w2(); h = h2(); if ( active ) { RECT clipRect; helper.GetClientRect( clipRect ); clipRect.top += TOP_GAP + GetCaptionHeight(); helper.StartClipping( clipRect ); if ( m_nLastNumExpressions != active->GetNumExpressions() ) { m_nTopOffset = 0; m_nLastNumExpressions = active->GetNumExpressions(); RepositionSlider(); updateSelection = true; } int selected = active->GetSelectedExpression(); int rcx, rcy, rcw, rch; int c = 0; while ( c < active->GetNumExpressions() ) { if ( !ComputeRect( c, rcx, rcy, rcw, rch ) ) { c++; continue; } CExpression *current = active->GetExpression( c ); if ( !current ) break; DrawThumbNail( active, current, helper, rcx, rcy, rcw, rch, c, selected, updateSelection ); c++; } helper.StopClipping(); } else { RECT rc; helper.GetClientRect( rc ); // Arial 36 normal char sz[ 256 ]; sprintf( sz, "No expression file loaded" ); int pointsize = 18; int textlen = helper.CalcTextWidth( "Arial", pointsize, FW_NORMAL, sz ); RECT rcText; rcText.top = ( rc.bottom - rc.top ) / 2 - pointsize / 2; rcText.bottom = rcText.top + pointsize + 10; int fullw = rc.right - rc.left; rcText.left = rc.left + ( fullw - textlen ) / 2; rcText.right = rcText.left + textlen; helper.DrawColoredText( "Arial", pointsize, FW_NORMAL, RGB( 80, 80, 80 ), rcText, sz ); } // ValidateRect( (HWND)getHandle(), &rc ); } int mxExpressionTray::GetCellUnderPosition( int x, int y ) { CExpClass *active = expressions->GetActiveClass(); if ( !active ) return -1; int rcx, rcy, rcw, rch; int c = 0; while ( c < active->GetNumExpressions() ) { if ( !ComputeRect( c, rcx, rcy, rcw, rch ) ) { c++; continue; } if ( x >= rcx && x <= rcx + rcw && y >= rcy && y <= rcy + rch ) { return c; } c++; } return -1; } void mxExpressionTray::RepositionSlider( void ) { int trueh = h2() - GetCaptionHeight(); int heightpixels = trueh / m_nGranularity; int rangepixels = ComputePixelsNeeded() / m_nGranularity; if ( rangepixels < heightpixels ) { m_nTopOffset = 0; slScrollbar->setVisible( false ); } else { slScrollbar->setVisible( true ); } slScrollbar->setBounds( w2() - 16, GetCaptionHeight() + TOP_GAP, 16, trueh - TOP_GAP ); m_nTopOffset = max( 0, m_nTopOffset ); m_nTopOffset = min( rangepixels, m_nTopOffset ); slScrollbar->setRange( 0, rangepixels ); slScrollbar->setValue( m_nTopOffset ); slScrollbar->setPagesize( heightpixels ); } void mxExpressionTray::AB( void ) { if ( m_nPrevCell == -1 && m_nCurCell == -1 ) return; CExpClass *active = expressions->GetActiveClass(); if ( !active ) return; if ( m_nPrevCell >= 0 && m_nPrevCell < active->GetNumExpressions() ) { active->SelectExpression( m_nPrevCell ); } } int mxExpressionTray::CountSelected( void ) { CExpClass *active = expressions->GetActiveClass(); if ( !active ) return 0; int c = 0; for ( int i = 0; i < active->GetNumExpressions(); i++ ) { CExpression *exp = active->GetExpression( i ); if ( !exp ) continue; if ( exp->GetSelected() ) { c++; } } return c; } void mxExpressionTray::SetClickedCell( int cell ) { m_nClickedCell = cell; } void mxExpressionTray::ShowRightClickMenu( int mx, int my ) { CExpClass *active = expressions->GetActiveClass(); if ( !active ) return; mxPopupMenu *pop = new mxPopupMenu(); Assert( pop ); CExpression *exp = NULL; if ( m_nClickedCell != -1 ) { exp = active->GetExpression( m_nClickedCell ); } pop->add( "New Expression...", IDC_CONTEXT_NEWEXP ); if ( exp ) { pop->addSeparator(); pop->add( va( "Edit '%s'...", exp->name ), IDC_CONTEXT_EDITEXP ); pop->add( va( "Save '%s'", exp->name ), IDC_CONTEXT_SAVEEXP ); if ( exp->CanUndo() || exp->CanRedo() ) { pop->add( va( "Revert '%s'", exp->name ), IDC_CONTEXT_REVERT ); } pop->addSeparator(); pop->add( va( "Delete '%s'", exp->name ), IDC_CONTEXT_DELETEXP ); pop->addSeparator(); pop->add( va( "Re-create thumbnail for '%s'", exp->name ), IDC_CONTEXT_CREATEBITMAP ); } pop->popup( this, mx, my ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void mxExpressionTray::DrawFocusRect( void ) { HDC dc = GetDC( NULL ); ::DrawFocusRect( dc, &m_rcFocus ); ReleaseDC( NULL, dc ); } static bool IsWindowOrChild( mxWindow *parent, HWND test ) { HWND parentHwnd = (HWND)parent->getHandle(); if ( test == parentHwnd || IsChild( parentHwnd, test ) ) { return true; } return false; } int mxExpressionTray::handleEvent (mxEvent *event) { MDLCACHE_CRITICAL_SECTION_( g_pMDLCache ); int iret = 0; if ( HandleToolEvent( event ) ) { return iret; } switch ( event->event ) { case mxEvent::Action: { iret = 1; switch ( event->action ) { default: iret = 0; break; case IDC_EXPRESSIONCLASS: { int index = g_pExpressionClass->getSelectedIndex(); if ( index >= 0 ) { CExpClass *current = expressions->GetClass( index ); if ( current ) { // Switch classname expressions->ActivateExpressionClass( current ); current->SelectExpression( 0 ); } } } break; case IDC_CONTEXT_NEWEXP: g_pFlexPanel->NewExpression(); break; case IDC_CONTEXT_EDITEXP: if ( m_nClickedCell != -1 ) { g_pFlexPanel->EditExpression(); } break; case IDC_CONTEXT_REVERT: if ( m_nClickedCell != -1 ) { g_pFlexPanel->RevertExpression( m_nClickedCell ); } break; case IDC_CONTEXT_SAVEEXP: if ( m_nClickedCell != -1 ) { g_pFlexPanel->SaveExpression( m_nClickedCell ); } break; case IDC_CONTEXT_DELETEXP: if ( m_nClickedCell != -1 ) { g_pControlPanel->DeleteExpression( m_nClickedCell ); } break; case IDC_TRAYSCROLL: { if (event->modifiers == SB_THUMBTRACK) { int offset = event->height; slScrollbar->setValue( offset ); m_nTopOffset = offset; redraw(); } else if ( event->modifiers == SB_PAGEUP ) { int offset = slScrollbar->getValue(); offset -= m_nGranularity; offset = max( offset, slScrollbar->getMinValue() ); slScrollbar->setValue( offset ); InvalidateRect( (HWND)slScrollbar->getHandle(), NULL, TRUE ); m_nTopOffset = offset; redraw(); } else if ( event->modifiers == SB_PAGEDOWN ) { int offset = slScrollbar->getValue(); offset += m_nGranularity; offset = min( offset, slScrollbar->getMaxValue() ); slScrollbar->setValue( offset ); InvalidateRect( (HWND)slScrollbar->getHandle(), NULL, TRUE ); m_nTopOffset = offset; redraw(); } } break; case IDC_AB: { AB(); } break; case IDC_THUMBNAIL_INCREASE: { ThumbnailIncrease(); } break; case IDC_THUMBNAIL_DECREASE: { ThumbnailDecrease(); } break; case IDC_CONTEXT_CREATEBITMAP: { if ( m_nClickedCell >= 0 ) { CExpClass *active = expressions->GetActiveClass(); if ( active ) { CExpression *exp = active->GetExpression( m_nClickedCell ); if ( exp ) { active->SelectExpression( m_nClickedCell ); exp->CreateNewBitmap( models->GetActiveModelIndex() ); redraw(); } } } } break; } break; } case mxEvent::MouseDown: { if ( !( event->buttons & mxEvent::MouseRightButton ) ) { // Figure out cell # int cell = GetCellUnderPosition( event->x, event->y ); CExpClass *active = expressions->GetActiveClass(); if ( active ) { if ( cell == m_nCurCell && cell >= 0 && cell < active->GetNumExpressions() ) { mxETButton *btn = GetItemUnderCursor( event->x, event->y ); if ( btn && btn->m_fnCallback ) { (this->*(btn->m_fnCallback))( cell ); return iret; } } if ( cell >= 0 && cell < active->GetNumExpressions() ) { active->SelectExpression( cell, event->modifiers & mxEvent::KeyShift ? false : true ); int cx, cy, cw, ch; if ( ComputeRect( cell, cx, cy, cw, ch ) ) { m_bDragging = true; m_nDragCell = cell; m_nXStart = (short)event->x; m_nYStart = (short)event->y; m_rcFocus.left = cx; m_rcFocus.top = cy; m_rcFocus.right = cx + cw; m_rcFocus.bottom = cy + ch - m_nDescriptionHeight; POINT pt; pt.x = pt.y = 0; ClientToScreen( (HWND)getHandle(), &pt ); OffsetRect( &m_rcFocus, pt.x, pt.y ); m_rcOrig = m_rcFocus; DrawFocusRect(); } } else { Deselect(); active->DeselectExpression(); redraw(); } } } iret = 1; } break; case mxEvent::MouseDrag: { if ( m_bDragging ) { // Draw drag line of some kind DrawFocusRect(); // update pos m_rcFocus = m_rcOrig; OffsetRect( &m_rcFocus, ( (short)event->x - m_nXStart ), ( (short)event->y - m_nYStart ) ); DrawFocusRect(); } iret = 1; } break; case mxEvent::MouseUp: { iret = 1; if ( event->buttons & mxEvent::MouseRightButton ) { SetClickedCell( GetCellUnderPosition( (short)event->x, (short)event->y ) ); ShowRightClickMenu( (short)event->x, (short)event->y ); return iret; } int cell = GetCellUnderPosition( event->x, event->y ); CExpClass *active = expressions->GetActiveClass(); if ( m_bDragging ) { DrawFocusRect(); m_bDragging = false; // See if we let go on top of the choreo view if ( active ) { // Convert x, y to screen space POINT pt; pt.x = (short)event->x; pt.y = (short)event->y; ClientToScreen( (HWND)getHandle(), &pt ); HWND maybeTool = WindowFromPoint( pt ); // Now tell choreo view CExpression *exp = active->GetExpression( m_nDragCell ); if ( exp && maybeTool ) { if ( IsWindowOrChild( g_pChoreoView, maybeTool ) ) { if ( g_pChoreoView->CreateExpressionEvent( pt.x, pt.y, active, exp ) ) { return iret; } } if ( IsWindowOrChild( g_pExpressionTool, maybeTool ) ) { if ( g_pExpressionTool->SetFlexAnimationTrackFromExpression( pt.x, pt.y, active, exp ) ) { return iret; } } } } } if ( active ) { // Over a new cell if ( cell >= 0 && cell < active->GetNumExpressions() && cell != m_nCurCell && m_nCurCell != -1 ) { // Swap cells CExpression *exp = active->GetExpression( m_nCurCell ); if ( exp ) { active->SwapExpressionOrder( m_nCurCell, cell ); active->SetDirty( true ); active->SelectExpression( cell ); } } } } break; case mxEvent::Size: { int width = w2(); int ch = GetCaptionHeight(); g_pExpressionClass->setBounds( 5, 5 + ch, width - 120, 20 ); m_pABButton->setBounds( width - 60, 4 + ch, 60, 16 ); m_pThumbnailIncreaseButton->setBounds( width - 60 - 40, 4 + ch, 16, 16 ); m_pThumbnailDecreaseButton->setBounds( width - 60 - 20, 4 + ch, 16, 16 ); m_nTopOffset = 0; RepositionSlider(); redraw(); iret = 1; } break; case mxEvent::MouseWheeled: { // Figure out cell # POINT pt; pt.x = event->x; pt.y = event->y; ScreenToClient( (HWND)getHandle(), &pt ); if ( event->height < 0 ) { m_nTopOffset = min( m_nTopOffset + 10, slScrollbar->getMaxValue() ); } else { m_nTopOffset = max( m_nTopOffset - 10, 0 ); } RepositionSlider(); redraw(); iret = 1; } break; }; if ( iret ) { SetActiveTool( this ); } return iret; } void mxExpressionTray::ET_Undo( int cell ) { g_pControlPanel->UndoExpression( cell ); } void mxExpressionTray::ET_Redo( int cell ) { g_pControlPanel->RedoExpression( cell ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void mxExpressionTray::ThumbnailIncrease( void ) { if ( m_nSnapshotWidth + THUMBNAIL_SIZE_STEP <= MAX_THUMBNAILSIZE ) { m_nSnapshotWidth += THUMBNAIL_SIZE_STEP; g_viewerSettings.thumbnailsize = m_nSnapshotWidth; m_nSnapshotHeight = m_nSnapshotWidth + m_nDescriptionHeight; Con_Printf( "Thumbnail size %i x %i\n", m_nSnapshotWidth, m_nSnapshotWidth ); redraw(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void mxExpressionTray::ThumbnailDecrease( void ) { if ( m_nSnapshotWidth - THUMBNAIL_SIZE_STEP >= MIN_THUMBNAILSIZE ) { m_nSnapshotWidth -= THUMBNAIL_SIZE_STEP; g_viewerSettings.thumbnailsize = m_nSnapshotWidth; m_nSnapshotHeight = m_nSnapshotWidth + m_nDescriptionHeight; Con_Printf( "Thumbnail size %i x %i\n", m_nSnapshotWidth, m_nSnapshotWidth ); redraw(); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void mxExpressionTray::RestoreThumbnailSize( void ) { m_nSnapshotWidth = g_viewerSettings.thumbnailsize; m_nSnapshotWidth = max( MIN_THUMBNAILSIZE, m_nSnapshotWidth ); m_nSnapshotWidth = min( MAX_THUMBNAILSIZE, m_nSnapshotWidth ); g_viewerSettings.thumbnailsize = m_nSnapshotWidth; m_nSnapshotHeight = m_nSnapshotWidth + m_nDescriptionHeight; redraw(); } void mxExpressionTray::ReloadBitmaps( void ) { CExpClass *cl; int c = expressions->GetNumClasses(); EnableStickySnapshotMode(); for ( int i = 0 ; i < c; i++ ) { cl = expressions->GetClass( i ); if ( !cl ) continue; cl->ReloadBitmaps(); } DisableStickySnapshotMode(); redraw(); } bool IsUsingPerPlayerExpressions() { bool bPerPlayerExpressions = false; if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-perplayerexpressions" ) ) { bPerPlayerExpressions = true; } else { // Returns the search path, each path is separated by ;s. Returns the length of the string returned char pSearchPath[2048]; if ( g_pFullFileSystem->GetSearchPath( "GAME", false, pSearchPath, sizeof(pSearchPath) ) ) { Q_FixSlashes( pSearchPath ); if ( Q_stristr( pSearchPath, "\\tf" ) ) { bPerPlayerExpressions = true; } } } return bPerPlayerExpressions; } void mxExpressionTray::OnModelChanged() { if ( IsUsingPerPlayerExpressions() ) { Msg( "Closing current phoneme set\n" ); if ( !g_pControlPanel->Closeall() ) return; // See if per-model overrides exist for this model char fn[ MAX_PATH ]; Q_snprintf( fn, sizeof( fn ), "expressions/%s/phonemes/phonemes.txt", models->GetActiveModelName() ); // Load appropriate classes char rootDir[ MAX_PATH ]; Q_snprintf( rootDir, sizeof( rootDir ), "%s/phonemes/", models->GetActiveModelName() ); FacePoser_SetPhonemeRootDir( rootDir ); FacePoser_EnsurePhonemesLoaded(); } ReloadBitmaps(); RestoreThumbnailSize(); }