//===== Copyright 1997-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $ 

#ifndef PLATFORM_H
#define PLATFORM_H

#ifdef SN_TARGET_PS3

#define _PS3 1
#define COMPILER_PS3 1
#define PLATFORM_PS3 1

// There are 2 compilers for the PS3: GCC and the SN Systems compiler.
// They are mostly similar, but in a few places we need to distinguish between the two.
#if defined( __SNC__ )
#define COMPILER_SNC 1
#elif defined( __GCC__ )
#define COMPILER_GCC 1
#error "Unrecognized PS3 compiler; either __SNC__ or __GCC__ must be defined"

#endif // SN_TARGET_PS3 

#ifdef __GCC__
#define COMPILER_GCC 1

#if defined( _X360 ) || defined( _PS3 )
#define PLATFORM_PPC 1

#pragma once

#if defined (_PS3)
	#include <ppu_intrinsics.h>

	// We want to force the assert to be redefined, because the STD assert might have been 
	// included and redefined. ps3_assert.h will do a check for assert being redefined.
	// #include "ps3/ps3_assert.h"
	#ifndef COMPILER_PS3
	#error "for PS3, VPC must define COMPILER_PS3 macro just like it does for COMPILER_MSVCX360 macro"
	#if !defined( COMPILER_SNC ) && !defined( COMPILER_GCC )
	#error "for PS3, VPC must define COMPILER_SNC or COMPILER_GCC macro, depending on the target compiler, just like it does for COMPILER_MSVCX360 macro"

#elif defined( _X360 )
	#define NO_STEAM
	#define NO_VOICE
	// for the 360, the ppc platform and the rtos are tightly coupled
	// setup the 360 environment here !once! for much less leaf module include wackiness
	// these are critical order and purposely appear *before* anything else
	#define _XBOX
	#include <xaudio2.h>
	#include <xbdm.h>
	#include <xgraphics.h>
	#include <xui.h>
	#include <pmcpbsetup.h>
	#include <xmahardwareabstraction.h>
	#undef _XBOX


#include "wchartypes.h"
#include "tier0/valve_off.h"

#ifdef _PS3

	#include "ps3/ps3_platform.h"



	#include <malloc.h>
	#include <memory.h>
	#include <limits.h>
	#include <float.h>
	#include <stdlib.h>
	#include <string.h>
#ifdef OSX
	#include <signal.h>


// This macro 
#if defined( _PS3 ) && defined ( COMPILER_SNC )

// There are known bugs in the PS3 optimizer.  The following macros allow us to lower optimization for a subset of a file
// If you run into build problems with optimization on, try turning off optimization for the selected file.  If that
// fixes the problem, use process of elimination and the below macros to find the bare minimum that needs to be
// unoptimized and report the compiler issue to Sony as well.
// The correlation between optimization levels and numbers passed to the _Pragma xopt and postopt calls is as follows:
// See: Control-group reference tables / -Xshow
// .... xopt
// -O1 0
// -O2 5
// -O3 5
// These macros MUST be used in pairs - Otherwise, the compiler will barf 'At end of source: error 67: expected a "}"'

// xopt disables some of the miscellaneous optimizations
#if __option(xopt)
#define SN_OPT_DISABLE	extern "C++" { _Pragma("control %push xopt=0")
#define SN_OPT_ENABLE	_Pragma("control %pop xopt") }
#else // !__option(xopt)
#endif // !__option(xopt)

// postopt disables the main optimizer
#if __option(postopt) > 0
#define SN_MAIN_OPT_DISABLE extern "C++" { _Pragma("control %push postopt=0")
#define SN_MAIN_OPT_ENABLE _Pragma("control %pop postopt") }
#else // !__option(postopt) > 0
#endif // !__option(postopt) > 0

#else // ! ( _PS3 && COMPILER_SNC )
#endif // ! ( _PS3 && COMPILER_SNC )

#ifdef __cplusplus
#if defined( COMPILER_GCC ) || defined( COMPILER_PS3 )
	#include <new>
	#include <new.h>

// Old-school defines we don't want to use moving forward

// feature enables
#if !defined( _X360 )

#if defined( BINK_VIDEO ) && ( defined( _X360 ) || defined( _PS3 ) )

#if !defined( PORTAL2 )
//#define PORTAL2

// C functions for external declarations that call the appropriate C++ methods
#ifndef EXPORT
	#ifdef _WIN32
		#define EXPORT	_declspec( dllexport )
		#define EXPORT	/* */


#if defined(_STATIC_LINKED)
#include "staticlink/system.h"

// NOTE: All compiler defines are set up in the base VPC scripts
// The rationale for this is that we need COMPILER_MSVC for the pragma blocks
// #pragma once that occur at the top of all header files, therefore we can't
// place the defines for these in here.

// Set up platform defines.
#ifdef _WIN32
	#define IsPlatformLinux()	0
	#define IsPlatformPosix()	0
	#define IsPlatformOSX()		0
	#define IsOSXOpenGL()		0
	#define IsPlatformPS3()		0
	#define IsPlatformPS3_PPU()	0
	#define IsPlatformPS3_SPU()	0
    #define PLATFORM_OPENGL 0

	#ifndef _X360
		#define IsPlatformX360() 0
		#define IsPlatformWindowsPC() 1

		#ifdef _WIN64
			#define IsPlatformWindowsPC64() 1
			#define IsPlatformWindowsPC32() 0
			#define PLATFORM_WINDOWS_PC64 1
			#define IsPlatformWindowsPC64() 0
			#define IsPlatformWindowsPC32() 1
			#define PLATFORM_WINDOWS_PC32 1

	#else // _X360

		#define IsPlatformWindowsPC()	0
		#define IsPlatformWindowsPC64() 0
		#define IsPlatformWindowsPC32() 0
		#define IsPlatformX360()		1
		#define PLATFORM_X360 1

	#endif // _X360
#elif defined(_PS3)

#define IsPlatformX360()		0
#define IsPlatformPS3()			1
#ifdef SPU
#define IsPlatformPS3_PPU()		0
#define IsPlatformPS3_SPU()		1
#define IsPlatformPS3_PPU()		1
#define IsPlatformPS3_SPU()		0
#define IsPlatformWindowsPC()	0
#define IsPlatformWindowsPC64()	0
#define IsPlatformWindowsPC32()	0
#define IsPlatformPosix()		1

#define IsPlatformLinux() 0
#define IsPlatformOSX() 0
#define IsOSXOpenGL() 0

#elif defined(POSIX)
	#define IsPlatformX360()		0
	#define IsPlatformPS3()			0
	#define IsPlatformPS3_PPU()		0
	#define IsPlatformPS3_SPU()		0
	#define IsPlatformWindowsPC()	0
	#define IsPlatformWindowsPC64()	0
	#define IsPlatformWindowsPC32()	0
	#define IsPlatformPosix()		1

	#if defined( LINUX ) && !defined( OSX ) // for havok we define both symbols, so don't let the osx build wander down here
		#define IsPlatformLinux() 1
		#define IsPlatformOSX() 0
		#define IsOSXOpenGL() 0
		#define PLATFORM_LINUX 1
	#elif defined ( OSX )
		#define IsPlatformLinux() 0
		#define IsPlatformOSX() 1
		#define IsOSXOpenGL() 1
		#define PLATFORM_OSX 1
	    #define PLATFORM_OPENGL 1
		#define IsPlatformLinux() 0
		#define IsPlatformOSX() 0
		#define IsOSXOpenGL() 0


// IsXXXX platform pseudo-functions
#define IsPlatformWindows() 1
#define IsPlatformWindows() 0

#define IsOpenGL() 1
#define IsOpenGL() 0

#ifndef _PS3
//#include <malloc.h>
//#include <new.h>
#include <stdlib.h>     // For malloc()
#include <alloca.h>     // for alloca()
#define _alloca alloca
	#ifdef __cplusplus
		#include <new>

// Old-school defines we're going to support since much code uses them

#define IsLinux()	IsPlatformLinux() 
#define IsOSX()		IsPlatformOSX()
#define IsPosix()	IsPlatformPosix()
#define IsX360()	IsPlatformX360()
#define IsPS3()		IsPlatformPS3()

// Setup platform defines.
#define MSVC 1

#define GNUC 1

#if defined( _WIN32 )
#define _WINDOWS 1

#define IS_WINDOWS_PC 1


// VXConsole is enabled for...
#if defined(_X360) || defined(_PS3)
#define HasVxConsole() 1
#define HasVxConsole() 0

// Set up platform type defines.
#if defined( PLATFORM_X360 ) || defined( _PS3 )
		#define _GAMECONSOLE
	#define IsPC()		0
	#define IsGameConsole() 1
	#define IsPC()		1
	#define IsGameConsole() 0

// Set up build configuration defines.
#ifdef _CERT
#define IsCert() 1
#define IsCert() 0

#ifdef _DEBUG
#define IsRelease() 0
#define IsDebug() 1
#define IsRelease() 1
#define IsDebug() 0

#ifdef _RETAIL
#define IsRetail() 1
#define IsRetail() 0

// Portable data types
typedef unsigned char				uint8;
typedef signed char					int8;

#if defined( COMPILER_MSVC )

	typedef __int16					int16;
	typedef unsigned __int16		uint16;
	typedef __int32					int32;
	typedef unsigned __int32		uint32;
	typedef __int64					int64;
	typedef unsigned __int64		uint64;

	// intp is an integer that can accomodate a pointer
	// (ie, sizeof(intp) >= sizeof(int) && sizeof(intp) >= sizeof(void *)
	typedef intptr_t				intp;		
	typedef uintptr_t				uintp;		

	#if defined( COMPILER_MSVCX360 )
		#ifdef __m128
			#undef __m128
		#define __m128				__vector4


	typedef short					int16;
	typedef unsigned short			uint16;
	typedef int						int32;
	typedef unsigned int			uint32;
	typedef long long				int64;
	typedef unsigned long long		uint64;
		typedef long long			intp;
		typedef unsigned long long	uintp;
		typedef int					intp;
		typedef unsigned int		uintp;
	typedef void *HWND;
#endif // else COMPILER_MSVC

#if defined(_PS3) && !defined(NO_SIMD)
typedef union __attribute__ ((aligned (16)))
	float m128_f32[4];
} l_m128;

typedef __vector float __vector4;
typedef __vector4 __m128;

const __m128 VMX_ZERO=(vector float)(0.0f);
const __m128 VMX_ONE_HALF=(vector float)(0.5f);
const __m128 VMX_ONE=(vector float)(1.0f);

// Syntaxic sugar for multiply
inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) __m128 __vec_mul(const __m128 a, const __m128 b) 
	return vec_madd(a,b,VMX_ZERO);

// Refined reciprocal function
inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) __m128 __vec_rec(const __m128 a) 
	//Get the reciprocal estimate
	vector float estimate = vec_re( a );

	//One round of Newton-Raphson refinement
	return vec_madd( vec_nmsub( estimate, a, VMX_ONE ), estimate, estimate );

// refined reciprocal square root
inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) __m128 __vec_rsqrt(const __m128 a) 
	//Get the square root reciprocal estimate
	__m128 estimate = vec_rsqrte( a );

	//One round of Newton-Raphson refinement
	__m128 estimateSquared = __vec_mul( estimate, estimate);
	__m128 halfEstimate = __vec_mul( estimate, VMX_ONE_HALF);
	return vec_madd( vec_nmsub( a, estimateSquared, VMX_ONE ), halfEstimate, estimate );

// refined square root
inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) __m128 __vec_sqrt(const __m128 a) 
	return __vec_mul( a, __vec_rsqrt( a ));

// estimate square root
inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) __m128 __vec_sqrtest(const __m128 a) 
	return __vec_mul( a, vec_rsqrte( a ));

// Syntaxic sugar for multiply
inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) __m128 __vec_div(const __m128 a, const __m128 b) 
	return __vec_mul( a, __vec_rec( b ));

// load an unaligned array of float in a vector of floats
inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) __m128 __vec_ld_unaligned(const float* in) 
	return vec_perm(vec_ld(0,in), 
					vec_lvsl( 0, in ));

// load an unaligned array of 3 floats in a vector of floats, last member being 0.
inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) __m128 __vec_ld_unaligned3(const float* in) 
	return vec_and(__vec_ld_unaligned(in),(__m128)(vector unsigned int)(0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0xFFFFFFFF ,0));

// stores a vector of floats in an unaligned array of float
inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void __vec_st_unaligned(__m128 in, float* out) 
	__m128 temp0 = vec_ld(0,out);
	__m128 temp1 = vec_ld(16,out);
	vector unsigned char align = vec_lvsr(0,out);
	vector unsigned char mask  = vec_perm ((vector unsigned char)(0), (vector unsigned char)(0xFF), align);

	in  = vec_perm ( in, in, align); 
	temp0 = vec_sel  ( temp0,  in, (vector bool)mask);
	temp1 = vec_sel  (  in, temp1, (vector bool)mask);
	vec_st ( temp0,  0, out);
	vec_st ( temp1, 16, out);

// stores x,y,z from a vector of floats in an unaligned array of 3 floats
inline __attribute__ ((always_inline)) void __vec_st_unaligned3(__m128 in, float* out) 
	__m128 temp0 = vec_ld(0,out);
	__m128 temp1 = vec_ld(16,out);
	vector unsigned char align = vec_lvsr(0,out);
	vector unsigned char mask  = vec_perm ((vector unsigned char)(0), 
										   (vector unsigned char)(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0xFF,0,0,0,0), 

	in  = vec_perm ( in, in, align); 
	temp0 = vec_sel  ( temp0,  in, (vector bool)mask);
	temp1 = vec_sel  (  in, temp1, (vector bool)mask);
	vec_st ( temp0,  0, out);
	vec_st ( temp1, 16, out);

#endif // defined(NO_SIMD)

typedef float				float32;
typedef double				float64;

// for when we don't care about how many bits we use
typedef unsigned int		uint;

#ifndef _PS3
typedef unsigned int DWORD;
typedef unsigned int *LPDWORD;
typedef unsigned short WORD;
typedef void * HINSTANCE;

// MSVC CRT uses 0x7fff while gcc uses MAX_INT, leading to mismatches between platforms
// As a result, we pick the least common denominator here.  This should be used anywhere
// you might typically want to use RAND_MAX
#define VALVE_RAND_MAX 0x7fff
// Maximum and minimum representable values

#define  INT8_MAX			SCHAR_MAX
#define  INT16_MAX			SHRT_MAX
#define  INT32_MAX			LONG_MAX
#define  INT64_MAX			(((int64)~0) >> 1)

#define  INT8_MIN			SCHAR_MIN
#define  INT16_MIN			SHRT_MIN
#define  INT32_MIN			LONG_MIN
#define  INT64_MIN			(((int64)1) << 63)

#define  UINT8_MAX			((uint8)~0)
#define  UINT16_MAX			((uint16)~0)
#define  UINT32_MAX			((uint32)~0)
#define  UINT64_MAX			((uint64)~0)

#define  UINT8_MIN			0
#define  UINT16_MIN			0
#define  UINT32_MIN			0
#define  UINT64_MIN			0

#endif // PLATFORM_OSX

#ifndef  UINT_MIN
#define  UINT_MIN			UINT32_MIN

#define  FLOAT32_MAX		FLT_MAX
#define  FLOAT64_MAX		DBL_MAX

#ifdef GNUC
#undef offsetof
// Note: can't use builtin offsetof because many use cases (esp. in templates) wouldn't compile due to restrictions on the builtin offsetof
//#define offsetof( type, var ) __builtin_offsetof( type, var ) 
#define offsetof(s,m)	( (size_t)&(((s *)0x1000000)->m) - 0x1000000u )
#include <stddef.h>
#undef offsetof
#define offsetof(s,m)	(size_t)&(((s *)0)->m)

#define  FLOAT32_MIN		FLT_MIN
#define  FLOAT64_MIN		DBL_MIN

// Long is evil because it's treated differently by different compilers
// Preventing its use is nasty however. This #define, which should be
// turned on in individual VPC files, causes you to include tier0/valve_off.h
// before standard C + windows headers, and include tier0/valve_on.h after
// standard C + windows headers. So, there's some painful overhead to disabling long
	#define long			long_is_the_devil_stop_using_it_use_int32_or_int64

// Various compiler-specific keywords

	#define STDCALL					__stdcall
	#ifndef FASTCALL
		#define  FASTCALL			__fastcall
	#define FORCEINLINE				__forceinline
	#define FORCEINLINE_TEMPLATE	__forceinline
	#define NULLTERMINATED			__nullterminated

	// This can be used to ensure the size of pointers to members when declaring
	// a pointer type for a class that has only been forward declared
	#define SINGLE_INHERITANCE		__single_inheritance
	#define MULTIPLE_INHERITANCE	__multiple_inheritance
	#define EXPLICIT				explicit
	#define NO_VTABLE				__declspec( novtable )

	// gcc doesn't allow storage specifiers on explicit template instatiation, but visual studio needs them to avoid link errors.
	#define TEMPLATE_STATIC			static

	// Used for dll exporting and importing
	#define DLL_EXPORT				extern "C" __declspec( dllexport )
	#define DLL_IMPORT				extern "C" __declspec( dllimport )

	// Can't use extern "C" when DLL exporting a class
	#define DLL_CLASS_EXPORT		__declspec( dllexport )
	#define DLL_CLASS_IMPORT		__declspec( dllimport )

	// Can't use extern "C" when DLL exporting a global
	#define DLL_GLOBAL_EXPORT		extern __declspec( dllexport )
	#define DLL_GLOBAL_IMPORT		extern __declspec( dllimport )

	// Pass hints to the compiler to prevent it from generating unnessecary / stupid code
	// in certain situations.  Several compilers other than MSVC also have an equivilent
	// construct.
	// Essentially the 'Hint' is that the condition specified is assumed to be true at
	// that point in the compilation.  If '0' is passed, then the compiler assumes that
	// any subsequent code in the same 'basic block' is unreachable, and thus usually
	// removed.
	#define HINT(THE_HINT)			__assume((THE_HINT))

	// decls for aligning data
	#define DECL_ALIGN(x)			__declspec( align( x ) )

	// GCC had a few areas where it didn't construct objects in the same order 
	// that Windows does. So when CVProfile::CVProfile() would access g_pMemAlloc,
	// it would crash because the allocator wasn't initalized yet.

	#define SELECTANY				__declspec(selectany)

	#define RESTRICT				__restrict
	#define RESTRICT_FUNC			__declspec(restrict)
	#define FMTFUNCTION( a, b )
	#define NOINLINE

#if !defined( NO_THREAD_LOCAL )
	#define DECL_THREAD_LOCAL		__declspec(thread)

	#define DISABLE_VC_WARNING( x ) __pragma(warning(disable:4310) )
	#define DEFAULT_VC_WARNING( x ) __pragma(warning(default:4310) )

#elif defined ( COMPILER_GCC ) || defined( COMPILER_SNC )

	#if defined( COMPILER_SNC )
		#define  STDCALL
		#define  __stdcall
	#elif (CROSS_PLATFORM_VERSION >= 1) && !defined( PLATFORM_64BITS ) && !defined( COMPILER_PS3 )
		#define  STDCALL			__attribute__ ((__stdcall__))
		#define  STDCALL
		#define  __stdcall			__attribute__ ((__stdcall__))

	#define  FASTCALL
		#define  FORCEINLINE
		#ifdef _PS3
			// [IESTYN 7/29/2010] As of SDK 3.4.0, this causes bad code generation in NET_Tick::ReadFromBuffer in netmessages.cpp,
			//                    which caused (seeming) random network packet corruption. It probably causes other bugs too.
			#define  FORCEINLINE inline /* __attribute__ ((always_inline)) */
			#define  FORCEINLINE inline __attribute__ ((always_inline))

	// GCC 3.4.1 has a bug in supporting forced inline of templated functions
	// this macro lets us not force inlining in that case
	#define EXPLICIT
	#define NO_VTABLE


#if defined( COMPILER_SNC )
	#define TEMPLATE_STATIC static

	// Used for dll exporting and importing
		#define DLL_DECLARATION_DEFAULT_VISIBILITY __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
	#define DLL_IMPORT				extern "C" 

	// Can't use extern "C" when DLL exporting a class
#ifndef _PS3
	#define  __stdcall			__attribute__ ((__stdcall__))

	// Can't use extern "C" when DLL exporting a global
	#define DLL_GLOBAL_IMPORT		extern

	#define HINT(THE_HINT)			__builtin_expect( THE_HINT, 1 )
	#define DECL_ALIGN(x)			__attribute__( ( aligned( x ) ) )
	#define CONSTRUCT_EARLY			__attribute__((init_priority(101)))
	#define SELECTANY				__attribute__((weak))
	#define RESTRICT				__restrict__
	#define FMTFUNCTION( fmtargnumber, firstvarargnumber ) __attribute__ (( format( printf, fmtargnumber, firstvarargnumber )))
	#define NOINLINE				__attribute__ ((noinline))

#if !defined( NO_THREAD_LOCAL )
	#define DECL_THREAD_LOCAL		__thread

	#define DISABLE_VC_WARNING( x )
	#define DEFAULT_VC_WARNING( x )


	#define DECL_ALIGN(x)			/* */
	#define SELECTANY				static


#if defined( GNUC )	&& !defined( COMPILER_PS3 ) // use pre-align on PS3
// gnuc has the align decoration at the end
#define ALIGN4
#define ALIGN8 
#define ALIGN16
#define ALIGN32
#define ALIGN128

#undef ALIGN16_POST
#define ALIGN128_POST DECL_ALIGN(128)
// MSVC has the align at the start of the struct
// PS3 SNC supports both
#define ALIGN4 DECL_ALIGN(4)
#define ALIGN8 DECL_ALIGN(8)
#define ALIGN16 DECL_ALIGN(16)
#define ALIGN32 DECL_ALIGN(32)
#define ALIGN128 DECL_ALIGN(128)

#define ALIGN4_POST
#define ALIGN8_POST
#define ALIGN16_POST
#define ALIGN32_POST
#define ALIGN128_POST

// This can be used to declare an abstract (interface only) class.
// Classes marked abstract should not be instantiated.  If they are, and access violation will occur.
// Example of use:
// abstract_class CFoo
// {
//      ...
// }
// MSDN __declspec(novtable) documentation: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vclang/html/_langref_novtable.asp
// Note: NJS: This is not enabled for regular PC, due to not knowing the implications of exporting a class with no no vtable.
//       It's probable that this shouldn't be an issue, but an experiment should be done to verify this.
	#define abstract_class class
	#define abstract_class class NO_VTABLE

// Why do we need this? It would be nice to make it die die die
// Alloca defined for this platform
#if defined( COMPILER_MSVC ) && !defined( WINDED )
	#if defined(_M_IX86)
		#define __i386__	1

#if defined __i386__ && !defined __linux__
	#define id386	1
	#define id386	0
#endif  // __i386__

// Disable annoying unhelpful warnings
// Remove warnings from warning level 4.
#pragma warning(disable : 4514) // warning C4514: 'acosl' : unreferenced inline function has been removed
#pragma warning(disable : 4100) // warning C4100: 'hwnd' : unreferenced formal parameter
#pragma warning(disable : 4127) // warning C4127: conditional expression is constant
#pragma warning(disable : 4512) // warning C4512: 'InFileRIFF' : assignment operator could not be generated
#pragma warning(disable : 4611) // warning C4611: interaction between '_setjmp' and C++ object destruction is non-portable
#pragma warning(disable : 4710) // warning C4710: function 'x' not inlined
#pragma warning(disable : 4702) // warning C4702: unreachable code
#pragma warning(disable : 4505) // unreferenced local function has been removed
#pragma warning(disable : 4239) // nonstandard extension used : 'argument' ( conversion from class Vector to class Vector& )
#pragma warning(disable : 4097) // typedef-name 'BaseClass' used as synonym for class-name 'CFlexCycler::CBaseFlex'
#pragma warning(disable : 4324) // Padding was added at the end of a structure
#pragma warning(disable : 4244) // type conversion warning.
#pragma warning(disable : 4305)	// truncation from 'const double ' to 'float '
#pragma warning(disable : 4786)	// Disable warnings about long symbol names
#pragma warning(disable : 4250) // 'X' : inherits 'Y::Z' via dominance
#pragma warning(disable : 4201) // nonstandard extension used : nameless struct/union

#if _MSC_VER >= 1300
#pragma warning(disable : 4511)	// Disable warnings about private copy constructors
#pragma warning(disable : 4121)	// warning C4121: 'symbol' : alignment of a member was sensitive to packing
#pragma warning(disable : 4530)	// warning C4530: C++ exception handler used, but unwind semantics are not enabled. Specify /EHsc (disabled due to std headers having exception syntax)

#if _MSC_VER >= 1400
#pragma warning(disable : 4996)	// functions declared deprecated

// When we port to 64 bit, we'll have to resolve the int, ptr vs size_t 32/64 bit problems...
#if !defined( COMPILER_MSVC64 )
#pragma warning( disable : 4267 )	// conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data
#pragma warning( disable : 4311 )	// pointer truncation from 'char *' to 'int'
#pragma warning( disable : 4312 )	// conversion from 'unsigned int' to 'memhandle_t' of greater size

#elif defined( COMPILER_SNC )
#pragma diag_suppress=1700	   // warning 1700: class "%s" has virtual functions but non-virtual destructor
// Uncomment the following line if you want to investigate a specific compiler remark without all the noise:
// #pragma diag_suppress=1700, 83, 162, 182, 192, 194, 229, 238, 262, 341, 382, 401, 402, 403, 481, 817, 828, 833, 1363, 1771, 1774, 1779, 1780, 1783, 1785, 1786, 1788

// Pull in the /analyze code annotations.
#include "annotations.h"

// Convert int<-->pointer, avoiding 32/64-bit compiler warnings:
#define INT_TO_POINTER( i ) (void *)( ( i ) + (char *)NULL )
#define POINTER_TO_INT( p ) ( (int)(uint64)( p ) )

// Stack-based allocation related helpers
#if defined( COMPILER_GCC ) || defined( COMPILER_SNC )

	#define stackalloc( _size )		alloca( ALIGN_VALUE( _size, 16 ) )

		#define mallocsize( _p )	( malloc_size( _p ) )
		#define mallocsize( _p )	( malloc_usable_size( _p ) )

#elif defined ( COMPILER_MSVC )

	#define stackalloc( _size )		_alloca( ALIGN_VALUE( _size, 16 ) )
	#define mallocsize( _p )		( _msize( _p ) )


#define  stackfree( _p )			0

// Used to break into the debugger
	#define DebuggerBreak()		__debugbreak()
	#define DebuggerBreak()		__asm { int 3 }
	#define DebuggerBreak()		DebugBreak()
	#if defined( _PS3 )
		#define DebuggerBreak() {  __asm volatile ("tw 31,1,1"); } 
	#elif defined( OSX )
		#define DebuggerBreak()  if ( Plat_IsInDebugSession() ) { __asm__ __volatile__ ( "int $3" ); } else { raise(SIGTRAP); }
	#elif defined( PLATFORM_CYGWIN ) || defined( PLATFORM_POSIX )
		#define DebuggerBreak()		__asm__( "int $0x3;")
		#define DebuggerBreak()		asm( "int3" )
#elif defined( COMPILER_SNC ) && defined( COMPILER_PS3 )
static bool sPS3_SuppressAssertsInThisFile = false; // you can throw this in the debugger to temporarily disable asserts inside any particular .cpp module. 
	#define DebuggerBreak() if (!sPS3_SuppressAssertsInThisFile) __builtin_snpause(); // <sergiy> from SNC Migration Guide, tw 31,1,1
#error DebuggerBreak() is not defined for this platform!

#if defined( _X360 ) || defined( _PS3 )
	#if defined( fsel )

FORCEINLINE float fsel(float fComparand, float fValGE, float fLT)
	return fComparand >= 0 ? fValGE : fLT;
FORCEINLINE double fsel(double fComparand, double fValGE, double fLT)
	return fComparand >= 0 ? fValGE : fLT;


// DLL export for platform utilities
#ifndef STATIC_TIER0


#else	// BUILD_AS_DLL


#endif	// BUILD_AS_DLL

// Returns true if debugger attached, false otherwise
#if defined( PLATFORM_WINDOWS ) || defined( _PS3 )
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void Plat_DebugString( const tchar * );
#define Plat_DebugString(s) ((void)0)

PLATFORM_INTERFACE bool Plat_IsInDebugSession();

#define	DebuggerBreakIfDebugging() if ( !Plat_IsInDebugSession() ) ; else DebuggerBreak()

// Message Box
#if defined( PLATFORM_WINDOWS_PC )
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void Plat_MessageBox( const char *pTitle, const tchar *pMessage );
#define Plat_MessageBox( t, m ) ((void)0)

// Posix platform helpers

// Visual Studio likes to put an underscore in front of anything that looks like a portable function.
#define _strupr strupr
#define _getcwd getcwd
#define _open open
#define _lseek lseek
#define _read read
#define _close close
#define _vsnprintf vsnprintf
#define _stat stat
#define _stricmp strcasecmp
#define _finite finite
#define _unlink unlink
#define _putenv putenv
#define _chdir chdir
#define _access access

#define strcmpi stricmp
#define stricmp strcasecmp
#define _alloca alloca
#define GetProcAddress dlsym
#define _chdir chdir
#ifndef _PS3
#define _strnicmp strnicmp
#define strnicmp strncasecmp
#define _snwprintf swprintf
#define swprintf_s swprintf
#define wcsicmp _wcsicmp
#define _wcsicmp wcscmp
#define _tempnam tempnam
#define strtok_s strtok_r
#define _mkdir(dir) mkdir( dir, S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO )
#define _wtoi(arg) wcstol(arg, NULL, 10)
#define _wtoi64(arg) wcstoll(arg, NULL, 10)

#ifndef _PS3
typedef uint32 HMODULE;
typedef void *HANDLE;
#define __cdecl

#if !defined( _snprintf )	// some vpc's define this on the command line
#define _snprintf snprintf

#include <alloca.h>
#include <unistd.h>											// get unlink
#include <errno.h>


#ifndef SOCKLEN_T
#define SOCKLEN_T
typedef int socklen_t;

// Generally useful platform-independent macros (move to another file?)

// need macro for constant expression
#define ALIGN_VALUE( val, alignment ) ( ( val + alignment - 1 ) & ~( alignment - 1 ) ) 

// Force a function call site -not- to inlined. (useful for profiling)
#define DONT_INLINE(a) (((int)(a)+1)?(a):(a))

// Marks the codepath from here until the next branch entry point as unreachable,
// and asserts if any attempt is made to execute it.
#define UNREACHABLE() { Assert(0); HINT(0); }

// In cases where no default is present or appropriate, this causes MSVC to generate
// as little code as possible, and throw an assertion in debug.
#define NO_DEFAULT default: UNREACHABLE();

// Defines MAX_PATH
#ifndef MAX_PATH
	#define MAX_PATH  260

// FP exception handling
//#define CHECK_FPU_CONTROL_WORD_SET	1	// x360 only

#if defined( COMPILER_MSVC64 )

	inline void SetupFPUControlWord()

#elif defined ( COMPILER_MSVC32 )

	inline void SetupFPUControlWordForceExceptions()
		// use local to get and store control word
		uint16 tmpCtrlW;
			fnclex						/* clear all current exceptions */
			fnstcw word ptr [tmpCtrlW]	/* get current control word */
			and [tmpCtrlW], 0FCC0h		/* Keep infinity control + rounding control */
			or [tmpCtrlW], 0230h		/* set to 53-bit, mask only inexact, underflow */
			fldcw word ptr [tmpCtrlW]	/* put new control word in FPU */


		inline void SetupFPUControlWord()


		inline void SetupFPUControlWord()
			// use local to get and store control word
			uint16 tmpCtrlW;
				fnstcw word ptr [tmpCtrlW]	/* get current control word */
				and [tmpCtrlW], 0FCC0h		/* Keep infinity control + rounding control */
				or [tmpCtrlW], 023Fh		/* set to 53-bit, mask only inexact, underflow */
				fldcw word ptr [tmpCtrlW]	/* put new control word in FPU */


#elif defined ( COMPILER_GCC )

// Works for PS3 
	inline void SetupFPUControlWord()
#ifdef _PS3
// TODO: PS3 compiler spits out the following errors:
// C:/tmp/ccIN0aaa.s: Assembler messages:
// C:/tmp/ccIN0aaa.s(80): Error: Unrecognized opcode: `fnstcw'
// C:/tmp/ccIN0aaa.s(93): Error: Unrecognized opcode: `fldcw'
		__volatile unsigned short int __cw;
		__asm __volatile ("fnstcw %0" : "=m" (__cw));
		__cw = __cw & 0x0FCC0;	// keep infinity control, keep rounding mode
		__cw = __cw | 0x023F;	// set 53-bit, no exceptions
		__asm __volatile ("fldcw %0" : : "m" (__cw));

#elif defined ( COMPILER_SNC )

// Works for PS3 
	inline void SetupFPUControlWord()
#ifdef _PS3
// TODO: PS3 compiler spits out the following errors:
// C:/tmp/ccIN0aaa.s: Assembler messages:
// C:/tmp/ccIN0aaa.s(80): Error: Unrecognized opcode: `fnstcw'
// C:/tmp/ccIN0aaa.s(93): Error: Unrecognized opcode: `fldcw'
		__volatile unsigned short int __cw;
		__asm __volatile ("fnstcw %0" : "=m" (__cw));
		__cw = __cw & 0x0FCC0;	// keep infinity control, keep rounding mode
		__cw = __cw | 0x023F;	// set 53-bit, no exceptions
		__asm __volatile ("fldcw %0" : : "m" (__cw));

#elif defined( COMPILER_MSVCX360 )

		FORCEINLINE bool IsFPUControlWordSet()
			float f = 0.996f;
				double flResult;
				int pResult[2];
			flResult = __fctiw( f );
			return ( pResult[1] == 1 );
		#define IsFPUControlWordSet() 1

	inline void SetupFPUControlWord()
		// Set round-to-nearest in FPSCR
		// (cannot assemble, must use op-code form)
		__emit( 0xFF80010C );	// mtfsfi  7,0

		// Favour compatibility over speed (make sure the VPU set to Java-compliant mode)
		// NOTE: the VPU *always* uses round-to-nearest
			__vector4  a = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f };
			a;				//	Avoid compiler warning
			mtvscr a;	// Clear the Vector Status & Control Register to zero

#endif // COMPILER_MSVCX360

// Purpose: Standard functions for handling endian-ness

// Basic swaps

template <typename T>
inline T WordSwapC( T w )
   uint16 temp;

   temp  = ((*((uint16 *)&w) & 0xff00) >> 8);
   temp |= ((*((uint16 *)&w) & 0x00ff) << 8);

   return *((T*)&temp);

template <typename T>
inline T DWordSwapC( T dw )
   uint32 temp;

   temp  =   *((uint32 *)&dw) 				>> 24;
   temp |= ((*((uint32 *)&dw) & 0x00FF0000) >> 8);
   temp |= ((*((uint32 *)&dw) & 0x0000FF00) << 8);
   temp |= ((*((uint32 *)&dw) & 0x000000FF) << 24);

   return *((T*)&temp);

// Fast swaps

#if defined( COMPILER_MSVCX360 )

	#define WordSwap  WordSwap360Intr
	#define DWordSwap DWordSwap360Intr

	template <typename T>
	inline T WordSwap360Intr( T w )
		T output;
		__storeshortbytereverse( w, 0, &output );
		return output;

	template <typename T>
	inline T DWordSwap360Intr( T dw )
		T output;
		__storewordbytereverse( dw, 0, &output );
		return output;

#elif defined( COMPILER_MSVC32 )

	#define WordSwap  WordSwapAsm
	#define DWordSwap DWordSwapAsm

	#pragma warning(push)
	#pragma warning (disable:4035) // no return value

	template <typename T>
	inline T WordSwapAsm( T w )
		  mov ax, w
		  xchg al, ah

	template <typename T>
	inline T DWordSwapAsm( T dw )
		  mov eax, dw
		  bswap eax

	#pragma warning(pop)


	#define WordSwap  WordSwapC
	#define DWordSwap DWordSwapC


// The typically used methods.

#if defined( _SGI_SOURCE ) || defined( PLATFORM_X360 ) || defined( _PS3 )

// If a swapped float passes through the fpu, the bytes may get changed.
// Prevent this by swapping floats as DWORDs.
#define SafeSwapFloat( pOut, pIn )	(*((uint*)pOut) = DWordSwap( *((uint*)pIn) ))

#define BigShort( val )				WordSwap( val )
#define BigWord( val )				WordSwap( val )
#define BigLong( val )				DWordSwap( val )
#define BigDWord( val )				DWordSwap( val )
#define LittleShort( val )			( val )
#define LittleWord( val )			( val )
#define LittleLong( val )			( val )
#define LittleDWord( val )			( val )
#define SwapShort( val )			BigShort( val )
#define SwapWord( val )				BigWord( val )
#define SwapLong( val )				BigLong( val )
#define SwapDWord( val )			BigDWord( val )

// Pass floats by pointer for swapping to avoid truncation in the fpu
#define BigFloat( pOut, pIn )		SafeSwapFloat( pOut, pIn )
#define LittleFloat( pOut, pIn )	( *pOut = *pIn )
#define SwapFloat( pOut, pIn )		BigFloat( pOut, pIn )

#elif defined(PLAT_BIG_ENDIAN)

#define BigShort( val )				( val )
#define BigWord( val )				( val )
#define BigLong( val )				( val )
#define BigDWord( val )				( val )
#define LittleShort( val )			WordSwap( val )
#define LittleWord( val )			WordSwap( val )
#define LittleLong( val )			DWordSwap( val )
#define LittleDWord( val )			DWordSwap( val )
#define SwapShort( val )			LittleShort( val )
#define SwapWord( val )				LittleWord( val )
#define SwapLong( val )				LittleLong( val )
#define SwapDWord( val )			LittleDWord( val )

// Pass floats by pointer for swapping to avoid truncation in the fpu
#define BigFloat( pOut, pIn )		( *pOut = *pIn )
#define LittleFloat( pOut, pIn )	SafeSwapFloat( pOut, pIn )
#define SwapFloat( pOut, pIn )		LittleFloat( pOut, pIn )


// @Note (toml 05-02-02): this technique expects the compiler to
// optimize the expression and eliminate the other path. On any new
// platform/compiler this should be tested.
inline short BigShort( short val )		{ int test = 1; return ( *(char *)&test == 1 ) ? WordSwap( val )  : val; }
inline uint16 BigWord( uint16 val )		{ int test = 1; return ( *(char *)&test == 1 ) ? WordSwap( val )  : val; }
inline long BigLong( long val )			{ int test = 1; return ( *(char *)&test == 1 ) ? DWordSwap( val ) : val; }
inline uint32 BigDWord( uint32 val )	{ int test = 1; return ( *(char *)&test == 1 ) ? DWordSwap( val ) : val; }
inline short LittleShort( short val )	{ int test = 1; return ( *(char *)&test == 1 ) ? val : WordSwap( val ); }
inline uint16 LittleWord( uint16 val )	{ int test = 1; return ( *(char *)&test == 1 ) ? val : WordSwap( val ); }
inline long LittleLong( long val )		{ int test = 1; return ( *(char *)&test == 1 ) ? val : DWordSwap( val ); }
inline uint32 LittleDWord( uint32 val )	{ int test = 1; return ( *(char *)&test == 1 ) ? val : DWordSwap( val ); }
inline short SwapShort( short val )					{ return WordSwap( val ); }
inline uint16 SwapWord( uint16 val )				{ return WordSwap( val ); }
inline long SwapLong( long val )					{ return DWordSwap( val ); }
inline uint32 SwapDWord( uint32 val )				{ return DWordSwap( val ); }

// Pass floats by pointer for swapping to avoid truncation in the fpu
inline void BigFloat( float *pOut, const float *pIn )		{ int test = 1; ( *(char *)&test == 1 ) ? SafeSwapFloat( pOut, pIn ) : ( *pOut = *pIn ); }
inline void LittleFloat( float *pOut, const float *pIn )	{ int test = 1; ( *(char *)&test == 1 ) ? ( *pOut = *pIn ) : SafeSwapFloat( pOut, pIn ); }
inline void SwapFloat( float *pOut, const float *pIn )		{ SafeSwapFloat( pOut, pIn ); }


	#if defined( _PS3 )
		inline uint32 LoadLittleDWord( uint32 *base, unsigned int dwordIndex )
			return __lwbrx( base + dwordIndex );

		inline void StoreLittleDWord( uint32 *base, unsigned int dwordIndex, uint32 dword )
			__stwbrx( base + dwordIndex, dword );
		inline uint64 LoadLittleInt64( uint64 *base, unsigned int nWordIndex )
			return __ldbrx( base + nWordIndex );

		inline void StoreLittleInt64( uint64 *base, unsigned int nWordIndex, uint64 nWord )
			__stdbrx( base + nWordIndex, nWord );
		inline uint32 LoadLittleDWord( uint32 *base, unsigned int dwordIndex )
			return __loadwordbytereverse( dwordIndex<<2, base );

		inline void StoreLittleDWord( uint32 *base, unsigned int dwordIndex, uint32 dword )
			__storewordbytereverse( dword, dwordIndex<<2, base );
		inline uint64 LoadLittleInt64( uint64 *base, unsigned int nWordIndex )
			return __loaddoublewordbytereverse( nWordIndex<<2, base );

		inline void StoreLittleInt64( uint64 *base, unsigned int nWordIndex, uint64 nWord )
			__storedoublewordbytereverse( nWord, nWordIndex<<2, base );
	inline uint32 LoadLittleDWord( uint32 *base, unsigned int dwordIndex )
		return LittleDWord( base[dwordIndex] );

	inline void StoreLittleDWord( uint32 *base, unsigned int dwordIndex, uint32 dword )
		base[dwordIndex] = LittleDWord(dword);

// When in benchmark mode, the timer returns a simple incremented value each time you call it.
// It should not be changed after startup unless you really know what you're doing. The only place
// that should do this is the benchmark code itself so it can output a legit duration.
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void				Plat_SetBenchmarkMode( bool bBenchmarkMode );	
PLATFORM_INTERFACE bool				Plat_IsInBenchmarkMode();

PLATFORM_INTERFACE double			Plat_FloatTime();		// Returns time in seconds since the module was loaded.
PLATFORM_INTERFACE uint32			Plat_MSTime();			// Time in milliseconds.
PLATFORM_INTERFACE uint64			Plat_GetClockStart();	// Snapshot of the clock when app started.
PLATFORM_INTERFACE uint64			Timer_GetTimeUS();

// Get the local calendar time.
// Same as time() followed by localtime(), but non-crash-prone and threadsafe.
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void				Plat_GetLocalTime( struct tm *pNow );

// Convert a time_t (specified in nTime - seconds since Jan 1, 1970 UTC) to a local calendar time in a threadsafe and non-crash-prone way.
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void				Plat_ConvertToLocalTime( uint64 nTime, struct tm *pNow );

// Get a time string (same as ascstring, but threadsafe).
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void				Plat_GetTimeString( struct tm *pTime, char *pOut, int nMaxBytes );

// converts a time_t to a struct tm without the local time conversion of ConvertToLocalTime
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void				Plat_gmtime( uint64 nTime, struct tm *pTime );
PLATFORM_INTERFACE time_t			Plat_timegm( struct tm *timeptr );

// Get the process' executable filename.
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void				Plat_GetModuleFilename( char *pOut, int nMaxBytes );

PLATFORM_INTERFACE void				Plat_ExitProcess( int nCode );

// b/w compatibility
#define Sys_FloatTime Plat_FloatTime

// Protect against bad auto operator=
#define DISALLOW_OPERATOR_EQUAL( _classname )			\
	private:											\
		_classname &operator=( const _classname & );	\

// Define a reasonable operator=
#define IMPLEMENT_OPERATOR_EQUAL( _classname )			\
	public:												\
		_classname &operator=( const _classname &src )	\
		{												\
			memcpy( this, &src, sizeof(_classname) );	\
			return *this;								\
// Processor Information:
struct CPUInformation
	int	 m_Size;		// Size of this structure, for forward compatability.

	bool m_bRDTSC : 1,	// Is RDTSC supported?
		 m_bCMOV  : 1,  // Is CMOV supported?
		 m_bFCMOV : 1,  // Is FCMOV supported?
		 m_bSSE	  : 1,	// Is SSE supported?
		 m_bSSE2  : 1,	// Is SSE2 Supported?
		 m_b3DNow : 1,	// Is 3DNow! Supported?
		 m_bMMX   : 1,	// Is MMX supported?
		 m_bHT	  : 1;	// Is HyperThreading supported?

	uint8 m_nLogicalProcessors;		// Number op logical processors.
	uint8 m_nPhysicalProcessors;	// Number of physical processors
	bool m_bSSE3 : 1,
		 m_bSSSE3 : 1,
		 m_bSSE4a : 1,
		 m_bSSE41 : 1,
		 m_bSSE42 : 1;	

	int64 m_Speed;						// In cycles per second.

	tchar* m_szProcessorID;				// Processor vendor Identification.

	CPUInformation(): m_Size(0){}

PLATFORM_INTERFACE const CPUInformation& GetCPUInformation();

PLATFORM_INTERFACE void GetCurrentDate( int *pDay, int *pMonth, int *pYear );
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void GetCurrentDayOfTheWeek( int *pDay );  // 0 = Sunday
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void GetCurrentDayOfTheYear( int *pDay );  // 0 = Jan 1

// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// Performance Monitoring Events - L2 stats etc...
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

// Security related functions
// Ensure that the hardware key's drivers have been installed.
PLATFORM_INTERFACE bool Plat_VerifyHardwareKeyDriver();

// Ok, so this isn't a very secure way to verify the hardware key for now.  It
// is primarially depending on the fact that all the binaries have been wrapped
// with the secure wrapper provided by the hardware keys vendor.
PLATFORM_INTERFACE bool Plat_VerifyHardwareKey();

// The same as above, but notifies user with a message box when the key isn't in
// and gives him an opportunity to correct the situation.
PLATFORM_INTERFACE bool Plat_VerifyHardwareKeyPrompt();

// Can be called in real time, doesn't perform the verify every frame.  Mainly just
// here to allow the game to drop out quickly when the key is removed, rather than
// allowing the wrapper to pop up it's own blocking dialog, which the engine doesn't
// like much.
PLATFORM_INTERFACE bool Plat_FastVerifyHardwareKey();

// Just logs file and line to simple.log
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void* Plat_SimpleLog( const tchar* file, int line );

#if defined( _X360 )
#define Plat_FastMemset XMemSet
#define Plat_FastMemcpy XMemCpy
#define Plat_FastMemset memset
#define Plat_FastMemcpy memcpy

// XBOX Components valid in PC compilation space

#define XBOX_DVD_SECTORSIZE			2048
#define XBOX_DVD_ECC_SIZE			32768 // driver reads in quantum ECC blocks

// Custom windows messages for Xbox input
#define WM_XREMOTECOMMAND					(WM_USER + 100)
#define WM_XCONTROLLER_KEY					(WM_USER + 101)
#define WM_SYS_UI							(WM_USER + 102)
#define WM_XMP_STATECHANGED					(WM_USER + 121)

#if defined( _PS3 )
#define PLATFORM_EXT ".ps3"
#elif defined( PLATFORM_X360 )
#define PLATFORM_EXT ".360"
#define PLATFORM_EXT ""

inline const char *GetPlatformExt( void )

// flat view, 6 hw threads
#define XBOX_PROCESSOR_0			( 1<<0 )
#define XBOX_PROCESSOR_1			( 1<<1 )
#define XBOX_PROCESSOR_2			( 1<<2 )
#define XBOX_PROCESSOR_3			( 1<<3 )
#define XBOX_PROCESSOR_4			( 1<<4 )
#define XBOX_PROCESSOR_5			( 1<<5 )

// core view, 3 cores with 2 hw threads each

// Include additional dependant header components.
#if defined( PLATFORM_X360 )
#include "xbox/xbox_core.h"
#elif defined( PLATFORM_PS3 )
#include "ps3/ps3_core.h"

// Methods to invoke the constructor, copy constructor, and destructor

template <class T>
inline T* Construct( T* pMemory )
	return ::new( pMemory ) T;

template <class T, typename ARG1>
inline T* Construct( T* pMemory, ARG1 a1 )
	return ::new( pMemory ) T( a1 );

template <class T, typename ARG1, typename ARG2>
inline T* Construct( T* pMemory, ARG1 a1, ARG2 a2 )
	return ::new( pMemory ) T( a1, a2 );

template <class T, typename ARG1, typename ARG2, typename ARG3>
inline T* Construct( T* pMemory, ARG1 a1, ARG2 a2, ARG3 a3 )
	return ::new( pMemory ) T( a1, a2, a3 );

template <class T, typename ARG1, typename ARG2, typename ARG3, typename ARG4>
inline T* Construct( T* pMemory, ARG1 a1, ARG2 a2, ARG3 a3, ARG4 a4 )
	return ::new( pMemory ) T( a1, a2, a3, a4 );

template <class T, typename ARG1, typename ARG2, typename ARG3, typename ARG4, typename ARG5>
inline T* Construct( T* pMemory, ARG1 a1, ARG2 a2, ARG3 a3, ARG4 a4, ARG5 a5 )
	return ::new( pMemory ) T( a1, a2, a3, a4, a5 );

template <class T>
inline T* CopyConstruct( T* pMemory, T const& src )
	return ::new( pMemory ) T(src);

template <class T>
inline void Destruct( T* pMemory )

#ifdef _DEBUG
	memset( pMemory, 0xDD, sizeof(T) );

// A platform-independent way for a contained class to get a pointer to its
// owner. If you know a class is exclusively used in the context of some
// "outer" class, this is a much more space efficient way to get at the outer
// class than having the inner class store a pointer to it.
//	class COuter
//	{
//		class CInner // Note: this does not need to be a nested class to work
//		{
//			void PrintAddressOfOuter()
//			{
//				printf( "Outer is at 0x%x\n", GET_OUTER( COuter, m_Inner ) );
//			}
//		};
//		CInner m_Inner;
//		friend class CInner;
//	};

#define GET_OUTER( OuterType, OuterMember ) \
   ( ( OuterType * ) ( (uint8 *)this - offsetof( OuterType, OuterMember ) ) )


    (Note added to platform.h so platforms that correctly support templated
	 functions can handle portions as templated functions rather than wrapped

	Helps automate the process of creating an array of function
	templates that are all specialized by a single integer.
	This sort of thing is often useful in optimization work.

	For example, using TEMPLATE_FUNCTION_TABLE, this:

	TEMPLATE_FUNCTION_TABLE(int, Function, ( int blah, int blah ), 10)
		return argument * argument;

	is equivilent to the following:

	(NOTE: the function has to be wrapped in a class due to code
	generation bugs involved with directly specializing a function
	based on a constant.)

	template<int argument>
	class FunctionWrapper
		int Function( int blah, int blah )
			return argument*argument;

	typedef int (*FunctionType)( int blah, int blah );

	class FunctionName
		enum { count = 10 };
		FunctionType functions[10];

	FunctionType FunctionName::functions[] =

PLATFORM_INTERFACE bool vtune( bool resume );

typedef RETURN_TYPE (FASTCALL *__Type_##NAME) ARGS;						\
template<const int nArgument>											\
struct __Function_##NAME												\
{																		\
	static RETURN_TYPE FASTCALL Run ARGS;								\
};																		\
template <const int i>														\
struct __MetaLooper_##NAME : __MetaLooper_##NAME<i-1>					\
{																		\
	__Type_##NAME func;													\
	inline __MetaLooper_##NAME() { func = __Function_##NAME<i>::Run; }	\
};																		\
template<>																\
struct __MetaLooper_##NAME<0>											\
{																		\
	__Type_##NAME func;													\
	inline __MetaLooper_##NAME() { func = __Function_##NAME<0>::Run; }	\
};																		\
class NAME																\
{																		\
private:																\
    static const __MetaLooper_##NAME<COUNT> m;							\
public:																	\
	enum { count = COUNT };												\
	static const __Type_##NAME* functions;								\
};																		\
const __MetaLooper_##NAME<COUNT> NAME::m;								\
const __Type_##NAME* NAME::functions = (__Type_##NAME*)&m;				\
template<const int nArgument>													\
RETURN_TYPE FASTCALL __Function_##NAME<nArgument>::Run ARGS

	if( (BOOLEAN) )\
	} else\

// Dynamic libs support
#if defined( PLATFORM_WINDOWS )

PLATFORM_INTERFACE void *Plat_GetProcAddress( const char *pszModule, const char *pszName );

template <typename FUNCPTR_TYPE>
class CDynamicFunction
	CDynamicFunction( const char *pszModule, const char *pszName, FUNCPTR_TYPE pfnFallback = NULL )
		m_pfn = pfnFallback;
		void *pAddr = Plat_GetProcAddress( pszModule, pszName );
		if ( pAddr )
			m_pfn = (FUNCPTR_TYPE)pAddr;

	operator bool()			{ return m_pfn != NULL;	}
	bool operator !()		{ return !m_pfn;	}
	operator FUNCPTR_TYPE()	{ return m_pfn; }


// What OS version are we?
enum PlatOSVersion_t

	// X360-specific versions

	// PC-specific OS versions

PLATFORM_INTERFACE PlatOSVersion_t Plat_GetOSVersion();

//  Watchdog timer support. Call BeginWatchdogTimer( nn ) to kick the timer off.  if you don't call
// EndWatchdogTimer within nn seconds, the program will kick off an exception.  This is for making
// sure that hung dedicated servers abort (and restart) instead of staying hung. Calling
// EndWatchdogTimer more than once or when there is no active watchdog is fine. Only does anything
// under linux right now. It should be possible to implement this functionality in windows via a
// thread, if desired.

#if defined( POSIX ) && !defined( _PS3 )

PLATFORM_INTERFACE void BeginWatchdogTimer( int nSecs );
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void EndWatchdogTimer( void );
PLATFORM_INTERFACE void ResetBaseTime( void );							  // reset plat_floattime to 0 for a subprocess
FORCEINLINE void BeginWatchdogTimer( int nSecs )

FORCEINLINE void EndWatchdogTimer( void )
FORCEINLINE void ResetBaseTime( void )						  // reset plat_floattime to 0 for a subprocess


FORCEINLINE uint8 RotateBitsLeft8( uint8 nValue, int nRotateBits )
	return _rotl8( nValue, nRotateBits );
FORCEINLINE uint16 RotateBitsLeft16( uint16 nValue, int nRotateBits )
	return _rotl( nValue, nRotateBits );
FORCEINLINE uint8 RotateBitsRight8( uint8 nValue, int nRotateBits )
return _rotr8( nValue, nRotateBits );
FORCEINLINE uint16 RotateBitsRight16( uint16 nValue, int nRotateBits )
return _rotr16( nValue, nRotateBits );
FORCEINLINE uint32 RotateBitsLeft32( uint32 nValue, int nRotateBits )
	return _rotl( nValue, nRotateBits );
FORCEINLINE uint64 RotateBitsLeft64( uint64 nValue, int nRotateBits )
	return _rotl64( nValue, nRotateBits );
FORCEINLINE uint32 RotateBitsRight32( uint32 nValue, int nRotateBits )
	return _rotr( nValue, nRotateBits );
FORCEINLINE uint64 RotateBitsRight64( uint64 nValue, int nRotateBits )
	return _rotr64( nValue, nRotateBits );
// GCC should compile this all into single instruction
FORCEINLINE uint8 RotateBitsLeft8( uint8 nValue, int nRotateBits )
	return ( nValue << nRotateBits ) | ( nValue >> ( ( -nRotateBits ) & 7 ) );
FORCEINLINE uint16 RotateBitsLeft16( uint16 nValue, int nRotateBits )
	return ( nValue << nRotateBits ) | ( nValue >> ( ( -nRotateBits ) & 15 ) );
FORCEINLINE uint8 RotateBitsRight8( uint8 nValue, int nRotateBits )
	return ( nValue >> nRotateBits ) | ( nValue << ( ( -nRotateBits ) & 7 ) );
FORCEINLINE uint16 RotateBitsRight16( uint16 nValue, int nRotateBits )
	return ( nValue >> nRotateBits ) | ( nValue << ( ( -nRotateBits ) & 15 ) );
FORCEINLINE uint32 RotateBitsLeft32( uint32 nValue, int nRotateBits )
	return ( nValue << nRotateBits ) | ( nValue >> ( ( -nRotateBits ) & 31 ) );
FORCEINLINE uint64 RotateBitsLeft64( uint64 nValue, int nRotateBits )
	return ( nValue << nRotateBits ) | ( nValue >> ( ( - nRotateBits ) & 63 ) );
FORCEINLINE uint32 RotateBitsRight32( uint32 nValue, int nRotateBits )
	return ( nValue >> nRotateBits ) | ( nValue << ( ( -nRotateBits ) & 31 ) );
FORCEINLINE uint64 RotateBitsRight64( uint64 nValue, int nRotateBits )
	return ( nValue >> nRotateBits ) | ( nValue << ( ( - nRotateBits ) & 63 ) );
PLATFORM_INTERFACE const char * GetPlatformSpecificFileName(const char * FileName);

#include "tier0/valve_on.h"

#if defined(TIER0_DLL_EXPORT)
extern "C" int V_tier0_stricmp(const char *s1, const char *s2 );
#undef stricmp
#undef strcmpi
#define stricmp(s1,s2) V_tier0_stricmp( s1, s2 )
#define strcmpi(s1,s2) V_tier0_stricmp( s1, s2 )
int	_V_stricmp	  (const char *s1, const char *s2 );
int	V_strncasecmp (const char *s1, const char *s2, int n);

// A special high-performance case-insensitive compare function that in
// a single call distinguishes between exactly matching strings,
// strings equal in case-insensitive way, and not equal strings:
//   returns 0 if strings match exactly
//   returns >0 if strings match in a case-insensitive way, but do not match exactly
//   returns <0 if strings do not match even in a case-insensitive way
int	_V_stricmp_NegativeForUnequal	  ( const char *s1, const char *s2 );

#undef stricmp
#undef strcmpi
#define stricmp(s1,s2) _V_stricmp(s1, s2)
#define strcmpi(s1,s2) _V_stricmp(s1, s2)
#undef strnicmp
#define strnicmp V_strncasecmp 

#endif /* PLATFORM_H */