//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ // //=============================================================================// // nav_mesh.h // The Navigation Mesh interface // Author: Michael S. Booth (mike@turtlerockstudios.com), January 2003 // // Author: Michael S. Booth (mike@turtlerockstudios.com), 2003 // // NOTE: The Navigation code uses Doxygen-style comments. If you run Doxygen over this code, it will // auto-generate documentation. Visit www.doxygen.org to download the system for free. // #ifndef _NAV_MESH_H_ #define _NAV_MESH_H_ #include "utlbuffer.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "GameEventListener.h" #include "nav.h" #include "nav_area.h" #include "nav_colors.h" class CNavArea; class CBaseEntity; class CBreakable; extern ConVar nav_edit; extern ConVar nav_quicksave; extern ConVar nav_show_approach_points; extern ConVar nav_show_danger; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class NavAreaCollector { bool m_checkForDuplicates; public: NavAreaCollector( bool checkForDuplicates = false ) { m_checkForDuplicates = checkForDuplicates; } bool operator() ( CNavArea *area ) { if ( m_checkForDuplicates && m_area.HasElement( area ) ) return true; m_area.AddToTail( area ); return true; } CUtlVector< CNavArea * > m_area; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class EditDestroyNotification { CNavArea *m_deadArea; public: EditDestroyNotification( CNavArea *deadArea ) { m_deadArea = deadArea; } bool operator()( CBaseCombatCharacter *actor ) { actor->OnNavAreaRemoved( m_deadArea ); return true; } }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class NavAttributeClearer { public: NavAttributeClearer( NavAttributeType attribute ) { m_attribute = attribute; } bool operator() ( CNavArea *area ) { area->SetAttributes( area->GetAttributes() & (~m_attribute) ); return true; } NavAttributeType m_attribute; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class NavAttributeSetter { public: NavAttributeSetter( NavAttributeType attribute ) { m_attribute = attribute; } bool operator() ( CNavArea *area ) { area->SetAttributes( area->GetAttributes() | m_attribute ); return true; } NavAttributeType m_attribute; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class NavAttributeToggler { public: NavAttributeToggler( NavAttributeType attribute ) { m_attribute = attribute; } bool operator() ( CNavArea *area ); NavAttributeType m_attribute; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- struct NavAttributeLookup { const char *name; NavAttributeType attribute; }; extern NavAttributeLookup TheNavAttributeTable[]; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class SelectOverlappingAreas { public: bool operator()( CNavArea *area ); }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- abstract_class INavAvoidanceObstacle { public: virtual bool IsPotentiallyAbleToObstructNavAreas( void ) const = 0; // could we at some future time obstruct nav? virtual float GetNavObstructionHeight( void ) const = 0; // height at which to obstruct nav areas virtual bool CanObstructNavAreas( void ) const = 0; // can we obstruct nav right this instant? virtual CBaseEntity *GetObstructingEntity( void ) = 0; virtual void OnNavMeshLoaded( void ) = 0; }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum GetNavAreaFlags_t { GETNAVAREA_CHECK_LOS = 0x1, GETNAVAREA_ALLOW_BLOCKED_AREAS = 0x2, GETNAVAREA_CHECK_GROUND = 0x4, }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // for nav mesh visibilty computation struct NavVisPair_t { void SetPair( CNavArea *pArea1, CNavArea *pArea2 ) { int iArea1 = (int)( pArea1 > pArea2 ); int iArea2 = ( iArea1 + 1 ) % 2; pAreas[iArea1] = pArea1; pAreas[iArea2] = pArea2; } CNavArea *pAreas[2]; }; // for nav mesh visibilty computation class CVisPairHashFuncs { public: CVisPairHashFuncs( int ) {} bool operator()( const NavVisPair_t &lhs, const NavVisPair_t &rhs ) const { return ( lhs.pAreas[0] == rhs.pAreas[0] && lhs.pAreas[1] == rhs.pAreas[1] ); } unsigned int operator()( const NavVisPair_t &item ) const { #if PLATFORM_64BITS COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof(CNavArea *) == 8 ); int64 key[2] = { (int64)(item.pAreas[0] + item.pAreas[1]->GetID()), (int64)(item.pAreas[1] + item.pAreas[0]->GetID()) }; return Hash16( key ); #else COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof(CNavArea *) == 4 ); int key[2] = { (int)(item.pAreas[0] + item.pAreas[1]->GetID()), (int)(item.pAreas[1] + item.pAreas[0]->GetID()) }; return Hash8( key ); #endif } }; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The 'place directory' is used to save and load places from // nav files in a size-efficient manner that also allows for the // order of the place ID's to change without invalidating the // nav files. // // The place directory is stored in the nav file as a list of // place name strings. Each nav area then contains an index // into that directory, or zero if no place has been assigned to // that area. // class PlaceDirectory { public: typedef unsigned short IndexType; // Loaded/Saved as UnsignedShort. Change this and you'll have to version. PlaceDirectory( void ); void Reset( void ); bool IsKnown( Place place ) const; /// return true if this place is already in the directory IndexType GetIndex( Place place ) const; /// return the directory index corresponding to this Place (0 = no entry) void AddPlace( Place place ); /// add the place to the directory if not already known Place IndexToPlace( IndexType entry ) const; /// given an index, return the Place void Save( CUtlBuffer &fileBuffer ); /// store the directory void Load( CUtlBuffer &fileBuffer, int version ); /// load the directory const CUtlVector< Place > *GetPlaces( void ) const { return &m_directory; } bool HasUnnamedPlaces( void ) const { return m_hasUnnamedAreas; } private: CUtlVector< Place > m_directory; bool m_hasUnnamedAreas; }; extern PlaceDirectory placeDirectory; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * The CNavMesh is the global interface to the Navigation Mesh. * @todo Make this an abstract base class interface, and derive mod-specific implementations. */ class CNavMesh : public CGameEventListener { public: CNavMesh( void ); virtual ~CNavMesh(); virtual void PreLoadAreas( int nAreas ) {} virtual CNavArea *CreateArea( void ) const; // CNavArea factory virtual void DestroyArea( CNavArea * ) const; virtual HidingSpot *CreateHidingSpot( void ) const; // Hiding Spot factory virtual void Reset( void ); // destroy Navigation Mesh data and revert to initial state virtual void Update( void ); // invoked on each game frame virtual void FireGameEvent( IGameEvent *event ); // incoming event processing virtual NavErrorType Load( void ); // load navigation data from a file virtual NavErrorType PostLoad( unsigned int version ); // (EXTEND) invoked after all areas have been loaded - for pointer binding, etc bool IsLoaded( void ) const { return m_isLoaded; } // return true if a Navigation Mesh has been loaded bool IsAnalyzed( void ) const { return m_isAnalyzed; } // return true if a Navigation Mesh has been analyzed /** * Return true if nav mesh can be trusted for all climbing/jumping decisions because game environment is fairly simple. * Authoritative meshes mean path followers can skip CPU intensive realtime scanning of unpredictable geometry. */ virtual bool IsAuthoritative( void ) const { return false; } const CUtlVector< Place > *GetPlacesFromNavFile( bool *hasUnnamedPlaces ); // Reads the used place names from the nav file (can be used to selectively precache before the nav is loaded) virtual bool Save( void ) const; // store Navigation Mesh to a file bool IsOutOfDate( void ) const { return m_isOutOfDate; } // return true if the Navigation Mesh is older than the current map version virtual unsigned int GetSubVersionNumber( void ) const; // returns sub-version number of data format used by derived classes virtual void SaveCustomData( CUtlBuffer &fileBuffer ) const { } // store custom mesh data for derived classes virtual void LoadCustomData( CUtlBuffer &fileBuffer, unsigned int subVersion ) { } // load custom mesh data for derived classes virtual void SaveCustomDataPreArea( CUtlBuffer &fileBuffer ) const { } // store custom mesh data for derived classes that needs to be loaded before areas are read in virtual void LoadCustomDataPreArea( CUtlBuffer &fileBuffer, unsigned int subVersion ) { } // load custom mesh data for derived classes that needs to be loaded before areas are read in // events virtual void OnServerActivate( void ); // (EXTEND) invoked when server loads a new map virtual void OnRoundRestart( void ); // invoked when a game round restarts virtual void OnRoundRestartPreEntity( void ); // invoked when a game round restarts, but before entities are deleted and recreated virtual void OnBreakableCreated( CBaseEntity *breakable ) { } // invoked when a breakable is created virtual void OnBreakableBroken( CBaseEntity *broken ) { } // invoked when a breakable is broken virtual void OnAreaBlocked( CNavArea *area ); // invoked when the area becomes blocked virtual void OnAreaUnblocked( CNavArea *area ); // invoked when the area becomes un-blocked virtual void OnAvoidanceObstacleEnteredArea( CNavArea *area ); // invoked when the area becomes obstructed virtual void OnAvoidanceObstacleLeftArea( CNavArea *area ); // invoked when the area becomes un-obstructed virtual void OnEditCreateNotify( CNavArea *newArea ); // invoked when given area has just been added to the mesh in edit mode virtual void OnEditDestroyNotify( CNavArea *deadArea ); // invoked when given area has just been deleted from the mesh in edit mode virtual void OnEditDestroyNotify( CNavLadder *deadLadder ); // invoked when given ladder has just been deleted from the mesh in edit mode virtual void OnNodeAdded( CNavNode *node ) {}; // Obstructions void RegisterAvoidanceObstacle( INavAvoidanceObstacle *obstruction ); void UnregisterAvoidanceObstacle( INavAvoidanceObstacle *obstruction ); const CUtlVector< INavAvoidanceObstacle * > &GetObstructions( void ) const { return m_avoidanceObstacles; } unsigned int GetNavAreaCount( void ) const { return m_areaCount; } // return total number of nav areas // See GetNavAreaFlags_t for flags CNavArea *GetNavArea( const Vector &pos, float beneathLimt = 120.0f ) const; // given a position, return the nav area that IsOverlapping and is *immediately* beneath it CNavArea *GetNavArea( CBaseEntity *pEntity, int nGetNavAreaFlags, float flBeneathLimit = 120.0f ) const; CNavArea *GetNavAreaByID( unsigned int id ) const; CNavArea *GetNearestNavArea( const Vector &pos, bool anyZ = false, float maxDist = 10000.0f, bool checkLOS = false, bool checkGround = true, int team = TEAM_ANY ) const; CNavArea *GetNearestNavArea( CBaseEntity *pEntity, int nGetNavAreaFlags = GETNAVAREA_CHECK_GROUND, float maxDist = 10000.0f ) const; Place GetPlace( const Vector &pos ) const; // return Place at given coordinate const char *PlaceToName( Place place ) const; // given a place, return its name Place NameToPlace( const char *name ) const; // given a place name, return a place ID or zero if no place is defined Place PartialNameToPlace( const char *name ) const; // given the first part of a place name, return a place ID or zero if no place is defined, or the partial match is ambiguous void PrintAllPlaces( void ) const; // output a list of names to the console int PlaceNameAutocomplete( char const *partial, char commands[ COMMAND_COMPLETION_MAXITEMS ][ COMMAND_COMPLETION_ITEM_LENGTH ] ); // Given a partial place name, fill in possible place names for ConCommand autocomplete bool GetGroundHeight( const Vector &pos, float *height, Vector *normal = NULL ) const; // get the Z coordinate of the topmost ground level below the given point bool GetSimpleGroundHeight( const Vector &pos, float *height, Vector *normal = NULL ) const;// get the Z coordinate of the ground level directly below the given point /// increase "danger" weights in the given nav area and nearby ones void IncreaseDangerNearby( int teamID, float amount, CNavArea *area, const Vector &pos, float maxRadius, float dangerLimit = -1.0f ); void DrawDanger( void ) const; // draw the current danger levels void DrawPlayerCounts( void ) const; // draw the current player counts for each area void DrawFuncNavAvoid( void ) const; // draw bot avoidance areas from func_nav_avoid entities void DrawFuncNavPrefer( void ) const; // draw bot preference areas from func_nav_prefer entities #ifdef NEXT_BOT void DrawFuncNavPrerequisite( void ) const; // draw bot prerequisite areas from func_nav_prerequisite entities #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Auto-generation // #define INCREMENTAL_GENERATION true void BeginGeneration( bool incremental = false ); // initiate the generation process void BeginAnalysis( bool quitWhenFinished = false ); // re-analyze an existing Mesh. Determine Hiding Spots, Encounter Spots, etc. bool IsGenerating( void ) const { return m_generationMode != GENERATE_NONE; } // return true while a Navigation Mesh is being generated const char *GetPlayerSpawnName( void ) const; // return name of player spawn entity void SetPlayerSpawnName( const char *name ); // define the name of player spawn entities void AddWalkableSeed( const Vector &pos, const Vector &normal ); // add given walkable position to list of seed positions for map sampling virtual void AddWalkableSeeds( void ); // adds walkable positions for any/all positions a mod specifies void ClearWalkableSeeds( void ) { m_walkableSeeds.RemoveAll(); } // erase all walkable seed positions void MarkStairAreas( void ); virtual unsigned int GetGenerationTraceMask( void ) const; // return the mask used by traces when generating the mesh //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Edit mode // unsigned int GetNavPlace( void ) const { return m_navPlace; } void SetNavPlace( unsigned int place ) { m_navPlace = place; } // Edit callbacks from ConCommands void CommandNavDelete( void ); // delete current area void CommandNavDeleteMarked( void ); // delete current marked area virtual void CommandNavFloodSelect( const CCommand &args ); // select current area and all connected areas, recursively void CommandNavToggleSelectedSet( void ); // toggles all areas into/out of the selected set void CommandNavStoreSelectedSet( void ); // stores the current selected set for later void CommandNavRecallSelectedSet( void ); // restores an older selected set void CommandNavAddToSelectedSet( void ); // add current area to selected set void CommandNavAddToSelectedSetByID( const CCommand &args ); // add specified area id to selected set void CommandNavRemoveFromSelectedSet( void ); // remove current area from selected set void CommandNavToggleInSelectedSet( void ); // add/remove current area from selected set void CommandNavClearSelectedSet( void ); // clear the selected set to empty void CommandNavBeginSelecting( void ); // start continuously selecting areas into the selected set void CommandNavEndSelecting( void ); // stop continuously selecting areas into the selected set void CommandNavBeginDragSelecting( void ); // start dragging a selection area void CommandNavEndDragSelecting( void ); // stop dragging a selection area void CommandNavBeginDragDeselecting( void ); // start dragging a deselection area void CommandNavEndDragDeselecting( void ); // stop dragging a deselection area void CommandNavRaiseDragVolumeMax( void ); // raise the top of the drag volume void CommandNavLowerDragVolumeMax( void ); // lower the top of the drag volume void CommandNavRaiseDragVolumeMin( void ); // raise the bottom of the drag volume void CommandNavLowerDragVolumeMin( void ); // lower the bottom of the drag volume void CommandNavToggleSelecting( bool playSound = true ); // start/stop continuously selecting areas into the selected set void CommandNavBeginDeselecting( void ); // start continuously de-selecting areas from the selected set void CommandNavEndDeselecting( void ); // stop continuously de-selecting areas from the selected set void CommandNavToggleDeselecting( bool playSound = true ); // start/stop continuously de-selecting areas from the selected set void CommandNavSelectInvalidAreas( void ); // adds invalid areas to the selected set void CommandNavSelectBlockedAreas( void ); // adds blocked areas to the selected set void CommandNavSelectObstructedAreas( void ); // adds obstructed areas to the selected set void CommandNavSelectDamagingAreas( void ); // adds damaging areas to the selected set void CommandNavSelectHalfSpace( const CCommand &args ); // selects all areas that intersect the half-space void CommandNavSelectStairs( void ); // adds stairs areas to the selected set void CommandNavSelectOrphans( void ); // adds areas not connected to mesh to the selected set void CommandNavSplit( void ); // split current area void CommandNavMerge( void ); // merge adjacent areas void CommandNavMark( const CCommand &args ); // mark an area for further operations void CommandNavUnmark( void ); // removes the mark void CommandNavBeginArea( void ); // begin creating a new nav area void CommandNavEndArea( void ); // end creation of the new nav area void CommandNavBeginShiftXY( void ); // begin shifting selected set in the XY plane void CommandNavEndShiftXY( void ); // end shifting selected set in the XY plane void CommandNavConnect( void ); // connect marked area to selected area void CommandNavDisconnect( void ); // disconnect marked area from selected area void CommandNavDisconnectOutgoingOneWays( void ); // disconnect all outgoing one-way connects from each area in the selected set void CommandNavSplice( void ); // create new area in between marked and selected areas void CommandNavCrouch( void ); // toggle crouch attribute on current area void CommandNavTogglePlaceMode( void ); // switch between normal and place editing void CommandNavSetPlaceMode( void ); // switch between normal and place editing void CommandNavPlaceFloodFill( void ); // floodfill areas out from current area void CommandNavPlaceSet( void ); // sets the Place for the selected set void CommandNavPlacePick( void ); // "pick up" the place at the current area void CommandNavTogglePlacePainting( void ); // switch between "painting" places onto areas void CommandNavMarkUnnamed( void ); // mark an unnamed area for further operations void CommandNavCornerSelect( void ); // select a corner on the current area void CommandNavCornerRaise( const CCommand &args ); // raise a corner on the current area void CommandNavCornerLower( const CCommand &args ); // lower a corner on the current area void CommandNavCornerPlaceOnGround( const CCommand &args ); // position a corner on the current area at ground height void CommandNavWarpToMark( void ); // warp a spectating local player to the selected mark void CommandNavLadderFlip( void ); // Flips the direction a ladder faces void CommandNavToggleAttribute( NavAttributeType attribute ); // toggle an attribute on current area void CommandNavMakeSniperSpots( void ); // cuts up the marked area into individual areas suitable for sniper spots void CommandNavBuildLadder( void ); // builds a nav ladder on the climbable surface under the cursor void CommandNavRemoveJumpAreas( void ); // removes jump areas, replacing them with connections void CommandNavSubdivide( const CCommand &args ); // subdivide each nav area in X and Y to create 4 new areas - limit min size void CommandNavSaveSelected( const CCommand &args ); // Save selected set to disk void CommandNavMergeMesh( const CCommand &args ); // Merge a saved selected set into the current mesh void CommandNavMarkWalkable( void ); void AddToDragSelectionSet( CNavArea *pArea ); void RemoveFromDragSelectionSet( CNavArea *pArea ); void ClearDragSelectionSet( void ); CNavArea *GetMarkedArea( void ) const; // return area marked by user in edit mode CNavLadder *GetMarkedLadder( void ) const { return m_markedLadder; } // return ladder marked by user in edit mode CNavArea *GetSelectedArea( void ) const { return m_selectedArea; } // return area user is pointing at in edit mode CNavLadder *GetSelectedLadder( void ) const { return m_selectedLadder; } // return ladder user is pointing at in edit mode void SetMarkedLadder( CNavLadder *ladder ); // mark ladder for further edit operations void SetMarkedArea( CNavArea *area ); // mark area for further edit operations bool IsContinuouslySelecting( void ) const { return m_isContinuouslySelecting; } bool IsContinuouslyDeselecting( void ) const { return m_isContinuouslyDeselecting; } void CreateLadder( const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, float maxHeightAboveTopArea ); void CreateLadder( const Vector &top, const Vector &bottom, float width, const Vector2D &ladderDir, float maxHeightAboveTopArea ); float SnapToGrid( float x, bool forceGrid = false ) const; // snap given coordinate to generation grid boundary Vector SnapToGrid( const Vector& in, bool snapX = true, bool snapY = true, bool forceGrid = false ) const; // snap given vector's X & Y coordinates to generation grid boundary const Vector &GetEditCursorPosition( void ) const { return m_editCursorPos; } // return position of edit cursor void StripNavigationAreas( void ); const char *GetFilename( void ) const; // return the filename for this map's "nav" file /// @todo Remove old select code and make all commands use this selected set void AddToSelectedSet( CNavArea *area ); // add area to the currently selected set void RemoveFromSelectedSet( CNavArea *area ); // remove area from the currently selected set void ClearSelectedSet( void ); // clear the currently selected set to empty bool IsSelectedSetEmpty( void ) const; // return true if the selected set is empty bool IsInSelectedSet( const CNavArea *area ) const; // return true if the given area is in the selected set int GetSelecteSetSize( void ) const; const NavAreaVector &GetSelectedSet( void ) const; // return the selected set /** * Apply the functor to all navigation areas in the Selected Set, * or the current selected area. * If functor returns false, stop processing and return false. */ template < typename Functor > bool ForAllSelectedAreas( Functor &func ) { if (IsSelectedSetEmpty()) { CNavArea *area = GetSelectedArea(); if (area) { if (func( area ) == false) return false; } } else { FOR_EACH_VEC( m_selectedSet, it ) { CNavArea *area = m_selectedSet[ it ]; if (func( area ) == false) return false; } } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Apply the functor to all navigation areas. * If functor returns false, stop processing and return false. */ template < typename Functor > bool ForAllAreas( Functor &func ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it ) { CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ]; if (func( area ) == false) return false; } return true; } // const version of the above template < typename Functor > bool ForAllAreas( Functor &func ) const { FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it ) { const CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ]; if (func( area ) == false) return false; } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Apply the functor to all navigation areas that overlap the given extent. * If functor returns false, stop processing and return false. */ template < typename Functor > bool ForAllAreasOverlappingExtent( Functor &func, const Extent &extent ) { if ( !m_grid.Count() ) { #if _DEBUG Warning("Query before nav mesh is loaded! %d\n", TheNavAreas.Count() ); #endif return true; } static unsigned int searchMarker = RandomInt(0, 1024*1024 ); if ( ++searchMarker == 0 ) { ++searchMarker; } Extent areaExtent; // get list in cell that contains position int startX = WorldToGridX( extent.lo.x ); int endX = WorldToGridX( extent.hi.x ); int startY = WorldToGridY( extent.lo.y ); int endY = WorldToGridY( extent.hi.y ); for( int x = startX; x <= endX; ++x ) { for( int y = startY; y <= endY; ++y ) { int iGrid = x + y*m_gridSizeX; if ( iGrid >= m_grid.Count() ) { ExecuteNTimes( 10, Warning( "** Walked off of the CNavMesh::m_grid in ForAllAreasOverlappingExtent()\n" ) ); return true; } NavAreaVector *areaVector = &m_grid[ iGrid ]; // find closest area in this cell FOR_EACH_VEC( (*areaVector), it ) { CNavArea *area = (*areaVector)[ it ]; // skip if we've already visited this area if ( area->m_nearNavSearchMarker == searchMarker ) continue; // mark as visited area->m_nearNavSearchMarker = searchMarker; area->GetExtent( &areaExtent ); if ( extent.IsOverlapping( areaExtent ) ) { if ( func( area ) == false ) return false; } } } } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Populate the given vector with all navigation areas that overlap the given extent. */ template< typename NavAreaType > void CollectAreasOverlappingExtent( const Extent &extent, CUtlVector< NavAreaType * > *outVector ) { if ( !m_grid.Count() ) { return; } static unsigned int searchMarker = RandomInt( 0, 1024*1024 ); if ( ++searchMarker == 0 ) { ++searchMarker; } Extent areaExtent; // get list in cell that contains position int startX = WorldToGridX( extent.lo.x ); int endX = WorldToGridX( extent.hi.x ); int startY = WorldToGridY( extent.lo.y ); int endY = WorldToGridY( extent.hi.y ); for( int x = startX; x <= endX; ++x ) { for( int y = startY; y <= endY; ++y ) { int iGrid = x + y*m_gridSizeX; if ( iGrid >= m_grid.Count() ) { ExecuteNTimes( 10, Warning( "** Walked off of the CNavMesh::m_grid in CollectAreasOverlappingExtent()\n" ) ); return; } NavAreaVector *areaVector = &m_grid[ iGrid ]; // find closest area in this cell for( int v=0; v<areaVector->Count(); ++v ) { CNavArea *area = areaVector->Element( v ); // skip if we've already visited this area if ( area->m_nearNavSearchMarker == searchMarker ) continue; // mark as visited area->m_nearNavSearchMarker = searchMarker; area->GetExtent( &areaExtent ); if ( extent.IsOverlapping( areaExtent ) ) { outVector->AddToTail( (NavAreaType *)area ); } } } } } template < typename Functor > bool ForAllAreasInRadius( Functor &func, const Vector &pos, float radius ) { // use a unique marker for this method, so it can be used within a SearchSurroundingArea() call static unsigned int searchMarker = RandomInt(0, 1024*1024 ); ++searchMarker; if ( searchMarker == 0 ) { ++searchMarker; } // get list in cell that contains position int originX = WorldToGridX( pos.x ); int originY = WorldToGridY( pos.y ); int shiftLimit = ceil( radius / m_gridCellSize ); float radiusSq = radius * radius; if ( radius == 0.0f ) { shiftLimit = MAX( m_gridSizeX, m_gridSizeY ); // range 0 means all areas } for( int x = originX - shiftLimit; x <= originX + shiftLimit; ++x ) { if ( x < 0 || x >= m_gridSizeX ) continue; for( int y = originY - shiftLimit; y <= originY + shiftLimit; ++y ) { if ( y < 0 || y >= m_gridSizeY ) continue; NavAreaVector *areaVector = &m_grid[ x + y*m_gridSizeX ]; // find closest area in this cell FOR_EACH_VEC( (*areaVector), it ) { CNavArea *area = (*areaVector)[ it ]; // skip if we've already visited this area if ( area->m_nearNavSearchMarker == searchMarker ) continue; // mark as visited area->m_nearNavSearchMarker = searchMarker; float distSq = ( area->GetCenter() - pos ).LengthSqr(); if ( ( distSq <= radiusSq ) || ( radiusSq == 0 ) ) { if ( func( area ) == false ) return false; } } } } return true; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* * Step through nav mesh along line between startArea and endArea. * Return true if enumeration reached endArea, false if doesn't reach it (no mesh between, bad connection, etc) */ template < typename Functor > bool ForAllAreasAlongLine( Functor &func, CNavArea *startArea, CNavArea *endArea ) { if ( !startArea || !endArea ) return false; if ( startArea == endArea ) { func( startArea ); return true; } Vector start = startArea->GetCenter(); Vector end = endArea->GetCenter(); Vector to = end - start; float range = to.NormalizeInPlace(); const float epsilon = 0.00001f; if ( range < epsilon ) { func( startArea ); return true; } if ( abs( to.x ) < epsilon ) { NavDirType dir = ( to.y < 0.0f ) ? NORTH : SOUTH; CNavArea *area = startArea; while( area ) { func( area ); if ( area == endArea ) return true; const NavConnectVector *adjVector = area->GetAdjacentAreas( dir ); area = NULL; for( int i=0; i<adjVector->Count(); ++i ) { CNavArea *adjArea = adjVector->Element(i).area; const Vector &adjOrigin = adjArea->GetCorner( NORTH_WEST ); if ( adjOrigin.x <= start.x && adjOrigin.x + adjArea->GetSizeX() >= start.x ) { area = adjArea; break; } } } return false; } else if ( abs( to.y ) < epsilon ) { NavDirType dir = ( to.x < 0.0f ) ? WEST : EAST; CNavArea *area = startArea; while( area ) { func( area ); if ( area == endArea ) return true; const NavConnectVector *adjVector = area->GetAdjacentAreas( dir ); area = NULL; for( int i=0; i<adjVector->Count(); ++i ) { CNavArea *adjArea = adjVector->Element(i).area; const Vector &adjOrigin = adjArea->GetCorner( NORTH_WEST ); if ( adjOrigin.y <= start.y && adjOrigin.y + adjArea->GetSizeY() >= start.y ) { area = adjArea; break; } } } return false; } CNavArea *area = startArea; while( area ) { func( area ); if ( area == endArea ) return true; const Vector &origin = area->GetCorner( NORTH_WEST ); float xMin = origin.x; float xMax = xMin + area->GetSizeX(); float yMin = origin.y; float yMax = yMin + area->GetSizeY(); // clip ray to area Vector exit; NavDirType edge = NUM_DIRECTIONS; if ( to.x < 0.0f ) { // find Y at west edge intersection float t = ( xMin - start.x ) / ( end.x - start.x ); if ( t > 0.0f && t < 1.0f ) { float y = start.y + t * ( end.y - start.y ); if ( y >= yMin && y <= yMax ) { // intersects this edge exit.x = xMin; exit.y = y; edge = WEST; } } } else { // find Y at east edge intersection float t = ( xMax - start.x ) / ( end.x - start.x ); if ( t > 0.0f && t < 1.0f ) { float y = start.y + t * ( end.y - start.y ); if ( y >= yMin && y <= yMax ) { // intersects this edge exit.x = xMax; exit.y = y; edge = EAST; } } } if ( edge == NUM_DIRECTIONS ) { if ( to.y < 0.0f ) { // find X at north edge intersection float t = ( yMin - start.y ) / ( end.y - start.y ); if ( t > 0.0f && t < 1.0f ) { float x = start.x + t * ( end.x - start.x ); if ( x >= xMin && x <= xMax ) { // intersects this edge exit.x = x; exit.y = yMin; edge = NORTH; } } } else { // find X at south edge intersection float t = ( yMax - start.y ) / ( end.y - start.y ); if ( t > 0.0f && t < 1.0f ) { float x = start.x + t * ( end.x - start.x ); if ( x >= xMin && x <= xMax ) { // intersects this edge exit.x = x; exit.y = yMax; edge = SOUTH; } } } } if ( edge == NUM_DIRECTIONS ) break; const NavConnectVector *adjVector = area->GetAdjacentAreas( edge ); area = NULL; for( int i=0; i<adjVector->Count(); ++i ) { CNavArea *adjArea = adjVector->Element(i).area; const Vector &adjOrigin = adjArea->GetCorner( NORTH_WEST ); if ( edge == NORTH || edge == SOUTH ) { if ( adjOrigin.x <= exit.x && adjOrigin.x + adjArea->GetSizeX() >= exit.x ) { area = adjArea; break; } } else { if ( adjOrigin.y <= exit.y && adjOrigin.y + adjArea->GetSizeY() >= exit.y ) { area = adjArea; break; } } } } return false; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Apply the functor to all navigation ladders. * If functor returns false, stop processing and return false. */ template < typename Functor > bool ForAllLadders( Functor &func ) { for ( int i=0; i<m_ladders.Count(); ++i ) { CNavLadder *ladder = m_ladders[i]; if (func( ladder ) == false) return false; } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Apply the functor to all navigation ladders. * If functor returns false, stop processing and return false. */ template < typename Functor > bool ForAllLadders( Functor &func ) const { for ( int i=0; i<m_ladders.Count(); ++i ) { const CNavLadder *ladder = m_ladders[i]; if (func( ladder ) == false) return false; } return true; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * tests a new area for connections to adjacent pre-existing areas */ template < typename Functor > void StitchAreaIntoMesh( CNavArea *area, NavDirType dir, Functor &func ); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Use the functor to test if an area is needing stitching into the existing nav mesh. * The functor is different from how we normally use functors - it does no processing, * and it's return value is true if the area is in the new set to be stiched, and false * if it's a pre-existing area. */ template < typename Functor > bool StitchMesh( Functor &func ) { FOR_EACH_VEC( TheNavAreas, it ) { CNavArea *area = TheNavAreas[ it ]; if ( func( area ) ) { StitchAreaIntoMesh( area, NORTH, func ); StitchAreaIntoMesh( area, SOUTH, func ); StitchAreaIntoMesh( area, EAST, func ); StitchAreaIntoMesh( area, WEST, func ); } } return true; } NavLadderVector& GetLadders( void ) { return m_ladders; } // Returns the list of ladders CNavLadder *GetLadderByID( unsigned int id ) const; CUtlVector< CNavArea * >& GetTransientAreas( void ) { return m_transientAreas; } enum EditModeType { NORMAL, // normal mesh editing PLACE_PAINTING, // in place painting mode CREATING_AREA, // creating a new nav area CREATING_LADDER, // creating a nav ladder DRAG_SELECTING, // drag selecting a set of areas SHIFTING_XY, // shifting selected set in XY plane SHIFTING_Z, // shifting selected set in Z plane }; EditModeType GetEditMode( void ) const; // return the current edit mode void SetEditMode( EditModeType mode ); // change the edit mode bool IsEditMode( EditModeType mode ) const; // return true if current mode matches given mode bool FindNavAreaOrLadderAlongRay( const Vector &start, const Vector &end, CNavArea **area, CNavLadder **ladder, CNavArea *ignore = NULL ); void PostProcessCliffAreas(); void SimplifySelectedAreas( void ); // Simplifies the selected set by reducing to 1x1 areas and re-merging them up with loosened tolerances protected: virtual void PostCustomAnalysis( void ) { } // invoked when custom analysis step is complete bool FindActiveNavArea( void ); // Finds the area or ladder the local player is currently pointing at. Returns true if a surface was hit by the traceline. virtual void RemoveNavArea( CNavArea *area ); // remove an area from the grid bool FindGroundForNode( Vector *pos, Vector *normal ); void GenerateNodes( const Extent &bounds ); void RemoveNodes( void ); private: friend class CNavArea; friend class CNavNode; friend class CNavUIBasePanel; mutable CUtlVector<NavAreaVector> m_grid; float m_gridCellSize; // the width/height of a grid cell for spatially partitioning nav areas for fast access int m_gridSizeX; int m_gridSizeY; float m_minX; float m_minY; unsigned int m_areaCount; // total number of nav areas bool m_isLoaded; // true if a Navigation Mesh has been loaded bool m_isOutOfDate; // true if the Navigation Mesh is older than the actual BSP bool m_isAnalyzed; // true if the Navigation Mesh needs analysis enum { HASH_TABLE_SIZE = 256 }; CNavArea *m_hashTable[ HASH_TABLE_SIZE ]; // hash table to optimize lookup by ID int ComputeHashKey( unsigned int id ) const; // returns a hash key for the given nav area ID int WorldToGridX( float wx ) const; // given X component, return grid index int WorldToGridY( float wy ) const; // given Y component, return grid index void AllocateGrid( float minX, float maxX, float minY, float maxY ); // clear and reset the grid to the given extents void GridToWorld( int gridX, int gridY, Vector *pos ) const; void AddNavArea( CNavArea *area ); // add an area to the grid void DestroyNavigationMesh( bool incremental = false ); // free all resources of the mesh and reset it to empty state void DestroyHidingSpots( void ); void ComputeBattlefrontAreas( void ); // determine areas where rushing teams will first meet //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Place directory // char **m_placeName; // master directory of place names (ie: "places") unsigned int m_placeCount; // number of "places" defined in placeName[] void LoadPlaceDatabase( void ); // load the place names from a file //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Edit mode // EditModeType m_editMode; // the current edit mode bool m_isEditing; // true if in edit mode unsigned int m_navPlace; // current navigation place for editing void OnEditModeStart( void ); // called when edit mode has just been enabled void DrawEditMode( void ); // draw navigation areas void OnEditModeEnd( void ); // called when edit mode has just been disabled void UpdateDragSelectionSet( void ); // update which areas are overlapping the drag selected bounds Vector m_editCursorPos; // current position of the cursor CNavArea *m_markedArea; // currently marked area for edit operations CNavArea *m_selectedArea; // area that is selected this frame CNavArea *m_lastSelectedArea; // area that was selected last frame NavCornerType m_markedCorner; // currently marked corner for edit operations Vector m_anchor; // first corner of an area being created bool m_isPlacePainting; // if true, we set an area's place by pointing at it bool m_splitAlongX; // direction the selected nav area would be split float m_splitEdge; // location of the possible split bool m_climbableSurface; // if true, the cursor is pointing at a climable surface Vector m_surfaceNormal; // Normal of the surface the cursor is pointing at Vector m_ladderAnchor; // first corner of a ladder being created Vector m_ladderNormal; // Normal of the surface of the ladder being created CNavLadder *m_selectedLadder; // ladder that is selected this frame CNavLadder *m_lastSelectedLadder; // ladder that was selected last frame CNavLadder *m_markedLadder; // currently marked ladder for edit operations bool FindLadderCorners( Vector *c1, Vector *c2, Vector *c3 ); // computes the other corners of a ladder given m_ladderAnchor, m_editCursorPos, and m_ladderNormal void GetEditVectors( Vector *pos, Vector *forward ); // Gets the eye position and view direction of the editing player CountdownTimer m_showAreaInfoTimer; // Timer that controls how long area info is displayed NavAreaVector m_selectedSet; // all currently selected areas NavAreaVector m_dragSelectionSet; // all areas in the current drag selection bool m_isContinuouslySelecting; // if true, we are continuously adding to the selected set bool m_isContinuouslyDeselecting; // if true, we are continuously removing from the selected set bool m_bIsDragDeselecting; int m_nDragSelectionVolumeZMax; int m_nDragSelectionVolumeZMin; void DoToggleAttribute( CNavArea *area, NavAttributeType attribute ); // toggle an attribute on given area //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Auto-generation // bool UpdateGeneration( float maxTime = 0.25f ); // process the auto-generation for 'maxTime' seconds. return false if generation is complete. virtual void BeginCustomAnalysis( bool bIncremental ) {} virtual void EndCustomAnalysis() {} CNavNode *m_currentNode; // the current node we are sampling from NavDirType m_generationDir; CNavNode *AddNode( const Vector &destPos, const Vector &destNormal, NavDirType dir, CNavNode *source, bool isOnDisplacement, float obstacleHeight, float flObstacleStartDist, float flObstacleEndDist ); // add a nav node and connect it, update current node NavLadderVector m_ladders; // list of ladder navigation representations void BuildLadders( void ); void DestroyLadders( void ); bool SampleStep( void ); // sample the walkable areas of the map void CreateNavAreasFromNodes( void ); // cover all of the sampled nodes with nav areas bool TestArea( CNavNode *node, int width, int height ); // check if an area of size (width, height) can fit, starting from node as upper left corner int BuildArea( CNavNode *node, int width, int height ); // create a CNavArea of size (width, height) starting fom node at upper left corner bool CheckObstacles( CNavNode *node, int width, int height, int x, int y ); void MarkPlayerClipAreas( void ); void MarkJumpAreas( void ); void StichAndRemoveJumpAreas( void ); void RemoveJumpAreas( void ); void SquareUpAreas( void ); void MergeGeneratedAreas( void ); void ConnectGeneratedAreas( void ); void FixUpGeneratedAreas( void ); void FixCornerOnCornerAreas( void ); void FixConnections( void ); void SplitAreasUnderOverhangs( void ); void ValidateNavAreaConnections( void ); void StitchGeneratedAreas( void ); // Stitches incrementally-generated areas into the existing mesh void StitchAreaSet( CUtlVector< CNavArea * > *areas ); // Stitches an arbitrary set of areas into the existing mesh void HandleObstacleTopAreas( void ); // Handles fixing/generating areas on top of slim obstacles such as fences and railings void RaiseAreasWithInternalObstacles(); void CreateObstacleTopAreas(); bool CreateObstacleTopAreaIfNecessary( CNavArea *area, CNavArea *areaOther, NavDirType dir, bool bMultiNode ); void RemoveOverlappingObstacleTopAreas(); enum GenerationStateType { SAMPLE_WALKABLE_SPACE, CREATE_AREAS_FROM_SAMPLES, FIND_HIDING_SPOTS, FIND_ENCOUNTER_SPOTS, FIND_SNIPER_SPOTS, FIND_EARLIEST_OCCUPY_TIMES, FIND_LIGHT_INTENSITY, COMPUTE_MESH_VISIBILITY, CUSTOM, // mod-specific generation step SAVE_NAV_MESH, NUM_GENERATION_STATES } m_generationState; // the state of the generation process enum GenerationModeType { GENERATE_NONE, GENERATE_FULL, GENERATE_INCREMENTAL, GENERATE_SIMPLIFY, GENERATE_ANALYSIS_ONLY, } m_generationMode; // true while a Navigation Mesh is being generated int m_generationIndex; // used for iterating nav areas during generation process int m_sampleTick; // counter for displaying pseudo-progress while sampling walkable space bool m_bQuitWhenFinished; float m_generationStartTime; Extent m_simplifyGenerationExtent; char *m_spawnName; // name of player spawn entity, used to initiate sampling struct WalkableSeedSpot { Vector pos; Vector normal; }; CUtlVector< WalkableSeedSpot > m_walkableSeeds; // list of walkable seed spots for sampling CNavNode *GetNextWalkableSeedNode( void ); // return the next walkable seed as a node int m_seedIdx; int m_hostThreadModeRestoreValue; // stores the value of host_threadmode before we changed it void BuildTransientAreaList( void ); CUtlVector< CNavArea * > m_transientAreas; void UpdateAvoidanceObstacleAreas( void ); CUtlVector< CNavArea * > m_avoidanceObstacleAreas; CUtlVector< INavAvoidanceObstacle * > m_avoidanceObstacles; void UpdateBlockedAreas( void ); CUtlVector< CNavArea * > m_blockedAreas; CUtlVector< int > m_storedSelectedSet; // "Stored" selected set, so we can do some editing and then restore the old selected set. Done by ID, so we don't have to worry about split/delete/etc. void BeginVisibilityComputations( void ); void EndVisibilityComputations( void ); void TestAllAreasForBlockedStatus( void ); // Used to update blocked areas after a round restart. Need to delay so the map logic has all fired. CountdownTimer m_updateBlockedAreasTimer; }; // the global singleton interface extern CNavMesh *TheNavMesh; // factory for creating the Navigation Mesh extern CNavMesh *NavMeshFactory( void ); // for debugging the A* algorithm, if nonzero, show debug display and decrement for each pathfind extern int g_DebugPathfindCounter; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline bool CNavMesh::IsEditMode( EditModeType mode ) const { return m_editMode == mode; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline CNavMesh::EditModeType CNavMesh::GetEditMode( void ) const { return m_editMode; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline unsigned int CNavMesh::GetSubVersionNumber( void ) const { return 0; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline CNavArea *CNavMesh::CreateArea( void ) const { return new CNavArea; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void CNavMesh::DestroyArea( CNavArea *pArea ) const { delete pArea; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline int CNavMesh::ComputeHashKey( unsigned int id ) const { return id & 0xFF; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline int CNavMesh::WorldToGridX( float wx ) const { int x = (int)( (wx - m_minX) / m_gridCellSize ); if (x < 0) x = 0; else if (x >= m_gridSizeX) x = m_gridSizeX-1; return x; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline int CNavMesh::WorldToGridY( float wy ) const { int y = (int)( (wy - m_minY) / m_gridCellSize ); if (y < 0) y = 0; else if (y >= m_gridSizeY) y = m_gridSizeY-1; return y; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline unsigned int CNavMesh::GetGenerationTraceMask( void ) const { return MASK_NPCSOLID_BRUSHONLY; } //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Function prototypes // extern void ApproachAreaAnalysisPrep( void ); extern void CleanupApproachAreaAnalysisPrep( void ); extern bool IsHeightDifferenceValid( float test, float other1, float other2, float other3 ); #endif // _NAV_MESH_H_