//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: Implements an interface for reading and writing heirarchical // text files of key value pairs. The format of the file is as follows: // // chunkname0 // { // "key0" "value0" // "key1" "value1" // ... // "keyN" "valueN" // chunkname1 // { // "key0" "value0" // "key1" "value1" // ... // "keyN" "valueN" // } // } // ... // chunknameN // { // "key0" "value0" // "key1" "value1" // ... // "keyN" "valueN" // } // // The chunk names are not necessarily unique, nor are the key names, unless the // parsing application requires them to be. // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// #include <fcntl.h> #ifdef _WIN32 #include <io.h> #endif #include <math.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include "chunkfile.h" #include "mathlib/vector.h" #include "mathlib/vector4d.h" #include "tier1/strtools.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Constructor. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CChunkHandlerMap::CChunkHandlerMap(void) { m_pHandlers = NULL; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Destructor. Frees handler list. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CChunkHandlerMap::~CChunkHandlerMap(void) { ChunkHandlerInfoNode_t *pNode = m_pHandlers; while (pNode != NULL) { ChunkHandlerInfoNode_t *pPrev = pNode; pNode = pNode->pNext; delete pPrev; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Adds a chunk handler to the handler list. // Input : pszChunkName - Name of chunk to be handled. // pfnHandler - Address of handler callback function. // pData - Data to pass to the handler callback. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CChunkHandlerMap::AddHandler(const char *pszChunkName, ChunkHandler_t pfnHandler, void *pData) { ChunkHandlerInfoNode_t *pNew = new ChunkHandlerInfoNode_t; Q_strncpy(pNew->Handler.szChunkName, pszChunkName, sizeof( pNew->Handler.szChunkName )); pNew->Handler.pfnHandler = pfnHandler; pNew->Handler.pData = pData; pNew->pNext = NULL; if (m_pHandlers == NULL) { m_pHandlers = pNew; } else { ChunkHandlerInfoNode_t *pNode = m_pHandlers; while (pNode->pNext != NULL) { pNode = pNode->pNext; } pNode->pNext = pNew; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Sets the callback for error handling within this chunk's scope. // Input : pfnHandler - // pData - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CChunkHandlerMap::SetErrorHandler(ChunkErrorHandler_t pfnHandler, void *pData) { m_pfnErrorHandler = pfnHandler; m_pErrorData = pData; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : ppData - // Output : ChunkErrorHandler_t //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChunkErrorHandler_t CChunkHandlerMap::GetErrorHandler(void **ppData) { *ppData = m_pErrorData; return(m_pfnErrorHandler); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Gets the handler for a given chunk name, if one has been set. // Input : pszChunkName - Name of chunk. // ppfnHandler - Receives the address of the callback function. // ppData - Receives the context data for the given chunk. // Output : Returns true if a handler was found, false if not. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChunkHandler_t CChunkHandlerMap::GetHandler(const char *pszChunkName, void **ppData) { ChunkHandlerInfoNode_t *pNode = m_pHandlers; while (pNode != NULL) { if (!stricmp(pNode->Handler.szChunkName, pszChunkName)) { *ppData = pNode->Handler.pData; return(pNode->Handler.pfnHandler); } pNode = pNode->pNext; } return(false); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Constructor. Initializes data members. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CChunkFile::CChunkFile(void) { m_hFile = NULL; m_nCurrentDepth = 0; m_szIndent[0] = '\0'; m_nHandlerStackDepth = 0; m_DefaultChunkHandler = 0; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Destructor. Closes the file if it is currently open. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CChunkFile::~CChunkFile(void) { if (m_hFile != NULL) { fclose(m_hFile); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *pszChunkName - // Output : ChunkFileResult_t //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChunkFileResult_t CChunkFile::BeginChunk(const char *pszChunkName) { // // Write the chunk name and open curly. // char szBuf[MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN]; Q_snprintf(szBuf, sizeof( szBuf ), "%s\r\n%s{", pszChunkName, m_szIndent); ChunkFileResult_t eResult = WriteLine(szBuf); // // Update the indentation depth. // if (eResult == ChunkFile_Ok) { m_nCurrentDepth++; BuildIndentString(m_szIndent, m_nCurrentDepth); } return(eResult); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CChunkFile::BuildIndentString(char *pszDest, int nDepth) { if (nDepth >= 0) { for (int i = 0; i < nDepth; i++) { pszDest[i] = '\t'; } pszDest[nDepth] = '\0'; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Output : ChunkFileResult_t //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChunkFileResult_t CChunkFile::Close(void) { if (m_hFile != NULL) { fclose(m_hFile); m_hFile = NULL; } return(ChunkFile_Ok); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Output : ChunkFileResult_t //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChunkFileResult_t CChunkFile::EndChunk(void) { if (m_nCurrentDepth > 0) { m_nCurrentDepth--; BuildIndentString(m_szIndent, m_nCurrentDepth); } WriteLine("}"); return(ChunkFile_Ok); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns a string explaining the last error that occurred. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *CChunkFile::GetErrorText(ChunkFileResult_t eResult) { static char szError[MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN]; switch (eResult) { case ChunkFile_UnexpectedEOF: { Q_strncpy(szError, "unexpected end of file", sizeof( szError ) ); break; } case ChunkFile_UnexpectedSymbol: { Q_snprintf(szError, sizeof( szError ), "unexpected symbol '%s'", m_szErrorToken); break; } case ChunkFile_OpenFail: { Q_snprintf(szError, sizeof( szError ), "%s", strerror(errno)) ; break; } case ChunkFile_StringTooLong: { Q_strncpy(szError, "unterminated string or string too long", sizeof( szError ) ); break; } default: { Q_snprintf(szError, sizeof( szError ), "error %d", eResult); } } return(m_TokenReader.Error(szError)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : eError - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CChunkFile::HandleError(const char *szChunkName, ChunkFileResult_t eError) { // UNDONE: dispatch errors to the error handler. // - keep track of current chunkname for reporting errors // - use the last non-NULL handler that was pushed onto the stack? // - need a return code to determine whether to abort parsing? } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Output : ChunkFileResult_t //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChunkFileResult_t CChunkFile::HandleChunk(const char *szChunkName) { // See if the default handler wants it? if( m_DefaultChunkHandler ) { ChunkFileResult_t testResult = m_DefaultChunkHandler( this, m_pDefaultChunkHandlerData, szChunkName ); if( testResult == ChunkFile_Ok ) { return ChunkFile_Ok; } } // // If there is an active handler map... // if (m_nHandlerStackDepth > 0) { CChunkHandlerMap *pHandler = m_HandlerStack[m_nHandlerStackDepth - 1]; // // If a chunk handler was found in the handler map... // void *pData; ChunkHandler_t pfnHandler = pHandler->GetHandler(szChunkName, &pData); if (pfnHandler != NULL) { // Dispatch this chunk to the handler. ChunkFileResult_t eResult = pfnHandler(this, pData); if (eResult != ChunkFile_Ok) { return(eResult); } } else { // // No handler for this chunk. Skip to the matching close curly brace. // int nDepth = 1; ChunkFileResult_t eResult; do { ChunkType_t eChunkType; char szKey[MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN]; char szValue[MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN]; while ((eResult = ReadNext(szKey, szValue, sizeof(szValue), eChunkType)) == ChunkFile_Ok) { if (eChunkType == ChunkType_Chunk) { nDepth++; } } if (eResult == ChunkFile_EndOfChunk) { eResult = ChunkFile_Ok; nDepth--; } else if (eResult == ChunkFile_EOF) { return(ChunkFile_UnexpectedEOF); } } while ((nDepth) && (eResult == ChunkFile_Ok)); } } return(ChunkFile_Ok); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Opens the chunk file for reading or writing. // Input : pszFileName - Path of file to open. // eMode - ChunkFile_Read or ChunkFile_Write. // Output : Returns ChunkFile_Ok on success, ChunkFile_Fail on failure. // UNDONE: boolean return value? //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChunkFileResult_t CChunkFile::Open(const char *pszFileName, ChunkFileOpenMode_t eMode) { if (eMode == ChunkFile_Read) { // UNDONE: TokenReader encapsulates file - unify reading and writing to use the same file I/O. // UNDONE: Support in-memory parsing. if (m_TokenReader.Open(pszFileName)) { m_nCurrentDepth = 0; } else { return(ChunkFile_OpenFail); } } else if (eMode == ChunkFile_Write) { m_hFile = fopen(pszFileName, "wb"); if (m_hFile == NULL) { return(ChunkFile_OpenFail); } m_nCurrentDepth = 0; } return(ChunkFile_Ok); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Removes the topmost set of chunk handlers. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CChunkFile::PopHandlers(void) { if (m_nHandlerStackDepth > 0) { m_nHandlerStackDepth--; } } void CChunkFile::SetDefaultChunkHandler( DefaultChunkHandler_t pHandler, void *pData ) { m_DefaultChunkHandler = pHandler; m_pDefaultChunkHandlerData = pData;} //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Adds a set of chunk handlers to the top of the handler stack. // Input : pHandlerMap - Object containing the list of chunk handlers. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CChunkFile::PushHandlers(CChunkHandlerMap *pHandlerMap) { if (m_nHandlerStackDepth < MAX_INDENT_DEPTH) { m_HandlerStack[m_nHandlerStackDepth] = pHandlerMap; m_nHandlerStackDepth++; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Reads the next term from the chunk file. The type of term read is // returned in the eChunkType parameter. // Input : szName - Name of key or chunk. // szValue - If eChunkType is ChunkType_Key, contains the value of the key. // nValueSize - Size of the buffer pointed to by szValue. // eChunkType - ChunkType_Key or ChunkType_Chunk. // Output : Returns ChunkFile_Ok on success, an error code if a parsing error occurs. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChunkFileResult_t CChunkFile::ReadNext(char *szName, char *szValue, int nValueSize, ChunkType_t &eChunkType) { // HACK: pass in buffer sizes? trtoken_t eTokenType = m_TokenReader.NextToken(szName, MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN); if (eTokenType != TOKENEOF) { switch (eTokenType) { case IDENT: case STRING: { char szNext[MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN]; trtoken_t eNextTokenType; // // Read the next token to determine what we have. // eNextTokenType = m_TokenReader.NextToken(szNext, sizeof(szNext)); switch (eNextTokenType) { case OPERATOR: { if (!stricmp(szNext, "{")) { // Beginning of new chunk. m_nCurrentDepth++; eChunkType = ChunkType_Chunk; szValue[0] = '\0'; return(ChunkFile_Ok); } else { // Unexpected symbol. Q_strncpy(m_szErrorToken, szNext, sizeof( m_szErrorToken ) ); return(ChunkFile_UnexpectedSymbol); } } case STRING: case IDENT: { // Key value pair. Q_strncpy(szValue, szNext, nValueSize ); eChunkType = ChunkType_Key; return(ChunkFile_Ok); } case TOKENEOF: { // Unexpected end of file. return(ChunkFile_UnexpectedEOF); } case TOKENSTRINGTOOLONG: { // String too long or unterminated string. return ChunkFile_StringTooLong; } } } case OPERATOR: { if (!stricmp(szName, "}")) { // End of current chunk. m_nCurrentDepth--; return(ChunkFile_EndOfChunk); } else { // Unexpected symbol. Q_strncpy(m_szErrorToken, szName, sizeof( m_szErrorToken ) ); return(ChunkFile_UnexpectedSymbol); } } case TOKENSTRINGTOOLONG: { return ChunkFile_StringTooLong; } } } if (m_nCurrentDepth != 0) { // End of file while within the scope of a chunk. return(ChunkFile_UnexpectedEOF); } return(ChunkFile_EOF); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Reads the current chunk and dispatches keys and sub-chunks to the // appropriate handler callbacks. // Input : pfnKeyHandler - Callback for any key values in this chunk. // pData - Data to pass to the key value callback function. // Output : Normally returns ChunkFile_Ok or ChunkFile_EOF. Otherwise, returns // a ChunkFile_xxx error code. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChunkFileResult_t CChunkFile::ReadChunk(KeyHandler_t pfnKeyHandler, void *pData) { // // Read the keys and sub-chunks. // ChunkFileResult_t eResult; do { char szName[MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN]; char szValue[MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN]; ChunkType_t eChunkType; eResult = ReadNext(szName, szValue, sizeof(szValue), eChunkType); if (eResult == ChunkFile_Ok) { if (eChunkType == ChunkType_Chunk) { // // Dispatch sub-chunks to the appropriate handler. // eResult = HandleChunk(szName); } else if ((eChunkType == ChunkType_Key) && (pfnKeyHandler != NULL)) { // // Dispatch keys to the key value handler. // eResult = pfnKeyHandler(szName, szValue, pData); } } } while (eResult == ChunkFile_Ok); // // Cover up ChunkFile_EndOfChunk results because the caller doesn't want to see them. // if (eResult == ChunkFile_EndOfChunk) { eResult = ChunkFile_Ok; } // // Dispatch errors to the handler. // if ((eResult != ChunkFile_Ok) && (eResult != ChunkFile_EOF)) { //HandleError("chunkname", eResult); } return(eResult); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : pszValue - // pbBool - // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueBool(const char *pszValue, bool &bBool) { int nValue = atoi(pszValue); if (nValue > 0) { bBool = true; } else { bBool = false; } return(true); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : pszValue - // pfFloat - // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueFloat(const char *pszValue, float &flFloat) { flFloat = (float)atof(pszValue); return(true); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : pszValue - // pnInt - // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueInt(const char *pszValue, int &nInt) { nInt = atoi(pszValue); return(true); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : pszKey - // r - // g - // b - // Output : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueColor(const char *pszValue, unsigned char &chRed, unsigned char &chGreen, unsigned char &chBlue) { if (pszValue != NULL) { int r = 0; int g = 0; int b = 0; if (sscanf(pszValue, "%d %d %d", &r, &g, &b) == 3) { chRed = r; chGreen = g; chBlue = b; return(true); } } return(false); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : pszValue - // pfPoint - // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CChunkFile::ReadKeyValuePoint(const char *pszValue, Vector &Point) { if (pszValue != NULL) { return(sscanf(pszValue, "(%f %f %f)", &Point.x, &Point.y, &Point.z) == 3); } return(false); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : pszValue - // pfVector - // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueVector2(const char *pszValue, Vector2D &vec) { if (pszValue != NULL) { return ( sscanf( pszValue, "[%f %f]", &vec.x, &vec.y) == 2 ); } return(false); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : pszValue - // pfVector - // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueVector3(const char *pszValue, Vector &vec) { if (pszValue != NULL) { return(sscanf(pszValue, "[%f %f %f]", &vec.x, &vec.y, &vec.z) == 3); } return(false); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : pszValue - // pfVector - // Output : Returns true on success, false on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CChunkFile::ReadKeyValueVector4(const char *pszValue, Vector4D &vec) { if( pszValue != NULL ) { return(sscanf(pszValue, "[%f %f %f %f]", &vec[0], &vec[1], &vec[2], &vec[3]) == 4); } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : pszLine - // Output : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChunkFileResult_t CChunkFile::WriteKeyValue(const char *pszKey, const char *pszValue) { if ((pszKey != NULL) && (pszValue != NULL)) { char szTemp[MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN]; Q_snprintf(szTemp, sizeof( szTemp ), "\"%s\" \"%s\"", pszKey, pszValue); return(WriteLine(szTemp)); } return(ChunkFile_Ok); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : pszKey - // bValue - // Output : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChunkFileResult_t CChunkFile::WriteKeyValueBool(const char *pszKey, bool bValue) { if (pszKey != NULL) { char szBuf[MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN]; Q_snprintf(szBuf, sizeof( szBuf ), "\"%s\" \"%d\"", pszKey, (int)bValue); return(WriteLine(szBuf)); } return(ChunkFile_Ok); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : pszKey - // nValue - // Output : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChunkFileResult_t CChunkFile::WriteKeyValueInt(const char *pszKey, int nValue) { if (pszKey != NULL) { char szBuf[MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN]; Q_snprintf(szBuf, sizeof( szBuf ), "\"%s\" \"%d\"", pszKey, nValue); return(WriteLine(szBuf)); } return(ChunkFile_Ok); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : pszKey - // fValue - // Output : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChunkFileResult_t CChunkFile::WriteKeyValueFloat(const char *pszKey, float fValue) { if (pszKey != NULL) { char szBuf[MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN]; Q_snprintf(szBuf, sizeof( szBuf ), "\"%s\" \"%g\"", pszKey, (double)fValue); return(WriteLine(szBuf)); } return(ChunkFile_Ok); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : pszKey - // r - // g - // b - // Output : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChunkFileResult_t CChunkFile::WriteKeyValueColor(const char *pszKey, unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b) { if (pszKey != NULL) { char szBuf[MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN]; Q_snprintf(szBuf, sizeof( szBuf ), "\"%s\" \"%d %d %d\"", pszKey, (int)r, (int)g, (int)b); return(WriteLine(szBuf)); } return(ChunkFile_Ok); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : pszKey - // fVector - // Output : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChunkFileResult_t CChunkFile::WriteKeyValuePoint(const char *pszKey, const Vector &Point) { if (pszKey != NULL) { char szBuf[MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN]; Q_snprintf(szBuf, sizeof( szBuf ), "\"%s\" \"(%g %g %g)\"", pszKey, (double)Point[0], (double)Point[1], (double)Point[2]); return(WriteLine(szBuf)); } return(ChunkFile_Ok); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChunkFileResult_t CChunkFile::WriteKeyValueVector2(const char *pszKey, const Vector2D &vec) { if (pszKey != NULL) { char szBuf[MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN]; Q_snprintf( szBuf, sizeof( szBuf ), "\"%s\" \"[%g %g]\"", pszKey, (double)vec.x, (double)vec.y ); return(WriteLine(szBuf)); } return(ChunkFile_Ok); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChunkFileResult_t CChunkFile::WriteKeyValueVector3(const char *pszKey, const Vector &vec) { if (pszKey != NULL) { char szBuf[MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN]; Q_snprintf(szBuf, sizeof( szBuf ), "\"%s\" \"[%g %g %g]\"", pszKey, (double)vec.x, (double)vec.y, (double)vec.z); return(WriteLine(szBuf)); } return(ChunkFile_Ok); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : pszKey - // fVector - // Output : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChunkFileResult_t CChunkFile::WriteKeyValueVector4(const char *pszKey, const Vector4D &vec) { if (pszKey != NULL) { char szBuf[MAX_KEYVALUE_LEN]; Q_snprintf(szBuf, sizeof( szBuf ), "\"%s\" \"[%g %g %g %g]\"", pszKey, (double)vec.x, (double)vec.y, (double)vec.z, (double)vec.w); return( WriteLine( szBuf ) ); } return( ChunkFile_Ok ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *pszLine - // Output : //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ChunkFileResult_t CChunkFile::WriteLine(const char *pszLine) { if (pszLine != NULL) { // // Write the indentation string. // if (m_nCurrentDepth > 0) { int nWritten = fwrite(m_szIndent, 1, m_nCurrentDepth, m_hFile); if (nWritten != m_nCurrentDepth) { return(ChunkFile_Fail); } } // // Write the string. // int nLen = strlen(pszLine); int nWritten = fwrite(pszLine, 1, nLen, m_hFile); if (nWritten != nLen) { return(ChunkFile_Fail); } // // Write the linefeed. // if (fwrite("\r\n", 1, 2, m_hFile) != 2) { return(ChunkFile_Fail); } } return(ChunkFile_Ok); }