//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 

#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once

#include "tier1/utlvector.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
#include "tier1/utllinkedlist.h"
#include "tier1/netadr.h"
#include "igameserverdata.h"

// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"

typedef int SocketHandle_t;

struct ISocketCreatorListener
	// Methods to allow other classes to allocate data associated w/ sockets
	// Return false to disallow socket acceptance
	virtual bool ShouldAcceptSocket( SocketHandle_t hSocket, const netadr_t &netAdr ) = 0; 
	virtual void OnSocketAccepted( SocketHandle_t hSocket, const netadr_t &netAdr, void** ppData ) = 0; 
	virtual void OnSocketClosed( SocketHandle_t hSocket, const netadr_t &netAdr, void* pData ) = 0;

// container class to handle network streams
class CSocketCreator 
	CSocketCreator( ISocketCreatorListener *pListener = NULL );

	// Call this once per frame
	void RunFrame();

	// This method is used to put the socket in a mode where it's listening
	// for connections and a connection is made once the request is received
	bool CreateListenSocket( const netadr_t &netAdr );
	void CloseListenSocket();
	bool IsListening() const;

	// This method is used to connect to/disconnect from an external listening socket creator
	// Returns accepted socket index, or -1 if it failed.
	// Use GetAcceptedSocket* methods to access this socket's data
	// if bSingleSocket == true, all accepted sockets are closed before the new one is opened
	// NOTE: Closing an accepted socket will re-index all the sockets with higher indices
	int ConnectSocket( const netadr_t &netAdr, bool bSingleSocket );
	void CloseAcceptedSocket( int nIndex );
	void CloseAllAcceptedSockets();
	int GetAcceptedSocketCount() const;
	SocketHandle_t GetAcceptedSocketHandle( int nIndex ) const;
	const netadr_t& GetAcceptedSocketAddress( int nIndex ) const;
	void* GetAcceptedSocketData( int nIndex );

	// Closes all open sockets (listen + accepted)
	void Disconnect();


	void ProcessAccept();
	bool ConfigureSocket( int sock );

	struct AcceptedSocket_t
		SocketHandle_t	m_hSocket;
		netadr_t		m_Address;
		void			*m_pData;

		bool operator==( const AcceptedSocket_t &rhs ) const { return ( m_Address.CompareAdr( rhs.m_Address ) == 0 ); }

	ISocketCreatorListener *m_pListener;
	CUtlVector< AcceptedSocket_t > m_hAcceptedSockets;
	SocketHandle_t	m_hListenSocket;	// Used to accept connections
	netadr_t		m_ListenAddress;	// Address used to listen on

// Returns true if the socket would block because of the last socket command
bool SocketWouldBlock();