//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: Bot radio chatter system // // $NoKeywords: $ //=============================================================================// // Author: Michael S. Booth (mike@turtlerockstudios.com), 2003 #ifndef CS_BOT_CHATTER_H #define CS_BOT_CHATTER_H #pragma warning( disable : 4786 ) // long STL names get truncated in browse info. #include "nav_mesh.h" #include "cs_gamestate.h" class CCSBot; class BotChatterInterface; #define MAX_PLACES_PER_MAP 64 typedef unsigned int PlaceCriteria; typedef unsigned int CountCriteria; #define UNDEFINED_COUNT 0xFFFF #define COUNT_CURRENT_ENEMIES 0xFF // use the number of enemies we see right when we speak #define COUNT_MANY 4 // equal to or greater than this is "many" #define UNDEFINED_SUBJECT (-1) /// @todo Make Place a class with member fuctions for this const Vector *GetRandomSpotAtPlace( Place place ); //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * A meme is a unit information that bots use to * transmit information to each other via the radio */ class BotMeme { public: void Transmit( CCSBot *sender ) const; ///< transmit meme to other bots // It is a best practice to always have a virtual destructor in an interface // class. Otherwise if the derived classes have destructors they will not be // called. virtual ~BotMeme() {} virtual void Interpret( CCSBot *sender, CCSBot *receiver ) const = 0; ///< cause the given bot to act on this meme }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class BotHelpMeme : public BotMeme { public: BotHelpMeme( Place place = UNDEFINED_PLACE ) { m_place = place; } virtual void Interpret( CCSBot *sender, CCSBot *receiver ) const; ///< cause the given bot to act on this meme private: Place m_place; ///< where the help is needed }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class BotBombsiteStatusMeme : public BotMeme { public: enum StatusType { CLEAR, PLANTED }; BotBombsiteStatusMeme( int zoneIndex, StatusType status ) { m_zoneIndex = zoneIndex; m_status = status; } virtual void Interpret( CCSBot *sender, CCSBot *receiver ) const; ///< cause the given bot to act on this meme private: int m_zoneIndex; ///< the bombsite StatusType m_status; ///< whether it is cleared or the bomb is there (planted) }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class BotBombStatusMeme : public BotMeme { public: BotBombStatusMeme( CSGameState::BombState state, const Vector &pos ) { m_state = state; m_pos = pos; } virtual void Interpret( CCSBot *sender, CCSBot *receiver ) const; ///< cause the given bot to act on this meme private: CSGameState::BombState m_state; Vector m_pos; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class BotFollowMeme : public BotMeme { public: virtual void Interpret( CCSBot *sender, CCSBot *receiver ) const; ///< cause the given bot to act on this meme }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class BotDefendHereMeme : public BotMeme { public: BotDefendHereMeme( const Vector &pos ) { m_pos = pos; } virtual void Interpret( CCSBot *sender, CCSBot *receiver ) const; ///< cause the given bot to act on this meme private: Vector m_pos; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class BotWhereBombMeme : public BotMeme { public: virtual void Interpret( CCSBot *sender, CCSBot *receiver ) const; ///< cause the given bot to act on this meme }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class BotRequestReportMeme : public BotMeme { public: virtual void Interpret( CCSBot *sender, CCSBot *receiver ) const; ///< cause the given bot to act on this meme }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class BotAllHostagesGoneMeme : public BotMeme { public: virtual void Interpret( CCSBot *sender, CCSBot *receiver ) const; ///< cause the given bot to act on this meme }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class BotHostageBeingTakenMeme : public BotMeme { public: virtual void Interpret( CCSBot *sender, CCSBot *receiver ) const; ///< cause the given bot to act on this meme }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class BotHeardNoiseMeme : public BotMeme { public: virtual void Interpret( CCSBot *sender, CCSBot *receiver ) const; ///< cause the given bot to act on this meme }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class BotWarnSniperMeme : public BotMeme { public: virtual void Interpret( CCSBot *sender, CCSBot *receiver ) const; ///< cause the given bot to act on this meme }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- enum BotStatementType { REPORT_VISIBLE_ENEMIES, REPORT_ENEMY_ACTION, REPORT_MY_CURRENT_TASK, REPORT_MY_INTENTION, REPORT_CRITICAL_EVENT, REPORT_REQUEST_HELP, REPORT_REQUEST_INFORMATION, REPORT_ROUND_END, REPORT_MY_PLAN, REPORT_INFORMATION, REPORT_EMOTE, REPORT_ACKNOWLEDGE, ///< affirmative or negative REPORT_ENEMIES_REMAINING, REPORT_FRIENDLY_FIRE, REPORT_KILLED_FRIEND, REPORT_ENEMY_LOST, NUM_BOT_STATEMENT_TYPES }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * BotSpeakables are the smallest unit of bot chatter. * They represent a specific wav file of a phrase, and the criteria for which it is useful */ class BotSpeakable { public: BotSpeakable(); ~BotSpeakable(); char *m_phrase; float m_duration; PlaceCriteria m_place; CountCriteria m_count; }; typedef CUtlVector< BotSpeakable * > BotSpeakableVector; typedef CUtlVector< BotSpeakableVector * > BotVoiceBankVector; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * The BotPhrase class is a collection of Speakables associated with a name, ID, and criteria */ class BotPhrase { public: char *GetSpeakable( int bankIndex, float *duration = NULL ) const; ///< return a random speakable and its duration in seconds that meets the current criteria // NOTE: Criteria must be set just before the GetSpeakable() call, since they are shared among all bots void ClearCriteria( void ) const; void SetPlaceCriteria( PlaceCriteria place ) const; ///< all returned phrases must have this place criteria void SetCountCriteria( CountCriteria count ) const; ///< all returned phrases must have this count criteria const char *GetName( void ) const { return m_name; } const unsigned int GetPlace( void ) const { return m_place; } RadioType GetRadioEquivalent( void ) const { return m_radioEvent; } ///< return equivalent "standard radio" event bool IsImportant( void ) const { return m_isImportant; } ///< return true if this phrase is part of an important statement bool IsPlace( void ) const { return m_isPlace; } void Randomize( void ); ///< randomly shuffle the speakable order private: friend class BotPhraseManager; BotPhrase( bool isPlace ); ~BotPhrase(); char *m_name; Place m_place; bool m_isPlace; ///< true if this is a Place phrase RadioType m_radioEvent; ///< equivalent radio event bool m_isImportant; ///< mission-critical statement mutable BotVoiceBankVector m_voiceBank; ///< array of voice banks (arrays of speakables) CUtlVector< int > m_count; ///< number of speakables mutable CUtlVector< int > m_index; ///< index of next speakable to return int m_numVoiceBanks; ///< number of voice banks that have been initialized void InitVoiceBank( int bankIndex ); ///< sets up the vector of voice banks for the first bankIndex voice banks mutable PlaceCriteria m_placeCriteria; mutable CountCriteria m_countCriteria; }; typedef CUtlVector<BotPhrase *> BotPhraseList; inline void BotPhrase::ClearCriteria( void ) const { m_placeCriteria = ANY_PLACE; m_countCriteria = UNDEFINED_COUNT; } inline void BotPhrase::SetPlaceCriteria( PlaceCriteria place ) const { m_placeCriteria = place; } inline void BotPhrase::SetCountCriteria( CountCriteria count ) const { m_countCriteria = count; } enum BotChatterOutputType { BOT_CHATTER_RADIO, BOT_CHATTER_VOICE }; typedef CUtlVector<BotChatterOutputType> BotOutputList; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * The BotPhraseManager is a singleton that provides an interface to all BotPhrase collections */ class BotPhraseManager { public: BotPhraseManager( void ); ~BotPhraseManager(); bool Initialize( const char *filename, int bankIndex ); ///< initialize phrase system from database file for a specific voice bank (0 is the default voice bank) void OnRoundRestart( void ); ///< invoked when round resets void OnMapChange( void ); ///< invoked when map changes void Reset( void ); const BotPhrase *GetPhrase( const char *name ) const; ///< given a name, return the associated phrase collection const BotPhrase *GetPainPhrase( void ) const { return m_painPhrase; } ///< optimization, replaces a static pointer to the phrase const BotPhrase *GetAgreeWithPlanPhrase( void ) const { return m_agreeWithPlanPhrase; } ///< optimization, replaces a static pointer to the phrase const BotPhrase *GetPlace( const char *name ) const; ///< given a name, return the associated Place phrase collection const BotPhrase *GetPlace( unsigned int id ) const; ///< given an id, return the associated Place phrase collection const BotPhraseList *GetPlaceList( void ) const { return &m_placeList; } float GetPlaceStatementInterval( Place where ) const; ///< return time last statement of given type was emitted by a teammate for the given place void ResetPlaceStatementInterval( Place where ); ///< set time of last statement of given type was emitted by a teammate for the given place BotChatterOutputType GetOutputType( int voiceBank ) const; private: BotPhraseList m_list; ///< master list of all phrase collections BotPhraseList m_placeList; ///< master list of all Place phrases BotOutputList m_output; const BotPhrase *m_painPhrase; const BotPhrase *m_agreeWithPlanPhrase; struct PlaceTimeInfo { Place placeID; IntervalTimer timer; }; mutable PlaceTimeInfo m_placeStatementHistory[ MAX_PLACES_PER_MAP ]; mutable int m_placeCount; int FindPlaceIndex( Place where ) const; }; inline int BotPhraseManager::FindPlaceIndex( Place where ) const { for( int i=0; i<m_placeCount; ++i ) if (m_placeStatementHistory[i].placeID == where) return i; // no such place - allocate it if (m_placeCount < MAX_PLACES_PER_MAP) { m_placeStatementHistory[ ++m_placeCount ].placeID = where; m_placeStatementHistory[ ++m_placeCount ].timer.Invalidate(); return m_placeCount-1; } // place directory is full return -1; } /** * Return time last statement of given type was emitted by a teammate for the given place */ inline float BotPhraseManager::GetPlaceStatementInterval( Place place ) const { int index = FindPlaceIndex( place ); if (index < 0) return 999999.9f; if (index >= m_placeCount) return 999999.9f; return m_placeStatementHistory[ index ].timer.GetElapsedTime(); } /** * Set time of last statement of given type was emitted by a teammate for the given place */ inline void BotPhraseManager::ResetPlaceStatementInterval( Place place ) { int index = FindPlaceIndex( place ); if (index < 0) return; if (index >= m_placeCount) return; // update entry m_placeStatementHistory[ index ].timer.Reset(); } extern BotPhraseManager *TheBotPhrases; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Statements are meaningful collections of phrases */ class BotStatement { public: BotStatement( BotChatterInterface *chatter, BotStatementType type, float expireDuration ); ~BotStatement(); BotChatterInterface *GetChatter( void ) const { return m_chatter; } CCSBot *GetOwner( void ) const; BotStatementType GetType( void ) const { return m_type; } ///< return the type of statement this is bool IsImportant( void ) const; ///< return true if this statement is "important" and not personality chatter bool HasSubject( void ) const { return (m_subject == UNDEFINED_SUBJECT) ? false : true; } void SetSubject( int playerID ) { m_subject = playerID; } ///< who this statement is about int GetSubject( void ) const { return m_subject; } ///< who this statement is about bool HasPlace( void ) const { return (GetPlace()) ? true : false; } Place GetPlace( void ) const; ///< if this statement refers to a specific place, return that place void SetPlace( Place where ) { m_place = where; } ///< explicitly set place bool HasCount( void ) const; ///< return true if this statement has an associated count bool IsRedundant( const BotStatement *say ) const; ///< return true if this statement is the same as the given one bool IsObsolete( void ) const; ///< return true if this statement is no longer appropriate to say void Convert( const BotStatement *say ); ///< possibly change what were going to say base on what teammate is saying void AppendPhrase( const BotPhrase *phrase ); void SetStartTime( float timestamp ) { m_startTime = timestamp; } ///< define the earliest time this statement can be spoken float GetStartTime( void ) const { return m_startTime; } enum ConditionType { IS_IN_COMBAT, RADIO_SILENCE, ENEMIES_REMAINING, NUM_CONDITIONS }; void AddCondition( ConditionType condition ); ///< conditions must be true for the statement to be spoken bool IsValid( void ) const; ///< verify all attached conditions enum ContextType { CURRENT_ENEMY_COUNT, REMAINING_ENEMY_COUNT, SHORT_DELAY, LONG_DELAY, ACCUMULATE_ENEMIES_DELAY }; void AppendPhrase( ContextType contextPhrase ); ///< special phrases that depend on the context bool Update( void ); ///< emit statement over time, return false if statement is done bool IsSpeaking( void ) const { return m_isSpeaking; } ///< return true if this statement is currently being spoken float GetTimestamp( void ) const { return m_timestamp; } ///< get time statement was created (but not necessarily started talking) void AttachMeme( BotMeme *meme ); ///< attach a meme to this statement, to be transmitted to other friendly bots when spoken private: friend class BotChatterInterface; BotChatterInterface *m_chatter; ///< the chatter system this statement is part of BotStatement *m_next, *m_prev; ///< linked list hooks BotStatementType m_type; ///< what kind of statement this is int m_subject; ///< who this subject is about Place m_place; ///< explicit place - note some phrases have implicit places as well BotMeme *m_meme; ///< a statement can only have a single meme for now float m_timestamp; ///< time when message was created float m_startTime; ///< the earliest time this statement can be spoken float m_expireTime; ///< time when this statement is no longer valid float m_speakTimestamp; ///< time when message began being spoken bool m_isSpeaking; ///< true if this statement is current being spoken float m_nextTime; ///< time for next phrase to begin enum { MAX_BOT_PHRASES = 4 }; struct { bool isPhrase; union { const BotPhrase *phrase; ContextType context; }; } m_statement[ MAX_BOT_PHRASES ]; enum { MAX_BOT_CONDITIONS = 4 }; ConditionType m_condition[ MAX_BOT_CONDITIONS ]; ///< conditions that must be true for the statement to be said int m_conditionCount; int m_index; ///< m_index refers to the phrase currently being spoken, or -1 if we havent started yet int m_count; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * This class defines the interface to the bot radio chatter system */ class BotChatterInterface { public: BotChatterInterface( CCSBot *me ); ~BotChatterInterface( ); void Reset( void ); ///< reset to initial state void Update( void ); ///< process ongoing chatter /// invoked when event occurs in the game (some events have NULL entities) void OnDeath( void ); ///< invoked when we die enum VerbosityType { NORMAL, ///< full chatter MINIMAL, ///< only scenario-critical events RADIO, ///< use the standard radio instead OFF ///< no chatter at all }; VerbosityType GetVerbosity( void ) const; ///< return our current level of verbosity CCSBot *GetOwner( void ) const { return m_me; } bool IsTalking( void ) const; ///< return true if we are currently talking float GetRadioSilenceDuration( void ); ///< return time since any teammate said anything void ResetRadioSilenceDuration( void ); enum { MUST_ADD = 1 }; void AddStatement( BotStatement *statement, bool mustAdd = false ); ///< register a statement for speaking void RemoveStatement( BotStatement *statement ); ///< remove a statement BotStatement *GetActiveStatement( void ); ///< returns the statement that is being spoken, or is next to be spoken if no-one is speaking now BotStatement *GetStatement( void ) const; ///< returns our current statement, or NULL if we aren't speaking int GetPitch( void ) const { return m_pitch; } //-- things the bots can say --------------------------------------------------------------------- void Say( const char *phraseName, float lifetime = 3.0f, float delay = 0.0f ); void AnnouncePlan( const char *phraseName, Place where ); void Affirmative( void ); void Negative( void ); void EnemySpotted( void ); ///< report enemy sightings void KilledMyEnemy( int victimID ); void EnemiesRemaining( void ); void SpottedSniper( void ); void FriendSpottedSniper( void ); void Clear( Place where ); void ReportIn( void ); ///< ask for current situation void ReportingIn( void ); ///< report current situation bool NeedBackup( void ); void PinnedDown( void ); void Scared( void ); void HeardNoise( const Vector &pos ); void FriendHeardNoise( void ); void TheyPickedUpTheBomb( void ); void GoingToPlantTheBomb( Place where ); void BombsiteClear( int zoneIndex ); void FoundPlantedBomb( int zoneIndex ); void PlantingTheBomb( Place where ); void SpottedBomber( CBasePlayer *bomber ); void SpottedLooseBomb( CBaseEntity *bomb ); void GuardingLooseBomb( CBaseEntity *bomb ); void RequestBombLocation( void ); #define IS_PLAN true void GuardingHostages( Place where, bool isPlan = false ); void GuardingHostageEscapeZone( bool isPlan = false ); void HostagesBeingTaken( void ); void HostagesTaken( void ); void TalkingToHostages( void ); void EscortingHostages( void ); void HostageDown( void ); void GuardingBombsite( Place where ); void CelebrateWin( void ); void Encourage( const char *phraseName, float repeatInterval = 10.0f, float lifetime = 3.0f ); ///< "encourage" the player to do the scenario void KilledFriend( void ); void FriendlyFire( void ); bool SeesAtLeastOneEnemy( void ) const { return m_seeAtLeastOneEnemy; } private: BotStatement *m_statementList; ///< list of all active/pending messages for this bot void ReportEnemies( void ); ///< track nearby enemy count and generate enemy activity statements bool ShouldSpeak( void ) const; ///< return true if we speaking makes sense now CCSBot *m_me; ///< the bot this chatter is for bool m_seeAtLeastOneEnemy; float m_timeWhenSawFirstEnemy; bool m_reportedEnemies; bool m_requestedBombLocation; ///< true if we already asked where the bomb has been planted int m_pitch; static IntervalTimer m_radioSilenceInterval[ 2 ]; ///< one timer for each team IntervalTimer m_needBackupInterval; IntervalTimer m_spottedBomberInterval; IntervalTimer m_scaredInterval; IntervalTimer m_planInterval; CountdownTimer m_spottedLooseBombTimer; CountdownTimer m_heardNoiseTimer; CountdownTimer m_escortingHostageTimer; CountdownTimer m_warnSniperTimer; static CountdownTimer m_encourageTimer; ///< timer to know when we can "encourage" the human player again - shared by all bots }; inline BotChatterInterface::VerbosityType BotChatterInterface::GetVerbosity( void ) const { const char *string = cv_bot_chatter.GetString(); if (string == NULL) return NORMAL; if (string[0] == 'm' || string[0] == 'M') return MINIMAL; if (string[0] == 'r' || string[0] == 'R') return RADIO; if (string[0] == 'o' || string[0] == 'O') return OFF; return NORMAL; } inline bool BotChatterInterface::IsTalking( void ) const { if (m_statementList) return m_statementList->IsSpeaking(); return false; } inline BotStatement *BotChatterInterface::GetStatement( void ) const { return m_statementList; } inline void BotChatterInterface::Say( const char *phraseName, float lifetime, float delay ) { BotStatement *say = new BotStatement( this, REPORT_MY_INTENTION, lifetime ); say->AppendPhrase( TheBotPhrases->GetPhrase( phraseName ) ); if (delay > 0.0f) say->SetStartTime( gpGlobals->curtime + delay ); AddStatement( say ); } #endif // CS_BOT_CHATTER_H