//=========== Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ===============// // // Purpose: //=============================================================================// #ifndef PROTOBUFPOOL_H #define PROTOBUFPOOL_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #include "tier0/tslist.h" #include "tier1/fmtstr.h" #include "tier1/utlstring.h" #include "tier1/utlvector.h" #if !defined( SOURCE2_PANORAMA ) #include "tier1/tsmempool.h" #include "misc.h" #endif #include "tier0/vprof.h" #include "protobuf-2.3.0/src/google/protobuf/message_lite.h" namespace panorama { #define PBMEM_POOL_LOW_TARGET 256 #define PBMEM_POOL_HIGH_TARGET 512 class IProtoBufMsgMemoryPool { public: virtual ~IProtoBufMsgMemoryPool() {} // Methods that need to be exposed out to examine memory virtual uint32 GetEstimatedSize() = 0; virtual uint32 GetCount() = 0; virtual CUtlString GetName() = 0; virtual uint32 GetAllocHitCount() = 0; virtual uint32 GetAllocMissCount() = 0; virtual void Free( void *pObjectVoid ) = 0; #ifdef DBGFLAG_VALIDATE virtual void Validate( CValidator &validator, const char *pchName ) = 0; #endif }; #if defined( SOURCE2_PANORAMA ) #include <tier0/memdbgon.h> #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CProtoBufMsgMemoryPool - Implementation for allocation pools for protobufmsgs. // We create one of these per protobuf msg type, created on first construction of // an object of that type. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< typename PB_OBJECT_TYPE > class CUIProtoBufMsgMemoryPool : public IProtoBufMsgMemoryPool { public: typedef typename CTSList< PB_OBJECT_TYPE * >::Node_t Node; CUIProtoBufMsgMemoryPool( uint32 unTargetLow, uint32 unTargetHigh ) { m_unTargetCountLow = unTargetLow; m_unTargetCountHigh = unTargetHigh; m_unEstimatedSize = 0; m_unAllocHitCounter = 0; m_unAllocMissCounter = 0; m_pTListFreeObjects = new CTSList< PB_OBJECT_TYPE * >(); } ~CUIProtoBufMsgMemoryPool() { Node *pObject = m_pTListFreeObjects->Pop(); while ( pObject ) { Destruct( pObject->elem ); #if defined( SOURCE2_PANORAMA ) free( pObject->elem ); #else FreePv( pObject->elem ); #endif delete pObject; pObject = m_pTListFreeObjects->Pop(); } m_pTListFreeObjects->Purge(); delete m_pTListFreeObjects; } CUtlString GetName() { return PB_OBJECT_TYPE::default_instance().GetTypeName().c_str(); } uint32 GetEstimatedSize() { return m_pTListFreeObjects->Count()*m_unEstimatedSize; } uint32 GetCount() { return m_pTListFreeObjects->Count(); } uint32 GetAllocHitCount() { return m_unAllocHitCounter; } uint32 GetAllocMissCount() { return m_unAllocMissCounter; } Node * AllocProtoBuf() { Node *pObject = m_pTListFreeObjects->Pop(); if ( !pObject ) { ++m_unAllocMissCounter; pObject = new Node; #if defined( SOURCE2_PANORAMA ) pObject->elem = (PB_OBJECT_TYPE *)malloc( sizeof( PB_OBJECT_TYPE ) ); #else pObject->elem = (PB_OBJECT_TYPE *)PvAllocNoLeakTracking( sizeof( PB_OBJECT_TYPE ) ); #endif Construct( pObject->elem ); } else { ++m_unAllocHitCounter; bool bFreeAnother = false; uint32 unCount = m_pTListFreeObjects->Count(); // We'll free an extra cached msg every alloc if we are over the higher limit, and every 6th if we // are over the lower limit. This allows some elasticity to peaks in demand. if ( unCount > m_unTargetCountHigh ) bFreeAnother = true; else if ( unCount > m_unTargetCountLow && m_unAllocHitCounter % 6 == 0 ) bFreeAnother = true; if ( bFreeAnother ) { // Pop an extra item, so we can get down to target count over time Node *pThrowAway = m_pTListFreeObjects->Pop(); if ( pThrowAway ) { Destruct( pThrowAway->elem ); #if defined( SOURCE2_PANORAMA ) free( pThrowAway->elem ); #else FreePv( pThrowAway->elem ); #endif delete pThrowAway; } } } return pObject; } inline void Free( void *pObjectVoid ) { Free( (Node *)pObjectVoid ); } void Free( Node *pObject ) { if ( m_unFreeCounter++ % 2000 == 0 || m_unEstimatedSize == 0 ) { m_unEstimatedSize = pObject->elem->SpaceUsed(); } if ( m_unTargetCountHigh > 0 ) { // We always cache for re-use on free, though we may throw out later on alloc to shrink the pool pObject->elem->Clear(); m_pTListFreeObjects->Push( pObject ); } else { Destruct( pObject->elem ); #if defined( SOURCE2_PANORAMA ) free( pObject->elem ); #else FreePv( pObject->elem ); #endif delete pObject; } } #ifdef DBGFLAG_VALIDATE void Validate( CValidator &validator, const char *pchName ) { m_pTListFreeObjects->Validate( validator, "m_pTListFreeObjects" ); validator.ClaimMemory_Aligned( m_pTListFreeObjects ); } #endif // DBGFLAG_VALIDATE private: CTSList< PB_OBJECT_TYPE * > *m_pTListFreeObjects; // Not critical for these to be "right" so they don't need to be thread safe uint32 m_unEstimatedSize; uint32 m_unFreeCounter; // These counters are important to get correct, so interlocked in case of allocating on threads CInterlockedInt m_unAllocHitCounter; CInterlockedInt m_unAllocMissCounter; // Only set at construction, so not needed to be thread safe uint32 m_unTargetCountLow; uint32 m_unTargetCountHigh; }; #if defined( SOURCE2_PANORAMA ) #include <tier0/memdbgoff.h> #endif //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Ref count wrapper around protobuf message objects //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CMsgLiteRefCount { public: CMsgLiteRefCount() { m_pMemoryPool = NULL; m_pTSListNode = NULL; m_cRef = 1; } // Has to be public, so we can use in memory pool, should always already be at zero ref count though ~CMsgLiteRefCount() { DbgAssert( 0 == m_cRef ); } inline int AddRef() { return ThreadInterlockedIncrement( &m_cRef ); } int Release(); inline google::protobuf::MessageLite *AccessMsg() { return (google::protobuf::MessageLite *)(((CTSList<void *>::Node_t *)m_pTSListNode)->elem); } IProtoBufMsgMemoryPool *m_pMemoryPool; void *m_pTSListNode; void *m_pSelfNode; #ifdef DBGFLAG_VALIDATE virtual void Validate( CValidator &validator, const tchar *pchName ) { VALIDATE_SCOPE(); if ( m_cRef != 0 ) { CTSList<void *>::Node_t *pNode = (CTSList<void *>::Node_t *)m_pSelfNode; if ( pNode ) { void *pvMem = MemAlloc_Unalign( pNode ); if ( !validator.IsClaimed( pvMem ) ) validator.ClaimMemory_Aligned( pNode ); if ( !validator.IsClaimed( pNode->elem ) ) validator.ClaimMemory( pNode->elem ); } pNode = (CTSList<void *>::Node_t *)m_pTSListNode; if ( pNode ) { void *pvMem = MemAlloc_Unalign( pNode ); if ( !validator.IsClaimed( pvMem ) ) validator.ClaimMemory_Aligned( pNode ); } } } #endif private: friend class CUIProtoBufMsgMemoryPoolMgr; volatile int32 m_cRef; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CProtoBufMsgMemoryPoolMgr - Manages all the message pools for render messages proto buf objects. // Should have one global singleton instance of this which tracks all the pools // for individual message types. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CUIProtoBufMsgMemoryPoolMgr { public: CUIProtoBufMsgMemoryPoolMgr() { m_pTSListMsgLiteRefCount = new CTSList<CMsgLiteRefCount*>; } ~CUIProtoBufMsgMemoryPoolMgr() { CTSList<CMsgLiteRefCount*>::Node_t *pNode = m_pTSListMsgLiteRefCount->Pop(); while ( pNode ) { delete pNode->elem; delete pNode; pNode = m_pTSListMsgLiteRefCount->Pop(); } FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecMsgPools, i ) { delete m_vecMsgPools[i]; } m_vecMsgPools.RemoveAll(); } CTSList<CMsgLiteRefCount*>::Node_t * AllocMsgLiteRef() { CTSList<CMsgLiteRefCount*>::Node_t *pNode = m_pTSListMsgLiteRefCount->Pop(); if ( !pNode ) { pNode = new CTSList<CMsgLiteRefCount*>::Node_t; pNode->elem = new CMsgLiteRefCount(); return pNode; } else { DbgAssert( pNode->elem->m_cRef == 0 ); pNode->elem->m_cRef = 1; } return pNode; } void FreeMsgLiteRef( CTSList<CMsgLiteRefCount*>::Node_t * pRef ) { #if defined(_DEBUG) && !defined(NO_MALLOC_OVERRIDE) && !defined( SOURCE2_PANORAMA ) Assert( g_pMemAllocSteam->IsValid( pRef->elem ) ); #endif m_pTSListMsgLiteRefCount->Push( pRef ); } void RegisterPool( IProtoBufMsgMemoryPool * pPool ) { m_vecMsgPools.AddToTail( pPool ); } void DumpPoolInfo() { uint32 unTotalSize = 0; Msg( "CRenderMsgMemoryPoolMgr:\n" ); Msg( " PoolName Count Est. Size Hit Rate\n" ); Msg( " ----------------------------------------- ----------- ----------- -----------\n" ); FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecMsgPools, i ) { uint32 unHitCount = m_vecMsgPools[i]->GetAllocHitCount(); uint32 unMissCount = m_vecMsgPools[i]->GetAllocMissCount(); float flHitRate = 0.0f; if ( unHitCount > 0 || unMissCount > 0 ) { flHitRate = (float)unHitCount / (float)(unHitCount+unMissCount); flHitRate *= 100.0f; } uint32 unEstimate = m_vecMsgPools[i]->GetEstimatedSize(); Msg( "%43s%12d%12s%12s\n", m_vecMsgPools[i]->GetName().String(), m_vecMsgPools[i]->GetCount(), V_pretifymem( (float)unEstimate, 2, true ), CFmtStr( "%f%%", flHitRate ).Access() ); unTotalSize += unEstimate; } Msg( " -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ); Msg( " Total: %s\n", V_pretifymem( (float)unTotalSize, 2, true ) ); Msg( " -----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" ); Msg( "TSList for CMsgLiteRef size: %s\n", V_pretifymem( (float)m_pTSListMsgLiteRefCount->Count(), 2, true ) ); } #ifdef DBGFLAG_VALIDATE void Validate( CValidator &validator, const char *pchName ) { ValidateObj( m_vecMsgPools ); FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecMsgPools, i ) { ValidatePtr( m_vecMsgPools[i] ); } validator.ClaimMemory_Aligned( m_pTSListMsgLiteRefCount ); m_pTSListMsgLiteRefCount->Validate( validator, "m_pTSListMsgLiteRefCount" ); CUtlVector< CTSList<CMsgLiteRefCount *>::Node_t * > vecTemp; CTSList<CMsgLiteRefCount *>::Node_t *pNode = m_pTSListMsgLiteRefCount->Pop(); while ( pNode ) { ValidatePtrIfNeeded( pNode->elem ); vecTemp.AddToTail( pNode ); pNode = m_pTSListMsgLiteRefCount->Pop(); } FOR_EACH_VEC( vecTemp, i ) { m_pTSListMsgLiteRefCount->Push( vecTemp[i] ); } } #endif // DBGFLAG_VALIDATE private: CUtlVector< IProtoBufMsgMemoryPool * > m_vecMsgPools; CTSList<CMsgLiteRefCount *> *m_pTSListMsgLiteRefCount; }; // Interface that rendermsgs of all types implement class IUIProtoBufMsg { public: virtual ~IUIProtoBufMsg() {} virtual void SerializeInProc( CUtlBuffer *pBuffer ) const = 0; }; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Base class for protobuf objects //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- template< typename PB_OBJECT_TYPE > class CUIProtoBufMsg : public IUIProtoBufMsg { private: static bool s_bRegisteredWithMemoryPoolMgr; static CThreadMutex s_Mutex; static CUIProtoBufMsgMemoryPool< PB_OBJECT_TYPE > *s_pMemoryPool; public: typedef typename CTSList<PB_OBJECT_TYPE *>::Node_t Node; // Called on construction of each object of this type, but only does work // once to setup memory pools for the class type. static void OneTimeInit() { // If we haven't done registration do so now if ( !s_bRegisteredWithMemoryPoolMgr ) { // Get the lock and make sure we still haven't s_Mutex.Lock(); if ( !s_bRegisteredWithMemoryPoolMgr ) { s_pMemoryPool = new CUIProtoBufMsgMemoryPool< PB_OBJECT_TYPE >( PBMEM_POOL_LOW_TARGET, PBMEM_POOL_HIGH_TARGET ); UIEngine()->MsgMemoryPoolMgr()->RegisterPool( s_pMemoryPool ); s_bRegisteredWithMemoryPoolMgr = true; } s_Mutex.Unlock(); } } CUIProtoBufMsg() { OneTimeInit(); CTSList<CMsgLiteRefCount *>::Node_t *pRefCountNode = UIEngine()->MsgMemoryPoolMgr()->AllocMsgLiteRef(); m_pMsgRefCount = pRefCountNode->elem; m_pMsgRefCount->m_pSelfNode = pRefCountNode; m_pMsgRefCount->m_pMemoryPool = s_pMemoryPool; Node *pNode = s_pMemoryPool->AllocProtoBuf(); m_pMsgRefCount->m_pTSListNode = pNode; m_bIsValid = true; } // Expose memory pool for direct allocation of underlying PB msg objects static Node *AllocProtoBufMsgObject() { OneTimeInit(); return s_pMemoryPool->AllocProtoBuf(); } // Expose memory pool for direct allocation of underlying PB msg objects static void FreeProtoBufMsgObject( Node *pMsg ) { s_pMemoryPool->Free( pMsg ); } // Construct and deserialize in one CUIProtoBufMsg( CUtlBuffer *pBuffer ) { OneTimeInit(); m_pMsgRefCount = NULL; m_bIsValid = BDeserializeInProc( pBuffer ); } // Destructor virtual ~CUIProtoBufMsg() { CleanupAllocations(); } bool BIsValid() { return m_bIsValid; } inline void SerializeInProc( CUtlBuffer *pBuffer ) const { // Ensure enough for type, size, and serialized data pBuffer->EnsureCapacity( pBuffer->TellPut() + sizeof(uint32) + sizeof( uint64 ) ); m_pMsgRefCount->AddRef(); pBuffer->PutUnsignedInt( (int)m_eCmd ); pBuffer->PutUnsignedInt64( (uint64)m_pMsgRefCount ); } inline bool BDeserializeInProc( CUtlBuffer *pBuffer ) { if ( pBuffer->GetBytesRemaining() < (int)sizeof(uint64) ) return false; uint64 ulPtr = pBuffer->GetUnsignedInt64(); if ( ulPtr == 0 ) return false; CleanupAllocations(); m_pMsgRefCount = (CMsgLiteRefCount*)ulPtr; m_pMsgRefCount->AddRef(); return true; } void SerializeCrossProc( CUtlBuffer *pBuffer ) const { VPROF_BUDGET( "CUIProtoBufMsg::SerializeCrossProc", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_TENFOOT ); uint32 unSize = m_pMsgRefCount->AccessMsg()->ByteSize(); // Ensure enough for type, size, and serialized data pBuffer->EnsureCapacity( pBuffer->TellPut() + sizeof(uint32) * 3 + unSize ); // bugbug cboyd - drop to * 2 whenpassthrough is removed below pBuffer->PutUnsignedInt( (int)m_eCmd ); pBuffer->PutUnsignedInt( unSize ); if ( unSize == 0 ) return; uint8 *pBody = (uint8*)pBuffer->Base()+pBuffer->TellPut(); m_pMsgRefCount->AccessMsg()->SerializeWithCachedSizesToArray( pBody ); pBuffer->SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, unSize ); } bool BDeserializeCrossProc( CUtlBuffer *pBuffer ) { VPROF_BUDGET( "CUIProtoBufMsg::BDeserialize", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_TENFOOT ); if ( pBuffer->GetBytesRemaining() < (int)sizeof(uint32) ) return false; uint32 unSize = pBuffer->GetUnsignedInt(); if ( unSize == 0 ) return true; if ( pBuffer->GetBytesRemaining() < (int)unSize ) return false; bool bSucccess = m_pMsgRefCount->AccessMsg()->ParseFromArray( (uint8*)pBuffer->Base()+pBuffer->TellGet(), unSize ); pBuffer->SeekGet( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, unSize ); return bSucccess; } // Accessors PB_OBJECT_TYPE &Body() { return *((PB_OBJECT_TYPE*)(m_pMsgRefCount->AccessMsg())); } const PB_OBJECT_TYPE &BodyConst() const { return *((const PB_OBJECT_TYPE*)(m_pMsgRefCount->AccessMsg())); } protected: CMsgLiteRefCount *m_pMsgRefCount; int m_eCmd; bool m_bIsValid; private: void CleanupAllocations() { SAFE_RELEASE( m_pMsgRefCount ); } }; // Statics template< typename PB_OBJECT_TYPE > bool CUIProtoBufMsg< PB_OBJECT_TYPE>::s_bRegisteredWithMemoryPoolMgr = false; template< typename PB_OBJECT_TYPE > CThreadMutex CUIProtoBufMsg< PB_OBJECT_TYPE>::s_Mutex; template< typename PB_OBJECT_TYPE > CUIProtoBufMsgMemoryPool< PB_OBJECT_TYPE > *CUIProtoBufMsg< PB_OBJECT_TYPE>::s_pMemoryPool = NULL; } // namespace panorama #endif //PROTOBUFPOOL_H