//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // // Purpose: Implements a dialog for editing the input/output connections of a // list of entities. The connections are displayed in a grid control, // each row of the grid control representing a connection that is // common to all entities being edited. For example, given these two ents: // // Button01 // OnDamaged Sound01 PlaySound 0 0 // OnPressed Door01 Open 0 0 // // Button02 // OnPressed Door01 Open 0 0 // // If these two entities were selected, the grid control would show: // // OnPressed Door01 Open 0 0 // // because it is the only connection that is common to both entities. // Editing an entry in the grid control modifies the corresponding // connection in all selected entities. // // TODO: persist sort column index, sort directions, and column sizes // TODO: implement an external mode, where the grid shows all connections to unselected ents // //=============================================================================// #include "stdafx.h" #include "GlobalFunctions.h" #include "MapDoc.h" #include "MapEntity.h" #include "MapWorld.h" #include "ObjectProperties.h" #include "OP_Output.h" #include "ToolManager.h" #include "MainFrm.h" #include "utlrbtree.h" #include "options.h" #include ".\op_output.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include <tier0/memdbgon.h> #pragma warning( disable : 4355 ) #define ICON_CONN_BAD 0 #define ICON_CONN_GOOD 1 #define ICON_CONN_BAD_GREY 2 #define ICON_CONN_GOOD_GREY 3 const char *PARAM_STRING_NONE = "<none>"; // // Column indices for the list control. // const int ICON_COLUMN = 0; const int OUTPUT_NAME_COLUMN = 1; const int TARGET_NAME_COLUMN = 2; const int INPUT_NAME_COLUMN = 3; const int PARAMETER_COLUMN = 4; const int DELAY_COLUMN = 5; const int ONLY_ONCE_COLUMN = 6; IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(COP_Output, CObjectPage) BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(COP_Output, CObjectPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(COP_Output) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_ADD, OnAdd) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_DELETE, OnDelete) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_COPY, OnCopy) ON_WM_SIZE() ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_PASTE, OnPaste) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_MARK, OnMark) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_PICK_ENTITY, OnPickEntity) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_PICK_ENTITY_PARAM, OnPickEntityParam) ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_EDIT_CONN_INPUT, OnSelChangeInput) ON_CBN_EDITUPDATE(IDC_EDIT_CONN_INPUT, OnEditUpdateInput) ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_EDIT_CONN_OUTPUT, OnSelChangeOutput) ON_CBN_EDITUPDATE(IDC_EDIT_CONN_OUTPUT, OnEditUpdateOutput) ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_EDIT_CONN_PARAM, OnSelChangeParam) ON_CBN_EDITUPDATE(IDC_EDIT_CONN_PARAM, OnEditUpdateParam) ON_EN_CHANGE(IDC_EDIT_CONN_DELAY, OnEditDelay) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_EDIT_CONN_FIRE_ONCE, OnFireOnce) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_SHOWHIDDENTARGETS, OnShowHiddenTargetsAsBroken) ON_WM_DESTROY() //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() // ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_EDIT_CONN_TARGET, OnSelChangeTarget) // ON_CBN_EDITUPDATE(IDC_EDIT_CONN_TARGET, OnEditUpdateTarget) // // Static data. // CEntityConnectionList *COP_Output::m_pConnectionBuffer = new CEntityConnectionList; CImageList *COP_Output::m_pImageList = NULL; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Returns true if any of the target entities in the connection list are visible. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool AreAnyTargetEntitiesVisible( CEntityConnectionList *pList ) { for ( int i=0; i < pList->Count(); i++ ) { if ( pList->Element(i)->AreAnyTargetEntitiesVisible() ) return true; } return false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Compares by delays. Used as a secondary sort by all other columns. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int CALLBACK ListCompareDelaysSecondary(COutputConnection *pOutputConn1, COutputConnection *pOutputConn2, SortDirection_t eDirection) { CEntityConnectionList *pConnList1 = pOutputConn1->m_pConnList; CEntityConnectionList *pConnList2 = pOutputConn2->m_pConnList; CEntityConnection *pConn1 = pConnList1->Element(0); CEntityConnection *pConn2 = pConnList2->Element(0); return CEntityConnection::CompareDelaysSecondary(pConn1,pConn2,eDirection); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Compares by delays, does a secondary compare by output name. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int CALLBACK ListCompareDelays(COutputConnection *pOutputConn1, COutputConnection *pOutputConn2, SortDirection_t eDirection) { CEntityConnectionList *pConnList1 = pOutputConn1->m_pConnList; CEntityConnectionList *pConnList2 = pOutputConn2->m_pConnList; CEntityConnection *pConn1 = pConnList1->Element(0); CEntityConnection *pConn2 = pConnList2->Element(0); return CEntityConnection::CompareDelays(pConn1,pConn2,eDirection); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Compares by output name, does a secondary compare by delay. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int CALLBACK ListCompareOutputNames(COutputConnection *pOutputConn1, COutputConnection *pOutputConn2, SortDirection_t eDirection) { CEntityConnectionList *pConnList1 = pOutputConn1->m_pConnList; CEntityConnectionList *pConnList2 = pOutputConn2->m_pConnList; CEntityConnection *pConn1 = pConnList1->Element(0); CEntityConnection *pConn2 = pConnList2->Element(0); return CEntityConnection::CompareOutputNames(pConn1,pConn2,eDirection); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Compares by input name, does a secondary compare by delay. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int CALLBACK ListCompareInputNames(COutputConnection *pOutputConn1, COutputConnection *pOutputConn2, SortDirection_t eDirection) { CEntityConnectionList *pConnList1 = pOutputConn1->m_pConnList; CEntityConnectionList *pConnList2 = pOutputConn2->m_pConnList; CEntityConnection *pConn1 = pConnList1->Element(0); CEntityConnection *pConn2 = pConnList2->Element(0); return (CEntityConnection::CompareInputNames(pConn1,pConn2,eDirection)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Compares by source name, does a secondary compare by delay. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int CALLBACK ListCompareSourceNames(COutputConnection *pOutputConn1, COutputConnection *pOutputConn2, SortDirection_t eDirection) { CEntityConnectionList *pConnList1 = pOutputConn1->m_pConnList; CEntityConnectionList *pConnList2 = pOutputConn2->m_pConnList; CEntityConnection *pConn1 = pConnList1->Element(0); CEntityConnection *pConn2 = pConnList2->Element(0); return (CEntityConnection::CompareSourceNames(pConn1,pConn2,eDirection)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Compares by target name, does a secondary compare by delay. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static int CALLBACK ListCompareTargetNames(COutputConnection *pOutputConn1, COutputConnection *pOutputConn2, SortDirection_t eDirection) { CEntityConnectionList *pConnList1 = pOutputConn1->m_pConnList; CEntityConnectionList *pConnList2 = pOutputConn2->m_pConnList; CEntityConnection *pConn1 = pConnList1->Element(0); CEntityConnection *pConn2 = pConnList2->Element(0); return (CEntityConnection::CompareTargetNames(pConn1,pConn2,eDirection)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called by the entity picker tool when an entity is picked. This // stuffs the entity name into the smartedit control. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_OutputPickEntityTarget::OnNotifyPickEntity(CToolPickEntity *pTool) { // // Update the edit control text with the entity name. This text will be // stuffed into the local keyvalue storage in OnChangeSmartControl. // CMapEntityList Full; CMapEntityList Partial; pTool->GetSelectedEntities(Full, Partial); CMapEntity *pEntity = Full.Element(0); if (pEntity) { const char *pszName = pEntity->GetKeyValue("targetname"); if (!pszName) { pszName = ""; } switch ( m_nDlgItem ) { case IDC_EDIT_CONN_TARGET: { // FIXME: this should be called automatically, but it isn't m_pDlg->m_ComboTarget.SelectItem(pszName); break; } case IDC_EDIT_CONN_PARAM: { // FIXME: this should be called automatically, but it isn't m_pDlg->GetDlgItem(m_nDlgItem)->SetWindowText(pszName); m_pDlg->OnEditUpdateParam(); break; } default: { m_pDlg->GetDlgItem(m_nDlgItem)->SetWindowText(pszName); break; } } } m_pDlg->StopPicking(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Constructor. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COP_Output::COP_Output(void) : CObjectPage(COP_Output::IDD), m_ComboTarget( this ) { m_bIgnoreTextChanged = false; m_pObjectList = NULL; m_pEditObjectRuntimeClass = RUNTIME_CLASS(editCMapClass); m_nSortColumn = OUTPUT_NAME_COLUMN; m_pMapEntityList = NULL; m_fDelay = 0; m_bPickingEntities = false; bSkipEditControlRefresh = false; // // All columns initially sort in ascending order. // for (int i = 0; i < OUTPUT_LIST_NUM_COLUMNS; i++) { m_eSortDirection[i] = Sort_Ascending; } m_PickEntityTarget.AttachEntityDlg(this); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Destructor. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- COP_Output::~COP_Output(void) { } void COP_Output::OnTextChanged( const char *pText ) { if ( m_bIgnoreTextChanged ) return; // Updating the listbox data, will trigger the edit // controls to update. They don't need to be bSkipEditControlRefresh = true; // Target has changed so we need to update for list of inputs // that are valid for this target FillInputList(); FilterInputList(); m_ComboInput.SetWindowText(m_strInput); UpdateEditedTargets(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose: Updates the validity flag on the given item in the list control // Input : nItem - //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void COP_Output::UpdateItemValidity(int nItem) { COutputConnection *pOutputConn = (COutputConnection *)m_ListCtrl.GetItemData(nItem); CEntityConnectionList *pConnectionList = pOutputConn->m_pConnList; bool bShared = (m_EntityList.Count() == pConnectionList->Count()); bool bShowHiddenTargets = ShouldShowHiddenTargets(); int nIcon; if (ValidateConnections(pOutputConn, bShowHiddenTargets)) { if ( !bShowHiddenTargets && !AreAnyTargetEntitiesVisible( pConnectionList ) ) nIcon = ICON_CONN_GOOD_GREY; else if ( bShared ) nIcon = ICON_CONN_GOOD; else nIcon = ICON_CONN_GOOD_GREY; pOutputConn->m_bIsValid = true; } else { nIcon = (bShared ? ICON_CONN_BAD : ICON_CONN_BAD_GREY); pOutputConn->m_bIsValid = false; } m_ListCtrl.SetItem(nItem,0,LVIF_IMAGE, 0, nIcon, 0, 0, 0 ); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void COP_Output::UpdateValidityButton(void) { CObjectProperties *pParent = (CObjectProperties*) GetParent(); // Get status of all connections int nItemCount = m_ListCtrl.GetItemCount(); if (nItemCount == 0) { pParent->SetOutputButtonState(CONNECTION_NONE); return; } for (int nItem = 0; nItem < nItemCount; nItem++) { COutputConnection *pOutputConn = (COutputConnection *)m_ListCtrl.GetItemData(nItem); if (!pOutputConn->m_bIsValid) { pParent->SetOutputButtonState(CONNECTION_BAD); return; } } pParent->SetOutputButtonState(CONNECTION_GOOD); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose: Return true if all connections entries are valid for the given // output connection. Return false otherwise //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ bool COP_Output::ValidateConnections(COutputConnection *pOutputConn, bool bVisibilityCheck) { int nCount = pOutputConn->m_pConnList->Count(); for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { CEntityConnection *pConnection = pOutputConn->m_pConnList->Element(i); if (pConnection != NULL) { // Check validity of output for the list of entities if (!CEntityConnection::ValidateOutput(pOutputConn->m_pEntityList,pConnection->GetOutputName())) { return false; } // Check validity of target entity (is it in the map?) if (!CEntityConnection::ValidateTarget(m_pMapEntityList, bVisibilityCheck, pConnection->GetTargetName())) { return false; } // Check validity of input if (!CEntityConnection::ValidateInput(pConnection->GetTargetName(), pConnection->GetInputName(), bVisibilityCheck)) { return false; } } } return true; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : pEntity - // bFirst - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::AddEntityConnections(CMapEntity *pEntity, bool bFirst) { m_ListCtrl.SetRedraw(FALSE); // // The first entity simply adds its connections to the list. // int nConnCount = pEntity->Connections_GetCount(); for (int i = 0; i < nConnCount; i++) { CEntityConnection *pConnection = pEntity->Connections_Get(i); if (pConnection != NULL) { // First check if the connection already exists, if so just add to it bool bFound = false; int nItemCount = m_ListCtrl.GetItemCount(); if (nItemCount > 0) { for (int nItem = nItemCount - 1; nItem >= 0; nItem--) { COutputConnection *pOutputConn = (COutputConnection *)m_ListCtrl.GetItemData(nItem); CEntityConnectionList *pConnList = pOutputConn->m_pConnList; CEntityConnection *pTestConn = pConnList->Element(0); if (pTestConn->CompareConnection(pConnection)) { // Don't consolidate duplicate connections in the same entity // Show them twice so the user will see if ( pOutputConn->m_pEntityList->Find(pEntity) == -1) { pConnList->AddToTail(pConnection); pOutputConn->m_pEntityList->AddToTail(pEntity); bFound = true; break; } } } } if (!bFound) { m_ListCtrl.SetItemCount(nItemCount + 1); m_ListCtrl.InsertItem(LVIF_IMAGE, nItemCount, "", 0, 0, ICON_CONN_GOOD, 0); m_ListCtrl.SetItemText(nItemCount, OUTPUT_NAME_COLUMN, pConnection->GetOutputName()); m_ListCtrl.SetItemText(nItemCount, TARGET_NAME_COLUMN, pConnection->GetTargetName()); m_ListCtrl.SetItemText(nItemCount, INPUT_NAME_COLUMN, pConnection->GetInputName()); // Build the string for the delay. float fDelay = pConnection->GetDelay(); char szTemp[MAX_PATH]; sprintf(szTemp, "%.2f", fDelay); m_ListCtrl.SetItemText(nItemCount, DELAY_COLUMN, szTemp); // Fire once m_ListCtrl.SetItemText(nItemCount, ONLY_ONCE_COLUMN, (pConnection->GetTimesToFire() == EVENT_FIRE_ALWAYS) ? "No" : "Yes"); m_ListCtrl.SetItemText(nItemCount, PARAMETER_COLUMN, pConnection->GetParam()); // Set list ctrl data COutputConnection* pOutputConn = new COutputConnection; pOutputConn->m_pConnList = new CEntityConnectionList; pOutputConn->m_pEntityList = new CMapEntityList; pOutputConn->m_pConnList->AddToTail(pConnection); pOutputConn->m_pEntityList->AddToTail(pEntity); pOutputConn->m_bOwnedByAll = true; m_ListCtrl.SetItemData(nItemCount, (DWORD)pOutputConn); nItemCount++; } } } m_ListCtrl.SetRedraw(TRUE); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : pDX - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange *pDX) { CObjectPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(COP_Output) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_LIST, m_ListCtrl); DDX_Text(pDX, IDC_EDIT_CONN_DELAY, m_fDelay); DDX_CBString(pDX, IDC_EDIT_CONN_OUTPUT, m_strOutput); DDX_CBString(pDX, IDC_EDIT_CONN_TARGET, m_strTarget); DDX_CBString(pDX, IDC_EDIT_CONN_INPUT, m_strInput); DDX_CBString(pDX, IDC_EDIT_CONN_PARAM, m_strParam); DDX_Check(pDX, IDC_EDIT_CONN_FIRE_ONCE, m_bFireOnce); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_SHOWHIDDENTARGETS, m_ctlShowHiddenTargetsAsBroken); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ADD, m_AddControl); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_PASTE, m_PasteControl); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_DELETE, m_DeleteControl); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } bool COP_Output::ShouldShowHiddenTargets() { return (Options.general.bShowHiddenTargetsAsBroken == TRUE); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose: Enables or Disables all edit controls // Input : bValue - //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void COP_Output::EnableEditControls(bool bValue) { m_ComboOutput.EnableWindow(bValue); EnableTarget(bValue); m_ComboInput.EnableWindow(bValue); CButton *pButton = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_CONN_FIRE_ONCE); pButton->EnableWindow(bValue); CEdit *pDelayEdit = (CEdit *)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_CONN_DELAY); pDelayEdit->EnableWindow(bValue); CComboBox *pParamCombo = (CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_CONN_PARAM); pParamCombo->EnableWindow(bValue); GetDlgItem(IDC_PICK_ENTITY_PARAM)->EnableWindow( bValue ); // Clear any values if (!bValue) { m_ComboTarget.ForceEditControlText( "" ); m_ComboInput.SetWindowText(""); m_ComboOutput.SetWindowText(""); pParamCombo->SetCurSel(0); pDelayEdit->SetWindowText("0.0"); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *pMapEntityList - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::SetMapEntityList(const CMapEntityList *pMapEntityList) { m_pMapEntityList = pMapEntityList; FillTargetList(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose: Updates data displayed in edit controls //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void COP_Output::UpdateEditControls(void) { // // Build a list of connections to edit. // m_EditList.RemoveAll(); m_AddControl.EnableWindow( ( m_bCanEdit ? TRUE : FALSE ) ); m_PasteControl.EnableWindow( ( m_bCanEdit ? TRUE : FALSE ) ); m_DeleteControl.EnableWindow( ( m_bCanEdit ? TRUE : FALSE ) ); // If nothing is selected, disable edit controls if (!m_ListCtrl.IsWindowEnabled() || m_ListCtrl.GetSelectedCount() == 0) { EnableEditControls(false); return; } for (int nItem = 0; nItem < m_ListCtrl.GetItemCount(); nItem++) { if (m_ListCtrl.GetItemState(nItem, LVIS_SELECTED) & LVIS_SELECTED) { COutputConnection *pOutputConn = (COutputConnection *)m_ListCtrl.GetItemData(nItem); m_EditList.AddVectorToTail(*pOutputConn->m_pConnList); } } if (m_EditList.Count() > 0) { SetConnection(&m_EditList); FillOutputList(); FillInputList(); // We must ignore the text changed event here or else it'll set all selected outputs to the same value. m_bIgnoreTextChanged = true; m_ComboTarget.SelectItem(m_strTarget); m_bIgnoreTextChanged = false; m_ComboInput.SetWindowText(m_strInput); m_ComboOutput.SetWindowText(m_strOutput); m_CheckBoxFireOnce.SetCheck(m_bFireOnce); CEdit *pDelayEdit = ( CEdit* )GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_CONN_DELAY ); char szTemp[MAX_PATH]; sprintf(szTemp, "%.2f", m_fDelay); pDelayEdit->SetWindowText(szTemp); CComboBox* pParamEdit = ( CComboBox* )GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_CONN_PARAM ); pParamEdit->SetWindowText(m_strParam); FilterInputList(); // // Update the UI state based on our current data. // char szBuf[MAX_IO_NAME_LEN]; CClassOutput *pOutput = GetOutput(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); UpdateCombosForSelectedOutput(pOutput); CClassInput *pInput = GetInput(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); UpdateCombosForSelectedInput(pInput); //CMapEntityList *pTarget = GetTarget(szBuf, sizeof(szBuf)); //UpdateCombosForSelectedTarget(pTarget); } if ( m_bCanEdit == false ) { EnableEditControls( false ); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Adds a connection to all entities being edited. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::OnAdd(void) { FOR_EACH_OBJ( m_EntityList, pos) { CMapEntity *pEntity = m_EntityList.Element(pos); if (pEntity != NULL) { CEntityConnection *pConnection = new CEntityConnection; pEntity->Connections_Add(pConnection); } } UpdateConnectionList(); // Set selection to new item, and move the focus to the output combo // so they can just start editing. int nCount = m_ListCtrl.GetItemCount(); SetSelectedItem(nCount - 1); m_ListCtrl.EnsureVisible(nCount - 1, FALSE); GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_CONN_OUTPUT)->SetFocus(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose: Clear copy buffer //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void COP_Output::EmptyCopyBuffer(void) { // Delete any old connections int nConnCount = m_pConnectionBuffer->Count(); for (int i = 0; i < nConnCount; i++) { CEntityConnection *pConnection = m_pConnectionBuffer->Element(i); if (pConnection != NULL) { delete pConnection; } } m_pConnectionBuffer->RemoveAll(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Copies list of selected connections into copy buffer //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::OnCopy(void) { EmptyCopyBuffer(); if (m_ListCtrl.GetSelectedCount() != 0) { int nCount = m_ListCtrl.GetItemCount(); if (nCount > 0) { for (int nItem = nCount - 1; nItem >= 0; nItem--) { if (m_ListCtrl.GetItemState(nItem, LVIS_SELECTED) & LVIS_SELECTED) { // // Each item in the list control is a list of identical connections that are contained // in multiple entities. Add each selected connection to the selected entities. // COutputConnection *pOutputConn = (COutputConnection *)m_ListCtrl.GetItemData(nItem); CEntityConnectionList *pConnList = pOutputConn->m_pConnList; if (pConnList != NULL) { CEntityConnection *pConnection = pConnList->Element(0); if (pConnection) { CEntityConnection *pNewConnection = new CEntityConnection; *pNewConnection = *pConnection; m_pConnectionBuffer->AddToTail(pNewConnection); } } } } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Adds a connection to all entities being edited. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::OnPaste(void) { // Early out if (!m_pConnectionBuffer->Count()) { return; } CUtlVector<CEntityConnection *> NewConnections; // Add connections from copy buffer to all selected entities FOR_EACH_OBJ( m_EntityList, pos ) { CMapEntity *pEntity = m_EntityList.Element(pos); if (pEntity != NULL) { int nConnCount = m_pConnectionBuffer->Count(); for (int i = 0; i < nConnCount; i++) { CEntityConnection *pConnection = m_pConnectionBuffer->Element(i); if (pConnection != NULL) { CEntityConnection *pNewConnection = new CEntityConnection; *pNewConnection = *pConnection; pEntity->Connections_Add(pNewConnection); NewConnections.AddToTail(pNewConnection); } } } } UpdateConnectionList(); SortListByColumn(m_nSortColumn, m_eSortDirection[m_nSortColumn]); SetSelectedConnections(NewConnections); GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_CONN_OUTPUT)->SetFocus(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::OnPickEntity(void) { CButton *pButton = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_PICK_ENTITY); Assert(pButton != NULL); if (pButton != NULL) { if (pButton->GetCheck()) { // // Activate the entity picker tool. // m_bPickingEntities = true; m_PickEntityTarget.AttachDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_CONN_TARGET ); CToolPickEntity *pTool = (CToolPickEntity *)ToolManager()->GetToolForID(TOOL_PICK_ENTITY); pTool->Attach(&m_PickEntityTarget); ToolManager()->SetTool(TOOL_PICK_ENTITY); GetDlgItem(IDC_PICK_ENTITY_PARAM)->EnableWindow( false ); } else { StopPicking(); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::OnPickEntityParam(void) { CButton *pButton = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_PICK_ENTITY_PARAM); Assert(pButton != NULL); if (pButton != NULL) { if (pButton->GetCheck()) { // // Activate the entity picker tool. // m_bPickingEntities = true; m_PickEntityTarget.AttachDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_CONN_PARAM ); CToolPickEntity *pTool = (CToolPickEntity *)ToolManager()->GetToolForID(TOOL_PICK_ENTITY); pTool->Attach(&m_PickEntityTarget); ToolManager()->SetTool(TOOL_PICK_ENTITY); GetDlgItem(IDC_PICK_ENTITY)->EnableWindow( false ); } else { StopPicking(); } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Deletes all selected items from the connection list, and removes the // corresponding connections from the list of entities being edited. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::OnDelete(void) { if (m_ListCtrl.GetSelectedCount() != 0) { int nCount = m_ListCtrl.GetItemCount(); int nLastItem = 0; if (nCount > 0) { for (int nItem = nCount - 1; nItem >= 0; nItem--) { if (m_ListCtrl.GetItemState(nItem, LVIS_SELECTED) & LVIS_SELECTED) { // // Each item in the list control is a list of identical connections that are contained // in multiple entities. Since we don't store the containing entity along with the connection, // just try to remove all the connections in the list from all the selected entities. // COutputConnection *pOutputConn = (COutputConnection *)m_ListCtrl.GetItemData(nItem); CEntityConnectionList *pConnList = pOutputConn->m_pConnList; m_ListCtrl.DeleteItem(nItem); if (pConnList != NULL) { int nConnCount = pConnList->Count(); for (int nConn = 0; nConn < nConnCount; nConn++) { CEntityConnection *pConnection = pConnList->Element(nConn); if (pConnection != NULL) { // // Remove the connection from all entities being edited. // FOR_EACH_OBJ( m_EntityList, pos ) { CMapEntity *pEntity = m_EntityList.Element(pos); if (pEntity != NULL) { pEntity->Connections_Remove(pConnection); } } // // Remove the connection from the upstream list of all entities it targets. // CMapEntityList *pTargetList = pConnection->GetTargetEntityList(); if ( pTargetList ) { FOR_EACH_OBJ( *pTargetList, pos2 ) { CMapEntity *pEntity = pTargetList->Element( pos2 ); pEntity->Upstream_Remove( pConnection ); } } } delete pConnection; } delete pConnList; } // Keep track of last item so can set selection focus nLastItem = nItem; } } } // Set selection focus as point of deletion or on last item int nNumItems = m_ListCtrl.GetItemCount()-1; if (nLastItem > nNumItems) { nLastItem = nNumItems; } SetSelectedItem(nLastItem); UpdateValidityButton(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose : Take the user to the output page of the selected entity that // targets me. // Input : // Output : //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void COP_Output::OnMark(void) { int nCount = m_ListCtrl.GetItemCount(); CMapDoc* pDoc = CMapDoc::GetActiveMapDoc(); CEntityConnection *pConnection = NULL; if (nCount > 0 && pDoc) { CMapObjectList Select; for (int nItem = nCount - 1; nItem >= 0; nItem--) { if (m_ListCtrl.GetItemState(nItem, LVIS_SELECTED) & LVIS_SELECTED) { COutputConnection *pOutputConn = (COutputConnection *)m_ListCtrl.GetItemData(nItem); pConnection = pOutputConn->m_pConnList->Element(0); CMapDoc *pDocActive = CMapDoc::GetActiveMapDoc(); if ( pDocActive != NULL) { CMapEntityList Found; pDocActive->FindEntitiesByName(Found, m_ListCtrl.GetItemText(nItem, TARGET_NAME_COLUMN), false); FOR_EACH_OBJ( Found, pos ) { CMapEntity *pEntity = Found.Element(pos); Select.AddToTail(pEntity); } } } } if (Select.Count()>0) { pDoc->SelectObjectList(&Select); // (a bit squirly way of doing this) if ( Select.Count()==1 ) GetMainWnd()->pObjectProperties->SetPageToInput(pConnection); pDoc->Center2DViewsOnSelection(); } else { MessageBox("No entities were found with that targetname.", "No entities found", MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_OK); return; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Sets up the list view columns, initial sort column. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL COP_Output::OnInitDialog(void) { CObjectPage::OnInitDialog(); m_ComboOutput.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_CONN_OUTPUT, this); m_ComboInput.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_CONN_INPUT, this); m_ComboTarget.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_CONN_TARGET, this); m_CheckBoxFireOnce.SubclassDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_CONN_FIRE_ONCE, this); m_ListCtrl.SetExtendedStyle(LVS_EX_FULLROWSELECT | LVS_EX_GRIDLINES | LVS_EX_HEADERDRAGDROP); m_ListCtrl.InsertColumn(ICON_COLUMN, "", LVCFMT_CENTER, 20); m_ListCtrl.InsertColumn(OUTPUT_NAME_COLUMN, "My Output", LVCFMT_LEFT, 70); m_ListCtrl.InsertColumn(TARGET_NAME_COLUMN, "Target Entity", LVCFMT_LEFT, 70); m_ListCtrl.InsertColumn(INPUT_NAME_COLUMN, "Target Input", LVCFMT_LEFT, 70); m_ListCtrl.InsertColumn(DELAY_COLUMN, "Delay", LVCFMT_LEFT, 70); m_ListCtrl.InsertColumn(ONLY_ONCE_COLUMN, "Only Once", LVCFMT_LEFT, 70); m_ListCtrl.InsertColumn(PARAMETER_COLUMN, "Parameter", LVCFMT_LEFT, 70); UpdateConnectionList(); SetSortColumn(m_nSortColumn, m_eSortDirection[m_nSortColumn]); // Force an update of the column header text so that the sort indicator is shown. UpdateColumnHeaderText(m_nSortColumn, true, m_eSortDirection[m_nSortColumn]); ResizeColumns(); m_strLastParam.Empty(); // Select the first item in the combo box SetSelectedItem(0); // Create image list. Is deleted automatically when listctrl is deleted if (!m_pImageList) { CWinApp *pApp = AfxGetApp(); m_pImageList = new CImageList(); Assert(m_pImageList != NULL); // serious allocation failure checking m_pImageList->Create(16, 16, TRUE, 1, 0); m_pImageList->Add(pApp->LoadIcon( IDI_OUTPUTBAD )); m_pImageList->Add(pApp->LoadIcon( IDI_OUTPUT )); m_pImageList->Add(pApp->LoadIcon( IDI_OUTPUTBAD_GREY )); m_pImageList->Add(pApp->LoadIcon( IDI_OUTPUT_GREY )); } m_ListCtrl.SetImageList(m_pImageList, LVSIL_SMALL ); // Apply the eyedropper image to the picker buttons. CButton *pButton = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_PICK_ENTITY); if (pButton) { CWinApp *pApp = AfxGetApp(); HICON hIcon = pApp->LoadIcon(IDI_EYEDROPPER); pButton->SetIcon(hIcon); } pButton = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_PICK_ENTITY_PARAM); if (pButton) { CWinApp *pApp = AfxGetApp(); HICON hIcon = pApp->LoadIcon(IDI_EYEDROPPER); pButton->SetIcon(hIcon); } CAnchorDef anchorDefs[] = { CAnchorDef( IDC_LIST, k_eSimpleAnchorAllSides ), CAnchorDef( IDC_OUTPUTS_STATIC_PANEL, k_eAnchorLeft, k_eAnchorBottom, k_eAnchorRight, k_eAnchorBottom ), CAnchorDef( IDC_OUTPUT_LABEL, k_eSimpleAnchorBottomSide ), CAnchorDef( IDC_TARGETS_LABEL, k_eSimpleAnchorBottomSide ), CAnchorDef( IDC_VIA_INPUT_LABEL, k_eSimpleAnchorBottomSide ), CAnchorDef( IDC_PARAMETER_LABEL, k_eSimpleAnchorBottomSide ), CAnchorDef( IDC_DELAY_LABEL, k_eSimpleAnchorBottomSide ), CAnchorDef( IDC_EDIT_CONN_DELAY, k_eSimpleAnchorBottomSide ), CAnchorDef( IDC_EDIT_CONN_FIRE_ONCE, k_eSimpleAnchorBottomSide ), CAnchorDef( IDC_EDIT_CONN_PARAM, k_eSimpleAnchorBottomSide ), CAnchorDef( IDC_EDIT_CONN_INPUT, k_eSimpleAnchorBottomSide ), CAnchorDef( IDC_EDIT_CONN_TARGET, k_eSimpleAnchorBottomSide ), CAnchorDef( IDC_EDIT_CONN_OUTPUT, k_eSimpleAnchorBottomSide ), CAnchorDef( IDC_PICK_ENTITY, k_eSimpleAnchorBottomSide ), CAnchorDef( IDC_PICK_ENTITY_PARAM, k_eSimpleAnchorBottomSide ), CAnchorDef( IDC_MARK, k_eSimpleAnchorBottomSide ), CAnchorDef( IDC_ADD, k_eSimpleAnchorBottomSide ), CAnchorDef( IDC_COPY, k_eSimpleAnchorBottomSide ), CAnchorDef( IDC_PASTE, k_eSimpleAnchorBottomSide ), CAnchorDef( IDC_DELETE, k_eSimpleAnchorBottomSide ), CAnchorDef( IDC_SHOWHIDDENTARGETS, k_eSimpleAnchorBottomRight ) }; m_AnchorMgr.Init( GetSafeHwnd(), anchorDefs, ARRAYSIZE( anchorDefs ) ); // Set the last state this was at. m_ctlShowHiddenTargetsAsBroken.SetCheck( ShouldShowHiddenTargets() ); return(TRUE); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : wParam - // lParam - // pResult - // Output : Returns TRUE on success, FALSE on failure. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOOL COP_Output::OnNotify(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, LRESULT *pResult) { NMHDR *pnmh = (NMHDR *)lParam; if (pnmh->idFrom == IDC_LIST) { switch (pnmh->code) { case LVN_COLUMNCLICK: { NMLISTVIEW *pnmv = (NMLISTVIEW *)lParam; if (pnmv->iSubItem < OUTPUT_LIST_NUM_COLUMNS) { SortDirection_t eSortDirection = m_eSortDirection[pnmv->iSubItem]; // // If they clicked on the current sort column, reverse the sort direction. // if (pnmv->iSubItem == m_nSortColumn) { if (m_eSortDirection[m_nSortColumn] == Sort_Ascending) { eSortDirection = Sort_Descending; } else { eSortDirection = Sort_Ascending; } } // // Update the sort column and sort the list. // SetSortColumn(pnmv->iSubItem, eSortDirection); } return(TRUE); } case NM_DBLCLK: { OnMark(); return(TRUE); } case LVN_ITEMCHANGED: { NMLISTVIEW *pnmv = (NMLISTVIEW *)lParam; if ( ( pnmv->uNewState & LVIS_SELECTED ) != ( pnmv->uOldState & LVIS_SELECTED ) ) { // Listbox selection has changed so update edit controls if (!bSkipEditControlRefresh) { UpdateEditControls(); } bSkipEditControlRefresh = false; // Forget the saved param, because it was for a different I/O connection. m_strLastParam.Empty(); } return(TRUE); } } } return(CObjectPage::OnNotify(wParam, lParam, pResult)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Empties the contents of the connections list control, freeing the // connection list hanging off of each row. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::RemoveAllEntityConnections(void) { m_ListCtrl.SetRedraw(FALSE); int nCount = m_ListCtrl.GetItemCount(); if (nCount > 0) { for (int nItem = nCount - 1; nItem >= 0; nItem--) { COutputConnection *pOutputConn = (COutputConnection *)m_ListCtrl.GetItemData(nItem); CEntityConnectionList *pConnList = pOutputConn->m_pConnList; CMapEntityList *pEntityList = pOutputConn->m_pEntityList; m_ListCtrl.DeleteItem(nItem); delete pOutputConn; delete pConnList; delete pEntityList; } } m_ListCtrl.SetRedraw(TRUE); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : Mode - // pData - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::UpdateData( int Mode, PVOID pData, bool bCanEdit ) { __super::UpdateData( Mode, pData, bCanEdit ); if (!IsWindow(m_hWnd)) { return; } switch (Mode) { case LoadFirstData: { // m_ListCtrl.DeleteAllItems(); // UpdateConnectionList(); break; } case LoadData: { // m_ListCtrl.DeleteAllItems(); // UpdateConnectionList(); // SetSelectedItem(0); break; } case LoadFinished: { m_ListCtrl.DeleteAllItems(); UpdateConnectionList(); SetSelectedItem(0); SortListByColumn(m_nSortColumn, m_eSortDirection[m_nSortColumn]); } } UpdateEditControls(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose: Generates list of map entites that are being edited from the // m_pObject list //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void COP_Output::UpdateEntityList(void) { // Clear old entity list m_EntityList.RemoveAll(); if (m_pObjectList != NULL) { FOR_EACH_OBJ( *m_pObjectList, pos ) { CMapClass *pObject = m_pObjectList->Element(pos); if ((pObject != NULL) && (pObject->IsMapClass(MAPCLASS_TYPE(CMapEntity))) ) { CMapEntity *pEntity = (CMapEntity *)pObject; m_EntityList.AddToTail(pEntity); } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : nColumn - // eDirection - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::SetSortColumn(int nColumn, SortDirection_t eDirection) { Assert(nColumn < OUTPUT_LIST_NUM_COLUMNS); // // If the sort column changed, update the old sort column header text. // if (m_nSortColumn != nColumn) { UpdateColumnHeaderText(m_nSortColumn, false, eDirection); } // // If the sort column or direction changed, update the new sort column header text. // if ((m_nSortColumn != nColumn) || (m_eSortDirection[m_nSortColumn] != eDirection)) { UpdateColumnHeaderText(nColumn, true, eDirection); } m_nSortColumn = nColumn; m_eSortDirection[m_nSortColumn] = eDirection; SortListByColumn(m_nSortColumn, m_eSortDirection[m_nSortColumn]); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Sorts the outputs list by column. // Input : nColumn - Index of column by which to sort. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::SortListByColumn(int nColumn, SortDirection_t eDirection) { PFNLVCOMPARE pfnSort = NULL; switch (nColumn) { case ONLY_ONCE_COLUMN: { //No Sort break; } case PARAMETER_COLUMN: { //No Sort break; } case OUTPUT_NAME_COLUMN: { pfnSort = (PFNLVCOMPARE)ListCompareOutputNames; break; } case TARGET_NAME_COLUMN: { pfnSort = (PFNLVCOMPARE)ListCompareTargetNames; break; } case INPUT_NAME_COLUMN: { pfnSort = (PFNLVCOMPARE)ListCompareInputNames; break; } case DELAY_COLUMN: { pfnSort = (PFNLVCOMPARE)ListCompareDelays; break; } default: { Assert(FALSE); break; } } if (pfnSort != NULL) { m_ListCtrl.SortItems(pfnSort, (DWORD)eDirection); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::ResizeColumns(void) { if (m_ListCtrl.GetItemCount() > 0) { m_ListCtrl.SetColumnWidth(OUTPUT_NAME_COLUMN, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE); m_ListCtrl.SetColumnWidth(TARGET_NAME_COLUMN, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE); m_ListCtrl.SetColumnWidth(INPUT_NAME_COLUMN, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE); m_ListCtrl.SetColumnWidth(DELAY_COLUMN, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER); m_ListCtrl.SetColumnWidth(ONLY_ONCE_COLUMN, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER); m_ListCtrl.SetColumnWidth(PARAMETER_COLUMN, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::UpdateConnectionList(void) { // Get list of all entities in the world CMapDoc *pDoc = CMapDoc::GetActiveMapDoc(); Assert(pDoc != NULL); if (!pDoc) return; CMapWorld *pWorld = pDoc->GetMapWorld(); Assert(pWorld != NULL); // dvs: I've seen pWorld be NULL on app shutdown, not sure why we ended up here though if (!pWorld) return; SetMapEntityList(pWorld->EntityList_GetList()); UpdateEntityList(); RemoveAllEntityConnections(); bool bFirst = true; FOR_EACH_OBJ( m_EntityList, pos ) { CMapEntity *pEntity = m_EntityList.Element(pos); if (pEntity != NULL) { AddEntityConnections(pEntity, bFirst); bFirst = false; } } // Update validity flag on all items for (int nItem = 0; nItem < m_ListCtrl.GetItemCount(); nItem++) { UpdateItemValidity(nItem); } UpdateValidityButton(); ResizeColumns(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose: Set the selected item in the listbox by index. // Input : nSelectItem - //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void COP_Output::SetSelectedItem(int nSelectItem) { m_ListCtrl.SetRedraw(FALSE); // Set selected item to be active and all others to false int nItemCount = m_ListCtrl.GetItemCount(); for (int nItem = 0; nItem < nItemCount; nItem++) { if (nItem == nSelectItem) { m_ListCtrl.SetItemState(nItem, (unsigned int)LVIS_SELECTED, (unsigned int)LVIS_SELECTED); } else { m_ListCtrl.SetItemState(nItem, (unsigned int)~LVIS_SELECTED, (unsigned int)LVIS_SELECTED); } } m_ListCtrl.SetRedraw(TRUE); // Selected item has changed so update edit controls UpdateEditControls(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose: Set the selected item in the listbox // Input : pConnection //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void COP_Output::SetSelectedConnection(CEntityConnection *pConnection) { m_ListCtrl.SetRedraw(FALSE); // Set selected item to be active and all others to false int nItemCount = m_ListCtrl.GetItemCount(); for (int nItem = 0; nItem < nItemCount; nItem++) { COutputConnection *pOutputConn = (COutputConnection *)m_ListCtrl.GetItemData(nItem); CEntityConnectionList *pTestList = pOutputConn->m_pConnList; if (pTestList->Element(0) == pConnection) { m_ListCtrl.SetItemState(nItem,LVIS_SELECTED,LVIS_SELECTED); } else { m_ListCtrl.SetItemState(nItem, (unsigned int)~LVIS_SELECTED, (unsigned int)LVIS_SELECTED); } } m_ListCtrl.SetRedraw(TRUE); // Selected item has changed so update edit controls UpdateEditControls(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Selects the list box entries that correspond to the connections in // the given list. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::SetSelectedConnections(CEntityConnectionList &List) { m_ListCtrl.SetRedraw(FALSE); int nConnCount = List.Count(); int nItemCount = m_ListCtrl.GetItemCount(); for (int nItem = 0; nItem < nItemCount; nItem++) { COutputConnection *pOutputConn = (COutputConnection *)m_ListCtrl.GetItemData(nItem); CEntityConnectionList *pConnList = pOutputConn->m_pConnList; // See if this row's list holds any of the connections in the given list. bool bFound = false; for (int nConn = 0; nConn < nConnCount; nConn++) { CEntityConnection *pConn = List.Element(nConn); if (pConnList->Find(pConn) != -1) { bFound = true; break; } } m_ListCtrl.SetItemState(nItem, bFound ? LVIS_SELECTED : ~LVIS_SELECTED, LVIS_SELECTED); } m_ListCtrl.SetRedraw(TRUE); UpdateEditControls(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Adds or removes the little 'V' or '^' sort indicator as appropriate. // Input : nColumn - Index of column to update. // bSortColumn - true if this column is the sort column, false if not. // eDirection - Direction of sort, Sort_Ascending or Sort_Descending. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::UpdateColumnHeaderText(int nColumn, bool bIsSortColumn, SortDirection_t eDirection) { char szHeaderText[MAX_PATH]; LVCOLUMN Column; memset(&Column, 0, sizeof(Column)); Column.mask = LVCF_TEXT; Column.pszText = szHeaderText; Column.cchTextMax = sizeof(szHeaderText); m_ListCtrl.GetColumn(nColumn, &Column); int nMarker = 0; if (szHeaderText[0] != '\0') { nMarker = strlen(szHeaderText) - 1; char chMarker = szHeaderText[nMarker]; if ((chMarker == '>') || (chMarker == '<')) { nMarker -= 2; } else { nMarker++; } } if (bIsSortColumn) { if (nMarker != 0) { szHeaderText[nMarker++] = ' '; szHeaderText[nMarker++] = ' '; } szHeaderText[nMarker++] = (eDirection == Sort_Ascending) ? '>' : '<'; } szHeaderText[nMarker] = '\0'; m_ListCtrl.SetColumn(nColumn, &Column); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called when our window is being destroyed. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::OnDestroy(void) { m_ListCtrl.EnableWindow(false); RemoveAllEntityConnections(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void COP_Output::UpdateEditedFireOnce(void) { // Get new delay CButton *pButton = ( CButton* )GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_CONN_FIRE_ONCE ); if (pButton->IsWindowEnabled()) { int nChecked = (pButton->GetState()&0x0003); // Checked state // Update the connections int nConnCount = m_EditList.Count(); for (int nConn = 0; nConn < nConnCount; nConn++) { CEntityConnection *pConnection = m_EditList.Element(nConn); if (pConnection != NULL) { pConnection->SetTimesToFire(nChecked?1:EVENT_FIRE_ALWAYS); } } // Update the list box for (int nItem = 0; nItem < m_ListCtrl.GetItemCount(); nItem++) { if (m_ListCtrl.GetItemState(nItem, LVIS_SELECTED) & LVIS_SELECTED) { m_ListCtrl.SetItemText(nItem, ONLY_ONCE_COLUMN, nChecked ? "Yes" : "No"); } } ResizeColumns(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose: //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void COP_Output::UpdateEditedDelays(void) { // Get new delay CEdit *pDelayEdit = ( CEdit* )GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_CONN_DELAY ); if (pDelayEdit->IsWindowEnabled()) { char strDelay[MAX_IO_NAME_LEN]; pDelayEdit->GetWindowText(strDelay, sizeof(strDelay)); float flDelay = atof(strDelay); // Update the connections int nConnCount = m_EditList.Count(); for (int nConn = 0; nConn < nConnCount; nConn++) { CEntityConnection *pConnection = m_EditList.Element(nConn); if (pConnection != NULL) { pConnection->SetDelay(flDelay); } } // Update the list box for (int nItem = 0; nItem < m_ListCtrl.GetItemCount(); nItem++) { if (m_ListCtrl.GetItemState(nItem, LVIS_SELECTED) & LVIS_SELECTED) { m_ListCtrl.SetItemText(nItem, DELAY_COLUMN, strDelay); } } ResizeColumns(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose: Parameters have changed. Update connections and listbox //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void COP_Output::UpdateEditedParams(void) { CComboBox *pParamEdit = ( CComboBox* )GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_CONN_PARAM ); if (pParamEdit->IsWindowEnabled()) { char strParam[MAX_IO_NAME_LEN]; pParamEdit->GetWindowText(strParam, sizeof(strParam)); if (!strcmp(strParam, PARAM_STRING_NONE)) { strParam[0] = '\0'; } // Update the connections int nConnCount = m_EditList.Count(); for (int nConn = 0; nConn < nConnCount; nConn++) { CEntityConnection *pConnection = m_EditList.Element(nConn); if (pConnection != NULL) { pConnection->SetParam(strParam); } } // Update the list box for (int nItem = 0; nItem < m_ListCtrl.GetItemCount(); nItem++) { if (m_ListCtrl.GetItemState(nItem, LVIS_SELECTED) & LVIS_SELECTED) { m_ListCtrl.SetItemText(nItem, PARAMETER_COLUMN, strParam); } } ResizeColumns(); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose: Inputs have changed. Update connections and listbox //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void COP_Output::UpdateEditedInputs(void) { // Get the new name char strInput[MAX_IO_NAME_LEN]; GetInput(strInput, sizeof(strInput)); // Update the connections int nConnCount = m_EditList.Count(); for (int nConn = 0; nConn < nConnCount; nConn++) { CEntityConnection *pConnection = m_EditList.Element(nConn); if (pConnection != NULL) { pConnection->SetInputName(strInput); } } // Update the list box for (int nItem = 0; nItem < m_ListCtrl.GetItemCount(); nItem++) { if (m_ListCtrl.GetItemState(nItem, LVIS_SELECTED) & LVIS_SELECTED) { m_ListCtrl.SetItemText(nItem, INPUT_NAME_COLUMN, strInput); UpdateItemValidity(nItem); } } UpdateValidityButton(); ResizeColumns(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose: Outputs have changed. Update connections and listbox //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void COP_Output::UpdateEditedOutputs() { // Get the new name char strOutput[MAX_IO_NAME_LEN]; GetOutput(strOutput, sizeof(strOutput)); // Update the connections int nConnCount = m_EditList.Count(); for (int nConn = 0; nConn < nConnCount; nConn++) { CEntityConnection *pConnection = m_EditList.Element(nConn); if (pConnection != NULL) { pConnection->SetOutputName(strOutput); } } // Update the list box for (int nItem = 0; nItem < m_ListCtrl.GetItemCount(); nItem++) { if (m_ListCtrl.GetItemState(nItem, LVIS_SELECTED) & LVIS_SELECTED) { m_ListCtrl.SetItemText(nItem, OUTPUT_NAME_COLUMN, strOutput); UpdateItemValidity(nItem); } } UpdateValidityButton(); ResizeColumns(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose: Targets have changed. Update connections and listbox //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void COP_Output::UpdateEditedTargets(void) { // Get the new target name char strTarget[MAX_IO_NAME_LEN]; GetTarget(strTarget, sizeof(strTarget)); // Update the connections int nConnCount = m_EditList.Count(); for (int nConn = 0; nConn < nConnCount; nConn++) { CEntityConnection *pConnection = m_EditList.Element(nConn); if (pConnection != NULL) { pConnection->SetTargetName(strTarget); } } // Update the list box for (int nItem = 0; nItem < m_ListCtrl.GetItemCount(); nItem++) { if (m_ListCtrl.GetItemState(nItem, LVIS_SELECTED) & LVIS_SELECTED) { m_ListCtrl.SetItemText(nItem, TARGET_NAME_COLUMN, strTarget); UpdateItemValidity(nItem); } } UpdateValidityButton(); ResizeColumns(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Enables or diables the target combo box and the eyedropper button. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::EnableTarget(bool bEnable) { m_ComboTarget.EnableWindow(bEnable); GetDlgItem(IDC_PICK_ENTITY)->EnableWindow(bEnable); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: // Input : *pConnection - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::SetConnection(CEntityConnectionList *pConnectionList) { Assert(pConnectionList != NULL); // Fill edit boxes. Disable for multiple connections have incompatible data bool bFirst = true; CButton* pFireEdit = ( CButton* )GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_CONN_FIRE_ONCE ); CEdit* pDelayEdit = ( CEdit* )GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_CONN_DELAY ); CComboBox* pParamEdit = ( CComboBox* )GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_CONN_PARAM ); m_ComboOutput.EnableWindow(true); EnableTarget(true); m_ComboInput.EnableWindow(true); pFireEdit->EnableWindow(true); pDelayEdit->EnableWindow(true); pParamEdit->EnableWindow(true); GetDlgItem(IDC_PICK_ENTITY_PARAM)->EnableWindow( false ); m_bEntityParamTarget = false; int nConnCount = pConnectionList->Count(); for (int nConn = 0; nConn < nConnCount; nConn++) { CEntityConnection *pConnection = (CEntityConnection *)pConnectionList->Element(nConn); if (pConnection == NULL) continue; // Fill in output name, disable for non-compatible connections if (m_ComboOutput.IsWindowEnabled()) { if (bFirst) { m_strOutput = pConnection->GetOutputName(); } else if (m_strOutput != pConnection->GetOutputName()) { m_strOutput.Empty(); m_ComboOutput.EnableWindow(false); } } // Fill in target name, disable for non-compatible connections if (m_ComboTarget.IsWindowEnabled()) { if (bFirst) { m_strTarget = pConnection->GetTargetName(); } else if (m_strTarget != pConnection->GetTargetName()) { m_strTarget.Empty(); EnableTarget(false); } } // Fill in input name, disable for non-compatible connections if (m_ComboInput.IsWindowEnabled()) { if (bFirst) { m_strInput = pConnection->GetInputName(); } else if (m_strInput != pConnection->GetInputName()) { m_strInput.Empty(); m_ComboInput.EnableWindow(false); } } // Fill in parameters, disable for non-compatible connections if (pParamEdit->IsWindowEnabled()) { if (bFirst) { m_strParam = pConnection->GetParam(); m_bNoParamEdit = false; } else if (m_strParam != pConnection->GetParam()) { m_strParam.Empty(); pParamEdit->EnableWindow(false); GetDlgItem(IDC_PICK_ENTITY_PARAM)->EnableWindow( false ); m_bNoParamEdit = true; } } // Fill in delay, disable for non-compatible connections if (pDelayEdit->IsWindowEnabled()) { if (bFirst) { m_fDelay = pConnection->GetDelay(); } else if (m_fDelay != pConnection->GetDelay()) { m_fDelay = 0; pDelayEdit->EnableWindow(false); } } // Set fire once flag, disable for non-compatible connections if (pFireEdit->IsWindowEnabled()) { if (bFirst) { m_bFireOnce = (pConnection->GetTimesToFire() == -1) ? false : true; } else if (m_bFireOnce != pConnection->GetTimesToFire()) { m_bFireOnce = false; pFireEdit->EnableWindow(false); } } bFirst = false; } // Put a <none> in param box if no param if (strlen(m_strParam) == 0) { m_strParam = PARAM_STRING_NONE; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Adds all of an entity's outputs from its class definition to the // outputs combo box. // Input : pEntity - Entity whose outputs are to be added to the combo box. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::AddEntityOutputs(CMapEntity *pEntity) { GDclass *pClass = pEntity->GetClass(); if (pClass != NULL) { int nCount = pClass->GetOutputCount(); for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { CClassOutput *pOutput = pClass->GetOutput(i); int nIndex = m_ComboOutput.AddString(pOutput->GetName()); if (nIndex >= 0) { m_ComboOutput.SetItemDataPtr(nIndex, pOutput); } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::FillInputList(void) { if (!m_pMapEntityList) { return; } // // Add all entity inputs to the inputs combo box. // m_ComboInput.SetRedraw(FALSE); m_ComboInput.ResetContent(); // CUtlVector<GDclass*> classCache; CUtlRBTree<int,int> classCache; SetDefLessFunc( classCache ); FOR_EACH_OBJ( *m_pMapEntityList, pos ) { CMapEntity *pEntity = m_pMapEntityList->Element(pos); Assert(pEntity != NULL); if (pEntity == NULL) continue; // // Get the entity's class, which contains the list of inputs that this entity exposes. // GDclass *pClass = pEntity->GetClass(); if (pClass == NULL) continue; // check if class was already added if ( classCache.Find( (int)pClass ) != -1 ) continue; classCache.Insert( (int)pClass ); // // Add this class' inputs to the list. // int nCount = pClass->GetInputCount(); for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++) { CClassInput *pInput = pClass->GetInput(i); bool bAddInput = true; // // Don't add the input to the combo box if another input with the same name // and type is already there. // int nIndex = m_ComboInput.FindStringExact(-1, pInput->GetName()); if (nIndex != CB_ERR) { CClassInput *pExistingInput = (CClassInput *)m_ComboInput.GetItemDataPtr(nIndex); if (pExistingInput->GetType() == pInput->GetType()) { bAddInput = false; } } if (bAddInput) { nIndex = m_ComboInput.AddString(pInput->GetName()); if (nIndex >= 0) { m_ComboInput.SetItemDataPtr(nIndex, pInput); } } } } m_ComboInput.SetRedraw(TRUE); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Fills the list of outputs with outputs common to all the selected entities. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::FillOutputList(void) { if ( m_EntityList.Count() == 0 ) { return; } // // Determine what the currently selected output is (if any). // CClassOutput *pSelectedOutput; int nOutput = m_ComboOutput.GetCurSel(); if (nOutput != CB_ERR) { pSelectedOutput = (CClassOutput *)m_ComboOutput.GetItemDataPtr(nOutput); } else { pSelectedOutput = NULL; } // // Add the entity outputs to the outputs combo box. // m_ComboOutput.SetRedraw(FALSE); m_ComboOutput.ResetContent(); bool bFirst = true; FOR_EACH_OBJ( m_EntityList, pos ) { CMapEntity *pEntity = m_EntityList.Element(pos); if (bFirst) { // // The first entity adds its outputs to the list. // AddEntityOutputs(pEntity); bFirst = false; } else { // // All subsequent entities filter the output list. // FilterEntityOutputs(pEntity); } } if (m_ComboOutput.GetCount() == 0) { m_ComboOutput.EnableWindow(false); } m_ComboOutput.SetRedraw(TRUE); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Fills the list of targets with entities that have "targetname" keys. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::FillTargetList(void) { m_bIgnoreTextChanged = true; m_ComboTarget.SetEntityList(m_pMapEntityList); m_bIgnoreTextChanged = false; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Removes all outputs from the outputs combo box that are NOT present // in the given entity's output list. Used when multiple entities are // selected into the Entity Properties dialog. // Input : pEntity - Entity to use for filter. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::FilterEntityOutputs(CMapEntity *pEntity) { // // Make sure that this entity has a valid class to use for filtering. // GDclass *pClass = pEntity->GetClass(); if (pClass == NULL) { return; } // // Remove any outputs from the combo box that are not in the class. // char szText[MAX_PATH]; int nCount = m_ComboOutput.GetCount(); if (nCount > 0) { for (int i = nCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (m_ComboOutput.GetLBText(i, szText) != CB_ERR) { if (pClass->FindOutput(szText) == NULL) { m_ComboOutput.DeleteString(i); } } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::FilterOutputList(void) { // dvs: Possibly unnecessary. For example, if they choose an input, then // choose an incompatible output, the input will become red to indicate // the incompatibilty. So maybe the outputs can always contain the set of // all outputs common to the selected entities. } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Filters the list of inputs based on the current selected target. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::FilterInputList(void) { char szTarget[MAX_ENTITY_NAME_LEN]; CMapEntityList *pTargets = GetTarget(szTarget, sizeof(szTarget)); if (pTargets != NULL) { // // Remove all items from the inputs combo that: // // 1) Are not compatible with the currently selected output, OR // 2) Are not found in the currently selected targets list. // int nCount = m_ComboInput.GetCount(); if (nCount > 0) { for (int i = nCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { CClassInput *pInput = (CClassInput *)m_ComboInput.GetItemDataPtr(i); if (!MapEntityList_HasInput(pTargets, pInput->GetName(), pInput->GetType())) { m_ComboInput.DeleteString(i); } } } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::FilterTargetList(void) { #if 0 // Not used... char szInput[MAX_IO_NAME_LEN]; CClassInput *pInput = GetInput(szInput, sizeof(szInput)); // // Remove all items from the targets combo that: // // 1) Do not have the selected input name OR // 2) Do not have inputs that are compatible with the selected output. // int nCount = m_ComboTarget.GetCount(); if (nCount > 0) { for (int i = nCount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { CMapEntityList *pTargets = (CMapEntityList *)m_ComboTarget.GetItemDataPtr(i); if (!MapEntityList_HasInput(pTargets, pInput->GetName(), pInput->GetType())) { m_ComboTarget.DeleteString(i); } } } #endif } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns the currently selected input, NULL if unknown. // Input : szInput - Receives the text in the Input combo edit control. // nSize - Size of buffer pointed to by szInput. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CClassInput *COP_Output::GetInput(char *szInput, int nSize) { szInput[0] = '\0'; int nCurSel = m_ComboInput.GetCurSel(); if (nCurSel == CB_ERR) { if (m_ComboInput.GetWindowText(szInput, nSize) > 0) { nCurSel = m_ComboInput.FindStringExact(-1, szInput); } } CClassInput *pInput = NULL; if (nCurSel != CB_ERR) { m_ComboInput.GetLBText(nCurSel, szInput); pInput = (CClassInput *)m_ComboInput.GetItemDataPtr(nCurSel); } return(pInput); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns the currently selected output, NULL if unknown. // Input : szOutput - Receives the text in the Output combo edit control. // nSize - Size of buffer pointed to by szOutput. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CClassOutput *COP_Output::GetOutput(char *szOutput, int nSize) { szOutput[0] = '\0'; int nCurSel = m_ComboOutput.GetCurSel(); if (nCurSel == CB_ERR) { if (m_ComboOutput.GetWindowText(szOutput, nSize) > 0) { nCurSel = m_ComboOutput.FindStringExact(-1, szOutput); } } CClassOutput *pOutput = NULL; if (nCurSel != CB_ERR) { m_ComboOutput.GetLBText(nCurSel, szOutput); pOutput = (CClassOutput *)m_ComboOutput.GetItemDataPtr(nCurSel); } return(pOutput); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Returns the currently selected target list, NULL if unknown. // Input : szTarget - Receives the text in the Target combo edit control. // nSize - Size of buffer pointed to by szTarget. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CMapEntityList *COP_Output::GetTarget(char *szTarget, int nSize) { szTarget[0] = '\0'; CString str = m_ComboTarget.GetCurrentItem(); Q_strncpy( szTarget, str, nSize ); return m_ComboTarget.GetSubEntityList( szTarget ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called when the contents of the delay edit box change. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::OnEditDelay(void) { UpdateEditedDelays(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called when the contents of the target combo edit box change. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::OnFireOnce(void) { UpdateEditedFireOnce(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called when they change the "Show Hidden Targets" checkbox. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::OnShowHiddenTargetsAsBroken() { // Remember the last state of this checkbox. Options.general.bShowHiddenTargetsAsBroken = (m_ctlShowHiddenTargetsAsBroken.GetCheck() != FALSE); // Refresh. int nCount = m_ListCtrl.GetItemCount(); for ( int i=0; i < nCount; i++ ) { UpdateItemValidity( i ); } //UpdateConnectionList(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: React to the input combo box being changed //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::InputChanged(void) { // Updating the listbox data, will trigger the edit // controls to update. They don't need to be bSkipEditControlRefresh = true; char szInput[MAX_IO_NAME_LEN]; CClassInput *pInput = GetInput(szInput, sizeof(szInput)); UpdateCombosForSelectedInput(pInput); UpdateEditedInputs(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called when selection of input combo box chages //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::OnSelChangeInput(void) { InputChanged(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called when the contents of the input combo edit box change. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::OnEditUpdateInput(void) { InputChanged(); } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Purpose: React to the output combo box being changed //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void COP_Output::OutputChanged(void) { // Updating the listbox data, will trigger the edit // controls to update. They don't need to be bSkipEditControlRefresh = true; char szOutput[MAX_IO_NAME_LEN]; CClassOutput *pOutput = GetOutput(szOutput, sizeof(szOutput)); UpdateCombosForSelectedOutput(pOutput); UpdateEditedOutputs(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called when selection of output combo box chages //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::OnSelChangeOutput(void) { OutputChanged(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called when the contents of the output combo edit box change. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::OnEditUpdateOutput(void) { OutputChanged(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called when selection of parameter combo box chages //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::OnSelChangeParam(void) { // If user picked <none> selection (the only valid one) clear window text CComboBox *pParamEdit = ( CComboBox* )GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_CONN_PARAM ); if (pParamEdit->GetCurSel() != CB_ERR) { pParamEdit->SetWindowText(""); } UpdateEditedParams(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Called when the contents of the parameter combo edit box change. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::OnEditUpdateParam(void) { UpdateEditedParams(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Updates the dialog based on the currently selected input. // Input : pInput - Pointer to the input that is selected, NULL if none or // ambiguous/unresolved. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::UpdateCombosForSelectedInput(CClassInput *pInput) { // Enable / Disable param box based on input type if allowed if (!m_bNoParamEdit) { CComboBox *pParamCombo = (CComboBox *)GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_CONN_PARAM); bool bEnable = ((!pInput) || (pInput && (pInput->GetType() != iotVoid))); if (!bEnable) { // Save the param so we can restore it if they switch right back. CString strTemp; pParamCombo->GetWindowText(strTemp); if (strTemp.Compare(PARAM_STRING_NONE)) { m_strLastParam = strTemp; } // Switch back to <none> if we're disabling the parameter combo. pParamCombo->SetCurSel(0); } else if (!m_strLastParam.IsEmpty()) { pParamCombo->SetWindowText(m_strLastParam); } UpdateEditedParams(); pParamCombo->EnableWindow(bEnable); m_bEntityParamTarget = pInput && (pInput->GetType() == iotEHandle); GetDlgItem(IDC_PICK_ENTITY_PARAM)->EnableWindow( m_bEntityParamTarget ); } if (pInput != NULL) { // // Known input, render it in black. // m_ComboInput.SetTextColor(RGB(0, 0, 0)); } else { // // Unknown input, render it in red. // m_ComboInput.SetTextColor(RGB(255, 0, 0)); } m_ComboInput.RedrawWindow(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Updates the dialog based on the currently selected output. // Input : pOutput - Pointer to the output that is selected, NULL if none or // ambiguous/unresolved. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::UpdateCombosForSelectedOutput(CClassOutput *pOutput) { if (pOutput != NULL) { // // Known output, render it in black. // m_ComboOutput.SetTextColor(RGB(0, 0, 0)); } else { // // Unknown output, render it in red. // m_ComboOutput.SetTextColor(RGB(255, 0, 0)); } m_ComboOutput.RedrawWindow(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Stops entity picking. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COP_Output::StopPicking(void) { if (m_bPickingEntities) { m_bPickingEntities = false; ToolManager()->SetTool(TOOL_POINTER); CButton *pButton = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_PICK_ENTITY); if (pButton) { pButton->SetCheck(0); } pButton = (CButton *)GetDlgItem(IDC_PICK_ENTITY_PARAM); if (pButton) { pButton->SetCheck(0); } if ( m_ComboTarget.IsWindowEnabled() ) { GetDlgItem(IDC_PICK_ENTITY)->EnableWindow( true ); } CComboBox* pParamEdit = ( CComboBox* )GetDlgItem( IDC_EDIT_CONN_PARAM ); if ( pParamEdit->IsWindowEnabled() ) { GetDlgItem(IDC_PICK_ENTITY_PARAM)->EnableWindow( m_bEntityParamTarget ); } } } void COP_Output::OnSize( UINT nType, int cx, int cy ) { m_AnchorMgr.OnSize(); }