//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// // //=======================================================================================// #include "compression.h" #include "replay/ienginereplay.h" #include "replay/replayutils.h" #include "convar.h" #include "filesystem.h" #include "fmtstr.h" #include "../utils/bzip2/bzlib.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern IEngineReplay *g_pEngine; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char *g_pCompressorTypes[ NUM_COMPRESSOR_TYPES ] = { "lzss", "bz2", }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CCompressor_Lzss : public ICompressor { public: virtual bool Compress( char *pDest, unsigned int *pDestLen, const char *pSource, unsigned int nSourceLen ) { return g_pEngine->LZSS_Compress( pDest, pDestLen, pSource, nSourceLen ); } virtual bool Decompress( char *pDest, unsigned int *pDestLen, const char *pSource, unsigned int nSourceLen ) { return g_pEngine->LZSS_Decompress( pDest, pDestLen, pSource, nSourceLen ); } virtual int GetEstimatedCompressionSize( unsigned int nSourceLen ) { return nSourceLen; } }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #define BZ2_DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE100k 9 // Highest compression rate, but uses the most memory #define BZ2_DEFAULT_WORKFACTOR 0 // Default work factor - same as using 30 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class CCompressor_Bz2 : public ICompressor { public: CCompressor_Bz2( int nBlockSize100k = BZ2_DEFAULT_BLOCKSIZE100k, int nWorkFactor = BZ2_DEFAULT_WORKFACTOR ) : m_nBlockSize100k( nBlockSize100k ), m_nWorkFactor( nWorkFactor ) { } virtual bool Compress( char *pDest, unsigned int *pDestLen, const char *pSource, unsigned int nSourceLen ) { return BZ_OK == BZ2_bzBuffToBuffCompress( pDest, pDestLen, const_cast< char *>( pSource ), nSourceLen, m_nBlockSize100k, 0, // Silent verbosity m_nWorkFactor ); } virtual bool Decompress( char *pDest, unsigned int *pDestLen, const char *pSource, unsigned int nSourceLen ) { return BZ_OK == BZ2_bzBuffToBuffDecompress( pDest, pDestLen, const_cast< char * >( pSource ), nSourceLen, 0, // Don't use smaller decompressor (half as fast) 0 // Quiet ); } virtual int GetEstimatedCompressionSize( unsigned int nSourceLen ) { return (int)( 1.1f * nSourceLen ) + 600; } private: int m_nBlockSize100k; int m_nWorkFactor; }; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ICompressor *CreateCompressor( CompressorType_t nType ) { switch ( nType ) { case COMPRESSORTYPE_BZ2: return new CCompressor_Bz2(); case COMPRESSORTYPE_LZSS: return new CCompressor_Lzss(); } return NULL; } const char *GetCompressorNameSafe( CompressorType_t nType ) { if ( nType < 0 || nType >= NUM_COMPRESSOR_TYPES ) return "Unknown compressor type"; return g_pCompressorTypes[ nType ]; } //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #ifdef _DEBUG CON_COMMAND( replay_testcompress, "Test compression" ) { if ( args.ArgC() < 3 ) { Warning( "replay_testcompress <lzss|bz2> <file to compress>" ); return; } const char *pInFilename = args[ 2 ]; const char *pCompressionTypeName = args[ 1 ]; CompressorType_t nCompressorType = COMPRESSORTYPE_INVALID; for ( int i = 0; i < (int)NUM_COMPRESSOR_TYPES; ++i ) { if ( !V_stricmp( pCompressionTypeName, g_pCompressorTypes[ i ] ) ) { nCompressorType = (CompressorType_t)i; break; } } if ( nCompressorType == COMPRESSORTYPE_INVALID ) { Warning( "Invalid compression type specified. Use \"bz2\" or \"lzss\"\n" ); return; } const unsigned int nInFileSize = g_pFullFileSystem->Size( pInFilename ); if ( !nInFileSize ) { Warning( "Zero length file.\n" ); return; } FileHandle_t hInFile = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( pInFilename, "rb" ); if ( !hInFile ) { Warning( "Failed to open file, %s\n", pInFilename ); return; } char *pUncompressed = new char[ nInFileSize ]; if ( !pUncompressed ) { Warning( "Failed to alloc %u bytes\n", nInFileSize ); return; } if ( g_pFullFileSystem->Read( pUncompressed, nInFileSize, hInFile ) != (int)nInFileSize ) { Warning( "Failed to read file %s\n", pInFilename ); } else { ICompressor *pCompressor = CreateCompressor( nCompressorType ); unsigned int nCompressedSize = pCompressor->GetEstimatedCompressionSize( nInFileSize ); char *pCompressed = new char[ nCompressedSize ]; if ( !pCompressed ) { Warning( "Failed to allocate %u bytes for compressed buffer.\n", nCompressedSize ); return; } // Compress if ( !pCompressor->Compress( pCompressed, &nCompressedSize, pUncompressed, nInFileSize ) ) { Warning( "Compression failed.\n" ); } else { CFmtStr fmtOutFilename( "%s.%s", pInFilename, pCompressionTypeName ); FileHandle_t hOutFile = g_pFullFileSystem->Open( fmtOutFilename.Access(), "wb+" ); if ( !hOutFile ) { Warning( "Failed to open out file, %s\n", fmtOutFilename.Access() ); } else { if ( g_pFullFileSystem->Write( pCompressed, nCompressedSize, hOutFile ) != (int)nCompressedSize ) { Warning( "Failed to write compressed data to %s\n", fmtOutFilename.Access() ); } else { const float flRatio = (float)nInFileSize / nCompressedSize; Warning( "Wrote compressed file to successfully (%s) - ratio: %.2f:1\n", fmtOutFilename.Access(), flRatio ); } g_pFullFileSystem->Close( hOutFile ); } } delete [] pCompressed; } g_pFullFileSystem->Close( hInFile ); } #endif // _DEBUG //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------