//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: 
// $Revision: $
// $NoKeywords: $


#include "ispatialpartition.h"

// These methods of the spatial partition manager are only used in the engine
abstract_class ISpatialPartitionInternal : public ISpatialPartition
	// Call this to clear out the spatial partition and to re-initialize
	// it given a particular world size
	virtual void Init( const Vector& worldmin, const Vector& worldmax ) = 0;

	virtual void DrawDebugOverlays() = 0;

// Method to get at the singleton implementation of the spatial partition mgr
ISpatialPartitionInternal* SpatialPartition();

// Create/destroy a custom spatial partition
ISpatialPartition *CreateSpatialPartition( const Vector& worldmin, const Vector& worldmax );
void DestroySpatialPartition( ISpatialPartition * );

// Method to get at the singleton implementation of the spatial partition mgr
ISpatialPartitionInternal* SpatialPartitionOld();

// Create/destroy a custom spatial partition
ISpatialPartition *CreateSpatialPartitionOld( const Vector& worldmin, const Vector& worldmax );
void DestroySpatialPartitionOld( ISpatialPartition * );