//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// #include "stdafx.h" #include "enumutils.h" // memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!! #include "tier0/memdbgon.h" namespace GCSDK { ENUMSTRINGS_START( EGCWebApiPrivilege ) { k_EGCWebApiPriv_None, "None" }, { k_EGCWebApiPriv_Account, "Account" }, { k_EGCWebApiPriv_Approved, "Approved" }, { k_EGCWebApiPriv_Session, "Session" }, { k_EGCWebApiPriv_Support, "Support" }, { k_EGCWebApiPriv_Admin, "Admin" }, { k_EGCWebApiPriv_EditApp, "EditApp" }, { k_EGCWebApiPriv_MemberPublisher, "MemberPublisher" }, { k_EGCWebApiPriv_EditPublisher, "EditPublisher" }, { k_EGCWebApiPriv_AccountOptional, "AccountOptional" }, ENUMSTRINGS_END( EGCWebApiPrivilege ); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Singleton accessor to registered WG jobs //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUtlDict< const JobCreationFunc_t* > &GMapGCWGJobCreationFuncs() { static CUtlDict< const JobCreationFunc_t* > s_MapWGJobCreationFuncs; return s_MapWGJobCreationFuncs; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Singleton accessor to registered WG jobs //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUtlDict< const WebApiFunc_t* > &GMapGCWGRequestInfo() { static CUtlDict< const WebApiFunc_t* > s_MapWGRequestInfo; return s_MapWGRequestInfo; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Constructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CGCWGJobMgr::CGCWGJobMgr( ) { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Destructor //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CGCWGJobMgr::~CGCWGJobMgr() { } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Hub has receieved a k_EMsgWGRequest message, find & dispatch WG Job //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CGCWGJobMgr::BHandleMsg( IMsgNetPacket *pNetPacket ) { CGCMsg<MsgGCWGRequest_t> msg( pNetPacket ); AssertMsg( msg.GetEMsg() == k_EGCMsgWGRequest, "GCWGJobMgr asked to route a message, but it is not a MsgWGRequest" ); CUtlString strRequestName; msg.BReadStr( &strRequestName ); int iJobType = GMapGCWGRequestInfo().Find( strRequestName.Get() ); if ( !GMapGCWGRequestInfo().IsValidIndex( iJobType ) ) { EmitError( SPEW_GC, "Unable to find GC WG handler %s", strRequestName.Get() ); SendErrorMessage( msg, "Unknown method", k_EResultInvalidParam ); return false; } const WebApiFunc_t * pFunc = GMapGCWGRequestInfo()[iJobType]; if( !BVerifyPrivileges( msg, pFunc ) ) return false; CGCWGJob *job = (CGCWGJob *)(*((GMapGCWGJobCreationFuncs())[iJobType]))( GGCBase(), NULL ); Assert( job ); job->SetWebApiFunc( pFunc ); job->StartJobFromNetworkMsg( pNetPacket, msg.Hdr().m_JobIDSource ); return true; } bool CGCWGJobMgr::BVerifyPrivileges( const CGCMsg<MsgGCWGRequest_t> & msg, const WebApiFunc_t * pFunc ) { if(msg.Body().m_unPrivilege != (uint32)pFunc->m_eRequiredPrivilege ) { SendErrorMessage( msg, CFmtStr( "Privilege mismatch in %s gc call. Expected: %s, actual: %s", pFunc->m_pchRequestName, PchNameFromEGCWebApiPrivilege( pFunc->m_eRequiredPrivilege ), PchNameFromEGCWebApiPrivilege( (EGCWebApiPrivilege)msg.Body().m_unPrivilege ) ), k_EResultAccessDenied ); return false; } else { return true; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Sends an error message in response to a WG request // Inputs: msg - The message we're responding to. This causes the error to // be routed to the right place and eventually back to the right // browser. // pchErrorMsg - The message to display // nResult - The error code to return //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CGCWGJobMgr::SendErrorMessage( const CGCMsg<MsgGCWGRequest_t> & msg, const char *pchErrorMsg, int32 nResult ) { KeyValuesAD pkvErr( "error" ); pkvErr->SetString( "error", pchErrorMsg ); pkvErr->SetInt( "success", nResult ); SendResponse( msg, pkvErr, false ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Sets an error message in a response to a WG request // Inputs: pkvResponse - The response KV block to set the error in // pchErrorMsg - The message to display // nResult - The error code to return //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CGCWGJobMgr::SetErrorMessage( KeyValues *pkvErr, const char *pchErrorMsg, int32 nResult ) { pkvErr->SetString( "error", pchErrorMsg ); pkvErr->SetInt( "success", nResult ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Sends a message in response to a WG request // Inputs: msg - The message we're responding to. This causes the error to // be routed to the right place and eventually back to the right // browser. // pkvResponse - The KeyValues containing the response data //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CGCWGJobMgr::SendResponse( const CGCMsg<MsgGCWGRequest_t> & msg, KeyValues *pkvResponse, bool bResult ) { //prepare response msg CGCMsg<MsgGCWGResponse_t> msgResponse( k_EGCMsgWGResponse, msg ); CUtlBuffer bufResponse; KVPacker packer; if ( packer.WriteAsBinary( pkvResponse, bufResponse ) ) { msgResponse.AddVariableLenData( bufResponse.Base(), bufResponse.TellPut() ); msgResponse.Body().m_cubKeyValues = bufResponse.TellPut(); msgResponse.Body().m_bResult = bResult; } else { msgResponse.Body().m_cubKeyValues = 0; AssertMsg( false, "Failed to serialize WG response" ); } msgResponse.Hdr().m_JobIDTarget = msg.Hdr().m_JobIDSource; GGCBase()->BSendSystemMessage( msgResponse ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Adds a WG job handler to the global list //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CGCWGJobMgr::RegisterWGJob( const WebApiFunc_t *pWGJobType, const JobType_t *pJobCreationFunc ) { const char *pchRequestName = pWGJobType->m_pchRequestName; GMapGCWGJobCreationFuncs().Insert( pchRequestName, &(pJobCreationFunc->m_pJobFactory) ); GMapGCWGRequestInfo().Insert( pchRequestName, pWGJobType ); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: Get the list of registered WG jobs //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- CUtlDict< const WebApiFunc_t* > &CGCWGJobMgr::GetWGRequestMap() { return GMapGCWGRequestInfo(); } #ifdef DBGFLAG_VALIDATE void CGCWGJobMgr::Validate( CValidator &validator, const char *pchName ) { } void CGCWGJobMgr::ValidateStatics( CValidator &validator ) { ValidateObj( GMapGCWGJobCreationFuncs() ); ValidateObj( GMapGCWGRequestInfo() ); } #endif // DBGFLAG_VALIDATE } // namespace GCSDK