//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============// #include "cbase.h" #include "vguiwnd.h" #include <vgui_controls/EditablePanel.h> #include "vgui/ISurface.h" #include "vgui/IVGui.h" #include "VGuiMatSurface/IMatSystemSurface.h" #include "FacePoser_VGui.h" // #include "material.h" #include "materialsystem/imaterialvar.h" #include "materialsystem/imaterial.h" #define REPAINT_TIMER_ID 1042 //random value, hopfully no collisions inline MaterialSystem_Config_t& MaterialSystemConfig() { extern MaterialSystem_Config_t g_materialSystemConfig; return g_materialSystemConfig; } inline IMaterialSystemHardwareConfig* MaterialSystemHardwareConfig() { extern IMaterialSystemHardwareConfig* g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig; return g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig; } class CBaseMainPanel : public vgui::EditablePanel { public: CBaseMainPanel(Panel *parent, const char *panelName) : vgui::EditablePanel( parent, panelName ) {}; virtual void OnSizeChanged(int newWide, int newTall) { // call Panel and not EditablePanel OnSizeChanged. Panel::OnSizeChanged(newWide, newTall); } }; int CVGuiPanelWnd::handleEvent( mxEvent *event ) { if ( !HandeEventVGui( event ) ) { return BaseClass::handleEvent( event ); } return 1; } CVGuiWnd::CVGuiWnd(void) { m_pMainPanel = NULL; m_pParentWnd = NULL; m_hVGuiContext = vgui::DEFAULT_VGUI_CONTEXT; m_bIsDrawing = false; m_ClearColor.SetColor( 0,0,0,255 ); m_bClearZBuffer = true; } CVGuiWnd::~CVGuiWnd(void) { if ( FaceposerVGui()->HasFocus( this ) ) { FaceposerVGui()->SetFocus( NULL ); } if ( m_hVGuiContext != vgui::DEFAULT_VGUI_CONTEXT ) { vgui::ivgui()->DestroyContext( m_hVGuiContext ); m_hVGuiContext = vgui::DEFAULT_VGUI_CONTEXT; } // kill the timer if any ::KillTimer( (HWND)m_pParentWnd->getHandle(), REPAINT_TIMER_ID ); if ( m_pMainPanel ) m_pMainPanel->MarkForDeletion(); } void CVGuiWnd::SetParentWindow(mxWindow *pParent) { m_pParentWnd = pParent; /* m_pParentWnd->EnableWindow( true ); m_pParentWnd->SetFocus(); */ HWND h = (HWND)m_pParentWnd->getHandle(); EnableWindow( h, TRUE ); SetFocus( h ); } int CVGuiWnd::GetVGuiContext() { return m_hVGuiContext; } void CVGuiWnd::SetCursor(vgui::HCursor cursor) { if ( m_pMainPanel ) { m_pMainPanel->SetCursor( cursor ); } } void CVGuiWnd::SetCursor(const char *filename) { vgui::HCursor hCursor = vgui::surface()->CreateCursorFromFile( filename ); m_pMainPanel->SetCursor( hCursor ); } void CVGuiWnd::SetMainPanel( vgui::EditablePanel * pPanel ) { SetRepaintInterval( 75 ); Assert( m_pMainPanel == NULL ); Assert( m_hVGuiContext == vgui::DEFAULT_VGUI_CONTEXT ); m_pMainPanel = pPanel; m_pMainPanel->SetParent( vgui::surface()->GetEmbeddedPanel() ); m_pMainPanel->SetVisible( true ); m_pMainPanel->SetPaintBackgroundEnabled( false ); m_pMainPanel->SetCursor( vgui::dc_arrow ); m_hVGuiContext = vgui::ivgui()->CreateContext(); vgui::ivgui()->AssociatePanelWithContext( m_hVGuiContext, m_pMainPanel->GetVPanel() ); } vgui::EditablePanel *CVGuiWnd::CreateDefaultPanel() { return new CBaseMainPanel( NULL, "mainpanel" ); } vgui::EditablePanel *CVGuiWnd::GetMainPanel() { return m_pMainPanel; } mxWindow *CVGuiWnd::GetParentWnd() { return m_pParentWnd; } void CVGuiWnd::SetRepaintInterval( int msecs ) { m_pParentWnd->setTimer( msecs ); } void CVGuiWnd::DrawVGuiPanel() { if ( !m_pMainPanel || !m_pParentWnd || m_bIsDrawing ) return; m_bIsDrawing = true; // avoid recursion HWND hWnd = (HWND)m_pParentWnd->getHandle(); int w,h; RECT rect; ::GetClientRect(hWnd, &rect); CMatRenderContextPtr pRenderContext( g_pMaterialSystem ); g_pMaterialSystem->SetView( hWnd ); pRenderContext->Viewport( rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top ); pRenderContext->ClearColor4ub( m_ClearColor.r(), m_ClearColor.g(), m_ClearColor.b(), m_ClearColor.a() ); pRenderContext->ClearBuffers( true, m_bClearZBuffer ); g_pMaterialSystem->BeginFrame( 0 ); // draw from the main panel down m_pMainPanel->GetSize( w , h ); if ( w != rect.right || h != rect.bottom ) { m_pMainPanel->SetBounds( 2 + rect.left, 2 + rect.top, rect.right - rect.left - 4, rect.bottom - rect.top - 4 ); m_pMainPanel->Repaint(); } FaceposerVGui()->Simulate(); vgui::surface()->PaintTraverseEx( m_pMainPanel->GetVPanel(), true ); g_pMaterialSystem->EndFrame(); g_pMaterialSystem->SwapBuffers(); m_bIsDrawing = false; } CVGuiPanelWnd::CVGuiPanelWnd( mxWindow *parent, int x, int y, int w, int h ) : BaseClass( parent, x, y, w, h ) { } void CVGuiPanelWnd::redraw() { DrawVGuiPanel(); } int CVGuiWnd::HandeEventVGui( mxEvent *event ) { if ( !m_pParentWnd ) return 0; HWND hWnd = (HWND)m_pParentWnd->getHandle(); // switch( uMsg ) // { // case WM_GETDLGCODE : // { // // forward all keyboard into to vgui panel // return DLGC_WANTALLKEYS|DLGC_WANTCHARS; // } // case WM_PAINT : // { // // draw the VGUI panel now // DrawVGuiPanel(); // break; // } // case WM_TIMER : // { // if ( wParam == REPAINT_TIMER_ID ) // { // m_pParentWnd->Invalidate(); // } // break; // } // case WM_SETCURSOR: // return 1; // don't pass WM_SETCURSOR /* case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: case WM_MBUTTONDOWN: case WM_MOUSEMOVE: { // switch vgui focus to this panel FaceposerVGui()->SetFocus( this ); // request keyboard focus too on mouse down if ( uMsg != WM_MOUSEMOVE) { m_pParentWnd->Invalidate(); m_pParentWnd->SetFocus(); } break; } case WM_KILLFOCUS: { // restore normal arrow cursor when mouse leaves VGUI panel SetCursor( vgui::dc_arrow ); break; } case WM_LBUTTONUP: case WM_RBUTTONUP: case WM_MBUTTONUP: case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_RBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_MBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: case WM_KEYDOWN: case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: case WM_SYSCHAR: case WM_CHAR: case WM_KEYUP: case WM_SYSKEYUP: { // redraw window m_pParentWnd->Invalidate(); break; } } */ switch ( event->event ) { case mxEvent::KeyUp: case mxEvent::KeyDown: case mxEvent::MouseUp: case mxEvent::MouseWheeled: case mxEvent::Char: case mxEvent::MouseMove: { InvalidateRect( hWnd, NULL, FALSE ); } break; case mxEvent::Timer: { InvalidateRect( hWnd, NULL, FALSE ); } break; case mxEvent::Focus: break; case mxEvent::MouseDown: { // switch vgui focus to this panel FaceposerVGui()->SetFocus( this ); // request keyboard focus too on mouse down if ( event->event != mxEvent::MouseMove ) { InvalidateRect( hWnd, NULL, FALSE ); SetFocus( hWnd ); } } break; } return 0; }