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Raw Normal View History

2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
//========= Copyright <20> 1996-2006, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// STATIC: "INTRO" "0..1"
// DYNAMIC: "MORPHING" "0..1" [vs30]
#include "vortwarp_vs20_helper.h"
static const bool g_bSkinning = SKINNING ? true : false;
static const int g_iFogType = DOWATERFOG;
static const bool g_bHalfLambert = HALFLAMBERT ? true : false;
const float3 g_cEyeOrigin : register( SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_0 );
const float4 g_vIrisProjectionU : register( SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_2 );
const float4 g_vIrisProjectionV : register( SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_3 );
const float4 g_vFlashlightPosition : register( SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_4 );
const float4 g_vConst4 : register( SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_5 );
#define g_vModelOrigin g_vConst4.xyz
#define g_flTime g_vConst4.w
const float4 g_vFlashlightMatrixRow1 : register( SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_6 );
const float4 g_vFlashlightMatrixRow2 : register( SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_7 );
const float4 g_vFlashlightMatrixRow3 : register( SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_8 );
const float4 g_vFlashlightMatrixRow4 : register( SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_9 );
#ifdef SHADER_MODEL_VS_3_0
// NOTE: cMorphTargetTextureDim.xy = target dimensions,
// cMorphTargetTextureDim.z = 4tuples/morph
const float3 cMorphTargetTextureDim : register( SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_10 );
const float4 cMorphSubrect : register( SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_11 );
sampler2D morphSampler : register( D3DVERTEXTEXTURESAMPLER0, s0 );
struct VS_INPUT
float4 vPos : POSITION; // Position
float4 vBoneWeights : BLENDWEIGHT; // Skin weights
float4 vBoneIndices : BLENDINDICES; // Skin indices
float4 vTexCoord0 : TEXCOORD0; // Base (sclera) texture coordinates
// Position deltas
float3 vPosFlex : POSITION1;
#ifdef SHADER_MODEL_VS_3_0
float vVertexID : POSITION2;
struct VS_OUTPUT
float4 projPos : POSITION; // Projection-space position
#if !defined( _X360 )
float fog : FOG; // Fixed-function fog factor
float4 vAmbientOcclUv_fallbackCorneaUv : TEXCOORD0; // Base texture coordinate
float4 cVertexLight : TEXCOORD1; // Vertex-lit color (Note: w is used for flashlight pass)
float4 vTangentViewVector : TEXCOORD2; // Tangent view vector (Note: w is used for flashlight pass)
float4 vWorldPosition_ProjPosZ : TEXCOORD3;
float3 vWorldNormal : TEXCOORD4; // World-space normal
float3 vWorldTangent : TEXCOORD5; // World-space tangent
float4 vLightFalloffCosine01 : TEXCOORD6; // Light falloff and cosine terms for first two local lights
float4 vLightFalloffCosine23 : TEXCOORD7; // Light falloff and cosine terms for next two local lights
float3 vWorldBinormal : COLOR0; // World-space normal
VS_OUTPUT main( const VS_INPUT v )
bool bDynamicLight = DYNAMIC_LIGHT ? true : false;
bool bStaticLight = STATIC_LIGHT ? true : false;
int nNumLights = NUM_LIGHTS;
float4 vPosition = v.vPos;
#if !defined( SHADER_MODEL_VS_3_0 ) || !MORPHING
ApplyMorph( v.vPosFlex, vPosition.xyz );
ApplyMorph( morphSampler, cMorphTargetTextureDim, cMorphSubrect, v.vVertexID, float3( 0, 0, 0 ), vPosition.xyz );
// Transform the position
float3 vWorldPosition;
SkinPosition( g_bSkinning, vPosition, v.vBoneWeights, v.vBoneIndices, vWorldPosition );
// Note: I'm relying on the iris projection vector math not changing or this will break
float3 vEyeSocketUpVector = normalize( -g_vIrisProjectionV.xyz );
float3 vEyeSocketLeftVector = normalize( -g_vIrisProjectionU.xyz );
float3 dummy = float3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
WorldSpaceVertexProcess( g_flTime, g_vModelOrigin, vWorldPosition, dummy, dummy, dummy );
o.vWorldPosition_ProjPosZ.xyz = vWorldPosition.xyz;
// Transform into projection space
//vWorldPosition -= ( vWorldPosition - g_cEyeOrigin ) * 0.9; //Debug to visualize eye origin
float4 vProjPos = mul( float4( vWorldPosition, 1.0f ), cViewProj );
o.projPos = vProjPos;
vProjPos.z = dot( float4( vWorldPosition, 1.0f ), cViewProjZ );
o.vWorldPosition_ProjPosZ.w = vProjPos.z;
#if !defined( _X360 )
// Set fixed-function fog factor
o.fog = CalcFog( vWorldPosition, vProjPos, g_iFogType );
// Normal = (Pos - Eye origin)
float3 vWorldNormal = normalize( vWorldPosition.xyz - g_cEyeOrigin.xyz );
o.vWorldNormal.xyz = vWorldNormal.xyz;
// Tangent & binormal
float3 vWorldBinormal = normalize( cross( vWorldNormal.xyz, vEyeSocketLeftVector.xyz ) );
o.vWorldBinormal.xyz = vWorldBinormal.xyz * 0.5f + 0.5f;
float3 vWorldTangent = normalize( cross( vWorldBinormal.xyz, vWorldNormal.xyz ) );
o.vWorldTangent.xyz = vWorldTangent.xyz;
float3 vWorldTangent = normalize( cross( vEyeSocketUpVector.xyz, vWorldNormal.xyz ) );
o.vWorldTangent.xyz = vWorldTangent.xyz;
float3 vWorldBinormal = normalize( cross( vWorldNormal.xyz, vWorldTangent.xyz ) );
o.vWorldBinormal.xyz = vWorldBinormal.xyz * 0.5f + 0.5f;
float3 vWorldViewVector = normalize (vWorldPosition.xyz - cEyePos.xyz);
o.vTangentViewVector.xyz = Vec3WorldToTangentNormalized (vWorldViewVector.xyz, vWorldNormal.xyz, vWorldTangent.xyz, vWorldBinormal.xyz);
// AV - I think this will effectively make the eyeball less rounded left to right to help vertext lighting quality
// AV - Note: This probably won't look good if put on an exposed eyeball
//float vNormalDotSideVec = -dot( vWorldNormal, g_vEyeballUp ) * 0.5f;
float vNormalDotSideVec = -dot( vWorldNormal, vEyeSocketLeftVector) * 0.5f;
float3 vBentWorldNormal = normalize(vNormalDotSideVec * vEyeSocketLeftVector + vWorldNormal);
// Compute vertex lighting
o.cVertexLight.a = 0.0f; //Only used for flashlight pass
o.cVertexLight.rgb = DoLightingUnrolled( vWorldPosition, vBentWorldNormal, float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f), bStaticLight, bDynamicLight, g_bHalfLambert, nNumLights );
// Only interpolate ambient light for TF NPR lighting
bool bDoDiffuseWarp = LIGHTWARPTEXTURE ? true : false;
if ( bDoDiffuseWarp )
if( bDynamicLight )
o.cVertexLight.rgb = AmbientLight( vBentWorldNormal.xyz );
o.cVertexLight.rgb = float3( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f );
// NOTE: it appears that o.vLightFalloffCosine01 and o.vLightFalloffCosine23 are filled in even if
// we don't have enough lights, meaning we pass garbage to the pixel shader which then throws it away
// Light falloff for first two local lights
o.vLightFalloffCosine01.x = VertexAttenInternal( vWorldPosition.xyz, 0 );
o.vLightFalloffCosine01.y = VertexAttenInternal( vWorldPosition.xyz, 1 );
o.vLightFalloffCosine01.z = CosineTermInternal( vWorldPosition.xyz, vWorldNormal.xyz, 0, g_bHalfLambert );
o.vLightFalloffCosine01.w = CosineTermInternal( vWorldPosition.xyz, vWorldNormal.xyz, 1, g_bHalfLambert );
// Light falloff for next two local lights
o.vLightFalloffCosine23.x = VertexAttenInternal( vWorldPosition.xyz, 2 );
o.vLightFalloffCosine23.y = VertexAttenInternal( vWorldPosition.xyz, 3 );
o.vLightFalloffCosine23.z = CosineTermInternal( vWorldPosition.xyz, vWorldNormal.xyz, 2, g_bHalfLambert );
o.vLightFalloffCosine23.w = CosineTermInternal( vWorldPosition.xyz, vWorldNormal.xyz, 3, g_bHalfLambert );
// Texture coordinates set by artists for ambient occlusion
o.vAmbientOcclUv_fallbackCorneaUv.xy = v.vTexCoord0.xy;
// Cornea uv for ps.2.0 fallback
float2 vCorneaUv; // Note: Cornea texture is a cropped version of the iris texture
vCorneaUv.x = dot( g_vIrisProjectionU, float4( vWorldPosition, 1.0f ) );
vCorneaUv.y = dot( g_vIrisProjectionV, float4( vWorldPosition, 1.0f ) );
float2 vSphereUv = ( vCorneaUv.xy * 0.5f ) + 0.25f;
o.vAmbientOcclUv_fallbackCorneaUv.wz = vCorneaUv.xy; // Note: wz unpacks faster than zw in ps.2.0!
// Step on the vertex light interpolator for the flashlight tex coords
bool bFlashlight = ( FLASHLIGHT != 0 ) ? true : false;
o.vTangentViewVector.w = 0.0f;
if ( bFlashlight )
o.cVertexLight.x = dot( g_vFlashlightMatrixRow1.xyzw, float4( vWorldPosition, 1.0f ) );
o.cVertexLight.y = dot( g_vFlashlightMatrixRow2.xyzw, float4( vWorldPosition, 1.0f ) );
o.cVertexLight.z = dot( g_vFlashlightMatrixRow3.xyzw, float4( vWorldPosition, 1.0f ) );
o.cVertexLight.w = dot( g_vFlashlightMatrixRow4.xyzw, float4( vWorldPosition, 1.0f ) );
o.vTangentViewVector.w = saturate( dot( vBentWorldNormal.xyz, normalize ( g_vFlashlightPosition.xyz - vWorldPosition.xyz ) ) ); // Flashlight N.L with modified normal
// Half lambert version
//o.cVertexLight.z = dot( vBentWorldNormal.xyz, normalize ( g_vFlashlightPosition.xyz - vWorldPosition.xyz ) ); // Flashlight N.L with modified normal
//o.cVertexLight.z = ( o.cVertexLight.z * 0.5f ) + 0.5f;
//o.cVertexLight.z *= o.cVertexLight.z;
return o;