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2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Defines the application object.
#ifndef HAMMER_H
#define HAMMER_H
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#ifndef __AFXWIN_H__
#error include 'stdafx.h' before including this file for PCH
#include "resource.h" // main symbols
#include "RunCommands.h"
#include "IHammer.h"
#include "tier1/utlmap.h"
#include "tier3/tier3dm.h"
// Forward declarations...
class CMapDoc;
class IStudioRender;
class IBaseFileSystem;
class IEngineAPI;
class IMDLCache;
class CGameConfig;
// Values for retrieving specific directories using GetDirectory.
enum DirIndex_t
DIR_PROGRAM, // The editor install directory.
DIR_PREFABS, // The directory for prefabs.
DIR_GAME_EXE, // The location of the game executable.
DIR_MOD, // The location of the mod currently being worked on.
DIR_GAME, // The location of the base game currently being worked on.
DIR_MATERIALS, // The location of the mod's materials.
DIR_AUTOSAVE // The location of autosave files.
// combines a list of commands & a name:
class CCommandSequence
CCommandArray m_Commands;
char m_szName[128];
class CHammerDocTemplate : public CMultiDocTemplate
CHammerDocTemplate( UINT nIDResource, CRuntimeClass* pDocClass, CRuntimeClass* pFrameClass, CRuntimeClass* pViewClass ) :
CMultiDocTemplate( nIDResource, pDocClass, pFrameClass, pViewClass )
virtual CDocument *OpenDocumentFile( LPCTSTR lpszPathName, BOOL bMakeVisible = TRUE );
virtual void CloseAllDocuments( BOOL bEndSession );
virtual void InitialUpdateFrame( CFrameWnd* pFrame, CDocument* pDoc, BOOL bMakeVisible = TRUE );
void UpdateInstanceMap( CMapDoc *pInstanceMapDoc );
void AppRegisterPostInitFn( void (*)() );
void AppRegisterMessageLoopFn( void (*)() );
void AppRegisterMessagePretranslateFn( void (*)( MSG * ) );
void AppRegisterPreShutdownFn( void (*)() );
class CHammer : public CWinApp, public CTier3AppSystem< IHammer >
typedef CTier3AppSystem< IHammer > BaseClass;
virtual ~CHammer(void);
// Methods of IAppSystem
virtual bool Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory );
virtual void Disconnect();
virtual void *QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName );
virtual InitReturnVal_t Init();
virtual void Shutdown();
// Methods of IHammer
virtual bool HammerPreTranslateMessage( MSG * pMsg );
virtual bool HammerIsIdleMessage( MSG * pMsg );
virtual bool HammerOnIdle( long count );
virtual void RunFrame();
virtual int MainLoop();
virtual const char *GetDefaultMod();
virtual const char *GetDefaultGame();
virtual RequestRetval_t RequestNewConfig();
virtual const char *GetDefaultModFullPath();
virtual bool InitSessionGameConfig(const char *szGame);
virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG *pMsg);
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
virtual BOOL InitInstance();
virtual int ExitInstance();
virtual CDocument* OpenDocumentFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileName);
virtual BOOL OnIdle(LONG lCount);
virtual int Run(void);
void GetDirectory(DirIndex_t dir, char *p);
void SetDirectory(DirIndex_t dir, const char *p);
COLORREF GetProfileColor(const char *pszSection, const char *pszKey, int r, int g, int b);
void OnActivateApp(bool bActive);
bool IsActiveApp();
void BeginImportWCSettings();
void BeginImportVHESettings();
void EndImportSettings();
void BeginClosing();
bool IsClosing();
void Enable3DRender(bool bEnable);
void ReleaseVideoMemory();
void SuppressVideoAllocation( bool bSuppress );
bool CanAllocateVideo() const;
void Help(const char *pszTopic);
CGameConfig *PromptForGameConfig();
void OpenURL(const char *pszURL, HWND hwnd);
void OpenURL(UINT nID, HWND hwnd);
// list of "command arrays" for compiling files:
CTypedPtrArray<CPtrArray,CCommandSequence*> m_CmdSequences;
void SaveSequences();
void LoadSequences();
void Autosave();
void LoadLastGoodSave();
void ResetAutosaveTimer();
bool VerifyAutosaveDirectory( char *szAutosaveDir = 0 ) const;
int GetNextAutosaveNumber( CUtlMap<FILETIME, WIN32_FIND_DATA, int> *pFileMap, DWORD *pdwTotalDirSize, const CString * ) const;
// When in lighting preview, it will avoid rendering frames.
// This forces it to render the next frame.
void SetForceRenderNextFrame();
bool GetForceRenderNextFrame();
static void SetIsNewDocumentVisible( bool bIsVisible );
static bool IsNewDocumentVisible( void );
CHammerDocTemplate *pMapDocTemplate;
CHammerDocTemplate *pManifestDocTemplate;
afx_msg void OnAppAbout();
afx_msg void OnFileOpen();
afx_msg void OnFileNew();
// These execute inside a minidump handler.
static int StaticHammerInternalInit( void *pParam );
InitReturnVal_t HammerInternalInit();
static int StaticInternalMainLoop( void *pParam );
int InternalMainLoop();
static bool m_bIsNewDocumentVisible;
// Check for 16-bit color or higher.
bool Check16BitColor();
void UpdateLighting(CMapDoc *pDoc);
bool m_bClosing; // The user has initiated app shutdown.
bool m_bActiveApp;
bool m_SuppressVideoAllocation;
bool m_bForceRenderNextFrame;
char m_szAppDir[MAX_PATH];
char m_szAutosaveDir[MAX_PATH];
#define APP() ((CHammer *)AfxGetApp())
// Global interfaces...
extern IBaseFileSystem *g_pFileSystem;
extern IEngineAPI *g_pEngineAPI;
extern CreateInterfaceFn g_Factory;
bool IsRunningInEngine();
// event update system - lets you check for events such as gemoetry modification for updating stuff.
void SignalUpdate(int ev); // EVTYPE_xx
int GetUpdateCounter(int ev); // return timestamp
float GetUpdateTime(int ev); // return floating point time event was signalled
void SignalGlobalUpdate(void); // flag ALL events, such as on map load
extern bool g_bHDR; // should we act like we're in hdr mode?
extern int g_nBitmapGenerationCounter;
#endif // HAMMER_H