2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
# include "host.h"
# include <ctype.h>
# include "draw.h"
2024-07-18 08:12:29 +02:00
# include "strtools.h"
# include "sysexternal.h"
# include "utlbuffer.h"
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
# include "zone.h"
# include "sys.h"
# include <edict.h>
# include <coordsize.h>
# include <characterset.h>
# include <bitbuf.h>
2024-07-18 08:12:29 +02:00
# include <mutex>
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
# include "common.h"
2022-02-23 19:56:29 +08:00
# ifdef OSX
# include <malloc/malloc.h>
# else
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
# include <malloc.h>
2022-02-23 19:56:29 +08:00
# endif
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
# include "traceinit.h"
# include <filesystem.h>
# include "filesystem_engine.h"
# include <convar.h>
# include "gl_matsysiface.h"
# include "filesystem_init.h"
# include <materialsystem/imaterialsystemhardwareconfig.h>
# include <tier0/icommandline.h>
# include <vstdlib/random.h>
# include "sys_dll.h"
# include "datacache/idatacache.h"
# include "matchmaking.h"
# include "tier1/KeyValues.h"
# include "vgui_baseui_interface.h"
# include "tier2/tier2.h"
# include "language.h"
# ifndef SWDS
# include "cl_steamauth.h"
# endif
# include "tier3/tier3.h"
# include <vgui/ILocalize.h>
# include "tier1/lzss.h"
# include "tier1/snappy.h"
2024-07-18 08:12:29 +02:00
# include "zstd.h"
# include <limits>
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
# include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// Things in other C files.
# define MAX_LOG_DIRECTORIES 10000
bool com_ignorecolons = false ;
// wordbreak parsing set
static characterset_t g_BreakSet , g_BreakSetIncludingColons ;
# define COM_TOKEN_MAX_LENGTH 1024
char com_token [ COM_TOKEN_MAX_LENGTH ] ;
All of Quake ' s data access is through a hierarchical file system , but the contents of
the file system can be transparently merged from several sources .
The " base directory " is the path to the directory holding the quake . exe and all
game directories . The sys_ * files pass this to host_init in engineparms - > basedir .
This can be overridden with the " -basedir " command line parm to allow code
debugging in a different directory . The base directory is
only used during filesystem initialization .
The " game directory " is the first tree on the search path and directory
that all generated files ( savegames , screenshots , demos , config files ) will
be saved to . This can be overridden with the " -game " command line parameter .
The game directory can never be changed while quake is executing .
This is a precacution against having a malicious server instruct clients
to write files over areas they shouldn ' t .
The " cache directory " is only used during development to save network bandwidth ,
especially over ISDN / T1 lines . If there is a cache directory
specified , when a file is found by the normal search path , it will be mirrored
into the cache directory , then opened there .
The file " parms.txt " will be read out of the game directory and appended to the
current command line arguments to allow different games to initialize startup
parms differently . This could be used to add a " -sspeed 22050 " for the high
quality sound edition . Because they are added at the end , they will not override
an explicit setting on the original command line .
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void COM_ExplainDisconnection ( bool bPrint , const char * fmt , . . . )
2023-12-13 20:18:09 +03:00
# ifdef _X360
g_pMatchmaking - > SessionNotification ( SESSION_NOTIFY_LOST_SERVER ) ;
# else
va_list argptr ;
char string [ 1024 ] ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
2023-12-13 20:18:09 +03:00
va_start ( argptr , fmt ) ;
Q_vsnprintf ( string , sizeof ( string ) , fmt , argptr ) ;
va_end ( argptr ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
2023-12-13 20:18:09 +03:00
Q_strncpy ( gszDisconnectReason , string , 256 ) ;
gfExtendedError = true ;
# endif
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( bPrint )
if ( gszDisconnectReason [ 0 ] = = ' # ' )
wchar_t formatStr [ 256 ] ;
const wchar_t * wpchReason = g_pVGuiLocalize ? g_pVGuiLocalize - > Find ( gszDisconnectReason ) : NULL ;
if ( wpchReason )
wcsncpy ( formatStr , wpchReason , sizeof ( formatStr ) / sizeof ( wchar_t ) ) ;
char conStr [ 256 ] ;
g_pVGuiLocalize - > ConvertUnicodeToANSI ( formatStr , conStr , sizeof ( conStr ) ) ;
ConMsg ( " %s \n " , conStr ) ;
ConMsg ( " %s \n " , gszDisconnectReason ) ;
ConMsg ( " %s \n " , gszDisconnectReason ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void COM_ExtendedExplainDisconnection ( bool bPrint , const char * fmt , . . . )
2023-12-13 20:18:09 +03:00
# ifdef _X360
g_pMatchmaking - > SessionNotification ( SESSION_NOTIFY_LOST_SERVER ) ;
# else
va_list argptr ;
char string [ 1024 ] ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
2023-12-13 20:18:09 +03:00
va_start ( argptr , fmt ) ;
Q_vsnprintf ( string , sizeof ( string ) , fmt , argptr ) ;
va_end ( argptr ) ;
Q_strncpy ( gszExtendedDisconnectReason , string , 256 ) ;
# endif
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( bPrint )
ConMsg ( " %s \n " , gszExtendedDisconnectReason ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Parse a token out of a string
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
const char * COM_Parse ( const char * data )
unsigned char c ;
int len ;
characterset_t * breaks ;
breaks = & g_BreakSetIncludingColons ;
if ( com_ignorecolons )
breaks = & g_BreakSet ;
len = 0 ;
com_token [ 0 ] = 0 ;
if ( ! data )
return NULL ;
// skip whitespace
skipwhite :
while ( ( c = * data ) < = ' ' )
if ( c = = 0 )
return NULL ; // end of file;
data + + ;
// skip // comments
if ( c = = ' / ' & & data [ 1 ] = = ' / ' )
while ( * data & & * data ! = ' \n ' )
data + + ;
goto skipwhite ;
// handle quoted strings specially
if ( c = = ' \" ' )
data + + ;
while ( 1 )
c = * data + + ;
if ( c = = ' \" ' | | ! c )
com_token [ len ] = 0 ;
return data ;
com_token [ len ] = c ;
len + + ;
// parse single characters
if ( IN_CHARACTERSET ( * breaks , c ) )
com_token [ len ] = c ;
len + + ;
com_token [ len ] = 0 ;
return data + 1 ;
// parse a regular word
com_token [ len ] = c ;
data + + ;
len + + ;
c = * data ;
if ( IN_CHARACTERSET ( * breaks , c ) )
break ;
} while ( c > 32 ) ;
com_token [ len ] = 0 ;
return data ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Changes n random bits in a data block
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void COM_AddNoise ( unsigned char * data , int length , int number )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < number ; i + + )
int randomByte = RandomInt ( 0 , length - 1 ) ;
int randomBit = RandomInt ( 0 , 7 ) ;
// get original data
unsigned char dataByte = data [ randomByte ] ;
// flip bit
if ( dataByte & randomBit )
dataByte & = ~ randomBit ;
dataByte | = randomBit ;
// write back
data [ randomByte ] = dataByte ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Parse a line out of a string
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
const char * COM_ParseLine ( const char * data )
int c ;
int len ;
len = 0 ;
com_token [ 0 ] = 0 ;
if ( ! data )
return NULL ;
c = * data ;
// parse a line out of the data
com_token [ len ] = c ;
data + + ;
len + + ;
c = * data ;
} while ( ( c > = ' ' | | c < 0 | | c = = ' \t ' ) & & ( len < COM_TOKEN_MAX_LENGTH - 1 ) ) ;
com_token [ len ] = 0 ;
if ( c = = 0 ) // end of file
return NULL ;
// eat whitespace (LF,CR,etc.) at the end of this line
while ( ( c = * data ) < ' ' )
if ( c = = 0 )
return NULL ; // end of file;
data + + ;
return data ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Returns 1 if additional data is waiting to be processed on this line
= = = = = = = = = = = = = =
int COM_TokenWaiting ( const char * buffer )
const char * p ;
p = buffer ;
while ( * p & & * p ! = ' \n ' )
if ( ! V_isspace ( * p ) | | V_isalnum ( * p ) )
return 1 ;
p + + ;
return 0 ;
= = = = = = = = = = = =
rotates through a bunch of string buffers of 512 bytes each
= = = = = = = = = = = =
char * tmpstr512 ( )
static char string [ 32 ] [ 512 ] ;
static int curstring = 0 ;
curstring = ( curstring + 1 ) & 31 ;
return string [ curstring ] ;
= = = = = = = = = = = =
does a varargs printf into a temp buffer , so I don ' t need to have
varargs versions of all text functions .
= = = = = = = = = = = =
char * va ( const char * format , . . . )
char * outbuf = tmpstr512 ( ) ;
va_list argptr ;
va_start ( argptr , format ) ;
Q_vsnprintf ( outbuf , 512 , format , argptr ) ;
va_end ( argptr ) ;
return outbuf ;
= = = = = = = = = = = =
prints a vector into a temporary string
bufffer .
= = = = = = = = = = = =
const char * vstr ( Vector & v )
char * outbuf = tmpstr512 ( ) ;
Q_snprintf ( outbuf , 512 , " %.2f %.2f %.2f " , v [ 0 ] , v [ 1 ] , v [ 2 ] ) ;
return outbuf ;
char com_basedir [ MAX_OSPATH ] ;
char com_gamedir [ MAX_OSPATH ] ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Client side game directory change .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
bool COM_CheckGameDirectory ( const char * gamedir )
// Switch game directories if needed, or abort if it's not good.
char szGD [ MAX_OSPATH ] ;
if ( ! gamedir | | ! gamedir [ 0 ] )
ConMsg ( " Server didn't specify a gamedir, assuming no change \n " ) ;
return true ;
// Rip out the current gamedir.
Q_FileBase ( com_gamedir , szGD , sizeof ( szGD ) ) ;
if ( Q_stricmp ( szGD , gamedir ) )
// Changing game directories without restarting is not permitted any more
ConMsg ( " COM_CheckGameDirectory: game directories don't match (%s / %s) \n " , szGD , gamedir ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
// Purpose: Finds the file in the search path.
// Input : *filename -
// *file -
// Output : int
int COM_FindFile ( const char * filename , FileHandle_t * file )
Assert ( file ) ;
int filesize = - 1 ;
* file = g_pFileSystem - > Open ( filename , " rb " ) ;
if ( * file )
filesize = g_pFileSystem - > Size ( * file ) ;
return filesize ;
// Purpose:
// Input : *filename -
// *file -
// Output : int
int COM_OpenFile ( const char * filename , FileHandle_t * file )
return COM_FindFile ( ( char * ) filename , file ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = =
The filename will be prefixed by the current game directory
= = = = = = = = = = = =
void COM_WriteFile ( const char * filename , void * data , int len )
FileHandle_t handle ;
int nameLen = strlen ( filename ) + 2 ;
char * pName = ( char * ) _alloca ( nameLen ) ;
Q_snprintf ( pName , nameLen , " %s " , filename ) ;
Q_FixSlashes ( pName ) ;
COM_CreatePath ( pName ) ;
handle = g_pFileSystem - > Open ( pName , " wb " ) ;
if ( ! handle )
Warning ( " COM_WriteFile: failed on %s \n " , pName ) ;
return ;
g_pFileSystem - > Write ( data , len , handle ) ;
g_pFileSystem - > Close ( handle ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = =
Only used for CopyFile
= = = = = = = = = = = =
void COM_CreatePath ( const char * path )
char temppath [ 1024 ] ;
Q_strncpy ( temppath , path , sizeof ( temppath ) ) ;
Q_StripFilename ( temppath ) ;
Sys_mkdir ( temppath ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
Copies a file from pSourcePath to pDestPath .
= = = = = = = = = = =
bool COM_CopyFile ( const char * pSourcePath , const char * pDestPath )
if ( IsX360 ( ) )
return false ;
int remaining , count ;
char buf [ 4096 ] ;
FileHandle_t in , out ;
in = g_pFileSystem - > Open ( pSourcePath , " rb " ) ;
AssertMsg ( in , " COM_CopyFile(): Input file failed to open " ) ;
return false ;
// create directories up to the cache file
COM_CreatePath ( pDestPath ) ;
out = g_pFileSystem - > Open ( pDestPath , " wb " ) ;
AssertMsg ( out , " COM_CopyFile(): Output file failed to open " ) ;
g_pFileSystem - > Close ( in ) ;
return false ;
remaining = g_pFileSystem - > Size ( in ) ;
while ( remaining > 0 )
if ( remaining < sizeof ( buf ) )
count = remaining ;
count = sizeof ( buf ) ;
g_pFileSystem - > Read ( buf , count , in ) ;
g_pFileSystem - > Write ( buf , count , out ) ;
remaining - = count ;
g_pFileSystem - > Close ( in ) ;
g_pFileSystem - > Close ( out ) ;
return true ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
Finds the file in the search path , copies over the name with the full path name .
This doesn ' t search in the pak file .
= = = = = = = = = = =
int COM_ExpandFilename ( char * filename , int maxlength )
char expanded [ MAX_OSPATH ] ;
if ( g_pFileSystem - > GetLocalPath ( filename , expanded , sizeof ( expanded ) ) ! = NULL )
Q_strncpy ( filename , expanded , maxlength ) ;
return 1 ;
if ( filename & & filename [ 0 ] ! = ' * ' )
Warning ( " COM_ExpandFilename: can't find %s \n " , filename ) ;
return 0 ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
Returns the size of the file only .
= = = = = = = = = = =
int COM_FileSize ( const char * filename )
return g_pFileSystem - > Size ( filename ) ;
// Purpose: Close file handle
// Input : hFile -
void COM_CloseFile ( FileHandle_t hFile )
g_pFileSystem - > Close ( hFile ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = =
Filename are reletive to the quake directory .
Allways appends a 0 byte .
= = = = = = = = = = = =
cache_user_t * loadcache ;
byte * loadbuf ;
int loadsize ;
byte * COM_LoadFile ( const char * path , int usehunk , int * pLength )
FileHandle_t hFile ;
byte * buf = NULL ;
char base [ 128 ] ;
int len ;
if ( pLength )
* pLength = 0 ;
// look for it in the filesystem or pack files
len = COM_OpenFile ( path , & hFile ) ;
if ( ! hFile )
return NULL ;
// Extract the filename base name for hunk tag
Q_FileBase ( path , base , sizeof ( base ) ) ;
unsigned bufSize = len + 1 ;
if ( IsX360 ( ) )
bufSize = g_pFileSystem - > GetOptimalReadSize ( hFile , bufSize ) ; // align to sector
switch ( usehunk )
case 1 :
buf = ( byte * ) Hunk_AllocName ( bufSize , base ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
AssertMsg ( 0 , " Temp alloc no longer supported \n " ) ;
break ;
case 3 :
AssertMsg ( 0 , " Cache alloc no longer supported \n " ) ;
break ;
case 4 :
if ( len + 1 > loadsize )
buf = ( byte * ) malloc ( bufSize ) ;
buf = loadbuf ;
break ;
case 5 :
buf = ( byte * ) malloc ( bufSize ) ; // YWB: FIXME, this is evil.
break ;
default :
Sys_Error ( " COM_LoadFile: bad usehunk " ) ;
if ( ! buf )
Sys_Error ( " COM_LoadFile: not enough space for %s " , path ) ;
COM_CloseFile ( hFile ) ; // exit here to prevent fault on oom (kdb)
return NULL ;
g_pFileSystem - > ReadEx ( buf , bufSize , len , hFile ) ;
COM_CloseFile ( hFile ) ;
( ( byte * ) buf ) [ len ] = 0 ;
if ( pLength )
* pLength = len ;
return buf ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void COM_CopyFileChunk ( FileHandle_t dst , FileHandle_t src , int nSize )
int copysize = nSize ;
char copybuf [ COM_COPY_CHUNK_SIZE ] ;
while ( copysize > COM_COPY_CHUNK_SIZE )
g_pFileSystem - > Read ( copybuf , COM_COPY_CHUNK_SIZE , src ) ;
g_pFileSystem - > Write ( copybuf , COM_COPY_CHUNK_SIZE , dst ) ;
copysize - = COM_COPY_CHUNK_SIZE ;
g_pFileSystem - > Read ( copybuf , copysize , src ) ;
g_pFileSystem - > Write ( copybuf , copysize , dst ) ;
g_pFileSystem - > Flush ( src ) ;
g_pFileSystem - > Flush ( dst ) ;
// uses malloc if larger than bufsize
byte * COM_LoadStackFile ( const char * path , void * buffer , int bufsize , int & filesize )
byte * buf ;
loadbuf = ( byte * ) buffer ;
loadsize = bufsize ;
buf = COM_LoadFile ( path , 4 , & filesize ) ;
return buf ;
void COM_ShutdownFileSystem ( void )
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Remove the searchpaths
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void COM_Shutdown ( void )
// Purpose: allocates memory and copys source text
// Input : *in -
// Output : char *CopyString
char * COM_StringCopy ( const char * in )
int len = Q_strlen ( in ) + 1 ;
char * out = ( char * ) new char [ len ] ;
Q_strncpy ( out , in , len ) ;
return out ;
void COM_StringFree ( const char * in )
delete [ ] in ;
void COM_SetupLogDir ( const char * mapname )
char gameDir [ MAX_OSPATH ] ;
COM_GetGameDir ( gameDir , sizeof ( gameDir ) ) ;
// Blat out the all directories in the LOGDIR path
g_pFileSystem - > RemoveSearchPath ( NULL , " LOGDIR " ) ;
// set the log directory
if ( mapname & & CommandLine ( ) - > FindParm ( " -uselogdir " ) )
int i ;
char sRelativeLogDir [ MAX_PATH ] ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_LOG_DIRECTORIES ; i + + )
Q_snprintf ( sRelativeLogDir , sizeof ( sRelativeLogDir ) , " logs/%s/%04i " , mapname , i ) ;
if ( ! g_pFileSystem - > IsDirectory ( sRelativeLogDir , " GAME " ) )
break ;
// Loop at max
i = 0 ;
Q_snprintf ( sRelativeLogDir , sizeof ( sRelativeLogDir ) , " logs/%s/%04i " , mapname , i ) ;
// Make sure the directories we need exist.
g_pFileSystem - > CreateDirHierarchy ( sRelativeLogDir , " GAME " ) ;
static bool pathsetup = false ;
if ( ! pathsetup )
pathsetup = true ;
// Set the search path
char sLogDir [ MAX_PATH ] ;
Q_snprintf ( sLogDir , sizeof ( sLogDir ) , " %s/%s " , gameDir , sRelativeLogDir ) ;
g_pFileSystem - > AddSearchPath ( sLogDir , " LOGDIR " ) ;
// Default to the base game directory for logs.
g_pFileSystem - > AddSearchPath ( gameDir , " LOGDIR " ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
COM_GetModDirectory - return the final directory in the game dir ( i . e " cstrike " , " hl2 " , rather than c : \ blah \ cstrike )
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
const char * COM_GetModDirectory ( )
static char modDir [ MAX_PATH ] ;
if ( Q_strlen ( modDir ) = = 0 )
const char * gamedir = CommandLine ( ) - > ParmValue ( " -game " , CommandLine ( ) - > ParmValue ( " -defaultgamedir " , " hl2 " ) ) ;
Q_strncpy ( modDir , gamedir , sizeof ( modDir ) ) ;
if ( strchr ( modDir , ' / ' ) | | strchr ( modDir , ' \\ ' ) )
Q_StripLastDir ( modDir , sizeof ( modDir ) ) ;
int dirlen = Q_strlen ( modDir ) ;
Q_strncpy ( modDir , gamedir + dirlen , sizeof ( modDir ) - dirlen ) ;
return modDir ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Return if we should load content from the _hd folder for this mod
This logic needs to match with the gameui / OptionsSubVideo . cpp code
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
bool BLoadHDContent ( const char * pchModDir , const char * pchBaseDir )
char szModSteamInfPath [ 1024 ] ;
V_ComposeFileName ( pchModDir , " game_hd.txt " , szModSteamInfPath , sizeof ( szModSteamInfPath ) ) ;
char szFullPath [ 1024 ] ;
V_MakeAbsolutePath ( szFullPath , sizeof ( szFullPath ) , szModSteamInfPath , pchBaseDir ) ;
FILE * fp = fopen ( szFullPath , " rb " ) ;
if ( fp )
fclose ( fp ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
extern void Host_CheckGore ( void ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void COM_InitFilesystem ( const char * pFullModPath )
CFSSearchPathsInit initInfo ;
# ifndef SWDS
if ( IsPC ( ) )
static char language [ 128 ] ;
language [ 0 ] = 0 ;
// There are two language at play here. The Audio language which is controled by the
// properties on the game itself in Steam (at least for now). And the language Steam is set to.
// Under Windows the text in the game is controled by the language Steam is set in, but the audio
// is controled by the language set in the game's properties which we can get from Steam3Client
// A command line override for audio language has also been added.
// -audiolanguage <language>
// User must have the .vpk files for the language installed though in order to use the command line switch
if ( Steam3Client ( ) . SteamApps ( ) )
// use -audiolanguage command line to override audio language, otherwise take language from steam
Q_strncpy ( language , CommandLine ( ) - > ParmValue ( " -audiolanguage " , Steam3Client ( ) . SteamApps ( ) - > GetCurrentGameLanguage ( ) ) , sizeof ( language ) - 1 ) ;
2022-09-10 03:30:28 +03:00
char * szLang = getenv ( " LANG " ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
// still allow command line override even when not running steam
if ( CommandLine ( ) - > CheckParm ( " -audiolanguage " ) )
Q_strncpy ( language , CommandLine ( ) - > ParmValue ( " -audiolanguage " , " english " ) , sizeof ( language ) - 1 ) ;
2022-09-10 03:30:28 +03:00
else if ( szLang )
ELanguage lang = PchLanguageICUCodeToELanguage ( szLang , k_Lang_English ) ;
const char * szShortLang = GetLanguageShortName ( lang ) ;
if ( Q_strncmp ( szShortLang , " none " , 4 ) ! = 0 )
Q_strncpy ( language , szShortLang , sizeof ( language ) - 1 ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( ( Q_strlen ( language ) > 0 ) & & ( Q_stricmp ( language , " english " ) ) )
initInfo . m_pLanguage = language ;
# endif
initInfo . m_pFileSystem = g_pFileSystem ;
initInfo . m_pDirectoryName = pFullModPath ;
if ( ! initInfo . m_pDirectoryName )
initInfo . m_pDirectoryName = GetCurrentGame ( ) ;
Host_CheckGore ( ) ;
initInfo . m_bLowViolence = g_bLowViolence ;
initInfo . m_bMountHDContent = BLoadHDContent ( initInfo . m_pDirectoryName , GetBaseDirectory ( ) ) ;
// Load gameinfo.txt and setup all the search paths, just like the tools do.
FileSystem_LoadSearchPaths ( initInfo ) ;
// The mod path becomes com_gamedir.
Q_MakeAbsolutePath ( com_gamedir , sizeof ( com_gamedir ) , initInfo . m_ModPath ) ;
// Set com_basedir.
Q_strncpy ( com_basedir , GetBaseDirectory ( ) , sizeof ( com_basedir ) ) ; // the "root" directory where hl2.exe is
Q_strlower ( com_basedir ) ;
Q_FixSlashes ( com_basedir ) ;
# if !defined( SWDS ) && !defined( DEDICATED )
EngineVGui ( ) - > SetVGUIDirectories ( ) ;
# endif
// Set LOGDIR to be something reasonable
COM_SetupLogDir ( NULL ) ;
// g_pFileSystem->PrintSearchPaths();
const char * COM_DXLevelToString ( int dxlevel )
bool bHalfPrecision = false ;
const char * pShaderDLLName = g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig - > GetShaderDLLName ( ) ;
if ( pShaderDLLName & & Q_stristr ( pShaderDLLName , " nvfx " ) )
bHalfPrecision = true ;
if ( CommandLine ( ) - > CheckParm ( " -dxlevel " ) )
switch ( dxlevel )
case 0 :
return " default " ;
case 60 :
return " 6.0 " ;
case 70 :
return " 7.0 " ;
case 80 :
return " 8.0 " ;
case 81 :
return " 8.1 " ;
case 82 :
if ( bHalfPrecision )
return " 8.1 with some 9.0 (half-precision) " ;
return " 8.1 with some 9.0 (full-precision) " ;
case 90 :
if ( bHalfPrecision )
return " 9.0 (half-precision) " ;
return " 9.0 (full-precision) " ;
default :
return " UNKNOWN " ;
switch ( dxlevel )
case 60 :
return " gamemode - 6.0 " ;
case 70 :
return " gamemode - 7.0 " ;
case 80 :
return " gamemode - 8.0 " ;
case 81 :
return " gamemode - 8.1 " ;
case 82 :
if ( bHalfPrecision )
return " gamemode - 8.1 with some 9.0 (half-precision) " ;
return " gamemode - 8.1 with some 9.0 (full-precision) " ;
case 90 :
if ( bHalfPrecision )
return " gamemode - 9.0 (half-precision) " ;
return " gamemode - 9.0 (full-precision) " ;
default :
return " gamemode " ;
const char * COM_FormatSeconds ( int seconds )
static char string [ 64 ] ;
int hours = 0 ;
int minutes = seconds / 60 ;
if ( minutes > 0 )
seconds - = ( minutes * 60 ) ;
hours = minutes / 60 ;
if ( hours > 0 )
minutes - = ( hours * 60 ) ;
if ( hours > 0 )
Q_snprintf ( string , sizeof ( string ) , " %2i:%02i:%02i " , hours , minutes , seconds ) ;
Q_snprintf ( string , sizeof ( string ) , " %02i:%02i " , minutes , seconds ) ;
return string ;
// Non-VarArgs version
void COM_LogString ( char const * pchFile , char const * pchString )
if ( ! g_pFileSystem )
Assert ( 0 ) ;
return ;
FileHandle_t fp ;
const char * pfilename ;
if ( ! pchFile )
pfilename = " hllog.txt " ;
pfilename = pchFile ;
fp = g_pFileSystem - > Open ( pfilename , " a+t " ) ;
if ( fp )
g_pFileSystem - > Write ( pchString , strlen ( pchString ) , fp ) ;
g_pFileSystem - > Close ( fp ) ;
void COM_Log ( const char * pszFile , const char * fmt , . . . )
if ( ! g_pFileSystem )
Assert ( 0 ) ;
return ;
va_list argptr ;
char string [ 8192 ] ;
va_start ( argptr , fmt ) ;
Q_vsnprintf ( string , sizeof ( string ) , fmt , argptr ) ;
va_end ( argptr ) ;
COM_LogString ( pszFile , string ) ;
// Purpose:
// Input : *filename1 -
// *filename2 -
// *iCompare -
// Output : int
int COM_CompareFileTime ( const char * filename1 , const char * filename2 , int * iCompare )
int bRet = 0 ;
if ( iCompare )
* iCompare = 0 ;
if ( filename1 & & filename2 )
long ft1 = g_pFileSystem - > GetFileTime ( filename1 ) ;
long ft2 = g_pFileSystem - > GetFileTime ( filename2 ) ;
if ( iCompare )
* iCompare = Sys_CompareFileTime ( ft1 , ft2 ) ;
bRet = 1 ;
return bRet ;
// Purpose:
// Input : *szGameDir -
void COM_GetGameDir ( char * szGameDir , int maxlen )
if ( ! szGameDir ) return ;
Q_strncpy ( szGameDir , com_gamedir , maxlen ) ;
// Purpose: Parse a token from a file stream
// Input : *data -
// *token -
// Output : char
const char * COM_ParseFile ( const char * data , char * token , int maxtoken )
const char * return_data = COM_Parse ( data ) ;
Q_strncpy ( token , com_token , maxtoken ) ;
return return_data ;
// Purpose:
// Output : void COM_Init
void COM_Init ( void )
CharacterSetBuild ( & g_BreakSet , " {}()' " ) ;
CharacterSetBuild ( & g_BreakSetIncludingColons , " {}()': " ) ;
// Purpose:
bool COM_IsValidPath ( const char * pszFilename )
if ( ! pszFilename )
return false ;
if ( Q_strlen ( pszFilename ) < = 0 | |
Q_strstr ( pszFilename , " \\ \\ " ) | | // to protect network paths
Q_strstr ( pszFilename , " : " ) | | // to protect absolute paths
Q_strstr ( pszFilename , " .. " ) | | // to protect relative paths
Q_strstr ( pszFilename , " \n " ) | | // CFileSystem_Stdio::FS_fopen doesn't allow this
Q_strstr ( pszFilename , " \r " ) ) // CFileSystem_Stdio::FS_fopen doesn't allow this
return false ;
return true ;
// Purpose:
bool COM_IsValidLogFilename ( const char * pszFilename )
if ( ! pszFilename | | ! pszFilename [ 0 ] )
return false ;
if ( V_stristr ( pszFilename , " " ) | | V_stristr ( pszFilename , " \t " ) ) // don't multiple spaces or tab
return false ;
const char * extension = V_strrchr ( pszFilename , ' . ' ) ;
if ( extension )
if ( Q_stricmp ( extension , " .log " ) & & Q_stricmp ( extension , " .txt " ) ) // must use .log or .txt if an extension is specified
return false ;
if ( extension = = pszFilename ) // bad filename (just an extension)
return false ;
return true ;
unsigned int COM_GetIdealDestinationCompressionBufferSize_Snappy ( unsigned int uncompressedSize )
// 4 for the ID, plus whatever Snappy says it would need.
return 4 + snappy : : MaxCompressedLength ( uncompressedSize ) ;
void * COM_CompressBuffer_Snappy ( const void * source , unsigned int sourceLen , unsigned int * compressedLen , unsigned int maxCompressedLen )
Assert ( source ) ;
Assert ( compressedLen ) ;
// Allocate a buffer big enough to hold the worst case.
unsigned nMaxCompressedSize = COM_GetIdealDestinationCompressionBufferSize_Snappy ( sourceLen ) ;
char * pCompressed = ( char * ) malloc ( nMaxCompressedSize ) ;
if ( pCompressed = = NULL )
return NULL ;
// Do the compression
* ( uint32 * ) pCompressed = SNAPPY_ID ;
size_t compressed_length ;
snappy : : RawCompress ( ( const char * ) source , sourceLen , pCompressed + sizeof ( uint32 ) , & compressed_length ) ;
compressed_length + = 4 ;
Assert ( compressed_length < = nMaxCompressedSize ) ;
// Check if this result is OK
if ( maxCompressedLen ! = 0 & & compressed_length > maxCompressedLen )
free ( pCompressed ) ;
return NULL ;
* compressedLen = compressed_length ;
return pCompressed ;
bool COM_BufferToBufferCompress_Snappy ( void * dest , unsigned int * destLen , const void * source , unsigned int sourceLen )
Assert ( dest ) ;
Assert ( destLen ) ;
Assert ( source ) ;
// Check if we need to use a temporary buffer
unsigned nMaxCompressedSize = COM_GetIdealDestinationCompressionBufferSize_Snappy ( sourceLen ) ;
unsigned compressedLen = * destLen ;
if ( compressedLen < nMaxCompressedSize )
// Yep. Use the other function to allocate the buffer of the right size and comrpess into it
void * temp = COM_CompressBuffer_Snappy ( source , sourceLen , & compressedLen , compressedLen ) ;
if ( temp = = NULL )
return false ;
// Copy over the data
V_memcpy ( dest , temp , compressedLen ) ;
* destLen = compressedLen ;
free ( temp ) ;
return true ;
// We have room and should be able to compress directly
* ( uint32 * ) dest = SNAPPY_ID ;
size_t compressed_length ;
snappy : : RawCompress ( ( const char * ) source , sourceLen , ( char * ) dest + sizeof ( uint32 ) , & compressed_length ) ;
compressed_length + = 4 ;
Assert ( compressed_length < = nMaxCompressedSize ) ;
* destLen = compressed_length ;
return true ;
2024-07-18 08:12:29 +02:00
unsigned int COM_GetIdealDestinationCompressionBufferSize_ZSTD (
unsigned int uncompressedSize )
return 4 + ZSTD_compressBound ( uncompressedSize ) ;
static constexpr int ZSTD_COMPRESSION_LEVEL = 999 ;
static auto g_pZSTDCCtx = ZSTD_createCCtx ( ) ;
template < typename T >
2024-07-18 21:17:44 +02:00
static T * GetZSTD_Dictionary ( )
2024-07-18 08:12:29 +02:00
static T * dict = nullptr ;
static constexpr auto dictionaryFilePath = " bin/zstd.dictionary " ;
static std : : once_flag flag ;
std : : call_once ( flag ,
[ & ]
CUtlBuffer buffer ;
if ( ! g_pFileSystem - > ReadFile ( dictionaryFilePath ,
buffer ) )
Sys_Error ( " g_pZSTDInfo: could not find "
" dictionary at %s! \n " ,
dictionaryFilePath ) ;
if constexpr ( std : : is_same < T , ZSTD_CDict > : : value )
dict = ZSTD_createCDict ( buffer . Base ( ) ,
buffer . Size ( ) ,
else if constexpr ( std : : is_same < T , ZSTD_DDict > : : value )
dict = ZSTD_createDDict ( buffer . Base ( ) ,
buffer . Size ( ) ) ;
ErrorIfNot ( dict ! = NULL , ( " GetZSTD_Dictionary() failed! \n " ) ) ;
} ) ;
return dict ;
} ;
void * COM_CompressBuffer_ZSTD ( const void * source ,
unsigned int sourceLen ,
unsigned int * compressedLen ,
unsigned int maxCompressedLen )
Assert ( source ) ;
Assert ( compressedLen ) ;
// Allocate a buffer big enough to hold the worst case.
unsigned nMaxCompressedSize = COM_GetIdealDestinationCompressionBufferSize_ZSTD ( sourceLen ) ;
char * pCompressed = ( char * ) malloc ( nMaxCompressedSize ) ;
if ( pCompressed = = NULL )
return NULL ;
// Do the compression
* ( uint32 * ) pCompressed = ZSTD_ID ;
size_t compressed_length = ZSTD_compress_usingCDict (
g_pZSTDCCtx ,
pCompressed + sizeof ( uint32 ) ,
nMaxCompressedSize ,
( const char * ) source ,
sourceLen ,
2024-07-18 21:17:44 +02:00
GetZSTD_Dictionary < ZSTD_CDict > ( ) ) ;
2024-07-18 08:12:29 +02:00
compressed_length + = 4 ;
Assert ( compressed_length < = nMaxCompressedSize ) ;
// Check if this result is OK
if ( ( maxCompressedLen ! = 0 & & compressed_length > maxCompressedLen ) | | ZSTD_isError ( compressed_length ) )
free ( pCompressed ) ;
return NULL ;
* compressedLen = compressed_length ;
return pCompressed ;
bool COM_BufferToBufferCompress_ZSTD ( void * dest ,
unsigned int * destLen ,
const void * source ,
unsigned int sourceLen )
Assert ( dest ) ;
Assert ( destLen ) ;
Assert ( source ) ;
2024-07-18 21:17:44 +02:00
2024-07-18 08:12:29 +02:00
static int zstdTrainingSetCount = 0 ;
# endif
char fileName [ 64 ] ;
# ifdef SWDS
const auto strContext = " dedicated " ;
# else
const auto strContext = " client " ;
# endif
V_sprintf_safe ( fileName , " css_zstd_training_set/%s_%i.bin " , strContext , zstdTrainingSetCount + + ) ;
CUtlBuffer buffer ;
buffer . CopyBuffer ( source , sourceLen ) ;
static std : : once_flag flag ;
std : : call_once ( flag , [ & ] { g_pFileSystem - > CreateDirHierarchy ( " css_zstd_training_set " , " DEFAULT_WRITE_PATH " ) ; } ) ;
g_pFileSystem - > WriteFile ( fileName , NULL , buffer ) ;
# endif
// Check if we need to use a temporary buffer
unsigned nMaxCompressedSize = COM_GetIdealDestinationCompressionBufferSize_ZSTD ( sourceLen ) ;
unsigned compressedLen = * destLen ;
if ( compressedLen < nMaxCompressedSize )
// Yep. Use the other function to allocate the buffer of the right size and comrpess into it
void * temp = COM_CompressBuffer_ZSTD ( source , sourceLen , & compressedLen , compressedLen ) ;
if ( temp = = NULL )
return false ;
// Copy over the data
V_memcpy ( dest , temp , compressedLen ) ;
* destLen = compressedLen ;
free ( temp ) ;
return true ;
// We have room and should be able to compress directly
* ( uint32 * ) dest = ZSTD_ID ;
size_t compressed_length = ZSTD_compress_usingCDict (
g_pZSTDCCtx ,
( char * ) dest + sizeof ( uint32 ) ,
nMaxCompressedSize ,
( const char * ) source ,
sourceLen ,
2024-07-18 21:17:44 +02:00
GetZSTD_Dictionary < ZSTD_CDict > ( ) ) ;
2024-07-18 08:12:29 +02:00
if ( ZSTD_isError ( compressed_length ) )
return false ;
compressed_length + = 4 ;
Assert ( compressed_length < = nMaxCompressedSize ) ;
* destLen = compressed_length ;
return true ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
unsigned COM_GetIdealDestinationCompressionBufferSize_LZSS ( unsigned int uncompressedSize )
// Our LZSS compressor doesn't need any extra space because it will stop and fail
// as soon as it figures out it's unable to reduce the size of the data by more than
// 32 bytes
return uncompressedSize ;
void * COM_CompressBuffer_LZSS ( const void * source , unsigned int sourceLen , unsigned int * compressedLen , unsigned int maxCompressedLen )
Assert ( source ) ;
Assert ( compressedLen ) ;
unsigned int uCompressedLen = 0 ;
byte * pbOut = s . Compress ( ( const byte * ) source , sourceLen , & uCompressedLen ) ;
if ( pbOut & & uCompressedLen > 0 & & ( uCompressedLen < = maxCompressedLen | | maxCompressedLen = = 0 ) )
* compressedLen = uCompressedLen ;
return pbOut ;
if ( pbOut )
free ( pbOut ) ;
return NULL ;
bool COM_BufferToBufferCompress_LZSS ( void * dest , unsigned int * destLen , const void * source , unsigned int sourceLen )
Assert ( dest ) ;
Assert ( destLen ) ;
Assert ( source ) ;
unsigned int uCompressedLen = 0 ;
if ( ! s . CompressNoAlloc ( ( const byte * ) source , sourceLen , ( unsigned char * ) dest , & uCompressedLen ) )
return false ;
* destLen = uCompressedLen ;
return true ;
int COM_GetUncompressedSize ( const void * compressed , unsigned int compressedLen )
const lzss_header_t * pHeader = ( const lzss_header_t * ) compressed ;
// Check for our own LZSS compressed data
if ( ( compressedLen > = sizeof ( lzss_header_t ) ) & & pHeader - > id = = LZSS_ID )
return LittleLong ( pHeader - > actualSize ) ;
// Check for Snappy compressed
if ( compressedLen > sizeof ( pHeader - > id ) & & pHeader - > id = = SNAPPY_ID )
size_t snappySize ;
if ( snappy : : GetUncompressedLength ( ( const char * ) compressed + sizeof ( pHeader - > id ) , compressedLen - sizeof ( pHeader - > id ) , & snappySize ) )
return ( int ) snappySize ;
2024-07-18 08:12:29 +02:00
if ( pHeader - > id = = ZSTD_ID )
auto srcSize = ZSTD_getFrameContentSize ( ( const char * ) compressed + sizeof ( pHeader - > id ) ,
compressedLen ) ;
if ( srcSize > std : : numeric_limits < int > : : max ( ) | | ZSTD_isError ( srcSize ) )
Warning ( " COM_GetUncompressedSize: ZSTD Failed on getting uncompressed size \n " ) ;
return - 1 ;
return static_cast < int > ( srcSize ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
return - 1 ;
// Purpose: Generic buffer decompression from source into dest
bool COM_BufferToBufferDecompress ( void * dest , unsigned int * destLen , const void * source , unsigned int sourceLen )
int nDecompressedSize = COM_GetUncompressedSize ( source , sourceLen ) ;
if ( nDecompressedSize > = 0 )
// Check buffer size
if ( ( unsigned ) nDecompressedSize > * destLen )
Warning ( " NET_BufferToBufferDecompress with improperly sized dest buffer (%u in, %u needed) \n " , * destLen , nDecompressedSize ) ;
return false ;
const lzss_header_t * pHeader = ( const lzss_header_t * ) source ;
if ( pHeader - > id = = LZSS_ID )
2023-04-07 14:56:56 +03:00
int nActualDecompressedSize = s . SafeUncompress ( ( byte * ) source , sourceLen , ( byte * ) dest , * destLen ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( nActualDecompressedSize ! = nDecompressedSize )
Warning ( " NET_BufferToBufferDecompress: header said %d bytes would be decompressed, but we LZSS decompressed %d \n " , nDecompressedSize , nActualDecompressedSize ) ;
return false ;
* destLen = nDecompressedSize ;
return true ;
if ( pHeader - > id = = SNAPPY_ID )
if ( ! snappy : : RawUncompress ( ( const char * ) source + 4 , sourceLen - 4 , ( char * ) dest ) )
Warning ( " NET_BufferToBufferDecompress: Snappy decompression failed \n " ) ;
return false ;
* destLen = nDecompressedSize ;
return true ;
2024-07-18 08:12:29 +02:00
if ( pHeader - > id = = ZSTD_ID )
static auto g_pZSTDDCtx = ZSTD_createDCtx ( ) ;
if ( ZSTD_isError ( ZSTD_decompress_usingDDict (
g_pZSTDDCtx ,
( char * ) dest ,
* destLen ,
( const char * ) source + 4 ,
sourceLen - 4 ,
2024-07-18 21:17:44 +02:00
GetZSTD_Dictionary < ZSTD_DDict > ( ) ) ) )
2024-07-18 08:12:29 +02:00
Warning ( " NET_BufferToBufferDecompress: ZSTD decompression failed \n " ) ;
return false ;
* destLen = nDecompressedSize ;
return true ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
// Mismatch between this routine and COM_GetUncompressedSize
AssertMsg ( false , " Unknown compression type? " ) ;
return false ;
if ( sourceLen > * destLen )
Warning ( " NET_BufferToBufferDecompress with improperly sized dest buffer (%u in, %u needed) \n " , * destLen , sourceLen ) ;
return false ;
V_memcpy ( dest , source , sourceLen ) ;
* destLen = sourceLen ;
return true ;