
331 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#if !defined( IVRENDERVIEW_H )
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "basetypes.h"
#include "mathlib/vplane.h"
#include "interface.h"
#include "materialsystem/imaterialsystem.h"
#include "const.h"
#include "tier1/refcount.h"
// Forward declarations
class CViewSetup;
class CEngineSprite;
class IClientEntity;
class IMaterial;
struct model_t;
class IClientRenderable;
// Flags used by DrawWorldLists
enum ERenderDepthMode
typedef VPlane Frustum[FRUSTUM_NUMPLANES];
// Leaf index
typedef unsigned short LeafIndex_t;
typedef short LeafFogVolume_t;
INVALID_LEAF_INDEX = (LeafIndex_t)~0
// Describes the leaves to be rendered this view, set by BuildWorldLists
struct WorldListInfo_t
int m_ViewFogVolume;
int m_LeafCount;
LeafIndex_t* m_pLeafList;
LeafFogVolume_t* m_pLeafFogVolume;
class IWorldRenderList : public IRefCounted
// Describes the fog volume for a particular point
struct VisibleFogVolumeInfo_t
int m_nVisibleFogVolume;
int m_nVisibleFogVolumeLeaf;
bool m_bEyeInFogVolume;
float m_flDistanceToWater;
float m_flWaterHeight;
IMaterial *m_pFogVolumeMaterial;
// Vertex format for brush models
struct BrushVertex_t
Vector m_Pos;
Vector m_Normal;
Vector m_TangentS;
Vector m_TangentT;
Vector2D m_TexCoord;
Vector2D m_LightmapCoord;
BrushVertex_t( const BrushVertex_t& src );
// Visibility data for area portal culling
struct VisOverrideData_t
Vector m_vecVisOrigin; // The point to to use as the viewpoint for area portal backface cull checks.
float m_fDistToAreaPortalTolerance; // The distance from an area portal before using the full screen as the viewable portion.
// interface for asking about the Brush surfaces from the client DLL
class IBrushSurface
// Computes texture coordinates + lightmap coordinates given a world position
virtual void ComputeTextureCoordinate( Vector const& worldPos, Vector2D& texCoord ) = 0;
virtual void ComputeLightmapCoordinate( Vector const& worldPos, Vector2D& lightmapCoord ) = 0;
// Gets the vertex data for this surface
virtual int GetVertexCount() const = 0;
virtual void GetVertexData( BrushVertex_t* pVerts ) = 0;
// Gets at the material properties for this surface
virtual IMaterial* GetMaterial() = 0;
// interface for installing a new renderer for brush surfaces
class IBrushRenderer
// Draws the surface; returns true if decals should be rendered on this surface
virtual bool RenderBrushModelSurface( IClientEntity* pBaseEntity, IBrushSurface* pBrushSurface ) = 0;
#define MAX_VIS_LEAVES 32
// Purpose: Interface to client .dll to set up a rendering pass over world
// The client .dll can call Render multiple times to overlay one or more world
// views on top of one another
enum DrawBrushModelMode_t
class IVRenderView
// Draw normal brush model.
// If pMaterialOverride is non-null, then all the faces of the bmodel will
// set this material rather than their regular material.
virtual void DrawBrushModel(
IClientEntity *baseentity,
model_t *model,
const Vector& origin,
const QAngle& angles,
bool bUnused ) = 0;
// Draw brush model that has no origin/angles change ( uses identity transform )
// FIXME, Material proxy IClientEntity *baseentity is unused right now, use DrawBrushModel for brushes with
// proxies for now.
virtual void DrawIdentityBrushModel( IWorldRenderList *pList, model_t *model ) = 0;
// Mark this dynamic light as having changed this frame ( so light maps affected will be recomputed )
virtual void TouchLight( struct dlight_t *light ) = 0;
// Draw 3D Overlays
virtual void Draw3DDebugOverlays( void ) = 0;
// Sets global blending fraction
virtual void SetBlend( float blend ) = 0;
virtual float GetBlend( void ) = 0;
// Sets global color modulation
virtual void SetColorModulation( float const* blend ) = 0;
virtual void GetColorModulation( float* blend ) = 0;
// Wrap entire scene drawing
virtual void SceneBegin( void ) = 0;
virtual void SceneEnd( void ) = 0;
// Gets the fog volume for a particular point
virtual void GetVisibleFogVolume( const Vector& eyePoint, VisibleFogVolumeInfo_t *pInfo ) = 0;
// Wraps world drawing
// If iForceViewLeaf is not -1, then it uses the specified leaf as your starting area for setting up area portal culling.
// This is used by water since your reflected view origin is often in solid space, but we still want to treat it as though
// the first portal we're looking out of is a water portal, so our view effectively originates under the water.
virtual IWorldRenderList * CreateWorldList() = 0;
virtual void BuildWorldLists( IWorldRenderList *pList, WorldListInfo_t* pInfo, int iForceFViewLeaf, const VisOverrideData_t* pVisData = NULL, bool bShadowDepth = false, float *pReflectionWaterHeight = NULL ) = 0;
virtual void DrawWorldLists( IWorldRenderList *pList, unsigned long flags, float waterZAdjust ) = 0;
// Optimization for top view
virtual void DrawTopView( bool enable ) = 0;
virtual void TopViewBounds( Vector2D const& mins, Vector2D const& maxs ) = 0;
// Draw lights
virtual void DrawLights( void ) = 0;
// FIXME: This function is a stub, doesn't do anything in the engine right now
virtual void DrawMaskEntities( void ) = 0;
// Draw surfaces with alpha
virtual void DrawTranslucentSurfaces( IWorldRenderList *pList, int sortIndex, unsigned long flags, bool bShadowDepth ) = 0;
// Draw Particles ( just draws the linefine for debugging map leaks )
virtual void DrawLineFile( void ) = 0;
// Draw lightmaps
virtual void DrawLightmaps( IWorldRenderList *pList, int pageId ) = 0;
// Wraps view render sequence, sets up a view
virtual void ViewSetupVis( bool novis, int numorigins, const Vector origin[] ) = 0;
// Return true if any of these leaves are visible in the current PVS.
virtual bool AreAnyLeavesVisible( int *leafList, int nLeaves ) = 0;
virtual void VguiPaint( void ) = 0;
// Sets up view fade parameters
virtual void ViewDrawFade( byte *color, IMaterial *pMaterial ) = 0;
// Sets up the projection matrix for the specified field of view
virtual void OLD_SetProjectionMatrix( float fov, float zNear, float zFar ) = 0;
// Determine lighting at specified position
virtual colorVec GetLightAtPoint( Vector& pos ) = 0;
// Whose eyes are we looking through?
virtual int GetViewEntity( void ) = 0;
// Get engine field of view setting
virtual float GetFieldOfView( void ) = 0;
// 1 == ducking, 0 == not
virtual unsigned char **GetAreaBits( void ) = 0;
// Set up fog for a particular leaf
virtual void SetFogVolumeState( int nVisibleFogVolume, bool bUseHeightFog ) = 0;
// Installs a brush surface draw override method, null means use normal renderer
virtual void InstallBrushSurfaceRenderer( IBrushRenderer* pBrushRenderer ) = 0;
// Draw brush model shadow
virtual void DrawBrushModelShadow( IClientRenderable *pRenderable ) = 0;
// Does the leaf contain translucent surfaces?
virtual bool LeafContainsTranslucentSurfaces( IWorldRenderList *pList, int sortIndex, unsigned long flags ) = 0;
virtual bool DoesBoxIntersectWaterVolume( const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, int leafWaterDataID ) = 0;
virtual void SetAreaState(
unsigned char chAreaBits[MAX_AREA_STATE_BYTES],
unsigned char chAreaPortalBits[MAX_AREA_PORTAL_STATE_BYTES] ) = 0;
// See i
virtual void VGui_Paint( int mode ) = 0;
// Push, pop views (see PushViewFlags_t above for flags)
virtual void Push3DView( const CViewSetup &view, int nFlags, ITexture* pRenderTarget, Frustum frustumPlanes ) = 0;
virtual void Push2DView( const CViewSetup &view, int nFlags, ITexture* pRenderTarget, Frustum frustumPlanes ) = 0;
virtual void PopView( Frustum frustumPlanes ) = 0;
// Sets the main view
virtual void SetMainView( const Vector &vecOrigin, const QAngle &angles ) = 0;
// Wraps view render sequence, sets up a view
virtual void ViewSetupVisEx( bool novis, int numorigins, const Vector origin[], unsigned int &returnFlags ) = 0;
//replaces the current view frustum with a rhyming replacement of your choice
virtual void OverrideViewFrustum( Frustum custom ) = 0;
virtual void DrawBrushModelShadowDepth( IClientEntity *baseentity, model_t *model, const Vector& origin, const QAngle& angles, ERenderDepthMode DepthMode ) = 0;
virtual void UpdateBrushModelLightmap( model_t *model, IClientRenderable *pRenderable ) = 0;
virtual void BeginUpdateLightmaps( void ) = 0;
virtual void EndUpdateLightmaps( void ) = 0;
virtual void OLD_SetOffCenterProjectionMatrix( float fov, float zNear, float zFar, float flAspectRatio, float flBottom, float flTop, float flLeft, float flRight ) = 0;
virtual void OLD_SetProjectionMatrixOrtho( float left, float top, float right, float bottom, float zNear, float zFar ) = 0;
virtual void Push3DView( const CViewSetup &view, int nFlags, ITexture* pRenderTarget, Frustum frustumPlanes, ITexture* pDepthTexture ) = 0;
virtual void GetMatricesForView( const CViewSetup &view, VMatrix *pWorldToView, VMatrix *pViewToProjection, VMatrix *pWorldToProjection, VMatrix *pWorldToPixels ) = 0;
virtual void DrawBrushModelEx( IClientEntity *baseentity, model_t *model, const Vector& origin, const QAngle& angles, DrawBrushModelMode_t mode ) = 0;
// change this when the new version is incompatable with the old
#if defined(_STATIC_LINKED) && defined(CLIENT_DLL)
namespace Client
extern IVRenderView *render;
extern IVRenderView *render;