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2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Database Backed Object caching and manipulation
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "sdocache.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
GCConVar s_ConVarSDOCacheLRULimitMB( "@SDOCacheLRULimitMB", "400", FCVAR_REPLICATED );
GCConVar s_ConVarSDOCacheMaxMemcachedReadJobs( "@SDOCacheMaxMemcachedReadJobs", "4", FCVAR_REPLICATED );
GCConVar s_ConVarSDOCacheMaxMemcachedReadBatchSize( "@SDOCacheMaxMemcachedReadBatchSize", "100", FCVAR_REPLICATED );
GCConVar s_ConVarSDOCacheMaxSQLReadJobsPerSDOType( "@SDOCacheMaxSQLReadJobsPerSDOType", "4", FCVAR_REPLICATED );
GCConVar s_ConVarSDOCacheMaxSQLReadBatchSize( "@SDOCacheMaxSQLReadBatchSize", "100", FCVAR_REPLICATED );
GCConVar s_ConVarSDOCacheMaxPendingSQLReads( "@SDOCacheMaxPendingSQLReads", "2000", FCVAR_REPLICATED );
GCConVar s_ConVarSDOCacheMaxPendingMemcachedReads( "@SDOCacheMaxPendingMemcachedReads", "25000", FCVAR_REPLICATED );
namespace GCSDK
// A string used to tell the difference between nil objects and actual objects in memcached
const char k_rgchNilObjSerializedValue[] = "nilobj";
// Global instance
CSDOCache &GSDOCache()
static CSDOCache s_SDOCache;
return s_SDOCache;
// Purpose: Creates a key name that looks like "Prefix_%u" but faster
void CSDOCache::CreateSimpleMemcachedName( CFmtStr &strDest, const char *pchPrefix, uint32 unPrefixLen, uint32 unSuffix )
Assert( FMTSTR_STD_LEN - unPrefixLen > 10 + 1 );
V_memcpy( strDest.Access(), pchPrefix, unPrefixLen );
_i64toa( unSuffix, strDest.Access() + unPrefixLen, 10 );
strDest.Access()[ FMTSTR_STD_LEN - 1 ] = NULL;
// Purpose: constructor
CSDOCache::CSDOCache() :
m_cubLRUItems( 0 ),
m_mapTypeStats( DefLessFunc( int ) )
memset( &m_StatsSDOCache, 0, sizeof( m_StatsSDOCache ) );
// Purpose: destructor
// delete all the entries from our cache
FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST( m_mapISDOLoaded, iMap )
delete m_mapISDOLoaded.Key( iMap );
FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST( m_mapQueuedRequests, iMap )
delete m_mapQueuedRequests.Key( iMap );
// Purpose: registers an SDO type
void CSDOCache::RegisterSDO( int nType, const char *pchName )
if ( !m_mapQueueSQLRequests.HasElement( nType ) )
m_mapQueueSQLRequests.Insert( nType, new SQLRequestManager_t );
int iMap = m_mapTypeStats.Insert( nType );
m_mapTypeStats[iMap].m_strName = pchName;
// Purpose: a SDO object has been referenced
void CSDOCache::OnSDOReferenced( ISDO *pSDO )
// lookup where the SDO is, it has where we are in the LRU
int iMap = m_mapISDOLoaded.Find( pSDO );
Assert( m_mapISDOLoaded.IsValidIndex( iMap ) );
if ( !m_mapISDOLoaded.IsValidIndex( iMap ) )
// move us out of the LRU
if ( m_listLRU.IsValidIndex( m_mapISDOLoaded[iMap] ) )
RemoveSDOFromLRU( iMap );
// we may not have been in the LRU if it's a custom insert
// Update stats
int iMapStats = m_mapTypeStats.Find( pSDO->GetType() );
if ( m_mapTypeStats.IsValidIndex( iMapStats ) )
// Purpose: a SDO object has gone released
void CSDOCache::OnSDOReleased( ISDO *pSDO )
// Update stats
int iMapStats = m_mapTypeStats.Find( pSDO->GetType() );
if ( m_mapTypeStats.IsValidIndex( iMapStats ) )
// lookup where the SDO is, it has where we are in the LRU
int iMap = m_mapISDOLoaded.Find( pSDO );
if ( m_mapISDOLoaded.IsValidIndex( iMap ) )
// we shouldn't be in the LRU
bool bInLRU = m_listLRU.IsValidIndex( m_mapISDOLoaded[iMap] );
Assert( !bInLRU );
if ( bInLRU )
// count the bytes and move us to the head of the LRU
ISDO *pSDO = m_mapISDOLoaded.Key( iMap );
LRUItem_t item = { pSDO, pSDO->CubBytesUsed() };
m_mapISDOLoaded[iMap] = m_listLRU.AddToTail( item );
m_cubLRUItems += item.m_cub;
if ( m_mapTypeStats.IsValidIndex( iMapStats ) )
m_mapTypeStats[iMapStats].m_cubUnrefed += item.m_cub;
// it's actually valid it's not in the SDO cache anymore - could be an orphaned pointer
if ( pSDO->GetRefCount() == 0 )
delete pSDO;
// Purpose: pulls a cached SDO from the right maps
void CSDOCache::RemoveSDOFromLRU( int iMap )
int iLRU = m_mapISDOLoaded[iMap];
Assert( m_listLRU.IsValidIndex( iLRU ) );
if ( !m_listLRU.IsValidIndex( iLRU ) )
int iMapStats = m_mapTypeStats.Find( m_listLRU[iLRU].m_pSDO->GetType() );
if ( m_mapTypeStats.IsValidIndex( iMapStats ) )
m_mapTypeStats[iMapStats].m_cubUnrefed -= m_listLRU[iLRU].m_cub;
m_cubLRUItems -= m_listLRU[iLRU].m_cub;
m_listLRU.Remove( iLRU );
m_mapISDOLoaded[iMap] = m_listLRU.InvalidIndex();
// Update stats
// Purpose: writes a SDO to memcached
bool CSDOCache::WriteSDOToMemcached( ISDO *pSDO )
CFmtStr strKey;
CUtlBuffer buf;
pSDO->GetMemcachedKeyName( strKey );
pSDO->WriteToBuffer( buf );
return GGCBase()->BMemcachedSet( strKey.Access(), buf );
// Purpose: writes a SDO to memcached
bool CSDOCache::DeleteSDOFromMemcached( ISDO *pSDO )
CFmtStr strKey;
pSDO->GetMemcachedKeyName( strKey );
return GGCBase()->BMemcachedDelete( strKey.Access() );
// Purpose: runs the queued batch loader
class CGCJobLoadSDOSetFromMemcached : public CGCJob
CGCJobLoadSDOSetFromMemcached( CGCBase *pGC )
: CGCJob( pGC )
void AddSDOToLoad( ISDO *pSDO, int iRequestID )
int i = m_vecRequests.AddToTail();
m_vecRequests[i].m_pSDO = pSDO;
m_vecRequests[i].m_iRequestID = iRequestID;
bool BYieldingRunJob( void * )
Assert( m_vecRequests.Count() > 0 );
if ( 0 == m_vecRequests.Count() )
GSDOCache().OnMemcachedLoadJobComplete( GetJobID() );
return false;
// get the names of all the items
CUtlVector<CUtlString> vecKeys;
vecKeys.AddMultipleToTail( m_vecRequests.Count() );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecRequests, i )
CFmtStr strKey;
m_vecRequests[i].m_pSDO->GetMemcachedKeyName( strKey );
vecKeys[i] = strKey;
// ask in a batch from memcached
CUtlVector<CGCBase::GCMemcachedGetResult_t> vecGetResults;
bool bGetSuccess = m_pGC->BYieldingMemcachedGet( vecKeys, vecGetResults );
// go through each request looking up the results
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecRequests, i )
if ( bGetSuccess && vecGetResults.IsValidIndex( i ) && vecGetResults[i].m_bKeyFound )
const CGCBase::GCMemcachedGetResult_t &result = vecGetResults[i];
bool bNilObj = ( result.m_bufValue.Count() == sizeof( k_rgchNilObjSerializedValue )
&& 0 == V_memcmp( result.m_bufValue.Base(), k_rgchNilObjSerializedValue, sizeof( k_rgchNilObjSerializedValue ) ) );
// we've loaded OK
if ( bNilObj || ( result.m_bufValue.Count() && m_vecRequests[i].m_pSDO->BReadFromBuffer( result.m_bufValue.Base(), result.m_bufValue.Count() ) ) )
GSDOCache().OnSDOLoadSuccess( m_vecRequests[i].m_pSDO->GetType(), m_vecRequests[i].m_iRequestID, bNilObj, &m_vecRequests[i].m_pSDO );
GSDOCache().GetStats().m_cItemsLoadedFromMemcached += 1;
GSDOCache().GetStats().m_cNilItemsLoadedFromMemcached += bNilObj ? 1 : 0;
// couldn't load; delete the entry
m_pGC->BMemcachedDelete( vecKeys[i] );
GSDOCache().OnMemcachedSDOLoadFailure( m_vecRequests[i].m_pSDO->GetType(), m_vecRequests[i].m_iRequestID );
// post back failure
GSDOCache().OnMemcachedSDOLoadFailure( m_vecRequests[i].m_pSDO->GetType(), m_vecRequests[i].m_iRequestID );
GSDOCache().OnMemcachedLoadJobComplete( GetJobID() );
return true;
struct Request_t
int m_iRequestID;
CUtlVector<Request_t> m_vecRequests;
// Purpose: runs the queued batch loader
class CGCJobLoadSDOSetFromSQL : public CGCJob
CGCJobLoadSDOSetFromSQL( CGCBase *pGC, int eSDOType )
: CGCJob( pGC ), m_eSDOType( eSDOType )
void AddSDOToLoad( ISDO *pSDO, int iRequestID )
m_vecPSDO.AddToTail( pSDO );
m_vecRequestID.AddToTail( iRequestID );
m_vecResults.AddToTail( false );
bool BYieldingRunJob( void * )
Assert( m_vecPSDO.Count() == m_vecRequestID.Count() && m_vecPSDO.Count() == m_vecResults.Count() );
Assert( m_vecPSDO.Count() > 0 );
if ( 0 == m_vecPSDO.Count()
|| m_vecPSDO.Count() != m_vecRequestID.Count()
|| m_vecPSDO.Count() != m_vecResults.Count() )
GSDOCache().OnSQLLoadJobComplete( m_eSDOType, GetJobID() );
return false;
// use the first item to load the rest
bool bSQLLayerSucceeded = m_vecPSDO[0]->BYldLoadFromSQL( m_vecPSDO, m_vecResults );
Assert( m_vecPSDO.Count() == m_vecRequestID.Count() && m_vecPSDO.Count() == m_vecResults.Count() );
Assert( m_vecPSDO.Count() > 0 );
if ( 0 == m_vecPSDO.Count()
|| m_vecPSDO.Count() != m_vecRequestID.Count()
|| m_vecPSDO.Count() != m_vecResults.Count() )
GSDOCache().OnSQLLoadJobComplete( m_eSDOType, GetJobID() );
return false;
// walk each result
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecRequestID, i )
if ( bSQLLayerSucceeded )
// loaded, great
GSDOCache().OnSDOLoadSuccess( m_eSDOType, m_vecRequestID[i], !m_vecResults[i], &m_vecPSDO[i] );
GSDOCache().WriteSDOToMemcached( m_vecPSDO[i] );
GSDOCache().GetStats().m_cItemsLoadedFromSQL += 1;
GSDOCache().GetStats().m_cNilItemsLoadedFromSQL += m_vecResults[i] ? 0 : 1;
// no good, item couldn't load
GSDOCache().OnSQLSDOLoadFailure( m_eSDOType, m_vecRequestID[i], bSQLLayerSucceeded );
GSDOCache().GetStats().m_cItemsFailedLoadFromSQL += 1;
GSDOCache().OnSQLLoadJobComplete( m_eSDOType, GetJobID() );
return true;
int m_eSDOType;
// these objects all stay in sync
// they need to be separate vectors so that they can be easily passed into other API's
CUtlVector<ISDO *> m_vecPSDO;
CUtlVector<int> m_vecRequestID;
CUtlVector<bool> m_vecResults;
// Purpose: continues any jobs that were waiting on items
bool CSDOCache::BFrameFuncRunJobsUntilCompleted( CLimitTimer &limitTimer )
bool bDoneWork = false;
// continue any jobs
while ( m_queueJobsToContinue.Count() && !limitTimer.BLimitReached() )
// pop the item off the head
JobToWake_t jobToWake = m_queueJobsToContinue[ m_queueJobsToContinue.Head() ];
m_queueJobsToContinue.Remove( m_queueJobsToContinue.Head() );
GGCBase()->GetJobMgr().BRouteWorkItemCompletedIfExists( jobToWake.m_jobID, !jobToWake.m_bLoadLayerSuccess );
// if we're over the limit, LRU an item
while ( !limitTimer.BLimitReached() && m_cubLRUItems > (uint32)( s_ConVarSDOCacheLRULimitMB.GetInt() * k_nMegabyte ) && m_listLRU.Count() )
// pull off the last item in the LRU
LRUItem_t item = m_listLRU[ m_listLRU.Head() ];
// kill the item
int iMap = m_mapISDOLoaded.Find( item.m_pSDO );
Assert( m_mapISDOLoaded.IsValidIndex( iMap ) );
if ( m_mapISDOLoaded.IsValidIndex( iMap ) )
Assert( 0 == item.m_pSDO->GetRefCount() );
if ( 0 == item.m_pSDO->GetRefCount() )
RemoveSDOFromLRU( iMap );
int iMapStats = m_mapTypeStats.Find( item.m_pSDO->GetType() );
if ( m_mapTypeStats.IsValidIndex( iMapStats ) )
if ( item.m_pSDO->BNilObject() )
m_mapISDOLoaded.RemoveAt( iMap );
delete item.m_pSDO;
m_StatsSDOCache.m_cItemsLRUd += 1;
m_StatsSDOCache.m_cBytesLRUd += item.m_cub;
bDoneWork = true;
// return true if there is still work remaining
return bDoneWork || m_queueJobsToContinue.Count() > 0;
// Purpose: runs the queued batch loader
bool CSDOCache::BFrameFuncRunMemcachedQueriesUntilCompleted( CLimitTimer &limitTimer )
bool bDoneWork = false;
// batch load the set
if ( m_queueMemcachedRequests.Count() )
// pass these off to a job
if ( m_vecMemcachedJobs.Count() < s_ConVarSDOCacheMaxMemcachedReadJobs.GetInt() )
CGCJobLoadSDOSetFromMemcached *pJob = new CGCJobLoadSDOSetFromMemcached( GGCBase() );
// add a full batch to the job
int cItemsInBatch = 0;
while ( m_queueMemcachedRequests.Count() && cItemsInBatch < s_ConVarSDOCacheMaxMemcachedReadBatchSize.GetInt() )
int iMapQueuedRequest = m_queueMemcachedRequests[ m_queueMemcachedRequests.Head() ];
m_queueMemcachedRequests.Remove( m_queueMemcachedRequests.Head() );
Assert( m_mapQueuedRequests.IsValidIndex( iMapQueuedRequest ) );
if ( m_mapQueuedRequests.IsValidIndex( iMapQueuedRequest ) )
pJob->AddSDOToLoad( m_mapQueuedRequests.Key( iMapQueuedRequest ), iMapQueuedRequest );
if ( cItemsInBatch > 0 )
m_StatMemcachedBatchSize.AddSample( cItemsInBatch * 100 );
m_StatsSDOCache.m_nMemcachedBatchSizeAvgx100 = (int)m_StatMemcachedBatchSize.GetAveragedSample();
// add to the list
m_vecMemcachedJobs.AddToTail( pJob->GetJobID() );
// start the job
pJob->StartJob( NULL );
// mark that we should be ran again
bDoneWork = true;
delete pJob;
// return if we still have work to do
return bDoneWork;
// Purpose: runs the queued batch loader
bool CSDOCache::BFrameFuncRunSQLQueriesUntilCompleted( CLimitTimer &limitTimer )
bool bDoneWork = false;
// loop through all items looking for batches to load
FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST( m_mapQueueSQLRequests, iMapType )
// batch load the set
SQLRequestManager_t *sqlRequestManager = m_mapQueueSQLRequests[iMapType];
if ( sqlRequestManager->m_queueRequestIDsToLoadFromSQL.Count() )
// pass these off to a job
if ( sqlRequestManager->m_vecSQLJobs.Count() < s_ConVarSDOCacheMaxSQLReadJobsPerSDOType.GetInt() )
int nSDOType = m_mapQueueSQLRequests.Key( iMapType );
CGCJobLoadSDOSetFromSQL *pJob = new CGCJobLoadSDOSetFromSQL( GGCBase(), nSDOType );
// add a full batch to the job
int cItemsInBatch = 0;
while ( sqlRequestManager->m_queueRequestIDsToLoadFromSQL.Count() && cItemsInBatch < s_ConVarSDOCacheMaxSQLReadBatchSize.GetInt() )
int iMapQueuedRequest = sqlRequestManager->m_queueRequestIDsToLoadFromSQL[ sqlRequestManager->m_queueRequestIDsToLoadFromSQL.Head() ];
sqlRequestManager->m_queueRequestIDsToLoadFromSQL.Remove( sqlRequestManager->m_queueRequestIDsToLoadFromSQL.Head() );
Assert( m_mapQueuedRequests.IsValidIndex( iMapQueuedRequest ) );
if ( m_mapQueuedRequests.IsValidIndex( iMapQueuedRequest ) )
pJob->AddSDOToLoad( m_mapQueuedRequests.Key( iMapQueuedRequest ), iMapQueuedRequest );
if ( cItemsInBatch > 0 )
m_StatSQLBatchSize.AddSample( cItemsInBatch * 100 );
m_StatsSDOCache.m_nSQLBatchSizeAvgx100 = (int)m_StatSQLBatchSize.GetAveragedSample();
// add to the list
sqlRequestManager->m_vecSQLJobs.AddToTail( pJob->GetJobID() );
// start the job
pJob->StartJob( NULL );
bDoneWork = true;
delete pJob;
// update stats
m_StatsSDOCache.m_cItemsInCache = m_mapISDOLoaded.Count();
m_StatsSDOCache.m_cItemsQueuedToLoad = m_mapQueuedRequests.Count();
m_StatsSDOCache.m_cBytesUnreferenced = m_cubLRUItems;
m_StatsSDOCache.m_cItemsUnreferenced = m_listLRU.Count();
if ( m_StatsSDOCache.m_cItemsUnreferenced )
// estimate the total bytes from the size of the average size of an unreferenced item
m_StatsSDOCache.m_cBytesInCacheEst = (m_StatsSDOCache.m_cItemsInCache * m_StatsSDOCache.m_cBytesUnreferenced) / m_StatsSDOCache.m_cItemsUnreferenced;
// return true if we still have work to do
return bDoneWork;
// Purpose: queues a new item to try load from memcached
int CSDOCache::QueueMemcachedLoad( ISDO *pSDO )
int iMap = -1;
if ( m_queueMemcachedRequests.Count() < s_ConVarSDOCacheMaxPendingMemcachedReads.GetInt() )
// insert a fresh item into the list
iMap = m_mapQueuedRequests.Insert( pSDO );
// add the key to the queue
m_queueMemcachedRequests.AddToTail( iMap );
delete pSDO;
return iMap;
// Purpose: job results
void CSDOCache::OnSDOLoadSuccess( int eSDOType, int iRequestID, bool bNilObj, ISDO **ppSDO )
Assert( m_mapQueuedRequests.IsValidIndex( iRequestID ) );
if ( !m_mapQueuedRequests.IsValidIndex( iRequestID ) )
// set jobs waiting for the data to wake up
CCopyableUtlVector<JobID_t> &vecJobs = m_mapQueuedRequests[iRequestID];
FOR_EACH_VEC( vecJobs, i )
JobToWake_t jobToWake = { vecJobs[i], true /* success */ };
m_queueJobsToContinue.AddToTail( jobToWake );
// move from requested to loaded
ISDO *pSDO = m_mapQueuedRequests.Key( iRequestID );
m_mapQueuedRequests.RemoveAt( iRequestID );
// If the query succeeded but the object doesn't exist then we need to cache that
if ( bNilObj )
ISDO *pInvalidSDO = pSDO->AllocNilObject();
delete pSDO;
pSDO = pInvalidSDO;
*ppSDO = pSDO;
// do any extra initialization on the SDO
Assert( !m_mapISDOLoaded.HasElement( pSDO ) );
int iMap = m_mapISDOLoaded.Insert( pSDO, m_listLRU.InvalidIndex() );
// update stats
int iMapStats = m_mapTypeStats.Find( pSDO->GetType() );
if ( m_mapTypeStats.IsValidIndex( iMapStats ) )
if ( pSDO->BNilObject() )
// put us in the LRU - if it's just a hint, we may not be referenced immediately
Assert( m_mapISDOLoaded.IsValidIndex( iMap ) );
if ( m_mapISDOLoaded.IsValidIndex( iMap ) )
LRUItem_t item = { pSDO, pSDO->CubBytesUsed() };
m_mapISDOLoaded[iMap] = m_listLRU.AddToTail( item );
m_cubLRUItems += item.m_cub;
if ( m_mapTypeStats.IsValidIndex( iMapStats ) )
m_mapTypeStats[iMapStats].m_cubUnrefed += item.m_cub;
// Purpose: job results
void CSDOCache::OnMemcachedSDOLoadFailure( int eSDOType, int iRequestID )
// we've failed to load an item from memcached - mark as needing load from SQL
Assert( m_mapQueuedRequests.IsValidIndex( iRequestID ) );
if ( !m_mapQueuedRequests.IsValidIndex( iRequestID ) )
Assert( eSDOType == m_mapQueuedRequests.Key( iRequestID )->GetType() );
if ( eSDOType != m_mapQueuedRequests.Key( iRequestID )->GetType() )
int iSQLIndex = m_mapQueueSQLRequests.Find( eSDOType );
AssertMsg1( m_mapQueueSQLRequests.IsValidIndex( iSQLIndex ), "Error, could not load SDO from SQL for unregistered type %d", eSDOType );
if ( !m_mapQueueSQLRequests.IsValidIndex( iSQLIndex ) )
SQLRequestManager_t *sqlRequestManager = m_mapQueueSQLRequests[iSQLIndex];
if ( sqlRequestManager->m_queueRequestIDsToLoadFromSQL.Count() < s_ConVarSDOCacheMaxPendingSQLReads.GetInt() )
sqlRequestManager->m_queueRequestIDsToLoadFromSQL.AddToTail( iRequestID );
// too many outstanding items, reject and fail immediately
OnSQLSDOLoadFailure( eSDOType, iRequestID, false /* loader failure */ );
// Purpose: job results
void CSDOCache::OnSQLSDOLoadFailure( int eSDOType, int iRequestID, bool bSQLLayerSucceeded )
Assert( m_mapQueuedRequests.IsValidIndex( iRequestID ) );
if ( !m_mapQueuedRequests.IsValidIndex( iRequestID ) )
// failed to load from SQL
// set jobs waiting for the data to wake up
CCopyableUtlVector<JobID_t> &vecJobs = m_mapQueuedRequests[iRequestID];
FOR_EACH_VEC( vecJobs, i )
JobToWake_t jobToWake = { vecJobs[i], bSQLLayerSucceeded };
m_queueJobsToContinue.AddToTail( jobToWake );
// kill the object - no one should have references to it, since it's only in the request list
ISDO *pSDO = m_mapQueuedRequests.Key( iRequestID );
m_mapQueuedRequests.RemoveAt( iRequestID );
Assert( 0 == pSDO->GetRefCount() );
if ( 0 == pSDO->GetRefCount() )
delete pSDO;
// Purpose: job results
void CSDOCache::OnMemcachedLoadJobComplete( JobID_t jobID )
m_vecMemcachedJobs.FindAndRemove( jobID );
// Purpose: job results
void CSDOCache::OnSQLLoadJobComplete( int eSDOType, JobID_t jobID )
int iSQLIndex = m_mapQueueSQLRequests.Find( eSDOType );
AssertMsg1( m_mapQueueSQLRequests.IsValidIndex( iSQLIndex ), "Error, could not load SDO from SQL for unregistered type %d", eSDOType );
if ( !m_mapQueueSQLRequests.IsValidIndex( iSQLIndex ) )
SQLRequestManager_t *sqlRequestManager = m_mapQueueSQLRequests[iSQLIndex];
sqlRequestManager->m_vecSQLJobs.FindAndRemove( jobID );
// Purpose: deletes all unreferenced objects
void CSDOCache::Flush()
int cReferencedObjects = 0;
FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST( m_mapISDOLoaded, iMap )
if ( m_mapISDOLoaded.Key( iMap )->GetRefCount() == 0 )
int iMapStats = m_mapTypeStats.Find( m_mapISDOLoaded.Key( iMap )->GetType() );
if ( m_mapTypeStats.IsValidIndex( iMapStats ) )
if ( m_mapISDOLoaded.Key( iMap )->BNilObject() )
RemoveSDOFromLRU( iMap );
DeleteSDOFromMemcached( m_mapISDOLoaded.Key( iMap ) );
delete m_mapISDOLoaded.Key( iMap );
m_mapISDOLoaded.RemoveAt( iMap );
Assert( cReferencedObjects == 0 );
Assert( m_cubLRUItems == 0 );
// Purpose: returns the number of bytes we estimate we have referenced
int CSDOCache::CubReferencedEst()
return MAX( 0, (int)m_StatsSDOCache.m_cBytesInCacheEst - (int)m_StatsSDOCache.m_cBytesUnreferenced );
// Purpose: Prints information about the cache
void CSDOCache::Dump()
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, " Items Cached: %llu\n", m_StatsSDOCache.m_cItemsInCache );
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, " Estimated Bytes Cached: %s\n", V_pretifymem( m_StatsSDOCache.m_cBytesInCacheEst, 2, true ) );
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, " Loads Queued: %llu\n", m_StatsSDOCache.m_cItemsQueuedToLoad );
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, " Memcached Loads Queued: %llu\n", m_StatsSDOCache.m_cQueuedMemcachedRequests );
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, " SQL Loads Queued: %llu\n", m_StatsSDOCache.m_cQueuedSQLRequests );
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, " Items Unreferenced: %llu\n", m_StatsSDOCache.m_cItemsUnreferenced );
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, " Bytes Unreferenced: %s\n", V_pretifymem( m_StatsSDOCache.m_cBytesUnreferenced, 2, true ) );
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, " Items LRU'd: %llu\n", m_StatsSDOCache.m_cItemsLRUd );
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, " Bytes LRU'd: %s\n", V_pretifymem( m_StatsSDOCache.m_cBytesLRUd, 2, true ) );
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, " Items Loaded From Memcached: %llu\n", m_StatsSDOCache.m_cItemsLoadedFromMemcached );
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, " Items Loaded From SQL: %llu\n", m_StatsSDOCache.m_cItemsLoadedFromSQL );
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, " Nils Loaded From Memcached: %llu\n", m_StatsSDOCache.m_cNilItemsLoadedFromMemcached );
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, " Nils Loaded From SQL: %llu\n", m_StatsSDOCache.m_cNilItemsLoadedFromSQL );
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, " Average Memcached Batch: %f\n", (float)m_StatsSDOCache.m_nMemcachedBatchSizeAvgx100 / 100.0f );
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, " Average SQL Batch: %f\n", (float)m_StatsSDOCache.m_nSQLBatchSizeAvgx100 / 100.0f );
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, " Memcached Requests Rejected: %llu\n", m_StatsSDOCache.m_cMemcachedRequestsRejectedTooBusy );
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, " SQL Requests Rejected: %llu\n", m_StatsSDOCache.m_cSQLRequestsRejectedTooBusy );
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, " Failed SQL Loads: %llu\n", m_StatsSDOCache.m_cItemsFailedLoadFromSQL );
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "Per-type stats\n" );
"%-35s --- loaded --- referenced --- nil objects --- size (est)\n", "name" );
FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST( m_mapTypeStats, i )
int nLoaded = m_mapTypeStats[i].m_nLoaded + m_mapTypeStats[i].m_nNilObjects;
char *pchRefed = "unknown";
if ( m_mapTypeStats[i].m_nRefed < nLoaded && m_mapTypeStats[i].m_cubUnrefed > 0 )
pchRefed = V_pretifymem( ( ((int64)nLoaded * (int64)m_mapTypeStats[i].m_cubUnrefed) / ( nLoaded - m_mapTypeStats[i].m_nRefed ) ), 2, true );
EmitInfo( SPEW_CONSOLE, SPEW_ALWAYS, LOG_ALWAYS, "%-35s %11d %14d %15d %14s\n", m_mapTypeStats[i].m_strName.String(), m_mapTypeStats[i].m_nLoaded, m_mapTypeStats[i].m_nRefed, m_mapTypeStats[i].m_nNilObjects, pchRefed );
//**tempcomment** - This is good code. We'll hook it back up later
//static ConVar s_ConVarVerifyMemcacheDeletesBadEntries( "@VerifyMemcacheDeletesBadEntries", "1", FCVAR_REPLICATED );
//// Purpose: verifies a set of memcached data against what's in SQL
//void CSDOCache::YldVerifyMemcachedData( CreateSDOFunc_t pCreateSDOFunc, CUtlVector<uint32> &vecIDs, int *pcMatches, int *pcMismatches )
// // create the objects
// CUtlVector<ISDO *> vecPSDOSQL;
// CUtlVector<bool> vecSQLResults;
// FOR_EACH_VEC( vecIDs, i )
// {
// vecPSDOSQL.AddToTail( pCreateSDOFunc( *this, vecIDs[i] ) );
// vecSQLResults.AddToTail( false );
// }
// CUtlVector<CUtlString> vecSKeysToDelete;
// // load them in a batch
// bool bSQLLayerSucceeded = vecPSDOSQL[0]->BYldLoadFromSQL( vecIDs, vecPSDOSQL, vecSQLResults );
// if ( bSQLLayerSucceeded )
// {
// // retrieve the memcache data
// CUtlVector<CUtlString> vecSKeys;
// {
// int iKey = vecSKeys.AddToTail();
// vecPSDOSQL[i]->GetMemcachedKeyName( vecSKeys[iKey] );
// }
// CMemcachedAccess memcachedAccess( m_pServer->GetPMemcachedMgr() );
// CUtlVector<MemcachedGetResult_t> vecMemcacheResults;
// if ( memcachedAccess.BYldGetMulti( vecSKeys, vecMemcacheResults ) )
// {
// Assert( vecMemcacheResults.Count() == vecSQLResults.Count() );
// FOR_EACH_VEC( vecSQLResults, i )
// {
// bool bClearKey = false;
// if ( vecSQLResults[i] && vecMemcacheResults[i].m_bKeyFound )
// {
// // compare the results
// ISDO *pSDOCached = pCreateSDOFunc( *this, vecIDs[i] );
// const CUtlAllocation &allocMemcache = vecMemcacheResults[i].m_bufValue;
// if ( pSDOCached->BReadFromBuffer( allocMemcache.Base(), allocMemcache.Count() ) )
// {
// if ( pSDOCached->IsEqual( vecPSDOSQL[i] ) )
// {
// // cool
// *pcMatches += 1;
// }
// else
// {
// // boo
// *pcMismatches += 1;
// // print the differing bytes
// /*
// Msg( "key %s differs:\n", vecSKeys[i] );
// for ( int n = 0; n < allocMemcache.Count(); n++ )
// {
// const byte *p1 = (byte*)bufSQL.Base() + n;
// const byte *p2 = (byte*)bufCached.Base() + n;
// if ( *p1 != *p2 )
// {
// Msg( " %3d: %2x %2x\n", n, *p1, *p2 );
// }
// }
// */
// if ( s_ConVarVerifyMemcacheDeletesBadEntries.GetBool() )
// bClearKey = true;
// }
// }
// else
// {
// // data failed to parse, clear
// bClearKey = true;
// }
// delete pSDOCached;
// if ( bClearKey )
// vecSKeysToDelete.AddToTail( vecSKeys[i] );
// }
// }
// }
// }
// else
// {
// // SQL failure, ignore
// }
// // clear any suspect keys
// if ( vecSKeysToDelete.Count() )
// {
// CMemcachedAccess memcachedAccess( m_pServer->GetPMemcachedMgr() );
// memcachedAccess.BAsyncDeleteMulti( vecSKeysToDelete );
// }
// // delete all the SDO objects
// {
// delete vecPSDOSQL[i];
// }
//</**tempcomment**> - This is good code. We'll hook it back up later
// Purpose: default comparison function - compares serialized versions
bool CompareSDOObjects( ISDO *pSDO1, ISDO *pSDO2 )
CUtlBuffer b1, b2;
pSDO1->WriteToBuffer( b1 );
pSDO2->WriteToBuffer( b2 );
return ( b1.TellPut() == b2.TellPut() && 0 == Q_memcmp( b1.Base(), b2.Base(), b1.TellPut() ) );
// Purpose: validates memory
void CSDOCache::Validate( CValidator &validator, const char *pchName )
for ( int i = k_ESDOTypeInvalid+1; i < k_ESDOTypeMax; i++ )
SDOSet_t &SDOSet = m_rgSDOSet[i];
ValidateObj( SDOSet.m_mapISDOLoaded );
ValidateObj( SDOSet.m_mapQueuedRequests );
ValidateObj( SDOSet.m_queueRequestIDsToLoadFromSQL );
ValidateObj( SDOSet.m_vecSQLJobs );
FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST( SDOSet.m_mapISDOLoaded, iMap )
ValidatePtr( SDOSet.m_mapISDOLoaded[iMap].m_pSDO );
FOR_EACH_MAP_FAST( SDOSet.m_mapQueuedRequests, iMap )
ValidatePtr( SDOSet.m_mapQueuedRequests[iMap].m_pSDO );
ValidateObj( SDOSet.m_mapQueuedRequests[iMap].m_vecJobsWaiting );
ValidateObj( m_queueMemcachedRequests );
ValidateObj( m_vecMemcachedJobs );
ValidateObj( m_queueJobsToContinue );
ValidateObj( m_listLRU );
ValidateObj( m_StatMemcachedBatchSize );
ValidateObj( m_StatSQLBatchSize );
} // namespace GCSDK