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2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include <math.h>
#include <tier0/dbg.h>
#include <vgui/ISurface.h>
#include <tier0/mem.h>
#include <utlbuffer.h>
#include "vgui_surfacelib/osxfont.h"
#include "FontEffects.h"
struct MetricsTweaks_t
const char *m_windowsFontName;
int m_sizeAdjust;
float m_ascentMultiplier;
float m_descentMultiplier;
float m_leadingMultiplier;
//94: HFont:0x000000b9, TFTypeDeath, TFTypeDeathClientScheme-no, font:tfd, tall:27(28)
//95: HFont:0x000000ba, TFTypeDeath, TFTypeDeathClientScheme-p, font:tfd, tall:55(59)
static const MetricsTweaks_t g_defaultMetricTweaks = { NULL, 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 };
static MetricsTweaks_t g_FontMetricTweaks[] =
{ "Helvetica", 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.05 },
{ "Helvetica Bold", 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 },
{ "HL2cross", 0, 0.8, 1.0, 1.1},
{ "Counter-Strike Logo", 0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.1 },
{ "TF2", -2, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 },
{ "TF2 Professor", -2, 1.0, 2.0, 1.1 },
{ "TF2 Build", -2, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 },
{ "Stubble bold", -6, 1.3, 1.0, 1.0 },
{ "tfd", 0, 1.5, 1.0, 1.0 }, // "TFTypeDeath"
//{ "TF2 Secondary", -2, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 },
// { "Verdana", 0, 1.25, 1.0, 1.0 },
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
#define CHECK_ATSU_ERR( err ) if ( (err) != noErr ) Msg( "COSXFont::%s (%d) ATSU Error: %d\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, err );
#define CHECK_ATSU_ERR( err )
// Purpose: Constructor
COSXFont::COSXFont() : m_ExtendedABCWidthsCache( 256, 0, &ExtendedABCWidthsCacheLessFunc ),
m_ExtendedKernedABCWidthsCache( 256, 0, &ExtendedKernedABCWidthsCacheLessFunc )
m_iTall = 0;
m_iWeight = 0;
m_iFlags = 0;
m_bAntiAliased = false;
m_bRotary = false;
m_bAdditive = false;
m_bUnderlined = false;
m_iOutlineSize = 0;
m_iHeight = 0;
m_iMaxCharWidth = 0;
m_iAscent = 0;
m_iScanLines = 0;
m_iBlur = 0;
m_pGaussianDistribution = NULL;
m_ATSUFont = kATSFontRefUnspecified;
m_pContextMemory = NULL;
m_ContextRef = 0;
m_ATSUStyle = NULL;
m_ATSUTextLayout = NULL;
// Purpose: Destructor
if ( m_ContextRef )
CGContextRelease( m_ContextRef );
if ( m_pContextMemory )
delete [] m_pContextMemory;
if ( m_ATSUStyle )
ATSUDisposeStyle( m_ATSUStyle );
if ( m_ATSUTextLayout )
ATSUDisposeTextLayout( m_ATSUTextLayout );
bool COSXFont::CreateStyle( float flFontSize, bool bBold )
OSStatus err = ATSUCreateStyle( &m_ATSUStyle );
if ( err != noErr )
return false;
Boolean isBold = bBold;
Boolean isUnderlined = m_bUnderlined;
float color[] = { 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f };
Fixed fontsize = FloatToFixed( flFontSize ); // font size is based on 72dpi and not pixels, so convert to pixels
Boolean isItalic = m_iFlags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_ITALIC;
ATSStyleRenderingOptions renderOpt = kATSStyleNoOptions;
renderOpt |= ( m_bAntiAliased ? kATSStyleApplyAntiAliasing : kATSStyleNoAntiAliasing );
const ATSUAttributeTag styleTags[] =
const ATSUAttributeValuePtr styleValues[] =
const ByteCount styleSizes[] =
sizeof( ATSUFontID ),
sizeof( Fixed ),
sizeof( Boolean ),
sizeof( Boolean ),
sizeof( renderOpt ),
sizeof( Boolean ),
sizeof( color ),
err = ATSUSetAttributes( m_ATSUStyle, Q_ARRAYSIZE( styleTags ), styleTags, styleSizes, styleValues );
if (err != noErr )
return false;
return true;
bool COSXFont::CreateTextLayout()
OSStatus err = ATSUCreateTextLayout( &m_ATSUTextLayout );
if ( err != noErr )
return false;
Fract alignment = kATSUStartAlignment;
ATSUTextMeasurement lineWidth = IntToFixed( 32000 );
ATSLineLayoutOptions layoutOptions = kATSLineUseDeviceMetrics | kATSLineDisableAllLayoutOperations;
ATSUAttributeTag theTags[] =
ByteCount theSizes[] =
sizeof( CGContextRef ),
sizeof( ATSUTextMeasurement ),
sizeof( Fract ),
sizeof( ATSLineLayoutOptions ),
ATSUAttributeValuePtr theValues[] =
err = ATSUSetLayoutControls( m_ATSUTextLayout, Q_ARRAYSIZE( theTags ), theTags, theSizes, theValues );
if ( err != noErr )
return false;
return true;
// Purpose: creates the font from windows. returns false if font does not exist in the OS.
bool COSXFont::Create( const char *windowsFontName, int tall, int weight, int blur, int scanlines, int flags )
// setup font properties
m_iTall = tall;
m_iWeight = weight;
m_iFlags = flags;
m_iBlur = blur;
m_iScanLines = scanlines;
m_bAntiAliased = flags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_ANTIALIAS;
m_bUnderlined = flags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_UNDERLINE;
m_iDropShadowOffset = ( flags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_DROPSHADOW ) ? 1 : 0;
m_iOutlineSize = ( flags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_OUTLINE ) ? 1 : 0;
m_bRotary = flags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_ROTARY;
m_bAdditive = flags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_ADDITIVE;
m_ATSUFont = kATSFontRefUnspecified;
CFStringRef fontName = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, windowsFontName, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
if ( fontName )
m_ATSUFont = ATSFontFindFromPostScriptName( fontName, kATSOptionFlagsDefault );
CFRelease( fontName );
if ( m_ATSUFont == kATSFontRefUnspecified )
CFStringRef fontName = CFStringCreateWithCString( kCFAllocatorDefault, windowsFontName, kCFStringEncodingUTF8 );
if ( fontName )
m_ATSUFont = ATSFontFindFromName( fontName, kATSOptionFlagsDefault );
CFRelease( fontName );
if ( m_ATSUFont == kATSFontRefUnspecified )
return false;
ATSFontMetrics aMetrics;
OSStatus err = ATSFontGetHorizontalMetrics( m_ATSUFont, kATSOptionFlagsDefault, &aMetrics );
if ( err != noErr )
return false;
MetricsTweaks_t metricTweaks = g_defaultMetricTweaks;
for ( int i = 0; i < Q_ARRAYSIZE( g_FontMetricTweaks ); i++ )
if ( !Q_stricmp( windowsFontName, g_FontMetricTweaks[ i ].m_windowsFontName ) )
metricTweaks = g_FontMetricTweaks[ i ];
bool bBold = ( !Q_stricmp( windowsFontName, "Arial Black" ) || Q_stristr( windowsFontName, "bold" ) );
float flFontSize = ( (float)( m_iTall + metricTweaks.m_sizeAdjust ) / ( aMetrics.ascent - aMetrics.descent + aMetrics.leading ) );
m_iAscent = ceil( ( aMetrics.ascent / ( aMetrics.ascent - aMetrics.descent + aMetrics.leading ) ) *
( m_iTall + metricTweaks.m_sizeAdjust ) * ( metricTweaks.m_ascentMultiplier ) );
m_iHeight = ceil( ((float)( m_iTall + metricTweaks.m_sizeAdjust ) *
( aMetrics.ascent * metricTweaks.m_ascentMultiplier -
aMetrics.descent * metricTweaks.m_descentMultiplier +
aMetrics.leading * metricTweaks.m_leadingMultiplier ) +
m_iDropShadowOffset + 2 * m_iOutlineSize ) );
m_iMaxCharWidth = ( metricTweaks.m_leadingMultiplier * aMetrics.maxAdvanceWidth * m_iTall ) + 0.5f;
unsigned int bytesPerRow = m_iMaxCharWidth * 4;
m_pContextMemory = new char[ (int)bytesPerRow * m_iHeight ];
Q_memset( m_pContextMemory, 0x0, (int)( bytesPerRow * m_iHeight ) );
const size_t bitsPerComponent = 8;
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
m_ContextRef = CGBitmapContextCreate(
kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedLast );
CGColorSpaceRelease( colorSpace );
CGContextSetAllowsAntialiasing( m_ContextRef, m_bAntiAliased );
CGContextSetShouldAntialias( m_ContextRef, m_bAntiAliased );
CGContextSetTextDrawingMode( m_ContextRef, kCGTextFill );
CGContextSetRGBStrokeColor( m_ContextRef, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f );
CGContextSetLineWidth( m_ContextRef, 1 );
// Calculate our gaussian distribution for if we're blurred.
if ( m_iBlur > 1 )
m_pGaussianDistribution = new float[ m_iBlur * 2 + 1 ];
double sigma = 0.683 * m_iBlur;
for (int x = 0; x <= (m_iBlur * 2); x++)
int val = x - m_iBlur;
m_pGaussianDistribution[x] = (float)(1.0f / sqrt(2 * 3.14 * sigma * sigma)) * pow(2.7, -1 * (val * val) / (2 * sigma * sigma));
if ( !CreateStyle( flFontSize, bBold ) )
return false;
// Create our ATSUTextLayout object.
if ( !CreateTextLayout() )
return false;
// Set our font name last as we use it to determine success (or not).
m_szName = windowsFontName;
return true;
void COSXFont::GetKernedCharWidth( wchar_t ch, wchar_t chBefore, wchar_t chAfter, float &wide, float &abcA )
// look for it in the cache
kerned_abc_cache_t finder = { ch, chBefore, chAfter };
wide = abcA = 0.0f;
unsigned short iKerned = m_ExtendedKernedABCWidthsCache.Find( finder );
if ( m_ExtendedKernedABCWidthsCache.IsValidIndex( iKerned ) )
abcA = m_ExtendedKernedABCWidthsCache[iKerned].abc.abcA;
wide = m_ExtendedKernedABCWidthsCache[ iKerned ].abc.wide;
if ( !m_ATSUStyle || ( ch == 0 ) )
CFCharacterSetRef badCharSetRef = CFCharacterSetGetPredefined( kCFCharacterSetIllegal );
uint32 i = 0;
uint32 iTarget = 0;
bool bBadChar = false;
wchar_t wchString[ 4 ];
if ( chBefore )
bBadChar = CFCharacterSetIsLongCharacterMember( badCharSetRef, chBefore );
Assert( !bBadChar );
if ( !bBadChar)
wchString[ i++ ] = chBefore;
iTarget = i;
bBadChar = CFCharacterSetIsLongCharacterMember( badCharSetRef, ch );
Assert( !bBadChar );
if ( bBadChar )
return; // 0.0 width for bad characters.
wchString[ i++ ] = ch;
if ( chAfter )
bBadChar = CFCharacterSetIsLongCharacterMember( badCharSetRef, chAfter );
Assert( !bBadChar );
if ( !bBadChar)
wchString[ i++ ] = chAfter;
wchString[ i ] = 0;
CFStringRef convertedKey = CFStringCreateWithBytes( kCFAllocatorDefault, (const UInt8 *)wchString, i * sizeof(wchar_t), kCFStringEncodingUTF32LE, false );
if ( !convertedKey )
CFIndex usedBufLen = 0;
char chUTF16Text[ Q_ARRAYSIZE( wchString ) * 2 ];
CFStringGetBytes( convertedKey, CFRangeMake( 0, (int)i ), kCFStringEncodingUnicode, 0, false, (UInt8 *)chUTF16Text, Q_ARRAYSIZE( chUTF16Text ), &usedBufLen );
CFRelease( convertedKey );
OSStatus err = ATSUSetTextPointerLocation( m_ATSUTextLayout, (ConstUniCharArrayPtr)chUTF16Text, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, i );
if ( err != noErr )
err = ATSUSetRunStyle( m_ATSUTextLayout, m_ATSUStyle, 0, i );
if ( err != noErr )
err = ATSUSetTransientFontMatching( m_ATSUTextLayout, false );
if ( err != noErr )
ATSLayoutRecord *layoutRecords;
ItemCount glyphCount;
layoutRecords = NULL;
err = ATSUDirectGetLayoutDataArrayPtrFromTextLayout( m_ATSUTextLayout, 0, kATSUDirectDataLayoutRecordATSLayoutRecordCurrent, (void **) &layoutRecords, &glyphCount );
if( err == noErr )
ATSGlyphIdealMetrics ScreenMetricts[ Q_ARRAYSIZE( wchString ) ];
err = ATSUGlyphGetIdealMetrics( m_ATSUStyle, i, &layoutRecords[ 0 ].glyphID, sizeof( ATSLayoutRecord ), ScreenMetricts );
if( err == noErr )
wide = ScreenMetricts[ iTarget ].advance.x;
abcA = ScreenMetricts[ iTarget ].sideBearing.x - (float)m_iBlur - (float)m_iOutlineSize;
ATSUDirectReleaseLayoutDataArrayPtr( NULL, kATSUDirectDataLayoutRecordATSLayoutRecordCurrent, (void**) &layoutRecords );
if ( ( wide < 0.001f && abcA < 0.001f ) || ( ch == chAfter ) )
// For some fonts the kerning engine has an issue and considers the second character in a pair
// (i.e the ee in bleed) to be zero width and abcA and the first char to be double width,
// so in that case fall back to simple 1 char metrics.
int a, b, c;
GetCharABCWidths( ch, a, b, c );
wide = a + b + c;
abcA = a;
// printf( "GetKernedCharWidth: %c (%f, %f) (%c, %c)\n", (char)ch, wide, abcA, chBefore, chAfter );
finder.abc.abcA = abcA;
finder.abc.wide = wide;
m_ExtendedKernedABCWidthsCache.Insert( finder );
static UniCharCount WcharToUnichar( wchar_t ch, UniChar (&dest)[ 3 ] )
UniCharCount runLength;
if ( ch <= 0xFFFF )
dest[ 0 ] = (UniChar)ch;
dest[ 1 ] = 0;
return 1;
ch -= 0x010000;
dest[ 0 ] = (UniChar)( ch >> 10 ) | 0xD800;
dest[ 1 ] = (UniChar)( ch & 0x3FF ) | 0xDC00;
dest[ 2 ] = 0;
return 2;
// Purpose: writes the char into the specified 32bpp texture
void COSXFont::GetCharRGBA( wchar_t ch, int rgbaWide, int rgbaTall, unsigned char *rgba )
if ( !m_ContextRef )
Assert( !"Context ref not setup to allow GetCharRGBA" );
UniChar buffer[ 3 ];
UniCharCount runLength = WcharToUnichar( ch, buffer );
OSStatus err = ATSUSetTextPointerLocation( m_ATSUTextLayout, buffer, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, runLength );
if ( err != noErr )
err = ATSUSetRunStyle( m_ATSUTextLayout, m_ATSUStyle, 0, runLength );
if ( err != noErr )
err = ATSUSetTransientFontMatching( m_ATSUTextLayout, true );
if ( err != noErr )
CGRect rect = { { 0, 0 }, { m_iMaxCharWidth, m_iHeight } };
CGContextClearRect( m_ContextRef, rect );
CGContextFlush( m_ContextRef );
// You are not seeing a bug. We need the background to have a full
// alpha channel since it's going to bitblt in the overlay. But osx when it renders
// to a full alpha channel likes to 'antialias' the alpha as well as the color blending.
// Turning off antialiasing doesn't just make the characters jagged, but when a font
// is 1 pixel wide it ends up alpha blending into the background. By rendering it
// more than once we dominate this alpha. Looking at worst case, 3 was the magic number.
// Messing with the anti-aliasing settings on the bitmap, or the alpha config (including
// alpha-skip-last) caused no change, or complete disabling of antialiasing. Glad these
// are cached.
if ( m_iHeight < 20 )
err = ATSUDrawText( m_ATSUTextLayout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, Long2Fix( 0 ), Long2Fix( m_iHeight - m_iAscent ) );
if ( ( m_iHeight < 16 ) || ( m_iFlags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_CUSTOM ) )
err = ATSUDrawText( m_ATSUTextLayout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, Long2Fix( 0 ), Long2Fix( m_iHeight - m_iAscent ) );
err = ATSUDrawText( m_ATSUTextLayout, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, Long2Fix( 0 ), Long2Fix( m_iHeight - m_iAscent ) );
if ( err != noErr )
char *pContextData = (char *)CGBitmapContextGetData( m_ContextRef );
unsigned char *pchPixelData = rgba;
for ( int y = 0; y < rgbaTall; y++ )
char *row = pContextData + y * m_iMaxCharWidth * 4;
Q_memcpy( pchPixelData, row, rgbaWide * 4 );
pchPixelData+= ( rgbaWide * 4 );
// apply requested effects in specified order
ApplyDropShadowToTexture( rgbaWide, rgbaTall, rgba, m_iDropShadowOffset );
ApplyOutlineToTexture( rgbaWide, rgbaTall, rgba, m_iOutlineSize );
ApplyGaussianBlurToTexture( rgbaWide, rgbaTall, rgba, m_iBlur );
ApplyScanlineEffectToTexture( rgbaWide, rgbaTall, rgba, m_iScanLines );
ApplyRotaryEffectToTexture( rgbaWide, rgbaTall, rgba, m_bRotary );
// Purpose: gets the abc widths for a character
void COSXFont::GetCharABCWidths( int ch, int &a, int &b, int &c )
Assert( IsValid() );
// Look for it in the cache.
abc_cache_t finder = { (wchar_t)ch };
unsigned short i = m_ExtendedABCWidthsCache.Find( finder );
if ( m_ExtendedABCWidthsCache.IsValidIndex( i ) )
a = m_ExtendedABCWidthsCache[i].abc.a;
b = m_ExtendedABCWidthsCache[i].abc.b;
c = m_ExtendedABCWidthsCache[i].abc.c;
UniChar buffer[ 3 ];
UniCharCount runLength = WcharToUnichar( ch, buffer );
OSStatus err = ATSUSetTextPointerLocation( m_ATSUTextLayout, buffer, kATSUFromTextBeginning, kATSUToTextEnd, runLength );
if ( err != noErr )
err = ATSUSetRunStyle( m_ATSUTextLayout, m_ATSUStyle, 0, runLength );
if ( err != noErr )
err = ATSUSetTransientFontMatching( m_ATSUTextLayout, true );
if ( err != noErr )
ItemCount glyphCount = 0;
ATSLayoutRecord *layoutRecords;
err = ATSUDirectGetLayoutDataArrayPtrFromTextLayout( m_ATSUTextLayout, 0, kATSUDirectDataLayoutRecordATSLayoutRecordCurrent, ( void ** )&layoutRecords, &glyphCount );
if (err != noErr)
ATSGlyphRef glyph = layoutRecords->glyphID;
ATSGlyphScreenMetrics gm;
err = ATSUGlyphGetScreenMetrics( m_ATSUStyle, 1, &glyph, 0, false, false, &gm );
ATSUDirectReleaseLayoutDataArrayPtr( NULL, kATSUDirectDataLayoutRecordATSLayoutRecordCurrent, ( void ** )&layoutRecords );
if ( err != noErr )
// ATSUGlyphGetScreenMetrics fails when font matching happens. When this occurs,
// grab the full bounding box for the character and try to fake up some abc values.
ATSUTextMeasurement fTextBefore, fTextAfter, fAscent, fDescent;
err = ATSUGetUnjustifiedBounds( m_ATSUTextLayout,
gm.sideBearing.x = 0.2f;
gm.deviceAdvance.x = FixedToFloat( fTextAfter );
gm.otherSideBearing.x = 0.2f;
if ( err != noErr )
finder.abc.a = gm.sideBearing.x - (float)m_iBlur - m_iOutlineSize;
finder.abc.b = gm.deviceAdvance.x + ( ( (float)m_iBlur + m_iOutlineSize ) * 2 ) + m_iDropShadowOffset;
finder.abc.c = gm.otherSideBearing.x - (float)m_iBlur - m_iDropShadowOffset - m_iOutlineSize;
// finder.abc.a = ceil( finder.abc.a );
// finder.abc.b = ceil( finder.abc.b );
// finder.abc.c = ceil( finder.abc.c );
if ( m_iFlags & vgui::ISurface::FONTFLAG_ITALIC )
finder.abc.b += 4.0f;
if ( finder.abc.a + finder.abc.b + finder.abc.c == 0 )
if ( finder.abc.b + finder.abc.c == 0 )
finder.abc.c = 0;
else if ( finder.abc.a + finder.abc.b == 0 )
finder.abc.a = 0;
finder.abc.a = finder.abc.c = 0;
a = finder.abc.a;
b = finder.abc.b;
c = finder.abc.c;
m_ExtendedABCWidthsCache.Insert( finder );
// Purpose: returns true if the font is equivalent to that specified
bool COSXFont::IsEqualTo(const char *windowsFontName, int tall, int weight, int blur, int scanlines, int flags)
if ( !Q_stricmp( windowsFontName, m_szName.String() ) &&
( m_iTall == tall ) &&
( m_iWeight == weight ) &&
( m_iBlur == blur ) &&
( m_iFlags == flags ) )
return true;
return false;
// Purpose: returns true only if this font is valid for use
bool COSXFont::IsValid()
if ( !m_szName.IsEmpty() && m_szName.String()[ 0 ] )
return true;
return false;
// Purpose: returns the height of the font, in pixels
int COSXFont::GetHeight()
Assert( IsValid() );
return m_iHeight;
// Purpose: returns the requested height of the font
int COSXFont::GetHeightRequested()
Assert( IsValid() );
return m_iTall;
// Purpose: returns the ascent of the font, in pixels (ascent=units above the base line)
int COSXFont::GetAscent()
Assert( IsValid() );
return m_iAscent;
// Purpose: returns the maximum width of a character, in pixels
int COSXFont::GetMaxCharWidth()
Assert( IsValid() );
return m_iMaxCharWidth;
// Purpose: returns the flags used to make this font, used by the dynamic resizing code
int COSXFont::GetFlags()
return m_iFlags;
// Purpose: Comparison function for abc widths storage
bool COSXFont::ExtendedABCWidthsCacheLessFunc(const abc_cache_t &lhs, const abc_cache_t &rhs)
return lhs.wch < rhs.wch;
// Purpose: Comparison function for abc widths storage
bool COSXFont::ExtendedKernedABCWidthsCacheLessFunc(const kerned_abc_cache_t &lhs, const kerned_abc_cache_t &rhs)
return ( lhs.wch < rhs.wch ) ||
( lhs.wch == rhs.wch && lhs.wchBefore < rhs.wchBefore ) ||
( lhs.wch == rhs.wch && lhs.wchBefore == rhs.wchBefore && lhs.wchAfter < rhs.wchAfter );
ATSUStyle *COSXFont::SetAsActiveFont( CGContextRef cgContext )
CGContextSelectFont ( cgContext, m_szName.String(), m_iHeight, kCGEncodingMacRoman );
return &m_ATSUStyle;
// Purpose: Ensure that all of our internal structures are consistent, and
// account for all memory that we've allocated.
// Input: validator - Our global validator object
// pchName - Our name (typically a member var in our container)
void COSXFont::Validate( CValidator &validator, char *pchName )
validator.Push( "COSXFont", this, pchName );
m_ExtendedABCWidthsCache.Validate( validator, "m_ExtendedABCWidthsCache" );
m_ExtendedKernedABCWidthsCache.Validate( validator, "m_ExtendedKernedABCWidthsCache" );
validator.ClaimMemory( m_pGaussianDistribution );