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2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
File: Power.h
Contains: Power Manager Interfaces.
Version: QuickTime 7.3
Copyright: (c) 2007 (c) 1990-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc. All rights reserved
Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on
the World Wide Web:
#ifndef __POWER__
#define __POWER__
#ifndef __MACTYPES__
#include <MacTypes.h>
#ifndef __MIXEDMODE__
#include <MixedMode.h>
#include <Multiprocessing.h>
#ifndef __NAMEREGISTRY__
#include <NameRegistry.h>
#ifndef __MACERRORS__
#include <MacErrors.h>
#pragma once
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#pragma import on
#pragma options align=mac68k
#pragma pack(push, 2)
#pragma pack(2)
enum {
/* Bit positions for ModemByte */
modemOnBit = 0,
ringWakeUpBit = 2,
modemInstalledBit = 3,
ringDetectBit = 4,
modemOnHookBit = 5
enum {
/* masks for ModemByte */
modemOnMask = 0x01,
ringWakeUpMask = 0x04,
modemInstalledMask = 0x08,
ringDetectMask = 0x10,
modemOnHookMask = 0x20
enum {
/* bit positions for BatteryByte */
chargerConnBit = 0,
hiChargeBit = 1,
chargeOverFlowBit = 2,
batteryDeadBit = 3,
batteryLowBit = 4,
connChangedBit = 5
enum {
/* masks for BatteryByte */
chargerConnMask = 0x01,
hiChargeMask = 0x02,
chargeOverFlowMask = 0x04,
batteryDeadMask = 0x08,
batteryLowMask = 0x10,
connChangedMask = 0x20
enum {
/* bit positions for SoundMixerByte */
MediaBaySndEnBit = 0,
PCISndEnBit = 1,
ZVSndEnBit = 2,
PCCardSndEnBit = 3
enum {
/* masks for SoundMixerByte */
MediaBaySndEnMask = 0x01,
PCISndEnMask = 0x02,
ZVSndEnMask = 0x04,
PCCardSndEnMask = 0x08
enum {
/* commands to SleepQRec sleepQProc */
kSleepRequest = 1,
kSleepDemand = 2,
kSleepWakeUp = 3,
kSleepRevoke = 4,
kSleepUnlock = 4,
kSleepDeny = 5, /* A non-zero value clients can use to deny requests*/
kSleepNow = 6,
kDozeDemand = 7,
kDozeWakeUp = 8,
kDozeRequest = 9, /* additional messages for Power Mgr 2.0*/
kEnterStandby = 10, /* Idle Queue Only*/
kEnterRun = 11, /* Idle Queue Only*/
kSuspendRequest = 12,
kSuspendDemand = 13,
kSuspendRevoke = 14,
kSuspendWakeUp = 15,
kGetPowerLevel = 16,
kSetPowerLevel = 17,
kDeviceInitiatedWake = 18,
kWakeToDoze = 19,
kDozeToFullWakeUp = 20,
kGetPowerInfo = 21,
kGetWakeOnNetInfo = 22,
kSuspendWakeToDoze = 23,
kEnterIdle = 24, /* Idle Queue Only*/
kStillIdle = 25, /* Idle Queue Only*/
kExitIdle = 26 /* Idle Queue Only*/
enum {
/* depreciated commands to SleepQRec sleepQProc */
sleepRequest = kSleepRequest,
sleepDemand = kSleepDemand,
sleepWakeUp = kSleepWakeUp,
sleepRevoke = kSleepRevoke,
sleepUnlock = kSleepUnlock,
sleepDeny = kSleepDeny,
sleepNow = kSleepNow,
dozeDemand = kDozeDemand,
dozeWakeUp = kDozeWakeUp,
dozeRequest = kDozeRequest,
enterStandby = kEnterStandby,
enterRun = kEnterRun,
suspendRequestMsg = kSuspendRequest,
suspendDemandMsg = kSuspendDemand,
suspendRevokeMsg = kSuspendRevoke,
suspendWakeUpMsg = kSuspendWakeUp,
getPowerLevel = kGetPowerLevel,
setPowerLevel = kSetPowerLevel
/* Power Handler func messages */
typedef UInt32 PowerLevel;
/* Power levels corresponding to PCI Bus Power Management Interface Spec (PMIS) */
enum {
kPMDevicePowerLevel_On = 0, /* fully-powered 'On' state (D0 state) */
kPMDevicePowerLevel_D1 = 1, /* not used by Apple system SW */
kPMDevicePowerLevel_D2 = 2, /* not used by Apple system SW */
kPMDevicePowerLevel_Off = 3 /* main PCI bus power 'Off', but PCI standby power available (D3cold state) */
/* PowerHandlerProc definition */
typedef CALLBACK_API( OSStatus , PowerHandlerProcPtr )(UInt32 message, void *param, UInt32 refCon, RegEntryID *regEntryID);
typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(PowerHandlerProcPtr) PowerHandlerUPP;
* NewPowerHandlerUPP()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline
* CarbonLib: not available
* Mac OS X: not available
EXTERN_API_C( PowerHandlerUPP )
NewPowerHandlerUPP(PowerHandlerProcPtr userRoutine);
enum { uppPowerHandlerProcInfo = 0x00003FF0 }; /* pascal 4_bytes Func(4_bytes, 4_bytes, 4_bytes, 4_bytes) */
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(PowerHandlerUPP) NewPowerHandlerUPP(PowerHandlerProcPtr userRoutine) { return (PowerHandlerUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppPowerHandlerProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture()); }
#define NewPowerHandlerUPP(userRoutine) (PowerHandlerUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppPowerHandlerProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
* DisposePowerHandlerUPP()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline
* CarbonLib: not available
* Mac OS X: not available
EXTERN_API_C( void )
DisposePowerHandlerUPP(PowerHandlerUPP userUPP);
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(void) DisposePowerHandlerUPP(PowerHandlerUPP userUPP) { DisposeRoutineDescriptor((UniversalProcPtr)userUPP); }
#define DisposePowerHandlerUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
* InvokePowerHandlerUPP()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline
* CarbonLib: not available
* Mac OS X: not available
UInt32 message,
void * param,
UInt32 refCon,
RegEntryID * regEntryID,
PowerHandlerUPP userUPP);
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(OSStatus) InvokePowerHandlerUPP(UInt32 message, void * param, UInt32 refCon, RegEntryID * regEntryID, PowerHandlerUPP userUPP) { return (OSStatus)CALL_FOUR_PARAMETER_UPP(userUPP, uppPowerHandlerProcInfo, message, param, refCon, regEntryID); }
#define InvokePowerHandlerUPP(message, param, refCon, regEntryID, userUPP) (OSStatus)CALL_FOUR_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppPowerHandlerProcInfo, (message), (param), (refCon), (regEntryID))
#endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
/* support for pre-Carbon UPP routines: New...Proc and Call...Proc */
#define NewPowerHandlerProc(userRoutine) NewPowerHandlerUPP(userRoutine)
#define CallPowerHandlerProc(userRoutine, message, param, refCon, regEntryID) InvokePowerHandlerUPP(message, param, refCon, regEntryID, userRoutine)
#endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
Use kIdleQueueDeviceType as the deviceType argument to AddDevicePowerHandler() to get the
handler into the idle queue instead of the device sleep queue.
#define kIdleQueueDeviceType "idle-queue"
/* PCI power management support*/
enum {
kUseDefaultMinimumWakeTime = 0, /* Defaults to 5 minutes*/
kPowerSummaryVersion = 1, /* Version of PowerSummary structure.*/
kDevicePowerInfoVersion = 1 /* Version of DevicePowerInfo structure.*/
enum {
/* PowerSummary flags*/
kPCIPowerOffAllowed = (1L << 0) /* PCI power off is allowed.*/
enum {
/* DevicePowerInfo flags*/
kDevicePCIPowerOffAllowed = (1L << 0), /* PCI power off is allowed for device.*/
kDeviceSupportsPMIS = (1L << 1), /* Device supports Power Mgt Interface Spec.*/
kDeviceCanAssertPMEDuringSleep = (1L << 2), /* Device can assert PME# during sleep.*/
kDeviceUsesCommonLogicPower = (1L << 3), /* Device uses common-logic power*/
kDeviceDriverPresent = (1L << 4), /* Driver present for device.*/
kDeviceDriverSupportsPowerMgt = (1L << 5) /* Driver installed a power handler.*/
struct DevicePowerInfo {
UInt32 version; /* Version of this structure.*/
RegEntryID regID; /* RegEntryID for device.*/
OptionBits flags; /* Flags*/
UInt32 minimumWakeTime; /* Minimum seconds before sleeping again.*/
UInt32 sleepPowerNeeded; /* Milliwatts needed in the sleep state.*/
typedef struct DevicePowerInfo DevicePowerInfo;
struct PowerSummary {
UInt32 version; /* Version of this structure.*/
OptionBits flags; /* Flags*/
UInt32 sleepPowerAvailable; /* Milliwatts available during sleep.*/
UInt32 sleepPowerNeeded; /* Milliwatts needed during sleep.*/
UInt32 minimumWakeTime; /* Minimum seconds before sleeping again.*/
ItemCount deviceCount; /* Number of device power info records.*/
DevicePowerInfo devices[1]; /* Array of device power info records.*/
typedef struct PowerSummary PowerSummary;
enum {
/* SleepQRec.sleepQFlags */
noCalls = 1,
noRequest = 2,
slpQType = 16,
sleepQType = 16
/* Power Mgt Apple Event types and errors */
enum {
/* power mgt class*/
kAEMacPowerMgtEvt = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('pmgt'), /* event ids*/
kAEMacToWake = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('wake'),
kAEMacLowPowerSaveData = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('pmsd'),
kAEMacEmergencySleep = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('emsl'),
kAEMacEmergencyShutdown = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('emsd')
These are result values returned by a Power Handler when queries
by the Power Mgr if the device which that Power Handler represents
woke the machine.
enum {
kDeviceDidNotWakeMachine = 0, /* device did NOT wake machine*/
kDeviceRequestsFullWake = 1, /* device did wake machine and requests full wakeup*/
kDeviceRequestsWakeToDoze = 2 /* device did wake machine and requests partial wakeup*/
/* bits in bitfield returned by PMFeatures */
enum {
hasWakeupTimer = 0, /* 1=wakeup timer is supported */
hasSharedModemPort = 1, /* 1=modem port shared by SCC and internal modem */
hasProcessorCycling = 2, /* 1=processor cycling is supported */
mustProcessorCycle = 3, /* 1=processor cycling should not be turned off */
hasReducedSpeed = 4, /* 1=processor can be started up at reduced speed */
dynamicSpeedChange = 5, /* 1=processor speed can be switched dynamically */
hasSCSIDiskMode = 6, /* 1=SCSI Disk Mode is supported */
canGetBatteryTime = 7, /* 1=battery time can be calculated */
canWakeupOnRing = 8, /* 1=can wakeup when the modem detects a ring */
hasDimmingSupport = 9, /* 1=has dimming support built in (DPMS standby by default) */
hasStartupTimer = 10, /* 1=startup timer is supported */
hasChargeNotification = 11, /* 1=client can determine of charge connect status change notifications available */
hasDimSuspendSupport = 12, /* 1=supports dimming LCD and CRT to DPMS suspend state */
hasWakeOnNetActivity = 13, /* 1=hardware supports wake on network activity */
hasWakeOnLid = 14, /* 1=hardware can wake when opened */
canPowerOffPCIBus = 15, /* 1=hardware can power off PCI bus during sleep if cards allow */
hasDeepSleep = 16, /* 1=hardware supports deep sleep (hibernation) mode */
hasSleep = 17, /* 1=hardware supports normal (PowerBook-like) sleep */
supportsServerModeAPIs = 18, /* 1=hardware supports server mode API routines */
supportsUPSIntegration = 19, /* 1=hardware support UPS integration and reporting */
hasAggressiveIdling = 20, /* 1=Power Manager only resets OverallAct on UsrActvity */
supportsIdleQueue = 21 /* 1=Power Manager supports the idle queue */
/* bits in bitfield returned by GetIntModemInfo and set by SetIntModemState */
enum {
hasInternalModem = 0, /* 1=internal modem installed */
intModemRingDetect = 1, /* 1=internal modem has detected a ring */
intModemOffHook = 2, /* 1=internal modem is off hook */
intModemRingWakeEnb = 3, /* 1=wakeup on ring is enabled */
extModemSelected = 4, /* 1=external modem selected */
modemSetBit = 15 /* 1=set bit, 0=clear bit (SetIntModemState) */
/* bits in BatteryInfo.flags */
/* ("chargerConnected" doesn't mean the charger is plugged in) */
enum {
batteryInstalled = 7, /* 1=battery is currently connected */
batteryCharging = 6, /* 1=battery is being charged */
chargerConnected = 5, /* 1=charger is connected to the PowerBook */
upsConnected = 4, /* 1=there is a UPS connected */
upsIsPowerSource = 3 /* 1=UPS is source of power */
enum {
HDPwrQType = 0x4844, /* 'HD' hard disk spindown queue element type */
PMgrStateQType = 0x504D /* 'PM' Power Manager state queue element type */
/* client notification bits in PMgrQueueElement.pmNotifyBits */
enum {
pmSleepTimeoutChanged = 0,
pmSleepEnableChanged = 1,
pmHardDiskTimeoutChanged = 2,
pmHardDiskSpindownChanged = 3,
pmDimmingTimeoutChanged = 4,
pmDimmingEnableChanged = 5,
pmDiskModeAddressChanged = 6,
pmProcessorCyclingChanged = 7,
pmProcessorSpeedChanged = 8,
pmWakeupTimerChanged = 9,
pmStartupTimerChanged = 10,
pmHardDiskPowerRemovedbyUser = 11,
pmChargeStatusChanged = 12,
pmPowerLevelChanged = 13,
pmWakeOnNetActivityChanged = 14
enum {
pmSleepTimeoutChangedMask = (1 << pmSleepTimeoutChanged),
pmSleepEnableChangedMask = (1 << pmSleepEnableChanged),
pmHardDiskTimeoutChangedMask = (1 << pmHardDiskTimeoutChanged),
pmHardDiskSpindownChangedMask = (1 << pmHardDiskSpindownChanged),
pmDimmingTimeoutChangedMask = (1 << pmDimmingTimeoutChanged),
pmDimmingEnableChangedMask = (1 << pmDimmingEnableChanged),
pmDiskModeAddressChangedMask = (1 << pmDiskModeAddressChanged),
pmProcessorCyclingChangedMask = (1 << pmProcessorCyclingChanged),
pmProcessorSpeedChangedMask = (1 << pmProcessorSpeedChanged),
pmWakeupTimerChangedMask = (1 << pmWakeupTimerChanged),
pmStartupTimerChangedMask = (1 << pmStartupTimerChanged),
pmHardDiskPowerRemovedbyUserMask = (1 << pmHardDiskPowerRemovedbyUser),
pmChargeStatusChangedMask = (1 << pmChargeStatusChanged),
pmPowerLevelChangedMask = (1 << pmPowerLevelChanged),
pmWakeOnNetActivityChangedMask = (1 << pmWakeOnNetActivityChanged)
/* System Activity Selectors */
/* Notes: The IdleActivity selector is not available unless the hasAggressiveIdling PMFeatures bit is set. */
/* Use IdleActivity where you used to use OverallAct if necessary. OverallAct will only */
/* delay power cycling if it's enabled, and will delay sleep by a small amount when */
/* hasAggressiveIdling is set. Don't use IdleActivity unless hasAggressiveIdling is set; when */
/* hasAggressiveIdling is not set, the use of IdleActivity is undefined, and well do different */
/* things depending on which Power Manager is currently running. */
enum {
OverallAct = 0, /* Delays idle sleep by small amount */
UsrActivity = 1, /* Delays idle sleep and dimming by timeout time */
NetActivity = 2, /* Delays idle sleep and power cycling by small amount */
HDActivity = 3, /* Delays hard drive spindown and idle sleep by small amount */
IdleActivity = 4 /* Delays idle sleep by timeout time */
/* Storage Media sleep mode defines */
enum {
kMediaModeOn = 0, /* Media active (Drive spinning and at full power) */
kMediaModeStandBy = 1, /* Media standby (not implemented) */
kMediaModeSuspend = 2, /* Media Idle (not implemented) */
kMediaModeOff = 3 /* Media Sleep (Drive not spinning and at min power, max recovery time) */
enum {
kMediaPowerCSCode = 70
/* definitions for HDQueueElement.hdFlags */
enum {
kHDQueuePostBit = 0, /* 1 = call this routine on the second pass */
kHDQueuePostMask = (1 << kHDQueuePostBit)
struct ActivityInfo {
short ActivityType; /* Type of activity to be fetched. Same as UpdateSystemActivity Selectors */
unsigned long ActivityTime; /* Time of last activity (in ticks) of specified type. */
typedef struct ActivityInfo ActivityInfo;
/* information returned by GetScaledBatteryInfo */
struct BatteryInfo {
UInt8 flags; /* misc flags (see below) */
UInt8 warningLevel; /* scaled warning level (0-255) */
UInt8 reserved; /* reserved for internal use */
UInt8 batteryLevel; /* scaled battery level (0-255) */
typedef struct BatteryInfo BatteryInfo;
typedef SInt8 ModemByte;
typedef SInt8 BatteryByte;
typedef SInt8 SoundMixerByte;
typedef long PMResultCode;
typedef struct SleepQRec SleepQRec;
typedef SleepQRec * SleepQRecPtr;
typedef struct HDQueueElement HDQueueElement;
typedef struct PMgrQueueElement PMgrQueueElement;
typedef CALLBACK_API_REGISTER68K( long , SleepQProcPtr, (long message, SleepQRecPtr qRecPtr) );
typedef CALLBACK_API( void , HDSpindownProcPtr )(HDQueueElement * theElement);
typedef CALLBACK_API( void , PMgrStateChangeProcPtr )(PMgrQueueElement *theElement, long stateBits);
typedef REGISTER_UPP_TYPE(SleepQProcPtr) SleepQUPP;
typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(HDSpindownProcPtr) HDSpindownUPP;
typedef STACK_UPP_TYPE(PMgrStateChangeProcPtr) PMgrStateChangeUPP;
struct SleepQRec {
SleepQRecPtr sleepQLink; /* pointer to next queue element */
short sleepQType; /* queue element type (must be SleepQType) */
SleepQUPP sleepQProc; /* pointer to sleep universal proc ptr */
short sleepQFlags; /* flags */
struct HDQueueElement {
struct HDQueueElement * hdQLink; /* pointer to next queue element */
short hdQType; /* queue element type (must be HDPwrQType) */
short hdFlags; /* miscellaneous flags */
HDSpindownUPP hdProc; /* pointer to routine to call */
long hdUser; /* user-defined (variable storage, etc.) */
struct PMgrQueueElement {
struct PMgrQueueElement * pmQLink; /* pointer to next queue element */
short pmQType; /* queue element type (must be PMgrStateQType) */
short pmFlags; /* miscellaneous flags */
long pmNotifyBits; /* bitmap of which changes to be notified for */
PMgrStateChangeUPP pmProc; /* pointer to routine to call */
long pmUser; /* user-defined (variable storage, etc.) */
struct BatteryTimeRec {
unsigned long expectedBatteryTime; /* estimated battery time remaining (seconds) */
unsigned long minimumBatteryTime; /* minimum battery time remaining (seconds) */
unsigned long maximumBatteryTime; /* maximum battery time remaining (seconds) */
unsigned long timeUntilCharged; /* time until battery is fully charged (seconds)*/
typedef struct BatteryTimeRec BatteryTimeRec;
struct WakeupTime {
unsigned long wakeTime; /* wakeup time (same format as current time) */
Boolean wakeEnabled; /* 1=enable wakeup timer, 0=disable wakeup timer */
SInt8 filler;
typedef struct WakeupTime WakeupTime;
struct StartupTime {
unsigned long startTime; /* startup time (same format as current time) */
Boolean startEnabled; /* 1=enable startup timer, 0=disable startup timer */
SInt8 filler;
typedef struct StartupTime StartupTime;
/* PowerSource version*/
enum {
kVersionOnePowerSource = 1,
kVersionTwoPowerSource = 2,
kCurrentPowerSourceVersion = kVersionTwoPowerSource
/* PowerSourceAttrs bits*/
enum {
bSourceIsBattery = 0, /* power source is battery*/
bSourceIsAC = 1, /* power source is AC*/
bSourceCanBeCharged = 2, /* power source can be charged*/
bSourceIsUPS = 3, /* power source is UPS. NOTE: software should set bSourceIsBattery and bSourceIsAC also, as appropriate*/
bSourceProvidesWarnLevels = 4, /* power source provides low power and dead battery warning levels*/
kSourceIsBatteryMask = (1 << bSourceIsBattery),
kSourceIsACMask = (1 << bSourceIsAC),
kSourceCanBeChargedMask = (1 << bSourceCanBeCharged),
kSourceIsUPSMask = (1 << bSourceIsUPS),
kSourceProvidesWarnLevelsMask = (1 << bSourceProvidesWarnLevels)
/* PowerSourceFlags bits*/
enum {
bSourceIsAvailable = 0, /* power source is installed*/
bSourceIsCharging = 1, /* power source being charged*/
bChargerIsAttached = 2, /* a charger is connected*/
kSourceIsAvailableMask = (1 << bSourceIsAvailable),
kSourceIsChargingMask = (1 << bSourceIsCharging),
kChargerIsAttachedMask = (1 << bChargerIsAttached)
/* Power Capacity Types*/
enum {
kCapacityIsActual = 0, /* current capacity is expessed as actual capacity in same units as max*/
kCapacityIsPercentOfMax = 1 /* current capacity is expressed as a percentage of maximumCapacity*/
/* Net Activity Wake Options*/
enum {
kConfigSupportsWakeOnNetBit = 0,
kWakeOnNetAdminAccessesBit = 1,
kWakeOnAllNetAccessesBit = 2,
kUnmountServersBeforeSleepingBit = 3,
kConfigSupportsWakeOnNetMask = (1 << kConfigSupportsWakeOnNetBit),
kWakeOnNetAdminAccessesMask = (1 << kWakeOnNetAdminAccessesBit),
kWakeOnAllNetAccessesMask = (1 << kWakeOnAllNetAccessesBit),
kUnmountServersBeforeSleepingMask = (1 << kUnmountServersBeforeSleepingBit)
/* Power Source capacity usage types*/
enum {
kCurrentCapacityIsActualValue = 0, /* currentCapacity is a real value in same units as maxCapacity*/
kCurrentCapacityIsPercentOfMax = 1 /* currentCapacity is expressed as a percentage of maxCapacity.*/
typedef SInt16 PowerSourceID;
struct PowerSourceParamBlock {
PowerSourceID sourceID; /* unique id assigned by Power Mgr*/
UInt16 sourceCapacityUsage; /* how currentCapacity is used*/
UInt32 sourceVersion; /* version of this record*/
OptionBits sourceAttr; /* attribute flags (see below)*/
OptionBits sourceState; /* state flags (see below)*/
UInt32 currentCapacity; /* current capacity, in*/
/* milliwatts or %*/
UInt32 maxCapacity; /* full capacity, in milliwatts*/
UInt32 timeRemaining; /* time left to deplete, */
/* in milliwatt-hours*/
UInt32 timeToFullCharge; /* time to charge, */
/* in milliwatt-hours*/
UInt32 voltage; /* voltage in millivolts*/
SInt32 current; /* current in milliamperes */
/* (negative if consuming, */
/* positive if charging)*/
UInt32 lowWarnLevel; /* low warning level in milliwatts (or % if sourceCapacityUsage is %)*/
UInt32 deadWarnLevel; /* dead warning level in milliwatts (or % if sourceCapacityUsage is %)*/
UInt32 reserved[16]; /* for future expansion*/
typedef struct PowerSourceParamBlock PowerSourceParamBlock;
typedef PowerSourceParamBlock * PowerSourceParamBlockPtr;
* DisableWUTime()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
* SetWUTime()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
SetWUTime(long wuTime);
* GetWUTime()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
long * wuTime,
Byte * wuFlag);
* BatteryStatus()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
Byte * status,
Byte * power);
* ModemStatus()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
ModemStatus(Byte * status);
* IdleUpdate()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 IdleUpdate
EXTERN_API( long )
IdleUpdate(void) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA285);
* GetCPUSpeed()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 GetCPUSpeed
EXTERN_API( long )
GetCPUSpeed(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x70FF, 0xA485);
* EnableIdle()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
EXTERN_API( void )
EnableIdle(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7000, 0xA485);
* DisableIdle()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
EXTERN_API( void )
DisableIdle(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7001, 0xA485);
* SleepQInstall()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter SleepQInstall(__A0)
EXTERN_API( void )
SleepQInstall(SleepQRecPtr qRecPtr) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA28A);
* SleepQRemove()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter SleepQRemove(__A0)
EXTERN_API( void )
SleepQRemove(SleepQRecPtr qRecPtr) ONEWORDINLINE(0xA48A);
* AOn()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
EXTERN_API( void )
AOn(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7004, 0xA685);
* AOnIgnoreModem()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
EXTERN_API( void )
AOnIgnoreModem(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7005, 0xA685);
* BOn()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
EXTERN_API( void )
BOn(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7000, 0xA685);
* AOff()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
EXTERN_API( void )
AOff(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7084, 0xA685);
* BOff()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in InterfaceLib 7.1 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
EXTERN_API( void )
BOff(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7080, 0xA685);
/* Public Power Management API */
* PMSelectorCount()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 PMSelectorCount
EXTERN_API( short )
PMSelectorCount(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7000, 0xA09E);
* PMFeatures()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 PMFeatures
PMFeatures(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7001, 0xA09E);
* GetSleepTimeout()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 GetSleepTimeout
GetSleepTimeout(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7002, 0xA09E);
* SetSleepTimeout()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter SetSleepTimeout(__D0)
EXTERN_API( void )
SetSleepTimeout(UInt8 timeout) FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x0003, 0xA09E);
* GetHardDiskTimeout()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 GetHardDiskTimeout
GetHardDiskTimeout(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7004, 0xA09E);
* SetHardDiskTimeout()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter SetHardDiskTimeout(__D0)
EXTERN_API( void )
SetHardDiskTimeout(UInt8 timeout) FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x0005, 0xA09E);
* HardDiskPowered()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 HardDiskPowered
EXTERN_API( Boolean )
HardDiskPowered(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7006, 0xA09E);
* SpinDownHardDisk()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter SpinDownHardDisk
EXTERN_API( void )
SpinDownHardDisk(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7007, 0xA09E);
* IsSpindownDisabled()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 IsSpindownDisabled
EXTERN_API( Boolean )
IsSpindownDisabled(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7008, 0xA09E);
* SetSpindownDisable()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter SetSpindownDisable(__D0)
EXTERN_API( void )
SetSpindownDisable(Boolean setDisable) FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x0009, 0xA09E);
* HardDiskQInstall()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 HardDiskQInstall(__A0)
HardDiskQInstall(HDQueueElement * theElement) TWOWORDINLINE(0x700A, 0xA09E);
* HardDiskQRemove()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 HardDiskQRemove(__A0)
HardDiskQRemove(HDQueueElement * theElement) TWOWORDINLINE(0x700B, 0xA09E);
* GetScaledBatteryInfo()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter GetScaledBatteryInfo(__D0, __A0)
EXTERN_API( void )
short whichBattery,
BatteryInfo * theInfo) FIVEWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x000C, 0xA09E, 0x2080);
* AutoSleepControl()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter AutoSleepControl(__D0)
EXTERN_API( void )
AutoSleepControl(Boolean enableSleep) FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x000D, 0xA09E);
* GetIntModemInfo()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 GetIntModemInfo
GetIntModemInfo(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x700E, 0xA09E);
* SetIntModemState()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter SetIntModemState(__D0)
EXTERN_API( void )
SetIntModemState(short theState) FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x000F, 0xA09E);
* MaximumProcessorSpeed()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 MaximumProcessorSpeed
EXTERN_API( short )
MaximumProcessorSpeed(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7010, 0xA09E);
* MinimumProcessorSpeed()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.1 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 MinimumProcessorSpeed
EXTERN_API( short )
MinimumProcessorSpeed(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7036, 0xA09E);
* CurrentProcessorSpeed()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 CurrentProcessorSpeed
EXTERN_API( short )
CurrentProcessorSpeed(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7011, 0xA09E);
* FullProcessorSpeed()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 FullProcessorSpeed
EXTERN_API( Boolean )
FullProcessorSpeed(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7012, 0xA09E);
* SetProcessorSpeed()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 SetProcessorSpeed(__D0)
EXTERN_API( Boolean )
SetProcessorSpeed(Boolean fullSpeed) FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x0013, 0xA09E);
* GetSCSIDiskModeAddress()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 GetSCSIDiskModeAddress
EXTERN_API( short )
GetSCSIDiskModeAddress(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7014, 0xA09E);
* SetSCSIDiskModeAddress()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter SetSCSIDiskModeAddress(__D0)
EXTERN_API( void )
SetSCSIDiskModeAddress(short scsiAddress) FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x0015, 0xA09E);
* GetWakeupTimer()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter GetWakeupTimer(__A0)
EXTERN_API( void )
GetWakeupTimer(WakeupTime * theTime) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7016, 0xA09E);
* SetWakeupTimer()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter SetWakeupTimer(__A0)
EXTERN_API( void )
SetWakeupTimer(WakeupTime * theTime) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7017, 0xA09E);
* IsProcessorCyclingEnabled()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 IsProcessorCyclingEnabled
EXTERN_API( Boolean )
IsProcessorCyclingEnabled(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7018, 0xA09E);
* EnableProcessorCycling()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter EnableProcessorCycling(__D0)
EXTERN_API( void )
EnableProcessorCycling(Boolean enable) FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x0019, 0xA09E);
* BatteryCount()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 BatteryCount
EXTERN_API( short )
BatteryCount(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x701A, 0xA09E);
* GetBatteryVoltage()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 GetBatteryVoltage(__D0)
GetBatteryVoltage(short whichBattery) FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x001B, 0xA09E);
* GetBatteryTimes()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter GetBatteryTimes(__D0, __A0)
EXTERN_API( void )
short whichBattery,
BatteryTimeRec * theTimes) FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x001C, 0xA09E);
* GetDimmingTimeout()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 GetDimmingTimeout
GetDimmingTimeout(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x701D, 0xA09E);
* SetDimmingTimeout()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter SetDimmingTimeout(__D0)
EXTERN_API( void )
SetDimmingTimeout(UInt8 timeout) FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x001E, 0xA09E);
* DimmingControl()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter DimmingControl(__D0)
EXTERN_API( void )
DimmingControl(Boolean enableSleep) FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x001F, 0xA09E);
* IsDimmingControlDisabled()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 IsDimmingControlDisabled
EXTERN_API( Boolean )
IsDimmingControlDisabled(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7020, 0xA09E);
* IsAutoSlpControlDisabled()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 IsAutoSlpControlDisabled
EXTERN_API( Boolean )
IsAutoSlpControlDisabled(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7021, 0xA09E);
* PMgrStateQInstall()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 PMgrStateQInstall(__A0)
PMgrStateQInstall(PMgrQueueElement * theElement) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7022, 0xA09E);
* PMgrStateQRemove()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 PMgrStateQRemove(__A0)
PMgrStateQRemove(PMgrQueueElement * theElement) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7023, 0xA09E);
* UpdateSystemActivity()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 UpdateSystemActivity(__D0)
UpdateSystemActivity(UInt8 activity) FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x0024, 0xA09E);
* DelaySystemIdle()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 DelaySystemIdle
DelaySystemIdle(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7025, 0xA09E);
* GetStartupTimer()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 GetStartupTimer(__A0)
GetStartupTimer(StartupTime * theTime) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7026, 0xA09E);
* SetStartupTimer()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 SetStartupTimer(__A0)
SetStartupTimer(StartupTime * theTime) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7027, 0xA09E);
* GetLastActivity()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.0 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 GetLastActivity(__A0)
GetLastActivity(ActivityInfo * theActivity) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7028, 0xA09E);
* GetSoundMixerState()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.1 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 GetSoundMixerState(__A0)
GetSoundMixerState(SoundMixerByte * theSoundMixerByte) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7029, 0xA09E);
* SetSoundMixerState()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.1 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 SetSoundMixerState(__A0)
SetSoundMixerState(SoundMixerByte * theSoundMixerByte) TWOWORDINLINE(0x702A, 0xA09E);
* GetDimSuspendState()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.1 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 GetDimSuspendState
EXTERN_API( Boolean )
GetDimSuspendState(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x702B, 0xA09E);
* SetDimSuspendState()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 1.1 and later
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter SetDimSuspendState(__D0)
EXTERN_API( void )
SetDimSuspendState(Boolean dimSuspendState) FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x002C, 0xA09E);
* GetCoreProcessorTemperature()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 2.0 and later
* CarbonLib: not available
* Mac OS X: not available
#pragma parameter __D0 GetCoreProcessorTemperature(__A0)
GetCoreProcessorTemperature(MPCpuID inCpuID) TWOWORDINLINE(0x702D, 0xA09E);
* GetWakeOnNetworkOptions()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 2.0 and later
* CarbonLib: not available
* Mac OS X: not available
#pragma parameter __D0 GetWakeOnNetworkOptions
EXTERN_API( OptionBits )
GetWakeOnNetworkOptions(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x702E, 0xA09E);
* SetWakeOnNetworkOptions()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 2.0 and later
* CarbonLib: not available
* Mac OS X: not available
#pragma parameter SetWakeOnNetworkOptions(__A0)
EXTERN_API( void )
SetWakeOnNetworkOptions(OptionBits inOptions) TWOWORDINLINE(0x702F, 0xA09E);
* AddPowerSource()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 2.0 and later
* CarbonLib: not available
* Mac OS X: not available
#pragma parameter __D0 AddPowerSource(__A0)
AddPowerSource(PowerSourceParamBlock * ioPowerSource) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7030, 0xA09E);
* RemovePowerSource()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 2.0 and later
* CarbonLib: not available
* Mac OS X: not available
#pragma parameter __D0 RemovePowerSource(__D0)
RemovePowerSource(PowerSourceID inSourceID) FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x0031, 0xA09E);
* UpdatePowerSource()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 2.0 and later
* CarbonLib: not available
* Mac OS X: not available
#pragma parameter __D0 UpdatePowerSource(__A0)
UpdatePowerSource(PowerSourceParamBlock * ioSource) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7032, 0xA09E);
* IsServerModeEnabled()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 2.0 and later
* CarbonLib: not available
* Mac OS X: not available
#pragma parameter __D0 IsServerModeEnabled
EXTERN_API( Boolean )
IsServerModeEnabled(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7033, 0xA09E);
* EnableServerMode()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 2.0 and later
* CarbonLib: not available
* Mac OS X: not available
#pragma parameter EnableServerMode(__D0)
EXTERN_API( void )
EnableServerMode(Boolean inEnable) FOURWORDINLINE(0x4840, 0x303C, 0x0034, 0xA09E);
NumBatteriesInstalled is different from BatteryCount in that it
indicates how many batteries are actually available at the time
it is called (including UPS batteries). BatteryCount shows a
static number of batteries a machine is capable of holding which does NOT
include UPS batteries. So, while a desktop might show a BatteryCount
of zero, its NumBatteriesInstalled value might be 1 or more if a UPS
is attached.
* NumBatteriesInstalled()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in PowerMgrLib 2.0 and later
* CarbonLib: not available
* Mac OS X: not available
#pragma parameter __D0 NumBatteriesInstalled
NumBatteriesInstalled(void) TWOWORDINLINE(0x7035, 0xA09E);
/* Power Handler Management */
* IsPCIPowerOffDisabled()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in DriverServicesLib 1.1 and later
* CarbonLib: not available
* Mac OS X: not available
EXTERN_API_C( Boolean )
* EnablePCIPowerOff()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in DriverServicesLib 1.1 and later
* CarbonLib: not available
* Mac OS X: not available
EXTERN_API_C( void )
EnablePCIPowerOff(Boolean inEnable);
* AddDevicePowerHandler()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in DriverServicesLib 1.1 and later
* CarbonLib: not available
* Mac OS X: not available
RegEntryIDPtr regEntryID,
PowerHandlerProcPtr handler,
UInt32 refCon,
char * deviceType);
* RemoveDevicePowerHandler()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in DriverServicesLib 1.1 and later
* CarbonLib: not available
* Mac OS X: not available
RemoveDevicePowerHandler(RegEntryIDPtr regEntryID);
* RemoveDevicePowerHandlerForProc()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in DriverServicesLib 1.1 and later
* CarbonLib: not available
* Mac OS X: not available
RemoveDevicePowerHandlerForProc(PowerHandlerProcPtr proc);
* GetDevicePowerLevel()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in DriverServicesLib 1.1 and later
* CarbonLib: not available
* Mac OS X: not available
RegEntryIDPtr regEntryID,
PowerLevel * devicePowerLevel);
* SetDevicePowerLevel()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: in DriverServicesLib 1.1 and later
* CarbonLib: not available
* Mac OS X: not available
RegEntryIDPtr regEntryID,
PowerLevel devicePowerLevel);
#endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
* NewSleepQUPP()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
NewSleepQUPP(SleepQProcPtr userRoutine);
enum { uppSleepQProcInfo = 0x00131832 }; /* register 4_bytes:D0 Func(4_bytes:D0, 4_bytes:A0) */
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(SleepQUPP) NewSleepQUPP(SleepQProcPtr userRoutine) { return (SleepQUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppSleepQProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture()); }
#define NewSleepQUPP(userRoutine) (SleepQUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppSleepQProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
* NewHDSpindownUPP()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
NewHDSpindownUPP(HDSpindownProcPtr userRoutine);
enum { uppHDSpindownProcInfo = 0x000000C0 }; /* pascal no_return_value Func(4_bytes) */
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(HDSpindownUPP) NewHDSpindownUPP(HDSpindownProcPtr userRoutine) { return (HDSpindownUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppHDSpindownProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture()); }
#define NewHDSpindownUPP(userRoutine) (HDSpindownUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppHDSpindownProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
* NewPMgrStateChangeUPP()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
EXTERN_API_C( PMgrStateChangeUPP )
NewPMgrStateChangeUPP(PMgrStateChangeProcPtr userRoutine);
enum { uppPMgrStateChangeProcInfo = 0x000003C0 }; /* pascal no_return_value Func(4_bytes, 4_bytes) */
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(PMgrStateChangeUPP) NewPMgrStateChangeUPP(PMgrStateChangeProcPtr userRoutine) { return (PMgrStateChangeUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppPMgrStateChangeProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture()); }
#define NewPMgrStateChangeUPP(userRoutine) (PMgrStateChangeUPP)NewRoutineDescriptor((ProcPtr)(userRoutine), uppPMgrStateChangeProcInfo, GetCurrentArchitecture())
* DisposeSleepQUPP()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
EXTERN_API_C( void )
DisposeSleepQUPP(SleepQUPP userUPP);
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(void) DisposeSleepQUPP(SleepQUPP userUPP) { DisposeRoutineDescriptor((UniversalProcPtr)userUPP); }
#define DisposeSleepQUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
* DisposeHDSpindownUPP()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
EXTERN_API_C( void )
DisposeHDSpindownUPP(HDSpindownUPP userUPP);
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(void) DisposeHDSpindownUPP(HDSpindownUPP userUPP) { DisposeRoutineDescriptor((UniversalProcPtr)userUPP); }
#define DisposeHDSpindownUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
* DisposePMgrStateChangeUPP()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
EXTERN_API_C( void )
DisposePMgrStateChangeUPP(PMgrStateChangeUPP userUPP);
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(void) DisposePMgrStateChangeUPP(PMgrStateChangeUPP userUPP) { DisposeRoutineDescriptor((UniversalProcPtr)userUPP); }
#define DisposePMgrStateChangeUPP(userUPP) DisposeRoutineDescriptor(userUPP)
* InvokeSleepQUPP()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
#pragma parameter __D0 InvokeSleepQUPP(__D0, __A0, __A1)
EXTERN_API_C( long )
long message,
SleepQRecPtr qRecPtr,
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(long) InvokeSleepQUPP(long message, SleepQRecPtr qRecPtr, SleepQUPP userUPP) { return (long)CALL_TWO_PARAMETER_UPP(userUPP, uppSleepQProcInfo, message, qRecPtr); }
#define InvokeSleepQUPP(message, qRecPtr, userUPP) (long)CALL_TWO_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppSleepQProcInfo, (message), (qRecPtr))
* InvokeHDSpindownUPP()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
EXTERN_API_C( void )
HDQueueElement * theElement,
HDSpindownUPP userUPP);
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(void) InvokeHDSpindownUPP(HDQueueElement * theElement, HDSpindownUPP userUPP) { CALL_ONE_PARAMETER_UPP(userUPP, uppHDSpindownProcInfo, theElement); }
#define InvokeHDSpindownUPP(theElement, userUPP) CALL_ONE_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppHDSpindownProcInfo, (theElement))
* InvokePMgrStateChangeUPP()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: available as macro/inline
* CarbonLib: in CarbonLib 1.0 and later
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
EXTERN_API_C( void )
PMgrQueueElement * theElement,
long stateBits,
PMgrStateChangeUPP userUPP);
#ifdef __cplusplus
inline DEFINE_API_C(void) InvokePMgrStateChangeUPP(PMgrQueueElement * theElement, long stateBits, PMgrStateChangeUPP userUPP) { CALL_TWO_PARAMETER_UPP(userUPP, uppPMgrStateChangeProcInfo, theElement, stateBits); }
#define InvokePMgrStateChangeUPP(theElement, stateBits, userUPP) CALL_TWO_PARAMETER_UPP((userUPP), uppPMgrStateChangeProcInfo, (theElement), (stateBits))
/* support for pre-Carbon UPP routines: New...Proc and Call...Proc */
#define NewSleepQProc(userRoutine) NewSleepQUPP(userRoutine)
#define NewHDSpindownProc(userRoutine) NewHDSpindownUPP(userRoutine)
#define NewPMgrStateChangeProc(userRoutine) NewPMgrStateChangeUPP(userRoutine)
#define CallSleepQProc(userRoutine, message, qRecPtr) InvokeSleepQUPP(message, qRecPtr, userRoutine)
#define CallHDSpindownProc(userRoutine, theElement) InvokeHDSpindownUPP(theElement, userRoutine)
#define CallPMgrStateChangeProc(userRoutine, theElement, stateBits) InvokePMgrStateChangeUPP(theElement, stateBits, userRoutine)
#endif /* CALL_NOT_IN_CARBON */
#pragma options align=reset
#pragma pack(pop)
#pragma pack()
#pragma import off
#pragma import reset
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __POWER__ */