2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
# include "cbase.h"
# include "prediction.h"
2024-07-13 19:18:03 +02:00
# include "cdll_client_int.h"
2024-08-23 00:37:28 +02:00
# include "cliententitylist.h"
# include "const.h"
# include "css_enhanced/c_triggers.h"
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
# include "igamemovement.h"
2024-07-13 19:18:03 +02:00
# include "mathlib/mathlib.h"
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
# include "prediction_private.h"
# include "ivrenderview.h"
# include "iinput.h"
# include "usercmd.h"
# include <vgui_controls/Controls.h>
# include <vgui/ISurface.h>
# include <vgui/IScheme.h>
# include "hud.h"
# include "iclientvehicle.h"
# include "in_buttons.h"
# include "con_nprint.h"
# include "hud_pdump.h"
# include "datacache/imdlcache.h"
2024-07-25 00:55:51 +02:00
# include "util_shared.h"
2024-08-23 00:37:28 +02:00
# include "css_enhanced/c_eventqueue.h"
# include "utlvector.h"
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
# ifdef HL2_CLIENT_DLL
# include "c_basehlplayer.h"
# endif
# include "tier0/vprof.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
# include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
IPredictionSystem * IPredictionSystem : : g_pPredictionSystems = NULL ;
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
ConVar cl_predictweapons ( " cl_predictweapons " , " 1 " , FCVAR_USERINFO | FCVAR_NOT_CONNECTED , " Perform client side prediction of weapon effects. " ) ;
ConVar cl_lagcompensation ( " cl_lagcompensation " , " 1 " , FCVAR_USERINFO | FCVAR_NOT_CONNECTED , " Perform server side lag compensation of weapon firing events. " ) ;
ConVar cl_showerror ( " cl_showerror " , " 0 " , 0 , " Show prediction errors, 2 for above plus detailed field deltas. " ) ;
static ConVar cl_idealpitchscale ( " cl_idealpitchscale " , " 0.8 " , FCVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
static ConVar cl_predictionlist ( " cl_predictionlist " , " 0 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Show which entities are predicting \n " ) ;
static ConVar cl_predictionentitydump ( " cl_pdump " , " -1 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Dump info about this entity to screen. " ) ;
static ConVar cl_predictionentitydumpbyclass ( " cl_pclass " , " " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Dump entity by prediction classname. " ) ;
static ConVar cl_pred_optimize ( " cl_pred_optimize " , " 2 " , 0 , " Optimize for not copying data if didn't receive a network update (1) , and also for not repredicting if there were no errors ( 2 ) . " ) ;
# endif
extern IGameMovement * g_pGameMovement ;
extern CMoveData * g_pMoveData ;
void COM_Log ( char * pszFile , const char * fmt , . . . ) ;
typedescription_t * FindFieldByName ( const char * fieldname , datamap_t * dmap ) ;
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
// Purpose: For debugging, find predictable by classname
// Input : *classname -
// Output : static C_BaseEntity
static C_BaseEntity * FindPredictableByGameClass ( const char * classname )
// Walk backward due to deletion from UtlVector
int c = predictables - > GetPredictableCount ( ) ;
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < c ; i + + )
C_BaseEntity * ent = predictables - > GetPredictable ( i ) ;
if ( ! ent )
continue ;
// Don't do anything to truly predicted things (like player and weapons )
if ( ! FClassnameIs ( ent , classname ) )
continue ;
return ent ;
return NULL ;
# endif
// Purpose:
CPrediction : : CPrediction ( void )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
m_bInPrediction = false ;
m_bFirstTimePredicted = false ;
m_nIncomingPacketNumber = 0 ;
m_flIdealPitch = 0.0f ;
m_nPreviousStartFrame = - 1 ;
m_nCommandsPredicted = 0 ;
m_nServerCommandsAcknowledged = 0 ;
m_bPreviousAckHadErrors = false ;
2024-08-23 00:37:28 +02:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP ; i + + )
for ( int j = 0 ; j < MAX_EDICTS ; j + + )
m_touchedHistory [ i ] [ j ] . savedTouches . RemoveAll ( ) ;
m_touchedHistory [ i ] [ j ] . touchedTriggerEntities . RemoveAll ( ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
# endif
CPrediction : : ~ CPrediction ( void )
void CPrediction : : Init ( void )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
m_bOldCLPredictValue = cl_predict - > GetInt ( ) ;
# endif
void CPrediction : : Shutdown ( void )
// Purpose:
void CPrediction : : CheckError ( int commands_acknowledged )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
C_BasePlayer * player ;
Vector origin ;
Vector delta ;
float len ;
static int pos = 0 ;
// Not in the game yet
if ( ! engine - > IsInGame ( ) )
return ;
// Not running prediction
if ( ! cl_predict - > GetInt ( ) )
return ;
player = C_BasePlayer : : GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
if ( ! player )
return ;
// Not predictable yet (flush entity packet?)
if ( ! player - > IsIntermediateDataAllocated ( ) )
return ;
origin = player - > GetNetworkOrigin ( ) ;
const void * slot = player - > GetPredictedFrame ( commands_acknowledged - 1 ) ;
if ( ! slot )
return ;
// Find the origin field in the database
typedescription_t * td = FindFieldByName ( " m_vecNetworkOrigin " , player - > GetPredDescMap ( ) ) ;
Assert ( td ) ;
if ( ! td )
return ;
Vector predicted_origin ;
memcpy ( ( Vector * ) & predicted_origin , ( Vector * ) ( ( byte * ) slot + td - > fieldOffset [ PC_DATA_PACKED ] ) , sizeof ( Vector ) ) ;
// Compare what the server returned with what we had predicted it to be
VectorSubtract ( predicted_origin , origin , delta ) ;
len = VectorLength ( delta ) ;
// A teleport or something, clear out error
len = 0 ;
player - > NotePredictionError ( delta ) ;
if ( cl_showerror . GetInt ( ) > = 1 )
con_nprint_t np ;
np . fixed_width_font = true ;
np . color [ 0 ] = 1.0f ;
np . color [ 1 ] = 0.95f ;
np . color [ 2 ] = 0.7f ;
np . index = 20 + ( + + pos % 20 ) ;
np . time_to_live = 2.0f ;
engine - > Con_NXPrintf ( & np , " pred error %6.3f units (%6.3f %6.3f %6.3f) " , len , delta . x , delta . y , delta . z ) ;
# endif
// Purpose:
void CPrediction : : ShutdownPredictables ( void )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
// Transfer intermediate data from other predictables
int c = predictables - > GetPredictableCount ( ) ;
int i ;
int shutdown_count = 0 ;
int release_count = 0 ;
for ( i = c - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - - )
C_BaseEntity * ent = predictables - > GetPredictable ( i ) ;
if ( ! ent )
continue ;
// Shutdown predictables
if ( ent - > GetPredictable ( ) )
ent - > ShutdownPredictable ( ) ;
shutdown_count + + ;
// Otherwise, release client created entities
ent - > Release ( ) ;
release_count + + ;
if ( ( release_count > 0 ) | |
( shutdown_count > 0 ) )
Msg ( " Shutdown %i predictable entities and %i client-created entities \n " ,
shutdown_count ,
release_count ) ;
// All gone now...
Assert ( predictables - > GetPredictableCount ( ) = = 0 ) ;
# endif
// Purpose:
void CPrediction : : ReinitPredictables ( void )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
// Go through all entities and init any eligible ones
int i ;
int c = ClientEntityList ( ) . GetHighestEntityIndex ( ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < = c ; i + + )
C_BaseEntity * e = ClientEntityList ( ) . GetBaseEntity ( i ) ;
if ( ! e )
continue ;
if ( e - > GetPredictable ( ) )
continue ;
e - > CheckInitPredictable ( " ReinitPredictables " ) ;
Msg ( " Reinitialized %i predictable entities \n " ,
predictables - > GetPredictableCount ( ) ) ;
# endif
// Purpose:
void CPrediction : : OnReceivedUncompressedPacket ( void )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
m_nCommandsPredicted = 0 ;
m_nServerCommandsAcknowledged = 0 ;
m_nPreviousStartFrame = - 1 ;
# endif
// Purpose:
// Input : commands_acknowledged -
// current_world_update_packet -
// Output : void CPrediction::PreEntityPacketReceived
void CPrediction : : PreEntityPacketReceived ( int commands_acknowledged , int current_world_update_packet )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
# if defined( _DEBUG )
char sz [ 32 ] ;
Q_snprintf ( sz , sizeof ( sz ) , " preentitypacket%d " , commands_acknowledged ) ;
# endif
VPROF ( " CPrediction::PreEntityPacketReceived " ) ;
// Cache off incoming packet #
m_nIncomingPacketNumber = current_world_update_packet ;
// Don't screw up memory of current player from history buffers if not filling in history buffers
// during prediction!!!
if ( ! cl_predict - > GetInt ( ) )
ShutdownPredictables ( ) ;
return ;
C_BasePlayer * current = C_BasePlayer : : GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
// No local player object?
if ( ! current )
return ;
// Transfer intermediate data from other predictables
int c = predictables - > GetPredictableCount ( ) ;
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < c ; i + + )
C_BaseEntity * ent = predictables - > GetPredictable ( i ) ;
if ( ! ent )
continue ;
if ( ! ent - > GetPredictable ( ) )
continue ;
ent - > PreEntityPacketReceived ( commands_acknowledged ) ;
# endif
// Purpose: Called for every packet received( could be multiple times per frame)
void CPrediction : : PostEntityPacketReceived ( void )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
VPROF ( " CPrediction::PostEntityPacketReceived " ) ;
// Don't screw up memory of current player from history buffers if not filling in history buffers
// during prediction!!!
if ( ! cl_predict - > GetInt ( ) )
return ;
C_BasePlayer * current = C_BasePlayer : : GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
// No local player object?
if ( ! current )
return ;
// Transfer intermediate data from other predictables
int c = predictables - > GetPredictableCount ( ) ;
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < c ; i + + )
C_BaseEntity * ent = predictables - > GetPredictable ( i ) ;
if ( ! ent )
continue ;
if ( ! ent - > GetPredictable ( ) )
continue ;
ent - > PostEntityPacketReceived ( ) ;
# endif
// Purpose:
// Input : *ent -
// Output : static bool
bool CPrediction : : ShouldDumpEntity ( C_BaseEntity * ent )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
int dump_entity = cl_predictionentitydump . GetInt ( ) ;
if ( dump_entity ! = - 1 )
bool dump = false ;
if ( ent - > entindex ( ) = = - 1 )
dump = ( dump_entity = = ent - > entindex ( ) ) ? true : false ;
dump = ( ent - > entindex ( ) = = dump_entity ) ? true : false ;
if ( ! dump )
return false ;
if ( cl_predictionentitydumpbyclass . GetString ( ) [ 0 ] = = 0 )
return false ;
if ( ! FClassnameIs ( ent , cl_predictionentitydumpbyclass . GetString ( ) ) )
return false ;
return true ;
# else
return false ;
# endif
// Purpose: Called at the end of the frame if any packets were received
// Input : error_check -
// last_predicted -
void CPrediction : : PostNetworkDataReceived ( int commands_acknowledged )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
VPROF ( " CPrediction::PostNetworkDataReceived " ) ;
bool error_check = ( commands_acknowledged > 0 ) ? true : false ;
# if defined( _DEBUG )
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
char sz [ 32 ] ;
Q_snprintf ( sz , sizeof ( sz ) , " postnetworkdata%d " , commands_acknowledged ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
# endif
# ifndef _XBOX
CPDumpPanel * dump = GetPDumpPanel ( ) ;
# endif
//Msg( "%i/%i ack %i commands/slot\n",
// gpGlobals->framecount,
// gpGlobals->tickcount,
// commands_acknowledged - 1 );
m_nServerCommandsAcknowledged + = commands_acknowledged ;
m_bPreviousAckHadErrors = false ;
bool entityDumped = false ;
C_BasePlayer * current = C_BasePlayer : : GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
// No local player object?
if ( ! current )
return ;
// Don't screw up memory of current player from history buffers if not filling in history buffers
// during prediction!!!
if ( cl_predict - > GetInt ( ) )
int showlist = cl_predictionlist . GetInt ( ) ;
int totalsize = 0 ;
int totalsize_intermediate = 0 ;
con_nprint_t np ;
np . fixed_width_font = true ;
np . color [ 0 ] = 0.8f ;
np . color [ 1 ] = 1.0f ;
np . color [ 2 ] = 1.0f ;
np . time_to_live = 2.0f ;
// Transfer intermediate data from other predictables
int c = predictables - > GetPredictableCount ( ) ;
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < c ; i + + )
C_BaseEntity * ent = predictables - > GetPredictable ( i ) ;
if ( ! ent )
continue ;
if ( ent - > GetPredictable ( ) )
if ( ent - > PostNetworkDataReceived ( m_nServerCommandsAcknowledged ) )
m_bPreviousAckHadErrors = true ;
if ( showlist )
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
char sz [ 32 ] ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( ent - > entindex ( ) = = - 1 )
Q_snprintf ( sz , sizeof ( sz ) , " handle %u " , ( unsigned int ) ent - > GetClientHandle ( ) . ToInt ( ) ) ;
Q_snprintf ( sz , sizeof ( sz ) , " %i " , ent - > entindex ( ) ) ;
np . index = i ;
if ( showlist > = 2 )
int size = GetClassMap ( ) . GetClassSize ( ent - > GetClassname ( ) ) ;
int intermediate_size = ent - > GetIntermediateDataSize ( ) * ( MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP + 1 ) ;
engine - > Con_NXPrintf ( & np , " %15s %30s (%5i / %5i bytes): %15s " ,
sz ,
ent - > GetClassname ( ) ,
size ,
intermediate_size ,
ent - > GetPredictable ( ) ? " predicted " : " client created " ) ;
totalsize + = size ;
totalsize_intermediate + = intermediate_size ;
engine - > Con_NXPrintf ( & np , " %15s %30s: %15s " ,
sz ,
ent - > GetClassname ( ) ,
ent - > GetPredictable ( ) ? " predicted " : " client created " ) ;
# ifndef _XBOX
if ( error_check & &
! entityDumped & &
dump & &
ShouldDumpEntity ( ent ) )
entityDumped = true ;
dump - > DumpEntity ( ent , m_nServerCommandsAcknowledged ) ;
# endif
if ( showlist > = 2 )
np . index = i + + ;
char sz1 [ 32 ] ;
char sz2 [ 32 ] ;
Q_strncpy ( sz1 , Q_pretifymem ( ( float ) totalsize ) , sizeof ( sz1 ) ) ;
Q_strncpy ( sz2 , Q_pretifymem ( ( float ) totalsize_intermediate ) , sizeof ( sz2 ) ) ;
engine - > Con_NXPrintf ( & np , " %15s %27s (%s / %s) %14s " ,
" totals: " ,
" " ,
sz1 ,
sz2 ,
" " ) ;
// Zero out rest of list
if ( showlist )
while ( i < 20 )
engine - > Con_NPrintf ( i , " " ) ;
i + + ;
if ( error_check )
CheckError ( m_nServerCommandsAcknowledged ) ;
// Can also look at regular entities
# ifndef _XBOX
int dumpentindex = cl_predictionentitydump . GetInt ( ) ;
if ( dump & & error_check & & ! entityDumped & & dumpentindex ! = - 1 )
int last_entity = ClientEntityList ( ) . GetHighestEntityIndex ( ) ;
if ( dumpentindex > = 0 & & dumpentindex < = last_entity )
C_BaseEntity * ent = ClientEntityList ( ) . GetBaseEntity ( dumpentindex ) ;
if ( ent )
dump - > DumpEntity ( ent , m_nServerCommandsAcknowledged ) ;
entityDumped = true ;
# endif
if ( cl_predict - > GetBool ( ) ! = m_bOldCLPredictValue )
if ( ! m_bOldCLPredictValue )
ReinitPredictables ( ) ;
m_nCommandsPredicted = 0 ;
m_nServerCommandsAcknowledged = 0 ;
m_nPreviousStartFrame = - 1 ;
m_bOldCLPredictValue = cl_predict - > GetInt ( ) ;
# ifndef _XBOX
if ( dump & & error_check & & ! entityDumped )
dump - > Clear ( ) ;
# endif
# endif
// Purpose: Prepare for running prediction code
// Input : *ucmd -
// *from -
// *pHelper -
// &moveInput -
void CPrediction : : SetupMove ( C_BasePlayer * player , CUserCmd * ucmd , IMoveHelper * pHelper , CMoveData * move )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
VPROF ( " CPrediction::SetupMove " ) ;
2024-08-23 00:37:28 +02:00
move - > m_bFirstRunOfFunctions = IsFirstTimePredicted ( ) ;
move - > m_bGameCodeMovedPlayer = false ;
if ( player - > GetPreviouslyPredictedOrigin ( ) ! = player - > GetNetworkOrigin ( ) )
move - > m_bGameCodeMovedPlayer = true ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
move - > m_nPlayerHandle = player - > GetClientHandle ( ) ;
move - > m_vecVelocity = player - > GetAbsVelocity ( ) ;
move - > SetAbsOrigin ( player - > GetNetworkOrigin ( ) ) ;
move - > m_vecOldAngles = move - > m_vecAngles ;
move - > m_nOldButtons = player - > m_Local . m_nOldButtons ;
move - > m_flClientMaxSpeed = player - > m_flMaxspeed ;
move - > m_vecAngles = ucmd - > viewangles ;
move - > m_vecViewAngles = ucmd - > viewangles ;
move - > m_nImpulseCommand = ucmd - > impulse ;
move - > m_nButtons = ucmd - > buttons ;
CBaseEntity * pMoveParent = player - > GetMoveParent ( ) ;
if ( ! pMoveParent )
move - > m_vecAbsViewAngles = move - > m_vecViewAngles ;
matrix3x4_t viewToParent , viewToWorld ;
AngleMatrix ( move - > m_vecViewAngles , viewToParent ) ;
ConcatTransforms ( pMoveParent - > EntityToWorldTransform ( ) , viewToParent , viewToWorld ) ;
MatrixAngles ( viewToWorld , move - > m_vecAbsViewAngles ) ;
// Ingore buttons for movement if at controls
if ( player - > GetFlags ( ) & FL_ATCONTROLS )
move - > m_flForwardMove = 0 ;
move - > m_flSideMove = 0 ;
move - > m_flUpMove = 0 ;
move - > m_flForwardMove = ucmd - > forwardmove ;
move - > m_flSideMove = ucmd - > sidemove ;
move - > m_flUpMove = ucmd - > upmove ;
IClientVehicle * pVehicle = player - > GetVehicle ( ) ;
if ( pVehicle )
pVehicle - > SetupMove ( player , ucmd , pHelper , move ) ;
// Copy constraint information
if ( player - > m_hConstraintEntity )
move - > m_vecConstraintCenter = player - > m_hConstraintEntity - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
move - > m_vecConstraintCenter = player - > m_vecConstraintCenter ;
move - > m_flConstraintRadius = player - > m_flConstraintRadius ;
move - > m_flConstraintWidth = player - > m_flConstraintWidth ;
move - > m_flConstraintSpeedFactor = player - > m_flConstraintSpeedFactor ;
# ifdef HL2_CLIENT_DLL
// Convert to HL2 data.
C_BaseHLPlayer * pHLPlayer = static_cast < C_BaseHLPlayer * > ( player ) ;
Assert ( pHLPlayer ) ;
CHLMoveData * pHLMove = static_cast < CHLMoveData * > ( move ) ;
Assert ( pHLMove ) ;
pHLMove - > m_bIsSprinting = pHLPlayer - > IsSprinting ( ) ;
# endif
# endif
// Purpose: Finish running prediction code
// Input : &move -
// *to -
void CPrediction : : FinishMove ( C_BasePlayer * player , CUserCmd * ucmd , CMoveData * move )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
VPROF ( " CPrediction::FinishMove " ) ;
player - > m_RefEHandle = move - > m_nPlayerHandle ;
2024-07-13 19:18:03 +02:00
player - > SetLocalVelocity ( move - > m_vecVelocity ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
player - > m_vecNetworkOrigin = move - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
player - > m_Local . m_nOldButtons = move - > m_nButtons ;
2024-07-13 19:18:03 +02:00
float pitch = move - > m_vecAngles [ PITCH ] ;
if ( pitch > 180.0f )
pitch - = 360.0f ;
pitch = clamp ( pitch , - 90.f , 90.f ) ;
move - > m_vecAngles [ PITCH ] = pitch ;
player - > SetPoseParameter ( player - > LookupPoseParameter ( " body_pitch " ) , pitch ) ;
2024-07-14 04:30:25 +02:00
move - > m_vecAngles [ PITCH ] = 0.0f ;
2024-07-13 19:18:03 +02:00
player - > SetLocalAngles ( move - > m_vecAngles ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
// NOTE: Don't copy this. the movement code modifies its local copy but is not expecting to be authoritative
//player->m_flMaxspeed = move->m_flClientMaxSpeed;
m_hLastGround = player - > GetGroundEntity ( ) ;
player - > SetLocalOrigin ( move - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) ) ;
2024-08-23 00:37:28 +02:00
player - > SetPreviouslyPredictedOrigin ( move - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
IClientVehicle * pVehicle = player - > GetVehicle ( ) ;
if ( pVehicle )
pVehicle - > FinishMove ( player , ucmd , move ) ;
// Sanity checks
if ( player - > m_hConstraintEntity )
Assert ( move - > m_vecConstraintCenter = = player - > m_hConstraintEntity - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) ) ;
Assert ( move - > m_vecConstraintCenter = = player - > m_vecConstraintCenter ) ;
Assert ( move - > m_flConstraintRadius = = player - > m_flConstraintRadius ) ;
Assert ( move - > m_flConstraintWidth = = player - > m_flConstraintWidth ) ;
Assert ( move - > m_flConstraintSpeedFactor = = player - > m_flConstraintSpeedFactor ) ;
# endif
// Purpose: Called before any movement processing
// Input : *player -
// *cmd -
void CPrediction : : StartCommand ( C_BasePlayer * player , CUserCmd * cmd )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
VPROF ( " CPrediction::StartCommand " ) ;
2024-08-28 00:48:05 +02:00
player - > m_vecPreviousShootPosition = player - > Weapon_ShootPosition ( ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
CPredictableId : : ResetInstanceCounters ( ) ;
player - > m_pCurrentCommand = cmd ;
C_BaseEntity : : SetPredictionRandomSeed ( cmd ) ;
C_BaseEntity : : SetPredictionPlayer ( player ) ;
# endif
// Purpose: Called after any movement processing
// Input : *player -
void CPrediction : : FinishCommand ( C_BasePlayer * player )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
VPROF ( " CPrediction::FinishCommand " ) ;
2024-07-15 21:10:58 +02:00
// player->m_pCurrentCommand = NULL;
//C_BaseEntity::SetPredictionRandomSeed( NULL );
//C_BaseEntity::SetPredictionPlayer( NULL );
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
# endif
// Purpose: Called before player thinks
// Input : *player -
// thinktime -
void CPrediction : : RunPreThink ( C_BasePlayer * player )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
VPROF ( " CPrediction::RunPreThink " ) ;
// Run think functions on the player
if ( ! player - > PhysicsRunThink ( ) )
return ;
// Called every frame to let game rules do any specific think logic for the player
// FIXME: Do we need to set up a client side version of the gamerules???
// g_pGameRules->PlayerThink( player );
player - > PreThink ( ) ;
# endif
// Purpose: Runs the PLAYER's thinking code if time. There is some play in the exact time the think
// function will be called, because it is called before any movement is done
// in a frame. Not used for pushmove objects, because they must be exact.
// Returns false if the entity removed itself.
// Input : *ent -
// frametime -
// clienttimebase -
// Output : void CPlayerMove::RunThink
void CPrediction : : RunThink ( C_BasePlayer * player , double frametime )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
VPROF ( " CPrediction::RunThink " ) ;
int thinktick = player - > GetNextThinkTick ( ) ;
if ( thinktick < = 0 | | thinktick > player - > m_nTickBase )
return ;
player - > SetNextThink ( TICK_NEVER_THINK ) ;
// Think
player - > Think ( ) ;
# endif
// Purpose: Called after player movement
// Input : *player -
// thinktime -
// frametime -
void CPrediction : : RunPostThink ( C_BasePlayer * player )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
VPROF ( " CPrediction::RunPostThink " ) ;
// Run post-think
player - > PostThink ( ) ;
# endif
2024-07-13 19:18:03 +02:00
void CPrediction : : CheckMovingGround ( CBasePlayer * player , double frametime )
VPROF ( " CPrediction::CheckMovingGround() " ) ;
CBaseEntity * groundentity ;
if ( player - > GetFlags ( ) & FL_ONGROUND )
groundentity = player - > GetGroundEntity ( ) ;
if ( groundentity & & ( groundentity - > GetFlags ( ) & FL_CONVEYOR ) )
Vector vecNewVelocity ;
groundentity - > GetGroundVelocityToApply ( vecNewVelocity ) ;
if ( player - > GetFlags ( ) & FL_BASEVELOCITY )
vecNewVelocity + = player - > GetBaseVelocity ( ) ;
player - > SetBaseVelocity ( vecNewVelocity ) ;
player - > AddFlag ( FL_BASEVELOCITY ) ;
if ( ! ( player - > GetFlags ( ) & FL_BASEVELOCITY ) )
// Apply momentum (add in half of the previous frame of velocity first)
player - > ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse ( ( 1.0 + ( frametime * 0.5 ) ) * player - > GetBaseVelocity ( ) ) ;
player - > SetBaseVelocity ( vec3_origin ) ;
player - > RemoveFlag ( FL_BASEVELOCITY ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
// Purpose: Predicts a single movement command for player
// Input : *moveHelper -
// *player -
// *u -
void CPrediction : : RunCommand ( C_BasePlayer * player , CUserCmd * ucmd , IMoveHelper * moveHelper )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
VPROF ( " CPrediction::RunCommand " ) ;
# if defined( _DEBUG )
char sz [ 32 ] ;
Q_snprintf ( sz , sizeof ( sz ) , " runcommand%04d " , ucmd - > command_number ) ;
2024-07-13 19:18:03 +02:00
# endif
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
gpGlobals - > frametime = m_bEnginePaused ? 0 : TICK_INTERVAL ;
2024-07-15 16:47:27 +02:00
gpGlobals - > curtime = player - > m_nTickBase * TICK_INTERVAL ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
2024-08-23 00:37:28 +02:00
StartCommand ( player , ucmd ) ;
g_pGameMovement - > StartTrackPredictionErrors ( player ) ;
2024-07-19 03:39:47 +02:00
// Copy from command to player unless game .dll has set angle using fixangle
// if ( !player->pl.fixangle )
player - > SetLocalViewAngles ( ucmd - > viewangles ) ;
2024-08-23 00:37:28 +02:00
2024-07-25 00:55:51 +02:00
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
// TODO: Check for impulse predicted?
// Do weapon selection
if ( ucmd - > weaponselect ! = 0 )
C_BaseCombatWeapon * weapon = dynamic_cast < C_BaseCombatWeapon * > ( CBaseEntity : : Instance ( ucmd - > weaponselect ) ) ;
if ( weapon )
player - > SelectItem ( weapon - > GetName ( ) , ucmd - > weaponsubtype ) ;
// Latch in impulse.
IClientVehicle * pVehicle = player - > GetVehicle ( ) ;
if ( ucmd - > impulse )
// Discard impulse commands unless the vehicle allows them.
// FIXME: UsingStandardWeapons seems like a bad filter for this.
// The flashlight is an impulse command, for example.
if ( ! pVehicle | | player - > UsingStandardWeaponsInVehicle ( ) )
player - > m_nImpulse = ucmd - > impulse ;
// Get button states
player - > UpdateButtonState ( ucmd - > buttons ) ;
2024-07-14 00:50:53 +02:00
CheckMovingGround ( player , gpGlobals - > frametime ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
2024-07-13 19:18:03 +02:00
g_pMoveData - > m_vecOldAngles = player - > pl . v_angle ;
// TODO_ENHANCED: this will be implemented with trigger prediction update
// // Copy from command to player unless game .dll has set angle using fixangle
// if ( player->pl.fixangle == FIXANGLE_NONE )
// {
// player->pl.v_angle = ucmd->viewangles;
// }
// else if( player->pl.fixangle == FIXANGLE_RELATIVE )
// {
// player->pl.v_angle = ucmd->viewangles + player->pl.anglechange;
// }
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
// Call standard client pre-think
RunPreThink ( player ) ;
// Call Think if one is set
RunThink ( player , TICK_INTERVAL ) ;
// Setup input.
SetupMove ( player , ucmd , moveHelper , g_pMoveData ) ;
if ( ! pVehicle )
Assert ( g_pGameMovement ) ;
g_pGameMovement - > ProcessMovement ( player , g_pMoveData ) ;
pVehicle - > ProcessMovement ( player , g_pMoveData ) ;
FinishMove ( player , ucmd , g_pMoveData ) ;
2024-08-28 00:48:05 +02:00
moveHelper - > ProcessImpacts ( ) ;
RunPostThink ( player ) ;
ServiceEventQueue ( player ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
g_pGameMovement - > FinishTrackPredictionErrors ( player ) ;
FinishCommand ( player ) ;
if ( gpGlobals - > frametime > 0 )
player - > m_nTickBase + + ;
2024-08-23 00:37:28 +02:00
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
# endif
// Purpose: In the forward direction, creates rays straight down and determines the
// height of the 'floor' hit for each forward test. Then, if the samples show that the
// player is about to enter an up/down slope, sets *idealpitch to look up or down that slope
// as appropriate
void CPrediction : : SetIdealPitch ( C_BasePlayer * player , const Vector & origin , const QAngle & angles , const Vector & viewheight )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
Vector forward ;
Vector top , bottom ;
float floor_height [ MAX_FORWARD ] ;
int i , j ;
float step , dir ;
int steps ;
trace_t tr ;
if ( player - > GetGroundEntity ( ) = = NULL )
return ;
// Don't do this on the 360..
if ( IsX360 ( ) )
return ;
AngleVectors ( angles , & forward ) ;
forward [ 2 ] = 0 ;
// Now move forward by 36, 48, 60, etc. units from the eye position and drop lines straight down
// 160 or so units to see what's below
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_FORWARD ; i + + )
VectorMA ( origin , ( i + 3 ) * 12 , forward , top ) ;
top [ 2 ] + = viewheight [ 2 ] ;
VectorCopy ( top , bottom ) ;
bottom [ 2 ] - = 160 ;
UTIL_TraceLine ( top , bottom , MASK_SOLID , NULL , COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT , & tr ) ;
// looking at a wall, leave ideal the way it was
if ( tr . allsolid )
return ;
// near a dropoff/ledge
if ( tr . fraction = = 1 )
return ;
floor_height [ i ] = top [ 2 ] + tr . fraction * ( bottom [ 2 ] - top [ 2 ] ) ;
dir = 0 ;
steps = 0 ;
for ( j = 1 ; j < i ; j + + )
step = floor_height [ j ] - floor_height [ j - 1 ] ;
if ( step > - ON_EPSILON & & step < ON_EPSILON )
continue ;
if ( dir & & ( step - dir > ON_EPSILON | | step - dir < - ON_EPSILON ) )
return ; // mixed changes
steps + + ;
dir = step ;
if ( ! dir )
m_flIdealPitch = 0 ;
return ;
if ( steps < 2 )
return ;
m_flIdealPitch = - dir * cl_idealpitchscale . GetFloat ( ) ;
# endif
// Purpose: Walk backward through predictables looking for ClientCreated entities
// such as projectiles which were
// 1) not actually ack'd by the server or
// 2) were ack'd and made dormant and can now safely be removed
// Input : last_command_packet -
void CPrediction : : RemoveStalePredictedEntities ( int sequence_number )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
VPROF ( " CPrediction::RemoveStalePredictedEntities " ) ;
int oldest_allowable_command = sequence_number ;
// Walk backward due to deletion from UtlVector
int c = predictables - > GetPredictableCount ( ) ;
int i ;
for ( i = c - 1 ; i > = 0 ; i - - )
C_BaseEntity * ent = predictables - > GetPredictable ( i ) ;
if ( ! ent )
continue ;
// Don't do anything to truly predicted things (like player and weapons )
if ( ent - > GetPredictable ( ) )
continue ;
// What's left should be things like projectiles that are just waiting to be "linked"
// to their server counterpart and deleted
Assert ( ent - > IsClientCreated ( ) ) ;
if ( ! ent - > IsClientCreated ( ) )
continue ;
// Snag the PredictionContext
PredictionContext * ctx = ent - > m_pPredictionContext ;
if ( ! ctx )
continue ;
// If it was ack'd then the server sent us the entity.
// Leave it unless it wasn't made dormant this frame, in
// which case it can be removed now
if ( ent - > m_PredictableID . GetAcknowledged ( ) )
// Hasn't become dormant yet!!!
if ( ! ent - > IsDormantPredictable ( ) )
Assert ( 0 ) ;
continue ;
// Still gets to live till next frame
if ( ent - > BecameDormantThisPacket ( ) )
continue ;
C_BaseEntity * serverEntity = ctx - > m_hServerEntity ;
if ( serverEntity )
// Notify that it's going to go away
serverEntity - > OnPredictedEntityRemove ( true , ent ) ;
// Check context to see if it's too old?
int command_entity_creation_happened = ctx - > m_nCreationCommandNumber ;
// Give it more time to live...not time to kill it yet
if ( command_entity_creation_happened > oldest_allowable_command )
continue ;
// If the client predicted the KILLME flag it's possible
// that entity had such a short life that it actually
// never was sent to us. In that case, just let it die a silent death
if ( ! ent - > IsEFlagSet ( EFL_KILLME ) )
if ( cl_showerror . GetInt ( ) ! = 0 )
// It's bogus, server doesn't have a match, destroy it:
Msg ( " Removing unack'ed predicted entity: %s created %s(%i) id == %s : %p \n " ,
ent - > GetClassname ( ) ,
ctx - > m_pszCreationModule ,
ctx - > m_nCreationLineNumber ,
ent - > m_PredictableID . Describe ( ) ,
ent ) ;
// FIXME: Do we need an OnPredictedEntityRemove call with an "it's not valid"
// flag of some kind
// This will remove it from predictables list and will also free the entity, etc.
ent - > Release ( ) ;
# endif
// Purpose:
void CPrediction : : RestoreOriginalEntityState ( void )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
VPROF ( " CPrediction::RestoreOriginalEntityState " ) ;
Assert ( C_BaseEntity : : IsAbsRecomputationsEnabled ( ) ) ;
// Transfer intermediate data from other predictables
int pc = predictables - > GetPredictableCount ( ) ;
int p ;
for ( p = 0 ; p < pc ; p + + )
C_BaseEntity * ent = predictables - > GetPredictable ( p ) ;
if ( ! ent )
continue ;
if ( ent - > GetPredictable ( ) )
ent - > RestoreData ( " RestoreOriginalEntityState " , C_BaseEntity : : SLOT_ORIGINALDATA , PC_EVERYTHING ) ;
# endif
// Purpose:
// Input : current_command -
// curtime -
// *cmd -
// *tcmd -
// *localPlayer -
void CPrediction : : RunSimulation ( int current_command , float curtime , CUserCmd * cmd , C_BasePlayer * localPlayer )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
VPROF ( " CPrediction::RunSimulation " ) ;
Assert ( localPlayer ) ;
C_CommandContext * ctx = localPlayer - > GetCommandContext ( ) ;
Assert ( ctx ) ;
ctx - > needsprocessing = true ;
ctx - > cmd = * cmd ;
ctx - > command_number = current_command ;
IPredictionSystem : : SuppressEvents ( ! IsFirstTimePredicted ( ) ) ;
int i ;
// Make sure simulation occurs at most once per entity per usercmd
for ( i = 0 ; i < predictables - > GetPredictableCount ( ) ; i + + )
C_BaseEntity * entity = predictables - > GetPredictable ( i ) ;
if ( entity )
entity - > m_nSimulationTick = - 1 ;
// Don't used cached numpredictables since entities can be created mid-prediction by the player
for ( i = 0 ; i < predictables - > GetPredictableCount ( ) ; i + + )
// Always reset
gpGlobals - > curtime = curtime ;
gpGlobals - > frametime = m_bEnginePaused ? 0 : TICK_INTERVAL ;
C_BaseEntity * entity = predictables - > GetPredictable ( i ) ;
if ( ! entity )
continue ;
bool islocal = ( localPlayer = = entity ) ? true : false ;
// Local player simulates first, if this assert fires then the predictables list isn't sorted
// correctly (or we started predicting C_World???)
if ( islocal )
Assert ( i = = 0 ) ;
// Player can't be this so cull other entities here
if ( entity - > GetFlags ( ) & FL_STATICPROP )
continue ;
// Player is not actually in the m_SimulatedByThisPlayer list, of course
if ( entity - > IsPlayerSimulated ( ) )
continue ;
if ( AddDataChangeEvent ( entity , DATA_UPDATE_DATATABLE_CHANGED , & entity - > m_DataChangeEventRef ) )
entity - > OnPreDataChanged ( DATA_UPDATE_DATATABLE_CHANGED ) ;
// Certain entities can be created locally and if so created, should be
// simulated until a network update arrives
if ( entity - > IsClientCreated ( ) )
// Only simulate these on new usercmds
if ( ! IsFirstTimePredicted ( ) )
continue ;
entity - > PhysicsSimulate ( ) ;
entity - > PhysicsSimulate ( ) ;
// Don't update last networked data here!!!
// Always reset after running command
IPredictionSystem : : SuppressEvents ( false ) ;
# endif
2024-08-23 00:37:28 +02:00
// TODO_ENHANCED: we should get rid of this to prefer SaveData/RestoreData.
void CPrediction : : RestorePredictedTouched ( int current_command )
if ( m_nCommandsPredicted = = 0 )
return ;
bool saveDisableTouchFuncs = CBaseEntity : : sm_bDisableTouchFuncs ;
// Don't call StartTouch/EndTouch here, let run command do it.
CBaseEntity : : sm_bDisableTouchFuncs = true ;
int pc = predictables - > GetPredictableCount ( ) ;
int p ;
for ( p = 0 ; p < pc ; p + + )
C_BaseEntity * ent = predictables - > GetPredictable ( p ) ;
if ( ! ent )
continue ;
auto & savedTouchList = m_touchedHistory [ current_command % MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP ] [ ent - > index ] ;
C_BaseEntity : : PhysicsRemoveTouchedList ( ent ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < savedTouchList . savedTouches . Count ( ) ; i + + )
SavedTouch_t & touch = savedTouchList . savedTouches [ i ] ;
auto pEntity = ClientEntityList ( ) . GetBaseEntity ( touch . entityTouched ) ;
// Entity doesn't exist anymore, don't bother ...
if ( ! pEntity )
continue ;
ent - > PhysicsMarkEntityAsTouched ( pEntity ) ;
pEntity - > PhysicsMarkEntityAsTouched ( ent ) ;
if ( ent - > IsTrigger ( ) )
auto trigger = static_cast < C_BaseTrigger * > ( ent ) ;
trigger - > m_hTouchingEntities = savedTouchList . touchedTriggerEntities ;
CBaseEntity : : sm_bDisableTouchFuncs = saveDisableTouchFuncs ;
void CPrediction : : StorePredictedTouched ( int current_command )
int pc = predictables - > GetPredictableCount ( ) ;
int p ;
for ( p = 0 ; p < pc ; p + + )
C_BaseEntity * ent = predictables - > GetPredictable ( p ) ;
if ( ! ent )
continue ;
touchlink_t * link = nullptr ;
auto root = ( touchlink_t * ) ent - > GetDataObject ( TOUCHLINK ) ;
auto & savedTouchList = m_touchedHistory [ current_command % MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP ] [ ent - > index ] ;
savedTouchList . savedTouches . RemoveAll ( ) ;
if ( root )
for ( link = root - > nextLink ; link ! = root ; link = link - > nextLink )
SavedTouch_t touch ;
touch . entityTouched = link - > entityTouched - > index ;
touch . touchStamp = link - > touchStamp ;
touch . flags = link - > flags ;
savedTouchList . savedTouches . AddToTail ( touch ) ;
if ( ent - > IsTrigger ( ) )
auto trigger = static_cast < C_BaseTrigger * > ( ent ) ;
savedTouchList . touchedTriggerEntities = trigger - > m_hTouchingEntities ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
// Purpose:
void CPrediction : : Untouch ( void )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
int numpredictables = predictables - > GetPredictableCount ( ) ;
// Loop through all entities again, checking their untouch if flagged to do so
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < numpredictables ; i + + )
C_BaseEntity * entity = predictables - > GetPredictable ( i ) ;
if ( ! entity )
continue ;
if ( ! entity - > GetCheckUntouch ( ) )
continue ;
entity - > PhysicsCheckForEntityUntouch ( ) ;
# endif
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
// Purpose:
void InvalidateEFlagsRecursive ( C_BaseEntity * pEnt , int nDirtyFlags , int nChildFlags = 0 )
pEnt - > AddEFlags ( nDirtyFlags ) ;
nDirtyFlags | = nChildFlags ;
for ( CBaseEntity * pChild = pEnt - > FirstMoveChild ( ) ; pChild ; pChild = pChild - > NextMovePeer ( ) )
InvalidateEFlagsRecursive ( pChild , nDirtyFlags ) ;
# endif
void CPrediction : : StorePredictionResults ( int predicted_frame )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
VPROF ( " CPrediction::StorePredictionResults " ) ;
int i ;
int numpredictables = predictables - > GetPredictableCount ( ) ;
// Now save off all of the results
for ( i = 0 ; i < numpredictables ; i + + )
C_BaseEntity * entity = predictables - > GetPredictable ( i ) ;
if ( ! entity )
continue ;
// Certain entities can be created locally and if so created, should be
// simulated until a network update arrives
if ( ! entity - > GetPredictable ( ) )
continue ;
// FIXME: The lack of this call inexplicably actually creates prediction errors
entity - > SaveData ( " StorePredictionResults " , predicted_frame , PC_EVERYTHING ) ;
# endif
// Purpose:
// Input : slots_to_remove -
// previous_last_slot -
void CPrediction : : ShiftIntermediateDataForward ( int slots_to_remove , int number_of_commands_run )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
VPROF ( " CPrediction::ShiftIntermediateDataForward " ) ;
C_BasePlayer * current = C_BasePlayer : : GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
// No local player object?
if ( ! current )
return ;
// Don't screw up memory of current player from history buffers if not filling in history buffers
// during prediction!!!
if ( ! cl_predict - > GetInt ( ) )
return ;
int c = predictables - > GetPredictableCount ( ) ;
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < c ; i + + )
C_BaseEntity * ent = predictables - > GetPredictable ( i ) ;
if ( ! ent )
continue ;
if ( ! ent - > GetPredictable ( ) )
continue ;
ent - > ShiftIntermediateDataForward ( slots_to_remove , number_of_commands_run ) ;
# endif
// Purpose:
// Input : predicted_frame -
void CPrediction : : RestoreEntityToPredictedFrame ( int predicted_frame )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
VPROF ( " CPrediction::RestoreEntityToPredictedFrame " ) ;
C_BasePlayer * current = C_BasePlayer : : GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
// No local player object?
if ( ! current )
return ;
// Don't screw up memory of current player from history buffers if not filling in history buffers
// during prediction!!!
if ( ! cl_predict - > GetInt ( ) )
return ;
int c = predictables - > GetPredictableCount ( ) ;
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < c ; i + + )
C_BaseEntity * ent = predictables - > GetPredictable ( i ) ;
if ( ! ent )
continue ;
if ( ! ent - > GetPredictable ( ) )
continue ;
ent - > RestoreData ( " RestoreEntityToPredictedFrame " , predicted_frame , PC_EVERYTHING ) ;
# endif
// Purpose: Computes starting destination for intermediate prediction data results and
// does any fixups required by network optimization
// Input : received_new_world_update -
// incoming_acknowledged -
// Output : int
int CPrediction : : ComputeFirstCommandToExecute ( bool received_new_world_update , int incoming_acknowledged , int outgoing_command )
int destination_slot = 1 ;
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
int skipahead = 0 ;
// If we didn't receive a new update ( or we received an update that didn't ack any new CUserCmds --
// so for the player it should be just like receiving no update ), just jump right up to the very
// last command we created for this very frame since we probably wouldn't have had any errors without
// being notified by the server of such a case.
// NOTE: received_new_world_update only gets set to false if cl_pred_optimize >= 1
if ( ! received_new_world_update | | ! m_nServerCommandsAcknowledged )
// this is where we would normally start
int start = incoming_acknowledged + 1 ;
// outgoing_command is where we really want to start
skipahead = MAX ( 0 , ( outgoing_command - start ) ) ;
// Don't start past the last predicted command, though, or we'll get prediction errors
skipahead = MIN ( skipahead , m_nCommandsPredicted ) ;
// Always restore since otherwise we might start prediction using an "interpolated" value instead of a purely predicted value
RestoreEntityToPredictedFrame ( skipahead - 1 ) ;
//Msg( "%i/%i no world, skip to %i restore from slot %i\n",
// gpGlobals->framecount,
// gpGlobals->tickcount,
// skipahead,
// skipahead - 1 );
// Otherwise, there is a second optimization, wherein if we did receive an update, but no
// values differed (or were outside their epsilon) and the server actually acknowledged running
// one or more commands, then we can revert the entity to the predicted state from last frame,
// shift the # of commands worth of intermediate state off of front the intermediate state array, and
// only predict the usercmd from the latest render frame.
if ( cl_pred_optimize . GetInt ( ) > = 2 & &
! m_bPreviousAckHadErrors & &
m_nCommandsPredicted > 0 & &
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
m_nServerCommandsAcknowledged < = m_nCommandsPredicted )
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
// Copy all of the previously predicted data back into entity so we can skip repredicting it
// This is the final slot that we previously predicted
RestoreEntityToPredictedFrame ( m_nCommandsPredicted - 1 ) ;
// Shift intermediate state blocks down by # of commands ack'd
ShiftIntermediateDataForward ( m_nServerCommandsAcknowledged , m_nCommandsPredicted ) ;
// Only predict new commands (note, this should be the same number that we could compute
// above based on outgoing_command - incoming_acknowledged - 1
skipahead = ( m_nCommandsPredicted - m_nServerCommandsAcknowledged ) ;
//Msg( "%i/%i optimize2, skip to %i restore from slot %i\n",
// gpGlobals->framecount,
// gpGlobals->tickcount,
// skipahead,
// m_nCommandsPredicted - 1 );
if ( m_bPreviousAckHadErrors )
C_BasePlayer * pLocalPlayer = C_BasePlayer : : GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
// If an entity gets a prediction error, then we want to clear out its interpolated variables
// so we don't mix different samples at the same timestamps. We subtract 1 tick interval here because
// if we don't, we'll have 3 interpolation entries with the same timestamp as this predicted
// frame, so we won't be able to interpolate (which leads to jerky movement in the player when
// ANY entity like your gun gets a prediction error).
float flPrev = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
gpGlobals - > curtime = pLocalPlayer - > GetTimeBase ( ) - TICK_INTERVAL ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < predictables - > GetPredictableCount ( ) ; i + + )
C_BaseEntity * entity = predictables - > GetPredictable ( i ) ;
if ( entity )
entity - > ResetLatched ( ) ;
gpGlobals - > curtime = flPrev ;
destination_slot + = skipahead ;
// Always reset these values now that we handled them
m_nCommandsPredicted = 0 ;
m_bPreviousAckHadErrors = false ;
m_nServerCommandsAcknowledged = 0 ;
# endif
return destination_slot ;
// Actually does the prediction work, returns false if an error occurred
bool CPrediction : : PerformPrediction ( bool received_new_world_update , C_BasePlayer * localPlayer ,
int incoming_acknowledged , int outgoing_command )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
VPROF ( " CPrediction::PerformPrediction " ) ;
// This makes sure , tahe we are allwoed to sample the world when it may not be ready to be sampled
Assert ( C_BaseEntity : : IsAbsQueriesValid ( ) ) ;
Assert ( C_BaseEntity : : IsAbsRecomputationsEnabled ( ) ) ;
m_bInPrediction = true ;
// undo interpolation changes for entities we stand on
C_BaseEntity * entity = localPlayer - > GetGroundEntity ( ) ;
while ( entity & & entity - > entindex ( ) > 0 )
entity - > MoveToLastReceivedPosition ( ) ;
// undo changes for moveparents too
entity = entity - > GetMoveParent ( ) ;
// Start at command after last one server has processed and
// go until we get to targettime or we run out of new commands
int i = ComputeFirstCommandToExecute ( received_new_world_update , incoming_acknowledged , outgoing_command ) ;
//Msg( "%i/%i tickbase %i\n",
// gpGlobals->framecount,
// gpGlobals->tickcount,
// localPlayer->m_nTickBase );
//for ( int k = 1; k < i; k++ )
// Msg( "%i/%i Skip final tick %i into slot %i\n",
// gpGlobals->framecount, gpGlobals->tickcount,
// localPlayer->m_nTickBase - i + k + 1,
// k - 1 );
Assert ( i > = 1 ) ;
2024-08-23 00:37:28 +02:00
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
while ( true )
// Incoming_acknowledged is the last usercmd the server acknowledged having acted upon
int current_command = incoming_acknowledged + i ;
// We've caught up to the current command.
if ( current_command > outgoing_command )
break ;
break ;
CUserCmd * cmd = input - > GetUserCmd ( current_command ) ;
if ( ! cmd )
break ;
2024-08-23 00:37:28 +02:00
m_nCommandsPredicted = i ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
// Is this the first time predicting this
m_bFirstTimePredicted = ! cmd - > hasbeenpredicted ;
// Set globals appropriately
float curtime = ( localPlayer - > m_nTickBase ) * TICK_INTERVAL ;
2024-08-23 00:37:28 +02:00
RestorePredictedTouched ( current_command - 1 ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
RunSimulation ( current_command , curtime , cmd , localPlayer ) ;
2024-08-23 00:37:28 +02:00
StorePredictedTouched ( current_command ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
gpGlobals - > curtime = curtime ;
gpGlobals - > frametime = m_bEnginePaused ? 0 : TICK_INTERVAL ;
// Call untouch on any entities no longer predicted to be touching
2024-08-23 00:37:28 +02:00
Untouch ( ) ;
ServiceEventQueue ( NULL ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
// Store intermediate data into appropriate slot
StorePredictionResults ( i - 1 ) ; // Note that I starts at 1
if ( current_command = = outgoing_command )
localPlayer - > m_nFinalPredictedTick = localPlayer - > m_nTickBase ;
if ( 0 )
localPlayer - > m_nFinalPredictedTick = localPlayer - > m_nTickBase ;
Msg ( " %i/%i Latch final tick %i start == %i into slot %i \n " ,
gpGlobals - > framecount , gpGlobals - > tickcount ,
localPlayer - > m_nFinalPredictedTick ,
localPlayer - > m_nFinalPredictedTick - i ,
i - 1 ) ;
Msg ( " %i/%i Predicted command %i tickbase == %i first %s \n " ,
gpGlobals - > framecount , gpGlobals - > tickcount ,
m_nCommandsPredicted ,
localPlayer - > m_nTickBase ,
m_bFirstTimePredicted ? " yes " : " no " ) ;
// Mark that we issued any needed sounds, of not done already
cmd - > hasbeenpredicted = true ;
// Copy the state over.
i + + ;
// Msg( "%i : predicted %i commands forward, %i ack'd last frame, had errors %s\n",
// gpGlobals->tickcount,
// m_nCommandsPredicted,
// m_nServerCommandsAcknowledged,
// m_bPreviousAckHadErrors ? "true" : "false" );
m_bInPrediction = false ;
// Somehow we looped past the end of the list (severe lag), don't predict at all
return false ;
# endif
return true ;
// Purpose:
// Input : startframe -
// validframe -
// incoming_acknowledged -
// outgoing_command -
void CPrediction : : Update ( int startframe , bool validframe ,
int incoming_acknowledged , int outgoing_command )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
m_bEnginePaused = engine - > IsPaused ( ) ;
bool received_new_world_update = true ;
// Still starting at same frame, so make sure we don't do extra prediction ,etc.
if ( ( m_nPreviousStartFrame = = startframe ) & &
cl_pred_optimize . GetBool ( ) & &
cl_predict - > GetInt ( ) )
received_new_world_update = false ;
m_nPreviousStartFrame = startframe ;
// Save off current timer values, etc.
CGlobalVarsBase saveVars ( true ) ;
saveVars = * gpGlobals ;
_Update ( received_new_world_update , validframe , incoming_acknowledged , outgoing_command ) ;
2024-07-19 03:39:47 +02:00
// TODO_ENHANCED: This, exactly, have made me debugging for 2h...
// the value isn't saved.
bool is_taking_screenshot = gpGlobals - > client_taking_screenshot ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
// Restore current timer values, etc.
2024-07-19 03:39:47 +02:00
* gpGlobals = saveVars ;
gpGlobals - > client_taking_screenshot = is_taking_screenshot ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
# endif
// Do the dirty deed of predicting the local player
void CPrediction : : _Update ( bool received_new_world_update , bool validframe ,
int incoming_acknowledged , int outgoing_command )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
C_BasePlayer * localPlayer = C_BasePlayer : : GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
if ( ! localPlayer )
return ;
// Always using current view angles no matter what
// NOTE: ViewAngles are always interpreted as being *relative* to the player
QAngle viewangles ;
engine - > GetViewAngles ( viewangles ) ;
localPlayer - > SetLocalAngles ( viewangles ) ;
if ( ! validframe )
return ;
// If we are not doing prediction, copy authoritative value into velocity and angle.
if ( ! cl_predict - > GetInt ( ) )
// When not predicting, we at least must make sure the player
// view angles match the view angles...
localPlayer - > SetLocalViewAngles ( viewangles ) ;
return ;
// This is cheesy, but if we have entities that are parented to attachments on other entities, then
// it'll wind up needing to get a bone transform.
C_BaseAnimating : : InvalidateBoneCaches ( ) ;
C_BaseAnimating : : AutoAllowBoneAccess boneaccess ( true , true ) ;
// Remove any purely client predicted entities that were left "dangling" because the
// server didn't acknowledge them or which can now safely be removed
RemoveStalePredictedEntities ( incoming_acknowledged ) ;
// Restore objects back to "pristine" state from last network/world state update
if ( received_new_world_update )
RestoreOriginalEntityState ( ) ;
if ( ! PerformPrediction ( received_new_world_update , localPlayer , incoming_acknowledged , outgoing_command ) )
return ;
// Overwrite predicted angles with the actual view angles
localPlayer - > SetLocalAngles ( viewangles ) ;
// This allows us to sample the world when it may not be ready to be sampled
Assert ( C_BaseEntity : : IsAbsQueriesValid ( ) ) ;
// FIXME: What about hierarchy here?!?
SetIdealPitch ( localPlayer , localPlayer - > GetLocalOrigin ( ) , localPlayer - > GetLocalAngles ( ) , localPlayer - > m_vecViewOffset ) ;
# endif
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CPrediction : : IsFirstTimePredicted ( void ) const
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
return m_bFirstTimePredicted ;
# else
return false ;
# endif
// Purpose:
// Input : org -
void CPrediction : : GetViewOrigin ( Vector & org )
C_BasePlayer * player = C_BasePlayer : : GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
if ( ! player )
org . Init ( ) ;
org = player - > GetLocalOrigin ( ) ;
// Purpose:
// Input : org -
void CPrediction : : SetViewOrigin ( Vector & org )
C_BasePlayer * player = C_BasePlayer : : GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
if ( ! player )
return ;
player - > SetLocalOrigin ( org ) ;
player - > m_vecNetworkOrigin = org ;
player - > m_iv_vecOrigin . Reset ( ) ;
// Purpose:
// Input : ang -
void CPrediction : : GetViewAngles ( QAngle & ang )
C_BasePlayer * player = C_BasePlayer : : GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
if ( ! player )
ang . Init ( ) ;
ang = player - > GetLocalAngles ( ) ;
// Purpose:
// Input : ang -
void CPrediction : : SetViewAngles ( QAngle & ang )
C_BasePlayer * player = C_BasePlayer : : GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
if ( ! player )
return ;
player - > SetViewAngles ( ang ) ;
player - > m_iv_angRotation . Reset ( ) ;
// Purpose:
// Input : ang -
void CPrediction : : GetLocalViewAngles ( QAngle & ang )
C_BasePlayer * player = C_BasePlayer : : GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
if ( ! player )
ang . Init ( ) ;
ang = player - > pl . v_angle ;
// Purpose:
// Input : ang -
void CPrediction : : SetLocalViewAngles ( QAngle & ang )
C_BasePlayer * player = C_BasePlayer : : GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
if ( ! player )
return ;
player - > SetLocalViewAngles ( ang ) ;
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
// Purpose: For determining that predicted creation entities are un-acked and should
// be deleted
// Output : int
int CPrediction : : GetIncomingPacketNumber ( void ) const
return m_nIncomingPacketNumber ;
# endif
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CPrediction : : InPrediction ( void ) const
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
return m_bInPrediction ;
# else
return false ;
# endif