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2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Common collision utility methods
// $Header: $
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "tier0/platform.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "mathlib/ssemath.h"
// forward declarations
struct Ray_t;
class Vector;
class Vector2D;
class Vector4D;
struct cplane_t;
class QAngle;
class CBaseTrace;
struct matrix3x4_t;
// IntersectRayWithTriangle
// Intersects a ray with a triangle, returns distance t along ray.
// t will be less than zero if no intersection occurred
// oneSided will cull collisions which approach the triangle from the back
// side, assuming the vertices are specified in counter-clockwise order
// The vertices need not be specified in that order if oneSided is not used
float IntersectRayWithTriangle( const Ray_t& ray,
const Vector& v1, const Vector& v2, const Vector& v3,
bool oneSided );
// ComputeIntersectionBarycentricCoordinates
// Figures out the barycentric coordinates (u,v) where a ray hits a
// triangle. Note that this will ignore the ray extents, and it also ignores
// the ray length. Note that the edge from v1->v2 represents u (v2: u = 1),
// and the edge from v1->v3 represents v (v3: v = 1). It returns false
// if the ray is parallel to the triangle (or when t is specified if t is less
// than zero).
bool ComputeIntersectionBarycentricCoordinates( const Ray_t& ray,
const Vector& v1, const Vector& v2, const Vector& v3, float& u, float& v,
float *t = 0 );
// IntersectRayWithRay
// Returns whether or not there was an intersection. The "t" paramter is the
// distance along ray0 and the "s" parameter is the distance along ray1. If
// the two lines to not intersect the "t" and "s" represent the closest approach.
// "t" and "s" will not change if the rays are parallel.
bool IntersectRayWithRay( const Ray_t &ray0, const Ray_t &ray1, float &t, float &s );
// IntersectRayWithSphere
// Returns whether or not there was an intersection. Returns the two intersection points.
// NOTE: The point of closest approach can be found at the average t value.
bool IntersectRayWithSphere( const Vector &vecRayOrigin, const Vector &vecRayDelta, const Vector &vecSphereCenter, float flRadius, float *pT1, float *pT2 );
// IntersectInfiniteRayWithSphere
// Returns whether or not there was an intersection of a sphere against an infinitely
// extending ray.
// Returns the two intersection points
bool IntersectInfiniteRayWithSphere( const Vector &vecRayOrigin, const Vector &vecRayDelta,
const Vector &vecSphereCenter, float flRadius, float *pT1, float *pT2 );
// returns true if the sphere and cone intersect
// NOTE: cone sine/cosine are the half angle of the cone
bool IsSphereIntersectingCone( const Vector &sphereCenter, float sphereRadius, const Vector &coneOrigin, const Vector &coneNormal, float coneSine, float coneCosine );
// IntersectRayWithPlane
// Intersects a ray with a plane, returns distance t along ray.
// t will be less than zero the intersection occurs in the opposite direction of the ray.
float IntersectRayWithPlane( const Ray_t& ray, const cplane_t& plane );
float IntersectRayWithPlane( const Vector& org, const Vector& dir, const cplane_t& plane );
float IntersectRayWithPlane( const Vector& org, const Vector& dir, const Vector& normal, float dist );
// This version intersects a ray with an axis-aligned plane
float IntersectRayWithAAPlane( const Vector& vecStart, const Vector& vecEnd, int nAxis, float flSign, float flDist );
// IntersectRayWithBox
// Purpose: Computes the intersection of a ray with a box (AABB)
// Output : Returns true if there is an intersection + trace information
bool IntersectRayWithBox( const Vector &rayStart, const Vector &rayDelta, const Vector &boxMins, const Vector &boxMaxs, float epsilon, CBaseTrace *pTrace, float *pFractionLeftSolid = NULL );
bool IntersectRayWithBox( const Ray_t &ray, const Vector &boxMins, const Vector &boxMaxs, float epsilon, CBaseTrace *pTrace, float *pFractionLeftSolid = NULL );
// Intersects a ray against a box
struct BoxTraceInfo_t
float t1;
float t2;
int hitside;
bool startsolid;
bool IntersectRayWithBox( const Vector &vecRayStart, const Vector &vecRayDelta,
const Vector &boxMins, const Vector &boxMaxs, float flTolerance, BoxTraceInfo_t *pTrace );
// IntersectRayWithOBB
// Purpose: Computes the intersection of a ray with a oriented box (OBB)
// Output : Returns true if there is an intersection + trace information
bool IntersectRayWithOBB( const Vector &vecRayStart, const Vector &vecRayDelta,
const matrix3x4_t &matOBBToWorld, const Vector &vecOBBMins, const Vector &vecOBBMaxs,
float flTolerance, CBaseTrace *pTrace );
bool IntersectRayWithOBB( const Vector &vecRayOrigin, const Vector &vecRayDelta,
const Vector &vecBoxOrigin, const QAngle &angBoxRotation,
const Vector &vecOBBMins, const Vector &vecOBBMaxs, float flTolerance, CBaseTrace *pTrace );
bool IntersectRayWithOBB( const Ray_t &ray, const Vector &vecBoxOrigin, const QAngle &angBoxRotation,
const Vector &vecOBBMins, const Vector &vecOBBMaxs, float flTolerance, CBaseTrace *pTrace );
bool IntersectRayWithOBB( const Ray_t &ray, const matrix3x4_t &matOBBToWorld,
const Vector &vecOBBMins, const Vector &vecOBBMaxs, float flTolerance, CBaseTrace *pTrace );
bool IntersectRayWithOBB( const Vector &vecRayStart, const Vector &vecRayDelta,
const matrix3x4_t &matOBBToWorld, const Vector &vecOBBMins, const Vector &vecOBBMaxs,
float flTolerance, BoxTraceInfo_t *pTrace );
// IsSphereIntersectingSphere
// returns true if there's an intersection between sphere and sphere
bool IsSphereIntersectingSphere( const Vector& center1, float radius1,
const Vector& center2, float radius2 );
// IsBoxIntersectingSphere
// returns true if there's an intersection between box and sphere
bool IsBoxIntersectingSphere( const Vector& boxMin, const Vector& boxMax,
const Vector& center, float radius );
bool IsBoxIntersectingSphereExtents( const Vector& boxCenter, const Vector& boxHalfDiag,
const Vector& center, float radius );
// returns true if there's an intersection between ray and sphere
bool IsRayIntersectingSphere( const Vector &vecRayOrigin, const Vector &vecRayDelta,
const Vector &vecSphereCenter, float flRadius, float flTolerance = 0.0f );
// IsCircleIntersectingRectangle
// returns true if there's an intersection between rectangle and circle
bool IsCircleIntersectingRectangle( const Vector2D& boxMin, const Vector2D& boxMax,
const Vector2D& center, float radius );
// IsBoxIntersectingBox
// returns true if there's an intersection between two boxes
bool IsBoxIntersectingBox( const Vector& boxMin1, const Vector& boxMax1,
const Vector& boxMin2, const Vector& boxMax2 );
bool IsBoxIntersectingBoxExtents( const Vector& boxCenter1, const Vector& boxHalfDiagonal1,
const Vector& boxCenter2, const Vector& boxHalfDiagonal2 );
#ifdef _X360
// inline version:
#include "mathlib/ssemath.h"
inline bool IsBoxIntersectingBoxExtents( const fltx4 boxCenter1, const fltx4 boxHalfDiagonal1,
const fltx4 boxCenter2, const fltx4 boxHalfDiagonal2 );
// IsOBBIntersectingOBB
// returns true if there's an intersection between two OBBs
bool IsOBBIntersectingOBB( const Vector &vecOrigin1, const QAngle &vecAngles1, const Vector& boxMin1, const Vector& boxMax1,
const Vector &vecOrigin2, const QAngle &vecAngles2, const Vector& boxMin2, const Vector& boxMax2, float flTolerance = 0.0f );
// IsBoxIntersectingRay
// returns true if there's an intersection between box and ray
bool FASTCALL IsBoxIntersectingRay( const Vector& boxMin, const Vector& boxMax,
const Vector& origin, const Vector& delta, float flTolerance = 0.0f );
bool FASTCALL IsBoxIntersectingRay( const Vector& boxMin, const Vector& boxMax,
const Ray_t& ray, float flTolerance = 0.0f );
bool FASTCALL IsBoxIntersectingRay( const Vector& boxMin, const Vector& boxMax,
const Vector& origin, const Vector& delta,
const Vector& invDelta, float flTolerance = 0.0f );
// On the PC, we can't pass fltx4's in registers like this. On the x360, it is
// much better if we do.
#ifdef _X360
bool FASTCALL IsBoxIntersectingRay( fltx4 boxMin, fltx4 boxMax,
fltx4 origin, fltx4 delta, fltx4 invDelta, // ray parameters
fltx4 vTolerance = LoadZeroSIMD() ///< eg from ReplicateX4(flTolerance)
bool FASTCALL IsBoxIntersectingRay( const fltx4 &boxMin, const fltx4 &boxMax,
const fltx4 & origin, const fltx4 & delta, const fltx4 & invDelta, // ray parameters
const fltx4 & vTolerance = Four_Zeros ///< eg from ReplicateX4(flTolerance)
bool inline FASTCALL IsBoxIntersectingRay( const fltx4& boxMin, const fltx4& boxMax,
const fltx4& origin, const fltx4& delta, float flTolerance = 0.0f )
return IsBoxIntersectingRay( boxMin, boxMax, origin, delta, ReciprocalSIMD(delta), ReplicateX4(flTolerance) );
bool FASTCALL IsBoxIntersectingRay( const fltx4& boxMin, const fltx4& boxMax,
const Ray_t& ray, float flTolerance = 0.0f );
// IsPointInBox
// returns true if the point is in the box
bool IsPointInBox( const Vector& pt, const Vector& boxMin, const Vector& boxMax );
// SIMD version
FORCEINLINE bool IsPointInBox( const fltx4& pt, const fltx4& boxMin, const fltx4& boxMax )
fltx4 greater = CmpGtSIMD( pt,boxMax );
fltx4 less = CmpLtSIMD( pt, boxMin );
return (IsAllZeros(SetWToZeroSIMD(OrSIMD(greater,less))));
// Purpose: returns true if pt intersects the truncated cone
// origin - cone tip, axis unit cone axis, cosAngle - cosine of cone axis to surface angle
bool IsPointInCone( const Vector &pt, const Vector &origin, const Vector &axis, float cosAngle, float length );
// Intersects a plane with a triangle (using barycentric definition)
// The return value, in pIntersection, is an array of barycentric coordinates
// describing at most 2 intersection points.
// The return value is the number of intersection points
int IntersectTriangleWithPlaneBarycentric( const Vector& org, const Vector& edgeU, const Vector& edgeV,
const Vector4D& plane, Vector2D* pIntersection );
// PointInQuadBarycentric
// Given a point and a quad in a plane return the u and v (barycentric) positions
// of the point relative to the quad. The points (v1,v2,v3,v4) should be given
// in a counter-clockwise order with v1 acting as the primary corner (u=0, v=0).
// Thus, u0 = v2 - v1, and v0 = v4 - v1.
enum QuadBarycentricRetval_t
QuadBarycentricRetval_t PointInQuadToBarycentric( const Vector &v1, const Vector &v2,
const Vector &v3, const Vector &v4, const Vector &point, Vector2D &uv );
void PointInQuadFromBarycentric( const Vector &v1, const Vector &v2, const Vector &v3, const Vector &v4,
const Vector2D &uv, Vector &point );
void TexCoordInQuadFromBarycentric( const Vector2D &v1, const Vector2D &v2, const Vector2D &v3, const Vector2D &v4,
const Vector2D &uv, Vector2D &texCoord );
// Compute point from barycentric specification
// Edge u goes from v0 to v1, edge v goes from v0 to v2
void ComputePointFromBarycentric( const Vector& v0, const Vector& v1, const Vector& v2,
float u, float v, Vector& pt );
void ComputePointFromBarycentric( const Vector2D& v0, const Vector2D& v1, const Vector2D& v2,
float u, float v, Vector2D& pt );
// Swept OBB test
bool IsRayIntersectingOBB( const Ray_t &ray, const Vector& org, const QAngle& angles,
const Vector& mins, const Vector& maxs );
// Compute a separating plane between two boxes (expensive!)
// Returns false if no separating plane exists
bool ComputeSeparatingPlane( const Vector& org1, const QAngle& angles1, const Vector& min1, const Vector& max1,
const Vector& org2, const QAngle& angles2, const Vector& min2, const Vector& max2,
float tolerance, cplane_t* pPlane );
// IsBoxIntersectingTriangle
// Test for an intersection (overlap) between an axial-aligned bounding
// box (AABB) and a triangle.
// Triangle points are in counter-clockwise order with the normal facing "out."
// Using the "Separating-Axis Theorem" to test for intersections between
// a triangle and an axial-aligned bounding box (AABB).
// 1. 3 Axis Plane Tests - x, y, z
// 2. 9 Edge Planes Tests - the 3 edges of the triangle crossed with all 3 axial
// planes (x, y, z)
// 3. 1 Face Plane Test - the plane the triangle resides in (cplane_t plane)
bool IsBoxIntersectingTriangle( const Vector &vecBoxCenter, const Vector &vecBoxExtents,
const Vector &v1, const Vector &v2, const Vector &v3,
const cplane_t &plane, float flTolerance );
Vector CalcClosestPointOnTriangle( const Vector &P, const Vector &v0, const Vector &v1, const Vector &v2 );
// Compute if the OBB intersects the quad plane, and whether the entire
// OBB/Quad intersection is contained within the quad itself
// False if no intersection exists, or if part of the intersection is
// outside the quad's extents
bool OBBHasFullyContainedIntersectionWithQuad( const Vector &vOBBExtent1_Scaled, const Vector &vOBBExtent2_Scaled, const Vector &vOBBExtent3_Scaled, const Vector &ptOBBCenter,
const Vector &vQuadNormal, float fQuadPlaneDist, const Vector &ptQuadCenter,
const Vector &vQuadExtent1_Normalized, float fQuadExtent1Length,
const Vector &vQuadExtent2_Normalized, float fQuadExtent2Length );
// Compute if the Ray intersects the quad plane, and whether the entire
// Ray/Quad intersection is contained within the quad itself
// False if no intersection exists, or if part of the intersection is
// outside the quad's extents
bool RayHasFullyContainedIntersectionWithQuad( const Ray_t &ray,
const Vector &vQuadNormal, float fQuadPlaneDist, const Vector &ptQuadCenter,
const Vector &vQuadExtent1_Normalized, float fQuadExtent1Length,
const Vector &vQuadExtent2_Normalized, float fQuadExtent2Length );
#ifdef _X360
inline bool IsBoxIntersectingBoxExtents( const fltx4 boxCenter1, const fltx4 boxHalfDiagonal1,
const fltx4 boxCenter2, const fltx4 boxHalfDiagonal2 )
fltx4 vecDelta, vecSize;
vecDelta = SubSIMD(boxCenter1, boxCenter2);
vecSize = AddSIMD(boxHalfDiagonal1, boxHalfDiagonal2);
uint condition;
XMVectorInBoundsR(&condition, vecDelta, vecSize);
// we want the top three words to be all 1's ; that means in bounds
return XMComparisonAllInBounds( condition );