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2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include <winsock2.h>
#include "vmpi_filesystem_internal.h"
#include "zlib.h"
#include "vstdlib/random.h"
// NOTE: This number comes from measurements on our network to find out how fast
// we can broadcast without the network freaking out.
// This number can be changed on the command line with the -mpi_FileTransmitRate parameter.
int MULTICAST_TRANSMIT_RATE = (1024*1000); // N megs per second
// Defines when we'll stop transmitting a file to a client.
// (After we've transmitted the file to the client N times and we haven't heard an ack back for M seconds).
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// Global helpers.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
static void SendMulticastIP( const CIPAddr *pAddr )
packetID, sizeof( packetID ),
pAddr, sizeof( *pAddr ),
static bool IsOpeningForWriteAccess( const char *pOptions )
return strchr( pOptions, 'w' ) || strchr( pOptions, 'a' ) || strchr( pOptions, '+' );
// This does a fast zlib compression of the source data into the 'out' buffer.
static bool ZLibCompress( const void *pData, int len, CUtlVector<char> &out )
if ( len == 0 )
return true;
int outStartLen = len;
// Prepare the compression stream.
z_stream zs;
memset( &zs, 0, sizeof( zs ) );
if ( deflateInit( &zs, 1 ) != Z_OK )
return false;
// Now compress it into the output buffer.
out.SetSize( outStartLen );
zs.next_in = (unsigned char*)pData;
zs.avail_in = len;
zs.next_out = (unsigned char*)out.Base();
zs.avail_out = out.Count();
int ret = deflate( &zs, Z_FINISH );
deflateEnd( &zs );
if ( ret == Z_STREAM_END )
// Get rid of whatever was left over.
out.RemoveMultiple( zs.total_out, out.Count() - zs.total_out );
return true;
else if ( ret == Z_OK )
// Need more space in the output buffer.
outStartLen += 1024 * 128;
goto RETRY;
return false;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// CVMPIFile_PassThru
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
class CVMPIFile_PassThru : public IVMPIFile
void Init( IBaseFileSystem *pPassThru, FileHandle_t fp )
m_pPassThru = pPassThru;
m_fp = fp;
virtual void Close()
m_pPassThru->Close( m_fp );
delete this;
virtual void Seek( int pos, FileSystemSeek_t seekType )
m_pPassThru->Seek( m_fp, pos, seekType );
virtual unsigned int Tell()
return m_pPassThru->Tell( m_fp );
virtual unsigned int Size()
return m_pPassThru->Size( m_fp );
virtual void Flush()
m_pPassThru->Flush( m_fp );
virtual int Read( void* pOutput, int size )
return m_pPassThru->Read( pOutput, size, m_fp );
virtual int Write( void const* pInput, int size )
return m_pPassThru->Write( pInput, size, m_fp );
IBaseFileSystem *m_pPassThru;
FileHandle_t m_fp;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// CTransmitRateMgr coordinates with any other currently-running VMPI jobs, and they all will cut
// down their transmission rate to stay within MULTICAST_TRANSMIT_RATE.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
#define TRANSMITRATEMGR_BROADCAST_INVERVAL (1.0 / 3.0) // How many times per second we broadcast our presence.
#define TRANSMITRATEMGR_EXPIRE_TIME 0.7 // How long it'll go before deciding a guy is not transmitting anymore.
static char s_cTransmitRateMgrPacket[] = {2,6,-3,2,1,-66};
class CTransmitRateMgr
void ReadPackets();
void BroadcastPresence();
double GetMicrosecondsPerByte() const;
class CMachineRecord
unsigned long m_UniqueID;
float m_flLastTime;
CUtlVector<CMachineRecord> m_MachineRecords;
unsigned long m_UniqueID;
float m_flLastBroadcastTime;
double m_nMicrosecondsPerByte;
ISocket *m_pSocket;
m_nMicrosecondsPerByte = 1000000.0 / (double)MULTICAST_TRANSMIT_RATE;
m_flLastBroadcastTime = 0;
// Build a (hopefully) unique ID.
m_UniqueID = (unsigned long)this;
CCycleCount cnt;
m_UniqueID += cnt.GetMicroseconds();
Sleep( 1 );
m_UniqueID += cnt.GetMicroseconds();
m_pSocket = CreateIPSocket();
if ( m_pSocket )
void CTransmitRateMgr::ReadPackets()
if ( !m_pSocket )
float flCurTime = Plat_FloatTime();
// First, update/add records.
while ( 1 )
char data[512];
CIPAddr ipFrom;
int len = m_pSocket->RecvFrom( data, sizeof( data ), &ipFrom );
if ( len == -1 )
if ( len == sizeof( s_cTransmitRateMgrPacket ) + sizeof( unsigned long ) &&
memcmp( data, s_cTransmitRateMgrPacket, sizeof( s_cTransmitRateMgrPacket ) ) == 0 )
unsigned long id = *((unsigned long*)&data[sizeof(s_cTransmitRateMgrPacket)]);
if ( id == m_UniqueID )
int i;
for ( i=0; i < m_MachineRecords.Count(); i++ )
if ( m_MachineRecords[i].m_UniqueID == id )
m_MachineRecords[i].m_flLastTime = flCurTime;
if ( i == m_MachineRecords.Count() )
int index = m_MachineRecords.AddToTail();
m_MachineRecords[index].m_UniqueID = id;
m_MachineRecords[index].m_flLastTime = flCurTime;
// Now, expire any old records.
for ( int i=0; i < m_MachineRecords.Count(); i++ )
if ( (flCurTime - m_MachineRecords[i].m_flLastTime) > TRANSMITRATEMGR_EXPIRE_TIME )
m_MachineRecords.Remove( i );
// Recalculate our transmit rate (assuming we're receiving our own broadcast packets).
m_nMicrosecondsPerByte = 1000000.0 / (double)(MULTICAST_TRANSMIT_RATE / (m_MachineRecords.Count() + 1));
void CTransmitRateMgr::BroadcastPresence()
if ( !m_pSocket )
float flCurTime = Plat_FloatTime();
if ( (flCurTime - m_flLastBroadcastTime) < TRANSMITRATEMGR_BROADCAST_INVERVAL )
m_flLastBroadcastTime = flCurTime;
char cData[sizeof( s_cTransmitRateMgrPacket ) + sizeof( unsigned long )];
memcpy( cData, s_cTransmitRateMgrPacket, sizeof( s_cTransmitRateMgrPacket ) );
*((unsigned long*)&cData[ sizeof( s_cTransmitRateMgrPacket ) ] ) = m_UniqueID;
m_pSocket->Broadcast( cData, sizeof( cData ), VMPI_MASTER_FILESYSTEM_BROADCAST_PORT );
inline double CTransmitRateMgr::GetMicrosecondsPerByte() const
return m_nMicrosecondsPerByte;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// CRateLimiter manages waiting for small periods of time between packets so the rate is
// whatever we want it to be.
// It also will give up some CPU time to other processes every 50 milliseconds.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
class CRateLimiter
void GiveUpTimeSlice();
void NoteExcessTimeTaken( unsigned long excessTimeInMicroseconds );
DWORD m_SleepIntervalMS; // Give up a timeslice every N milliseconds.
// Since we sleep once in a while, we time how long the sleep took and we beef
// up the transmit rate until we've accounted for the time lost during the sleep.
DWORD m_AccumulatedSleepMicroseconds;
// When was the last time we gave up a little bit of CPU to other programs.
CCycleCount m_LastSleepTime;
m_SleepIntervalMS = 50;
m_AccumulatedSleepMicroseconds = 0;
void CRateLimiter::GiveUpTimeSlice()
// Sleep again?
CCycleCount currentTime, dtSinceLastSleep;
CCycleCount::Sub( currentTime, m_LastSleepTime, dtSinceLastSleep );
if ( dtSinceLastSleep.GetMilliseconds() >= m_SleepIntervalMS )
CFastTimer sleepTimer;
Sleep( 10 );
m_AccumulatedSleepMicroseconds += sleepTimer.GetDuration().GetMicroseconds();
void CRateLimiter::NoteExcessTimeTaken( unsigned long excessTimeInMicroseconds )
// Note: we give up time slices above.
if ( excessTimeInMicroseconds > m_AccumulatedSleepMicroseconds )
excessTimeInMicroseconds -= m_AccumulatedSleepMicroseconds;
m_AccumulatedSleepMicroseconds = 0;
CCycleCount startCount;
while ( 1 )
CCycleCount curCount, diff;
CCycleCount::Sub( curCount, startCount, diff );
if ( diff.GetMicroseconds() >= excessTimeInMicroseconds )
m_AccumulatedSleepMicroseconds -= excessTimeInMicroseconds;
excessTimeInMicroseconds = 0;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// CMasterMulticastThread.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
class CMasterMulticastThread
// This creates the socket and starts the thread (initially in an idle state since it doesn't
// know of any files anyone wants).
bool Init( IBaseFileSystem *pPassThru, unsigned short localPort, const CIPAddr *pAddr, int maxFileSystemMemoryUsage );
void Term();
// Returns -1 if there is an error.
int FindOrAddFile( const char *pFilename, const char *pPathID );
const CUtlVector<char>& GetFileData( int iFile ) const;
// When a client requests a files, this is called to tell the thread to start
// adding chunks from the specified file into the queue it's multicasting.
// Returns -1 if the file isn't there. Otherwise, it returns the file ID
// that will be sent along with the file's chunks in the multicast packets.
int AddFileRequest( const char *pFilename, const char *pPathID, int clientID, bool *bZeroLength );
// As each client receives multicasted chunks, they ack them so the master can
// stop transmitting any chunks it knows nobody wants.
void OnChunkReceived( int fileID, int clientID, int iChunk );
void OnFileReceived( int fileID, int clientID );
// Call this if a client disconnects so it can stop sending anything this client wants.
void OnClientDisconnect( int clientID, bool bGrabCriticalSection=true );
void CreateVirtualFile( const char *pFilename, const void *pData, unsigned long fileLength );
class CChunkInfo
unsigned short m_iChunk;
unsigned short m_RefCount; // How many clients want this chunk.
unsigned short m_iActiveChunksIndex; // Index into m_ActiveChunks.
// This stores a client's reference to a file so it knows which pieces of the file the client needs.
class CClientFileInfo
bool NeedsChunk( int i ) const { return (m_ChunksToSend[i>>3] & (1 << (i&7))) != 0; }
int m_ClientID;
CUtlVector<unsigned char> m_ChunksToSend; // One bit for each chunk that this client still wants.
int m_nChunksLeft;
// TCP transmission only.
int m_TCP_LastChunkAcked;
int m_TCP_LastChunkSent;
float m_flTransmitStartTime;
float m_flLastAckTime; // Last time we heard an ack back from this client about this file.
// If this goes for too long, then we assume that the client is
// in a screwed state, and we stop sending the file to him.
int m_nTimesFileCycled; // How many times has the master multicast thread cycled over this file?
// We won't kick the client until we've cycled over the file a few times
// after the client asked for it.
class CMulticastFile
const char* GetFilename() { return m_Filename.Base(); }
const char* GetPathID() { return m_PathID.Base(); }
int m_nCycles; // How many times has the multicast thread visited this file?
// This is sent along with every packet. If a client gets a chunk and doesn't have that file's
// info, the client will receive that file too.
CUtlVector<char> m_Filename;
CUtlVector<char> m_PathID;
CMulticastFileInfo m_Info;
// This is stored so the app can read out the uncompressed data.
CUtlVector<char> m_UncompressedData;
// zlib-compressed file data
CUtlVector<char> m_Data;
// This gets set to false if we run over our memory limit and start caching file data out.
// Then it'll reload the data if a client requests the file.
bool m_bDataLoaded;
// m_Chunks holds the chunks by index.
// m_ActiveChunks holds them sorted by whether they're active or not.
// Each chunk has a refcount. While the refcount is > 0, the chunk is in the first
// half of m_ActiveChunks. When the refcount gets to 0, the chunk is moved to the end of
// m_ActiveChunks. That way, we can iterate through the chunks that need to be sent and
// stop iterating the first time we hit one with a refcount of 0.
CUtlVector<CChunkInfo> m_Chunks;
CUtlLinkedList<CChunkInfo*,int> m_ActiveChunks;
// This tells which clients want pieces of this file.
CUtlLinkedList<CClientFileInfo*,int> m_Clients;
static DWORD WINAPI StaticMulticastThread( LPVOID pParameter );
DWORD MulticastThread();
bool CheckClientTimeouts();
bool Thread_SendFileChunk_Multicast( int *pnBytesSent );
void Thread_SeekToNextActiveChunk();
// In TCP mode, we send new chunks as they are acked.
void TCP_SendNextChunk( CMulticastFile *pFile, CClientFileInfo *pClient );
void EnsureMemoryLimit( CMulticastFile *pIgnore );
// Called after pFile->m_UncompressedData has been setup. This compresses the data, prepares the header,
// copies the filename, and adds it into the queue for the multicast thread.
int FinishFileSetup( CMulticastFile *pFile, const char *pFilename, const char *pPathID, bool bFileAlreadyExisted );
void IncrementChunkRefCount( CMasterMulticastThread::CMulticastFile *pFile, int iChunk );
void DecrementChunkRefCount( int iFile, int iChunk );
int FindFile( const char *pFilename, const char *pPathID );
bool FindWarningSuppression( const char *pFilename );
void AddWarningSuppression( const char *pFilename );
CUtlLinkedList<CMulticastFile*,int> m_Files;
unsigned long m_nCurMemoryUsage; // Total of all the file data we have loaded.
unsigned long m_nMaxMemoryUsage; // 0 means that there is no limit.
// This tracks how many chunks we have that want to be sent.
int m_nTotalActiveChunks;
SOCKET m_Socket;
sockaddr_in m_MulticastAddr;
HANDLE m_hMainThread;
IBaseFileSystem *m_pPassThru;
HANDLE m_hThread;
// Events used to communicate with our thread.
HANDLE m_hTermEvent;
// The thread walks through this as it spews chunks of data.
volatile int m_iCurFile; // Index into m_Files.
volatile int m_iCurActiveChunk; // Current index into CMulticastFile::m_ActiveChunks.
CUtlLinkedList<char*,int> m_WarningSuppressions;
m_hThread = m_hMainThread = NULL;
m_nTotalActiveChunks = 0;
m_iCurFile = m_iCurActiveChunk = -1;
m_pPassThru = NULL;
m_hTermEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
InitializeCriticalSection( &m_CS );
m_nCurMemoryUsage = m_nMaxMemoryUsage = 0;
CloseHandle( m_hTermEvent );
DeleteCriticalSection( &m_CS );
bool CMasterMulticastThread::Init( IBaseFileSystem *pPassThru, unsigned short localPort, const CIPAddr *pAddr, int maxMemoryUsage )
m_nMaxMemoryUsage = maxMemoryUsage;
Assert( m_nCurMemoryUsage == 0 );
m_nCurMemoryUsage = 0;
if ( VMPI_GetFileSystemMode() == VMPI_FILESYSTEM_TCP )
// No need for an extra socket in this mode.
// First, create our socket.
m_Socket = socket( AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_IP );
if ( m_Socket == INVALID_SOCKET )
Warning( "CMasterMulticastThread::Init - socket() failed\n" );
return false;
// Bind to INADDR_ANY.
CIPAddr localAddr( 0, 0, 0, 0, localPort );
sockaddr_in addr;
IPAddrToSockAddr( &localAddr, &addr );
int status = bind( m_Socket, (sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr) );
if ( status != 0 )
Warning( "CMasterMulticastThread::Init - bind( %d.%d.%d.%d:%d ) failed\n", EXPAND_ADDR( *pAddr ) );
return false;
// Set up for broadcast
BOOL bBroadcast = TRUE;
if ( setsockopt( m_Socket, SOL_SOCKET, SO_BROADCAST, (char*)&bBroadcast, bBroadcast ) == SOCKET_ERROR )
Warning( "CMasterMulticastThread::Init - setsockopt() failed to set broadcast mode\n" );
return false;
// Remember the address we want to send to.
IPAddrToSockAddr( pAddr, &m_MulticastAddr );
// Now create our thread.
DWORD dwThreadID = 0;
m_hThread = CreateThread( NULL, 0, &CMasterMulticastThread::StaticMulticastThread, this, 0, &dwThreadID );
if ( !m_hThread )
Warning( "CMasterMulticastThread::Init - CreateThread failed\n" );
return false;
SetThreadPriority( m_hThread, THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST );
// For debug mode to verify that we don't try to open files while in another thread.
m_hMainThread = GetCurrentThread();
m_pPassThru = pPassThru;
return true;
void CMasterMulticastThread::Term()
// Stop the thread if it is running.
if ( m_hThread )
SetEvent( m_hTermEvent );
WaitForSingleObject( m_hThread, INFINITE );
CloseHandle( m_hThread );
m_hThread = NULL;
// Close the socket.
if ( m_Socket != INVALID_SOCKET )
closesocket( m_Socket );
// Free up other data.
m_nCurMemoryUsage = m_nMaxMemoryUsage = 0;
void CMasterMulticastThread::TCP_SendNextChunk( CMulticastFile *pFile, CClientFileInfo *pClient )
// No more chunks to send?
if ( (pClient->m_TCP_LastChunkSent+1) >= pFile->m_Info.m_nChunks )
// Figure out what data we'd be sending.
int iChunkToSend = pClient->m_TCP_LastChunkSent + 1;
int iStartByte = iChunkToSend * TCP_CHUNK_PAYLOAD_SIZE;
int iEndByte = min( iStartByte + TCP_CHUNK_PAYLOAD_SIZE, pFile->m_Data.Count() );
// If the start point is past the end, then we're done sending the file to this client.
if ( iStartByte >= pFile->m_Data.Count() )
// Record that we sent this data.
pClient->m_TCP_LastChunkSent = iChunkToSend;
// Assemble the packet.
const void *chunks[5] =
int chunkLengths[5] =
sizeof( cPacket ),
sizeof( pFile->m_Info ),
sizeof( m_iCurActiveChunk ),
strlen( pFile->GetFilename() ) + 1,
iEndByte - iStartByte
VMPI_SendChunks( chunks, chunkLengths, 5, pClient->m_ClientID );
int CMasterMulticastThread::AddFileRequest( const char *pFilename, const char *pPathID, int clientID, bool *bZeroLength )
// Firstly, do we already have this file?
int iFile = FindOrAddFile( pFilename, pPathID );
if ( iFile == -1 )
return -1;
CMulticastFile *pFile = m_Files[iFile];
// Now that we have a file setup, merge in this client's info.
EnterCriticalSection( &m_CS );
CClientFileInfo *pClient = new CClientFileInfo;
pClient->m_TCP_LastChunkAcked = -1;
pClient->m_TCP_LastChunkSent = -1;
pClient->m_ClientID = clientID;
pClient->m_flLastAckTime = Plat_FloatTime();
pClient->m_flTransmitStartTime = pClient->m_flLastAckTime;
pClient->m_nTimesFileCycled = 0;
pClient->m_nChunksLeft = pFile->m_Info.m_nChunks;
pClient->m_ChunksToSend.SetSize( PAD_NUMBER( pFile->m_Info.m_nChunks, 8 ) / 8 );
memset( pClient->m_ChunksToSend.Base(), 0xFF, pClient->m_ChunksToSend.Count() );
pFile->m_Clients.AddToTail( pClient );
for ( int i=0; i < pFile->m_Chunks.Count(); i++ )
IncrementChunkRefCount( pFile, i );
// In TCP mode, let's get the sliding window started..
if ( VMPI_GetFileSystemMode() == VMPI_FILESYSTEM_TCP )
for ( int iDepth=0; iDepth < TCP_CHUNK_QUEUE_LEN; iDepth++ )
TCP_SendNextChunk( pFile, pClient );
LeaveCriticalSection( &m_CS );
*bZeroLength = (pFile->m_Info.m_UncompressedSize == 0);
return iFile;
void CMasterMulticastThread::OnChunkReceived( int fileID, int clientID, int iChunk )
if ( !m_Files.IsValidIndex( fileID ) )
Warning( "CMasterMulticastThread::OnChunkReceived: invalid file (%d) from client %d\n", fileID, clientID );
CMulticastFile *pFile = m_Files[fileID];
CClientFileInfo *pClient = NULL;
FOR_EACH_LL( pFile->m_Clients, iClient )
if ( pFile->m_Clients[iClient]->m_ClientID == clientID )
pClient = pFile->m_Clients[iClient];
if ( !pClient )
// This will spam sometimes if a worker stops responding and we timeout on it,
// but then it comes back alive and starts responding. So let's ignore its packets silently.
//Warning( "CMasterMulticastThread::OnChunkReceived: invalid client ID (%d) for file %s\n", clientID, pFile->GetFilename() );
if ( VMPI_GetFileSystemMode() == VMPI_FILESYSTEM_TCP )
// Send the next chunk, if there is one.
EnterCriticalSection( &m_CS );
TCP_SendNextChunk( pFile, pClient );
LeaveCriticalSection( &m_CS );
if ( !pFile->m_Chunks.IsValidIndex( iChunk ) )
Warning( "CMasterMulticastThread::OnChunkReceived: invalid chunk index (%d) for file %s\n", iChunk, pFile->GetFilename() );
// Mark that this client doesn't need this chunk anymore.
pClient->m_ChunksToSend[iChunk >> 3] &= ~(1 << (iChunk & 7));
pClient->m_flLastAckTime = Plat_FloatTime();
if ( pClient->m_nChunksLeft == 0 && g_iVMPIVerboseLevel >= 2 )
Warning( "Client %d got file %s\n", clientID, pFile->GetFilename() );
EnterCriticalSection( &m_CS );
DecrementChunkRefCount( fileID, iChunk );
LeaveCriticalSection( &m_CS );
void CMasterMulticastThread::OnFileReceived( int fileID, int clientID )
if ( !m_Files.IsValidIndex( fileID ) )
Warning( "CMasterMulticastThread::OnChunkReceived: invalid file (%d) from client %d\n", fileID, clientID );
CMulticastFile *pFile = m_Files[fileID];
for ( int i=0; i < pFile->m_Info.m_nChunks; i++ )
OnChunkReceived( fileID, clientID, i );
void CMasterMulticastThread::OnClientDisconnect( int clientID, bool bGrabCriticalSection )
if ( bGrabCriticalSection )
EnterCriticalSection( &m_CS );
// Remove all references from this client.
FOR_EACH_LL( m_Files, iFile )
CMulticastFile *pFile = m_Files[iFile];
FOR_EACH_LL( pFile->m_Clients, iClient )
CClientFileInfo *pClient = pFile->m_Clients[iClient];
if ( pClient->m_ClientID != clientID )
// Ok, this is our man. Decrement the refcount of any chunks this client wanted.
for ( int iChunk=0; iChunk < pFile->m_Info.m_nChunks; iChunk++ )
if ( pClient->NeedsChunk( iChunk ) )
DecrementChunkRefCount( iFile, iChunk );
delete pClient;
pFile->m_Clients.Remove( iClient );
if ( bGrabCriticalSection )
LeaveCriticalSection( &m_CS );
void CMasterMulticastThread::CreateVirtualFile( const char *pFilename, const void *pData, unsigned long fileLength )
int iFile = FindFile( pFilename, pPathID );
if ( iFile != -1 )
Error( "CMasterMulticastThread::CreateVirtualFile( %s ) - file already exists!", pFilename );
CMulticastFile *pFile = new CMulticastFile;
pFile->m_UncompressedData.CopyArray( (const char*)pData, fileLength );
FinishFileSetup( pFile, pFilename, pPathID, false );
DWORD WINAPI CMasterMulticastThread::StaticMulticastThread( LPVOID pParameter )
return ((CMasterMulticastThread*)pParameter)->MulticastThread();
bool CMasterMulticastThread::CheckClientTimeouts()
bool bRet = false;
CMulticastFile *pFile = m_Files[m_iCurFile];
float flCurTime = Plat_FloatTime();
int iNext;
for( int iCur=pFile->m_Clients.Head(); iCur != pFile->m_Clients.InvalidIndex(); iCur=iNext )
iNext = pFile->m_Clients.Next( iCur );
CClientFileInfo *pInfo = pFile->m_Clients[iCur];
// If the client has already fully received this file, don't bother timing out on it.
if ( pInfo->m_nChunksLeft == 0 )
if ( pInfo->m_nTimesFileCycled >= MIN_FILE_CYCLE_COUNT && (flCurTime - pInfo->m_flLastAckTime) > CLIENT_FILE_ACK_TIMEOUT )
// For debug output, get the most recent time we heard any ack from this client at all.
float flMostRecentTime = pInfo->m_flLastAckTime;
FOR_EACH_LL( m_Files, iTestFile )
CMulticastFile *pTestFile = m_Files[iTestFile];
FOR_EACH_LL( pTestFile->m_Clients, iTestClient )
if ( pTestFile->m_Clients[iTestClient]->m_ClientID == pInfo->m_ClientID )
flMostRecentTime = max( flMostRecentTime, pTestFile->m_Clients[iTestClient]->m_flLastAckTime );
Warning( "\nClient %s timed out on file %s (latest: %.2f / cur: %.2f).\n",
VMPI_GetMachineName( pInfo->m_ClientID ), pFile->GetFilename(), flMostRecentTime, flCurTime );
OnClientDisconnect( pInfo->m_ClientID, false );
bRet = true; // yes, we booted a client.
return bRet;
inline bool CMasterMulticastThread::Thread_SendFileChunk_Multicast( int *pnBytesSent )
// Send the next chunk (file, size, time, chunk data).
CMulticastFile *pFile = m_Files[m_iCurFile];
int iStartByte = m_iCurActiveChunk * MULTICAST_CHUNK_PAYLOAD_SIZE;
int iEndByte = min( iStartByte + MULTICAST_CHUNK_PAYLOAD_SIZE, pFile->m_Data.Count() );
WSABUF bufs[4];
bufs[0].buf = (char*)&pFile->m_Info;
bufs[0].len = sizeof( pFile->m_Info );
bufs[1].buf = (char*)&m_iCurActiveChunk;
bufs[1].len = sizeof( m_iCurActiveChunk );
bufs[2].buf = (char*)pFile->GetFilename();
bufs[2].len = strlen( pFile->GetFilename() ) + 1;
bufs[3].buf = &pFile->m_Data[iStartByte];
bufs[3].len = iEndByte - iStartByte;
DWORD nBytesSent = 0;
DWORD nWantedBytes = ( bufs[0].len + bufs[1].len + bufs[2].len + bufs[3].len );
bool bSuccess;
if ( m_MulticastAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b1 == 127 &&
m_MulticastAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b2 == 0 &&
m_MulticastAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b3 == 0 &&
m_MulticastAddr.sin_addr.S_un.S_un_b.s_b4 == 1 )
// For some mysterious reason, WSASendTo only sends the first buffer
// if we're sending to (ie: in local mode).
char allData[1024*8];
if ( nWantedBytes > sizeof( allData ) )
Error( "nWantedBytes > sizeof( allData )" );
memcpy( &allData[0], bufs[0].buf, bufs[0].len );
memcpy( &allData[bufs[0].len], bufs[1].buf, bufs[1].len );
memcpy( &allData[bufs[0].len+bufs[1].len], bufs[2].buf, bufs[2].len );
memcpy( &allData[bufs[0].len+bufs[1].len+bufs[2].len], bufs[3].buf, bufs[3].len );
int ret = sendto( m_Socket, allData, nWantedBytes, 0, (sockaddr*)&m_MulticastAddr, sizeof( m_MulticastAddr ) );
bSuccess = (ret == (int)nWantedBytes);
ARRAYSIZE( bufs ),
sizeof( m_MulticastAddr ),
bSuccess = (nBytesSent == nWantedBytes);
// Handle errors.. let it get a few errors, then quit.
if ( bSuccess )
*pnBytesSent = (int)nBytesSent;
static int nWarnings = 0;
if ( nWarnings < 10 )
Warning( "\nMulticastThread: WSASendTo with %d bytes sent %d bytes.\n", nWantedBytes, nBytesSent );
char *lpMsgBuf;
if ( FormatMessage(
) )
Warning( "%s", lpMsgBuf );
LocalFree( lpMsgBuf );
else if ( nWarnings == 10 )
Warning( "\nThis machine's ability to multicast may be broken. Please reboot and try again.\n" );
return bSuccess;
void CMasterMulticastThread::Thread_SeekToNextActiveChunk()
// Make sure we're on a valid chunk.
if ( m_iCurFile == -1 )
Assert( m_Files.Count() > 0 );
m_iCurFile = m_Files.Head();
m_iCurActiveChunk = m_Files[m_iCurFile]->m_ActiveChunks.Head();
while ( 1 )
if ( m_iCurActiveChunk == m_Files[m_iCurFile]->m_ActiveChunks.InvalidIndex() ||
m_Files[m_iCurFile]->m_ActiveChunks[m_iCurActiveChunk]->m_RefCount == 0 )
// Now check for client timeouts.
// (This is kicking clients unjustly for some reason.. need to debug).
if ( CheckClientTimeouts() && m_nTotalActiveChunks == 0 )
// Finished with that file. Send the next one.
m_iCurFile = m_Files.Next( m_iCurFile );
if ( m_iCurFile == m_Files.InvalidIndex() )
m_iCurFile = m_Files.Head();
m_iCurActiveChunk = m_Files[m_iCurFile]->m_ActiveChunks.Head();
if ( m_iCurActiveChunk != m_Files[m_iCurFile]->m_ActiveChunks.InvalidIndex() )
// Only break if we're on an active chunk.
if ( m_Files[m_iCurFile]->m_ActiveChunks[m_iCurActiveChunk]->m_RefCount != 0 )
m_iCurActiveChunk = m_Files[m_iCurFile]->m_ActiveChunks.Next( m_iCurActiveChunk );
DWORD CMasterMulticastThread::MulticastThread()
CTransmitRateMgr transmitRateMgr;
CRateLimiter rateLimiter;
DWORD msToWait = 0; // Only temporarily used if we don't have any data to send.
while ( WaitForSingleObject( m_hTermEvent, msToWait ) != WAIT_OBJECT_0 )
msToWait = 0;
EnterCriticalSection( &m_CS );
// If we have nothing to send then kick back for a while.
if ( m_nTotalActiveChunks == 0 )
LeaveCriticalSection( &m_CS );
msToWait = 50;
// Ok, now we're active, so send out our presence to other CTransmitRateMgrs on the network.
// We're going to time how long this chunk took to send.
CFastTimer timer;
// We have to do this check a second time here because the CheckClientTimeouts() call may have
// booted our last client. If we don't check it here, we might be transmitting
// something we don't want to transmit. Also, if we don't break out of the loop above,
// it can prevent the process from ever exiting because it'll never exit that while() loop.
if ( m_nTotalActiveChunks == 0 )
LeaveCriticalSection( &m_CS );
msToWait = 50;
int nBytesSent = 0;
bool bSuccess;
bSuccess = Thread_SendFileChunk_Multicast( &nBytesSent );
g_nMulticastBytesSent += (int)nBytesSent;
// Move to the next chunk.
m_iCurActiveChunk = m_Files[m_iCurFile]->m_ActiveChunks.Next( m_iCurActiveChunk );
LeaveCriticalSection( &m_CS );
// Measure how long it took to send this.
unsigned long timeTaken = timer.GetDuration().GetMicroseconds();
// Measure how long it should have taken.
unsigned long estimatedPacketHeaderSize = 32;
unsigned long optimalTimeTaken = (unsigned long)( transmitRateMgr.GetMicrosecondsPerByte() * (nBytesSent + estimatedPacketHeaderSize) );
// If we went faster than we should have, then wait for the difference in time.
if ( timeTaken < optimalTimeTaken )
rateLimiter.NoteExcessTimeTaken( optimalTimeTaken - timeTaken );
return 0;
void CMasterMulticastThread::IncrementChunkRefCount( CMasterMulticastThread::CMulticastFile *pFile, int iChunk )
CChunkInfo *pChunk = &pFile->m_Chunks[iChunk];
if ( pChunk->m_RefCount == 0 )
// Move the chunk to the head of the list since it is now active.
pFile->m_ActiveChunks.Remove( pChunk->m_iActiveChunksIndex );
pChunk->m_iActiveChunksIndex = pFile->m_ActiveChunks.AddToHead( pChunk );
void CMasterMulticastThread::DecrementChunkRefCount( int iFile, int iChunk )
CMulticastFile *pFile = m_Files[iFile];
CChunkInfo *pChunk = &pFile->m_Chunks[iChunk];
if ( pChunk->m_RefCount == 0 )
Error( "CMasterMulticastThread::DecrementChunkRefCount - refcount already zero!\n" );
if ( pChunk->m_RefCount == 0 )
// If this is the current chunk the thread is reading on, seek up to the next chunk so
// the thread doesn't spin off into the next file and skip its current file's contents.
if ( iFile == m_iCurFile && pChunk->m_iActiveChunksIndex == m_iCurActiveChunk )
m_iCurActiveChunk = pFile->m_ActiveChunks.Next( pChunk->m_iActiveChunksIndex );
// Move the chunk to the end of the list since it is now inactive.
pFile->m_ActiveChunks.Remove( pChunk->m_iActiveChunksIndex );
pChunk->m_iActiveChunksIndex = pFile->m_ActiveChunks.AddToTail( pChunk );
int CMasterMulticastThread::FindFile( const char *pName, const char *pPathID )
FOR_EACH_LL( m_Files, i )
CMulticastFile *pFile = m_Files[i];
if ( stricmp( pFile->GetFilename(), pName ) == 0 && stricmp( pFile->GetPathID(), pPathID ) == 0 )
return i;
return -1;
bool CMasterMulticastThread::FindWarningSuppression( const char *pFilename )
FOR_EACH_LL( m_WarningSuppressions, i )
if ( Q_stricmp( m_WarningSuppressions[i], pFilename ) == 0 )
return true;
return false;
void CMasterMulticastThread::AddWarningSuppression( const char *pFilename )
char *pBlah = new char[ strlen( pFilename ) + 1 ];
strcpy( pBlah, pFilename );
m_WarningSuppressions.AddToTail( pBlah );
int CMasterMulticastThread::FindOrAddFile( const char *pFilename, const char *pPathID )
CMulticastFile *pFile = NULL;
bool bFileAlreadyExisted = false;
// See if we've already opened this file.
int iFile = FindFile( pFilename, pPathID );
if ( iFile != -1 )
pFile = m_Files[iFile];
if ( pFile->m_bDataLoaded )
return iFile;
// Ok, we have the file entry, but its data has been freed, so we need to reload it.
EnterCriticalSection( &m_CS );
bFileAlreadyExisted = true;
// Can't open a file outside our main thread, because we have to talk to the filesystem
// and the filesystem doesn't support that.
Assert( GetCurrentThread() == m_hMainThread );
// When the worker originally asked for the path ID, they could pass NULL and it would come through as "".
// Now set it back to null for the filesystem we're passing the call to.
FileHandle_t fp = m_pPassThru->Open( pFilename, "rb", pPathID[0] == 0 ? NULL : pPathID );
if ( !fp )
if ( bFileAlreadyExisted )
LeaveCriticalSection( &m_CS );
return -1;
if ( !bFileAlreadyExisted )
pFile = new CMulticastFile;
pFile->m_UncompressedData.SetSize( m_pPassThru->Size( fp ) );
m_pPassThru->Read( pFile->m_UncompressedData.Base(), pFile->m_UncompressedData.Count(), fp );
m_pPassThru->Close( fp );
int iRet = FinishFileSetup( pFile, pFilename, pPathID, bFileAlreadyExisted );
if ( bFileAlreadyExisted )
LeaveCriticalSection( &m_CS );
return iRet;
int CMasterMulticastThread::FinishFileSetup( CMulticastFile *pFile, const char *pFilename, const char *pPathID, bool bFileAlreadyExisted )
// Compress the file's contents.
if ( !ZLibCompress( pFile->m_UncompressedData.Base(), pFile->m_UncompressedData.Count(), pFile->m_Data ) )
delete pFile;
return -1;
pFile->m_bDataLoaded = true;
int chunkSize = VMPI_GetChunkPayloadSize();
// Get this file in the queue.
if ( !bFileAlreadyExisted )
pFile->m_Filename.SetSize( strlen( pFilename ) + 1 );
strcpy( pFile->m_Filename.Base(), pFilename );
pFile->m_PathID.SetSize( strlen( pPathID ) + 1 );
strcpy( pFile->m_PathID.Base(), pPathID );
pFile->m_nCycles = 0;
pFile->m_Info.m_CompressedSize = pFile->m_Data.Count();
pFile->m_Info.m_UncompressedSize = pFile->m_UncompressedData.Count();
pFile->m_Info.m_nChunks = PAD_NUMBER( pFile->m_Info.m_CompressedSize, chunkSize ) / chunkSize;
// Initialize the chunks.
pFile->m_Chunks.SetSize( pFile->m_Info.m_nChunks );
for ( int i=0; i < pFile->m_Chunks.Count(); i++ )
CChunkInfo *pChunk = &pFile->m_Chunks[i];
pChunk->m_iChunk = (unsigned short)i;
pChunk->m_RefCount = 0;
pChunk->m_iActiveChunksIndex = pFile->m_ActiveChunks.AddToTail( pChunk );
EnterCriticalSection( &m_CS );
// Boot some other file out of memory if we're out of space.
m_nCurMemoryUsage += ( pFile->m_Info.m_CompressedSize + pFile->m_Info.m_UncompressedSize );
EnsureMemoryLimit( pFile );
if ( !bFileAlreadyExisted )
pFile->m_Info.m_FileID = m_Files.AddToTail( pFile );
LeaveCriticalSection( &m_CS );
return pFile->m_Info.m_FileID;
void CMasterMulticastThread::EnsureMemoryLimit( CMulticastFile *pIgnore )
if ( m_nMaxMemoryUsage != 0 && m_nCurMemoryUsage > m_nMaxMemoryUsage )
// Free all the files that we can.
FOR_EACH_LL( m_Files, iFile )
CMulticastFile *pFile = m_Files[iFile];
if ( pFile == pIgnore || !pFile->m_bDataLoaded )
if ( pFile->m_ActiveChunks.Count() == 0 )
m_nCurMemoryUsage -= ( pFile->m_Info.m_CompressedSize + pFile->m_Info.m_UncompressedSize );
pFile->m_bDataLoaded = false;
const CUtlVector<char>& CMasterMulticastThread::GetFileData( int iFile ) const
return m_Files[iFile]->m_UncompressedData;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
// CMasterVMPIFileSystem implementation.
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ //
class CMasterVMPIFileSystem : public CBaseVMPIFileSystem
virtual ~CMasterVMPIFileSystem();
bool Init( int maxMemoryUsage, IFileSystem *pPassThru );
virtual void Term();
virtual FileHandle_t Open( const char *pFilename, const char *pOptions, const char *pathID );
virtual bool HandleFileSystemPacket( MessageBuffer *pBuf, int iSource, int iPacketID );
virtual void CreateVirtualFile( const char *pFilename, const void *pData, int fileLength );
virtual CSysModule *LoadModule( const char *pFileName, const char *pPathID, bool bValidatedDllOnly );
virtual void UnloadModule( CSysModule *pModule );
static void OnClientDisconnect( int procID, const char *pReason );
CMasterMulticastThread m_MasterThread;
IFileSystem *m_pMasterVMPIFileSystemPassThru;
static CMasterVMPIFileSystem *s_pMasterVMPIFileSystem;
CMasterVMPIFileSystem *CMasterVMPIFileSystem::s_pMasterVMPIFileSystem = NULL;
CBaseVMPIFileSystem* CreateMasterVMPIFileSystem( int maxMemoryUsage, IFileSystem *pPassThru )
CMasterVMPIFileSystem *pRet = new CMasterVMPIFileSystem;
g_pBaseVMPIFileSystem = pRet;
if ( pRet->Init( maxMemoryUsage, pPassThru ) )
return pRet;
delete pRet;
g_pBaseVMPIFileSystem = NULL;
return NULL;
Assert( !s_pMasterVMPIFileSystem );
s_pMasterVMPIFileSystem = this;
Assert( s_pMasterVMPIFileSystem == this );
s_pMasterVMPIFileSystem = NULL;
bool CMasterVMPIFileSystem::Init( int maxMemoryUsage, IFileSystem *pPassThru )
// Only init the BASE filesystem passthru. Leave the IFileSystem passthru using NULL so it'll crash
// immediately if they try to use a function we don't support.
InitPassThru( pPassThru, true );
m_pMasterVMPIFileSystemPassThru = pPassThru;
// Pick a random IP in the multicast range ( to;
CCycleCount cnt;
RandomSeed( (int)cnt.GetMicroseconds() );
int localPort = 23412; // This can be anything.
unsigned short port = RandomInt( 22000, 25000 );
if ( VMPI_GetRunMode() == VMPI_RUN_NETWORKED )
m_MulticastIP.port = port;
m_MulticastIP.ip[0] = (unsigned char)RandomInt( 225, 238 );
m_MulticastIP.ip[1] = (unsigned char)RandomInt( 0, 255 );
m_MulticastIP.ip[2] = (unsigned char)RandomInt( 0, 255 );
m_MulticastIP.ip[3] = (unsigned char)RandomInt( 3, 255 );
else if ( VMPI_GetFileSystemMode() == VMPI_FILESYSTEM_BROADCAST )
m_MulticastIP.Init( 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, port );
// Doesn't matter.. we don't use the multicast IP in TCP mode.
m_MulticastIP.Init( 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 );
if ( !m_MasterThread.Init( pPassThru, localPort, &m_MulticastIP, maxMemoryUsage ) )
return false;
// Send out the multicast addr to all the clients.
SendMulticastIP( &m_MulticastIP );
// Make sure we're notified when a client disconnects so we can unlink them from the
// multicast thread's structures.
VMPI_AddDisconnectHandler( &CMasterVMPIFileSystem::OnClientDisconnect );
return true;
void CMasterVMPIFileSystem::Term()
FileHandle_t CMasterVMPIFileSystem::Open( const char *pFilename, const char *pOptions, const char *pPathID )
Assert( g_bUseMPI );
if ( g_bDisableFileAccess )
Error( "Open( %s, %s ) - file access has been disabled.", pFilename, pOptions );
// Use a stdio file if they want to write to it.
bool bWriteAccess = IsOpeningForWriteAccess( pOptions );
if ( bWriteAccess )
FileHandle_t fp = m_pBaseFileSystemPassThru->Open( pFilename, pOptions, pPathID );
CVMPIFile_PassThru *pFile = new CVMPIFile_PassThru;
pFile->Init( m_pBaseFileSystemPassThru, fp );
return (FileHandle_t)pFile;
// Internally, we require path IDs to be non-null. We'll convert it back to null whenever we make filesystem calls though.
if ( !pPathID )
pPathID = "";
// Have our multicast thread load all the data so it's there when workers want it.
int iFile = m_MasterThread.FindOrAddFile( pFilename, pPathID );
if ( iFile == -1 )
const CUtlVector<char> &data = m_MasterThread.GetFileData( iFile );
CVMPIFile_Memory *pFile = new CVMPIFile_Memory;
pFile->Init( data.Base(), data.Count(), strchr( pOptions, 't' ) ? 't' : 'b' );
return (FileHandle_t)pFile;
void CMasterVMPIFileSystem::OnClientDisconnect( int procID, const char *pReason )
s_pMasterVMPIFileSystem->m_MasterThread.OnClientDisconnect( procID );
void CMasterVMPIFileSystem::CreateVirtualFile( const char *pFilename, const void *pData, int fileLength )
m_MasterThread.CreateVirtualFile( pFilename, pData, fileLength );
bool CMasterVMPIFileSystem::HandleFileSystemPacket( MessageBuffer *pBuf, int iSource, int iPacketID )
// Handle this packet.
int subPacketID = pBuf->data[1];
switch( subPacketID )
int requestID = *((int*)&pBuf->data[2]);
const char *pFilename = (const char*)&pBuf->data[6];
const char *pPathID = (const char*)pFilename + strlen( pFilename ) + 1;
if ( g_iVMPIVerboseLevel >= 2 )
Msg( "Client %d requested '%s'\n", iSource, pFilename );
bool bZeroLength;
int fileID = m_MasterThread.AddFileRequest( pFilename, pPathID, iSource, &bZeroLength );
// Send back the file ID.
void *pChunks[4] = { cPacket, &requestID, &fileID, &bZeroLength };
int chunkLen[4] = { sizeof( cPacket ), sizeof( requestID ), sizeof( fileID ), sizeof( bZeroLength ) };
VMPI_SendChunks( pChunks, chunkLen, ARRAYSIZE( pChunks ), iSource );
return true;
unsigned short *pFileID = (unsigned short*)&pBuf->data[2];
unsigned short *pChunkID = pFileID+1;
int nChunks = (pBuf->getLen() - 2) / 4;
for ( int i=0; i < nChunks; i++ )
m_MasterThread.OnChunkReceived( *pFileID, iSource, *pChunkID );
pFileID += 2;
pChunkID += 2;
return true;
unsigned short *pFileID = (unsigned short*)&pBuf->data[2];
m_MasterThread.OnFileReceived( *pFileID, iSource );
return true;
return false;
CSysModule* CMasterVMPIFileSystem::LoadModule( const char *pFileName, const char *pPathID, bool bValidatedDllOnly )
return m_pMasterVMPIFileSystemPassThru->LoadModule( pFileName, pPathID, bValidatedDllOnly );
void CMasterVMPIFileSystem::UnloadModule( CSysModule *pModule )
m_pMasterVMPIFileSystemPassThru->UnloadModule( pModule );