
516 lines
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2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "mdlcheck_util.h"
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#include "utldict.h"
#include "tier1/utlstring.h"
bool uselogfile = false;
bool verbose = false;
bool checkani = false;
struct QCFile
char outputmodel[ MAX_PATH ];
struct ModelFile
char qcfile[ MAX_PATH ];
int version;
bool needsrecompile;
int toobig;
struct AnalysisData
CUtlDict< QCFile, int > files; // .qc to modelname lookup
CUtlDict< ModelFile, int > models; // .mdl to .qc/version lookup
CUtlSymbolTable symbols;
static AnalysisData g_Analysis;
SpewRetval_t SpewFunc( SpewType_t type, char const *pMsg )
printf( "%s", pMsg );
OutputDebugString( pMsg );
if ( type == SPEW_ERROR )
printf( "\n" );
OutputDebugString( "\n" );
// Purpose:
void printusage( void )
vprint( 0, "usage: mdlcheck <model source directory> <.mdl file directory>\n\
\t-v = verbose output\n\
\t-l = log to file log.txt\n\
\t-a = check for large animation data\n\
\ne.g.: mdlcheck -l u:/hl2/hl2/hl2models u:/hl2/hl2/models\n" );
// Exit app
exit( 1 );
void BuildFileList_R( CUtlVector< CUtlSymbol >& files, char const *dir, char const *extension )
char directory[ 256 ];
char filename[ 256 ];
sprintf( directory, "%s\\*.*", dir );
if ( ( ff = FindFirstFile( directory, &wfd ) ) == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
int extlen = strlen( extension );
if ( wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY )
if ( wfd.cFileName[ 0 ] == '.' )
// Recurse down directory
sprintf( filename, "%s\\%s", dir, wfd.cFileName );
BuildFileList_R( files, filename, extension );
int len = strlen( wfd.cFileName );
if ( len > extlen )
if ( strstr( wfd.cFileName, ".360." ) )
else if ( !stricmp( &wfd.cFileName[ len - extlen ], extension ) )
char filename[ MAX_PATH ];
Q_snprintf( filename, sizeof( filename ), "%s\\%s", dir, wfd.cFileName );
_strlwr( filename );
Q_FixSlashes( filename );
CUtlSymbol sym = g_Analysis.symbols.AddString( filename );
files.AddToTail( sym );
} while ( FindNextFile( ff, &wfd ) );
void BuildFileList( CUtlVector< CUtlSymbol >& files, char const *rootdir, char const *extension )
BuildFileList_R( files, rootdir, extension );
// This is here because scriplib.cpp is included in this project but cmdlib.cpp
// is not, but scriplib.cpp uses some stuff from cmdlib.cpp, same with
// LoadFile and ExpandPath above. The only thing that currently uses this
// is $include in scriptlib, if this function returns 0, $include will
// behave the way it did before this change
int CmdLib_ExpandWithBasePaths( CUtlVector< CUtlString > &expandedPathList, const char *pszPath )
return 0;
bool GetModelNameFromSourceFile( char const *filename, char *modelname, int maxlen )
int filelength;
char *buffer = (char *)COM_LoadFile( filename, &filelength );
if ( !buffer )
vprint( 0, "Couldn't load %s\n", filename );
return false;
bool valid = false;
// Parse tokens
char *current = buffer;
while ( current )
current = CC_ParseToken( current );
if ( strlen( com_token ) <= 0 )
if ( stricmp( com_token, "$modelname" ) )
current = CC_ParseToken( current );
strcpy( modelname, com_token );
_strlwr( modelname );
Q_FixSlashes( modelname );
Q_DefaultExtension( modelname, ".mdl", maxlen );
valid = true;
COM_FreeFile( (unsigned char *)buffer );
if ( !valid )
vprint_queued( 0, ".qc file %s missing $modelname directive!!!\n", filename );
return valid;
bool AddModelNameFromSource( CUtlDict< ModelFile, int >& models, char const *filename, char const *modelname, int offset )
int idx = models.Find( modelname );
if ( idx != models.InvalidIndex() )
char shortname[ MAX_PATH ];
char shortname2[ MAX_PATH ];
strcpy( shortname, &filename[ offset ] );
strcpy( shortname2, &models[ idx ].qcfile[ offset ] );
vprint_queued( 0, "multiple .qc's build %s\n %s\n %s\n",
shortname2 );
return false;
ModelFile mf;
strcpy( mf.qcfile, filename );
_strlwr( mf.qcfile );
mf.version = 0;
models.Insert( modelname, mf );
return true;
// Purpose:
// Input : *sourcetreebase -
// *subdir -
// *baseentityclass -
void ProcessSourceDirectory( char const *basedir )
// vprint( 0, "building .qc list\n" );
CUtlVector< CUtlSymbol > files;
BuildFileList( files, basedir, ".qc" );
// vprint( 0, "found %i .qc files\n\n", files.Count() );
int offset = strlen( basedir ) + 1;
// Add files to QC Files dictionary
int c = files.Count();
for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
QCFile qcf;
memset( &qcf, 0, sizeof( qcf ) );
CUtlSymbol& sym = files[ i ];
g_Analysis.files.Insert( g_Analysis.symbols.String( sym ), qcf );
vprint_queued( 0, "%s", "\n\n" );
// Now iterate .qc files, looking into each to find the output model name
c = g_Analysis.files.Count();
int valid = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
char modelname[ 256 ];
char const *filename = g_Analysis.files.GetElementName( i );
if ( verbose )
vprint( 0, "checking %i: %s\n", i, filename );
if ( GetModelNameFromSourceFile( filename, modelname, sizeof( modelname ) ) )
if ( AddModelNameFromSource( g_Analysis.models, filename, modelname, offset ) )
int ecount = c - valid;
if (ecount != 0)
// vprint( 0, "\n summary: found %i/%i (%.2f percent) .qc errors\n\n", ecount, c, 100.0 * ecount / max( c, 1 ) );
vprint( 0, "\n summary: found %i .qc errors\n\n", ecount );
#include "studio.h"
#define IDSTUDIOHEADER (('T'<<24)+('S'<<16)+('D'<<8)+'I')
// little-endian "IDST"
#define IDSTUDIOANIMGROUPHEADER (('G'<<24)+('A'<<16)+('D'<<8)+'I')
// little-endian "IDAG"
byte buffer[1024*1024*4];
bool ValidateModelFile( char const *modelname, int offset )
studiohdr_t *pHdr;
FILE *fp;
pHdr = (studiohdr_t *)buffer;
fp = fopen( modelname, "rb" );
if ( !fp )
vprint_queued( 0, "Unable to open .mdl file %s\n", modelname );
return false;
// See if there's a .qc which builds this model
char shortname[ MAX_PATH ];
strcpy( shortname, &modelname[ offset ] );
Q_FixSlashes( shortname );
fread( buffer, sizeof( buffer ), 1, fp );
fclose( fp );
if ( pHdr->id != IDSTUDIOHEADER )
vprint_queued( 0, "Bogus studiomdl header for %s, expecting 'IDST' four cc code\n", shortname );
return false;
bool valid = true;
bool needsrecompile = false;
int toobig = 0;
// previous version is compatible
if ( pHdr->version < 44 || pHdr->version > STUDIO_VERSION )
vprint_queued( 0, "Outdated model %s (ver %i != %i)\n", shortname, pHdr->version, STUDIO_VERSION );
valid = false;
if (!Studio_ConvertStudioHdrToNewVersion( pHdr ))
// vprint( 0, "%s needs to be recompiled\n", pHdr->pszName() );
needsrecompile = true;
if (checkani)
// HACK: since the sequence data is written after the animation data, this is rough way to determine how much anim data there really is
int totalanimsize = pHdr->localseqindex - pHdr->localanimindex - pHdr->numlocalanim * sizeof( mstudioanimdesc_t );
if (pHdr->pLocalAnimdesc( 0 )->animblock == 0 && totalanimsize > 1024 * 64)
toobig = totalanimsize;
int idx = g_Analysis.models.Find( shortname );
if ( idx == g_Analysis.models.InvalidIndex() )
vprint_queued( 0, "Couldn't find a .qc which builds %s\n", shortname );
valid = false;
g_Analysis.models[idx].version = pHdr->version;
g_Analysis.models[idx].needsrecompile = needsrecompile;
g_Analysis.models[idx].toobig = toobig;
return valid;
void ProcessModelsDirectory( char const *basedir )
// vprint( 0, "building .mdl list\n" );
CUtlVector< CUtlSymbol > models;
BuildFileList( models, basedir, ".mdl" );
// vprint( 0, "found %i .mdl files\n\n", models.Count() );
int offset = strlen( basedir ) + 1;
// Now iterate model files and check version tag and whether a .qc exists which builds the .mdl
vprint_queued( 0, "%s", "\n\n" );
// Add files to QC Files dictionary
int c = models.Count();
int valid = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
QCFile qcf;
memset( &qcf, 0, sizeof( qcf ) );
CUtlSymbol& sym = models[ i ];
char const *modelname = g_Analysis.symbols.String( sym );
if ( verbose )
vprint( 0, "checking %i .mdl %s\n", i, modelname );
if ( ValidateModelFile( modelname, offset ) )
int ecount = c - valid;
if (ecount != 0)
// vprint( 0, "\n summary: found %i/%i (%.2f percent) .mdl errors\n", ecount, c, 100.0 * ecount / max( c, 1 ) );
vprint( 0, "\n summary: found %i .mdl errors\n", ecount );
void CheckForUnbuiltModels( )
vprint_queued( 0, "%s", "\n\n" );
int c = g_Analysis.models.Count();
int valid = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i < c; i++ )
if (g_Analysis.models[i].version == 0)
vprint_queued( 0, "Can't find %s,\n\tbuilt by %s\n", g_Analysis.models.GetElementName( i ), g_Analysis.models[i].qcfile );
else if (g_Analysis.models[i].needsrecompile)
vprint_queued( 0, "%s out of date,\n\tbuilt by %s\n", g_Analysis.models.GetElementName( i ), g_Analysis.models[i].qcfile );
else if (g_Analysis.models[i].toobig)
vprint_queued( 0, "%s needs $animblocksize command (%d of animdata),\n\tbuilt by %s\n", g_Analysis.models.GetElementName( i ), g_Analysis.models[i].toobig, g_Analysis.models[i].qcfile );
int ecount = c - valid;
if (ecount != 0)
// vprint( 0, "\n summary: found %i/%i (%.2f percent) missing .mdl's\n", ecount, c, 100.0 * ecount / max( c, 1 ) );
vprint( 0, "\n summary: found %i missing .mdl's\n", ecount );
// Purpose:
void CheckLogFile( void )
if ( uselogfile )
_unlink( "log.txt" );
vprint( 0, " Outputting to log.txt\n" );
// Purpose:
// Input : argc -
// argv[] -
// Output : int
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
SpewOutputFunc( SpewFunc );
int i = 1;
for (i ; i<argc ; i++)
if ( argv[ i ][ 0 ] == '-' )
switch( argv[ i ][ 1 ] )
case 'l':
uselogfile = true;
case 'v':
verbose = true;
case 'a':
checkani = true;
vprint( 0, "Valve Software - mdlcheck.exe (%s)\n", __DATE__ );
vprint( 0, "--- Source Model Consistency Checker ---\n" );
if ( argc < 3 || ( i != argc ) )
char modelsources[ 256 ];
strcpy( modelsources, argv[ i - 2 ] );
char modelsdir[ 256 ];
strcpy( modelsdir, argv[ i - 1 ] );
if ( !strstr( modelsdir, "models" ) )
vprint( 0, "Models dir %s looks invalid (format: u:/tf2/hl2/models)\n", modelsdir );
return 0;
Q_StripTrailingSlash( modelsources );
Q_StripTrailingSlash( modelsdir );
ProcessSourceDirectory( modelsources );
ProcessModelsDirectory( modelsdir );
CheckForUnbuiltModels( );
dump_print_queue( );
return 0;