
2579 lines
71 KiB
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2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#if defined( USE_SDL )
#include "appframework/ilaunchermgr.h"
#if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
#include "winlite.h"
#include <Psapi.h>
#if defined( OSX ) || defined(PLATFORM_BSD)
#include <sys/types.h>
2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
#include <sys/sysctl.h>
#if defined( POSIX )
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include "quakedef.h"
#include "idedicatedexports.h"
#include "engine_launcher_api.h"
#include "ivideomode.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "iregistry.h"
#include "keys.h"
#include "cdll_engine_int.h"
#include "traceinit.h"
#include "iengine.h"
#include "igame.h"
#include "tier0/etwprof.h"
#include "tier0/vcrmode.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "tier0/minidump.h"
#include "engine_hlds_api.h"
#include "filesystem_engine.h"
#include "cl_main.h"
#include "client.h"
#include "tier3/tier3.h"
#include "MapReslistGenerator.h"
#include "toolframework/itoolframework.h"
#include "sourcevr/isourcevirtualreality.h"
#include "DevShotGenerator.h"
#include "gl_shader.h"
#include "l_studio.h"
#include "IHammer.h"
#include "sys_dll.h"
#include "materialsystem/materialsystem_config.h"
#include "server.h"
#include "video/ivideoservices.h"
#include "datacache/idatacache.h"
#include "vphysics_interface.h"
#include "inputsystem/iinputsystem.h"
#include "appframework/IAppSystemGroup.h"
#include "tier0/systeminformation.h"
#include "host_cmd.h"
#ifdef _WIN32
#include "VGuiMatSurface/IMatSystemSurface.h"
#include "gperftools/profiler.h"
// This is here just for legacy support of older .dlls!!!
#include "SoundEmitterSystem/isoundemittersystembase.h"
#include "eiface.h"
#include "tier1/fmtstr.h"
#include "steam/steam_api.h"
#ifndef SWDS
#include "sys_mainwind.h"
#include "vgui/ISystem.h"
#include "vgui_controls/Controls.h"
#include "IGameUIFuncs.h"
#include "cl_steamauth.h"
#endif // SWDS
#if defined(_WIN32)
#include <eh.h>
#include <dlfcn.h>
#if defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h"
#include "xbox/xboxstubs.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
2022-06-15 19:59:06 +01:00
#include "tier0/memalloc.h"
2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
// Globals
IDedicatedExports *dedicated = NULL;
extern CreateInterfaceFn g_AppSystemFactory;
IHammer *g_pHammer = NULL;
IPhysics *g_pPhysics = NULL;
ISourceVirtualReality *g_pSourceVR = NULL;
#if defined( USE_SDL )
ILauncherMgr *g_pLauncherMgr = NULL;
#ifndef SWDS
extern CreateInterfaceFn g_ClientFactory;
static SteamInfVersionInfo_t g_SteamInfIDVersionInfo;
const SteamInfVersionInfo_t& GetSteamInfIDVersionInfo()
Assert( g_SteamInfIDVersionInfo.AppID != k_uAppIdInvalid );
return g_SteamInfIDVersionInfo;
int build_number( void )
return GetSteamInfIDVersionInfo().ServerVersion;
// Forward declarations
void Host_GetHostInfo(float *fps, int *nActive, int *nMaxPlayers, char *pszMap, int maxlen );
const char *Key_BindingForKey( int keynum );
void COM_ShutdownFileSystem( void );
void COM_InitFilesystem( const char *pFullModPath );
void Host_ReadPreStartupConfiguration();
// ConVars and console commands
#ifndef SWDS
// Purpose: exports an interface that can be used by the launcher to run the engine
// this is the exported function when compiled as a blob
void EXPORT F( IEngineAPI **api )
CreateInterfaceFn factory = Sys_GetFactoryThis(); // This silly construction is necessary to prevent the LTCG compiler from crashing.
*api = ( IEngineAPI * )(factory(VENGINE_LAUNCHER_API_VERSION, NULL));
#endif // SWDS
// Purpose:
void ClearIOStates( void )
#ifndef SWDS
if ( g_ClientDLL )
// The SDK launches the game with the full path to gameinfo.txt, so we need
// to strip off the path.
const char *GetModDirFromPath( const char *pszPath )
char *pszSlash = Q_strrchr( pszPath, '\\' );
if ( pszSlash )
return pszSlash + 1;
else if ( ( pszSlash = Q_strrchr( pszPath, '/' ) ) != NULL )
return pszSlash + 1;
// Must just be a mod directory already.
return pszPath;
// Purpose: Main entry
#ifndef SWDS
#include "gl_matsysiface.h"
// Inner loop: initialize, shutdown main systems, load steam to
class CModAppSystemGroup : public CAppSystemGroup
typedef CAppSystemGroup BaseClass;
// constructor
CModAppSystemGroup( bool bServerOnly, CAppSystemGroup *pParentAppSystem = NULL )
: BaseClass( pParentAppSystem ),
m_bServerOnly( bServerOnly )
CreateInterfaceFn GetFactory()
return CAppSystemGroup::GetFactory();
// Methods of IApplication
virtual bool Create();
virtual bool PreInit();
virtual int Main();
virtual void PostShutdown();
virtual void Destroy();
bool IsServerOnly() const
return m_bServerOnly;
bool ModuleAlreadyInList( CUtlVector< AppSystemInfo_t >& list, const char *moduleName, const char *interfaceName );
bool AddLegacySystems();
bool m_bServerOnly;
#if defined( STAGING_ONLY )
CON_COMMAND( bigalloc, "huge alloc crash" )
Msg( "pre-crash %d\n", MemAlloc_MemoryAllocFailed() );
// Alloc a bit less than UINT_MAX so there is room for heap headers in the malloc functions.
void *buf = malloc( UINT_MAX - 0x4000 );
Msg( "post-alloc %d. buf: %p\n", MemAlloc_MemoryAllocFailed(), buf );
*(int *)buf = 0;
extern void S_ClearBuffer();
extern char g_minidumpinfo[ 4096 ];
extern PAGED_POOL_INFO_t g_pagedpoolinfo;
extern bool g_bUpdateMinidumpComment;
void GetSpew( char *buf, size_t buflen );
extern int gHostSpawnCount;
extern int g_nMapLoadCount;
extern int g_HostServerAbortCount;
extern int g_HostErrorCount;
extern int g_HostEndDemo;
// Turn this to 1 to allow for expanded spew in minidump comments.
static ConVar sys_minidumpexpandedspew( "sys_minidumpexpandedspew", "1" );
extern "C" void __cdecl FailSafe( unsigned int uStructuredExceptionCode, struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExceptionInfo )
// Nothing, this just catches a crash when creating the comment block
#if defined( POSIX )
static sigjmp_buf g_mark;
static void posix_signal_handler( int i )
siglongjmp( g_mark, -1 );
#define DO_TRY if ( sigsetjmp( g_mark, 1 ) == 0 )
#define DO_CATCH else
#if defined( OSX ) || defined(PLATFORM_BSD)
2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
#define __sighandler_t sig_t
#define DO_TRY try
#define DO_CATCH catch ( ... )
#endif // POSIX
// Purpose: Check whether any mods are loaded.
// Currently looks for metamod and sourcemod.
static bool IsSourceModLoaded()
#if defined( _WIN32 )
static const char *s_pFileNames[] = { "metamod.2.tf2.dll", "sourcemod.2.tf2.dll", "sdkhooks.ext.2.ep2v.dll", "sdkhooks.ext.2.tf2.dll" };
for ( size_t i = 0; i < Q_ARRAYSIZE( s_pFileNames ); i++ )
// GetModuleHandle function returns a handle to a mapped module
// without incrementing its reference count.
if ( GetModuleHandleA( s_pFileNames[ i ] ) )
return true;
FILE *fh = fopen( "/proc/self/maps", "r" );
if ( fh )
char buf[ 1024 ];
static const char *s_pFileNames[] = { "metamod.2.tf2.so", "sourcemod.2.tf2.so", "sdkhooks.ext.2.ep2v.so", "sdkhooks.ext.2.tf2.so" };
while ( fgets( buf, sizeof( buf ), fh ) )
for ( size_t i = 0; i < Q_ARRAYSIZE( s_pFileNames ); i++ )
if ( strstr( buf, s_pFileNames[ i ] ) )
fclose( fh );
return true;
fclose( fh );
return false;
template< int _SIZE >
class CErrorText
CErrorText() : m_bIsDedicatedServer( false ) {}
~CErrorText() {}
void Steam_SetMiniDumpComment()
#if !defined( NO_STEAM )
SteamAPI_SetMiniDumpComment( m_errorText );
void CommentCat( const char * str )
V_strcat_safe( m_errorText, str );
void CommentPrintf( const char *fmt, ... )
va_list args;
va_start( args, fmt );
size_t len = strlen( m_errorText );
vsnprintf( m_errorText + len, sizeof( m_errorText ) - len - 1, fmt, args );
m_errorText[ sizeof( m_errorText ) - 1 ] = 0;
va_end( args );
void BuildComment( char const *pchSysErrorText, bool bRealCrash )
// Try and detect whether this
bool bSourceModLoaded = false;
if ( m_bIsDedicatedServer )
bSourceModLoaded = IsSourceModLoaded();
if ( bSourceModLoaded )
AppId_t AppId = GetSteamInfIDVersionInfo().ServerAppID;
// Bump up the number and report the crash. This should be something
// like 232251 (instead of 232250). 232251 is for the TF2 Windows client,
// but we actually report those crashes under ID 440, so this should be ok.
SteamAPI_SetBreakpadAppID( AppId + 1 );
// This warning only applies if you want to catch structured exceptions (crashes)
// using C++ exceptions. We do not want to do that so we can build with C++ exceptions
// completely disabled, and just suppress this warning.
// warning C4535: calling _set_se_translator() requires /EHa
#pragma warning( suppress : 4535 )
_se_translator_function curfilter = _set_se_translator( &FailSafe );
#elif defined( POSIX )
// Only need to worry about this function crashing when we're dealing with a real crash.
__sighandler_t curfilter = bRealCrash ? signal( SIGSEGV, posix_signal_handler ) : 0;
Q_memset( m_errorText, 0x00, sizeof( m_errorText ) );
if ( pchSysErrorText )
CommentCat( "Sys_Error( " );
CommentCat( pchSysErrorText );
// Trim trailing \n.
int len = V_strlen( m_errorText );
if ( len > 0 && m_errorText[ len - 1 ] == '\n' )
m_errorText[ len - 1 ] = 0;
CommentCat( " )\n" );
CommentCat( "Crash\n" );
CommentPrintf( "Uptime( %f )\n", Plat_FloatTime() );
CommentPrintf( "SourceMod:%d,DS:%d,Crash:%d\n\n", bSourceModLoaded, m_bIsDedicatedServer, bRealCrash );
// Add g_minidumpinfo from CL_SetSteamCrashComment().
CommentCat( g_minidumpinfo );
// Latch in case extended stuff below crashes
// Add Memory Status
// Spew out paged pool stuff, etc.
PAGED_POOL_INFO_t ppi_info;
if ( Plat_GetPagedPoolInfo( &ppi_info ) != SYSCALL_UNSUPPORTED )
CommentPrintf( "\nPaged Pool\nprev PP PAGES: used: %lu, free %lu\nfinal PP PAGES: used: %lu, free %lu\n",
g_pagedpoolinfo.numPagesUsed, g_pagedpoolinfo.numPagesFree,
ppi_info.numPagesUsed, ppi_info.numPagesFree );
CommentPrintf( "memallocfail? = %u\nActive: %s\nSpawnCount %d MapLoad Count %d\nError count %d, end demo %d, abort count %d\n",
( game && game->IsActiveApp() ) ? "active" : "inactive",
g_HostServerAbortCount );
// Latch in case extended stuff below crashes
// Add user comment strings. 4096 is just a large sanity number we should
// never ever reach (currently our minidump supports 32 of these.)
for( int i = 0; i < 4096; i++ )
const char *pUserStreamInfo = MinidumpUserStreamInfoGet( i );
if( !pUserStreamInfo )
if ( pUserStreamInfo[ 0 ] )
CommentPrintf( "%s", pUserStreamInfo );
bool bExtendedSpew = sys_minidumpexpandedspew.GetBool();
if ( bExtendedSpew )
#if defined( LINUX )
if ( bRealCrash )
// bRealCrash is set when we're actually making a comment for a dump or error.
AddFileToComment( "/proc/meminfo" );
AddFileToComment( "/proc/self/status" );
// Useful, but really big, so disable for now.
//$ AddFileToComment( "/proc/self/maps" );
// Oh oh
_set_se_translator( curfilter );
#elif defined( POSIX )
if ( bRealCrash )
signal( SIGSEGV, curfilter );
void BuildCommentMemStatus()
#ifdef _WIN32
const double MbDiv = 1024.0 * 1024.0;
ZeroMemory( &memStat, sizeof( MEMORYSTATUSEX ) );
memStat.dwLength = sizeof( MEMORYSTATUSEX );
if ( GlobalMemoryStatusEx( &memStat ) )
CommentPrintf( "\nMemory\nmemusage( %d %% )\ntotalPhysical Mb(%.2f)\nfreePhysical Mb(%.2f)\ntotalPaging Mb(%.2f)\nfreePaging Mb(%.2f)\ntotalVirtualMem Mb(%.2f)\nfreeVirtualMem Mb(%.2f)\nextendedVirtualFree Mb(%.2f)\n",
(double)memStat.ullTotalPhys / MbDiv,
(double)memStat.ullAvailPhys / MbDiv,
(double)memStat.ullTotalPageFile / MbDiv,
(double)memStat.ullAvailPageFile / MbDiv,
(double)memStat.ullTotalVirtual / MbDiv,
(double)memStat.ullAvailVirtual / MbDiv,
(double)memStat.ullAvailExtendedVirtual / MbDiv);
HINSTANCE hInst = LoadLibrary( "Psapi.dll" );
if ( hInst )
GetProcessMemoryInfoFn fn = (GetProcessMemoryInfoFn)GetProcAddress( hInst, "GetProcessMemoryInfo" );
if ( fn )
ZeroMemory( &counters, sizeof( PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS ) );
counters.cb = sizeof( PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS );
if ( fn( GetCurrentProcess(), &counters, sizeof( PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS ) ) )
CommentPrintf( "\nProcess Memory\nWorkingSetSize Mb(%.2f)\nQuotaPagedPoolUsage Mb(%.2f)\nQuotaNonPagedPoolUsage: Mb(%.2f)\nPagefileUsage: Mb(%.2f)\n",
(double)counters.WorkingSetSize / MbDiv,
(double)counters.QuotaPagedPoolUsage / MbDiv,
(double)counters.QuotaNonPagedPoolUsage / MbDiv,
(double)counters.PagefileUsage / MbDiv );
FreeLibrary( hInst );
#elif defined( OSX ) || defined(PLATFORM_BSD)
2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
static const struct
int ctl;
const char *name;
} s_ctl_names[] =
#define _XTAG( _x ) { _x, #_x }
2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
#undef _XTAG
for ( size_t i = 0; i < Q_ARRAYSIZE( s_ctl_names ); i++ )
uint64_t val = 0;
size_t len = sizeof( val );
int mib[] = { CTL_HW, s_ctl_names[ i ].ctl };
if ( sysctl( mib, Q_ARRAYSIZE( mib ), &val, &len, NULL, 0 ) == 0 )
CommentPrintf( " %s: %d\n", s_ctl_names[ i ].name, val );
2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
void BuildCommentExtended()
CommentCat( "\nConVars (non-default)\n\n" );
CommentPrintf( "%s %s %s\n", "var", "value", "default" );
for ( const ConCommandBase *var = g_pCVar->GetCommands() ; var ; var = var->GetNext())
if ( var->IsCommand() )
ConVar *pCvar = ( ConVar * )var;
if ( !(pCvar->IsFlagSet( FCVAR_NEVER_AS_STRING ) ) )
char var1[ MAX_OSPATH ];
char var2[ MAX_OSPATH ];
Q_strncpy( var1, Host_CleanupConVarStringValue( pCvar->GetString() ), sizeof( var1 ) );
Q_strncpy( var2, Host_CleanupConVarStringValue( pCvar->GetDefault() ), sizeof( var2 ) );
if ( !Q_stricmp( var1, var2 ) )
if ( pCvar->GetFloat() == Q_atof( pCvar->GetDefault() ) )
if ( !(pCvar->IsFlagSet( FCVAR_NEVER_AS_STRING ) ) )
CommentPrintf( "%s '%s' '%s'\n", pCvar->GetName(), Host_CleanupConVarStringValue( pCvar->GetString() ), pCvar->GetDefault() );
CommentPrintf( "%s '%f' '%f'\n", pCvar->GetName(), pCvar->GetFloat(), Q_atof( pCvar->GetDefault() ) );
CommentCat( "\nConsole History (reversed)\n\n" );
// Get console
int len = V_strlen( m_errorText );
if ( len < sizeof( m_errorText ) )
GetSpew( m_errorText + len, sizeof( m_errorText ) - len - 1 );
m_errorText[ sizeof( m_errorText ) - 1 ] = 0;
catch ( ... )
CommentCat( "Exception thrown building console/convar history.\n" );
#if defined( LINUX )
void AddFileToComment( const char *filename )
CommentPrintf( "\n%s:\n", filename );
int nStart = Q_strlen( m_errorText );
int nMaxLen = sizeof( m_errorText ) - nStart - 1;
if ( nMaxLen > 0 )
FILE *fh = fopen( filename, "r" );
if ( fh )
size_t ret = fread( m_errorText + nStart, 1, nMaxLen, fh );
fclose( fh );
// Replace tab characters with spaces.
for ( size_t i = 0; i < ret; i++ )
if ( m_errorText[ nStart + i ] == '\t' )
m_errorText[ nStart + i ] = ' ';
// Entire buffer should have been zeroed out, but just super sure...
m_errorText[ sizeof( m_errorText ) - 1 ] = 0;
#endif // LINUX
char m_errorText[ _SIZE ];
bool m_bIsDedicatedServer;
#if defined( _X360 )
static CErrorText<3500> errorText;
static CErrorText<95000> errorText;
void BuildMinidumpComment( char const *pchSysErrorText, bool bRealCrash )
#if !defined(NO_STEAM)
// Uncomment this code if you are testing max minidump comment length issues
// It allows you to asked for a dummy comment of a certain length
int nCommentLength = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-commentlen", 0 );
if ( nCommentLength > 0 )
nCommentLength = MIN( nCommentLength, 128*1024 );
char *cbuf = new char[ nCommentLength + 1 ];
for ( int i = 0; i < nCommentLength; ++i )
cbuf[ i ] = (char)('0' + (i % 10));
cbuf[ nCommentLength ] = 0;
SteamAPI_SetMiniDumpComment( cbuf );
delete[] cbuf;
errorText.BuildComment( pchSysErrorText, bRealCrash );
#if defined( POSIX )
static void PosixPreMinidumpCallback( void *context )
BuildMinidumpComment( NULL, true );
// Purpose: Attempt to initialize appid/steam.inf/minidump information. May only return partial information if called
// before Filesystem is ready.
// The desire is to be able to call this ASAP to init basic minidump and AppID info, then re-call later on when
// the filesystem is setup, so full version # information and such can be propagated to the minidump system.
// (Currently, SDK mods will generally only have partial information prior to filesystem init)
// steam.inf keys.
#define VERSION_KEY "PatchVersion="
#define PRODUCT_KEY "ProductName="
#define SERVER_VERSION_KEY "ServerVersion="
#define APPID_KEY "AppID="
#define SERVER_APPID_KEY "ServerAppID="
enum eSteamInfoInit
static eSteamInfoInit Sys_TryInitSteamInfo( void *pvAPI, SteamInfVersionInfo_t& VerInfo, const char *pchMod, const char *pchBaseDir, bool bDedicated )
static eSteamInfoInit initState = eSteamInfo_Uninitialized;
eSteamInfoInit previousInitState = initState;
// Initialize with some defaults.
VerInfo.ClientVersion = 0;
VerInfo.ServerVersion = 0;
V_strcpy_safe( VerInfo.szVersionString, "valve" );
V_strcpy_safe( VerInfo.szProductString, "" );
VerInfo.AppID = k_uAppIdInvalid;
VerInfo.ServerAppID = k_uAppIdInvalid;
// Filesystem may or may not be up
CUtlBuffer infBuf;
bool bFoundInf = false;
if ( g_pFileSystem )
FileHandle_t fh;
fh = g_pFileSystem->Open( "steam.inf", "rb", "GAME" );
bFoundInf = fh && g_pFileSystem->ReadToBuffer( fh, infBuf );
if ( !bFoundInf )
// We may try to load the steam.inf BEFORE we turn on the filesystem, so use raw filesystem API's here.
char szFullPath[ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 };
char szModSteamInfPath[ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 };
V_ComposeFileName( pchMod, "steam.inf", szModSteamInfPath, sizeof( szModSteamInfPath ) );
V_MakeAbsolutePath( szFullPath, sizeof( szFullPath ), szModSteamInfPath, pchBaseDir );
// Try opening steam.inf
FILE *fp = fopen( szFullPath, "rb" );
if ( fp )
// Read steam.inf data.
fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
size_t bufsize = ftell( fp );
fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_SET );
infBuf.EnsureCapacity( bufsize + 1 );
size_t iBytesRead = fread( infBuf.Base(), 1, bufsize, fp );
((char *)infBuf.Base())[iBytesRead] = 0;
infBuf.SeekPut( CUtlBuffer::SEEK_CURRENT, iBytesRead + 1 );
fclose( fp );
bFoundInf = ( iBytesRead == bufsize );
if ( bFoundInf )
const char *pbuf = (const char*)infBuf.Base();
while ( 1 )
pbuf = COM_Parse( pbuf );
if ( !pbuf || !com_token[ 0 ] )
if ( !Q_strnicmp( com_token, VERSION_KEY, Q_strlen( VERSION_KEY ) ) )
V_strcpy_safe( VerInfo.szVersionString, com_token + Q_strlen( VERSION_KEY ) );
VerInfo.ClientVersion = atoi( VerInfo.szVersionString );
else if ( !Q_strnicmp( com_token, PRODUCT_KEY, Q_strlen( PRODUCT_KEY ) ) )
V_strcpy_safe( VerInfo.szProductString, com_token + Q_strlen( PRODUCT_KEY ) );
else if ( !Q_strnicmp( com_token, SERVER_VERSION_KEY, Q_strlen( SERVER_VERSION_KEY ) ) )
VerInfo.ServerVersion = atoi( com_token + Q_strlen( SERVER_VERSION_KEY ) );
else if ( !Q_strnicmp( com_token, APPID_KEY, Q_strlen( APPID_KEY ) ) )
VerInfo.AppID = atoi( com_token + Q_strlen( APPID_KEY ) );
else if ( !Q_strnicmp( com_token, SERVER_APPID_KEY, Q_strlen( SERVER_APPID_KEY ) ) )
VerInfo.ServerAppID = atoi( com_token + Q_strlen( SERVER_APPID_KEY ) );
// If we found a steam.inf we're as good as we're going to get, but don't tell callers we're fully initialized
// if it doesn't at least have an AppID
initState = ( VerInfo.AppID != k_uAppIdInvalid ) ? eSteamInfo_Initialized : eSteamInfo_Partial;
else if ( !bDedicated )
// Opening steam.inf failed - try to open gameinfo.txt and read in just SteamAppId from that.
// (gameinfo.txt lacks the dedicated server steamid, so we'll just have to live until filesystem init to setup
// breakpad there when we hit this case)
char szModGameinfoPath[ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 };
char szFullPath[ MAX_PATH ] = { 0 };
V_ComposeFileName( pchMod, "gameinfo.txt", szModGameinfoPath, sizeof( szModGameinfoPath ) );
V_MakeAbsolutePath( szFullPath, sizeof( szFullPath ), szModGameinfoPath, pchBaseDir );
// Try opening gameinfo.txt
FILE *fp = fopen( szFullPath, "rb" );
if( fp )
fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_END );
size_t bufsize = ftell( fp );
fseek( fp, 0, SEEK_SET );
char *buffer = ( char * )_alloca( bufsize + 1 );
size_t iBytesRead = fread( buffer, 1, bufsize, fp );
buffer[ iBytesRead ] = 0;
fclose( fp );
KeyValuesAD pkvGameInfo( "gameinfo" );
if ( pkvGameInfo->LoadFromBuffer( "gameinfo.txt", buffer ) )
VerInfo.AppID = (AppId_t)pkvGameInfo->GetInt( "FileSystem/SteamAppId", k_uAppIdInvalid );
initState = eSteamInfo_Partial;
// In partial state the ServerAppID might be unknown, but if we found the full steam.inf and it's not set, it shares AppID.
if ( initState == eSteamInfo_Initialized && VerInfo.ServerAppID == k_uAppIdInvalid )
VerInfo.ServerAppID = VerInfo.AppID;
#if !defined(_X360)
if ( VerInfo.AppID )
// steamclient.dll doesn't know about steam.inf files in mod folder,
// it accepts a steam_appid.txt in the root directory if the game is
// not started through Steam. So we create one there containing the
// current AppID
FILE *fh = fopen( "steam_appid.txt", "wb" );
if ( fh )
CFmtStrN< 128 > strAppID( "%u\n", VerInfo.AppID );
fwrite( strAppID.Get(), strAppID.Length() + 1, 1, fh );
fclose( fh );
#endif // !_X360
// Update minidump info if we have more information than before
#ifndef NO_STEAM
// If -nobreakpad was specified or we found metamod or sourcemod, don't register breakpad.
bool bUseBreakpad = !CommandLine()->FindParm( "-nobreakpad" ) && ( !bDedicated || !IsSourceModLoaded() );
AppId_t BreakpadAppId = bDedicated ? VerInfo.ServerAppID : VerInfo.AppID;
Assert( BreakpadAppId != k_uAppIdInvalid || initState < eSteamInfo_Initialized );
if ( BreakpadAppId != k_uAppIdInvalid && initState > previousInitState && bUseBreakpad )
void *pvMiniDumpContext = NULL;
PFNPreMinidumpCallback pfnPreMinidumpCallback = NULL;
bool bFullMemoryDump = !bDedicated && IsWindows() && CommandLine()->FindParm( "-full_memory_dumps" );
#if defined( POSIX )
// On Windows we're relying on the try/except to build the minidump comment. On Linux, we don't have that
// so we need to register the minidumpcallback handler here.
pvMiniDumpContext = pvAPI;
pfnPreMinidumpCallback = PosixPreMinidumpCallback;
CFmtStrN<128> pchVersion( "%d", build_number() );
Msg( "Using Breakpad minidump system. Version: %s AppID: %u\n", pchVersion.Get(), BreakpadAppId );
// We can filter various crash dumps differently in the Socorro backend code:
// Steam/min/web/crash_reporter/socorro/scripts/config/collectorconfig.py
SteamAPI_SetBreakpadAppID( BreakpadAppId );
SteamAPI_UseBreakpadCrashHandler( pchVersion, __DATE__, __TIME__, bFullMemoryDump, pvMiniDumpContext, pfnPreMinidumpCallback );
// Tell errorText class if this is dedicated server.
errorText.m_bIsDedicatedServer = bDedicated;
#endif // NO_STEAM
MinidumpUserStreamInfoSetHeader( "%sLaunching \"%s\"\n", ( bDedicated ? "DedicatedServerAPI " : "" ), CommandLine()->GetCmdLine() );
return initState;
#ifndef SWDS
// Main engine interface exposed to launcher
class CEngineAPI : public CTier3AppSystem< IEngineAPI >
typedef CTier3AppSystem< IEngineAPI > BaseClass;
virtual bool Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory );
virtual void Disconnect();
virtual void *QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName );
virtual InitReturnVal_t Init();
virtual void Shutdown();
// This function must be called before init
virtual void SetStartupInfo( StartupInfo_t &info );
virtual int Run( );
// Sets the engine to run in a particular editor window
virtual void SetEngineWindow( void *hWnd );
// Posts a console command
virtual void PostConsoleCommand( const char *pConsoleCommand );
// Are we running the simulation?
virtual bool IsRunningSimulation( ) const;
// Start/stop running the simulation
virtual void ActivateSimulation( bool bActive );
// Reset the map we're on
virtual void SetMap( const char *pMapName );
bool MainLoop();
int RunListenServer();
// Hooks a particular mod up to the registry
void SetRegistryMod( const char *pModName );
// One-time setup, based on the initially selected mod
// FIXME: This should move into the launcher!
bool OnStartup( void *pInstance, const char *pStartupModName );
void OnShutdown();
// Initialization, shutdown of a mod.
bool ModInit( const char *pModName, const char *pGameDir );
void ModShutdown();
// Initializes, shuts down the registry
bool InitRegistry( const char *pModName );
void ShutdownRegistry();
// Handles there being an error setting up the video mode
InitReturnVal_t HandleSetModeError();
// Initializes, shuts down VR
bool InitVR();
void ShutdownVR();
// Purpose: Message pump when running stand-alone
void PumpMessages();
// Purpose: Message pump when running with the editor
void PumpMessagesEditMode( bool &bIdle, long &lIdleCount );
// Activate/deactivates edit mode shaders
void ActivateEditModeShaders( bool bActive );
void *m_hEditorHWnd;
bool m_bRunningSimulation;
bool m_bSupportsVR;
StartupInfo_t m_StartupInfo;
// Singleton interface
static CEngineAPI s_EngineAPI;
// Connect, disconnect
bool CEngineAPI::Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory )
// Store off the app system factory...
g_AppSystemFactory = factory;
if ( !BaseClass::Connect( factory ) )
return false;
g_pFileSystem = g_pFullFileSystem;
if ( !g_pFileSystem )
return false;
g_pFileSystem->SetWarningFunc( Warning );
if ( !Shader_Connect( true ) )
return false;
g_pPhysics = (IPhysics*)factory( VPHYSICS_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL );
if ( !g_pStudioRender || !g_pDataCache || !g_pPhysics || !g_pMDLCache || !g_pMatSystemSurface || !g_pInputSystem /* || !g_pVideo */ )
Warning( "Engine wasn't able to acquire required interfaces!\n" );
return false;
if (!g_pStudioRender)
Sys_Error( "Unable to init studio render system version %s\n", STUDIO_RENDER_INTERFACE_VERSION );
return false;
g_pHammer = (IHammer*)factory( INTERFACEVERSION_HAMMER, NULL );
#if defined( USE_SDL )
g_pLauncherMgr = (ILauncherMgr *)factory( SDLMGR_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL );
return true;
void CEngineAPI::Disconnect()
#if !defined( SWDS )
TRACESHUTDOWN( Steam3Client().Shutdown() );
g_pHammer = NULL;
g_pPhysics = NULL;
g_pFileSystem = NULL;
g_AppSystemFactory = NULL;
// Query interface
void *CEngineAPI::QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName )
// Loading the engine DLL mounts *all* engine interfaces
CreateInterfaceFn factory = Sys_GetFactoryThis(); // This silly construction is necessary
return factory( pInterfaceName, NULL ); // to prevent the LTCG compiler from crashing.
// Sets startup info
void CEngineAPI::SetStartupInfo( StartupInfo_t &info )
// Setup and write out steam_appid.txt before we launch
bool bDedicated = false; // Dedicated comes through CDedicatedServerAPI
eSteamInfoInit steamInfo = Sys_TryInitSteamInfo( this, g_SteamInfIDVersionInfo, info.m_pInitialMod, info.m_pBaseDirectory, bDedicated );
g_bTextMode = info.m_bTextMode;
// Set up the engineparms_t which contains global information about the mod
host_parms.basedir = const_cast<char*>( info.m_pBaseDirectory );
// Copy off all the startup info
m_StartupInfo = info;
#if !defined( SWDS )
// turn on the Steam3 API early so we can query app data up front
TRACEINIT( Steam3Client().Activate(), Steam3Client().Shutdown() );
// Needs to be done prior to init material system config
TRACEINIT( COM_InitFilesystem( m_StartupInfo.m_pInitialMod ), COM_ShutdownFileSystem() );
if ( steamInfo != eSteamInfo_Initialized )
// Try again with filesystem available. This is commonly needed for SDK mods which need the filesystem to find
// their steam.inf, due to mounting SDK search paths.
steamInfo = Sys_TryInitSteamInfo( this, g_SteamInfIDVersionInfo, info.m_pInitialMod, info.m_pBaseDirectory, bDedicated );
Assert( steamInfo == eSteamInfo_Initialized );
if ( steamInfo != eSteamInfo_Initialized )
Warning( "Failed to find steam.inf or equivalent steam info. May not have proper information to connect to Steam.\n" );
m_bSupportsVR = false;
if ( IsPC() )
KeyValues *modinfo = new KeyValues("ModInfo");
if ( modinfo->LoadFromFile( g_pFileSystem, "gameinfo.txt" ) )
// Enable file tracking - client always does this in case it connects to a pure server.
// server only does this if sv_pure is set
// If it's not singleplayer_only
if ( V_stricmp( modinfo->GetString("type", "singleplayer_only"), "singleplayer_only") == 0 )
DevMsg( "Disabling whitelist file tracking in filesystem...\n" );
g_pFileSystem->EnableWhitelistFileTracking( false, false, false );
DevMsg( "Enabling whitelist file tracking in filesystem...\n" );
g_pFileSystem->EnableWhitelistFileTracking( true, false, false );
m_bSupportsVR = modinfo->GetInt( "supportsvr" ) > 0 && CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-vr" );
if ( m_bSupportsVR )
// This also has to happen before CreateGameWindow to know where to put
// the window and how big to make it
if ( InitVR() )
if ( Steam3Client().SteamUtils() )
if ( Steam3Client().SteamUtils()->IsSteamRunningInVR() && g_pSourceVR->IsHmdConnected() )
int nForceVRAdapterIndex = g_pSourceVR->GetVRModeAdapter();
materials->SetAdapter( nForceVRAdapterIndex, 0 );
// Init, shutdown
InitReturnVal_t CEngineAPI::Init()
if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-sv_benchmark" ) != 0 )
Plat_SetBenchmarkMode( true );
InitReturnVal_t nRetVal = BaseClass::Init();
if ( nRetVal != INIT_OK )
return nRetVal;
m_bRunningSimulation = false;
// Initialize the FPU control word
#if defined(WIN32) && !defined( SWDS ) && !defined( _X360 ) && !defined (__arm__) && !defined(PLATFORM_WINDOWS_PC64)
2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
// This creates the videomode singleton object, it doesn't depend on the registry
// Initialize the editor hwnd to render into
m_hEditorHWnd = NULL;
// One-time setup
// FIXME: OnStartup + OnShutdown should be removed + moved into the launcher
// or the launcher code should be merged into the engine into the code in OnStartup/OnShutdown
if ( !OnStartup( m_StartupInfo.m_pInstance, m_StartupInfo.m_pInitialMod ) )
return HandleSetModeError();
return INIT_OK;
void CEngineAPI::Shutdown()
// Sets the engine to run in a particular editor window
void CEngineAPI::SetEngineWindow( void *hWnd )
if ( !InEditMode() )
// Detach input from the previous editor window
m_hEditorHWnd = hWnd;
videomode->SetGameWindow( m_hEditorHWnd );
// Posts a console command
void CEngineAPI::PostConsoleCommand( const char *pCommand )
Cbuf_AddText( pCommand );
// Is the engine currently rinning?
bool CEngineAPI::IsRunningSimulation() const
return (eng->GetState() == IEngine::DLL_ACTIVE);
// Reset the map we're on
void CEngineAPI::SetMap( const char *pMapName )
// if ( !Q_stricmp( sv.mapname, pMapName ) )
// return;
char buf[MAX_PATH];
Q_snprintf( buf, MAX_PATH, "map %s", pMapName );
Cbuf_AddText( buf );
// Start/stop running the simulation
void CEngineAPI::ActivateSimulation( bool bActive )
// FIXME: Not sure what will happen in this case
if ( ( eng->GetState() != IEngine::DLL_ACTIVE ) &&
( eng->GetState() != IEngine::DLL_PAUSED ) )
bool bCurrentlyActive = (eng->GetState() != IEngine::DLL_PAUSED);
if ( bActive == bCurrentlyActive )
// FIXME: Should attachment/detachment be part of the state machine in IEngine?
if ( !bActive )
eng->SetNextState( IEngine::DLL_PAUSED );
// Detach input from the previous editor window
eng->SetNextState( IEngine::DLL_ACTIVE );
// Start accepting input from the new window
// FIXME: What if the attachment fails?
static void MoveConsoleWindowToFront()
#ifdef _WIN32
// Move the window to the front.
HINSTANCE hInst = LoadLibrary( "kernel32.dll" );
if ( hInst )
typedef HWND (*GetConsoleWindowFn)();
GetConsoleWindowFn fn = (GetConsoleWindowFn)GetProcAddress( hInst, "GetConsoleWindow" );
if ( fn )
HWND hwnd = fn();
ShowWindow( hwnd, SW_SHOW );
UpdateWindow( hwnd );
SetWindowPos( hwnd, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOSIZE | SWP_SHOWWINDOW );
FreeLibrary( hInst );
// Purpose: Message pump when running stand-alone
void CEngineAPI::PumpMessages()
// This message pumping happens in SDL if SDL is enabled.
#if defined( PLATFORM_WINDOWS ) && !defined( USE_SDL )
MSG msg;
while ( PeekMessage( &msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE ) )
TranslateMessage( &msg );
DispatchMessage( &msg );
#if defined( USE_SDL )
// Get input from attached devices
if ( IsX360() )
// handle Xbox system messages
// NOTE: Under some implementations of Win9x,
// dispatching messages can cause the FPU control word to change
if ( IsPC() )
if ( IsPC() )
static bool s_bFirstRun = true;
if ( s_bFirstRun )
s_bFirstRun = false;
// Purpose: Message pump when running stand-alone
void CEngineAPI::PumpMessagesEditMode( bool &bIdle, long &lIdleCount )
if ( bIdle && !g_pHammer->HammerOnIdle( lIdleCount++ ) )
bIdle = false;
// Get input from attached devices
#ifdef WIN32
MSG msg;
while ( PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE) )
if ( msg.message == WM_QUIT )
eng->SetQuitting( IEngine::QUIT_TODESKTOP );
if ( !g_pHammer->HammerPreTranslateMessage(&msg) )
// Reset idle state after pumping idle message.
if ( g_pHammer->HammerIsIdleMessage(&msg) )
bIdle = true;
lIdleCount = 0;
#elif defined( USE_SDL )
Error( "Not supported" );
// NOTE: Under some implementations of Win9x,
// dispatching messages can cause the FPU control word to change
// Activate/deactivates edit mode shaders
void CEngineAPI::ActivateEditModeShaders( bool bActive )
if ( InEditMode() && ( g_pMaterialSystemConfig->bEditMode != bActive ) )
MaterialSystem_Config_t config = *g_pMaterialSystemConfig;
config.bEditMode = bActive;
OverrideMaterialSystemConfig( config );
static bool g_gprofiling = false;
CON_COMMAND( gprofilerstart, "Starts the gperftools profiler recording to the specified file." )
if ( g_gprofiling )
Msg( "Profiling is already started.\n" );
char buffer[500];
const char* profname = buffer;
if ( args.ArgC() < 2 )
static const char *s_pszHomeDir = getenv("HOME");
if ( !s_pszHomeDir )
Msg( "Syntax: gprofile <outputfilename>\n" );
// Use the current date and time to create a unique file name.time_t t = time(NULL);
time_t t = time(NULL);
struct tm tm = *localtime(&t);
V_sprintf_safe( buffer, "%s/valveprofile_%4d_%02d_%02d_%02d.%02d.%02d.prof", s_pszHomeDir,
tm.tm_year + 1900, tm.tm_mon + 1, tm.tm_mday, tm.tm_hour, tm.tm_min, tm.tm_sec );
// profname already points to buffer.
profname = args[1];
int result = ProfilerStart( profname );
if ( result )
Msg( "Profiling started successfully. Recording to %s. Stop profiling with gprofilerstop.\n", profname );
g_gprofiling = true;
Msg( "Profiling to %s failed to start - errno = %d.\n", profname, errno );
CON_COMMAND( gprofilerstop, "Stops the gperftools profiler." )
if ( g_gprofiling )
Msg( "Stopped profiling.\n" );
g_gprofiling = false;
void StopGProfiler()
gprofilerstop( CCommand() );
// Purpose: Message pump
bool CEngineAPI::MainLoop()
bool bIdle = true;
long lIdleCount = 0;
// Main message pump
while ( true )
// Pump messages unless someone wants to quit
if ( eng->GetQuitting() != IEngine::QUIT_NOTQUITTING )
// We have to explicitly stop the profiler since otherwise symbol
// resolution doesn't work correctly.
if ( eng->GetQuitting() != IEngine::QUIT_TODESKTOP )
return true;
return false;
// Pump the message loop
if ( !InEditMode() )
PumpMessagesEditMode( bIdle, lIdleCount );
// Run engine frame + hammer frame
if ( !InEditMode() || m_hEditorHWnd )
VCRSyncToken( "Frame" );
// Deactivate edit mode shaders
ActivateEditModeShaders( false );
// Reactivate edit mode shaders (in Edit mode only...)
ActivateEditModeShaders( true );
if ( InEditMode() )
return false;
// Initializes, shuts down the registry
bool CEngineAPI::InitRegistry( const char *pModName )
if ( IsPC() )
char szRegSubPath[MAX_PATH];
Q_snprintf( szRegSubPath, sizeof(szRegSubPath), "%s\\%s", "Source", pModName );
return registry->Init( szRegSubPath );
return true;
void CEngineAPI::ShutdownRegistry( )
if ( IsPC() )
registry->Shutdown( );
// Initializes, shuts down VR (via sourcevr.dll)
bool CEngineAPI::InitVR()
if ( m_bSupportsVR )
g_pSourceVR = (ISourceVirtualReality *)g_AppSystemFactory( SOURCE_VIRTUAL_REALITY_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL );
if ( g_pSourceVR )
// make sure that the sourcevr DLL we loaded is secure. If not, don't
// let this client connect to secure servers.
if ( !Host_AllowLoadModule( "sourcevr" DLL_EXT_STRING, "EXECUTABLE_PATH", false ) )
Warning( "Preventing connections to secure servers because sourcevr.dll is not signed.\n" );
return true;
void CEngineAPI::ShutdownVR()
// One-time setup, based on the initially selected mod
// FIXME: This should move into the launcher!
bool CEngineAPI::OnStartup( void *pInstance, const char *pStartupModName )
// This fixes a bug on certain machines where the input will
// stop coming in for about 1 second when someone hits a key.
// (true means to disable priority boost)
#ifdef WIN32
if ( IsPC() )
SetThreadPriorityBoost( GetCurrentThread(), true );
// FIXME: Turn videomode + game into IAppSystems?
// Try to create the window
COM_TimestampedLog( "game->Init" );
// This has to happen before CreateGameWindow to set up the instance
// for use by the code that creates the window
if ( !game->Init( pInstance ) )
goto onStartupError;
// Try to create the window
COM_TimestampedLog( "videomode->Init" );
// This needs to be after Shader_Init and registry->Init
// This way mods can have different default video settings
if ( !videomode->Init( ) )
goto onStartupShutdownGame;
// We need to access the registry to get various settings (specifically,
// InitMaterialSystemConfig requires it).
if ( !InitRegistry( pStartupModName ) )
goto onStartupShutdownVideoMode;
// Setup the material system config record, CreateGameWindow depends on it
// (when we're running stand-alone)
InitMaterialSystemConfig( InEditMode() );
#if defined( _X360 )
return true;
// Various error conditions
return false;
// One-time shutdown (shuts down stuff set up in OnStartup)
// FIXME: This should move into the launcher!
void CEngineAPI::OnShutdown()
if ( videomode )
// Shut down the game
TRACESHUTDOWN( COM_ShutdownFileSystem() );
static bool IsValveMod( const char *pModName )
// Figure out if we're running a Valve mod or not.
return ( Q_stricmp( GetCurrentMod(), "cstrike" ) == 0 ||
Q_stricmp( GetCurrentMod(), "dod" ) == 0 ||
Q_stricmp( GetCurrentMod(), "hl1mp" ) == 0 ||
Q_stricmp( GetCurrentMod(), "tf" ) == 0 ||
Q_stricmp( GetCurrentMod(), "tf_beta" ) == 0 ||
Q_stricmp( GetCurrentMod(), "hl2mp" ) == 0 );
// Initialization, shutdown of a mod.
bool CEngineAPI::ModInit( const char *pModName, const char *pGameDir )
// Set up the engineparms_t which contains global information about the mod
host_parms.mod = COM_StringCopy( GetModDirFromPath( pModName ) );
host_parms.game = COM_StringCopy( pGameDir );
// By default, restrict server commands in Valve games and don't restrict them in mods.
cl.m_bRestrictServerCommands = IsValveMod( host_parms.mod );
cl.m_bRestrictClientCommands = cl.m_bRestrictServerCommands;
// build the registry path we're going to use for this mod
InitRegistry( pModName );
// This sets up the game search path, depends on host_parms
TRACEINIT( MapReslistGenerator_Init(), MapReslistGenerator_Shutdown() );
#if !defined( _X360 )
TRACEINIT( DevShotGenerator_Init(), DevShotGenerator_Shutdown() );
// Slam cvars based on mod/config.cfg
bool bWindowed = g_pMaterialSystemConfig->Windowed();
if( g_pMaterialSystemConfig->m_nVRModeAdapter != -1 )
// at init time we never want to start up full screen
bWindowed = true;
// Create the game window now that we have a search path
// FIXME: Deal with initial window width + height better
if ( !videomode || !videomode->CreateGameWindow( g_pMaterialSystemConfig->m_VideoMode.m_Width, g_pMaterialSystemConfig->m_VideoMode.m_Height, bWindowed ) )
return false;
return true;
void CEngineAPI::ModShutdown()
// Stop accepting input from the window
#if !defined( _X360 )
TRACESHUTDOWN( DevShotGenerator_Shutdown() );
TRACESHUTDOWN( MapReslistGenerator_Shutdown() );
// Purpose: Handles there being an error setting up the video mode
// Output : Returns true on if the engine should restart, false if it should quit
InitReturnVal_t CEngineAPI::HandleSetModeError()
// show an error, see if the user wants to restart
if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-safe" ) )
Sys_MessageBox( "Failed to set video mode.\n\nThis game has a minimum requirement of DirectX 7.0 compatible hardware.\n", "Video mode error", false );
if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-autoconfig" ) )
if ( Sys_MessageBox( "Failed to set video mode - falling back to safe mode settings.\n\nGame will now restart with the new video settings.", "Video - safe mode fallback", true ))
CommandLine()->AppendParm( "-safe", NULL );
return (InitReturnVal_t)INIT_RESTART;
if ( Sys_MessageBox( "Failed to set video mode - resetting to defaults.\n\nGame will now restart with the new video settings.", "Video mode warning", true ) )
CommandLine()->AppendParm( "-autoconfig", NULL );
return (InitReturnVal_t)INIT_RESTART;
// Purpose: Main loop for non-dedicated servers
int CEngineAPI::RunListenServer()
// NOTE: Systems set up here should depend on the mod
// Systems which are mod-independent should be set up in the launcher or Init()
// Innocent until proven guilty
int nRunResult = RUN_OK;
// Happens every time we start up and shut down a mod
if ( ModInit( m_StartupInfo.m_pInitialMod, m_StartupInfo.m_pInitialGame ) )
CModAppSystemGroup modAppSystemGroup( false, m_StartupInfo.m_pParentAppSystemGroup );
// Store off the app system factory...
g_AppSystemFactory = modAppSystemGroup.GetFactory();
nRunResult = modAppSystemGroup.Run();
g_AppSystemFactory = NULL;
// Shuts down the mod
// Disconnects from the editor window
videomode->SetGameWindow( NULL );
// Closes down things that were set up in OnStartup
// FIXME: OnStartup + OnShutdown should be removed + moved into the launcher
// or the launcher code should be merged into the engine into the code in OnStartup/OnShutdown
return nRunResult;
static void StaticRunListenServer( void *arg )
*(int *)arg = s_EngineAPI.RunListenServer();
// This function is set as the crash handler for unhandled exceptions and as the minidump
// handler for to be used by all of tier0's crash recording. This function
// adds a game-specific minidump comment and ensures that the SteamAPI function is
// used to save the minidump so that crashes are uploaded. SteamAPI has previously
// been configured to use breakpad by calling SteamAPI_UseBreakpadCrashHandler.
extern "C" void __cdecl WriteSteamMiniDumpWithComment( unsigned int uStructuredExceptionCode,
struct _EXCEPTION_POINTERS * pExceptionInfo,
const char *pszFilenameSuffix )
// TODO: dynamically set the minidump comment from contextual info about the crash (i.e current VPROF node)?
#if !defined( NO_STEAM )
if ( g_bUpdateMinidumpComment )
BuildMinidumpComment( NULL, true );
SteamAPI_WriteMiniDump( uStructuredExceptionCode, pExceptionInfo, build_number() );
// Clear DSound Buffers so the sound doesn't loop while the game shuts down
catch ( ... )
// Purpose: Main
int CEngineAPI::Run()
if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-insecure" ) || CommandLine()->FindParm( "-textmode" ) )
#ifdef _X360
return RunListenServer(); // don't handle exceptions on 360 (because if we do then minidumps won't work at all)
#elif defined ( _WIN32 )
// Ensure that we crash when we do something naughty in a callback
// such as a window proc. Otherwise on a 64-bit OS the crashes will be
// silently swallowed.
// Set the default minidump handling function. This is necessary so that Steam
// will upload crashes, with comments.
SetMiniDumpFunction( WriteSteamMiniDumpWithComment );
// Catch unhandled crashes. A normal __try/__except block will not work across
// the kernel callback boundary, but this does. To be clear, __try/__except
// and try/catch will usually not catch exceptions in a WindowProc or other
// callback that is called from kernel mode because 64-bit Windows cannot handle
// throwing exceptions across that boundary. See this article for details:
// http://blog.paulbetts.org/index.php/2010/07/20/the-case-of-the-disappearing-onload-exception-user-mode-callback-exceptions-in-x64/
// Note that the unhandled exception function is not called when running
// under a debugger, but that's fine because in that case we don't care about
// recording minidumps.
// The try/catch block still makes sense because it is a more reliable way
// of catching exceptions that aren't in callbacks.
// The unhandled exception filter will also catch crashes in threads that
// don't have a try/catch or __try/__except block.
bool noMinidumps = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-nominidumps");
if ( !noMinidumps )
MinidumpSetUnhandledExceptionFunction( WriteSteamMiniDumpWithComment );
if ( !Plat_IsInDebugSession() && !noMinidumps )
int nRetVal = RUN_OK;
CatchAndWriteMiniDumpForVoidPtrFn( StaticRunListenServer, &nRetVal, true );
return nRetVal;
return RunListenServer();
return RunListenServer();
#endif // SWDS
bool g_bUsingLegacyAppSystems = false;
bool CModAppSystemGroup::AddLegacySystems()
g_bUsingLegacyAppSystems = true;
AppSystemInfo_t appSystems[] =
{ "", "" } // Required to terminate the list
if ( !AddSystems( appSystems ) )
return false;
#if !defined( DEDICATED )
// if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-tools" ) )
AppModule_t toolFrameworkModule = LoadModule( "engine" DLL_EXT_STRING );
if ( !AddSystem( toolFrameworkModule, VTOOLFRAMEWORK_INTERFACE_VERSION ) )
return false;
return true;
// Instantiate all main libraries
bool CModAppSystemGroup::Create()
#ifndef SWDS
if ( !IsServerOnly() )
if ( !ClientDLL_Load() )
return false;
if ( !ServerDLL_Load( IsServerOnly() ) )
return false;
IClientDLLSharedAppSystems *clientSharedSystems = 0;
#ifndef SWDS
if ( !IsServerOnly() )
clientSharedSystems = ( IClientDLLSharedAppSystems * )g_ClientFactory( CLIENT_DLL_SHARED_APPSYSTEMS, NULL );
if ( !clientSharedSystems )
return AddLegacySystems();
IServerDLLSharedAppSystems *serverSharedSystems = ( IServerDLLSharedAppSystems * )g_ServerFactory( SERVER_DLL_SHARED_APPSYSTEMS, NULL );
if ( !serverSharedSystems )
Assert( !"Expected both game and client .dlls to have or not have shared app systems interfaces!!!" );
return AddLegacySystems();
// Load game and client .dlls and build list then
CUtlVector< AppSystemInfo_t > systems;
int i;
int serverCount = serverSharedSystems->Count();
for ( i = 0 ; i < serverCount; ++i )
const char *dllName = serverSharedSystems->GetDllName( i );
const char *interfaceName = serverSharedSystems->GetInterfaceName( i );
AppSystemInfo_t info;
info.m_pModuleName = dllName;
info.m_pInterfaceName = interfaceName;
systems.AddToTail( info );
if ( !IsServerOnly() )
int clientCount = clientSharedSystems->Count();
for ( i = 0 ; i < clientCount; ++i )
const char *dllName = clientSharedSystems->GetDllName( i );
const char *interfaceName = clientSharedSystems->GetInterfaceName( i );
if ( ModuleAlreadyInList( systems, dllName, interfaceName ) )
AppSystemInfo_t info;
info.m_pModuleName = dllName;
info.m_pInterfaceName = interfaceName;
systems.AddToTail( info );
AppSystemInfo_t info;
info.m_pModuleName = "";
info.m_pInterfaceName = "";
systems.AddToTail( info );
if ( !AddSystems( systems.Base() ) )
return false;
#if !defined( DEDICATED )
// if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-tools" ) )
AppModule_t toolFrameworkModule = LoadModule( "engine" DLL_EXT_STRING );
if ( !AddSystem( toolFrameworkModule, VTOOLFRAMEWORK_INTERFACE_VERSION ) )
return false;
return true;
// Purpose: Fixme, we might need to verify if the interface names differ for the client versus the server
// Input : list -
// *moduleName -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CModAppSystemGroup::ModuleAlreadyInList( CUtlVector< AppSystemInfo_t >& list, const char *moduleName, const char *interfaceName )
for ( int i = 0; i < list.Count(); ++i )
if ( !Q_stricmp( list[ i ].m_pModuleName, moduleName ) )
if ( Q_stricmp( list[ i ].m_pInterfaceName, interfaceName ) )
Error( "Game and client .dlls requesting different versions '%s' vs. '%s' from '%s'\n",
list[ i ].m_pInterfaceName, interfaceName, moduleName );
return true;
return false;
bool CModAppSystemGroup::PreInit()
return true;
void SV_ShutdownGameDLL();
int CModAppSystemGroup::Main()
int nRunResult = RUN_OK;
if ( IsServerOnly() )
// Start up the game engine
if ( eng->Load( true, host_parms.basedir ) )
// If we're using STEAM, pass the map cycle list as resource hints...
// Dedicated server drives frame loop manually
eng->SetQuitting( IEngine::QUIT_NOTQUITTING );
COM_TimestampedLog( "eng->Load" );
// Start up the game engine
static const char engineLoadMessage[] = "Calling CEngine::Load";
int64 nStartTime = ETWBegin( engineLoadMessage );
if ( eng->Load( false, host_parms.basedir ) )
#if !defined(SWDS)
ETWEnd( engineLoadMessage, nStartTime );
toolframework->ServerInit( g_ServerFactory );
if ( s_EngineAPI.MainLoop() )
nRunResult = RUN_RESTART;
// unload systems
return nRunResult;
void CModAppSystemGroup::PostShutdown()
void CModAppSystemGroup::Destroy()
// unload game and client .dlls
#ifndef SWDS
if ( !IsServerOnly() )
// Purpose: Expose engine interface to launcher for dedicated servers
class CDedicatedServerAPI : public CTier3AppSystem< IDedicatedServerAPI >
typedef CTier3AppSystem< IDedicatedServerAPI > BaseClass;
CDedicatedServerAPI() :
m_pDedicatedServer( 0 )
virtual bool Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory );
virtual void Disconnect();
virtual void *QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName );
virtual bool ModInit( ModInfo_t &info );
virtual void ModShutdown( void );
virtual bool RunFrame( void );
virtual void AddConsoleText( char *text );
virtual void UpdateStatus(float *fps, int *nActive, int *nMaxPlayers, char *pszMap, int maxlen );
virtual void UpdateHostname(char *pszHostname, int maxlen);
CModAppSystemGroup *m_pDedicatedServer;
// Singleton
#define LONG_TICK_TIME 0.12f // about 8/66ths of a second
void Sys_Sleep ( int msec );
bool g_bLongTickWatcherThreadEnabled = false;
bool g_bQuitLongTickWatcherThread = false;
int g_bTotalDumps = 0;
DWORD __stdcall LongTickWatcherThread( void *voidPtr )
int nLastTick = 0;
double flWarnTickTime = 0.0f;
double flNextPossibleDumpTime = Plat_FloatTime() + MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_DUMPED_TICKS;
int nNumDumpsThisTick = 0;
while ( eng->GetQuitting() == IEngine::QUIT_NOTQUITTING && !g_bQuitLongTickWatcherThread )
if ( sv.m_State == ss_active && sv.m_bSimulatingTicks )
int curTick = sv.m_nTickCount;
double curTime = Plat_FloatTime();
if ( nLastTick > 0 && nLastTick == curTick )
if ( curTime > flNextPossibleDumpTime && curTime > flWarnTickTime && nNumDumpsThisTick < MAX_DUMPS_PER_LONG_TICK )
Warning( "Long tick after tick %i. Writing minidump #%i (%i total).\n", nLastTick, nNumDumpsThisTick, g_bTotalDumps );
if ( nNumDumpsThisTick == MAX_DUMPS_PER_LONG_TICK )
Msg( "Not writing any more minidumps for this tick.\n" );
// If you're debugging a minidump and you ended up here, you probably want to switch to the main thread.
WriteMiniDump( "longtick" );
if ( nLastTick != curTick )
if ( nNumDumpsThisTick )
Msg( "Long tick lasted about %.1f seconds.\n", curTime - (flWarnTickTime - LONG_TICK_TIME) );
nNumDumpsThisTick = 0;
flNextPossibleDumpTime = curTime + MIN_TIME_BETWEEN_DUMPED_TICKS;
nLastTick = curTick;
flWarnTickTime = curTime + LONG_TICK_TIME;
nLastTick = 0;
if ( nNumDumpsThisTick )
// We'll write the next minidump 0.06 seconds from now.
Sys_Sleep( 60 );
// Check tick progress every 1/100th of a second.
Sys_Sleep( 10 );
g_bLongTickWatcherThreadEnabled = false;
g_bQuitLongTickWatcherThread = false;
return 0;
bool EnableLongTickWatcher()
bool bRet = false;
if ( !g_bLongTickWatcherThreadEnabled )
g_bQuitLongTickWatcherThread = false;
g_bLongTickWatcherThreadEnabled = true;
DWORD nThreadID;
VCRHook_CreateThread(NULL, 0,
#ifdef POSIX
2022-02-23 11:50:30 +00:00
LongTickWatcherThread, NULL, 0, (uintp *)&nThreadID );
2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
bRet = true;
else if ( g_bQuitLongTickWatcherThread )
Msg( "Cannot create a new long tick watcher while waiting for an old one to terminate.\n" );
Msg( "The long tick watcher thread is already running.\n" );
return bRet;
// Dedicated server entrypoint
bool CDedicatedServerAPI::Connect( CreateInterfaceFn factory )
if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-sv_benchmark" ) != 0 )
Plat_SetBenchmarkMode( true );
if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-dumplongticks" ) )
Msg( "-dumplongticks found on command line. Activating long tick watcher thread.\n" );
// Store off the app system factory...
g_AppSystemFactory = factory;
if ( !BaseClass::Connect( factory ) )
return false;
dedicated = ( IDedicatedExports * )factory( VENGINE_DEDICATEDEXPORTS_API_VERSION, NULL );
if ( !dedicated )
return false;
g_pFileSystem = g_pFullFileSystem;
g_pFileSystem->SetWarningFunc( Warning );
if ( !Shader_Connect( false ) )
return false;
if ( !g_pStudioRender )
Sys_Error( "Unable to init studio render system version %s\n", STUDIO_RENDER_INTERFACE_VERSION );
return false;
g_pPhysics = (IPhysics*)factory( VPHYSICS_INTERFACE_VERSION, NULL );
if ( !g_pDataCache || !g_pPhysics || !g_pMDLCache )
Warning( "Engine wasn't able to acquire required interfaces!\n" );
return false;
return true;
void CDedicatedServerAPI::Disconnect()
g_pPhysics = NULL;
g_pFileSystem = NULL;
dedicated = NULL;
g_AppSystemFactory = NULL;
// Query interface
void *CDedicatedServerAPI::QueryInterface( const char *pInterfaceName )
// Loading the engine DLL mounts *all* engine interfaces
CreateInterfaceFn factory = Sys_GetFactoryThis(); // This silly construction is necessary
return factory( pInterfaceName, NULL ); // to prevent the LTCG compiler from crashing.
// Purpose:
// Input : type - 0 == normal, 1 == dedicated server
// *instance -
// *basedir -
// *cmdline -
// launcherFactory -
bool CDedicatedServerAPI::ModInit( ModInfo_t &info )
// Setup and write out steam_appid.txt before we launch
bool bDedicated = true;
eSteamInfoInit steamInfo = Sys_TryInitSteamInfo( this, g_SteamInfIDVersionInfo, info.m_pInitialMod, info.m_pBaseDirectory, bDedicated );
eng->SetQuitting( IEngine::QUIT_NOTQUITTING );
// Set up the engineparms_t which contains global information about the mod
host_parms.basedir = const_cast<char*>(info.m_pBaseDirectory);
host_parms.mod = const_cast<char*>(GetModDirFromPath(info.m_pInitialMod));
host_parms.game = const_cast<char*>(info.m_pInitialGame);
g_bTextMode = info.m_bTextMode;
TRACEINIT( COM_InitFilesystem( info.m_pInitialMod ), COM_ShutdownFileSystem() );
if ( steamInfo != eSteamInfo_Initialized )
// Try again with filesystem available. This is commonly needed for SDK mods which need the filesystem to find
// their steam.inf, due to mounting SDK search paths.
steamInfo = Sys_TryInitSteamInfo( this, g_SteamInfIDVersionInfo, info.m_pInitialMod, info.m_pBaseDirectory, bDedicated );
Assert( steamInfo == eSteamInfo_Initialized );
if ( steamInfo != eSteamInfo_Initialized )
Warning( "Failed to find steam.inf or equivalent steam info. May not have proper information to connect to Steam.\n" );
// set this up as early as possible, if the server isn't going to run pure, stop CRCing bits as we load them
// this happens even before the ConCommand's are processed, but we need to be sure to either CRC every file
// that is loaded, or not bother doing any
// Note that this mirrors g_sv_pure_mode from sv_main.cpp
int pure_mode = 1; // default to on, +sv_pure 0 or -sv_pure 0 will turn it off
if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm("+sv_pure") )
pure_mode = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "+sv_pure", 1 );
else if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm("-sv_pure") )
pure_mode = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-sv_pure", 1 );
if ( pure_mode )
g_pFullFileSystem->EnableWhitelistFileTracking( true, true, CommandLine()->FindParm( "-sv_pure_verify_hashes" ) ? true : false );
g_pFullFileSystem->EnableWhitelistFileTracking( false, false, false );
// Setup the material system config record, CreateGameWindow depends on it
// (when we're running stand-alone)
#ifndef SWDS
InitMaterialSystemConfig( true ); // !!should this be called standalone or not?
// Initialize general game stuff and create the main window
if ( game->Init( NULL ) )
m_pDedicatedServer = new CModAppSystemGroup( true, info.m_pParentAppSystemGroup );
// Store off the app system factory...
g_AppSystemFactory = m_pDedicatedServer->GetFactory();
return true;
return false;
void CDedicatedServerAPI::ModShutdown( void )
if ( m_pDedicatedServer )
delete m_pDedicatedServer;
m_pDedicatedServer = NULL;
g_AppSystemFactory = NULL;
// Unload GL, Sound, etc.
// Shut down memory, etc.
TRACESHUTDOWN( COM_ShutdownFileSystem() );
bool CDedicatedServerAPI::RunFrame( void )
// Bail if someone wants to quit.
if ( eng->GetQuitting() != IEngine::QUIT_NOTQUITTING )
return false;
// Run engine frame
return true;
void CDedicatedServerAPI::AddConsoleText( char *text )
Cbuf_AddText( text );
void CDedicatedServerAPI::UpdateStatus(float *fps, int *nActive, int *nMaxPlayers, char *pszMap, int maxlen )
Host_GetHostInfo( fps, nActive, nMaxPlayers, pszMap, maxlen );
void CDedicatedServerAPI::UpdateHostname(char *pszHostname, int maxlen)
if ( pszHostname && ( maxlen > 0 ) )
Q_strncpy( pszHostname, sv.GetName(), maxlen );
#ifndef SWDS
class CGameUIFuncs : public IGameUIFuncs
bool IsKeyDown( const char *keyname, bool& isdown )
isdown = false;
if ( !g_ClientDLL )
return false;
return g_ClientDLL->IN_IsKeyDown( keyname, isdown );
const char *GetBindingForButtonCode( ButtonCode_t code )
return ::Key_BindingForKey( code );
virtual ButtonCode_t GetButtonCodeForBind( const char *bind )
const char *pKeyName = Key_NameForBinding( bind );
if ( !pKeyName )
return KEY_NONE;
return g_pInputSystem->StringToButtonCode( pKeyName ) ;
void GetVideoModes( struct vmode_s **ppListStart, int *pCount )
if ( videomode )
*pCount = videomode->GetModeCount();
*ppListStart = videomode->GetMode( 0 );
*pCount = 0;
*ppListStart = NULL;
void GetDesktopResolution( int &width, int &height )
int refreshrate;
game->GetDesktopInfo( width, height, refreshrate );
virtual void SetFriendsID( uint friendsID, const char *friendsName )
cl.SetFriendsID( friendsID, friendsName );
bool IsConnectedToVACSecureServer()
if ( cl.IsConnected() )
return Steam3Client().BGSSecure();
return false;
CON_COMMAND( dumplongticks, "Enables generating minidumps on long ticks." )
int enable = atoi( args[1] );
if ( args.ArgC() == 1 || enable )
if ( EnableLongTickWatcher() )
Msg( "Long tick watcher thread created. Use \"dumplongticks 0\" to disable.\n" );
// disable watcher thread if enabled
if ( g_bLongTickWatcherThreadEnabled && !g_bQuitLongTickWatcherThread )
Msg( "Disabling the long tick watcher.\n" );
g_bQuitLongTickWatcherThread = true;
Msg( "The long tick watcher is already disabled.\n" );