2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: The base class from which all game entities are derived.
# include "cbase.h"
# include "globalstate.h"
# include "isaverestore.h"
# include "client.h"
# include "decals.h"
# include "gamerules.h"
# include "entityapi.h"
# include "entitylist.h"
# include "eventqueue.h"
# include "hierarchy.h"
# include "basecombatweapon.h"
# include "const.h"
# include "player.h" // For debug draw sending
# include "ndebugoverlay.h"
# include "physics.h"
# include "model_types.h"
# include "team.h"
# include "sendproxy.h"
# include "IEffects.h"
# include "vstdlib/random.h"
# include "baseentity.h"
# include "collisionutils.h"
# include "coordsize.h"
# include "animation.h"
# include "tier1/strtools.h"
# include "engine/IEngineSound.h"
# include "physics_saverestore.h"
# include "saverestore_utlvector.h"
# include "bone_setup.h"
# include "vcollide_parse.h"
# include "filters.h"
# include "te_effect_dispatch.h"
# include "AI_Criteria.h"
# include "AI_ResponseSystem.h"
# include "world.h"
# include "globals.h"
# include "saverestoretypes.h"
# include "SkyCamera.h"
# include "sceneentity.h"
# include "game.h"
# include "tier0/vprof.h"
# include "ai_basenpc.h"
# include "iservervehicle.h"
# include "eventlist.h"
# include "scriptevent.h"
# include "SoundEmitterSystem/isoundemittersystembase.h"
# include "UtlCachedFileData.h"
# include "utlbuffer.h"
# include "positionwatcher.h"
# include "movetype_push.h"
# include "tier0/icommandline.h"
# include "vphysics/friction.h"
# include <ctype.h>
# include "datacache/imdlcache.h"
# include "ModelSoundsCache.h"
# include "env_debughistory.h"
# include "tier1/utlstring.h"
# include "utlhashtable.h"
# if defined( TF_DLL )
# include "tf_gamerules.h"
# endif
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
# include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern bool g_bTestMoveTypeStepSimulation ;
extern ConVar sv_vehicle_autoaim_scale ;
// Init static class variables
bool CBaseEntity : : m_bInDebugSelect = false ; // Used for selection in debug overlays
int CBaseEntity : : m_nDebugPlayer = - 1 ; // Player doing the selection
// This can be set before creating an entity to force it to use a particular edict.
edict_t * g_pForceAttachEdict = NULL ;
bool CBaseEntity : : m_bDebugPause = false ; // Whether entity i/o is paused.
int CBaseEntity : : m_nDebugSteps = 1 ; // Number of entity outputs to fire before pausing again.
bool CBaseEntity : : sm_bDisableTouchFuncs = false ; // Disables PhysicsTouch and PhysicsStartTouch function calls
bool CBaseEntity : : sm_bAccurateTriggerBboxChecks = true ; // set to false for legacy behavior in ep1
int CBaseEntity : : m_nPredictionRandomSeed = - 1 ;
CBasePlayer * CBaseEntity : : m_pPredictionPlayer = NULL ;
// Used to make sure nobody calls UpdateTransmitState directly.
int g_nInsideDispatchUpdateTransmitState = 0 ;
// When this is false, throw an assert in debug when GetAbsAnything is called. Used when hierachy is incomplete/invalid.
bool CBaseEntity : : s_bAbsQueriesValid = true ;
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
ConVar sv_netvisdist ( " sv_netvisdist " , " 10000 " , FCVAR_CHEAT | FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY , " Test networking visibility distance " ) ;
2024-04-03 01:12:22 +02:00
void * SendProxy_ClientSideAnimation ( const SendProp * pProp , const void * pStruct , const void * pVarData , CSendProxyRecipients * pRecipients , int objectID )
CBaseEntity * pEntity = ( CBaseEntity * ) pStruct ;
CBaseAnimating * pAnimating = pEntity - > GetBaseAnimating ( ) ;
if ( pAnimating & & ! pAnimating - > IsUsingClientSideAnimation ( ) )
return ( void * ) pVarData ;
return NULL ; // Don't send animtime unless the client needs it.
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
BEGIN_SEND_TABLE_NOBASE ( CBaseEntity , DT_AnimTimeMustBeFirst )
// NOTE: Animtime must be sent before origin and angles ( from pev ) because it has a
// proxy on the client that stores off the old values before writing in the new values and
// if it is sent after the new values, then it will only have the new origin and studio model, etc.
// interpolation will be busted
2024-01-25 13:27:03 +01:00
SendPropFloat ( SENDINFO ( m_flAnimTime ) ) ,
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
BEGIN_SEND_TABLE_NOBASE ( CBaseEntity , DT_PredictableId )
SendPropPredictableId ( SENDINFO ( m_PredictableID ) ) ,
SendPropInt ( SENDINFO ( m_bIsPlayerSimulated ) , 1 , SPROP_UNSIGNED ) ,
static void * SendProxy_SendPredictableId ( const SendProp * pProp , const void * pStruct , const void * pVarData , CSendProxyRecipients * pRecipients , int objectID )
CBaseEntity * pEntity = ( CBaseEntity * ) pStruct ;
if ( ! pEntity | | ! pEntity - > m_PredictableID - > IsActive ( ) )
return NULL ;
int id_player_index = pEntity - > m_PredictableID - > GetPlayer ( ) ;
pRecipients - > SetOnly ( id_player_index ) ;
return ( void * ) pVarData ;
# endif
void SendProxy_Origin ( const SendProp * pProp , const void * pStruct , const void * pData , DVariant * pOut , int iElement , int objectID )
CBaseEntity * entity = ( CBaseEntity * ) pStruct ;
Assert ( entity ) ;
const Vector * v ;
if ( ! entity - > UseStepSimulationNetworkOrigin ( & v ) )
v = & entity - > GetLocalOrigin ( ) ;
pOut - > m_Vector [ 0 ] = v - > x ;
pOut - > m_Vector [ 1 ] = v - > y ;
pOut - > m_Vector [ 2 ] = v - > z ;
// Used when breaking up origin, note we still have to deal with StepSimulation
void SendProxy_OriginXY ( const SendProp * pProp , const void * pStruct , const void * pData , DVariant * pOut , int iElement , int objectID )
CBaseEntity * entity = ( CBaseEntity * ) pStruct ;
Assert ( entity ) ;
const Vector * v ;
if ( ! entity - > UseStepSimulationNetworkOrigin ( & v ) )
v = & entity - > GetLocalOrigin ( ) ;
pOut - > m_Vector [ 0 ] = v - > x ;
pOut - > m_Vector [ 1 ] = v - > y ;
// Used when breaking up origin, note we still have to deal with StepSimulation
void SendProxy_OriginZ ( const SendProp * pProp , const void * pStruct , const void * pData , DVariant * pOut , int iElement , int objectID )
CBaseEntity * entity = ( CBaseEntity * ) pStruct ;
Assert ( entity ) ;
const Vector * v ;
if ( ! entity - > UseStepSimulationNetworkOrigin ( & v ) )
v = & entity - > GetLocalOrigin ( ) ;
pOut - > m_Float = v - > z ;
void SendProxy_Angles ( const SendProp * pProp , const void * pStruct , const void * pData , DVariant * pOut , int iElement , int objectID )
CBaseEntity * entity = ( CBaseEntity * ) pStruct ;
Assert ( entity ) ;
const QAngle * a ;
if ( ! entity - > UseStepSimulationNetworkAngles ( & a ) )
a = & entity - > GetLocalAngles ( ) ;
pOut - > m_Vector [ 0 ] = anglemod ( a - > x ) ;
pOut - > m_Vector [ 1 ] = anglemod ( a - > y ) ;
pOut - > m_Vector [ 2 ] = anglemod ( a - > z ) ;
// This table encodes the CBaseEntity data.
2024-04-03 01:12:22 +02:00
SendPropDataTable ( " AnimTimeMustBeFirst " , 0 , & REFERENCE_SEND_TABLE ( DT_AnimTimeMustBeFirst ) , SendProxy_ClientSideAnimation ) ,
2024-01-25 13:27:03 +01:00
SendPropFloat ( SENDINFO ( m_flSimulationTime ) ) ,
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
SendPropVector ( SENDINFO ( m_vecOrigin ) , - 1 , SPROP_NOSCALE | SPROP_CHANGES_OFTEN , 0.0f , HIGH_DEFAULT , SendProxy_Origin ) ,
# else
SendPropVector ( SENDINFO ( m_vecOrigin ) , - 1 , SPROP_COORD | SPROP_CHANGES_OFTEN , 0.0f , HIGH_DEFAULT , SendProxy_Origin ) ,
# endif
SendPropInt ( SENDINFO ( m_ubInterpolationFrame ) , NOINTERP_PARITY_MAX_BITS , SPROP_UNSIGNED ) ,
SendPropModelIndex ( SENDINFO ( m_nModelIndex ) ) ,
SendPropDataTable ( SENDINFO_DT ( m_Collision ) , & REFERENCE_SEND_TABLE ( DT_CollisionProperty ) ) ,
SendPropInt ( SENDINFO ( m_nRenderFX ) , 8 , SPROP_UNSIGNED ) ,
SendPropInt ( SENDINFO ( m_nRenderMode ) , 8 , SPROP_UNSIGNED ) ,
SendPropInt ( SENDINFO ( m_fEffects ) , EF_MAX_BITS , SPROP_UNSIGNED ) ,
SendPropInt ( SENDINFO ( m_clrRender ) , 32 , SPROP_UNSIGNED ) ,
SendPropInt ( SENDINFO ( m_iTeamNum ) , TEAMNUM_NUM_BITS , 0 ) ,
SendPropInt ( SENDINFO ( m_CollisionGroup ) , 5 , SPROP_UNSIGNED ) ,
SendPropFloat ( SENDINFO ( m_flElasticity ) , 0 , SPROP_COORD ) ,
SendPropFloat ( SENDINFO ( m_flShadowCastDistance ) , 12 , SPROP_UNSIGNED ) ,
SendPropEHandle ( SENDINFO ( m_hOwnerEntity ) ) ,
SendPropEHandle ( SENDINFO ( m_hEffectEntity ) ) ,
SendPropEHandle ( SENDINFO_NAME ( m_hMoveParent , moveparent ) ) ,
SendPropInt ( SENDINFO_NAME ( m_MoveType , movetype ) , MOVETYPE_MAX_BITS , SPROP_UNSIGNED ) ,
SendPropInt ( SENDINFO_NAME ( m_MoveCollide , movecollide ) , MOVECOLLIDE_MAX_BITS , SPROP_UNSIGNED ) ,
SendPropVector ( SENDINFO ( m_angRotation ) , - 1 , SPROP_NOSCALE | SPROP_CHANGES_OFTEN , 0 , HIGH_DEFAULT , SendProxy_Angles ) ,
# else
SendPropQAngles ( SENDINFO ( m_angRotation ) , 13 , SPROP_CHANGES_OFTEN , SendProxy_Angles ) ,
# endif
SendPropInt ( SENDINFO ( m_iTextureFrameIndex ) , 8 , SPROP_UNSIGNED ) ,
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
SendPropDataTable ( " predictable_id " , 0 , & REFERENCE_SEND_TABLE ( DT_PredictableId ) , SendProxy_SendPredictableId ) ,
# endif
// FIXME: Collapse into another flag field?
SendPropInt ( SENDINFO ( m_bSimulatedEveryTick ) , 1 , SPROP_UNSIGNED ) ,
SendPropInt ( SENDINFO ( m_bAnimatedEveryTick ) , 1 , SPROP_UNSIGNED ) ,
SendPropBool ( SENDINFO ( m_bAlternateSorting ) ) ,
# ifdef TF_DLL
SendPropArray3 ( SENDINFO_ARRAY3 ( m_nModelIndexOverrides ) , SendPropInt ( SENDINFO_ARRAY ( m_nModelIndexOverrides ) , SP_MODEL_INDEX_BITS , 0 ) ) ,
# endif
// dynamic models
class CBaseEntityModelLoadProxy
protected :
class Handler : public IModelLoadCallback
public :
explicit Handler ( CBaseEntity * pEntity ) : m_pEntity ( pEntity ) { }
virtual void OnModelLoadComplete ( const model_t * pModel ) ;
CBaseEntity * m_pEntity ;
} ;
Handler * m_pHandler ;
public :
explicit CBaseEntityModelLoadProxy ( CBaseEntity * pEntity ) : m_pHandler ( new Handler ( pEntity ) ) { }
~ CBaseEntityModelLoadProxy ( ) { delete m_pHandler ; }
void Register ( int nModelIndex ) const { modelinfo - > RegisterModelLoadCallback ( nModelIndex , m_pHandler ) ; }
operator CBaseEntity * ( ) const { return m_pHandler - > m_pEntity ; }
private :
CBaseEntityModelLoadProxy ( const CBaseEntityModelLoadProxy & ) ;
CBaseEntityModelLoadProxy & operator = ( const CBaseEntityModelLoadProxy & ) ;
} ;
static CUtlHashtable < CBaseEntityModelLoadProxy , empty_t , PointerHashFunctor , PointerEqualFunctor , CBaseEntity * > sg_DynamicLoadHandlers ;
void CBaseEntityModelLoadProxy : : Handler : : OnModelLoadComplete ( const model_t * pModel )
m_pEntity - > OnModelLoadComplete ( pModel ) ;
sg_DynamicLoadHandlers . Remove ( m_pEntity ) ; // NOTE: destroys *this!
CBaseEntity : : CBaseEntity ( bool bServerOnly )
# ifdef _DEBUG
// necessary since in debug, we initialize vectors to NAN for debugging
m_vecAngVelocity . Init ( ) ;
// m_vecAbsAngVelocity.Init();
m_vecViewOffset . Init ( ) ;
m_vecBaseVelocity . GetForModify ( ) . Init ( ) ;
m_vecVelocity . Init ( ) ;
m_vecAbsVelocity . Init ( ) ;
# endif
m_bAlternateSorting = false ;
m_CollisionGroup = COLLISION_GROUP_NONE ;
m_iParentAttachment = 0 ;
CollisionProp ( ) - > Init ( this ) ;
NetworkProp ( ) - > Init ( this ) ;
// NOTE: THIS MUST APPEAR BEFORE ANY SetMoveType() or SetNextThink() calls
// clear debug overlays
m_debugOverlays = 0 ;
m_pTimedOverlay = NULL ;
m_pPhysicsObject = NULL ;
m_flElasticity = 1.0f ;
m_flShadowCastDistance = m_flDesiredShadowCastDistance = 0 ;
SetRenderColor ( 255 , 255 , 255 , 255 ) ;
m_iTeamNum = m_iInitialTeamNum = TEAM_UNASSIGNED ;
m_nLastThinkTick = gpGlobals - > tickcount ;
m_nSimulationTick = - 1 ;
SetIdentityMatrix ( m_rgflCoordinateFrame ) ;
m_pBlocker = NULL ;
# if _DEBUG
m_iCurrentThinkContext = NO_THINK_CONTEXT ;
# endif
m_nWaterTouch = m_nSlimeTouch = 0 ;
SetSolid ( SOLID_NONE ) ;
ClearSolidFlags ( ) ;
m_nModelIndex = 0 ;
m_bDynamicModelAllowed = false ;
m_bDynamicModelPending = false ;
m_bDynamicModelSetBounds = false ;
SetMoveType ( MOVETYPE_NONE ) ;
SetOwnerEntity ( NULL ) ;
SetCheckUntouch ( false ) ;
SetModelIndex ( 0 ) ;
SetModelName ( NULL_STRING ) ;
m_nTransmitStateOwnedCounter = 0 ;
SetCollisionBounds ( vec3_origin , vec3_origin ) ;
ClearFlags ( ) ;
SetFriction ( 1.0f ) ;
if ( bServerOnly )
NetworkProp ( ) - > MarkPVSInformationDirty ( ) ;
# ifndef _XBOX
# endif
// Purpose: Scale up our physics hull and test against the new one
// Input : *pNewCollide - New collision hull
void CBaseEntity : : SetScaledPhysics ( IPhysicsObject * pNewObject )
if ( pNewObject )
extern bool g_bDisableEhandleAccess ;
// Purpose: See note below
CBaseEntity : : ~ CBaseEntity ( )
// FIXME: This can't be called from UpdateOnRemove! There's at least one
// case where friction sounds are added between the call to UpdateOnRemove + ~CBaseEntity
PhysCleanupFrictionSounds ( this ) ;
Assert ( ! IsDynamicModelIndex ( m_nModelIndex ) ) ;
Verify ( ! sg_DynamicLoadHandlers . Remove ( this ) ) ;
// In debug make sure that we don't call delete on an entity without setting
// the disable flag first!
// EHANDLE accessors will check, in debug, for access to entities during destruction of
// another entity.
// That kind of operation should only occur in UpdateOnRemove calls
// Deletion should only occur via UTIL_Remove(Immediate) calls, not via naked delete calls
Assert ( g_bDisableEhandleAccess ) ;
VPhysicsDestroyObject ( ) ;
// Need to remove references to this entity before EHANDLES go null
g_bDisableEhandleAccess = false ;
CBaseEntity : : PhysicsRemoveTouchedList ( this ) ;
CBaseEntity : : PhysicsRemoveGroundList ( this ) ;
SetGroundEntity ( NULL ) ; // remove us from the ground entity if we are on it
DestroyAllDataObjects ( ) ;
g_bDisableEhandleAccess = true ;
// Remove this entity from the ent list (NOTE: This Makes EHANDLES go NULL)
gEntList . RemoveEntity ( GetRefEHandle ( ) ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : PostConstructor ( const char * szClassname )
if ( szClassname )
SetClassname ( szClassname ) ;
Assert ( m_iClassname ! = NULL_STRING & & STRING ( m_iClassname ) ! = NULL ) ;
// Possibly get an edict, and add self to global list of entites.
if ( IsEFlagSet ( EFL_SERVER_ONLY ) )
gEntList . AddNonNetworkableEntity ( this ) ;
// Certain entities set up their edicts in the constructor
if ( ! IsEFlagSet ( EFL_NO_AUTO_EDICT_ATTACH ) )
NetworkProp ( ) - > AttachEdict ( g_pForceAttachEdict ) ;
g_pForceAttachEdict = NULL ;
// Some ents like the player override the AttachEdict function and do it at a different time.
// While precaching, they don't ever have an edict, so we don't need to add them to
// the entity list in that case.
if ( edict ( ) )
gEntList . AddNetworkableEntity ( this , entindex ( ) ) ;
// Cache our IServerNetworkable pointer for the engine for fast access.
if ( edict ( ) )
edict ( ) - > m_pNetworkable = NetworkProp ( ) ;
CheckHasThinkFunction ( false ) ;
CheckHasGamePhysicsSimulation ( ) ;
// Purpose: Called after player becomes active in the game
void CBaseEntity : : PostClientActive ( void )
// Purpose: Verifies that this entity's data description is valid in debug builds.
# ifdef _DEBUG
typedef CUtlVector < const char * > KeyValueNameList_t ;
static void AddDataMapFieldNamesToList ( KeyValueNameList_t & list , datamap_t * pDataMap )
while ( pDataMap ! = NULL )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pDataMap - > dataNumFields ; i + + )
typedescription_t * pField = & pDataMap - > dataDesc [ i ] ;
if ( pField - > fieldType = = FIELD_EMBEDDED )
AddDataMapFieldNamesToList ( list , pField - > td ) ;
continue ;
if ( pField - > flags & FTYPEDESC_KEY )
list . AddToTail ( pField - > externalName ) ;
pDataMap = pDataMap - > baseMap ;
void CBaseEntity : : ValidateDataDescription ( void )
// Multiple key fields that have the same name are not allowed - it creates an
// ambiguity when trying to parse keyvalues and outputs.
datamap_t * pDataMap = GetDataDescMap ( ) ;
if ( ( pDataMap = = NULL ) | | pDataMap - > bValidityChecked )
return ;
pDataMap - > bValidityChecked = true ;
// Let's generate a list of all keyvalue strings in the entire hierarchy...
KeyValueNameList_t names ( 128 ) ;
AddDataMapFieldNamesToList ( names , pDataMap ) ;
for ( int i = names . Count ( ) ; - - i > 0 ; )
for ( int j = i - 1 ; - - j > = 0 ; )
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( names [ i ] , names [ j ] ) )
DevMsg ( " %s has multiple data description entries for \" %s \" \n " , STRING ( m_iClassname ) , names [ i ] ) ;
break ;
# endif // _DEBUG
// Sets the collision bounds + the size
void CBaseEntity : : SetCollisionBounds ( const Vector & mins , const Vector & maxs )
m_Collision . SetCollisionBounds ( mins , maxs ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : StopFollowingEntity ( )
if ( ! IsFollowingEntity ( ) )
// Assert( IsEffectActive( EF_BONEMERGE ) == 0 );
return ;
SetParent ( NULL ) ;
RemoveEffects ( EF_BONEMERGE ) ;
RemoveSolidFlags ( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ) ;
SetMoveType ( MOVETYPE_NONE ) ;
CollisionRulesChanged ( ) ;
bool CBaseEntity : : IsFollowingEntity ( )
return IsEffectActive ( EF_BONEMERGE ) & & ( GetMoveType ( ) = = MOVETYPE_NONE ) & & GetMoveParent ( ) ;
CBaseEntity * CBaseEntity : : GetFollowedEntity ( )
if ( ! IsFollowingEntity ( ) )
return NULL ;
return GetMoveParent ( ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : SetClassname ( const char * className )
m_iClassname = AllocPooledString ( className ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : SetModelIndex ( int index )
if ( IsDynamicModelIndex ( index ) & & ! ( GetBaseAnimating ( ) & & m_bDynamicModelAllowed ) )
AssertMsg ( false , " dynamic model support not enabled on server entity " ) ;
index = - 1 ;
if ( index ! = m_nModelIndex )
if ( m_bDynamicModelPending )
sg_DynamicLoadHandlers . Remove ( this ) ;
modelinfo - > ReleaseDynamicModel ( m_nModelIndex ) ;
modelinfo - > AddRefDynamicModel ( index ) ;
m_nModelIndex = index ;
m_bDynamicModelSetBounds = false ;
if ( IsDynamicModelIndex ( index ) )
m_bDynamicModelPending = true ;
sg_DynamicLoadHandlers [ sg_DynamicLoadHandlers . Insert ( this ) ] . Register ( index ) ;
m_bDynamicModelPending = false ;
OnNewModel ( ) ;
DispatchUpdateTransmitState ( ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : ClearModelIndexOverrides ( void )
# ifdef TF_DLL
for ( int index = 0 ; index < MAX_VISION_MODES ; index + + )
m_nModelIndexOverrides . Set ( index , 0 ) ;
# endif
void CBaseEntity : : SetModelIndexOverride ( int index , int nValue )
# ifdef TF_DLL
if ( ( index > = VISION_MODE_NONE ) & & ( index < MAX_VISION_MODES ) )
if ( nValue ! = m_nModelIndexOverrides [ index ] )
m_nModelIndexOverrides . Set ( index , nValue ) ;
# endif
// position to shoot at
Vector CBaseEntity : : BodyTarget ( const Vector & posSrc , bool bNoisy )
return WorldSpaceCenter ( ) ;
// return the position of my head. someone's trying to attack it.
Vector CBaseEntity : : HeadTarget ( const Vector & posSrc )
return EyePosition ( ) ;
struct TimedOverlay_t
char * msg ;
int msgEndTime ;
int msgStartTime ;
TimedOverlay_t * pNextTimedOverlay ;
} ;
// Purpose: Display an error message on the entity
// Input :
// Output :
void CBaseEntity : : AddTimedOverlay ( const char * msg , int endTime )
TimedOverlay_t * pNewTO = new TimedOverlay_t ;
int len = strlen ( msg ) ;
pNewTO - > msg = new char [ len + 1 ] ;
Q_strncpy ( pNewTO - > msg , msg , len + 1 ) ;
pNewTO - > msgEndTime = gpGlobals - > curtime + endTime ;
pNewTO - > msgStartTime = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
pNewTO - > pNextTimedOverlay = m_pTimedOverlay ;
m_pTimedOverlay = pNewTO ;
// Purpose: Send debug overlay box to the client
// Input :
// Output :
void CBaseEntity : : DrawBBoxOverlay ( float flDuration )
if ( edict ( ) )
NDebugOverlay : : EntityBounds ( this , 255 , 100 , 0 , 0 , flDuration ) ;
if ( CollisionProp ( ) - > IsSolidFlagSet ( FSOLID_USE_TRIGGER_BOUNDS ) )
Vector vecTriggerMins , vecTriggerMaxs ;
CollisionProp ( ) - > WorldSpaceTriggerBounds ( & vecTriggerMins , & vecTriggerMaxs ) ;
Vector center = 0.5f * ( vecTriggerMins + vecTriggerMaxs ) ;
Vector extents = vecTriggerMaxs - center ;
NDebugOverlay : : Box ( center , - extents , extents , 0 , 255 , 255 , 0 , flDuration ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : DrawAbsBoxOverlay ( )
int red = 0 ;
int green = 200 ;
if ( VPhysicsGetObject ( ) & & VPhysicsGetObject ( ) - > IsAsleep ( ) )
red = 90 ;
green = 120 ;
if ( edict ( ) )
// Surrounding boxes are axially aligned, so ignore angles
Vector vecSurroundMins , vecSurroundMaxs ;
CollisionProp ( ) - > WorldSpaceSurroundingBounds ( & vecSurroundMins , & vecSurroundMaxs ) ;
Vector center = 0.5f * ( vecSurroundMins + vecSurroundMaxs ) ;
Vector extents = vecSurroundMaxs - center ;
NDebugOverlay : : Box ( center , - extents , extents , red , green , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : DrawRBoxOverlay ( )
// Purpose: Draws an axis overlay at the origin and angles of the entity
void CBaseEntity : : SendDebugPivotOverlay ( void )
if ( edict ( ) )
NDebugOverlay : : Axis ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) , GetAbsAngles ( ) , 20 , true , 0 ) ;
// Purpose : Add new entity positioned overlay text
// Input : How many lines to offset text from origin
// The text to print
// How long to display text
// The color of the text
// Output :
void CBaseEntity : : EntityText ( int text_offset , const char * text , float duration , int r , int g , int b , int a )
Vector origin ;
Vector vecLocalCenter ;
VectorAdd ( m_Collision . OBBMins ( ) , m_Collision . OBBMaxs ( ) , vecLocalCenter ) ;
vecLocalCenter * = 0.5f ;
if ( ( m_Collision . GetCollisionAngles ( ) = = vec3_angle ) | | ( vecLocalCenter = = vec3_origin ) )
VectorAdd ( vecLocalCenter , m_Collision . GetCollisionOrigin ( ) , origin ) ;
VectorTransform ( vecLocalCenter , m_Collision . CollisionToWorldTransform ( ) , origin ) ;
NDebugOverlay : : EntityTextAtPosition ( origin , text_offset , text , duration , r , g , b , a ) ;
// Purpose :
// Input :
// Output :
void CBaseEntity : : DrawTimedOverlays ( void )
// Draw name first if I have an overlay or am in message mode
if ( ( m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_MESSAGE_BIT ) )
char tempstr [ 512 ] ;
Q_snprintf ( tempstr , sizeof ( tempstr ) , " [%s] " , GetDebugName ( ) ) ;
EntityText ( 0 , tempstr , 0 ) ;
// Now draw overlays
TimedOverlay_t * pTO = m_pTimedOverlay ;
TimedOverlay_t * pNextTO = NULL ;
TimedOverlay_t * pLastTO = NULL ;
int nCount = 1 ; // Offset by one
while ( pTO )
pNextTO = pTO - > pNextTimedOverlay ;
// Remove old messages unless messages are paused
if ( ( ! CBaseEntity : : Debug_IsPaused ( ) & & gpGlobals - > curtime > pTO - > msgEndTime ) | |
( nCount > 10 ) )
if ( pLastTO )
pLastTO - > pNextTimedOverlay = pNextTO ;
m_pTimedOverlay = pNextTO ;
delete pTO - > msg ;
delete pTO ;
int nAlpha = 0 ;
// If messages aren't paused fade out
if ( ! CBaseEntity : : Debug_IsPaused ( ) )
nAlpha = 255 * ( ( gpGlobals - > curtime - pTO - > msgStartTime ) / ( pTO - > msgEndTime - pTO - > msgStartTime ) ) ;
int r = 185 ;
int g = 145 ;
int b = 145 ;
// Brighter when new message
if ( nAlpha < 50 )
r = 255 ;
g = 205 ;
b = 205 ;
if ( nAlpha < 0 ) nAlpha = 0 ;
EntityText ( nCount , pTO - > msg , 0.0 , r , g , b , 255 - nAlpha ) ;
nCount + + ;
pLastTO = pTO ;
pTO = pNextTO ;
// Purpose: Draw all overlays (should be implemented by subclass to add
// any additional non-text overlays)
// Input :
// Output : Current text offset from the top
void CBaseEntity : : DrawDebugGeometryOverlays ( void )
DrawTimedOverlays ( ) ;
DrawDebugTextOverlays ( ) ;
if ( m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_NAME_BIT )
EntityText ( 0 , GetDebugName ( ) , 0 ) ;
if ( m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_BBOX_BIT )
DrawBBoxOverlay ( ) ;
if ( m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_ABSBOX_BIT )
DrawAbsBoxOverlay ( ) ;
if ( m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_PIVOT_BIT )
SendDebugPivotOverlay ( ) ;
if ( m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_RBOX_BIT )
DrawRBoxOverlay ( ) ;
if ( m_debugOverlays & ( OVERLAY_BBOX_BIT | OVERLAY_PIVOT_BIT ) )
// draw mass center
if ( VPhysicsGetObject ( ) )
Vector massCenter = VPhysicsGetObject ( ) - > GetMassCenterLocalSpace ( ) ;
Vector worldPos ;
VPhysicsGetObject ( ) - > LocalToWorld ( & worldPos , massCenter ) ;
NDebugOverlay : : Cross3D ( worldPos , 12 , 255 , 0 , 0 , false , 0 ) ;
DebugDrawContactPoints ( VPhysicsGetObject ( ) ) ;
if ( GetMoveType ( ) ! = MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS )
Vector pos ;
QAngle angles ;
VPhysicsGetObject ( ) - > GetPosition ( & pos , & angles ) ;
float dist = ( pos - GetAbsOrigin ( ) ) . Length ( ) ;
Vector axis ;
float deltaAngle ;
RotationDeltaAxisAngle ( angles , GetAbsAngles ( ) , axis , deltaAngle ) ;
if ( dist > 2 | | fabsf ( deltaAngle ) > 2 )
Vector mins , maxs ;
physcollision - > CollideGetAABB ( & mins , & maxs , VPhysicsGetObject ( ) - > GetCollide ( ) , vec3_origin , vec3_angle ) ;
NDebugOverlay : : BoxAngles ( pos , mins , maxs , angles , 255 , 255 , 0 , 16 , 0 ) ;
if ( m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_SHOW_BLOCKSLOS )
if ( BlocksLOS ( ) )
NDebugOverlay : : EntityBounds ( this , 255 , 255 , 255 , 0 , 0 ) ;
if ( m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_AUTOAIM_BIT & & ( GetFlags ( ) & FL_AIMTARGET ) & & AI_GetSinglePlayer ( ) ! = NULL )
// Crude, but it gets the point across.
Vector vecCenter = GetAutoAimCenter ( ) ;
Vector vecRight , vecUp , vecDiag ;
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = AI_GetSinglePlayer ( ) ;
float radius = GetAutoAimRadius ( ) ;
QAngle angles = pPlayer - > EyeAngles ( ) ;
AngleVectors ( angles , NULL , & vecRight , & vecUp ) ;
int r , g , b ;
if ( ( ( int ) gpGlobals - > curtime ) % 2 = = 1 )
r = 255 ;
g = 255 ;
b = 255 ;
if ( pPlayer - > GetActiveWeapon ( ) ! = NULL )
radius * = pPlayer - > GetActiveWeapon ( ) - > WeaponAutoAimScale ( ) ;
r = 255 ; g = 0 ; b = 0 ;
if ( ! ShouldAttractAutoAim ( pPlayer ) )
g = 255 ;
if ( pPlayer - > IsInAVehicle ( ) )
radius * = sv_vehicle_autoaim_scale . GetFloat ( ) ;
NDebugOverlay : : Line ( vecCenter , vecCenter + vecRight * radius , r , g , b , true , 0.1 ) ;
NDebugOverlay : : Line ( vecCenter , vecCenter - vecRight * radius , r , g , b , true , 0.1 ) ;
NDebugOverlay : : Line ( vecCenter , vecCenter + vecUp * radius , r , g , b , true , 0.1 ) ;
NDebugOverlay : : Line ( vecCenter , vecCenter - vecUp * radius , r , g , b , true , 0.1 ) ;
vecDiag = vecRight + vecUp ;
VectorNormalize ( vecDiag ) ;
NDebugOverlay : : Line ( vecCenter - vecDiag * radius , vecCenter + vecDiag * radius , r , g , b , true , 0.1 ) ;
vecDiag = vecRight - vecUp ;
VectorNormalize ( vecDiag ) ;
NDebugOverlay : : Line ( vecCenter - vecDiag * radius , vecCenter + vecDiag * radius , r , g , b , true , 0.1 ) ;
// Purpose: Draw any text overlays (override in subclass to add additional text)
// Output : Current text offset from the top
int CBaseEntity : : DrawDebugTextOverlays ( void )
int offset = 1 ;
if ( m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_TEXT_BIT )
char tempstr [ 512 ] ;
Q_snprintf ( tempstr , sizeof ( tempstr ) , " (%d) Name: %s (%s) " , entindex ( ) , GetDebugName ( ) , GetClassname ( ) ) ;
EntityText ( offset , tempstr , 0 ) ;
offset + + ;
if ( m_iGlobalname ! = NULL_STRING )
Q_snprintf ( tempstr , sizeof ( tempstr ) , " GLOBALNAME: %s " , STRING ( m_iGlobalname ) ) ;
EntityText ( offset , tempstr , 0 ) ;
offset + + ;
Vector vecOrigin = GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
Q_snprintf ( tempstr , sizeof ( tempstr ) , " Position: %0.1f, %0.1f, %0.1f \n " , vecOrigin . x , vecOrigin . y , vecOrigin . z ) ;
EntityText ( offset , tempstr , 0 ) ;
offset + + ;
if ( GetModelName ( ) ! = NULL_STRING | | GetBaseAnimating ( ) )
Q_snprintf ( tempstr , sizeof ( tempstr ) , " Model:%s " , STRING ( GetModelName ( ) ) ) ;
EntityText ( offset , tempstr , 0 ) ;
offset + + ;
if ( m_hDamageFilter . Get ( ) ! = NULL )
Q_snprintf ( tempstr , sizeof ( tempstr ) , " DAMAGE FILTER:%s " , m_hDamageFilter - > GetDebugName ( ) ) ;
EntityText ( offset , tempstr , 0 ) ;
offset + + ;
if ( m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_VIEWOFFSET )
NDebugOverlay : : Cross3D ( EyePosition ( ) , 16 , 255 , 0 , 0 , true , 0.05f ) ;
return offset ;
void CBaseEntity : : SetParent ( string_t newParent , CBaseEntity * pActivator , int iAttachment )
// find and notify the new parent
CBaseEntity * pParent = gEntList . FindEntityByName ( NULL , newParent , NULL , pActivator ) ;
// debug check
if ( newParent ! = NULL_STRING & & pParent = = NULL )
Msg ( " Entity %s(%s) has bad parent %s \n " , STRING ( m_iClassname ) , GetDebugName ( ) , STRING ( newParent ) ) ;
// make sure there isn't any ambiguity
if ( gEntList . FindEntityByName ( pParent , newParent , NULL , pActivator ) )
Msg ( " Entity %s(%s) has ambigious parent %s \n " , STRING ( m_iClassname ) , GetDebugName ( ) , STRING ( newParent ) ) ;
SetParent ( pParent , iAttachment ) ;
// Purpose: Move our points from parent to worldspace
// Input : *pParent - Parent to use as reference
void CBaseEntity : : TransformStepData_ParentToWorld ( CBaseEntity * pParent )
// Fix up our step simulation points to be in the proper local space
StepSimulationData * step = ( StepSimulationData * ) GetDataObject ( STEPSIMULATION ) ;
if ( step ! = NULL )
// Convert our positions
UTIL_ParentToWorldSpace ( pParent , step - > m_Previous2 . vecOrigin , step - > m_Previous2 . qRotation ) ;
UTIL_ParentToWorldSpace ( pParent , step - > m_Previous . vecOrigin , step - > m_Previous . qRotation ) ;
// Purpose: Move step data between two parent-spaces
// Input : *pOldParent - parent we were attached to
// *pNewParent - parent we're now attached to
void CBaseEntity : : TransformStepData_ParentToParent ( CBaseEntity * pOldParent , CBaseEntity * pNewParent )
// Fix up our step simulation points to be in the proper local space
StepSimulationData * step = ( StepSimulationData * ) GetDataObject ( STEPSIMULATION ) ;
if ( step ! = NULL )
// Convert our positions
UTIL_ParentToWorldSpace ( pOldParent , step - > m_Previous2 . vecOrigin , step - > m_Previous2 . qRotation ) ;
UTIL_WorldToParentSpace ( pNewParent , step - > m_Previous2 . vecOrigin , step - > m_Previous2 . qRotation ) ;
UTIL_ParentToWorldSpace ( pOldParent , step - > m_Previous . vecOrigin , step - > m_Previous . qRotation ) ;
UTIL_WorldToParentSpace ( pNewParent , step - > m_Previous . vecOrigin , step - > m_Previous . qRotation ) ;
// Purpose: After parenting to an object, we need to also correctly translate our
// step stimulation positions and angles into that parent space. Otherwise
// we end up splining between two different world spaces.
void CBaseEntity : : TransformStepData_WorldToParent ( CBaseEntity * pParent )
// Fix up our step simulation points to be in the proper local space
StepSimulationData * step = ( StepSimulationData * ) GetDataObject ( STEPSIMULATION ) ;
if ( step ! = NULL )
// Convert our positions
UTIL_WorldToParentSpace ( pParent , step - > m_Previous2 . vecOrigin , step - > m_Previous2 . qRotation ) ;
UTIL_WorldToParentSpace ( pParent , step - > m_Previous . vecOrigin , step - > m_Previous . qRotation ) ;
// Purpose: Sets the movement parent of this entity. This entity will be moved
// to a local coordinate calculated from its current absolute offset
// from the parent entity and will then follow the parent entity.
// Input : pParentEntity - This entity's new parent in the movement hierarchy.
void CBaseEntity : : SetParent ( CBaseEntity * pParentEntity , int iAttachment )
// If they didn't specify an attachment, use our current
if ( iAttachment = = - 1 )
iAttachment = m_iParentAttachment ;
bool bWasNotParented = ( GetParent ( ) = = NULL ) ;
CBaseEntity * pOldParent = m_pParent ;
// notify the old parent of the loss
UnlinkFromParent ( this ) ;
// set the new name
m_pParent = pParentEntity ;
if ( m_pParent = = this )
// should never set parent to 'this' - makes no sense
Assert ( 0 ) ;
m_pParent = NULL ;
if ( m_pParent = = NULL )
m_iParent = NULL_STRING ;
// Transform step data from parent to worldspace
TransformStepData_ParentToWorld ( pOldParent ) ;
return ;
m_iParent = m_pParent - > m_iName ;
if ( pParentEntity )
if ( const_cast < CBaseEntity * > ( pParentEntity ) - > GetRootMoveParent ( ) - > GetSolid ( ) = = SOLID_BSP )
if ( GetSolid ( ) = = SOLID_BSP )
// Must be SOLID_VPHYSICS because parent might rotate
// set the move parent if we have one
if ( edict ( ) )
// add ourselves to the list
LinkChild ( m_pParent , this ) ;
m_iParentAttachment = ( char ) iAttachment ;
EntityMatrix matrix , childMatrix ;
matrix . InitFromEntity ( const_cast < CBaseEntity * > ( pParentEntity ) , m_iParentAttachment ) ; // parent->world
childMatrix . InitFromEntityLocal ( this ) ; // child->world
Vector localOrigin = matrix . WorldToLocal ( GetLocalOrigin ( ) ) ;
// I have the axes of local space in world space. (childMatrix)
// I want to compute those world space axes in the parent's local space
// and set that transform (as angles) on the child's object so the net
// result is that the child is now in parent space, but still oriented the same way
VMatrix tmp = matrix . Transpose ( ) ; // world->parent
tmp . MatrixMul ( childMatrix , matrix ) ; // child->parent
QAngle angles ;
MatrixToAngles ( matrix , angles ) ;
SetLocalAngles ( angles ) ;
UTIL_SetOrigin ( this , localOrigin ) ;
// Move our step data into the correct space
if ( bWasNotParented )
// Transform step data from world to parent-space
TransformStepData_WorldToParent ( this ) ;
// Transform step data between parent-spaces
TransformStepData_ParentToParent ( pOldParent , this ) ;
if ( VPhysicsGetObject ( ) )
if ( VPhysicsGetObject ( ) - > IsStatic ( ) )
if ( VPhysicsGetObject ( ) - > IsAttachedToConstraint ( false ) )
Warning ( " SetParent on static object, all constraints attached to %s (%s)will now be broken! \n " , GetDebugName ( ) , GetClassname ( ) ) ;
VPhysicsDestroyObject ( ) ;
VPhysicsInitShadow ( false , false ) ;
CollisionRulesChanged ( ) ;
// Purpose:
void CBaseEntity : : ValidateEntityConnections ( )
if ( m_target = = NULL_STRING )
return ;
if ( ClassMatches ( " scripted_* " ) | |
ClassMatches ( " trigger_relay " ) | |
ClassMatches ( " trigger_auto " ) | |
ClassMatches ( " path_* " ) | |
ClassMatches ( " monster_* " ) | |
ClassMatches ( " trigger_teleport " ) | |
ClassMatches ( " func_train " ) | |
ClassMatches ( " func_tracktrain " ) | |
ClassMatches ( " func_plat* " ) | |
ClassMatches ( " npc_* " ) | |
ClassMatches ( " info_big* " ) | |
ClassMatches ( " env_texturetoggle " ) | |
ClassMatches ( " env_render " ) | |
ClassMatches ( " func_areaportalwindow " ) | |
ClassMatches ( " point_view* " ) | |
ClassMatches ( " func_traincontrols " ) | |
ClassMatches ( " multisource " ) | |
ClassMatches ( " xen_plant* " ) )
return ;
datamap_t * dmap = GetDataDescMap ( ) ;
while ( dmap )
int fields = dmap - > dataNumFields ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < fields ; i + + )
typedescription_t * dataDesc = & dmap - > dataDesc [ i ] ;
if ( ( dataDesc - > fieldType = = FIELD_CUSTOM ) & & ( dataDesc - > flags & FTYPEDESC_OUTPUT ) )
2022-02-23 19:50:30 +08:00
CBaseEntityOutput * pOutput = ( CBaseEntityOutput * ) ( ( intp ) this + ( intp ) dataDesc - > fieldOffset [ 0 ] ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( pOutput - > NumberOfElements ( ) )
return ;
dmap = dmap - > baseMap ;
Vector vecLoc = WorldSpaceCenter ( ) ;
Warning ( " --------------------------------- \n " ) ;
Warning ( " Entity %s - (%s) has a target and NO OUTPUTS \n " , GetDebugName ( ) , GetClassname ( ) ) ;
Warning ( " Location %f %f %f \n " , vecLoc . x , vecLoc . y , vecLoc . z ) ;
Warning ( " --------------------------------- \n " ) ;
// Purpose:
void CBaseEntity : : FireNamedOutput ( const char * pszOutput , variant_t variant , CBaseEntity * pActivator , CBaseEntity * pCaller , float flDelay )
if ( pszOutput = = NULL )
return ;
datamap_t * dmap = GetDataDescMap ( ) ;
while ( dmap )
int fields = dmap - > dataNumFields ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < fields ; i + + )
typedescription_t * dataDesc = & dmap - > dataDesc [ i ] ;
if ( ( dataDesc - > fieldType = = FIELD_CUSTOM ) & & ( dataDesc - > flags & FTYPEDESC_OUTPUT ) )
2022-02-23 19:50:30 +08:00
CBaseEntityOutput * pOutput = ( CBaseEntityOutput * ) ( ( intp ) this + ( intp ) dataDesc - > fieldOffset [ 0 ] ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( dataDesc - > externalName , pszOutput ) )
pOutput - > FireOutput ( variant , pActivator , pCaller , flDelay ) ;
return ;
dmap = dmap - > baseMap ;
void CBaseEntity : : Activate ( void )
# ifdef DEBUG
extern bool g_bCheckForChainedActivate ;
extern bool g_bReceivedChainedActivate ;
if ( g_bCheckForChainedActivate & & g_bReceivedChainedActivate )
Assert ( ! " Multiple calls to base class Activate() \n " ) ;
g_bReceivedChainedActivate = true ;
# endif
// NOTE: This forces a team change so that stuff in the level
// that starts out on a team correctly changes team
if ( m_iInitialTeamNum )
ChangeTeam ( m_iInitialTeamNum ) ;
// Get a handle to my damage filter entity if there is one.
if ( m_iszDamageFilterName ! = NULL_STRING )
m_hDamageFilter = gEntList . FindEntityByName ( NULL , m_iszDamageFilterName ) ;
// Add any non-null context strings to our context vector
if ( m_iszResponseContext ! = NULL_STRING )
AddContext ( m_iszResponseContext . ToCStr ( ) ) ;
# ifdef HL1_DLL
ValidateEntityConnections ( ) ;
# endif //HL1_DLL
//////////////////////////// old CBaseEntity stuff ///////////////////////////////////
// give health.
// Returns the amount of health actually taken.
int CBaseEntity : : TakeHealth ( float flHealth , int bitsDamageType )
if ( ! edict ( ) | | m_takedamage < DAMAGE_YES )
return 0 ;
int iMax = GetMaxHealth ( ) ;
// heal
if ( m_iHealth > = iMax )
return 0 ;
const int oldHealth = m_iHealth ;
m_iHealth + = flHealth ;
if ( m_iHealth > iMax )
m_iHealth = iMax ;
return m_iHealth - oldHealth ;
// inflict damage on this entity. bitsDamageType indicates type of damage inflicted, ie: DMG_CRUSH
int CBaseEntity : : OnTakeDamage ( const CTakeDamageInfo & info )
Vector vecTemp ;
if ( ! edict ( ) | | ! m_takedamage )
return 0 ;
if ( info . GetInflictor ( ) )
vecTemp = info . GetInflictor ( ) - > WorldSpaceCenter ( ) - ( WorldSpaceCenter ( ) ) ;
vecTemp . Init ( 1 , 0 , 0 ) ;
// this global is still used for glass and other non-NPC killables, along with decals.
g_vecAttackDir = vecTemp ;
VectorNormalize ( g_vecAttackDir ) ;
// save damage based on the target's armor level
// figure momentum add (don't let hurt brushes or other triggers move player)
// physics objects have their own calcs for this: (don't let fire move things around!)
if ( ! IsEFlagSet ( EFL_NO_DAMAGE_FORCES ) )
if ( ( GetMoveType ( ) = = MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS ) )
VPhysicsTakeDamage ( info ) ;
if ( info . GetInflictor ( ) & & ( GetMoveType ( ) = = MOVETYPE_WALK | | GetMoveType ( ) = = MOVETYPE_STEP ) & &
! info . GetAttacker ( ) - > IsSolidFlagSet ( FSOLID_TRIGGER ) )
Vector vecDir , vecInflictorCentroid ;
vecDir = WorldSpaceCenter ( ) ;
vecInflictorCentroid = info . GetInflictor ( ) - > WorldSpaceCenter ( ) ;
vecDir - = vecInflictorCentroid ;
VectorNormalize ( vecDir ) ;
float flForce = info . GetDamage ( ) * ( ( 32 * 32 * 72.0 ) / ( WorldAlignSize ( ) . x * WorldAlignSize ( ) . y * WorldAlignSize ( ) . z ) ) * 5 ;
if ( flForce > 1000.0 )
flForce = 1000.0 ;
ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse ( vecDir * flForce ) ;
if ( m_takedamage ! = DAMAGE_EVENTS_ONLY )
// do the damage
m_iHealth - = info . GetDamage ( ) ;
if ( m_iHealth < = 0 )
Event_Killed ( info ) ;
return 0 ;
return 1 ;
// Purpose: Scale damage done and call OnTakeDamage
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
void CBaseEntity : : TakeDamage ( const CTakeDamageInfo & inputInfo )
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( ! g_pGameRules )
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
return ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
bool bHasPhysicsForceDamage = ! g_pGameRules - > Damage_NoPhysicsForce ( inputInfo . GetDamageType ( ) ) ;
if ( bHasPhysicsForceDamage & & inputInfo . GetDamageType ( ) ! = DMG_GENERIC )
// If you hit this assert, you've called TakeDamage with a damage type that requires a physics damage
// force & position without specifying one or both of them. Decide whether your damage that's causing
// this is something you believe should impart physics force on the receiver. If it is, you need to
// setup the damage force & position inside the CTakeDamageInfo (Utility functions for this are in
// takedamageinfo.cpp. If you think the damage shouldn't cause force (unlikely!) then you can set the
// damage type to DMG_GENERIC, or | DMG_CRUSH if you need to preserve the damage type for purposes of HUD display.
if ( inputInfo . GetDamageForce ( ) = = vec3_origin | | inputInfo . GetDamagePosition ( ) = = vec3_origin )
static int warningCount = 0 ;
if ( + + warningCount < 10 )
if ( inputInfo . GetDamageForce ( ) = = vec3_origin )
DevWarning ( " CBaseEntity::TakeDamage: with inputInfo.GetDamageForce() == vec3_origin \n " ) ;
if ( inputInfo . GetDamagePosition ( ) = = vec3_origin )
DevWarning ( " CBaseEntity::TakeDamage: with inputInfo.GetDamagePosition() == vec3_origin \n " ) ;
// Make sure our damage filter allows the damage.
if ( ! PassesDamageFilter ( inputInfo ) )
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
return ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( ! g_pGameRules - > AllowDamage ( this , inputInfo ) )
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
return ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( PhysIsInCallback ( ) )
PhysCallbackDamage ( this , inputInfo ) ;
CTakeDamageInfo info = inputInfo ;
// Scale the damage by the attacker's modifier.
if ( info . GetAttacker ( ) )
info . ScaleDamage ( info . GetAttacker ( ) - > GetAttackDamageScale ( this ) ) ;
// Scale the damage by my own modifiers
info . ScaleDamage ( GetReceivedDamageScale ( info . GetAttacker ( ) ) ) ;
//Msg("%s took %.2f Damage, at %.2f\n", GetClassname(), info.GetDamage(), gpGlobals->curtime );
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
OnTakeDamage ( info ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
// Purpose: Returns a value that scales all damage done by this entity.
float CBaseEntity : : GetAttackDamageScale ( CBaseEntity * pVictim )
float flScale = 1 ;
FOR_EACH_LL ( m_DamageModifiers , i )
if ( ! m_DamageModifiers [ i ] - > IsDamageDoneToMe ( ) )
flScale * = m_DamageModifiers [ i ] - > GetModifier ( ) ;
return flScale ;
// Purpose: Returns a value that scales all damage done to this entity
float CBaseEntity : : GetReceivedDamageScale ( CBaseEntity * pAttacker )
float flScale = 1 ;
FOR_EACH_LL ( m_DamageModifiers , i )
if ( m_DamageModifiers [ i ] - > IsDamageDoneToMe ( ) )
flScale * = m_DamageModifiers [ i ] - > GetModifier ( ) ;
return flScale ;
// Purpose: Applies forces to our physics object in response to damage.
int CBaseEntity : : VPhysicsTakeDamage ( const CTakeDamageInfo & info )
// don't let physics impacts or fire cause objects to move (again)
bool bNoPhysicsForceDamage = g_pGameRules - > Damage_NoPhysicsForce ( info . GetDamageType ( ) ) ;
if ( bNoPhysicsForceDamage | | info . GetDamageType ( ) = = DMG_GENERIC )
return 1 ;
Assert ( VPhysicsGetObject ( ) ! = NULL ) ;
if ( VPhysicsGetObject ( ) )
Vector force = info . GetDamageForce ( ) ;
Vector offset = info . GetDamagePosition ( ) ;
// If you hit this assert, you've called TakeDamage with a damage type that requires a physics damage
// force & position without specifying one or both of them. Decide whether your damage that's causing
// this is something you believe should impart physics force on the receiver. If it is, you need to
// setup the damage force & position inside the CTakeDamageInfo (Utility functions for this are in
// takedamageinfo.cpp. If you think the damage shouldn't cause force (unlikely!) then you can set the
// damage type to DMG_GENERIC, or | DMG_CRUSH if you need to preserve the damage type for purposes of HUD display.
# if !defined( TF_DLL )
Assert ( force ! = vec3_origin & & offset ! = vec3_origin ) ;
# else
// this was spamming the console for Payload maps in TF (trigger_hurt entity on the front of the cart)
if ( ! TFGameRules ( ) | | TFGameRules ( ) - > GetGameType ( ) ! = TF_GAMETYPE_ESCORT )
Assert ( force ! = vec3_origin & & offset ! = vec3_origin ) ;
# endif
unsigned short gameFlags = VPhysicsGetObject ( ) - > GetGameFlags ( ) ;
if ( gameFlags & FVPHYSICS_PLAYER_HELD )
// if the player is holding the object, use it's real mass (player holding reduced the mass)
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = UTIL_GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
if ( pPlayer )
float mass = pPlayer - > GetHeldObjectMass ( VPhysicsGetObject ( ) ) ;
if ( mass ! = 0.0f )
float ratio = VPhysicsGetObject ( ) - > GetMass ( ) / mass ;
force * = ratio ;
else if ( ( gameFlags & FVPHYSICS_PART_OF_RAGDOLL ) & & ( gameFlags & FVPHYSICS_CONSTRAINT_STATIC ) )
int count = VPhysicsGetObjectList ( pList , ARRAYSIZE ( pList ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + )
if ( ! ( pList [ i ] - > GetGameFlags ( ) & FVPHYSICS_CONSTRAINT_STATIC ) )
pList [ i ] - > ApplyForceOffset ( force , offset ) ;
return 1 ;
VPhysicsGetObject ( ) - > ApplyForceOffset ( force , offset ) ;
return 1 ;
// Character killed (only fired once)
void CBaseEntity : : Event_Killed ( const CTakeDamageInfo & info )
if ( info . GetAttacker ( ) )
info . GetAttacker ( ) - > Event_KilledOther ( this , info ) ;
m_takedamage = DAMAGE_NO ;
m_lifeState = LIFE_DEAD ;
UTIL_Remove ( this ) ;
// Purpose: helper method to send a game event when this entity is killed. Note:
// gets called specifically for particular entities (mostly NPC), this
// does not get called for every entity
void CBaseEntity : : SendOnKilledGameEvent ( const CTakeDamageInfo & info )
IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager - > CreateEvent ( " entity_killed " ) ;
if ( event )
event - > SetInt ( " entindex_killed " , entindex ( ) ) ;
if ( info . GetAttacker ( ) )
event - > SetInt ( " entindex_attacker " , info . GetAttacker ( ) - > entindex ( ) ) ;
if ( info . GetInflictor ( ) )
event - > SetInt ( " entindex_inflictor " , info . GetInflictor ( ) - > entindex ( ) ) ;
event - > SetInt ( " damagebits " , info . GetDamageType ( ) ) ;
gameeventmanager - > FireEvent ( event ) ;
bool CBaseEntity : : HasTarget ( string_t targetname )
if ( targetname ! = NULL_STRING & & m_target ! = NULL_STRING )
return FStrEq ( STRING ( targetname ) , STRING ( m_target ) ) ;
return false ;
CBaseEntity * CBaseEntity : : GetNextTarget ( void )
if ( ! m_target )
return NULL ;
return gEntList . FindEntityByName ( NULL , m_target ) ;
class CThinkContextsSaveDataOps : public CDefSaveRestoreOps
virtual void Save ( const SaveRestoreFieldInfo_t & fieldInfo , ISave * pSave )
AssertMsg ( fieldInfo . pTypeDesc - > fieldSize = = 1 , " CThinkContextsSaveDataOps does not support arrays " ) ;
// Write out the vector
CUtlVector < thinkfunc_t > * pUtlVector = ( CUtlVector < thinkfunc_t > * ) fieldInfo . pField ;
SaveUtlVector ( pSave , pUtlVector , FIELD_EMBEDDED ) ;
// Get our owner
CBaseEntity * pOwner = ( CBaseEntity * ) fieldInfo . pOwner ;
pSave - > StartBlock ( ) ;
// Now write out all the functions
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pUtlVector - > Size ( ) ; i + + )
# ifdef WIN32
void * * ppV = ( void * * ) & ( ( * pUtlVector ) [ i ] . m_pfnThink ) ;
# else
BASEPTR * ppV = & ( ( * pUtlVector ) [ i ] . m_pfnThink ) ;
# endif
bool bHasFunc = ( * ppV ! = NULL ) ;
pSave - > WriteBool ( & bHasFunc , 1 ) ;
if ( bHasFunc )
pSave - > WriteFunction ( pOwner - > GetDataDescMap ( ) , " m_pfnThink " , ( inputfunc_t * * ) ppV , 1 ) ;
pSave - > EndBlock ( ) ;
virtual void Restore ( const SaveRestoreFieldInfo_t & fieldInfo , IRestore * pRestore )
AssertMsg ( fieldInfo . pTypeDesc - > fieldSize = = 1 , " CThinkContextsSaveDataOps does not support arrays " ) ;
// Read in the vector
CUtlVector < thinkfunc_t > * pUtlVector = ( CUtlVector < thinkfunc_t > * ) fieldInfo . pField ;
RestoreUtlVector ( pRestore , pUtlVector , FIELD_EMBEDDED ) ;
// Get our owner
CBaseEntity * pOwner = ( CBaseEntity * ) fieldInfo . pOwner ;
pRestore - > StartBlock ( ) ;
// Now read in all the functions
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pUtlVector - > Size ( ) ; i + + )
bool bHasFunc ;
pRestore - > ReadBool ( & bHasFunc , 1 ) ;
# ifdef WIN32
void * * ppV = ( void * * ) & ( ( * pUtlVector ) [ i ] . m_pfnThink ) ;
# else
BASEPTR * ppV = & ( ( * pUtlVector ) [ i ] . m_pfnThink ) ;
Q_memset ( ( void * ) ppV , 0x0 , sizeof ( inputfunc_t ) ) ;
# endif
if ( bHasFunc )
SaveRestoreRecordHeader_t header ;
pRestore - > ReadHeader ( & header ) ;
pRestore - > ReadFunction ( pOwner - > GetDataDescMap ( ) , ( inputfunc_t * * ) ppV , 1 , header . size ) ;
* ppV = NULL ;
pRestore - > EndBlock ( ) ;
virtual bool IsEmpty ( const SaveRestoreFieldInfo_t & fieldInfo )
CUtlVector < thinkfunc_t > * pUtlVector = ( CUtlVector < thinkfunc_t > * ) fieldInfo . pField ;
return ( pUtlVector - > Count ( ) = = 0 ) ;
virtual void MakeEmpty ( const SaveRestoreFieldInfo_t & fieldInfo )
BASEPTR pFunc = * ( ( BASEPTR * ) fieldInfo . pField ) ;
pFunc = NULL ;
} ;
CThinkContextsSaveDataOps g_ThinkContextsSaveDataOps ;
ISaveRestoreOps * thinkcontextFuncs = & g_ThinkContextsSaveDataOps ;
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_iszContext , FIELD_STRING ) ,
// DEFINE_FIELD( m_pfnThink, FIELD_FUNCTION ), // Manually written
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_nNextThinkTick , FIELD_TICK ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_nLastThinkTick , FIELD_TICK ) ,
BEGIN_SIMPLE_DATADESC ( ResponseContext_t )
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_fExpirationTime , FIELD_TIME ) ,
DEFINE_KEYFIELD ( m_iClassname , FIELD_STRING , " classname " ) ,
DEFINE_GLOBAL_KEYFIELD ( m_iGlobalname , FIELD_STRING , " globalname " ) ,
DEFINE_KEYFIELD ( m_iParent , FIELD_STRING , " parentname " ) ,
DEFINE_KEYFIELD ( m_iHammerID , FIELD_INTEGER , " hammerid " ) , // save ID numbers so that entities can be tracked between save/restore and vmf
DEFINE_KEYFIELD ( m_flSpeed , FIELD_FLOAT , " speed " ) ,
DEFINE_KEYFIELD ( m_nRenderFX , FIELD_CHARACTER , " renderfx " ) ,
DEFINE_KEYFIELD ( m_nRenderMode , FIELD_CHARACTER , " rendermode " ) ,
// Consider moving to CBaseAnimating?
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_flPrevAnimTime , FIELD_TIME ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_flAnimTime , FIELD_TIME ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_flSimulationTime , FIELD_TIME ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_nLastThinkTick , FIELD_TICK ) ,
DEFINE_KEYFIELD ( m_nNextThinkTick , FIELD_TICK , " nextthink " ) ,
DEFINE_KEYFIELD ( m_fEffects , FIELD_INTEGER , " effects " ) ,
DEFINE_KEYFIELD ( m_clrRender , FIELD_COLOR32 , " rendercolor " ) ,
DEFINE_GLOBAL_KEYFIELD ( m_nModelIndex , FIELD_SHORT , " modelindex " ) ,
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
// DEFINE_FIELD( m_PredictableID, CPredictableId ),
# endif
DEFINE_CUSTOM_FIELD ( m_aThinkFunctions , thinkcontextFuncs ) ,
// m_iCurrentThinkContext (not saved, debug field only, and think transient to boot)
DEFINE_KEYFIELD ( m_iszResponseContext , FIELD_STRING , " ResponseContext " ) ,
DEFINE_KEYFIELD ( m_iMaxHealth , FIELD_INTEGER , " max_health " ) ,
DEFINE_KEYFIELD ( m_iHealth , FIELD_INTEGER , " health " ) ,
DEFINE_KEYFIELD ( m_target , FIELD_STRING , " target " ) ,
DEFINE_KEYFIELD ( m_iszDamageFilterName , FIELD_STRING , " damagefilter " ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_hDamageFilter , FIELD_EHANDLE ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_debugOverlays , FIELD_INTEGER ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_iParentAttachment , FIELD_CHARACTER ) ,
DEFINE_EMBEDDED ( m_Collision ) ,
DEFINE_EMBEDDED ( m_Network ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_CollisionGroup , FIELD_INTEGER ) ,
DEFINE_PHYSPTR ( m_pPhysicsObject ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_flElasticity , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_KEYFIELD ( m_flShadowCastDistance , FIELD_FLOAT , " shadowcastdist " ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_flDesiredShadowCastDistance , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_INPUT ( m_iInitialTeamNum , FIELD_INTEGER , " TeamNum " ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_hGroundEntity , FIELD_EHANDLE ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_flGroundChangeTime , FIELD_TIME ) ,
DEFINE_KEYFIELD ( m_vecBaseVelocity , FIELD_VECTOR , " basevelocity " ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_vecAbsVelocity , FIELD_VECTOR ) ,
DEFINE_KEYFIELD ( m_vecAngVelocity , FIELD_VECTOR , " avelocity " ) ,
// DEFINE_FIELD( m_vecAbsAngVelocity, FIELD_VECTOR ),
DEFINE_ARRAY ( m_rgflCoordinateFrame , FIELD_FLOAT , 12 ) , // NOTE: MUST BE IN LOCAL SPACE, NOT POSITION_VECTOR!!! (see CBaseEntity::Restore)
DEFINE_KEYFIELD ( m_nWaterLevel , FIELD_CHARACTER , " waterlevel " ) ,
DEFINE_KEYFIELD ( m_flGravity , FIELD_FLOAT , " gravity " ) ,
DEFINE_KEYFIELD ( m_flFriction , FIELD_FLOAT , " friction " ) ,
// Local time is local to each object. It doesn't need to be re-based if the clock
// changes. Therefore it is saved as a FIELD_FLOAT, not a FIELD_TIME
DEFINE_KEYFIELD ( m_flLocalTime , FIELD_FLOAT , " ltime " ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_flVPhysicsUpdateLocalTime , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_flMoveDoneTime , FIELD_FLOAT ) ,
DEFINE_KEYFIELD ( m_vecVelocity , FIELD_VECTOR , " velocity " ) ,
DEFINE_KEYFIELD ( m_iTextureFrameIndex , FIELD_CHARACTER , " texframeindex " ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_bSimulatedEveryTick , FIELD_BOOLEAN ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_bAnimatedEveryTick , FIELD_BOOLEAN ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_bAlternateSorting , FIELD_BOOLEAN ) ,
DEFINE_KEYFIELD ( m_spawnflags , FIELD_INTEGER , " spawnflags " ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_nTransmitStateOwnedCounter , FIELD_CHARACTER ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_angAbsRotation , FIELD_VECTOR ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_angRotation , FIELD_VECTOR ) ,
DEFINE_KEYFIELD ( m_vecViewOffset , FIELD_VECTOR , " view_ofs " ) ,
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
// DEFINE_FIELD( m_bIsPlayerSimulated, FIELD_INTEGER ),
// DEFINE_FIELD( m_hPlayerSimulationOwner, FIELD_EHANDLE ),
# endif
// DEFINE_FIELD( m_pTimedOverlay, TimedOverlay_t* ),
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_nSimulationTick , FIELD_TICK ) ,
// DEFINE_FIELD( m_RefEHandle, CBaseHandle ),
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime , FIELD_TIME ) ,
// DEFINE_FIELD( m_bToolRecording, FIELD_BOOLEAN ),
// NOTE: This is tricky. TeamNum must be saved, but we can't directly
// read it in, because we can only set it after the team entity has been read in,
// which may or may not actually occur before the entity is parsed.
// Therefore, we set the TeamNum from the InitialTeamNum in Activate
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_INTEGER , " SetTeam " , InputSetTeam ) ,
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_VOID , " Kill " , InputKill ) ,
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_VOID , " KillHierarchy " , InputKillHierarchy ) ,
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_VOID , " Use " , InputUse ) ,
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_INTEGER , " Alpha " , InputAlpha ) ,
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_BOOLEAN , " AlternativeSorting " , InputAlternativeSorting ) ,
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_COLOR32 , " Color " , InputColor ) ,
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_STRING , " SetParent " , InputSetParent ) ,
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_STRING , " SetParentAttachment " , InputSetParentAttachment ) ,
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_STRING , " SetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset " , InputSetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset ) ,
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_VOID , " ClearParent " , InputClearParent ) ,
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_STRING , " SetDamageFilter " , InputSetDamageFilter ) ,
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_VOID , " EnableDamageForces " , InputEnableDamageForces ) ,
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_VOID , " DisableDamageForces " , InputDisableDamageForces ) ,
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_STRING , " DispatchEffect " , InputDispatchEffect ) ,
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_STRING , " DispatchResponse " , InputDispatchResponse ) ,
// Entity I/O methods to alter context
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_STRING , " AddContext " , InputAddContext ) ,
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_STRING , " RemoveContext " , InputRemoveContext ) ,
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_STRING , " ClearContext " , InputClearContext ) ,
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_VOID , " DisableShadow " , InputDisableShadow ) ,
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_VOID , " EnableShadow " , InputEnableShadow ) ,
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_STRING , " AddOutput " , InputAddOutput ) ,
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_STRING , " FireUser1 " , InputFireUser1 ) ,
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_STRING , " FireUser2 " , InputFireUser2 ) ,
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_STRING , " FireUser3 " , InputFireUser3 ) ,
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC ( FIELD_STRING , " FireUser4 " , InputFireUser4 ) ,
DEFINE_OUTPUT ( m_OnUser1 , " OnUser1 " ) ,
DEFINE_OUTPUT ( m_OnUser2 , " OnUser2 " ) ,
DEFINE_OUTPUT ( m_OnUser3 , " OnUser3 " ) ,
DEFINE_OUTPUT ( m_OnUser4 , " OnUser4 " ) ,
// Function Pointers
DEFINE_FUNCTION ( SUB_StartFadeOutInstant ) ,
DEFINE_THINKFUNC ( ShadowCastDistThink ) ,
DEFINE_FIELD ( m_hEffectEntity , FIELD_EHANDLE ) ,
//DEFINE_FIELD( m_DamageModifiers, FIELD_?? ), // can't save?
// DEFINE_FIELD( m_fDataObjectTypes, FIELD_INTEGER ),
# ifdef TF_DLL
# endif
// For code error checking
extern bool g_bReceivedChainedUpdateOnRemove ;
// Purpose: Called just prior to object destruction
// Entities that need to unlink themselves from other entities should do the unlinking
// here rather than in their destructor. The reason why is that when the global entity list
// is told to Clear(), it first takes a pass through all active entities and calls UTIL_Remove
// on each such entity. Then it calls the delete function on each deleted entity in the list.
// In the old code, the objects were simply destroyed in order and there was no guarantee that the
// destructor of one object would not try to access another object that might already have been
// destructed (especially since the entity list order is more or less random!).
// NOTE: You should never call delete directly on an entity (there's an assert now), see note
// at CBaseEntity::~CBaseEntity for more information.
// NOTE: You should chain to BaseClass::UpdateOnRemove after doing your own cleanup code, e.g.:
// void CDerived::UpdateOnRemove( void )
// {
// ... cleanup code
// ...
// BaseClass::UpdateOnRemove();
// }
// In general, this function updates global tables that need to know about entities being removed
void CBaseEntity : : UpdateOnRemove ( void )
g_bReceivedChainedUpdateOnRemove = true ;
// Virtual call to shut down any looping sounds.
StopLoopingSounds ( ) ;
// Notifies entity listeners, etc
gEntList . NotifyRemoveEntity ( GetRefEHandle ( ) ) ;
if ( edict ( ) )
AddFlag ( FL_KILLME ) ;
if ( GetFlags ( ) & FL_GRAPHED )
/* <<TODO>>
// this entity was a LinkEnt in the world node graph, so we must remove it from
// the graph since we are removing it from the world.
for ( int i = 0 ; i < WorldGraph . m_cLinks ; i + + )
if ( WorldGraph . m_pLinkPool [ i ] . m_pLinkEnt = = pev )
// if this link has a link ent which is the same ent that is removing itself, remove it!
WorldGraph . m_pLinkPool [ i ] . m_pLinkEnt = NULL ;
if ( m_iGlobalname ! = NULL_STRING )
// NOTE: During level shutdown the global list will suppress this
// it assumes your changing levels or the game will end
// causing the whole list to be flushed
GlobalEntity_SetState ( m_iGlobalname , GLOBAL_DEAD ) ;
VPhysicsDestroyObject ( ) ;
// This is only here to allow the MOVETYPE_NONE to be set without the
// assertion triggering. Why do we bother setting the MOVETYPE to none here?
RemoveEffects ( EF_BONEMERGE ) ;
SetMoveType ( MOVETYPE_NONE ) ;
// If we have a parent, unlink from it.
UnlinkFromParent ( this ) ;
// Any children still connected are orphans, mark all for delete
CUtlVector < CBaseEntity * > childrenList ;
GetAllChildren ( this , childrenList ) ;
if ( childrenList . Count ( ) )
DevMsg ( 2 , " Warning: Deleting orphaned children of %s \n " , GetClassname ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = childrenList . Count ( ) - 1 ; i > = 0 ; - - i )
UTIL_Remove ( childrenList [ i ] ) ;
SetGroundEntity ( NULL ) ;
if ( m_bDynamicModelPending )
sg_DynamicLoadHandlers . Remove ( this ) ;
if ( IsDynamicModelIndex ( m_nModelIndex ) )
modelinfo - > ReleaseDynamicModel ( m_nModelIndex ) ; // no-op if not dynamic
m_nModelIndex = - 1 ;
// capabilities
int CBaseEntity : : ObjectCaps ( void )
# if 1
model_t * pModel = GetModel ( ) ;
bool bIsBrush = ( pModel & & modelinfo - > GetModelType ( pModel ) = = mod_brush ) ;
// We inherit our parent's use capabilities so that we can forward use commands
// to our parent.
CBaseEntity * pParent = GetParent ( ) ;
if ( pParent )
int caps = pParent - > ObjectCaps ( ) ;
if ( ! bIsBrush )
if ( pParent - > IsPlayer ( ) )
return caps ;
else if ( ! bIsBrush )
return 0 ;
# else
// We inherit our parent's use capabilities so that we can forward use commands
// to our parent.
int parentCaps = 0 ;
if ( GetParent ( ) )
parentCaps = GetParent ( ) - > ObjectCaps ( ) ;
model_t * pModel = GetModel ( ) ;
if ( pModel & & modelinfo - > GetModelType ( pModel ) = = mod_brush )
return parentCaps ;
return FCAP_ACROSS_TRANSITION | parentCaps ;
# endif
void CBaseEntity : : StartTouch ( CBaseEntity * pOther )
// notify parent
if ( m_pParent ! = NULL )
m_pParent - > StartTouch ( pOther ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : Touch ( CBaseEntity * pOther )
if ( m_pfnTouch )
( this - > * m_pfnTouch ) ( pOther ) ;
// notify parent of touch
if ( m_pParent ! = NULL )
m_pParent - > Touch ( pOther ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : EndTouch ( CBaseEntity * pOther )
// notify parent
if ( m_pParent ! = NULL )
m_pParent - > EndTouch ( pOther ) ;
// Purpose: Dispatches blocked events to this entity's blocked handler, set via SetBlocked.
// Input : pOther - The entity that is blocking us.
void CBaseEntity : : Blocked ( CBaseEntity * pOther )
if ( m_pfnBlocked )
( this - > * m_pfnBlocked ) ( pOther ) ;
// Forward the blocked event to our parent, if any.
if ( m_pParent ! = NULL )
m_pParent - > Blocked ( pOther ) ;
// Purpose: Dispatches use events to this entity's use handler, set via SetUse.
// Input : pActivator -
// pCaller -
// useType -
// value -
void CBaseEntity : : Use ( CBaseEntity * pActivator , CBaseEntity * pCaller , USE_TYPE useType , float value )
if ( m_pfnUse ! = NULL )
( this - > * m_pfnUse ) ( pActivator , pCaller , useType , value ) ;
// We don't handle use events. Forward to our parent, if any.
if ( m_pParent ! = NULL )
m_pParent - > Use ( pActivator , pCaller , useType , value ) ;
static CBaseEntity * FindPhysicsBlocker ( IPhysicsObject * pPhysics , physicspushlist_t & list , const Vector & pushVel )
IPhysicsFrictionSnapshot * pSnapshot = pPhysics - > CreateFrictionSnapshot ( ) ;
CBaseEntity * pBlocker = NULL ;
float maxForce = 0 ;
while ( pSnapshot - > IsValid ( ) )
IPhysicsObject * pOther = pSnapshot - > GetObject ( 1 ) ;
CBaseEntity * pOtherEntity = static_cast < CBaseEntity * > ( pOther - > GetGameData ( ) ) ;
bool inList = false ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < list . pushedCount ; i + + )
if ( pOtherEntity = = list . pushedEnts [ i ] )
inList = true ;
break ;
Vector normal ;
pSnapshot - > GetSurfaceNormal ( normal ) ;
float dot = DotProduct ( pushVel , pSnapshot - > GetNormalForce ( ) * normal ) ;
if ( ! pBlocker | | ( ! inList & & dot > maxForce ) )
pBlocker = pOtherEntity ;
if ( ! inList )
maxForce = dot ;
pSnapshot - > NextFrictionData ( ) ;
pPhysics - > DestroyFrictionSnapshot ( pSnapshot ) ;
return pBlocker ;
struct pushblock_t
physicspushlist_t * pList ;
CBaseEntity * pRootParent ;
CBaseEntity * pBlockedEntity ;
float moveBackFraction ;
float movetime ;
} ;
static void ComputePushStartMatrix ( matrix3x4_t & start , CBaseEntity * pEntity , const pushblock_t & params )
Vector localOrigin ;
QAngle localAngles ;
if ( params . pList )
localOrigin = params . pList - > localOrigin ;
localAngles = params . pList - > localAngles ;
localOrigin = params . pRootParent - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) - params . pRootParent - > GetAbsVelocity ( ) * params . movetime ;
localAngles = params . pRootParent - > GetAbsAngles ( ) - params . pRootParent - > GetLocalAngularVelocity ( ) * params . movetime ;
matrix3x4_t xform , delta ;
AngleMatrix ( localAngles , localOrigin , xform ) ;
matrix3x4_t srcInv ;
// xform = src(-1) * dest
MatrixInvert ( params . pRootParent - > EntityToWorldTransform ( ) , srcInv ) ;
ConcatTransforms ( xform , srcInv , delta ) ;
ConcatTransforms ( delta , pEntity - > EntityToWorldTransform ( ) , start ) ;
static void CheckPushedEntity ( CBaseEntity * pEntity , pushblock_t & params )
IPhysicsObject * pPhysics = pEntity - > VPhysicsGetObject ( ) ;
if ( ! pPhysics )
return ;
// somehow we've got a static or motion disabled physics object in hierarchy!
// This is not allowed! Don't test blocking in that case.
Assert ( pPhysics - > IsMoveable ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pPhysics - > IsMoveable ( ) | | ! pPhysics - > GetShadowController ( ) )
Msg ( " Blocking %s, not moveable! \n " , pEntity - > GetClassname ( ) ) ;
# endif
return ;
bool checkrot = true ;
bool checkmove = true ;
Vector origin ;
QAngle angles ;
pPhysics - > GetShadowPosition ( & origin , & angles ) ;
float fraction = - 1.0f ;
matrix3x4_t parentDelta ;
if ( pEntity = = params . pRootParent )
if ( pEntity - > GetLocalAngularVelocity ( ) = = vec3_angle )
checkrot = false ;
if ( pEntity - > GetLocalVelocity ( ) = = vec3_origin )
checkmove = false ;
if ( pPhysics - > IsAttachedToConstraint ( false ) )
Msg ( " Warning, hierarchical entity is attached to a constraint %s \n " , pEntity - > GetClassname ( ) ) ;
# endif
if ( checkmove )
// project error onto the axis of movement
Vector dir = pEntity - > GetAbsVelocity ( ) ;
float speed = VectorNormalize ( dir ) ;
Vector targetPos ;
pPhysics - > GetShadowController ( ) - > GetTargetPosition ( & targetPos , NULL ) ;
float targetAmount = DotProduct ( targetPos , dir ) ;
float currentAmount = DotProduct ( origin , dir ) ;
float entityAmount = DotProduct ( pEntity - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) , dir ) ;
// if target and entity origin are not in sync, then the position of the entity was updated
// by something outside of push physics
if ( ( targetAmount - entityAmount ) > 1 )
pEntity - > UpdatePhysicsShadowToCurrentPosition ( 0 ) ;
Warning ( " Someone slammed the position of a %s \n " , pEntity - > GetClassname ( ) ) ;
# endif
float dist = targetAmount - currentAmount ;
if ( dist > 1 )
const char * pName = pEntity - > GetClassname ( ) ;
Msg ( " %s blocked by %.2f units \n " , pName , dist ) ;
# endif
float movementAmount = targetAmount - ( speed * params . movetime ) ;
if ( pEntity = = params . pRootParent )
if ( params . pList )
Vector localVel = pEntity - > GetLocalVelocity ( ) ;
VectorNormalize ( localVel ) ;
float localTargetAmt = DotProduct ( pEntity - > GetLocalOrigin ( ) , localVel ) ;
movementAmount = targetAmount + DotProduct ( params . pList - > localOrigin , localVel ) - localTargetAmt ;
matrix3x4_t start ;
ComputePushStartMatrix ( start , pEntity , params ) ;
Vector startPos ;
MatrixPosition ( start , startPos ) ;
movementAmount = DotProduct ( startPos , dir ) ;
float expectedDist = targetAmount - movementAmount ;
// compute the fraction to move back the AI to match the physics
if ( expectedDist < = 0 )
fraction = 1 ;
fraction = dist / expectedDist ;
fraction = clamp ( fraction , 0.f , 1.f ) ;
if ( checkrot )
Vector axis ;
float deltaAngle ;
RotationDeltaAxisAngle ( angles , pEntity - > GetAbsAngles ( ) , axis , deltaAngle ) ;
if ( fabsf ( deltaAngle ) > 0.5f )
Vector targetAxis ;
QAngle targetRot ;
float deltaTargetAngle ;
pPhysics - > GetShadowController ( ) - > GetTargetPosition ( NULL , & targetRot ) ;
RotationDeltaAxisAngle ( angles , targetRot , targetAxis , deltaTargetAngle ) ;
if ( fabsf ( deltaTargetAngle ) > 0.01f )
float expectedDist = deltaAngle ;
const char * pName = pEntity - > GetClassname ( ) ;
Msg ( " %s blocked by %.2f degrees \n " , pName , deltaAngle ) ;
if ( pPhysics - > IsAsleep ( ) )
Msg ( " Asleep while blocked? \n " ) ;
if ( pPhysics - > GetGameFlags ( ) & FVPHYSICS_PENETRATING )
Msg ( " Blocking for penetration! \n " ) ;
# endif
if ( pEntity = = params . pRootParent )
expectedDist = pEntity - > GetLocalAngularVelocity ( ) . Length ( ) * params . movetime ;
matrix3x4_t start ;
ComputePushStartMatrix ( start , pEntity , params ) ;
Vector startAxis ;
float startAngle ;
Vector startPos ;
QAngle startAngles ;
MatrixAngles ( start , startAngles , startPos ) ;
RotationDeltaAxisAngle ( startAngles , pEntity - > GetAbsAngles ( ) , startAxis , startAngle ) ;
expectedDist = startAngle * DotProduct ( startAxis , axis ) ;
float t = expectedDist ! = 0.0f ? fabsf ( deltaAngle / expectedDist ) : 1.0f ;
t = clamp ( t , 0.f , 1.f ) ;
fraction = MAX ( fraction , t ) ;
pEntity - > UpdatePhysicsShadowToCurrentPosition ( 0 ) ;
Warning ( " Someone slammed the position of a %s \n " , pEntity - > GetClassname ( ) ) ;
# endif
if ( fraction > = params . moveBackFraction )
params . moveBackFraction = fraction ;
params . pBlockedEntity = pEntity ;
void CBaseEntity : : VPhysicsUpdatePusher ( IPhysicsObject * pPhysics )
float movetime = m_flLocalTime - m_flVPhysicsUpdateLocalTime ;
if ( movetime < = 0 )
return ;
// only reconcile pushers on the final vphysics tick
if ( ! PhysIsFinalTick ( ) )
return ;
Vector origin ;
QAngle angles ;
// physics updated the shadow, so check to see if I got blocked
// NOTE: SOLID_BSP cannont compute consistent collisions wrt vphysics, so
// don't allow vphysics to block. Assume game physics has handled it.
if ( GetSolid ( ) ! = SOLID_BSP & & pPhysics - > GetShadowPosition ( & origin , & angles ) )
CUtlVector < CBaseEntity * > list ;
GetAllInHierarchy ( this , list ) ;
//NDebugOverlay::BoxAngles( origin, CollisionProp()->OBBMins(), CollisionProp()->OBBMaxs(), angles, 255,0,0,0, gpGlobals->frametime);
physicspushlist_t * pList = NULL ;
if ( HasDataObjectType ( PHYSICSPUSHLIST ) )
pList = ( physicspushlist_t * ) GetDataObject ( PHYSICSPUSHLIST ) ;
Assert ( pList ) ;
bool checkrot = ( GetLocalAngularVelocity ( ) ! = vec3_angle ) ? true : false ;
bool checkmove = ( GetLocalVelocity ( ) ! = vec3_origin ) ? true : false ;
pushblock_t params ;
params . pRootParent = this ;
params . pList = pList ;
params . pBlockedEntity = NULL ;
params . moveBackFraction = 0.0f ;
params . movetime = movetime ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < list . Count ( ) ; i + + )
if ( list [ i ] - > IsSolid ( ) )
CheckPushedEntity ( list [ i ] , params ) ;
float physLocalTime = m_flLocalTime ;
if ( params . pBlockedEntity )
float moveback = movetime * params . moveBackFraction ;
if ( moveback > 0 )
physLocalTime = m_flLocalTime - moveback ;
// add 1% noise for bouncing in collision.
if ( physLocalTime < = ( m_flVPhysicsUpdateLocalTime + movetime * 0.99f ) )
CBaseEntity * pBlocked = NULL ;
IPhysicsObject * pOther ;
if ( params . pBlockedEntity - > VPhysicsGetObject ( ) - > GetContactPoint ( NULL , & pOther ) )
pBlocked = static_cast < CBaseEntity * > ( pOther - > GetGameData ( ) ) ;
// UNDONE: Need to traverse hierarchy here? Shouldn't.
if ( pList )
SetLocalOrigin ( pList - > localOrigin ) ;
SetLocalAngles ( pList - > localAngles ) ;
physLocalTime = pList - > localMoveTime ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pList - > pushedCount ; i + + )
CBaseEntity * pEntity = pList - > pushedEnts [ i ] ;
if ( ! pEntity )
continue ;
pEntity - > SetAbsOrigin ( pEntity - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) - pList - > pushVec [ i ] ) ;
CBaseEntity * pPhysicsBlocker = FindPhysicsBlocker ( VPhysicsGetObject ( ) , * pList , pList - > pushVec [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( pPhysicsBlocker )
pBlocked = pPhysicsBlocker ;
Vector origin = GetLocalOrigin ( ) ;
QAngle angles = GetLocalAngles ( ) ;
if ( checkmove )
origin - = GetLocalVelocity ( ) * moveback ;
if ( checkrot )
// BUGBUG: This is pretty hack-tastic!
angles - = GetLocalAngularVelocity ( ) * moveback ;
SetLocalOrigin ( origin ) ;
SetLocalAngles ( angles ) ;
if ( pBlocked )
Blocked ( pBlocked ) ;
m_flLocalTime = physLocalTime ;
// this data is no longer useful, free the memory
if ( HasDataObjectType ( PHYSICSPUSHLIST ) )
DestroyDataObject ( PHYSICSPUSHLIST ) ;
m_flVPhysicsUpdateLocalTime = m_flLocalTime ;
if ( m_flMoveDoneTime < = m_flLocalTime & & m_flMoveDoneTime > 0 )
SetMoveDoneTime ( - 1 ) ;
MoveDone ( ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : SetMoveDoneTime ( float flDelay )
if ( flDelay > = 0 )
m_flMoveDoneTime = GetLocalTime ( ) + flDelay ;
m_flMoveDoneTime = - 1 ;
CheckHasGamePhysicsSimulation ( ) ;
// Purpose: Relinks all of a parents children into the collision tree
void CBaseEntity : : PhysicsRelinkChildren ( float dt )
CBaseEntity * child ;
// iterate through all children
for ( child = FirstMoveChild ( ) ; child ! = NULL ; child = child - > NextMovePeer ( ) )
if ( child - > IsSolid ( ) | | child - > IsSolidFlagSet ( FSOLID_TRIGGER ) )
child - > PhysicsTouchTriggers ( ) ;
// Update their physics shadows. We should never have any children of
// movetype VPHYSICS.
if ( child - > GetMoveType ( ) ! = MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS )
child - > UpdatePhysicsShadowToCurrentPosition ( dt ) ;
else if ( child - > GetOwnerEntity ( ) ! = this )
// the only case where this is valid is if this entity is an attached ragdoll.
// So assert here to catch the non-ragdoll case.
Assert ( 0 ) ;
if ( child - > FirstMoveChild ( ) )
child - > PhysicsRelinkChildren ( dt ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : PhysicsTouchTriggers ( const Vector * pPrevAbsOrigin )
edict_t * pEdict = edict ( ) ;
if ( pEdict & & ! IsWorld ( ) )
Assert ( CollisionProp ( ) ) ;
bool isTriggerCheckSolids = IsSolidFlagSet ( FSOLID_TRIGGER ) ;
bool isSolidCheckTriggers = IsSolid ( ) & & ! isTriggerCheckSolids ; // NOTE: Moving triggers (items, ammo etc) are not
// checked against other triggers to reduce the number of touchlinks created
if ( ! ( isSolidCheckTriggers | | isTriggerCheckSolids ) )
return ;
if ( GetSolid ( ) = = SOLID_BSP )
if ( ! GetModel ( ) & & Q_strlen ( STRING ( GetModelName ( ) ) ) = = 0 )
Warning ( " Inserted %s with no model \n " , GetClassname ( ) ) ;
return ;
SetCheckUntouch ( true ) ;
if ( isSolidCheckTriggers )
engine - > SolidMoved ( pEdict , CollisionProp ( ) , pPrevAbsOrigin , sm_bAccurateTriggerBboxChecks ) ;
if ( isTriggerCheckSolids )
engine - > TriggerMoved ( pEdict , sm_bAccurateTriggerBboxChecks ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : VPhysicsShadowCollision ( int index , gamevcollisionevent_t * pEvent )
void CBaseEntity : : VPhysicsCollision ( int index , gamevcollisionevent_t * pEvent )
// filter out ragdoll props hitting other parts of itself too often
// UNDONE: Store a sound time for this entity (not just this pair of objects)
// and filter repeats on that?
int otherIndex = ! index ;
CBaseEntity * pHitEntity = pEvent - > pEntities [ otherIndex ] ;
// Don't make sounds / effects if neither entity is MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS. The game
// physics should have done so.
if ( GetMoveType ( ) ! = MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS & & pHitEntity - > GetMoveType ( ) ! = MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS )
return ;
if ( pEvent - > deltaCollisionTime < 0.5 & & ( pHitEntity = = this ) )
return ;
// don't make noise for hidden/invisible/sky materials
surfacedata_t * phit = physprops - > GetSurfaceData ( pEvent - > surfaceProps [ otherIndex ] ) ;
const surfacedata_t * pprops = physprops - > GetSurfaceData ( pEvent - > surfaceProps [ index ] ) ;
if ( phit - > game . material = = ' X ' | | pprops - > game . material = = ' X ' )
return ;
if ( pHitEntity = = this )
PhysCollisionSound ( this , pEvent - > pObjects [ index ] , CHAN_BODY , pEvent - > surfaceProps [ index ] , pEvent - > surfaceProps [ otherIndex ] , pEvent - > deltaCollisionTime , pEvent - > collisionSpeed ) ;
PhysCollisionSound ( this , pEvent - > pObjects [ index ] , CHAN_STATIC , pEvent - > surfaceProps [ index ] , pEvent - > surfaceProps [ otherIndex ] , pEvent - > deltaCollisionTime , pEvent - > collisionSpeed ) ;
PhysCollisionScreenShake ( pEvent , index ) ;
// episodic does something different for when advisor shields are struck
if ( phit - > game . material = = ' Z ' | | pprops - > game . material = = ' Z ' )
PhysCollisionWarpEffect ( pEvent , phit ) ;
PhysCollisionDust ( pEvent , phit ) ;
# else
PhysCollisionDust ( pEvent , phit ) ;
# endif
void CBaseEntity : : VPhysicsFriction ( IPhysicsObject * pObject , float energy , int surfaceProps , int surfacePropsHit )
PhysFrictionSound ( this , pObject , energy , surfaceProps , surfacePropsHit ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : VPhysicsSwapObject ( IPhysicsObject * pSwap )
if ( ! pSwap )
PhysRemoveShadow ( this ) ;
if ( ! m_pPhysicsObject )
Warning ( " Bad vphysics swap for %s \n " , STRING ( m_iClassname ) ) ;
m_pPhysicsObject = pSwap ;
// Tells the physics shadow to update it's target to the current position
void CBaseEntity : : UpdatePhysicsShadowToCurrentPosition ( float deltaTime )
if ( GetMoveType ( ) ! = MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS )
IPhysicsObject * pPhys = VPhysicsGetObject ( ) ;
if ( pPhys )
pPhys - > UpdateShadow ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) , GetAbsAngles ( ) , false , deltaTime ) ;
int CBaseEntity : : VPhysicsGetObjectList ( IPhysicsObject * * pList , int listMax )
IPhysicsObject * pPhys = VPhysicsGetObject ( ) ;
if ( pPhys )
// multi-object entities must implement this function
Assert ( ! ( pPhys - > GetGameFlags ( ) & FVPHYSICS_MULTIOBJECT_ENTITY ) ) ;
if ( listMax > 0 )
pList [ 0 ] = pPhys ;
return 1 ;
return 0 ;
bool CBaseEntity : : VPhysicsIsFlesh ( void )
int count = VPhysicsGetObjectList ( pList , ARRAYSIZE ( pList ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + )
int material = pList [ i ] - > GetMaterialIndex ( ) ;
const surfacedata_t * pSurfaceData = physprops - > GetSurfaceData ( material ) ;
// Is flesh ?, don't allow pickup
if ( pSurfaceData - > game . material = = CHAR_TEX_ANTLION | | pSurfaceData - > game . material = = CHAR_TEX_FLESH | | pSurfaceData - > game . material = = CHAR_TEX_BLOODYFLESH | | pSurfaceData - > game . material = = CHAR_TEX_ALIENFLESH )
return true ;
return false ;
bool CBaseEntity : : Intersects ( CBaseEntity * pOther )
if ( ! edict ( ) | | ! pOther - > edict ( ) )
return false ;
CCollisionProperty * pMyProp = CollisionProp ( ) ;
CCollisionProperty * pOtherProp = pOther - > CollisionProp ( ) ;
return IsOBBIntersectingOBB (
pMyProp - > GetCollisionOrigin ( ) , pMyProp - > GetCollisionAngles ( ) , pMyProp - > OBBMins ( ) , pMyProp - > OBBMaxs ( ) ,
pOtherProp - > GetCollisionOrigin ( ) , pOtherProp - > GetCollisionAngles ( ) , pOtherProp - > OBBMins ( ) , pOtherProp - > OBBMaxs ( ) ) ;
extern ConVar ai_LOS_mode ;
// FVisible - returns true if a line can be traced from
// the caller's eyes to the target
bool CBaseEntity : : FVisible ( CBaseEntity * pEntity , int traceMask , CBaseEntity * * ppBlocker )
VPROF ( " CBaseEntity::FVisible " ) ;
if ( pEntity - > GetFlags ( ) & FL_NOTARGET )
return false ;
# if HL1_DLL
// FIXME: only block LOS through opaque water
// don't look through water
if ( ( m_nWaterLevel ! = 3 & & pEntity - > m_nWaterLevel = = 3 )
| | ( m_nWaterLevel = = 3 & & pEntity - > m_nWaterLevel = = 0 ) )
return false ;
# endif
Vector vecLookerOrigin = EyePosition ( ) ; //look through the caller's 'eyes'
Vector vecTargetOrigin = pEntity - > EyePosition ( ) ;
trace_t tr ;
if ( ! IsXbox ( ) & & ai_LOS_mode . GetBool ( ) )
UTIL_TraceLine ( vecLookerOrigin , vecTargetOrigin , traceMask , this , COLLISION_GROUP_NONE , & tr ) ;
// If we're doing an LOS search, include NPCs.
if ( traceMask = = MASK_BLOCKLOS )
// Player sees through nodraw
if ( IsPlayer ( ) )
traceMask & = ~ CONTENTS_BLOCKLOS ;
// Use the custom LOS trace filter
CTraceFilterLOS traceFilter ( this , COLLISION_GROUP_NONE , pEntity ) ;
UTIL_TraceLine ( vecLookerOrigin , vecTargetOrigin , traceMask , & traceFilter , & tr ) ;
if ( tr . fraction ! = 1.0 | | tr . startsolid )
// If we hit the entity we're looking for, it's visible
if ( tr . m_pEnt = = pEntity )
return true ;
// Got line of sight on the vehicle the player is driving!
if ( pEntity & & pEntity - > IsPlayer ( ) )
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = assert_cast < CBasePlayer * > ( pEntity ) ;
if ( tr . m_pEnt = = pPlayer - > GetVehicleEntity ( ) )
return true ;
if ( ppBlocker )
* ppBlocker = tr . m_pEnt ;
return false ; // Line of sight is not established
return true ; // line of sight is valid.
// FVisible - returns true if a line can be traced from
// the caller's eyes to the wished position.
bool CBaseEntity : : FVisible ( const Vector & vecTarget , int traceMask , CBaseEntity * * ppBlocker )
# if HL1_DLL
// don't look through water
// FIXME: only block LOS through opaque water
bool inWater = ( UTIL_PointContents ( vecTarget ) & ( CONTENTS_SLIME | CONTENTS_WATER ) ) ? true : false ;
// Don't allow it if we're straddling two areas
if ( ( m_nWaterLevel = = 3 & & ! inWater ) | | ( m_nWaterLevel ! = 3 & & inWater ) )
return false ;
# endif
trace_t tr ;
Vector vecLookerOrigin = EyePosition ( ) ; // look through the caller's 'eyes'
if ( ai_LOS_mode . GetBool ( ) )
UTIL_TraceLine ( vecLookerOrigin , vecTarget , traceMask , this , COLLISION_GROUP_NONE , & tr ) ;
// If we're doing an LOS search, include NPCs.
if ( traceMask = = MASK_BLOCKLOS )
// Player sees through nodraw and blocklos
if ( IsPlayer ( ) )
traceMask & = ~ CONTENTS_BLOCKLOS ;
// Use the custom LOS trace filter
CTraceFilterLOS traceFilter ( this , COLLISION_GROUP_NONE ) ;
UTIL_TraceLine ( vecLookerOrigin , vecTarget , traceMask , & traceFilter , & tr ) ;
if ( tr . fraction ! = 1.0 )
if ( ppBlocker )
* ppBlocker = tr . m_pEnt ;
return false ; // Line of sight is not established
return true ; // line of sight is valid.
extern ConVar ai_debug_los ;
// Purpose: Turn on prop LOS debugging mode
void CC_AI_LOS_Debug ( IConVar * var , const char * pOldString , float flOldValue )
int iLOSMode = ai_debug_los . GetInt ( ) ;
for ( CBaseEntity * pEntity = gEntList . FirstEnt ( ) ; pEntity ! = NULL ; pEntity = gEntList . NextEnt ( pEntity ) )
if ( iLOSMode = = 1 & & pEntity - > IsSolid ( ) )
pEntity - > m_debugOverlays | = OVERLAY_SHOW_BLOCKSLOS ;
else if ( iLOSMode = = 2 )
pEntity - > m_debugOverlays | = OVERLAY_SHOW_BLOCKSLOS ;
pEntity - > m_debugOverlays & = ~ OVERLAY_SHOW_BLOCKSLOS ;
ConVar ai_debug_los ( " ai_debug_los " , " 0 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " NPC Line-Of-Sight debug mode. If 1, solid entities that block NPC LOC will be highlighted with white bounding boxes. If 2, it'll show non-solid entities that would do it if they were solid. " , CC_AI_LOS_Debug ) ;
Class_T CBaseEntity : : Classify ( void )
return CLASS_NONE ;
float CBaseEntity : : GetAutoAimRadius ( )
if ( g_pGameRules - > GetAutoAimMode ( ) = = AUTOAIM_ON_CONSOLE )
return 48.0f ;
return 24.0f ;
// Changes the shadow cast distance over time
void CBaseEntity : : ShadowCastDistThink ( )
SetShadowCastDistance ( m_flDesiredShadowCastDistance ) ;
SetContextThink ( NULL , gpGlobals - > curtime , " ShadowCastDistThink " ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : SetShadowCastDistance ( float flDesiredDistance , float flDelay )
m_flDesiredShadowCastDistance = flDesiredDistance ;
if ( m_flDesiredShadowCastDistance ! = m_flShadowCastDistance )
SetContextThink ( & CBaseEntity : : ShadowCastDistThink , gpGlobals - > curtime + flDelay , " ShadowCastDistThink " ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
// Purpose: Returns whether a damage info can damage this entity.
bool CBaseEntity : : PassesDamageFilter ( const CTakeDamageInfo & info )
if ( m_hDamageFilter )
CBaseFilter * pFilter = ( CBaseFilter * ) ( m_hDamageFilter . Get ( ) ) ;
return pFilter - > PassesDamageFilter ( info ) ;
return true ;
FORCEINLINE bool NamesMatch ( const char * pszQuery , string_t nameToMatch )
if ( nameToMatch = = NULL_STRING )
return ( ! pszQuery | | * pszQuery = = 0 | | * pszQuery = = ' * ' ) ;
const char * pszNameToMatch = STRING ( nameToMatch ) ;
// If the pointers are identical, we're identical
if ( pszNameToMatch = = pszQuery )
return true ;
while ( * pszNameToMatch & & * pszQuery )
unsigned char cName = * pszNameToMatch ;
unsigned char cQuery = * pszQuery ;
// simple ascii case conversion
if ( cName = = cQuery )
else if ( cName - ' A ' < = ( unsigned char ) ' Z ' - ' A ' & & cName - ' A ' + ' a ' = = cQuery )
else if ( cName - ' a ' < = ( unsigned char ) ' z ' - ' a ' & & cName - ' a ' + ' A ' = = cQuery )
break ;
+ + pszNameToMatch ;
+ + pszQuery ;
if ( * pszQuery = = 0 & & * pszNameToMatch = = 0 )
return true ;
// @TODO (toml 03-18-03): Perhaps support real wildcards. Right now, only thing supported is trailing *
if ( * pszQuery = = ' * ' )
return true ;
return false ;
bool CBaseEntity : : NameMatchesComplex ( const char * pszNameOrWildcard )
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( " !player " , pszNameOrWildcard ) )
return IsPlayer ( ) ;
return NamesMatch ( pszNameOrWildcard , m_iName ) ;
bool CBaseEntity : : ClassMatchesComplex ( const char * pszClassOrWildcard )
return NamesMatch ( pszClassOrWildcard , m_iClassname ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : MakeDormant ( void )
AddEFlags ( EFL_DORMANT ) ;
// disable thinking for dormant entities
SetThink ( NULL ) ;
if ( ! edict ( ) )
return ;
// Don't touch
AddSolidFlags ( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ) ;
// Don't move
SetMoveType ( MOVETYPE_NONE ) ;
// Don't draw
AddEffects ( EF_NODRAW ) ;
// Don't think
SetNextThink ( TICK_NEVER_THINK ) ;
int CBaseEntity : : IsDormant ( void )
return IsEFlagSet ( EFL_DORMANT ) ;
bool CBaseEntity : : IsInWorld ( void ) const
if ( ! edict ( ) )
return true ;
// position
if ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) . x > = MAX_COORD_INTEGER ) return false ;
if ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) . y > = MAX_COORD_INTEGER ) return false ;
if ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) . z > = MAX_COORD_INTEGER ) return false ;
if ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) . x < = MIN_COORD_INTEGER ) return false ;
if ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) . y < = MIN_COORD_INTEGER ) return false ;
if ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) . z < = MIN_COORD_INTEGER ) return false ;
// speed
if ( GetAbsVelocity ( ) . x > = 2000 ) return false ;
if ( GetAbsVelocity ( ) . y > = 2000 ) return false ;
if ( GetAbsVelocity ( ) . z > = 2000 ) return false ;
if ( GetAbsVelocity ( ) . x < = - 2000 ) return false ;
if ( GetAbsVelocity ( ) . y < = - 2000 ) return false ;
if ( GetAbsVelocity ( ) . z < = - 2000 ) return false ;
return true ;
bool CBaseEntity : : IsViewable ( void )
if ( IsEffectActive ( EF_NODRAW ) )
return false ;
if ( IsBSPModel ( ) )
if ( GetMoveType ( ) ! = MOVETYPE_NONE )
return true ;
else if ( GetModelIndex ( ) ! = 0 )
// check for total transparency???
return true ;
return false ;
int CBaseEntity : : ShouldToggle ( USE_TYPE useType , int currentState )
if ( useType ! = USE_TOGGLE & & useType ! = USE_SET )
if ( ( currentState & & useType = = USE_ON ) | | ( ! currentState & & useType = = USE_OFF ) )
return 0 ;
return 1 ;
// NOTE: szName must be a pointer to constant memory, e.g. "NPC_class" because the entity
// will keep a pointer to it after this call.
CBaseEntity * CBaseEntity : : Create ( const char * szName , const Vector & vecOrigin , const QAngle & vecAngles , CBaseEntity * pOwner )
CBaseEntity * pEntity = CreateNoSpawn ( szName , vecOrigin , vecAngles , pOwner ) ;
DispatchSpawn ( pEntity ) ;
return pEntity ;
// NOTE: szName must be a pointer to constant memory, e.g. "NPC_class" because the entity
// will keep a pointer to it after this call.
CBaseEntity * CBaseEntity : : CreateNoSpawn ( const char * szName , const Vector & vecOrigin , const QAngle & vecAngles , CBaseEntity * pOwner )
CBaseEntity * pEntity = CreateEntityByName ( szName ) ;
if ( ! pEntity )
Assert ( ! " CreateNoSpawn: only works for CBaseEntities " ) ;
return NULL ;
pEntity - > SetLocalOrigin ( vecOrigin ) ;
pEntity - > SetLocalAngles ( vecAngles ) ;
pEntity - > SetOwnerEntity ( pOwner ) ;
gEntList . NotifyCreateEntity ( pEntity ) ;
return pEntity ;
Vector CBaseEntity : : GetSoundEmissionOrigin ( ) const
return WorldSpaceCenter ( ) ;
// Purpose: Saves the current object out to disk, by iterating through the objects
// data description hierarchy
// Input : &save - save buffer which the class data is written to
// Output : int - 0 if the save failed, 1 on success
int CBaseEntity : : Save ( ISave & save )
// loop through the data description list, saving each data desc block
int status = SaveDataDescBlock ( save , GetDataDescMap ( ) ) ;
return status ;
// Purpose: Recursively saves all the classes in an object, in reverse order (top down)
// Output : int 0 on failure, 1 on success
int CBaseEntity : : SaveDataDescBlock ( ISave & save , datamap_t * dmap )
return save . WriteAll ( this , dmap ) ;
// Purpose: Restores the current object from disk, by iterating through the objects
// data description hierarchy
// Input : &restore - restore buffer which the class data is read from
// Output : int - 0 if the restore failed, 1 on success
int CBaseEntity : : Restore ( IRestore & restore )
// This is essential to getting the spatial partition info correct
CollisionProp ( ) - > DestroyPartitionHandle ( ) ;
// loops through the data description list, restoring each data desc block in order
int status = RestoreDataDescBlock ( restore , GetDataDescMap ( ) ) ;
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// HACKHACK: We don't know the space of these vectors until now
// if they are worldspace, fix them up.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
CGameSaveRestoreInfo * pGameInfo = restore . GetGameSaveRestoreInfo ( ) ;
Vector parentSpaceOffset = pGameInfo - > modelSpaceOffset ;
if ( ! GetParent ( ) )
// parent is the world, so parent space is worldspace
// so update with the worldspace leveltransition transform
parentSpaceOffset + = pGameInfo - > GetLandmark ( ) ;
// NOTE: Do *not* use GetAbsOrigin() here because it will
// try to recompute m_rgflCoordinateFrame!
MatrixSetColumn ( m_vecAbsOrigin , 3 , m_rgflCoordinateFrame ) ;
m_vecOrigin + = parentSpaceOffset ;
// Gotta do this after the coordframe is set up as it depends on it.
// By definition, the surrounding bounds are dirty
// Also, twiddling with the flags here ensures it gets added to the KD tree dirty list
// (We don't want to use the saved version of this flag)
CollisionProp ( ) - > MarkSurroundingBoundsDirty ( ) ;
if ( edict ( ) & & GetModelIndex ( ) ! = 0 & & GetModelName ( ) ! = NULL_STRING & & restore . GetPrecacheMode ( ) )
PrecacheModel ( STRING ( GetModelName ( ) ) ) ;
//Adrian: We should only need to do this after we precache. No point in setting the model again.
SetModelIndex ( modelinfo - > GetModelIndex ( STRING ( GetModelName ( ) ) ) ) ;
// Restablish ground entity
if ( m_hGroundEntity ! = NULL )
m_hGroundEntity - > AddEntityToGroundList ( this ) ;
return status ;
// handler to do stuff before you are saved
void CBaseEntity : : OnSave ( IEntitySaveUtils * pUtils )
// Here, we must force recomputation of all abs data so it gets saved correctly
// We can't leave the dirty bits set because the loader can't cope with it.
CalcAbsolutePosition ( ) ;
CalcAbsoluteVelocity ( ) ;
// handler to do stuff after you are restored
void CBaseEntity : : OnRestore ( )
# if defined( PORTAL ) || defined( HL2_EPISODIC ) || defined ( HL2_DLL ) || defined( HL2_LOSTCOAST )
// We had a short period during the 2013 beta where the FL_* flags had a bogus value near the top, so detect
// these bad saves and just give up. Only saves from the short beta period should have been effected.
if ( GetFlags ( ) & FL_FAKECLIENT )
char szMsg [ 256 ] ;
V_snprintf ( szMsg , sizeof ( szMsg ) , " \n Invalid save, unable to load. Please run \" map %s \" to restart this level manually \n \n " , gpGlobals - > mapname . ToCStr ( ) ) ;
Msg ( " %s " , szMsg ) ;
engine - > ServerCommand ( " wait;wait;disconnect;showconsole \n " ) ;
# endif
SimThink_EntityChanged ( this ) ;
// touchlinks get recomputed
if ( IsEFlagSet ( EFL_CHECK_UNTOUCH ) )
RemoveEFlags ( EFL_CHECK_UNTOUCH ) ;
SetCheckUntouch ( true ) ;
// disable touch functions while we recreate the touch links between entities
// NOTE: We don't do this on transitions, because we'd miss the OnStartTouch call!
# if !defined(HL2_DLL) || ( defined(HL2_DLL) && defined(HL2_EPISODIC) )
CBaseEntity : : sm_bDisableTouchFuncs = ( gpGlobals - > eLoadType ! = MapLoad_Transition ) ;
PhysicsTouchTriggers ( ) ;
CBaseEntity : : sm_bDisableTouchFuncs = false ;
# endif // HL2_EPISODIC
//Adrian: If I'm restoring with these fields it means I've become a client side ragdoll.
//Don't create another one, just wait until is my time of being removed.
if ( GetFlags ( ) & FL_TRANSRAGDOLL )
m_nRenderFX = kRenderFxNone ;
AddEffects ( EF_NODRAW ) ;
if ( m_pParent )
CBaseEntity * pChild = m_pParent - > FirstMoveChild ( ) ;
while ( pChild )
if ( pChild = = this )
break ;
pChild = pChild - > NextMovePeer ( ) ;
if ( pChild ! = this )
# if _DEBUG
// generally this means you've got something marked FCAP_DONT_SAVE
// in a hierarchy. That's probably ok given this fixup, but the hierarhcy
// linked list is just saved/loaded in-place
Warning ( " Fixing up parent on %s \n " , GetClassname ( ) ) ;
# endif
// We only need to be back in the parent's list because we're already in the right place and with the right data
LinkChild ( m_pParent , this ) ;
// We're not save/loading the PVS dirty state. Assume everything is dirty after a restore
NetworkProp ( ) - > MarkPVSInformationDirty ( ) ;
// Purpose: Recursively restores all the classes in an object, in reverse order (top down)
// Output : int 0 on failure, 1 on success
int CBaseEntity : : RestoreDataDescBlock ( IRestore & restore , datamap_t * dmap )
return restore . ReadAll ( this , dmap ) ;
bool CBaseEntity : : ShouldSavePhysics ( )
return true ;
# include "tier0/memdbgoff.h"
// CBaseEntity new/delete
// allocates and frees memory for itself from the engine->
// All fields in the object are all initialized to 0.
void * CBaseEntity : : operator new ( size_t stAllocateBlock )
// call into engine to get memory
Assert ( stAllocateBlock ! = 0 ) ;
return engine - > PvAllocEntPrivateData ( stAllocateBlock ) ;
} ;
void * CBaseEntity : : operator new ( size_t stAllocateBlock , int nBlockUse , const char * pFileName , int nLine )
// call into engine to get memory
Assert ( stAllocateBlock ! = 0 ) ;
return engine - > PvAllocEntPrivateData ( stAllocateBlock ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : operator delete ( void * pMem )
// get the engine to free the memory
engine - > FreeEntPrivateData ( pMem ) ;
# include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
# ifdef _DEBUG
void CBaseEntity : : FunctionCheck ( void * pFunction , const char * name )
// Note, if you crash here and your class is using multiple inheritance, it is
// probably the case that CBaseEntity (or a descendant) is not the first
// class in your list of ancestors, which it must be.
2022-07-28 14:27:56 +03:00
if ( pFunction & & ! UTIL_FunctionToName ( GetDataDescMap ( ) , * ( inputfunc_t * ) pFunction ) )
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
Warning ( " FUNCTION NOT IN TABLE!: %s:%s (%08lx) \n " , STRING ( m_iClassname ) , name , ( unsigned long ) pFunction ) ;
Assert ( 0 ) ;
# endif
# endif
bool CBaseEntity : : TestCollision ( const Ray_t & ray , unsigned int mask , trace_t & trace )
return false ;
// Perform hitbox test, returns true *if hitboxes were tested at all*!!
bool CBaseEntity : : TestHitboxes ( const Ray_t & ray , unsigned int fContentsMask , trace_t & tr )
return false ;
void CBaseEntity : : SetOwnerEntity ( CBaseEntity * pOwner )
if ( m_hOwnerEntity . Get ( ) ! = pOwner )
m_hOwnerEntity = pOwner ;
CollisionRulesChanged ( ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : SetMoveType ( MoveType_t val , MoveCollide_t moveCollide )
# ifdef _DEBUG
// Make sure the move type + move collide are compatible...
if ( ( val ! = MOVETYPE_FLY ) & & ( val ! = MOVETYPE_FLYGRAVITY ) )
Assert ( moveCollide = = MOVECOLLIDE_DEFAULT ) ;
if ( m_MoveType = = MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS & & val ! = m_MoveType )
if ( VPhysicsGetObject ( ) & & val ! = MOVETYPE_NONE )
// What am I supposed to do with the physics object if
// you're changing away from MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS without making the object
// shadow? This isn't likely to work, assert.
// You probably meant to call VPhysicsInitShadow() instead of VPhysicsInitNormal()!
Assert ( VPhysicsGetObject ( ) - > GetShadowController ( ) ) ;
# endif
if ( m_MoveType = = val )
m_MoveCollide = moveCollide ;
return ;
// This is needed to the removal of MOVETYPE_FOLLOW:
// We can't transition from follow to a different movetype directly
// or the leaf code will break.
Assert ( ! IsEffectActive ( EF_BONEMERGE ) ) ;
m_MoveType = val ;
m_MoveCollide = moveCollide ;
CollisionRulesChanged ( ) ;
switch ( m_MoveType )
SetSimulatedEveryTick ( true ) ;
SetAnimatedEveryTick ( true ) ;
break ;
// This will probably go away once I remove the cvar that controls the test code
SetSimulatedEveryTick ( g_bTestMoveTypeStepSimulation ? true : false ) ;
SetAnimatedEveryTick ( false ) ;
break ;
// Initialize our water state, because these movetypes care about transitions in/out of water
UpdateWaterState ( ) ;
break ;
default :
SetSimulatedEveryTick ( true ) ;
SetAnimatedEveryTick ( false ) ;
// This will probably go away or be handled in a better way once I remove the cvar that controls the test code
CheckStepSimulationChanged ( ) ;
CheckHasGamePhysicsSimulation ( ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : Spawn ( void )
CBaseEntity * CBaseEntity : : Instance ( const CBaseHandle & hEnt )
return gEntList . GetBaseEntity ( hEnt ) ;
int CBaseEntity : : GetTransmitState ( void )
edict_t * ed = edict ( ) ;
if ( ! ed )
return 0 ;
return ed - > m_fStateFlags ;
int CBaseEntity : : SetTransmitState ( int nFlag )
edict_t * ed = edict ( ) ;
if ( ! ed )
return 0 ;
// clear current flags = check ShouldTransmit()
ed - > ClearTransmitState ( ) ;
int oldFlags = ed - > m_fStateFlags ;
ed - > m_fStateFlags | = nFlag ;
// Tell the engine (used for a network backdoor optimization).
if ( ( oldFlags & FL_EDICT_DONTSEND ) ! = ( ed - > m_fStateFlags & FL_EDICT_DONTSEND ) )
engine - > NotifyEdictFlagsChange ( entindex ( ) ) ;
return ed - > m_fStateFlags ;
int CBaseEntity : : UpdateTransmitState ( )
// If you get this assert, you should be calling DispatchUpdateTransmitState
// instead of UpdateTransmitState.
Assert ( g_nInsideDispatchUpdateTransmitState > 0 ) ;
// If an object is the moveparent of something else, don't skip it just because it's marked EF_NODRAW or else
// the client won't have a proper origin for the child since the hierarchy won't be correctly transmitted down
if ( IsEffectActive ( EF_NODRAW ) & &
! m_hMoveChild . Get ( ) )
return SetTransmitState ( FL_EDICT_DONTSEND ) ;
if ( ! GetModelIndex ( ) | | ! GetModelName ( ) )
return SetTransmitState ( FL_EDICT_DONTSEND ) ;
// Always send the world
if ( GetModelIndex ( ) = = 1 )
return SetTransmitState ( FL_EDICT_ALWAYS ) ;
if ( IsEFlagSet ( EFL_IN_SKYBOX ) )
return SetTransmitState ( FL_EDICT_ALWAYS ) ;
// by default cull against PVS
return SetTransmitState ( FL_EDICT_PVSCHECK ) ;
int CBaseEntity : : DispatchUpdateTransmitState ( )
edict_t * ed = edict ( ) ;
if ( m_nTransmitStateOwnedCounter ! = 0 )
return ed ? ed - > m_fStateFlags : 0 ;
g_nInsideDispatchUpdateTransmitState + + ;
int ret = UpdateTransmitState ( ) ;
g_nInsideDispatchUpdateTransmitState - - ;
return ret ;
// Purpose: Note, an entity can override the send table ( e.g., to send less data or to send minimal data for
// objects ( prob. players ) that are not in the pvs.
// Input : **ppSendTable -
// *recipient -
// *pvs -
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
int CBaseEntity : : ShouldTransmit ( const CCheckTransmitInfo * pInfo )
int fFlags = DispatchUpdateTransmitState ( ) ;
if ( fFlags & FL_EDICT_PVSCHECK )
else if ( fFlags & FL_EDICT_ALWAYS )
else if ( fFlags & FL_EDICT_DONTSEND )
// if ( IsToolRecording() )
// {
// return FL_EDICT_ALWAYS;
// }
CBaseEntity * pRecipientEntity = CBaseEntity : : Instance ( pInfo - > m_pClientEnt ) ;
Assert ( pRecipientEntity - > IsPlayer ( ) ) ;
CBasePlayer * pRecipientPlayer = static_cast < CBasePlayer * > ( pRecipientEntity ) ;
// FIXME: Refactor once notion of "team" is moved into HL2 code
// Team rules may tell us that we should
if ( pRecipientPlayer - > GetTeam ( ) )
if ( pRecipientPlayer - > GetTeam ( ) - > ShouldTransmitToPlayer ( pRecipientPlayer , this ) )
// Check test network vis distance stuff. Eventually network LOD will do this.
float flTestDistSqr = pRecipientEntity - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) . DistToSqr ( WorldSpaceCenter ( ) ) ;
if ( flTestDistSqr > sv_netvisdist . GetFloat ( ) * sv_netvisdist . GetFloat ( ) )
return TRANSMIT_NO ; // TODO doesn't work with HLTV
# endif* /
// by default do a PVS check
// Rules about which entities need to transmit along with me
void CBaseEntity : : SetTransmit ( CCheckTransmitInfo * pInfo , bool bAlways )
int index = entindex ( ) ;
// Are we already marked for transmission?
if ( pInfo - > m_pTransmitEdict - > Get ( index ) )
return ;
CServerNetworkProperty * pNetworkParent = NetworkProp ( ) - > GetNetworkParent ( ) ;
pInfo - > m_pTransmitEdict - > Set ( index ) ;
// HLTV/Replay need to know if this entity is culled by PVS limits
if ( pInfo - > m_pTransmitAlways )
// in HLTV/Replay mode always transmit entitys with move-parents
// HLTV/Replay can't resolve the mode-parents relationships
if ( bAlways | | pNetworkParent )
// tell HLTV/Replay that this entity is always transmitted
pInfo - > m_pTransmitAlways - > Set ( index ) ;
// HLTV/Replay will PVS cull this entity, so update the
// node/cluster infos if necessary
m_Network . RecomputePVSInformation ( ) ;
// Force our aiment and move parent to be sent.
if ( pNetworkParent )
CBaseEntity * pMoveParent = pNetworkParent - > GetBaseEntity ( ) ;
pMoveParent - > SetTransmit ( pInfo , bAlways ) ;
// Returns which skybox the entity is in
CSkyCamera * CBaseEntity : : GetEntitySkybox ( )
int area = engine - > GetArea ( WorldSpaceCenter ( ) ) ;
CSkyCamera * pCur = GetSkyCameraList ( ) ;
while ( pCur )
if ( engine - > CheckAreasConnected ( area , pCur - > m_skyboxData . area ) )
return pCur ;
pCur = pCur - > m_pNext ;
return NULL ;
bool CBaseEntity : : DetectInSkybox ( )
if ( GetEntitySkybox ( ) ! = NULL )
AddEFlags ( EFL_IN_SKYBOX ) ;
return true ;
RemoveEFlags ( EFL_IN_SKYBOX ) ;
return false ;
// Computes a world-aligned bounding box that surrounds everything in the entity
void CBaseEntity : : ComputeWorldSpaceSurroundingBox ( Vector * pMins , Vector * pMaxs )
// Should never get here.. only use USE_GAME_CODE with bounding boxes
// if you have an implementation for this method
Assert ( 0 ) ;
// Purpose : If name exists returns name, otherwise returns classname
// Input :
// Output :
const char * CBaseEntity : : GetDebugName ( void )
if ( this = = NULL )
return " <<null>> " ;
if ( m_iName ! = NULL_STRING )
return STRING ( m_iName ) ;
return STRING ( m_iClassname ) ;
// Purpose :
// Input :
// Output :
void CBaseEntity : : DrawInputOverlay ( const char * szInputName , CBaseEntity * pCaller , variant_t Value )
char bigstring [ 1024 ] ;
if ( Value . FieldType ( ) = = FIELD_INTEGER )
Q_snprintf ( bigstring , sizeof ( bigstring ) , " %3.1f (%s,%d) <-- (%s) \n " , gpGlobals - > curtime , szInputName , Value . Int ( ) , pCaller ? pCaller - > GetDebugName ( ) : NULL ) ;
else if ( Value . FieldType ( ) = = FIELD_STRING )
Q_snprintf ( bigstring , sizeof ( bigstring ) , " %3.1f (%s,%s) <-- (%s) \n " , gpGlobals - > curtime , szInputName , Value . String ( ) , pCaller ? pCaller - > GetDebugName ( ) : NULL ) ;
Q_snprintf ( bigstring , sizeof ( bigstring ) , " %3.1f (%s) <-- (%s) \n " , gpGlobals - > curtime , szInputName , pCaller ? pCaller - > GetDebugName ( ) : NULL ) ;
AddTimedOverlay ( bigstring , 10.0 ) ;
if ( Value . FieldType ( ) = = FIELD_INTEGER )
DevMsg ( 2 , " input: (%s,%d) -> (%s,%s), from (%s) \n " , szInputName , Value . Int ( ) , STRING ( m_iClassname ) , GetDebugName ( ) , pCaller ? pCaller - > GetDebugName ( ) : NULL ) ;
else if ( Value . FieldType ( ) = = FIELD_STRING )
DevMsg ( 2 , " input: (%s,%s) -> (%s,%s), from (%s) \n " , szInputName , Value . String ( ) , STRING ( m_iClassname ) , GetDebugName ( ) , pCaller ? pCaller - > GetDebugName ( ) : NULL ) ;
DevMsg ( 2 , " input: (%s) -> (%s,%s), from (%s) \n " , szInputName , STRING ( m_iClassname ) , GetDebugName ( ) , pCaller ? pCaller - > GetDebugName ( ) : NULL ) ;
// Purpose :
// Input :
// Output :
void CBaseEntity : : DrawOutputOverlay ( CEventAction * ev )
// Print to entity
char bigstring [ 1024 ] ;
if ( ev - > m_flDelay )
Q_snprintf ( bigstring , sizeof ( bigstring ) , " %3.1f (%s) --> (%s),%.1f) \n " , gpGlobals - > curtime , STRING ( ev - > m_iTargetInput ) , STRING ( ev - > m_iTarget ) , ev - > m_flDelay ) ;
Q_snprintf ( bigstring , sizeof ( bigstring ) , " %3.1f (%s) --> (%s) \n " , gpGlobals - > curtime , STRING ( ev - > m_iTargetInput ) , STRING ( ev - > m_iTarget ) ) ;
AddTimedOverlay ( bigstring , 10.0 ) ;
// Now print to the console
if ( ev - > m_flDelay )
DevMsg ( 2 , " output: (%s,%s) -> (%s,%s,%.1f) \n " , STRING ( m_iClassname ) , GetDebugName ( ) , STRING ( ev - > m_iTarget ) , STRING ( ev - > m_iTargetInput ) , ev - > m_flDelay ) ;
DevMsg ( 2 , " output: (%s,%s) -> (%s,%s) \n " , STRING ( m_iClassname ) , GetDebugName ( ) , STRING ( ev - > m_iTarget ) , STRING ( ev - > m_iTargetInput ) ) ;
// Entity events... these are events targetted to a particular entity
// Each event defines its own well-defined event data structure
void CBaseEntity : : OnEntityEvent ( EntityEvent_t event , void * pEventData )
switch ( event )
2022-02-23 19:50:30 +08:00
intp nContents = ( intp ) pEventData ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( ! nContents | | ( nContents & CONTENTS_WATER ) )
+ + m_nWaterTouch ;
if ( nContents & CONTENTS_SLIME )
+ + m_nSlimeTouch ;
break ;
2022-02-23 19:50:30 +08:00
intp nContents = ( intp ) pEventData ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( ! nContents | | ( nContents & CONTENTS_WATER ) )
- - m_nWaterTouch ;
if ( nContents & CONTENTS_SLIME )
- - m_nSlimeTouch ;
break ;
default :
return ;
// Only do this for vphysics objects
if ( GetMoveType ( ) ! = MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS )
return ;
int nNewContents = 0 ;
if ( m_nWaterTouch > 0 )
nNewContents | = CONTENTS_WATER ;
if ( m_nSlimeTouch > 0 )
nNewContents | = CONTENTS_SLIME ;
if ( ( nNewContents & MASK_WATER ) = = 0 )
SetWaterLevel ( 0 ) ;
SetWaterType ( CONTENTS_EMPTY ) ;
return ;
SetWaterLevel ( 1 ) ;
SetWaterType ( nNewContents ) ;
ConVar ent_messages_draw ( " ent_messages_draw " , " 0 " , FCVAR_CHEAT , " Visualizes all entity input/output activity. " ) ;
// Purpose: calls the appropriate message mapped function in the entity according
// to the fired action.
// Input : char *szInputName - input destination
// *pActivator - entity which initiated this sequence of actions
// *pCaller - entity from which this event is sent
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CBaseEntity : : AcceptInput ( const char * szInputName , CBaseEntity * pActivator , CBaseEntity * pCaller , variant_t Value , int outputID )
if ( ent_messages_draw . GetBool ( ) )
if ( pCaller ! = NULL )
NDebugOverlay : : Line ( pCaller - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) , GetAbsOrigin ( ) , 255 , 255 , 255 , false , 3 ) ;
NDebugOverlay : : Box ( pCaller - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) , Vector ( - 4 , - 4 , - 4 ) , Vector ( 4 , 4 , 4 ) , 255 , 0 , 0 , 0 , 3 ) ;
NDebugOverlay : : Text ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) , szInputName , false , 3 ) ;
NDebugOverlay : : Box ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) , Vector ( - 4 , - 4 , - 4 ) , Vector ( 4 , 4 , 4 ) , 0 , 255 , 0 , 0 , 3 ) ;
// loop through the data description list, restoring each data desc block
for ( datamap_t * dmap = GetDataDescMap ( ) ; dmap ! = NULL ; dmap = dmap - > baseMap )
// search through all the actions in the data description, looking for a match
for ( int i = 0 ; i < dmap - > dataNumFields ; i + + )
if ( dmap - > dataDesc [ i ] . flags & FTYPEDESC_INPUT )
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( dmap - > dataDesc [ i ] . externalName , szInputName ) )
// found a match
char szBuffer [ 256 ] ;
// mapper debug message
if ( pCaller ! = NULL )
Q_snprintf ( szBuffer , sizeof ( szBuffer ) , " (%0.2f) input %s: %s.%s(%s) \n " , gpGlobals - > curtime , STRING ( pCaller - > m_iName ) , GetDebugName ( ) , szInputName , Value . String ( ) ) ;
Q_snprintf ( szBuffer , sizeof ( szBuffer ) , " (%0.2f) input <NULL>: %s.%s(%s) \n " , gpGlobals - > curtime , GetDebugName ( ) , szInputName , Value . String ( ) ) ;
DevMsg ( 2 , " %s " , szBuffer ) ;
if ( m_debugOverlays & OVERLAY_MESSAGE_BIT )
DrawInputOverlay ( szInputName , pCaller , Value ) ;
// convert the value if necessary
if ( Value . FieldType ( ) ! = dmap - > dataDesc [ i ] . fieldType )
if ( ! ( Value . FieldType ( ) = = FIELD_VOID & & dmap - > dataDesc [ i ] . fieldType = = FIELD_STRING ) ) // allow empty strings
if ( ! Value . Convert ( ( fieldtype_t ) dmap - > dataDesc [ i ] . fieldType ) )
// bad conversion
Warning ( " !! ERROR: bad input/output link: \n !! %s(%s,%s) doesn't match type from %s(%s) \n " ,
STRING ( m_iClassname ) , GetDebugName ( ) , szInputName ,
( pCaller ! = NULL ) ? STRING ( pCaller - > m_iClassname ) : " <null> " ,
( pCaller ! = NULL ) ? STRING ( pCaller - > m_iName ) : " <null> " ) ;
return false ;
// call the input handler, or if there is none just set the value
inputfunc_t pfnInput = dmap - > dataDesc [ i ] . inputFunc ;
if ( pfnInput )
// Package the data into a struct for passing to the input handler.
inputdata_t data ;
data . pActivator = pActivator ;
data . pCaller = pCaller ;
data . value = Value ;
data . nOutputID = outputID ;
( this - > * pfnInput ) ( data ) ;
else if ( dmap - > dataDesc [ i ] . flags & FTYPEDESC_KEY )
// set the value directly
Value . SetOther ( ( ( char * ) this ) + dmap - > dataDesc [ i ] . fieldOffset [ TD_OFFSET_NORMAL ] ) ;
// TODO: if this becomes evil and causes too many full entity updates, then we should make
// a macro like this:
// define MAKE_INPUTVAR(x) void Note##x##Modified() { x.GetForModify(); }
// Then the datadesc points at that function and we call it here. The only pain is to add
// that function for all the DEFINE_INPUT calls.
NetworkStateChanged ( ) ;
return true ;
DevMsg ( 2 , " unhandled input: (%s) -> (%s,%s) \n " , szInputName , STRING ( m_iClassname ) , GetDebugName ( ) /*,", from (%s,%s)" STRING(pCaller->m_iClassname), STRING(pCaller->m_iName)*/ ) ;
return false ;
// Purpose: Input handler for the entity alpha.
// Input : nAlpha - Alpha value (0 - 255).
void CBaseEntity : : InputAlpha ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
SetRenderColorA ( clamp ( inputdata . value . Int ( ) , 0 , 255 ) ) ;
// Activate alternative sorting
void CBaseEntity : : InputAlternativeSorting ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
m_bAlternateSorting = inputdata . value . Bool ( ) ;
// Purpose: Input handler for the entity color. Ignores alpha since that is handled
// by a separate input handler.
// Input : Color32 new value for color (alpha is ignored).
void CBaseEntity : : InputColor ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
color32 clr = inputdata . value . Color32 ( ) ;
SetRenderColor ( clr . r , clr . g , clr . b ) ;
// Purpose: Called whenever the entity is 'Used'. This can be when a player hits
// use, or when an entity targets it without an output name (legacy entities)
void CBaseEntity : : InputUse ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
Use ( inputdata . pActivator , inputdata . pCaller , ( USE_TYPE ) inputdata . nOutputID , 0 ) ;
// Purpose: Reads an output variable, by string name, from an entity
// Input : char *varName - the string name of the variable
// variant_t *var - the value is stored here
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CBaseEntity : : ReadKeyField ( const char * varName , variant_t * var )
if ( ! varName )
return false ;
// loop through the data description list, restoring each data desc block
for ( datamap_t * dmap = GetDataDescMap ( ) ; dmap ! = NULL ; dmap = dmap - > baseMap )
// search through all the readable fields in the data description, looking for a match
for ( int i = 0 ; i < dmap - > dataNumFields ; i + + )
if ( dmap - > dataDesc [ i ] . flags & ( FTYPEDESC_OUTPUT | FTYPEDESC_KEY ) )
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( dmap - > dataDesc [ i ] . externalName , varName ) )
var - > Set ( dmap - > dataDesc [ i ] . fieldType , ( ( char * ) this ) + dmap - > dataDesc [ i ] . fieldOffset [ TD_OFFSET_NORMAL ] ) ;
return true ;
return false ;
// Purpose: Sets the damage filter on the object
void CBaseEntity : : InputEnableDamageForces ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
void CBaseEntity : : InputDisableDamageForces ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
// Purpose: Sets the damage filter on the object
void CBaseEntity : : InputSetDamageFilter ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
// Get a handle to my damage filter entity if there is one.
m_iszDamageFilterName = inputdata . value . StringID ( ) ;
if ( m_iszDamageFilterName ! = NULL_STRING )
m_hDamageFilter = gEntList . FindEntityByName ( NULL , m_iszDamageFilterName ) ;
m_hDamageFilter = NULL ;
// Purpose: Dispatch effects on this entity
void CBaseEntity : : InputDispatchEffect ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
const char * sEffect = inputdata . value . String ( ) ;
if ( sEffect & & sEffect [ 0 ] )
CEffectData data ;
GetInputDispatchEffectPosition ( sEffect , data . m_vOrigin , data . m_vAngles ) ;
AngleVectors ( data . m_vAngles , & data . m_vNormal ) ;
data . m_vStart = data . m_vOrigin ;
data . m_nEntIndex = entindex ( ) ;
// Clip off leading attachment point numbers
while ( sEffect [ 0 ] > = ' 0 ' & & sEffect [ 0 ] < = ' 9 ' )
sEffect + + ;
DispatchEffect ( sEffect , data ) ;
// Purpose: Returns the origin at which to play an inputted dispatcheffect
void CBaseEntity : : GetInputDispatchEffectPosition ( const char * sInputString , Vector & pOrigin , QAngle & pAngles )
pOrigin = GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
pAngles = GetAbsAngles ( ) ;
// Purpose: Marks the entity for deletion
void CBaseEntity : : InputKill ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
// tell owner ( if any ) that we're dead.This is mostly for NPCMaker functionality.
CBaseEntity * pOwner = GetOwnerEntity ( ) ;
if ( pOwner )
pOwner - > DeathNotice ( this ) ;
SetOwnerEntity ( NULL ) ;
UTIL_Remove ( this ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : InputKillHierarchy ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
CBaseEntity * pChild , * pNext ;
for ( pChild = FirstMoveChild ( ) ; pChild ; pChild = pNext )
pNext = pChild - > NextMovePeer ( ) ;
pChild - > InputKillHierarchy ( inputdata ) ;
// tell owner ( if any ) that we're dead. This is mostly for NPCMaker functionality.
CBaseEntity * pOwner = GetOwnerEntity ( ) ;
if ( pOwner )
pOwner - > DeathNotice ( this ) ;
SetOwnerEntity ( NULL ) ;
UTIL_Remove ( this ) ;
// Purpose: Input handler for changing this entity's movement parent.
void CBaseEntity : : InputSetParent ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
// If we had a parent attachment, clear it, because it's no longer valid.
if ( m_iParentAttachment )
m_iParentAttachment = 0 ;
SetParent ( inputdata . value . StringID ( ) , inputdata . pActivator ) ;
// Purpose:
void CBaseEntity : : SetParentAttachment ( const char * szInputName , const char * szAttachment , bool bMaintainOffset )
// Must have a parent
if ( ! m_pParent )
Warning ( " ERROR: Tried to %s for entity %s (%s), but it has no parent. \n " , szInputName , GetClassname ( ) , GetDebugName ( ) ) ;
return ;
// Valid only on CBaseAnimating
CBaseAnimating * pAnimating = m_pParent - > GetBaseAnimating ( ) ;
if ( ! pAnimating )
Warning ( " ERROR: Tried to %s for entity %s (%s), but its parent has no model. \n " , szInputName , GetClassname ( ) , GetDebugName ( ) ) ;
return ;
// Lookup the attachment
int iAttachment = pAnimating - > LookupAttachment ( szAttachment ) ;
if ( iAttachment < = 0 )
Warning ( " ERROR: Tried to %s for entity %s (%s), but it has no attachment named %s. \n " , szInputName , GetClassname ( ) , GetDebugName ( ) , szAttachment ) ;
return ;
m_iParentAttachment = iAttachment ;
SetParent ( m_pParent , m_iParentAttachment ) ;
// Now move myself directly onto the attachment point
SetMoveType ( MOVETYPE_NONE ) ;
if ( ! bMaintainOffset )
SetLocalOrigin ( vec3_origin ) ;
SetLocalAngles ( vec3_angle ) ;
// Purpose: Input handler for changing this entity's movement parent's attachment point
void CBaseEntity : : InputSetParentAttachment ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
SetParentAttachment ( " SetParentAttachment " , inputdata . value . String ( ) , false ) ;
// Purpose: Input handler for changing this entity's movement parent's attachment point
void CBaseEntity : : InputSetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
SetParentAttachment ( " SetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset " , inputdata . value . String ( ) , true ) ;
// Purpose: Input handler for clearing this entity's movement parent.
void CBaseEntity : : InputClearParent ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
SetParent ( NULL ) ;
// Purpose : Returns velcocity of base entity. If physically simulated gets
// velocity from physics object
// Input :
// Output :
void CBaseEntity : : GetVelocity ( Vector * vVelocity , AngularImpulse * vAngVelocity )
if ( GetMoveType ( ) = = MOVETYPE_VPHYSICS & & m_pPhysicsObject )
m_pPhysicsObject - > GetVelocity ( vVelocity , vAngVelocity ) ;
if ( vVelocity ! = NULL )
* vVelocity = GetAbsVelocity ( ) ;
if ( vAngVelocity ! = NULL )
QAngle tmp = GetLocalAngularVelocity ( ) ;
QAngleToAngularImpulse ( tmp , * vAngVelocity ) ;
bool CBaseEntity : : IsMoving ( )
Vector velocity ;
GetVelocity ( & velocity , NULL ) ;
return velocity ! = vec3_origin ;
// Purpose: Retrieves the coordinate frame for this entity.
// Input : forward - Receives the entity's forward vector.
// right - Receives the entity's right vector.
// up - Receives the entity's up vector.
void CBaseEntity : : GetVectors ( Vector * pForward , Vector * pRight , Vector * pUp ) const
// This call is necessary to cause m_rgflCoordinateFrame to be recomputed
const matrix3x4_t & entityToWorld = EntityToWorldTransform ( ) ;
if ( pForward ! = NULL )
MatrixGetColumn ( entityToWorld , 0 , * pForward ) ;
if ( pRight ! = NULL )
MatrixGetColumn ( entityToWorld , 1 , * pRight ) ;
* pRight * = - 1.0f ;
if ( pUp ! = NULL )
MatrixGetColumn ( entityToWorld , 2 , * pUp ) ;
// Purpose: Sets the model, validates that it's of the appropriate type
// Input : *szModelName -
void CBaseEntity : : SetModel ( const char * szModelName )
int modelIndex = modelinfo - > GetModelIndex ( szModelName ) ;
const model_t * model = modelinfo - > GetModel ( modelIndex ) ;
if ( model & & modelinfo - > GetModelType ( model ) ! = mod_brush )
Msg ( " Setting CBaseEntity to non-brush model %s \n " , szModelName ) ;
UTIL_SetModel ( this , szModelName ) ;
CStudioHdr * CBaseEntity : : OnNewModel ( )
// Do nothing.
return NULL ;
void CBaseEntity : : InputSetTeam ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
ChangeTeam ( inputdata . value . Int ( ) ) ;
// Purpose: Put the entity in the specified team
void CBaseEntity : : ChangeTeam ( int iTeamNum )
m_iTeamNum = iTeamNum ;
// Get the Team this entity is on
CTeam * CBaseEntity : : GetTeam ( void ) const
return GetGlobalTeam ( m_iTeamNum ) ;
// Purpose: Returns true if these players are both in at least one team together
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
bool CBaseEntity : : InSameTeam ( CBaseEntity * pEntity ) const
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( ! pEntity )
return false ;
return ( pEntity - > GetTeam ( ) = = GetTeam ( ) ) ;
// Purpose: Returns the string name of the players team
const char * CBaseEntity : : TeamID ( void ) const
if ( GetTeam ( ) = = NULL )
return " " ;
return GetTeam ( ) - > GetName ( ) ;
// Purpose: Returns true if the player is on the same team
bool CBaseEntity : : IsInTeam ( CTeam * pTeam ) const
return ( GetTeam ( ) = = pTeam ) ;
// Purpose:
int CBaseEntity : : GetTeamNumber ( void ) const
return m_iTeamNum ;
// Purpose:
bool CBaseEntity : : IsInAnyTeam ( void ) const
return ( GetTeam ( ) ! = NULL ) ;
// Purpose: Returns the type of damage that this entity inflicts.
int CBaseEntity : : GetDamageType ( ) const
return DMG_GENERIC ;
// process notification
void CBaseEntity : : NotifySystemEvent ( CBaseEntity * pNotify , notify_system_event_t eventType , const notify_system_event_params_t & params )
// Purpose: Holds an entity's previous abs origin and angles at the time of
// teleportation. Used for child & constrained entity fixup to prevent
// lazy updates of abs origins and angles from messing things up.
struct TeleportListEntry_t
CBaseEntity * pEntity ;
Vector prevAbsOrigin ;
QAngle prevAbsAngles ;
} ;
static void TeleportEntity ( CBaseEntity * pSourceEntity , TeleportListEntry_t & entry , const Vector * newPosition , const QAngle * newAngles , const Vector * newVelocity )
CBaseEntity * pTeleport = entry . pEntity ;
Vector prevOrigin = entry . prevAbsOrigin ;
QAngle prevAngles = entry . prevAbsAngles ;
int nSolidFlags = pTeleport - > GetSolidFlags ( ) ;
pTeleport - > AddSolidFlags ( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ) ;
// I'm teleporting myself
if ( pSourceEntity = = pTeleport )
if ( newAngles )
pTeleport - > SetLocalAngles ( * newAngles ) ;
if ( pTeleport - > IsPlayer ( ) )
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = ( CBasePlayer * ) pTeleport ;
pPlayer - > SnapEyeAngles ( * newAngles ) ;
if ( newVelocity )
pTeleport - > SetAbsVelocity ( * newVelocity ) ;
pTeleport - > SetBaseVelocity ( vec3_origin ) ;
if ( newPosition )
pTeleport - > IncrementInterpolationFrame ( ) ;
UTIL_SetOrigin ( pTeleport , * newPosition ) ;
// My parent is teleporting, just update my position & physics
pTeleport - > CalcAbsolutePosition ( ) ;
IPhysicsObject * pPhys = pTeleport - > VPhysicsGetObject ( ) ;
bool rotatePhysics = false ;
// handle physics objects / shadows
if ( pPhys )
if ( newVelocity )
pPhys - > SetVelocity ( newVelocity , NULL ) ;
const QAngle * rotAngles = & pTeleport - > GetAbsAngles ( ) ;
// don't rotate physics on players or bbox entities
if ( pTeleport - > IsPlayer ( ) | | pTeleport - > GetSolid ( ) = = SOLID_BBOX )
rotAngles = & vec3_angle ;
rotatePhysics = true ;
pPhys - > SetPosition ( pTeleport - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) , * rotAngles , true ) ;
g_pNotify - > ReportTeleportEvent ( pTeleport , prevOrigin , prevAngles , rotatePhysics ) ;
pTeleport - > SetSolidFlags ( nSolidFlags ) ;
// Purpose: Recurses an entity hierarchy and fills out a list of all entities
// in the hierarchy with their current origins and angles.
// This list is necessary to keep lazy updates of abs origins and angles
// from messing up our child/constrained entity fixup.
static void BuildTeleportList_r ( CBaseEntity * pTeleport , CUtlVector < TeleportListEntry_t > & teleportList )
TeleportListEntry_t entry ;
entry . pEntity = pTeleport ;
entry . prevAbsOrigin = pTeleport - > GetAbsOrigin ( ) ;
entry . prevAbsAngles = pTeleport - > GetAbsAngles ( ) ;
teleportList . AddToTail ( entry ) ;
CBaseEntity * pList = pTeleport - > FirstMoveChild ( ) ;
while ( pList )
BuildTeleportList_r ( pList , teleportList ) ;
pList = pList - > NextMovePeer ( ) ;
static CUtlVector < CBaseEntity * > g_TeleportStack ;
void CBaseEntity : : Teleport ( const Vector * newPosition , const QAngle * newAngles , const Vector * newVelocity )
if ( g_TeleportStack . Find ( this ) > = 0 )
return ;
int index = g_TeleportStack . AddToTail ( this ) ;
CUtlVector < TeleportListEntry_t > teleportList ;
BuildTeleportList_r ( this , teleportList ) ;
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < teleportList . Count ( ) ; i + + )
TeleportEntity ( this , teleportList [ i ] , newPosition , newAngles , newVelocity ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < teleportList . Count ( ) ; i + + )
teleportList [ i ] . pEntity - > CollisionRulesChanged ( ) ;
if ( IsPlayer ( ) )
// Tell the client being teleported
IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager - > CreateEvent ( " base_player_teleported " ) ;
if ( event )
event - > SetInt ( " entindex " , entindex ( ) ) ;
gameeventmanager - > FireEventClientSide ( event ) ;
Assert ( g_TeleportStack [ index ] = = this ) ;
g_TeleportStack . FastRemove ( index ) ;
// FIXME: add an initializer function to StepSimulationData
StepSimulationData * step = ( StepSimulationData * ) GetDataObject ( STEPSIMULATION ) ;
if ( step )
Q_memset ( step , 0 , sizeof ( * step ) ) ;
// Stuff implemented for weapon prediction code
void CBaseEntity : : SetSize ( const Vector & vecMin , const Vector & vecMax )
UTIL_SetSize ( this , vecMin , vecMax ) ;
CStudioHdr * ModelSoundsCache_LoadModel ( const char * filename )
// Load the file
int idx = engine - > PrecacheModel ( filename , true ) ;
if ( idx ! = - 1 )
model_t * mdl = ( model_t * ) modelinfo - > GetModel ( idx ) ;
if ( mdl )
CStudioHdr * studioHdr = new CStudioHdr ( modelinfo - > GetStudiomodel ( mdl ) , mdlcache ) ;
if ( studioHdr - > IsValid ( ) )
return studioHdr ;
return NULL ;
void ModelSoundsCache_FinishModel ( CStudioHdr * hdr )
Assert ( hdr ) ;
delete hdr ;
void ModelSoundsCache_PrecacheScriptSound ( const char * soundname )
CBaseEntity : : PrecacheScriptSound ( soundname ) ;
static CUtlCachedFileData < CModelSoundsCache > g_ModelSoundsCache ( " modelsounds.cache " , MODELSOUNDSCACHE_VERSION , 0 , UTL_CACHED_FILE_USE_FILESIZE , false ) ;
void ClearModelSoundsCache ( )
if ( IsX360 ( ) )
return ;
g_ModelSoundsCache . Reload ( ) ;
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool ModelSoundsCacheInit ( )
if ( IsX360 ( ) )
return true ;
return g_ModelSoundsCache . Init ( ) ;
// Purpose:
void ModelSoundsCacheShutdown ( )
if ( IsX360 ( ) )
return ;
g_ModelSoundsCache . Shutdown ( ) ;
static CUtlSymbolTable g_ModelSoundsSymbolHelper ( 0 , 32 , true ) ;
class CModelSoundsCacheSaver : public CAutoGameSystem
public :
CModelSoundsCacheSaver ( const char * name ) : CAutoGameSystem ( name )
virtual void LevelInitPostEntity ( )
if ( IsX360 ( ) )
return ;
if ( g_ModelSoundsCache . IsDirty ( ) )
g_ModelSoundsCache . Save ( ) ;
virtual void LevelShutdownPostEntity ( )
if ( IsX360 ( ) )
// Unforunate that this table must persist through duration of level.
// It is the common case that PrecacheModel() still gets called (and needs this table),
// after LevelInitPostEntity, as PrecacheModel() redundantly precaches.
g_ModelSoundsSymbolHelper . RemoveAll ( ) ;
return ;
if ( g_ModelSoundsCache . IsDirty ( ) )
g_ModelSoundsCache . Save ( ) ;
} ;
static CModelSoundsCacheSaver g_ModelSoundsCacheSaver ( " CModelSoundsCacheSaver " ) ;
# if defined( WATCHACCESS )
static bool g_bWatching = true ;
void ModelLogFunc ( const char * fileName , const char * accessType )
if ( g_bWatching & & ! CBaseEntity : : IsPrecacheAllowed ( ) )
if ( Q_stristr ( fileName , " .vcd " ) )
Msg ( " %s \n " , fileName ) ;
class CWatchForModelAccess : public CAutoGameSystem
public :
virtual bool Init ( )
filesystem - > AddLoggingFunc ( & ModelLogFunc ) ;
return true ;
virtual void Shutdown ( )
filesystem - > RemoveLoggingFunc ( & ModelLogFunc ) ;
} ;
static CWatchForModelAccess g_WatchForModels ;
# endif
// HACK: This must match the #define in cl_animevent.h in the client .dll code!!!
# define CL_EVENT_SOUND 5004
// Precache model sound. Requires a local symbol table to prevent
// a very expensive call to PrecacheScriptSound().
void CBaseEntity : : PrecacheSoundHelper ( const char * pName )
if ( ! IsX360 ( ) )
// 360 only
Assert ( 0 ) ;
return ;
if ( ! pName | | ! pName [ 0 ] )
return ;
if ( UTL_INVAL_SYMBOL = = g_ModelSoundsSymbolHelper . Find ( pName ) )
g_ModelSoundsSymbolHelper . AddString ( pName ) ;
// very expensive, only call when required
PrecacheScriptSound ( pName ) ;
// Precache model components
void CBaseEntity : : PrecacheModelComponents ( int nModelIndex )
model_t * pModel = ( model_t * ) modelinfo - > GetModel ( nModelIndex ) ;
if ( ! pModel | | modelinfo - > GetModelType ( pModel ) ! = mod_studio )
return ;
// sounds
if ( IsPC ( ) )
const char * name = modelinfo - > GetModelName ( pModel ) ;
if ( ! g_ModelSoundsCache . EntryExists ( name ) )
char extension [ 8 ] ;
Q_ExtractFileExtension ( name , extension , sizeof ( extension ) ) ;
if ( Q_stristr ( extension , " mdl " ) )
DevMsg ( 2 , " Late precache of %s, need to rebuild modelsounds.cache \n " , name ) ;
if ( ! extension [ 0 ] )
Warning ( " Precache of %s ambigious (no extension specified) \n " , name ) ;
Warning ( " Late precache of %s (file missing?) \n " , name ) ;
return ;
CModelSoundsCache * entry = g_ModelSoundsCache . Get ( name ) ;
Assert ( entry ) ;
if ( entry )
entry - > PrecacheSoundList ( ) ;
// particles
// Check keyvalues for auto-emitting particles
KeyValues * pModelKeyValues = new KeyValues ( " " ) ;
KeyValues : : AutoDelete autodelete_pModelKeyValues ( pModelKeyValues ) ;
if ( pModelKeyValues - > LoadFromBuffer ( modelinfo - > GetModelName ( pModel ) , modelinfo - > GetModelKeyValueText ( pModel ) ) )
KeyValues * pParticleEffects = pModelKeyValues - > FindKey ( " Particles " ) ;
if ( pParticleEffects )
// Start grabbing the sounds and slotting them in
for ( KeyValues * pSingleEffect = pParticleEffects - > GetFirstSubKey ( ) ; pSingleEffect ; pSingleEffect = pSingleEffect - > GetNextKey ( ) )
const char * pParticleEffectName = pSingleEffect - > GetString ( " name " , " " ) ;
PrecacheParticleSystem ( pParticleEffectName ) ;
// model anim event owned components
// Check animevents for particle events
CStudioHdr studioHdr ( modelinfo - > GetStudiomodel ( pModel ) , mdlcache ) ;
if ( studioHdr . IsValid ( ) )
// force animation event resolution!!!
VerifySequenceIndex ( & studioHdr ) ;
int nSeqCount = studioHdr . GetNumSeq ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < nSeqCount ; + + i )
mstudioseqdesc_t & seq = studioHdr . pSeqdesc ( i ) ;
int nEventCount = seq . numevents ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < nEventCount ; + + j )
mstudioevent_t * pEvent = seq . pEvent ( j ) ;
if ( ! ( pEvent - > type & AE_TYPE_NEWEVENTSYSTEM ) | | ( pEvent - > type & AE_TYPE_CLIENT ) )
if ( pEvent - > event = = AE_CL_CREATE_PARTICLE_EFFECT )
char token [ 256 ] ;
const char * pOptions = pEvent - > pszOptions ( ) ;
nexttoken ( token , pOptions , ' ' ) ;
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
if ( token )
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
PrecacheParticleSystem ( token ) ;
continue ;
// 360 precaches the model sounds now at init time, the cost is now ~250 msecs worst case.
// The disk based solution was not needed. Now at runtime partly due to already crawling the sequences
// for the particles and the expensive part was redundant PrecacheScriptSound(), which is now prevented
// by a local symbol table.
if ( IsX360 ( ) )
switch ( pEvent - > event )
default :
if ( ( pEvent - > type & AE_TYPE_NEWEVENTSYSTEM ) & & ( pEvent - > event = = AE_SV_PLAYSOUND ) )
PrecacheSoundHelper ( pEvent - > pszOptions ( ) ) ;
break ;
char soundname [ 256 ] ;
char const * options = pEvent - > pszOptions ( ) ;
if ( ! options | | ! options [ 0 ] )
options = " NPC_CombineS " ;
Q_snprintf ( soundname , sizeof ( soundname ) , " %s.RunFootstepLeft " , options ) ;
PrecacheSoundHelper ( soundname ) ;
Q_snprintf ( soundname , sizeof ( soundname ) , " %s.RunFootstepRight " , options ) ;
PrecacheSoundHelper ( soundname ) ;
Q_snprintf ( soundname , sizeof ( soundname ) , " %s.FootstepLeft " , options ) ;
PrecacheSoundHelper ( soundname ) ;
Q_snprintf ( soundname , sizeof ( soundname ) , " %s.FootstepRight " , options ) ;
PrecacheSoundHelper ( soundname ) ;
break ;
if ( ! ( pEvent - > type & AE_TYPE_CLIENT ) )
break ;
if ( pEvent - > pszOptions ( ) [ 0 ] )
PrecacheSoundHelper ( pEvent - > pszOptions ( ) ) ;
Warning ( " -- Error --: empty soundname, .qc error on AE_CL_PLAYSOUND in model %s, sequence %s, animevent # %i \n " ,
studioHdr . GetRenderHdr ( ) - > pszName ( ) , seq . pszLabel ( ) , j + 1 ) ;
break ;
PrecacheSoundHelper ( pEvent - > pszOptions ( ) ) ;
break ;
// Purpose: Add model to level precache list
// Input : *name - model name
// Output : int -- model index for model
int CBaseEntity : : PrecacheModel ( const char * name , bool bPreload )
if ( ! name | | ! * name )
Msg ( " Attempting to precache model, but model name is NULL \n " ) ;
return - 1 ;
// Warn on out of order precache
if ( ! CBaseEntity : : IsPrecacheAllowed ( ) )
if ( ! engine - > IsModelPrecached ( name ) )
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
Assert ( ! " CBaseEntity::PrecacheModel: too late " ) ;
Warning ( " Late precache of %s \n " , name ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
# if defined( WATCHACCESS )
g_bWatching = false ;
# endif
int idx = engine - > PrecacheModel ( name , bPreload ) ;
if ( idx ! = - 1 )
PrecacheModelComponents ( idx ) ;
# if defined( WATCHACCESS )
g_bWatching = true ;
# endif
return idx ;
// Purpose:
void CBaseEntity : : Remove ( )
UTIL_Remove ( this ) ;
// Entity degugging console commands
extern CBaseEntity * FindPickerEntity ( CBasePlayer * pPlayer ) ;
extern void SetDebugBits ( CBasePlayer * pPlayer , const char * name , int bit ) ;
extern CBaseEntity * GetNextCommandEntity ( CBasePlayer * pPlayer , const char * name , CBaseEntity * ent ) ;
// Purpose :
// Input :
// Output :
void ConsoleFireTargets ( CBasePlayer * pPlayer , const char * name )
// If no name was given use the picker
if ( FStrEq ( name , " " ) )
CBaseEntity * pEntity = FindPickerEntity ( pPlayer ) ;
if ( pEntity & & ! pEntity - > IsMarkedForDeletion ( ) )
Msg ( " [%03d] Found: %s, firing \n " , gpGlobals - > tickcount % 1000 , pEntity - > GetDebugName ( ) ) ;
pEntity - > Use ( pPlayer , pPlayer , USE_TOGGLE , 0 ) ;
return ;
// Otherwise use name or classname
FireTargets ( name , pPlayer , pPlayer , USE_TOGGLE , 0 ) ;
// Purpose :
// Input :
// Output :
void CC_Ent_Name ( const CCommand & args )
SetDebugBits ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) , args [ 1 ] , OVERLAY_NAME_BIT ) ;
static ConCommand ent_name ( " ent_name " , CC_Ent_Name , 0 , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void CC_Ent_Text ( const CCommand & args )
SetDebugBits ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) , args [ 1 ] , OVERLAY_TEXT_BIT ) ;
static ConCommand ent_text ( " ent_text " , CC_Ent_Text , " Displays text debugging information about the given entity(ies) on top of the entity ( See Overlay Text ) \ n \ tArguments : { entity_name } / { class_name } / no argument picks what player is looking at " , FCVAR_CHEAT);
void CC_Ent_BBox ( const CCommand & args )
SetDebugBits ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) , args [ 1 ] , OVERLAY_BBOX_BIT ) ;
static ConCommand ent_bbox ( " ent_bbox " , CC_Ent_BBox , " Displays the movement bounding box for the given entity(ies) in orange . Some entites will also display entity specific overlays . \ n \ tArguments : { entity_name } / { class_name } / no argument picks what player is looking at " , FCVAR_CHEAT);
void CC_Ent_AbsBox ( const CCommand & args )
SetDebugBits ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) , args [ 1 ] , OVERLAY_ABSBOX_BIT ) ;
static ConCommand ent_absbox ( " ent_absbox " , CC_Ent_AbsBox , " Displays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green . Some entites will also display entity specific overlays . \ n \ tArguments : { entity_name } / { class_name } / no argument picks what player is looking at " , FCVAR_CHEAT);
void CC_Ent_RBox ( const CCommand & args )
SetDebugBits ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) , args [ 1 ] , OVERLAY_RBOX_BIT ) ;
static ConCommand ent_rbox ( " ent_rbox " , CC_Ent_RBox , " Displays the total bounding box for the given entity(s) in green . Some entites will also display entity specific overlays . \ n \ tArguments : { entity_name } / { class_name } / no argument picks what player is looking at " , FCVAR_CHEAT);
void CC_Ent_AttachmentPoints ( const CCommand & args )
SetDebugBits ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) , args [ 1 ] , OVERLAY_ATTACHMENTS_BIT ) ;
static ConCommand ent_attachments ( " ent_attachments " , CC_Ent_AttachmentPoints , " Displays the attachment points on an entity. \n \t Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void CC_Ent_ViewOffset ( const CCommand & args )
SetDebugBits ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) , args [ 1 ] , OVERLAY_VIEWOFFSET ) ;
static ConCommand ent_viewoffset ( " ent_viewoffset " , CC_Ent_ViewOffset , " Displays the eye position for the given entity(ies) in red . \ n \ tArguments : { entity_name } / { class_name } / no argument picks what player is looking at " , FCVAR_CHEAT);
void CC_Ent_Remove ( const CCommand & args )
CBaseEntity * pEntity = NULL ;
// If no name was given set bits based on the picked
if ( FStrEq ( args [ 1 ] , " " ) )
pEntity = FindPickerEntity ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
int index = atoi ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( index )
pEntity = CBaseEntity : : Instance ( index ) ;
// Otherwise set bits based on name or classname
CBaseEntity * ent = NULL ;
while ( ( ent = gEntList . NextEnt ( ent ) ) ! = NULL )
if ( ( ent - > GetEntityName ( ) ! = NULL_STRING & & FStrEq ( args [ 1 ] , STRING ( ent - > GetEntityName ( ) ) ) ) | |
( ent - > m_iClassname ! = NULL_STRING & & FStrEq ( args [ 1 ] , STRING ( ent - > m_iClassname ) ) ) | |
( ent - > GetClassname ( ) ! = NULL & & FStrEq ( args [ 1 ] , ent - > GetClassname ( ) ) ) )
pEntity = ent ;
break ;
// Found one?
if ( pEntity )
Msg ( " Removed %s(%s) \n " , STRING ( pEntity - > m_iClassname ) , pEntity - > GetDebugName ( ) ) ;
UTIL_Remove ( pEntity ) ;
static ConCommand ent_remove ( " ent_remove " , CC_Ent_Remove , " Removes the given entity(s) \ n \ tArguments : { entity_name } / { class_name } / no argument picks what player is looking at " , FCVAR_CHEAT);
void CC_Ent_RemoveAll ( const CCommand & args )
// If no name was given remove based on the picked
if ( args . ArgC ( ) < 2 )
Msg ( " Removes all entities of the specified type \n \t Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} \n " ) ;
// Otherwise remove based on name or classname
int iCount = 0 ;
CBaseEntity * ent = NULL ;
while ( ( ent = gEntList . NextEnt ( ent ) ) ! = NULL )
if ( ( ent - > GetEntityName ( ) ! = NULL_STRING & & FStrEq ( args [ 1 ] , STRING ( ent - > GetEntityName ( ) ) ) ) | |
( ent - > m_iClassname ! = NULL_STRING & & FStrEq ( args [ 1 ] , STRING ( ent - > m_iClassname ) ) ) | |
( ent - > GetClassname ( ) ! = NULL & & FStrEq ( args [ 1 ] , ent - > GetClassname ( ) ) ) )
UTIL_Remove ( ent ) ;
iCount + + ;
if ( iCount )
Msg ( " Removed %d %s's \n " , iCount , args [ 1 ] ) ;
Msg ( " No %s found. \n " , args [ 1 ] ) ;
static ConCommand ent_remove_all ( " ent_remove_all " , CC_Ent_RemoveAll , " Removes all entities of the specified type \n \t Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void CC_Ent_SetName ( const CCommand & args )
CBaseEntity * pEntity = NULL ;
if ( args . ArgC ( ) < 1 )
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = ToBasePlayer ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pPlayer )
return ;
ClientPrint ( pPlayer , HUD_PRINTCONSOLE , " Usage: \n ent_setname <new name> <entity name> \n " ) ;
// If no name was given set bits based on the picked
if ( FStrEq ( args [ 2 ] , " " ) )
pEntity = FindPickerEntity ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
// Otherwise set bits based on name or classname
CBaseEntity * ent = NULL ;
while ( ( ent = gEntList . NextEnt ( ent ) ) ! = NULL )
if ( ( ent - > GetEntityName ( ) ! = NULL_STRING & & FStrEq ( args [ 1 ] , STRING ( ent - > GetEntityName ( ) ) ) ) | |
( ent - > m_iClassname ! = NULL_STRING & & FStrEq ( args [ 1 ] , STRING ( ent - > m_iClassname ) ) ) | |
( ent - > GetClassname ( ) ! = NULL & & FStrEq ( args [ 1 ] , ent - > GetClassname ( ) ) ) )
pEntity = ent ;
break ;
// Found one?
if ( pEntity )
Msg ( " Set the name of %s to %s \n " , STRING ( pEntity - > m_iClassname ) , args [ 1 ] ) ;
pEntity - > SetName ( AllocPooledString ( args [ 1 ] ) ) ;
static ConCommand ent_setname ( " ent_setname " , CC_Ent_SetName , " Sets the targetname of the given entity(s) \ n \ tArguments : { new entity name } { entity_name } / { class_name } / no argument picks what player is looking at " , FCVAR_CHEAT);
void CC_Find_Ent ( const CCommand & args )
if ( args . ArgC ( ) < 2 )
Msg ( " Total entities: %d (%d edicts) \n " , gEntList . NumberOfEntities ( ) , gEntList . NumberOfEdicts ( ) ) ;
Msg ( " Format: find_ent <substring> \n " ) ;
return ;
int iCount = 0 ;
const char * pszSubString = args [ 1 ] ;
Msg ( " Searching for entities with class/target name containing substring: '%s' \n " , pszSubString ) ;
CBaseEntity * ent = NULL ;
while ( ( ent = gEntList . NextEnt ( ent ) ) ! = NULL )
const char * pszClassname = ent - > GetClassname ( ) ;
const char * pszTargetname = STRING ( ent - > GetEntityName ( ) ) ;
bool bMatches = false ;
if ( pszClassname & & pszClassname [ 0 ] )
if ( Q_stristr ( pszClassname , pszSubString ) )
bMatches = true ;
if ( ! bMatches & & pszTargetname & & pszTargetname [ 0 ] )
if ( Q_stristr ( pszTargetname , pszSubString ) )
bMatches = true ;
if ( bMatches )
iCount + + ;
Msg ( " '%s' : '%s' (entindex %d) \n " , ent - > GetClassname ( ) , ent - > GetEntityName ( ) . ToCStr ( ) , ent - > entindex ( ) ) ;
Msg ( " Found %d matches. \n " , iCount ) ;
static ConCommand find_ent ( " find_ent " , CC_Find_Ent , " Find and list all entities with classnames or targetnames that contain the specified substring. \n Format: find_ent <substring> \n " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void CC_Find_Ent_Index ( const CCommand & args )
if ( args . ArgC ( ) < 2 )
Msg ( " Format: find_ent_index <index> \n " ) ;
return ;
int iIndex = atoi ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
CBaseEntity * pEnt = UTIL_EntityByIndex ( iIndex ) ;
if ( pEnt )
Msg ( " '%s' : '%s' (entindex %d) \n " , pEnt - > GetClassname ( ) , pEnt - > GetEntityName ( ) . ToCStr ( ) , iIndex ) ;
Msg ( " Found no entity at %d. \n " , iIndex ) ;
static ConCommand find_ent_index ( " find_ent_index " , CC_Find_Ent_Index , " Display data for entity matching specified index. \n Format: find_ent_index <index> \n " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
// Purpose :
void CC_Ent_Dump ( const CCommand & args )
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = ToBasePlayer ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pPlayer )
return ;
if ( args . ArgC ( ) < 2 )
ClientPrint ( pPlayer , HUD_PRINTCONSOLE , " Usage: \n ent_dump <entity name> \n " ) ;
// iterate through all the ents of this name, printing out their details
CBaseEntity * ent = NULL ;
bool bFound = false ;
while ( ( ent = gEntList . FindEntityByName ( ent , args [ 1 ] ) ) ! = NULL )
bFound = true ;
for ( datamap_t * dmap = ent - > GetDataDescMap ( ) ; dmap ! = NULL ; dmap = dmap - > baseMap )
// search through all the actions in the data description, printing out details
for ( int i = 0 ; i < dmap - > dataNumFields ; i + + )
variant_t var ;
if ( ent - > ReadKeyField ( dmap - > dataDesc [ i ] . externalName , & var ) )
char buf [ 256 ] ;
buf [ 0 ] = 0 ;
switch ( var . FieldType ( ) )
Q_strncpy ( buf , var . String ( ) , sizeof ( buf ) ) ;
break ;
if ( var . Int ( ) )
Q_snprintf ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) , " %d " , var . Int ( ) ) ;
break ;
if ( var . Float ( ) )
Q_snprintf ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) , " %.2f " , var . Float ( ) ) ;
break ;
// get the entities name
if ( var . Entity ( ) )
Q_snprintf ( buf , sizeof ( buf ) , " %s " , STRING ( var . Entity ( ) - > GetEntityName ( ) ) ) ;
break ;
// don't print out the duplicate keys
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( " parentname " , dmap - > dataDesc [ i ] . externalName ) | | ! Q_stricmp ( " targetname " , dmap - > dataDesc [ i ] . externalName ) )
continue ;
// don't print out empty keys
if ( buf [ 0 ] )
ClientPrint ( pPlayer , HUD_PRINTCONSOLE , UTIL_VarArgs ( " %s: %s \n " , dmap - > dataDesc [ i ] . externalName , buf ) ) ;
if ( ! bFound )
ClientPrint ( pPlayer , HUD_PRINTCONSOLE , " ent_dump: no such entity " ) ;
static ConCommand ent_dump ( " ent_dump " , CC_Ent_Dump , " Usage: \n ent_dump <entity name> \n " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
// Purpose :
// Input :
// Output :
void CC_Ent_FireTarget ( const CCommand & args )
ConsoleFireTargets ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) , args [ 1 ] ) ;
static ConCommand firetarget ( " firetarget " , CC_Ent_FireTarget , 0 , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
class CEntFireAutoCompletionFunctor : public ICommandCallback , public ICommandCompletionCallback
public :
virtual void CommandCallback ( const CCommand & command )
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = ToBasePlayer ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pPlayer )
return ;
// fires a command from the console
if ( command . ArgC ( ) < 2 )
ClientPrint ( pPlayer , HUD_PRINTCONSOLE , " Usage: \n ent_fire <target> [action] [value] [delay] \n " ) ;
const char * target = " " , * action = " Use " ;
variant_t value ;
2022-08-16 17:50:12 +03:00
float delay = 0 ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
target = STRING ( AllocPooledString ( command . Arg ( 1 ) ) ) ;
// Don't allow them to run anything on a point_servercommand unless they're the host player. Otherwise they can ent_fire
// and run any command on the server. Admittedly, they can only do the ent_fire if sv_cheats is on, but
// people complained about users resetting the rcon password if the server briefly turned on cheats like this:
// give point_servercommand
// ent_fire point_servercommand command "rcon_password mynewpassword"
// Robin: Unfortunately, they get around point_servercommand checks with this:
// ent_create point_servercommand; ent_setname mine; ent_fire mine command "rcon_password mynewpassword"
// So, I'm removing the ability for anyone to execute ent_fires on dedicated servers (we can't check to see if
// this command is going to connect with a point_servercommand entity here, because they could delay the event and create it later).
if ( engine - > IsDedicatedServer ( ) )
// We allow people with disabled autokick to do it, because they already have rcon.
if ( pPlayer - > IsAutoKickDisabled ( ) = = false )
return ;
else if ( gpGlobals - > maxClients > 1 )
// On listen servers with more than 1 player, only allow the host to issue ent_fires.
CBasePlayer * pHostPlayer = UTIL_GetListenServerHost ( ) ;
if ( pPlayer ! = pHostPlayer )
return ;
if ( command . ArgC ( ) > = 3 )
action = STRING ( AllocPooledString ( command . Arg ( 2 ) ) ) ;
if ( command . ArgC ( ) > = 4 )
value . SetString ( AllocPooledString ( command . Arg ( 3 ) ) ) ;
if ( command . ArgC ( ) > = 5 )
delay = atoi ( command . Arg ( 4 ) ) ;
g_EventQueue . AddEvent ( target , action , value , delay , pPlayer , pPlayer ) ;
virtual int CommandCompletionCallback ( const char * partial , CUtlVector < CUtlString > & commands )
if ( ! g_pGameRules )
return 0 ;
const char * cmdname = " ent_fire " ;
char * substring = ( char * ) partial ;
if ( Q_strstr ( partial , cmdname ) )
substring = ( char * ) partial + strlen ( cmdname ) + 1 ;
int checklen = 0 ;
char * space = Q_strstr ( substring , " " ) ;
if ( space )
return EntFire_AutoCompleteInput ( partial , commands ) ; ;
checklen = Q_strlen ( substring ) ;
CUtlRBTree < CUtlString > symbols ( 0 , 0 , UtlStringLessFunc ) ;
CBaseEntity * pos = NULL ;
while ( ( pos = gEntList . NextEnt ( pos ) ) ! = NULL )
// Check target name against partial string
if ( pos - > GetEntityName ( ) = = NULL_STRING )
continue ;
if ( Q_strnicmp ( STRING ( pos - > GetEntityName ( ) ) , substring , checklen ) )
continue ;
CUtlString sym = STRING ( pos - > GetEntityName ( ) ) ;
int idx = symbols . Find ( sym ) ;
if ( idx = = symbols . InvalidIndex ( ) )
symbols . Insert ( sym ) ;
// Too many
if ( symbols . Count ( ) > = COMMAND_COMPLETION_MAXITEMS )
break ;
// Now fill in the results
for ( int i = symbols . FirstInorder ( ) ; i ! = symbols . InvalidIndex ( ) ; i = symbols . NextInorder ( i ) )
const char * name = symbols [ i ] . String ( ) ;
char buf [ 512 ] ;
Q_strncpy ( buf , name , sizeof ( buf ) ) ;
Q_strlower ( buf ) ;
CUtlString command ;
command = CFmtStr ( " %s %s " , cmdname , buf ) ;
commands . AddToTail ( command ) ;
return symbols . Count ( ) ;
private :
int EntFire_AutoCompleteInput ( const char * partial , CUtlVector < CUtlString > & commands )
const char * cmdname = " ent_fire " ;
char * substring = ( char * ) partial ;
if ( Q_strstr ( partial , cmdname ) )
substring = ( char * ) partial + strlen ( cmdname ) + 1 ;
int checklen = 0 ;
char * space = Q_strstr ( substring , " " ) ;
if ( ! space )
Assert ( ! " CC_EntFireAutoCompleteInputFunc is broken \n " ) ;
return 0 ;
checklen = Q_strlen ( substring ) ;
char targetEntity [ 256 ] ;
targetEntity [ 0 ] = 0 ;
int nEntityNameLength = ( space - substring ) ;
Q_strncat ( targetEntity , substring , sizeof ( targetEntity ) , nEntityNameLength ) ;
// Find the target entity by name
CBaseEntity * target = gEntList . FindEntityByName ( NULL , targetEntity ) ;
if ( target = = NULL )
return 0 ;
CUtlRBTree < CUtlString > symbols ( 0 , 0 , UtlStringLessFunc ) ;
// Find the next portion of the text chain, if any (removing space)
int nInputNameLength = ( checklen - nEntityNameLength - 1 ) ;
// Starting past the last space, this is the remainder of the string
char * inputPartial = ( checklen > nEntityNameLength ) ? ( space + 1 ) : NULL ;
for ( datamap_t * dmap = target - > GetDataDescMap ( ) ; dmap ! = NULL ; dmap = dmap - > baseMap )
// Make sure we don't keep adding things in if the satisfied the limit
if ( symbols . Count ( ) > = COMMAND_COMPLETION_MAXITEMS )
break ;
int c = dmap - > dataNumFields ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < c ; i + + )
typedescription_t * field = & dmap - > dataDesc [ i ] ;
// Only want inputs
if ( ! ( field - > flags & FTYPEDESC_INPUT ) )
continue ;
// Only want input functions
if ( field - > flags & FTYPEDESC_SAVE )
continue ;
// See if we've got a partial string for the input name already
if ( inputPartial ! = NULL )
if ( Q_strnicmp ( inputPartial , field - > externalName , nInputNameLength ) )
continue ;
CUtlString sym = field - > externalName ;
int idx = symbols . Find ( sym ) ;
if ( idx = = symbols . InvalidIndex ( ) )
symbols . Insert ( sym ) ;
// Too many items have been added
if ( symbols . Count ( ) > = COMMAND_COMPLETION_MAXITEMS )
break ;
// Now fill in the results
for ( int i = symbols . FirstInorder ( ) ; i ! = symbols . InvalidIndex ( ) ; i = symbols . NextInorder ( i ) )
const char * name = symbols [ i ] . String ( ) ;
char buf [ 512 ] ;
Q_strncpy ( buf , name , sizeof ( buf ) ) ;
Q_strlower ( buf ) ;
CUtlString command ;
command = CFmtStr ( " %s %s %s " , cmdname , targetEntity , buf ) ;
commands . AddToTail ( command ) ;
return symbols . Count ( ) ;
} ;
static CEntFireAutoCompletionFunctor g_EntFireAutoComplete ;
static ConCommand ent_fire ( " ent_fire " , & g_EntFireAutoComplete , " Usage: \n ent_fire <target> [action] [value] [delay] \n " , FCVAR_CHEAT , & g_EntFireAutoComplete ) ;
void CC_Ent_CancelPendingEntFires ( const CCommand & args )
if ( ! UTIL_IsCommandIssuedByServerAdmin ( ) )
return ;
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = ToBasePlayer ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pPlayer )
return ;
g_EventQueue . CancelEvents ( pPlayer ) ;
static ConCommand ent_cancelpendingentfires ( " ent_cancelpendingentfires " , CC_Ent_CancelPendingEntFires , " Cancels all ent_fire created outputs that are currently waiting for their delay to expire. " ) ;
// Purpose :
// Input :
// Output :
void CC_Ent_Info ( const CCommand & args )
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = ToBasePlayer ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ) ;
if ( ! pPlayer )
return ;
if ( args . ArgC ( ) < 2 )
ClientPrint ( pPlayer , HUD_PRINTCONSOLE , " Usage: \n ent_info <class name> \n " ) ;
// iterate through all the ents printing out their details
CBaseEntity * ent = CreateEntityByName ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( ent )
datamap_t * dmap ;
for ( dmap = ent - > GetDataDescMap ( ) ; dmap ! = NULL ; dmap = dmap - > baseMap )
// search through all the actions in the data description, printing out details
for ( int i = 0 ; i < dmap - > dataNumFields ; i + + )
if ( dmap - > dataDesc [ i ] . flags & FTYPEDESC_OUTPUT )
ClientPrint ( pPlayer , HUD_PRINTCONSOLE , UTIL_VarArgs ( " output: %s \n " , dmap - > dataDesc [ i ] . externalName ) ) ;
for ( dmap = ent - > GetDataDescMap ( ) ; dmap ! = NULL ; dmap = dmap - > baseMap )
// search through all the actions in the data description, printing out details
for ( int i = 0 ; i < dmap - > dataNumFields ; i + + )
if ( dmap - > dataDesc [ i ] . flags & FTYPEDESC_INPUT )
ClientPrint ( pPlayer , HUD_PRINTCONSOLE , UTIL_VarArgs ( " input: %s \n " , dmap - > dataDesc [ i ] . externalName ) ) ;
delete ent ;
ClientPrint ( pPlayer , HUD_PRINTCONSOLE , UTIL_VarArgs ( " no such entity %s \n " , args [ 1 ] ) ) ;
static ConCommand ent_info ( " ent_info " , CC_Ent_Info , " Usage: \n ent_info <class name> \n " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
// Purpose :
// Input :
// Output :
void CC_Ent_Messages ( const CCommand & args )
SetDebugBits ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) , args [ 1 ] , OVERLAY_MESSAGE_BIT ) ;
static ConCommand ent_messages ( " ent_messages " , CC_Ent_Messages , " Toggles input/output message display for the selected entity(ies) . The name of the entity will be displayed as well as any messages that it sends or receives . \ n \ tArguments : { entity_name } / { class_name } / no argument picks what player is looking at " , FCVAR_CHEAT);
// Purpose :
// Input :
// Output :
void CC_Ent_Pause ( void )
if ( CBaseEntity : : Debug_IsPaused ( ) )
Msg ( " Resuming entity I/O events \n " ) ;
CBaseEntity : : Debug_Pause ( false ) ;
Msg ( " Pausing entity I/O events \n " ) ;
CBaseEntity : : Debug_Pause ( true ) ;
static ConCommand ent_pause ( " ent_pause " , CC_Ent_Pause , " Toggles pausing of input/output message processing for entities. When turned on processing of all message will stop. Any messages displayed with 'ent_messages' will stop fading and be displayed indefinitely. To step through the messages one by one use 'ent_step'. " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
// Purpose : Enables the entity picker, revelaing debug information about the
// entity under the crosshair.
// Input : an optional command line argument "full" enables all debug info.
// Output :
void CC_Ent_Picker ( void )
CBaseEntity : : m_bInDebugSelect = CBaseEntity : : m_bInDebugSelect ? false : true ;
// Remember the player that's making this request
CBaseEntity : : m_nDebugPlayer = UTIL_GetCommandClientIndex ( ) ;
static ConCommand picker ( " picker " , CC_Ent_Picker , " Toggles 'picker' mode. When picker is on, the bounding box, pivot and debugging text is displayed for whatever entity the player is looking at. \n \t Arguments: full - enables all debug information " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
// Purpose :
// Input :
// Output :
void CC_Ent_Pivot ( const CCommand & args )
SetDebugBits ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) , args [ 1 ] , OVERLAY_PIVOT_BIT ) ;
static ConCommand ent_pivot ( " ent_pivot " , CC_Ent_Pivot , " Displays the pivot for the given entity(ies) . \ n \ t ( y = up = green , z = forward = blue , x = left = red ) . \ n \ tArguments : { entity_name } / { class_name } / no argument picks what player is looking at " , FCVAR_CHEAT);
// Purpose :
// Input :
// Output :
void CC_Ent_Step ( const CCommand & args )
int nSteps = atoi ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( nSteps < = 0 )
nSteps = 1 ;
CBaseEntity : : Debug_SetSteps ( nSteps ) ;
static ConCommand ent_step ( " ent_step " , CC_Ent_Step , " When 'ent_pause' is set this will step through one waiting input / output message at a time. " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : SetCheckUntouch ( bool check )
// Invalidate touchstamp
if ( check )
touchStamp + + ;
if ( ! IsEFlagSet ( EFL_CHECK_UNTOUCH ) )
EntityTouch_Add ( this ) ;
RemoveEFlags ( EFL_CHECK_UNTOUCH ) ;
model_t * CBaseEntity : : GetModel ( void )
return ( model_t * ) modelinfo - > GetModel ( GetModelIndex ( ) ) ;
// Purpose: Calculates the absolute position of an edict in the world
// assumes the parent's absolute origin has already been calculated
void CBaseEntity : : CalcAbsolutePosition ( void )
return ;
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2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
// Plop the entity->parent matrix into m_rgflCoordinateFrame
AngleMatrix ( m_angRotation , m_vecOrigin , m_rgflCoordinateFrame ) ;
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2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
CBaseEntity * pMoveParent = GetMoveParent ( ) ;
if ( ! pMoveParent )
// no move parent, so just copy existing values
m_vecAbsOrigin = m_vecOrigin ;
m_angAbsRotation = m_angRotation ;
if ( HasDataObjectType ( POSITIONWATCHER ) )
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
ReportPositionChanged ( this ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
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return ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
// concatenate with our parent's transform
matrix3x4_t tmpMatrix , scratchSpace ;
ConcatTransforms ( GetParentToWorldTransform ( scratchSpace ) , m_rgflCoordinateFrame , tmpMatrix ) ;
MatrixCopy ( tmpMatrix , m_rgflCoordinateFrame ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
// pull our absolute position out of the matrix
MatrixGetColumn ( m_rgflCoordinateFrame , 3 , m_vecAbsOrigin ) ;
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2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
// if we have any angles, we have to extract our absolute angles from our matrix
if ( ( m_angRotation = = vec3_angle ) & & ( m_iParentAttachment = = 0 ) )
// just copy our parent's absolute angles
VectorCopy ( pMoveParent - > GetAbsAngles ( ) , m_angAbsRotation ) ;
MatrixAngles ( m_rgflCoordinateFrame , m_angAbsRotation ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( HasDataObjectType ( POSITIONWATCHER ) )
ReportPositionChanged ( this ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : CalcAbsoluteVelocity ( )
return ;
CBaseEntity * pMoveParent = GetMoveParent ( ) ;
if ( ! pMoveParent )
m_vecAbsVelocity = m_vecVelocity ;
return ;
// This transforms the local velocity into world space
VectorRotate ( m_vecVelocity , pMoveParent - > EntityToWorldTransform ( ) , m_vecAbsVelocity ) ;
// Now add in the parent abs velocity
m_vecAbsVelocity + = pMoveParent - > GetAbsVelocity ( ) ;
// FIXME: While we're using (dPitch, dYaw, dRoll) as our local angular velocity
// representation, we can't actually solve this problem
void CBaseEntity : : CalcAbsoluteAngularVelocity ( )
return ;
CBaseEntity * pMoveParent = GetMoveParent ( ) ;
if ( ! pMoveParent )
m_vecAbsAngVelocity = m_vecAngVelocity ;
return ;
// This transforms the local ang velocity into world space
matrix3x4_t angVelToParent , angVelToWorld ;
AngleMatrix ( m_vecAngVelocity , angVelToParent ) ;
ConcatTransforms ( pMoveParent - > EntityToWorldTransform ( ) , angVelToParent , angVelToWorld ) ;
MatrixAngles ( angVelToWorld , m_vecAbsAngVelocity ) ;
// Computes the abs position of a point specified in local space
void CBaseEntity : : ComputeAbsPosition ( const Vector & vecLocalPosition , Vector * pAbsPosition )
CBaseEntity * pMoveParent = GetMoveParent ( ) ;
if ( ! pMoveParent )
* pAbsPosition = vecLocalPosition ;
VectorTransform ( vecLocalPosition , pMoveParent - > EntityToWorldTransform ( ) , * pAbsPosition ) ;
// Computes the abs position of a point specified in local space
void CBaseEntity : : ComputeAbsDirection ( const Vector & vecLocalDirection , Vector * pAbsDirection )
CBaseEntity * pMoveParent = GetMoveParent ( ) ;
if ( ! pMoveParent )
* pAbsDirection = vecLocalDirection ;
VectorRotate ( vecLocalDirection , pMoveParent - > EntityToWorldTransform ( ) , * pAbsDirection ) ;
matrix3x4_t & CBaseEntity : : GetParentToWorldTransform ( matrix3x4_t & tempMatrix )
CBaseEntity * pMoveParent = GetMoveParent ( ) ;
if ( ! pMoveParent )
Assert ( false ) ;
SetIdentityMatrix ( tempMatrix ) ;
return tempMatrix ;
if ( m_iParentAttachment ! = 0 )
CBaseAnimating * pAnimating = pMoveParent - > GetBaseAnimating ( ) ;
if ( pAnimating & & pAnimating - > GetAttachment ( m_iParentAttachment , tempMatrix ) )
return tempMatrix ;
// If we fall through to here, then just use the move parent's abs origin and angles.
return pMoveParent - > EntityToWorldTransform ( ) ;
// These methods recompute local versions as well as set abs versions
void CBaseEntity : : SetAbsOrigin ( const Vector & absOrigin )
AssertMsg ( absOrigin . IsValid ( ) , " Invalid origin set " ) ;
// This is necessary to get the other fields of m_rgflCoordinateFrame ok
CalcAbsolutePosition ( ) ;
if ( m_vecAbsOrigin = = absOrigin )
return ;
// All children are invalid, but we are not
InvalidatePhysicsRecursive ( POSITION_CHANGED ) ;
m_vecAbsOrigin = absOrigin ;
MatrixSetColumn ( absOrigin , 3 , m_rgflCoordinateFrame ) ;
Vector vecNewOrigin ;
CBaseEntity * pMoveParent = GetMoveParent ( ) ;
if ( ! pMoveParent )
vecNewOrigin = absOrigin ;
matrix3x4_t tempMat ;
matrix3x4_t & parentTransform = GetParentToWorldTransform ( tempMat ) ;
// Moveparent case: transform the abs position into local space
VectorITransform ( absOrigin , parentTransform , vecNewOrigin ) ;
if ( m_vecOrigin ! = vecNewOrigin )
m_vecOrigin = vecNewOrigin ;
SetSimulationTime ( gpGlobals - > curtime ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : SetAbsAngles ( const QAngle & absAngles )
// This is necessary to get the other fields of m_rgflCoordinateFrame ok
CalcAbsolutePosition ( ) ;
// FIXME: The normalize caused problems in server code like momentary_rot_button that isn't
// handling things like +/-180 degrees properly. This should be revisited.
//QAngle angleNormalize( AngleNormalize( absAngles.x ), AngleNormalize( absAngles.y ), AngleNormalize( absAngles.z ) );
if ( m_angAbsRotation = = absAngles )
return ;
// All children are invalid, but we are not
InvalidatePhysicsRecursive ( ANGLES_CHANGED ) ;
m_angAbsRotation = absAngles ;
AngleMatrix ( absAngles , m_rgflCoordinateFrame ) ;
MatrixSetColumn ( m_vecAbsOrigin , 3 , m_rgflCoordinateFrame ) ;
QAngle angNewRotation ;
CBaseEntity * pMoveParent = GetMoveParent ( ) ;
if ( ! pMoveParent )
angNewRotation = absAngles ;
if ( m_angAbsRotation = = pMoveParent - > GetAbsAngles ( ) )
angNewRotation . Init ( ) ;
// Moveparent case: transform the abs transform into local space
matrix3x4_t worldToParent , localMatrix ;
MatrixInvert ( pMoveParent - > EntityToWorldTransform ( ) , worldToParent ) ;
ConcatTransforms ( worldToParent , m_rgflCoordinateFrame , localMatrix ) ;
MatrixAngles ( localMatrix , angNewRotation ) ;
if ( m_angRotation ! = angNewRotation )
m_angRotation = angNewRotation ;
SetSimulationTime ( gpGlobals - > curtime ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : SetAbsVelocity ( const Vector & vecAbsVelocity )
if ( m_vecAbsVelocity = = vecAbsVelocity )
return ;
// The abs velocity won't be dirty since we're setting it here
// All children are invalid, but we are not
InvalidatePhysicsRecursive ( VELOCITY_CHANGED ) ;
m_vecAbsVelocity = vecAbsVelocity ;
// NOTE: Do *not* do a network state change in this case.
// m_vecVelocity is only networked for the player, which is not manual mode
CBaseEntity * pMoveParent = GetMoveParent ( ) ;
if ( ! pMoveParent )
m_vecVelocity = vecAbsVelocity ;
return ;
// First subtract out the parent's abs velocity to get a relative
// velocity measured in world space
Vector relVelocity ;
VectorSubtract ( vecAbsVelocity , pMoveParent - > GetAbsVelocity ( ) , relVelocity ) ;
// Transform relative velocity into parent space
Vector vNew ;
VectorIRotate ( relVelocity , pMoveParent - > EntityToWorldTransform ( ) , vNew ) ;
m_vecVelocity = vNew ;
// FIXME: While we're using (dPitch, dYaw, dRoll) as our local angular velocity
// representation, we can't actually solve this problem
void CBaseEntity : : SetAbsAngularVelocity ( const QAngle & vecAbsAngVelocity )
// The abs velocity won't be dirty since we're setting it here
// All children are invalid, but we are not
InvalidatePhysicsRecursive ( EFL_DIRTY_ABSANGVELOCITY ) ;
m_vecAbsAngVelocity = vecAbsAngVelocity ;
CBaseEntity * pMoveParent = GetMoveParent ( ) ;
if ( ! pMoveParent )
m_vecAngVelocity = vecAbsAngVelocity ;
return ;
// NOTE: We *can't* subtract out parent ang velocity, it's nonsensical
matrix3x4_t entityToWorld ;
AngleMatrix ( vecAbsAngVelocity , entityToWorld ) ;
// Moveparent case: transform the abs relative angular vel into local space
matrix3x4_t worldToParent , localMatrix ;
MatrixInvert ( pMoveParent - > EntityToWorldTransform ( ) , worldToParent ) ;
ConcatTransforms ( worldToParent , entityToWorld , localMatrix ) ;
MatrixAngles ( localMatrix , m_vecAngVelocity ) ;
// Methods that modify local physics state, and let us know to compute abs state later
void CBaseEntity : : SetLocalOrigin ( const Vector & origin )
// Safety check against NaN's or really huge numbers
if ( ! IsEntityPositionReasonable ( origin ) )
if ( CheckEmitReasonablePhysicsSpew ( ) )
Warning ( " Bad SetLocalOrigin(%f,%f,%f) on %s \n " , origin . x , origin . y , origin . z , GetDebugName ( ) ) ;
Assert ( false ) ;
return ;
// if ( !origin.IsValid() )
// {
// AssertMsg( 0, "Bad origin set" );
// return;
// }
if ( m_vecOrigin ! = origin )
// Sanity check to make sure the origin is valid.
# ifdef _DEBUG
float largeVal = 1024 * 128 ;
Assert ( origin . x > = - largeVal & & origin . x < = largeVal ) ;
Assert ( origin . y > = - largeVal & & origin . y < = largeVal ) ;
Assert ( origin . z > = - largeVal & & origin . z < = largeVal ) ;
# endif
InvalidatePhysicsRecursive ( POSITION_CHANGED ) ;
m_vecOrigin = origin ;
SetSimulationTime ( gpGlobals - > curtime ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : SetLocalAngles ( const QAngle & angles )
// NOTE: The angle normalize is a little expensive, but we can save
// a bunch of time in interpolation if we don't have to invalidate everything
// and sometimes it's off by a normalization amount
// FIXME: The normalize caused problems in server code like momentary_rot_button that isn't
// handling things like +/-180 degrees properly. This should be revisited.
//QAngle angleNormalize( AngleNormalize( angles.x ), AngleNormalize( angles.y ), AngleNormalize( angles.z ) );
// Safety check against NaN's or really huge numbers
if ( ! IsEntityQAngleReasonable ( angles ) )
if ( CheckEmitReasonablePhysicsSpew ( ) )
Warning ( " Bad SetLocalAngles(%f,%f,%f) on %s \n " , angles . x , angles . y , angles . z , GetDebugName ( ) ) ;
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
Assert ( false ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
return ;
if ( m_angRotation ! = angles )
InvalidatePhysicsRecursive ( ANGLES_CHANGED ) ;
m_angRotation = angles ;
SetSimulationTime ( gpGlobals - > curtime ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : SetLocalVelocity ( const Vector & inVecVelocity )
Vector vecVelocity = inVecVelocity ;
// Safety check against receive a huge impulse, which can explode physics
switch ( CheckEntityVelocity ( vecVelocity ) )
case - 1 :
Warning ( " Discarding SetLocalVelocity(%f,%f,%f) on %s \n " , vecVelocity . x , vecVelocity . y , vecVelocity . z , GetDebugName ( ) ) ;
Assert ( false ) ;
return ;
case 0 :
if ( CheckEmitReasonablePhysicsSpew ( ) )
Warning ( " Clamping SetLocalVelocity(%f,%f,%f) on %s \n " , inVecVelocity . x , inVecVelocity . y , inVecVelocity . z , GetDebugName ( ) ) ;
break ;
if ( m_vecVelocity ! = vecVelocity )
InvalidatePhysicsRecursive ( VELOCITY_CHANGED ) ;
m_vecVelocity = vecVelocity ;
void CBaseEntity : : SetLocalAngularVelocity ( const QAngle & vecAngVelocity )
// Safety check against NaN's or really huge numbers
if ( ! IsEntityQAngleVelReasonable ( vecAngVelocity ) )
if ( CheckEmitReasonablePhysicsSpew ( ) )
Warning ( " Bad SetLocalAngularVelocity(%f,%f,%f) on %s \n " , vecAngVelocity . x , vecAngVelocity . y , vecAngVelocity . z , GetDebugName ( ) ) ;
Assert ( false ) ;
return ;
if ( m_vecAngVelocity ! = vecAngVelocity )
// InvalidatePhysicsRecursive( EFL_DIRTY_ABSANGVELOCITY );
m_vecAngVelocity = vecAngVelocity ;
// Sets the local position from a transform
void CBaseEntity : : SetLocalTransform ( const matrix3x4_t & localTransform )
// FIXME: Should angles go away? Should we just use transforms?
Vector vecLocalOrigin ;
QAngle vecLocalAngles ;
MatrixGetColumn ( localTransform , 3 , vecLocalOrigin ) ;
MatrixAngles ( localTransform , vecLocalAngles ) ;
SetLocalOrigin ( vecLocalOrigin ) ;
SetLocalAngles ( vecLocalAngles ) ;
// Is the entity floating?
bool CBaseEntity : : IsFloating ( )
if ( ! IsEFlagSet ( EFL_TOUCHING_FLUID ) )
return false ;
IPhysicsObject * pObject = VPhysicsGetObject ( ) ;
if ( ! pObject )
return false ;
int nMaterialIndex = pObject - > GetMaterialIndex ( ) ;
float flDensity ;
float flThickness ;
float flFriction ;
float flElasticity ;
physprops - > GetPhysicsProperties ( nMaterialIndex , & flDensity ,
& flThickness , & flFriction , & flElasticity ) ;
// FIXME: This really only works for water at the moment..
// Owing the check for density == 1000
return ( flDensity < 1000.0f ) ;
// Purpose: Created predictable and sets up Id. Note that persist is ignored on the server.
// Input : *classname -
// *module -
// line -
// persist -
// Output : CBaseEntity
CBaseEntity * CBaseEntity : : CreatePredictedEntityByName ( const char * classname , const char * module , int line , bool persist /* = false */ )
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
CBasePlayer * player = CBaseEntity : : GetPredictionPlayer ( ) ;
Assert ( player ) ;
CBaseEntity * ent = NULL ;
int command_number = player - > CurrentCommandNumber ( ) ;
int player_index = player - > entindex ( ) - 1 ;
CPredictableId testId ;
testId . Init ( player_index , command_number , classname , module , line ) ;
ent = CreateEntityByName ( classname ) ;
// No factory???
if ( ! ent )
return NULL ;
ent - > SetPredictionEligible ( true ) ;
// Set up "shared" id number
ent - > m_PredictableID . GetForModify ( ) . SetRaw ( testId . GetRaw ( ) ) ;
return ent ;
# else
return NULL ;
# endif
void CBaseEntity : : SetPredictionEligible ( bool canpredict )
// Nothing in game code m_bPredictionEligible = canpredict;
// These could be virtual, but only the player is overriding them
// NOTE: If you make any of these virtual, remove this implementation!!!
void CBaseEntity : : AddPoints ( int score , bool bAllowNegativeScore )
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = ToBasePlayer ( this ) ;
if ( pPlayer )
pPlayer - > CBasePlayer : : AddPoints ( score , bAllowNegativeScore ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : AddPointsToTeam ( int score , bool bAllowNegativeScore )
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = ToBasePlayer ( this ) ;
if ( pPlayer )
pPlayer - > CBasePlayer : : AddPointsToTeam ( score , bAllowNegativeScore ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : ViewPunch ( const QAngle & angleOffset )
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = ToBasePlayer ( this ) ;
if ( pPlayer )
pPlayer - > CBasePlayer : : ViewPunch ( angleOffset ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : VelocityPunch ( const Vector & vecForce )
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = ToBasePlayer ( this ) ;
if ( pPlayer )
pPlayer - > CBasePlayer : : VelocityPunch ( vecForce ) ;
// Purpose: Tell clients to remove all decals from this entity
void CBaseEntity : : RemoveAllDecals ( void )
EntityMessageBegin ( this ) ;
MessageEnd ( ) ;
// Purpose:
// Input : set -
void CBaseEntity : : ModifyOrAppendCriteria ( AI_CriteriaSet & set )
// Append chapter/day?
set . AppendCriteria ( " randomnum " , UTIL_VarArgs ( " %d " , RandomInt ( 0 , 100 ) ) ) ;
// Append map name
set . AppendCriteria ( " map " , gpGlobals - > mapname . ToCStr ( ) ) ;
// Append our classname and game name
set . AppendCriteria ( " classname " , GetClassname ( ) ) ;
set . AppendCriteria ( " name " , GetEntityName ( ) . ToCStr ( ) ) ;
// Append our health
set . AppendCriteria ( " health " , UTIL_VarArgs ( " %i " , GetHealth ( ) ) ) ;
float healthfrac = 0.0f ;
if ( GetMaxHealth ( ) > 0 )
healthfrac = ( float ) GetHealth ( ) / ( float ) GetMaxHealth ( ) ;
set . AppendCriteria ( " healthfrac " , UTIL_VarArgs ( " %.3f " , healthfrac ) ) ;
// Go through all the global states and append them
for ( int i = 0 ; i < GlobalEntity_GetNumGlobals ( ) ; i + + )
const char * szGlobalName = GlobalEntity_GetName ( i ) ;
int iGlobalState = ( int ) GlobalEntity_GetStateByIndex ( i ) ;
set . AppendCriteria ( szGlobalName , UTIL_VarArgs ( " %i " , iGlobalState ) ) ;
// Append anything from I/O or keyvalues pairs
AppendContextToCriteria ( set ) ;
if ( hl2_episodic . GetBool ( ) )
set . AppendCriteria ( " episodic " , " 1 " ) ;
// Append anything from world I/O/keyvalues with "world" as prefix
CWorld * world = dynamic_cast < CWorld * > ( CBaseEntity : : Instance ( engine - > PEntityOfEntIndex ( 0 ) ) ) ;
if ( world )
world - > AppendContextToCriteria ( set , " world " ) ;
// Purpose:
// Input : set -
// "" -
void CBaseEntity : : AppendContextToCriteria ( AI_CriteriaSet & set , const char * prefix /*= ""*/ )
RemoveExpiredConcepts ( ) ;
int c = GetContextCount ( ) ;
int i ;
char sz [ 128 ] ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < c ; i + + )
const char * name = GetContextName ( i ) ;
const char * value = GetContextValue ( i ) ;
Q_snprintf ( sz , sizeof ( sz ) , " %s%s " , prefix , name ) ;
set . AppendCriteria ( sz , value ) ;
// Purpose: Removes expired concepts from list
// Output :
void CBaseEntity : : RemoveExpiredConcepts ( void )
int c = GetContextCount ( ) ;
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < c ; i + + )
if ( ContextExpired ( i ) )
m_ResponseContexts . Remove ( i ) ;
c - - ;
i - - ;
continue ;
// Purpose: Get current context count
// Output : int
int CBaseEntity : : GetContextCount ( ) const
return m_ResponseContexts . Count ( ) ;
// Purpose:
// Input : index -
// Output : const char
const char * CBaseEntity : : GetContextName ( int index ) const
if ( index < 0 | | index > = m_ResponseContexts . Count ( ) )
Assert ( 0 ) ;
return " " ;
return m_ResponseContexts [ index ] . m_iszName . ToCStr ( ) ;
// Purpose:
// Input : index -
// Output : const char
const char * CBaseEntity : : GetContextValue ( int index ) const
if ( index < 0 | | index > = m_ResponseContexts . Count ( ) )
Assert ( 0 ) ;
return " " ;
return m_ResponseContexts [ index ] . m_iszValue . ToCStr ( ) ;
// Purpose: Check if context has expired
// Input : index -
// Output : bool
bool CBaseEntity : : ContextExpired ( int index ) const
if ( index < 0 | | index > = m_ResponseContexts . Count ( ) )
Assert ( 0 ) ;
return true ;
if ( ! m_ResponseContexts [ index ] . m_fExpirationTime )
return false ;
return ( m_ResponseContexts [ index ] . m_fExpirationTime < = gpGlobals - > curtime ) ;
// Purpose: Search for index of named context string
// Input : *name -
// Output : int
int CBaseEntity : : FindContextByName ( const char * name ) const
int c = m_ResponseContexts . Count ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < c ; i + + )
if ( FStrEq ( name , GetContextName ( i ) ) )
return i ;
return - 1 ;
// Purpose:
// Input : inputdata -
void CBaseEntity : : InputAddContext ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
const char * contextName = inputdata . value . String ( ) ;
AddContext ( contextName ) ;
// Purpose: User inputs. These fire the corresponding user outputs, and are
// a means of forwarding messages through !activator to a target known
// known by !activator but not by the targetting entity.
// For example, say you have three identical trains, following the same
// path. Each train has a sprite in hierarchy with it that needs to
// toggle on/off as it passes each path_track. You would hook each train's
// OnUser1 output to it's sprite's Toggle input, then connect each path_track's
// OnPass output to !activator's FireUser1 input.
void CBaseEntity : : InputFireUser1 ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
m_OnUser1 . FireOutput ( inputdata . pActivator , this ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : InputFireUser2 ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
m_OnUser2 . FireOutput ( inputdata . pActivator , this ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : InputFireUser3 ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
m_OnUser3 . FireOutput ( inputdata . pActivator , this ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : InputFireUser4 ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
m_OnUser4 . FireOutput ( inputdata . pActivator , this ) ;
// Purpose:
// Input : *contextName -
void CBaseEntity : : AddContext ( const char * contextName )
char key [ 128 ] ;
char value [ 128 ] ;
float duration ;
const char * p = contextName ;
while ( p )
duration = 0.0f ;
p = SplitContext ( p , key , sizeof ( key ) , value , sizeof ( value ) , & duration ) ;
if ( duration )
duration + = gpGlobals - > curtime ;
int iIndex = FindContextByName ( key ) ;
if ( iIndex ! = - 1 )
// Set the existing context to the new value
m_ResponseContexts [ iIndex ] . m_iszValue = AllocPooledString ( value ) ;
m_ResponseContexts [ iIndex ] . m_fExpirationTime = duration ;
continue ;
ResponseContext_t newContext ;
newContext . m_iszName = AllocPooledString ( key ) ;
newContext . m_iszValue = AllocPooledString ( value ) ;
newContext . m_fExpirationTime = duration ;
m_ResponseContexts . AddToTail ( newContext ) ;
// Purpose:
// Input : inputdata -
void CBaseEntity : : InputRemoveContext ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
const char * contextName = inputdata . value . String ( ) ;
int idx = FindContextByName ( contextName ) ;
if ( idx = = - 1 )
return ;
m_ResponseContexts . Remove ( idx ) ;
// Purpose:
// Input : inputdata -
void CBaseEntity : : InputClearContext ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
m_ResponseContexts . RemoveAll ( ) ;
// Purpose:
// Output : IResponseSystem
IResponseSystem * CBaseEntity : : GetResponseSystem ( )
return NULL ;
// Purpose:
// Input : inputdata -
void CBaseEntity : : InputDispatchResponse ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
DispatchResponse ( inputdata . value . String ( ) ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : InputDisableShadow ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
AddEffects ( EF_NOSHADOW ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : InputEnableShadow ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
RemoveEffects ( EF_NOSHADOW ) ;
// Purpose: An input to add a new connection from this entity
// Input : &inputdata -
void CBaseEntity : : InputAddOutput ( inputdata_t & inputdata )
char sOutputName [ MAX_PATH ] ;
Q_strncpy ( sOutputName , inputdata . value . String ( ) , sizeof ( sOutputName ) ) ;
char * sChar = strchr ( sOutputName , ' ' ) ;
if ( sChar )
* sChar = ' \0 ' ;
// Now replace all the :'s in the string with ,'s.
// Has to be done this way because Hammer doesn't allow ,'s inside parameters.
char * sColon = strchr ( sChar + 1 , ' : ' ) ;
while ( sColon )
* sColon = ' , ' ;
sColon = strchr ( sChar + 1 , ' : ' ) ;
KeyValue ( sOutputName , sChar + 1 ) ;
Warning ( " AddOutput input fired with bad string. Format: <output name> <targetname>,<inputname>,<parameter>,<delay>,<max times to fire (-1 == infinite)> \n " ) ;
// Purpose:
// Input : *conceptName -
void CBaseEntity : : DispatchResponse ( const char * conceptName )
IResponseSystem * rs = GetResponseSystem ( ) ;
if ( ! rs )
return ;
AI_CriteriaSet set ;
// Always include the concept name
set . AppendCriteria ( " concept " , conceptName , CONCEPT_WEIGHT ) ;
// Let NPC fill in most match criteria
ModifyOrAppendCriteria ( set ) ;
// Append local player criteria to set,too
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = UTIL_GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
if ( pPlayer )
pPlayer - > ModifyOrAppendPlayerCriteria ( set ) ;
// Now that we have a criteria set, ask for a suitable response
AI_Response result ;
bool found = rs - > FindBestResponse ( set , result ) ;
if ( ! found )
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
return ;
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
// Handle the response here...
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
char response [ 256 ] ;
result . GetResponse ( response , sizeof ( response ) ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
switch ( result . GetType ( ) )
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
EmitSound ( response ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
break ;
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
int sentenceIndex = SENTENCEG_Lookup ( response ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( sentenceIndex = = - 1 )
// sentence not found
break ;
// FIXME: Get pitch from npc?
CPASAttenuationFilter filter ( this ) ;
CBaseEntity : : EmitSentenceByIndex ( filter , entindex ( ) , CHAN_VOICE , sentenceIndex , 1 , result . GetSoundLevel ( ) , 0 , PITCH_NORM ) ;
break ;
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
// Try to fire scene w/o an actor
InstancedScriptedScene ( NULL , response ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
break ;
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
break ;
default :
// Don't know how to handle .vcds!!!
break ;
// Purpose:
void CBaseEntity : : DumpResponseCriteria ( void )
Msg ( " ---------------------------------------------- \n " ) ;
Msg ( " RESPONSE CRITERIA FOR: %s (%s) \n " , GetClassname ( ) , GetDebugName ( ) ) ;
AI_CriteriaSet set ;
// Let NPC fill in most match criteria
ModifyOrAppendCriteria ( set ) ;
// Append local player criteria to set,too
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = UTIL_GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
if ( pPlayer )
pPlayer - > ModifyOrAppendPlayerCriteria ( set ) ;
// Now dump it all to console
set . Describe ( ) ;
void CC_Ent_Show_Response_Criteria ( const CCommand & args )
CBaseEntity * pEntity = NULL ;
while ( ( pEntity = GetNextCommandEntity ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) , args [ 1 ] , pEntity ) ) ! = NULL )
pEntity - > DumpResponseCriteria ( ) ;
static ConCommand ent_show_response_criteria ( " ent_show_response_criteria " , CC_Ent_Show_Response_Criteria , " Print, to the console, an entity's current criteria set used to select responses. \n \t Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
// Purpose: Show an entity's autoaim radius
void CC_Ent_Autoaim ( const CCommand & args )
SetDebugBits ( UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) , args [ 1 ] , OVERLAY_AUTOAIM_BIT ) ;
static ConCommand ent_autoaim ( " ent_autoaim " , CC_Ent_Autoaim , " Displays the entity's autoaim radius. \n \t Arguments: {entity_name} / {class_name} / no argument picks what player is looking at " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
// Purpose:
CAI_BaseNPC * CBaseEntity : : MyNPCPointer ( void )
if ( IsNPC ( ) )
return assert_cast < CAI_BaseNPC * > ( this ) ;
return NULL ;
ConVar step_spline ( " step_spline " , " 0 " ) ;
// Purpose: Run one tick's worth of faked simulation
// Input : *step -
void CBaseEntity : : ComputeStepSimulationNetwork ( StepSimulationData * step )
if ( ! step )
Assert ( ! " ComputeStepSimulationNetworkOriginAndAngles with NULL step \n " ) ;
return ;
// Don't run again if we've already calculated this tick
if ( step - > m_nLastProcessTickCount = = gpGlobals - > tickcount )
return ;
step - > m_nLastProcessTickCount = gpGlobals - > tickcount ;
// Origin
// It's inactive
if ( step - > m_bOriginActive )
// First see if any external code moved the entity
if ( GetStepOrigin ( ) ! = step - > m_Next . vecOrigin )
step - > m_bOriginActive = false ;
// Compute interpolated info based on tick interval
float frac = 1.0f ;
int tickdelta = step - > m_Next . nTickCount - step - > m_Previous . nTickCount ;
if ( tickdelta > 0 )
frac = ( float ) ( gpGlobals - > tickcount - step - > m_Previous . nTickCount ) / ( float ) tickdelta ;
frac = clamp ( frac , 0.0f , 1.0f ) ;
if ( step - > m_Previous2 . nTickCount = = 0 | | step - > m_Previous2 . nTickCount > = step - > m_Previous . nTickCount )
Vector delta = step - > m_Next . vecOrigin - step - > m_Previous . vecOrigin ;
VectorMA ( step - > m_Previous . vecOrigin , frac , delta , step - > m_vecNetworkOrigin ) ;
else if ( ! step_spline . GetBool ( ) )
StepSimulationStep * pOlder = & step - > m_Previous ;
StepSimulationStep * pNewer = & step - > m_Next ;
if ( step - > m_Discontinuity . nTickCount > step - > m_Previous . nTickCount )
if ( gpGlobals - > tickcount > step - > m_Discontinuity . nTickCount )
pOlder = & step - > m_Discontinuity ;
pNewer = & step - > m_Discontinuity ;
tickdelta = pNewer - > nTickCount - pOlder - > nTickCount ;
if ( tickdelta > 0 )
frac = ( float ) ( gpGlobals - > tickcount - pOlder - > nTickCount ) / ( float ) tickdelta ;
frac = clamp ( frac , 0.0f , 1.0f ) ;
Vector delta = pNewer - > vecOrigin - pOlder - > vecOrigin ;
VectorMA ( pOlder - > vecOrigin , frac , delta , step - > m_vecNetworkOrigin ) ;
Hermite_Spline ( step - > m_Previous2 . vecOrigin , step - > m_Previous . vecOrigin , step - > m_Next . vecOrigin , frac , step - > m_vecNetworkOrigin ) ;
// Angles
if ( step - > m_bAnglesActive )
// See if external code changed the orientation of the entity
if ( GetStepAngles ( ) ! = step - > m_angNextRotation )
step - > m_bAnglesActive = false ;
// Compute interpolated info based on tick interval
float frac = 1.0f ;
int tickdelta = step - > m_Next . nTickCount - step - > m_Previous . nTickCount ;
if ( tickdelta > 0 )
frac = ( float ) ( gpGlobals - > tickcount - step - > m_Previous . nTickCount ) / ( float ) tickdelta ;
frac = clamp ( frac , 0.0f , 1.0f ) ;
if ( step - > m_Previous2 . nTickCount = = 0 | | step - > m_Previous2 . nTickCount > = step - > m_Previous . nTickCount )
// Pure blend between start/end orientations
Quaternion outangles ;
QuaternionBlend ( step - > m_Previous . qRotation , step - > m_Next . qRotation , frac , outangles ) ;
QuaternionAngles ( outangles , step - > m_angNetworkAngles ) ;
else if ( ! step_spline . GetBool ( ) )
StepSimulationStep * pOlder = & step - > m_Previous ;
StepSimulationStep * pNewer = & step - > m_Next ;
if ( step - > m_Discontinuity . nTickCount > step - > m_Previous . nTickCount )
if ( gpGlobals - > tickcount > step - > m_Discontinuity . nTickCount )
pOlder = & step - > m_Discontinuity ;
pNewer = & step - > m_Discontinuity ;
tickdelta = pNewer - > nTickCount - pOlder - > nTickCount ;
if ( tickdelta > 0 )
frac = ( float ) ( gpGlobals - > tickcount - pOlder - > nTickCount ) / ( float ) tickdelta ;
frac = clamp ( frac , 0.0f , 1.0f ) ;
// Pure blend between start/end orientations
Quaternion outangles ;
QuaternionBlend ( pOlder - > qRotation , pNewer - > qRotation , frac , outangles ) ;
QuaternionAngles ( outangles , step - > m_angNetworkAngles ) ;
// FIXME: enable spline interpolation when turning is debounced.
Quaternion outangles ;
Hermite_Spline ( step - > m_Previous2 . qRotation , step - > m_Previous . qRotation , step - > m_Next . qRotation , frac , outangles ) ;
QuaternionAngles ( outangles , step - > m_angNetworkAngles ) ;
bool CBaseEntity : : UseStepSimulationNetworkOrigin ( const Vector * * out_v )
Assert ( out_v ) ;
if ( g_bTestMoveTypeStepSimulation & &
GetMoveType ( ) = = MOVETYPE_STEP & &
HasDataObjectType ( STEPSIMULATION ) )
StepSimulationData * step = ( StepSimulationData * ) GetDataObject ( STEPSIMULATION ) ;
ComputeStepSimulationNetwork ( step ) ;
* out_v = & step - > m_vecNetworkOrigin ;
return step - > m_bOriginActive ;
return false ;
bool CBaseEntity : : UseStepSimulationNetworkAngles ( const QAngle * * out_a )
Assert ( out_a ) ;
if ( g_bTestMoveTypeStepSimulation & &
GetMoveType ( ) = = MOVETYPE_STEP & &
HasDataObjectType ( STEPSIMULATION ) )
StepSimulationData * step = ( StepSimulationData * ) GetDataObject ( STEPSIMULATION ) ;
ComputeStepSimulationNetwork ( step ) ;
* out_a = & step - > m_angNetworkAngles ;
return step - > m_bAnglesActive ;
return false ;
// Purpose:
bool CBaseEntity : : AddStepDiscontinuity ( float flTime , const Vector & vecOrigin , const QAngle & vecAngles )
if ( ( GetMoveType ( ) ! = MOVETYPE_STEP ) | | ! HasDataObjectType ( STEPSIMULATION ) )
return false ;
StepSimulationData * step = ( StepSimulationData * ) GetDataObject ( STEPSIMULATION ) ;
if ( ! step )
Assert ( 0 ) ;
return false ;
step - > m_Discontinuity . nTickCount = TIME_TO_TICKS ( flTime ) ;
step - > m_Discontinuity . vecOrigin = vecOrigin ;
AngleQuaternion ( vecAngles , step - > m_Discontinuity . qRotation ) ;
return true ;
Vector CBaseEntity : : GetStepOrigin ( void ) const
return GetLocalOrigin ( ) ;
QAngle CBaseEntity : : GetStepAngles ( void ) const
return GetLocalAngles ( ) ;
// Purpose: For each client who appears to be a valid recipient, checks the client has disabled CC and if so, removes them from
// the recipient list.
// Input : filter -
void CBaseEntity : : RemoveRecipientsIfNotCloseCaptioning ( CRecipientFilter & filter )
int c = filter . GetRecipientCount ( ) ;
for ( int i = c - 1 ; i > = 0 ; - - i )
int playerIndex = filter . GetRecipientIndex ( i ) ;
CBasePlayer * player = static_cast < CBasePlayer * > ( CBaseEntity : : Instance ( playerIndex ) ) ;
if ( ! player )
continue ;
# if !defined( _XBOX )
const char * cvarvalue = engine - > GetClientConVarValue ( playerIndex , " closecaption " ) ;
Assert ( cvarvalue ) ;
if ( ! cvarvalue [ 0 ] )
continue ;
int value = atoi ( cvarvalue ) ;
# else
static ConVar * s_pCloseCaption = NULL ;
if ( ! s_pCloseCaption )
s_pCloseCaption = cvar - > FindVar ( " closecaption " ) ;
if ( ! s_pCloseCaption )
Error ( " XBOX couldn't find closecaption convar!!! " ) ;
int value = s_pCloseCaption - > GetInt ( ) ;
# endif
// No close captions?
if ( value = = 0 )
filter . RemoveRecipient ( player ) ;
// Purpose: Wrapper to emit a sentence and also a close caption token for the sentence as appropriate.
// Input : filter -
// iEntIndex -
// iChannel -
// iSentenceIndex -
// flVolume -
// iSoundlevel -
// iFlags -
// iPitch -
// bUpdatePositions -
// soundtime -
void CBaseEntity : : EmitSentenceByIndex ( IRecipientFilter & filter , int iEntIndex , int iChannel , int iSentenceIndex ,
float flVolume , soundlevel_t iSoundlevel , int iFlags /*= 0*/ , int iPitch /*=PITCH_NORM*/ ,
const Vector * pOrigin /*=NULL*/ , const Vector * pDirection /*=NULL*/ ,
bool bUpdatePositions /*=true*/ , float soundtime /*=0.0f*/ )
CUtlVector < Vector > dummy ;
enginesound - > EmitSentenceByIndex ( filter , iEntIndex , iChannel , iSentenceIndex ,
flVolume , iSoundlevel , iFlags , iPitch , 0 , pOrigin , pDirection , & dummy , bUpdatePositions , soundtime ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : SetRefEHandle ( const CBaseHandle & handle )
m_RefEHandle = handle ;
if ( edict ( ) )
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT ( NUM_NETWORKED_EHANDLE_SERIAL_NUMBER_BITS < = 8 * sizeof ( edict ( ) - > m_NetworkSerialNumber ) ) ;
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
edict ( ) - > m_NetworkSerialNumber = ( m_RefEHandle . GetSerialNumber ( ) & ( 1 < < NUM_NETWORKED_EHANDLE_SERIAL_NUMBER_BITS ) - 1 ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
bool CPointEntity : : KeyValue ( const char * szKeyName , const char * szValue )
if ( FStrEq ( szKeyName , " mins " ) | | FStrEq ( szKeyName , " maxs " ) )
Warning ( " Warning! Can't specify mins/maxs for point entities! (%s) \n " , GetClassname ( ) ) ;
return true ;
return BaseClass : : KeyValue ( szKeyName , szValue ) ;
bool CServerOnlyPointEntity : : KeyValue ( const char * szKeyName , const char * szValue )
if ( FStrEq ( szKeyName , " mins " ) | | FStrEq ( szKeyName , " maxs " ) )
Warning ( " Warning! Can't specify mins/maxs for point entities! (%s) \n " , GetClassname ( ) ) ;
return true ;
return BaseClass : : KeyValue ( szKeyName , szValue ) ;
bool CLogicalEntity : : KeyValue ( const char * szKeyName , const char * szValue )
if ( FStrEq ( szKeyName , " mins " ) | | FStrEq ( szKeyName , " maxs " ) )
Warning ( " Warning! Can't specify mins/maxs for point entities! (%s) \n " , GetClassname ( ) ) ;
return true ;
return BaseClass : : KeyValue ( szKeyName , szValue ) ;
// Purpose: Sets the entity invisible, and makes it remove itself on the next frame
void CBaseEntity : : RemoveDeferred ( void )
// Set our next think to remove us
SetThink ( & CBaseEntity : : SUB_Remove ) ;
SetNextThink ( gpGlobals - > curtime + 0.1f ) ;
// Hide us completely
AddEffects ( EF_NODRAW ) ;
AddSolidFlags ( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ) ;
SetMoveType ( MOVETYPE_NONE ) ;
# define MIN_CORPSE_FADE_TIME 10.0
# define MIN_CORPSE_FADE_DIST 256.0
# define MAX_CORPSE_FADE_DIST 1500.0
// fade out - slowly fades a entity out, then removes it.
void CBaseEntity : : SUB_StartFadeOut ( float delay , bool notSolid )
SetThink ( & CBaseEntity : : SUB_FadeOut ) ;
SetNextThink ( gpGlobals - > curtime + delay ) ;
SetRenderColorA ( 255 ) ;
m_nRenderMode = kRenderNormal ;
if ( notSolid )
AddSolidFlags ( FSOLID_NOT_SOLID ) ;
SetLocalAngularVelocity ( vec3_angle ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : SUB_StartFadeOutInstant ( )
SUB_StartFadeOut ( 0 , true ) ;
// Purpose: Vanish when players aren't looking
void CBaseEntity : : SUB_Vanish ( void )
//Always think again next frame
SetNextThink ( gpGlobals - > curtime + 0.1f ) ;
CBasePlayer * pPlayer ;
//Get all players
for ( int i = 1 ; i < = gpGlobals - > maxClients ; i + + )
//Get the next client
if ( ( pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex ( i ) ) ! = NULL )
Vector corpseDir = ( GetAbsOrigin ( ) - pPlayer - > WorldSpaceCenter ( ) ) ;
float flDistSqr = corpseDir . LengthSqr ( ) ;
//If the player is close enough, don't fade out
return ;
// If the player's far enough away, we don't care about looking at it
VectorNormalize ( corpseDir ) ;
Vector plForward ;
pPlayer - > EyeVectors ( & plForward ) ;
float dot = plForward . Dot ( corpseDir ) ;
if ( dot > 0.0f )
return ;
//If we're here, then we can vanish safely
m_iHealth = 0 ;
SetThink ( & CBaseEntity : : SUB_Remove ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : SUB_PerformFadeOut ( void )
float dt = gpGlobals - > frametime ;
if ( dt > 0.1f )
dt = 0.1f ;
m_nRenderMode = kRenderTransTexture ;
int speed = MAX ( 1 , 256 * dt ) ; // fade out over 1 second
SetRenderColorA ( UTIL_Approach ( 0 , m_clrRender - > a , speed ) ) ;
bool CBaseEntity : : SUB_AllowedToFade ( void )
if ( VPhysicsGetObject ( ) )
if ( VPhysicsGetObject ( ) - > GetGameFlags ( ) & FVPHYSICS_PLAYER_HELD | | GetEFlags ( ) & EFL_IS_BEING_LIFTED_BY_BARNACLE )
return false ;
// on Xbox, allow these to fade out
# ifndef _XBOX
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = ( AI_IsSinglePlayer ( ) ) ? UTIL_GetLocalPlayer ( ) : NULL ;
if ( pPlayer & & pPlayer - > FInViewCone ( this ) )
return false ;
# endif
return true ;
// Purpose: Fade out slowly
void CBaseEntity : : SUB_FadeOut ( void )
if ( SUB_AllowedToFade ( ) = = false )
SetNextThink ( gpGlobals - > curtime + 1 ) ;
SetRenderColorA ( 255 ) ;
return ;
SUB_PerformFadeOut ( ) ;
if ( m_clrRender - > a = = 0 )
UTIL_Remove ( this ) ;
SetNextThink ( gpGlobals - > curtime ) ;
inline bool AnyPlayersInHierarchy_R ( CBaseEntity * pEnt )
if ( pEnt - > IsPlayer ( ) )
return true ;
for ( CBaseEntity * pCur = pEnt - > FirstMoveChild ( ) ; pCur ; pCur = pCur - > NextMovePeer ( ) )
if ( AnyPlayersInHierarchy_R ( pCur ) )
return true ;
return false ;
void CBaseEntity : : RecalcHasPlayerChildBit ( )
if ( AnyPlayersInHierarchy_R ( this ) )
bool CBaseEntity : : DoesHavePlayerChild ( )
return IsEFlagSet ( EFL_HAS_PLAYER_CHILD ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : IncrementInterpolationFrame ( )
m_ubInterpolationFrame = ( m_ubInterpolationFrame + 1 ) % NOINTERP_PARITY_MAX ;
void CBaseEntity : : OnModelLoadComplete ( const model_t * model )
Assert ( m_bDynamicModelPending & & IsDynamicModelIndex ( m_nModelIndex ) ) ;
Assert ( model = = modelinfo - > GetModel ( m_nModelIndex ) ) ;
m_bDynamicModelPending = false ;
if ( m_bDynamicModelSetBounds )
m_bDynamicModelSetBounds = false ;
SetCollisionBoundsFromModel ( ) ;
OnNewModel ( ) ;
void CBaseEntity : : SetCollisionBoundsFromModel ( )
if ( IsDynamicModelLoading ( ) )
m_bDynamicModelSetBounds = true ;
return ;
if ( const model_t * pModel = GetModel ( ) )
Vector mns , mxs ;
modelinfo - > GetModelBounds ( pModel , mns , mxs ) ;
UTIL_SetSize ( this , mns , mxs ) ;
// Purpose: Create an NPC of the given type
void CC_Ent_Create ( const CCommand & args )
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ;
if ( ! pPlayer )
return ;
// Don't allow regular users to create point_servercommand entities for the same reason as blocking ent_fire
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( args [ 1 ] , " point_servercommand " ) )
if ( engine - > IsDedicatedServer ( ) )
// We allow people with disabled autokick to do it, because they already have rcon.
if ( pPlayer - > IsAutoKickDisabled ( ) = = false )
return ;
else if ( gpGlobals - > maxClients > 1 )
// On listen servers with more than 1 player, only allow the host to create point_servercommand.
CBasePlayer * pHostPlayer = UTIL_GetListenServerHost ( ) ;
if ( pPlayer ! = pHostPlayer )
return ;
bool allowPrecache = CBaseEntity : : IsPrecacheAllowed ( ) ;
CBaseEntity : : SetAllowPrecache ( true ) ;
// Try to create entity
CBaseEntity * entity = dynamic_cast < CBaseEntity * > ( CreateEntityByName ( args [ 1 ] ) ) ;
if ( entity )
entity - > Precache ( ) ;
// Pass in any additional parameters.
for ( int i = 2 ; i + 1 < args . ArgC ( ) ; i + = 2 )
const char * pKeyName = args [ i ] ;
const char * pValue = args [ i + 1 ] ;
entity - > KeyValue ( pKeyName , pValue ) ;
DispatchSpawn ( entity ) ;
// Now attempt to drop into the world
trace_t tr ;
Vector forward ;
pPlayer - > EyeVectors ( & forward ) ;
UTIL_TraceLine ( pPlayer - > EyePosition ( ) ,
pPlayer - > EyePosition ( ) + forward * MAX_TRACE_LENGTH , MASK_SOLID ,
pPlayer , COLLISION_GROUP_NONE , & tr ) ;
if ( tr . fraction ! = 1.0 )
// Raise the end position a little up off the floor, place the npc and drop him down
tr . endpos . z + = 12 ;
entity - > Teleport ( & tr . endpos , NULL , NULL ) ;
UTIL_DropToFloor ( entity , MASK_SOLID ) ;
entity - > Activate ( ) ;
CBaseEntity : : SetAllowPrecache ( allowPrecache ) ;
static ConCommand ent_create ( " ent_create " , CC_Ent_Create , " Creates an entity of the given type where the player is looking. Additional parameters can be passed in in the form: ent_create <entity name> <param 1 name> <param 1> <param 2 name> <param 2>...<param N name> <param N> " , FCVAR_GAMEDLL | FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
// Purpose: Teleport a specified entity to where the player is looking
bool CC_GetCommandEnt ( const CCommand & args , CBaseEntity * * ent , Vector * vecTargetPoint , QAngle * vecPlayerAngle )
// Find the entity
* ent = NULL ;
// First try using it as an entindex
int iEntIndex = atoi ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( iEntIndex )
* ent = CBaseEntity : : Instance ( iEntIndex ) ;
// Try finding it by name
* ent = gEntList . FindEntityByName ( NULL , args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( ! * ent )
// Finally, try finding it by classname
* ent = gEntList . FindEntityByClassname ( NULL , args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( ! * ent )
Msg ( " Couldn't find any entity named '%s' \n " , args [ 1 ] ) ;
return false ;
CBasePlayer * pPlayer = UTIL_GetCommandClient ( ) ;
if ( vecTargetPoint )
trace_t tr ;
Vector forward ;
pPlayer - > EyeVectors ( & forward ) ;
UTIL_TraceLine ( pPlayer - > EyePosition ( ) ,
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
pPlayer - > EyePosition ( ) + forward * MAX_TRACE_LENGTH , MASK_NPCSOLID ,
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
pPlayer , COLLISION_GROUP_NONE , & tr ) ;
if ( tr . fraction ! = 1.0 )
* vecTargetPoint = tr . endpos ;
if ( vecPlayerAngle )
* vecPlayerAngle = pPlayer - > EyeAngles ( ) ;
return true ;
// Purpose: Teleport a specified entity to where the player is looking
void CC_Ent_Teleport ( const CCommand & args )
if ( args . ArgC ( ) < 2 )
Msg ( " Format: ent_teleport <entity name> \n " ) ;
return ;
CBaseEntity * pEnt ;
Vector vecTargetPoint ;
if ( CC_GetCommandEnt ( args , & pEnt , & vecTargetPoint , NULL ) )
pEnt - > Teleport ( & vecTargetPoint , NULL , NULL ) ;
static ConCommand ent_teleport ( " ent_teleport " , CC_Ent_Teleport , " Teleport the specified entity to where the player is looking. \n \t Format: ent_teleport <entity name> " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
// Purpose: Orient a specified entity to match the player's angles
void CC_Ent_Orient ( const CCommand & args )
if ( args . ArgC ( ) < 2 )
Msg ( " Format: ent_orient <entity name> <optional: allangles> \n " ) ;
return ;
CBaseEntity * pEnt ;
QAngle vecPlayerAngles ;
if ( CC_GetCommandEnt ( args , & pEnt , NULL , & vecPlayerAngles ) )
QAngle vecEntAngles = pEnt - > GetAbsAngles ( ) ;
if ( args . ArgC ( ) = = 3 & & ! Q_strncmp ( args [ 2 ] , " allangles " , 9 ) )
vecEntAngles = vecPlayerAngles ;
vecEntAngles [ YAW ] = vecPlayerAngles [ YAW ] ;
pEnt - > SetAbsAngles ( vecEntAngles ) ;
static ConCommand ent_orient ( " ent_orient " , CC_Ent_Orient , " Orient the specified entity to match the player's angles. By default, only orients target entity's YAW. Use the 'allangles' option to orient on all axis. \n \t Format: ent_orient <entity name> <optional: allangles> " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;