
534 lines
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2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "quest_notification_panel.h"
#include "vgui/ISurface.h"
#include "ienginevgui.h"
#include "hudelement.h"
#include "iclientmode.h"
#include "basemodel_panel.h"
#include "tf_item_inventory.h"
#include "quest_log_panel.h"
#include "econ_controls.h"
#include "c_tf_player.h"
#include <vgui_controls/AnimationController.h>
#include "engine/IEngineSound.h"
#include "econ_item_system.h"
#include "tf_hud_item_progress_tracker.h"
#include "tf_spectatorgui.h"
#include "econ_quests.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include <tier0/memdbgon.h>
ConVar tf_quest_notification_line_delay( "tf_quest_notification_line_delay", "1.2", FCVAR_ARCHIVE );
extern ISoundEmitterSystemBase *soundemitterbase;
CQuestNotificationPanel *g_pQuestNotificationPanel = NULL;
DECLARE_HUDELEMENT( CQuestNotificationPanel );
CQuestNotification::CQuestNotification( CEconItem *pItem )
: m_hItem( pItem )
// Purpose:
float CQuestNotification::Present( CQuestNotificationPanel* pNotificationPanel )
m_timerDialog.Start( tf_quest_notification_line_delay.GetFloat() );
return 0.f;
// Purpose:
CQuestNotification_Speaking::CQuestNotification_Speaking( CEconItem *pItem )
: CQuestNotification( pItem )
m_pszSoundToSpeak = NULL;
// Purpose:
float CQuestNotification_Speaking::Present( CQuestNotificationPanel* pNotificationPanel )
CQuestNotification::Present( pNotificationPanel );
if ( m_hItem )
C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( !pPlayer )
return 0.f;
CTFPlayer* pTFPlayer = ToTFPlayer( pPlayer );
if ( !pTFPlayer )
return 0.f;
const GameItemDefinition_t *pItemDef = m_hItem->GetItemDefinition();
// Get our quest theme
const CQuestThemeDefinition *pTheme = pItemDef->GetQuestDef()->GetQuestTheme();
if ( pTheme )
// Get the sound we need to speak
m_pszSoundToSpeak = GetSoundEntry( pTheme, pTFPlayer->GetPlayerClass()->GetClassIndex() );
float flPresentTime = 0.f;
if ( m_pszSoundToSpeak )
flPresentTime = enginesound->GetSoundDuration( m_pszSoundToSpeak ) + m_timerDialog.GetCountdownDuration() + 1.f;
m_timerShow.Start( enginesound->GetSoundDuration( m_pszSoundToSpeak ) + m_timerDialog.GetCountdownDuration() + 1.f );
return flPresentTime;
return 0.f;
// Purpose:
void CQuestNotification_Speaking::Update( CQuestNotificationPanel* pNotificationPanel )
if ( m_timerDialog.IsElapsed() && m_timerDialog.HasStarted() && m_hItem )
// Play it!
if ( m_pszSoundToSpeak )
vgui::surface()->PlaySound( m_pszSoundToSpeak );
// Purpose:
bool CQuestNotification_Speaking::IsDone() const
return m_timerShow.IsElapsed() && m_timerShow.HasStarted();
// Purpose:
const char *CQuestNotification_NewQuest::GetSoundEntry( const CQuestThemeDefinition* pTheme, int nClassIndex )
return pTheme->GetGiveSoundForClass( nClassIndex );
bool CQuestNotification_NewQuest::ShouldPresent() const
C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( !pPlayer )
return false;
CTFPlayer* pTFPlayer = ToTFPlayer( pPlayer );
if ( !pTFPlayer )
return false;
IViewPortPanel* pSpecGuiPanel = gViewPortInterface->FindPanelByName( PANEL_SPECGUI );
if ( !pTFPlayer->IsAlive() )
if ( !pSpecGuiPanel || !pSpecGuiPanel->IsVisible() )
return false;
// Local player is in a spawn room
if ( pTFPlayer->m_Shared.GetRespawnTouchCount() <= 0 )
return false;
return true;
CQuestNotification_CompletedQuest::CQuestNotification_CompletedQuest( CEconItem *pItem )
: CQuestNotification_Speaking( pItem )
const char *pszSoundName = UTIL_GetRandomSoundFromEntry( "Quest.StatusTickComplete" );
m_PresentTimer.Start( enginesound->GetSoundDuration( pszSoundName ) - 2.f );
// Purpose:
const char *CQuestNotification_CompletedQuest::GetSoundEntry( const CQuestThemeDefinition* pTheme, int nClassIndex )
return pTheme->GetCompleteSoundForClass( nClassIndex );
// Purpose:
bool CQuestNotification_CompletedQuest::ShouldPresent() const
return m_PresentTimer.IsElapsed() && m_PresentTimer.HasStarted();
// Purpose:
const char *CQuestNotification_FullyCompletedQuest::GetSoundEntry( const CQuestThemeDefinition* pTheme, int nClassIndex )
return pTheme->GetFullyCompleteSoundForClass( nClassIndex );
// Purpose:
CQuestNotificationPanel::CQuestNotificationPanel( const char *pszElementName )
: CHudElement( pszElementName )
, EditablePanel( NULL, "QuestNotificationPanel" )
, m_flTimeSinceLastShown( 0.f )
, m_bIsPresenting( false )
, m_mapNotifiedItemIDs( DefLessFunc( itemid_t ) )
, m_bInitialized( false )
, m_pMainContainer( NULL )
Panel *pParent = g_pClientMode->GetViewport();
SetParent( pParent );
g_pQuestNotificationPanel = this;
ListenForGameEvent( "player_death" );
ListenForGameEvent( "inventory_updated" );
ListenForGameEvent( "player_initial_spawn" );
// Purpose:
void CQuestNotificationPanel::ApplySchemeSettings( IScheme *pScheme )
BaseClass::ApplySchemeSettings( pScheme );
// Default, load pauling
LoadControlSettings( "Resource/UI/econ/QuestNotificationPanel_Pauling_standard.res" );
m_pMainContainer = FindControl< EditablePanel >( "MainContainer", true );
// Purpose:
void CQuestNotificationPanel::PerformLayout()
CExLabel* pNewQuestLabel = FindControl< CExLabel >( "NewQuestText", true );
if ( pNewQuestLabel )
const wchar_t *pszText = NULL;
const char *pszTextKey = "#QuestNotification_Accept";
if ( pszTextKey )
pszText = g_pVGuiLocalize->Find( pszTextKey );
if ( pszText )
wchar_t wzFinal[512] = L"";
UTIL_ReplaceKeyBindings( pszText, 0, wzFinal, sizeof( wzFinal ) );
pNewQuestLabel->SetText( wzFinal );
// Purpose:
void CQuestNotificationPanel::FireGameEvent( IGameEvent * event )
const char *pszName = event->GetName();
if ( FStrEq( pszName, "inventory_updated" ) || FStrEq( pszName, "player_death" ) )
else if ( FStrEq( pszName, "player_initial_spawn" ) )
CTFPlayer *pNewPlayer = ToTFPlayer( UTIL_PlayerByIndex( event->GetInt( "index" ) ) );
if ( pNewPlayer == C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer() )
// Reset every round
m_timerNotificationCooldown.Start( 0 );
m_bInitialized = false;
// Purpose:
void CQuestNotificationPanel::Reset()
// Purpose:
void CQuestNotificationPanel::CheckForNotificationOpportunities()
// Suppress making new notifications while in competitive play
if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsCompetitiveMode() )
FOR_EACH_VEC_BACK( m_vecNotifications, i )
// Clean up old entires for items that are now gone
if ( m_vecNotifications[i]->GetItemHandle() == NULL )
delete m_vecNotifications[i];
m_vecNotifications.Remove( i );
CPlayerInventory *pInv = InventoryManager()->GetLocalInventory();
Assert( pInv );
if ( pInv )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pInv->GetItemCount(); ++i )
CEconItemView *pItem = pInv->GetItem( i );
// Check if this is a quest at all
if ( pItem->GetItemDefinition()->GetQuestDef() == NULL )
CQuestNotification* pNotification = NULL;
if ( IsUnacknowledged( pItem->GetInventoryPosition() ) )
pNotification = new CQuestNotification_NewQuest( pItem->GetSOCData() );
else if ( IsQuestItemFullyCompleted( pItem ) ) // Fully completed
pNotification = new CQuestNotification_FullyCompletedQuest( pItem->GetSOCData() );
else if ( IsQuestItemReadyToTurnIn( pItem ) ) // Ready to turn in
pNotification = new CQuestNotification_CompletedQuest( pItem->GetSOCData() );
// Clean up any pending notifications for normal quests
FOR_EACH_VEC_BACK( m_vecNotifications, j )
if ( m_vecNotifications[j]->GetItemHandle() == pItem->GetSOCData() )
delete m_vecNotifications[j];
m_vecNotifications.Remove( j );
if ( pNotification && !AddNotificationForItem( pItem, pNotification ) )
delete pNotification;
pNotification = NULL;
m_bInitialized = pInv->GetOwner().IsValid();
// Purpose:
bool CQuestNotificationPanel::AddNotificationForItem( const CEconItemView *pItem, CQuestNotification* pNotification )
bool bTypeAlreadyInQueue = false;
// Check if there's already a notification of this type
FOR_EACH_VEC_BACK( m_vecNotifications, i )
// There's already a quest of this type in queue, no need to add another
if ( m_vecNotifications[i]->GetType() == pNotification->GetType() )
bTypeAlreadyInQueue = true;
// Find the notified bits
auto idx = m_mapNotifiedItemIDs.Find( pItem->GetItemID() );
if ( idx == m_mapNotifiedItemIDs.InvalidIndex() )
// Create if missing
idx = m_mapNotifiedItemIDs.Insert( pItem->GetItemID() );
m_mapNotifiedItemIDs[ idx ].SetSize( CQuestNotification::NUM_NOTIFICATION_TYPES );
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_mapNotifiedItemIDs[ idx ], i )
m_mapNotifiedItemIDs[ idx ][ i ] = 0.f;
// Check if we've already done a notification for this type recently
if ( Plat_FloatTime() < m_mapNotifiedItemIDs[ idx ][ pNotification->GetType() ] || m_mapNotifiedItemIDs[ idx ][ pNotification->GetType() ] == NEVER_REPEAT )
return false;
bool bNotificationUsed = false;
// Don't play completed notifications unless they happen mid-play
if ( !bTypeAlreadyInQueue && ( m_bInitialized || pNotification->GetType() == CQuestNotification::NOTIFICATION_TYPE_NEW_QUEST ) )
// Add notification
m_vecNotifications.AddToTail( pNotification );
bNotificationUsed = true;
// Mark that we've created a notification of this type for this item
m_mapNotifiedItemIDs[ idx ][ pNotification->GetType() ] = pNotification->GetReplayTime() == NEVER_REPEAT ? NEVER_REPEAT : Plat_FloatTime() + pNotification->GetReplayTime();
return bNotificationUsed;
// Purpose:
bool CQuestNotificationPanel::ShouldDraw()
C_BasePlayer *pPlayer = C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
if ( !pPlayer )
return false;
CTFPlayer* pTFPlayer = ToTFPlayer( pPlayer );
if ( !pTFPlayer )
return false;
// Not selected a class, so they haven't joined in
if ( pTFPlayer->IsPlayerClass( 0 ) )
return false;
if ( !CHudElement::ShouldDraw() )
return false;
if ( TFGameRules() && TFGameRules()->IsCompetitiveMode() )
return false;
return true;
// Purpose:
void CQuestNotificationPanel::OnThink()
if ( !ShouldDraw() )
bool bHasStarted = m_animTimer.HasStarted();
float flShowProgress = bHasStarted ? 1.f : 0.f;
const float flTransitionTime = 0.5f;
if ( bHasStarted )
// Transitions
if ( m_animTimer.GetElapsedTime() < flTransitionTime )
flShowProgress = Bias( m_animTimer.GetElapsedTime() / flTransitionTime, 0.75f );
else if ( ( m_animTimer.GetRemainingTime() + 1.f ) < flTransitionTime )
flShowProgress = Bias( Max( 0.0f, m_animTimer.GetRemainingTime() + 1.f ) / flTransitionTime, 0.25f );
// Move the main container around
if ( m_pMainContainer )
int nY = g_pSpectatorGUI && g_pSpectatorGUI->IsVisible() ? g_pSpectatorGUI->GetTopBarHeight() : 0;
float flXPos = RemapValClamped( flShowProgress, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f, m_pMainContainer->GetWide() + XRES( 4 ) );
m_pMainContainer->SetPos( GetWide() - (int)flXPos, nY );
// Purpose:
bool CQuestNotificationPanel::ShouldPresent()
if ( !m_timerNotificationCooldown.IsElapsed() )
return false;
// We need notifications!
if ( m_vecNotifications.IsEmpty() )
return false;
// It's been a few seconds since we were last shown
if ( ( Plat_FloatTime() - m_flTimeSinceLastShown ) < 1.5f )
return false;
return true;
// Purpose:
void CQuestNotificationPanel::Update()
bool bAllowedToShow = ShouldPresent();
if ( bAllowedToShow && !m_bIsPresenting )
if ( m_vecNotifications.Head()->ShouldPresent() )
float flPresentTime = m_vecNotifications.Head()->Present( this );
m_animTimer.Start( flPresentTime );
m_timerHoldUp.Start( 3.f );
// Notification sound
vgui::surface()->PlaySound( "ui/quest_alert.wav" );
m_bIsPresenting = true;
else if ( !bAllowedToShow && m_bIsPresenting && m_timerHoldUp.IsElapsed() )
m_flTimeSinceLastShown = Plat_FloatTime();
// Play the slide-out animation
g_pClientMode->GetViewportAnimationController()->StartAnimationSequence( this, "QuestNotification_Hide" );
m_bIsPresenting = false;
else if ( m_bIsPresenting ) // We are presenting a notification
if ( m_vecNotifications.Count() )
m_vecNotifications.Head()->Update( this );
// Check if the notification is done
if ( m_vecNotifications.Head()->IsDone() )
// Start our cooldown
m_timerNotificationCooldown.Start( 1.f );
// We're done with this notification
delete m_vecNotifications.Head();
m_vecNotifications.Remove( 0 );