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2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: CEconItem, a shared object for econ items
#include "cbase.h"
#include "econ_item.h"
#include "econ_item_schema.h"
#include "rtime.h"
#include "gcsdk/enumutils.h"
#include "smartptr.h"
#ifdef GC_DLL
#include "gcsdk/sqlaccess/sqlaccess.h"
#include "econ/localization_provider.h"
#if defined( TF_CLIENT_DLL ) || defined( TF_DLL )
#include "tf_gcmessages.h"
using namespace GCSDK;
#ifdef GC_DLL
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
extern int EconWear_ToIntCategory( float flWear );
/*static*/ const schema_attribute_stat_bucket_t *CSchemaAttributeStats::m_pHead;
// Purpose: Utility function to convert datafile strings to ints.
int StringFieldToInt( const char *szValue, const char **pValueStrings, int iNumStrings, bool bDontAssert )
if ( !szValue || !szValue[0] )
return -1;
for ( int i = 0; i < iNumStrings; i++ )
if ( !Q_stricmp(szValue, pValueStrings[i]) )
return i;
if ( !bDontAssert )
Assert( !"Missing value in StringFieldToInt()!" );
return -1;
// Purpose: Utility function to convert datafile strings to ints.
int StringFieldToInt( const char *szValue, const CUtlVector<const char *>& vecValueStrings, bool bDontAssert )
return StringFieldToInt( szValue, (const char **)&vecValueStrings[0], vecValueStrings.Count(), bDontAssert );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
: BaseClass( )
, m_pCustomData( NULL )
, m_unStyle( 0 )
, m_pszSmallIcon( NULL )
, m_pszLargeIcon( NULL )
CEconItem::CEconItem( const CEconItem& rhs )
: BaseClass( )
, m_pCustomData( NULL )
, m_unStyle( 0 )
, m_pszSmallIcon( NULL )
, m_pszLargeIcon( NULL )
(*this) = rhs;
void CEconItem::Init()
memset( &m_dirtyBits, 0, sizeof( m_dirtyBits ) );
#ifdef GC
// to set defaults
CSchItem item;
item.m_ulID = INVALID_ITEM_ID;
DeserializeFromSchemaItem( item );
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof( m_ulID ) == sizeof( item.m_ulID ) );
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof( m_unAccountID ) == sizeof( item.m_unAccountID ) );
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof( m_unDefIndex ) == sizeof( item.m_unDefIndex ) );
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof( m_unLevel ) == sizeof( item.m_unLevel ) );
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof( m_nQuality ) == sizeof( item.m_nQuality ) );
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof( m_unInventory ) == sizeof( item.m_unInventory ) );
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof( m_unFlags ) == sizeof( item.m_unFlags ) );
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof( m_unOrigin ) == sizeof( item.m_unOrigin ) );
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof( m_unStyle ) == sizeof( item.m_unStyle ) );
// @note (Tom Bui): we need to know about any new fields
// Need to add new fields to:
// CEconItem::operator=
// CEconItem::SerializeToSchemaItem
// CEconItem::DeserializeFromSchemaItem
// CEconItem::SerializeToProtoBufItem
// CEconItem::DeserializeFromProtoBufItem
// CEconManager::BYieldingLoadSOCache
// CEconGetPlayerItemsJob::BYieldingHandleGetPlayerItemsV001
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( CSchItem::k_iFieldMax == 13 );
m_bEquippedThisGameServerSession = false;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Free up any memory we may have allocated for our singleton attribute. Any other attributes
// will be cleaned up as part of freeing the custom data object itself.
if ( m_dirtyBits.m_bHasAttribSingleton )
CEconItemCustomData::FreeAttributeMemory( &m_CustomAttribSingleton );
// Free up any custom data we may have allocated. This will catch any attributes not
// in our singleton.
if ( m_pCustomData )
delete m_pCustomData;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_vecAttributes, i )
FreeAttributeMemory( &m_vecAttributes[i] );
if ( m_pInteriorItem )
delete m_pInteriorItem;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CEconItem::CopyAttributesFrom( const CEconItem& source )
// Copy attributes -- each new instance needs to be allocated and then copied into by somewhere
// that knows what the actual type is. Rather than do anything type-specific here, we just have each
// attribute serialize it's value to a bytestream and then deserialize it. This is as safe as we can
// make it but sort of silly wasteful.
for ( int i = 0; i < source.GetDynamicAttributeCountInternal(); i++ )
const attribute_t& attr = source.GetDynamicAttributeInternal( i );
const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrDef = GetItemSchema()->GetAttributeDefinition( attr.m_unDefinitionIndex );
Assert( pAttrDef );
const ISchemaAttributeType *pAttrType = pAttrDef->GetAttributeType();
Assert( pAttrType );
std::string sBytes;
pAttrType->ConvertEconAttributeValueToByteStream( attr.m_value, &sBytes );
pAttrType->LoadByteStreamToEconAttributeValue( this, pAttrDef, sBytes );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CEconItem &CEconItem::operator=( const CEconItem& rhs )
// We do destructive operations on our local object, including freeing attribute memory, as part of
// the copy, so we force self-copies to be a no-op.
if ( &rhs == this )
return *this;
m_ulID = rhs.m_ulID;
SetOriginalID( rhs.GetOriginalID() );
m_unAccountID = rhs.m_unAccountID;
m_unDefIndex = rhs.m_unDefIndex;
m_unLevel = rhs.m_unLevel;
m_nQuality = rhs.m_nQuality;
m_unInventory = rhs.m_unInventory;
SetQuantity( rhs.GetQuantity() );
m_unFlags = rhs.m_unFlags;
m_unOrigin = rhs.m_unOrigin;
m_unStyle = rhs.m_unStyle;
m_EquipInstanceSingleton = rhs.m_EquipInstanceSingleton;
// If we have memory allocated for a single attribute we free it manually.
if ( m_dirtyBits.m_bHasAttribSingleton )
CEconItemCustomData::FreeAttributeMemory( &m_CustomAttribSingleton );
// Copy over our dirty bits but manually reset our attribute singleton state -- if we did have one,
// we just deleted it above (and might replace it below); if we didn't have one, this won't affect
// anything. Either way, because we have no attribute memory allocated at this point, we need this
// to be reflected in the dirty bits so that if we do copy attributes, we copy them into the correct
// place (either the singleton or the custom data, to be allocated later).
m_dirtyBits = rhs.m_dirtyBits;
m_dirtyBits.m_bHasAttribSingleton = false;
// Free any custom memory we've allocated. This will also remove any custom attributes.
if ( rhs.m_pCustomData == NULL )
delete m_pCustomData;
m_pCustomData = NULL;
// Check for and copy in the equip instances from CustomData
m_pCustomData->m_vecEquipped = rhs.m_pCustomData->m_vecEquipped;
CopyAttributesFrom( rhs );
// Reset our material overrides, they'll be set again on demand as needed.
return *this;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CEconItem::SetItemID( itemid_t ulID )
uint64 ulOldID = m_ulID;
m_ulID = ulID;
// only overwrite if we don't have an original id currently and we are a new item cloned off an old item
if ( ulOldID != INVALID_ITEM_ID && ulOldID != ulID && ( m_pCustomData == NULL || m_pCustomData->m_ulOriginalID == INVALID_ITEM_ID ) && ulID != INVALID_ITEM_ID && ulOldID != INVALID_ITEM_ID )
SetOriginalID( ulOldID );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
itemid_t CEconItem::GetOriginalID() const
if ( m_pCustomData != NULL && m_pCustomData->m_ulOriginalID != INVALID_ITEM_ID )
return m_pCustomData->m_ulOriginalID;
return m_ulID;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CEconItem::SetOriginalID( itemid_t ulOriginalID )
if ( ulOriginalID != m_ulID )
m_pCustomData->m_ulOriginalID = ulOriginalID;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
int CEconItem::GetQuantity() const
if ( m_pCustomData != NULL )
return m_pCustomData->m_unQuantity;
return 1;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CEconItem::SetQuantity( uint16 unQuantity )
if ( m_pCustomData )
m_pCustomData->m_unQuantity = unQuantity;
else if ( unQuantity > 1 )
m_pCustomData->m_unQuantity = unQuantity;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
static const char *GetCustomNameOrAttributeDesc( const CEconItem *pItem, const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrDef )
if ( !pAttrDef )
// If we didn't specify the attribute in the schema we can't possibly have an
// answer. This isn't really an error in that case.
return NULL;
const char *pszStrContents;
if ( FindAttribute_UnsafeBitwiseCast<CAttribute_String>( pItem, pAttrDef, &pszStrContents ) )
return pszStrContents;
return NULL;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
static void SetCustomNameOrDescAttribute( CEconItem *pItem, const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrDef, const char *pszNewValue )
Assert( pItem );
if ( !pAttrDef )
// If we didn't specify the attribute in the schema, that's fine if we're setting
// the empty name/description string, but it isn't fine if we're trying to set
// actual content.
AssertMsg( !pszNewValue, "Attempt to set non-empty value for custom name/desc with no attribute present." );
// Removing existing value?
if ( !pszNewValue || !pszNewValue[0] )
pItem->RemoveDynamicAttribute( pAttrDef );
CAttribute_String attrStr;
attrStr.set_value( pszNewValue );
pItem->SetDynamicAttributeValue( pAttrDef, attrStr );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
const char *CEconItem::GetCustomName() const
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_CustomName( "custom name attr" );
return GetCustomNameOrAttributeDesc( this, pAttrDef_CustomName );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CEconItem::SetCustomName( const char *pName )
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_CustomName( "custom name attr" );
SetCustomNameOrDescAttribute( this, pAttrDef_CustomName, pName );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CEconItem::IsEquipped() const
for ( int i = 0; i < GetEquippedInstanceCount(); i++ )
const EquippedInstance_t &curEquipInstance = GetEquippedInstance( i );
Assert( curEquipInstance.m_unEquippedSlot != INVALID_EQUIPPED_SLOT );
if ( GetItemSchema()->IsValidClass( curEquipInstance.m_unEquippedClass ) )
return true;
return false;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CEconItem::IsEquippedForClass( equipped_class_t unClass ) const
return NULL != FindEquippedInstanceForClass( unClass );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
equipped_slot_t CEconItem::GetEquippedPositionForClass( equipped_class_t unClass ) const
const EquippedInstance_t *pInstance = FindEquippedInstanceForClass( unClass );
if ( pInstance )
return pInstance->m_unEquippedSlot;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
const CEconItem::EquippedInstance_t *CEconItem::FindEquippedInstanceForClass( equipped_class_t nClass ) const
for ( int i = 0; i < GetEquippedInstanceCount(); i++ )
const EquippedInstance_t &curEquipInstance = GetEquippedInstance( i );
if ( curEquipInstance.m_unEquippedClass == nClass )
return &curEquipInstance;
return NULL;
// Purpose:
void CEconItem::InternalVerifyEquipInstanceIntegrity() const
if ( m_dirtyBits.m_bHasEquipSingleton )
Assert( !m_pCustomData );
Assert( m_EquipInstanceSingleton.m_unEquippedSlot != INVALID_EQUIPPED_SLOT );
else if ( m_pCustomData )
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_pCustomData->m_vecEquipped, i )
Assert( m_pCustomData->m_vecEquipped[i].m_unEquippedSlot != INVALID_EQUIPPED_SLOT );
for ( int j = i + 1; j < m_pCustomData->m_vecEquipped.Count(); j++ )
Assert( m_pCustomData->m_vecEquipped[i].m_unEquippedClass != m_pCustomData->m_vecEquipped[j].m_unEquippedClass );
Assert( GetEquippedInstanceCount() == 0 );
// Purpose:
void CEconItem::Equip( equipped_class_t unClass, equipped_slot_t unSlot )
Assert( GetItemSchema()->IsValidClass( unClass ) );
Assert( GetItemSchema()->IsValidItemSlot( unSlot, unClass ) );
// First, make sure we don't have this item already equipped for this class.
UnequipFromClass( unClass );
// If we have no instances of this item equipped, we want to shove this into the
// first empty slot we can find. If we already have a custom data allocated, we
// use that. If not, we want to use the singleton if we can. Otherwise, we make
// a new custom data and fall back to using that.
if ( m_pCustomData )
m_pCustomData->m_vecEquipped.AddToTail( EquippedInstance_t( unClass, unSlot ) );
else if ( !m_dirtyBits.m_bHasEquipSingleton )
m_EquipInstanceSingleton = EquippedInstance_t( unClass, unSlot );
m_dirtyBits.m_bHasEquipSingleton = true;
m_pCustomData->m_vecEquipped.AddToTail( EquippedInstance_t( unClass, unSlot ) );
#ifdef GC_DLL
m_bEquippedThisGameServerSession = true;
#endif // GC_DLL
// Purpose:
void CEconItem::Unequip()
if ( m_dirtyBits.m_bHasEquipSingleton )
Assert( !m_pCustomData );
m_dirtyBits.m_bHasEquipSingleton = false;
else if ( m_pCustomData )
// Purpose:
void CEconItem::UnequipFromClass( equipped_class_t unClass )
Assert( GetItemSchema()->IsValidClass( unClass ) );
// If we only have a single equipped class...
if ( m_dirtyBits.m_bHasEquipSingleton )
// ...and that's the class we're trying to remove from...
if ( m_EquipInstanceSingleton.m_unEquippedClass == unClass )
// ...we now have no equipped classes!
m_dirtyBits.m_bHasEquipSingleton = false;
else if ( m_pCustomData )
// ...otherwise, if we have multiple equipped classes...
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_pCustomData->m_vecEquipped, i )
// ...then look through our list to find out if we have this class...
if ( m_pCustomData->m_vecEquipped[i].m_unEquippedClass == unClass )
// ...and if we do, remove it.
m_pCustomData->m_vecEquipped.FastRemove( i );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
int CEconItem::GetEquippedInstanceCount() const
if ( m_pCustomData )
return m_pCustomData->m_vecEquipped.Count();
return m_dirtyBits.m_bHasEquipSingleton ? 1 : 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
const CEconItem::EquippedInstance_t &CEconItem::GetEquippedInstance( int iIdx ) const
Assert( iIdx >= 0 && iIdx < GetEquippedInstanceCount() );
if ( m_pCustomData )
return m_pCustomData->m_vecEquipped[iIdx];
return m_EquipInstanceSingleton;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
const char *CEconItem::GetCustomDesc() const
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_CustomDesc( "custom desc attr" );
return GetCustomNameOrAttributeDesc( this, pAttrDef_CustomDesc );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CEconItem::SetCustomDesc( const char *pDesc )
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_CustomDesc( "custom desc attr" );
SetCustomNameOrDescAttribute( this, pAttrDef_CustomDesc, pDesc );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CEconItem::GetInUse() const
return ( m_dirtyBits.m_bInUse ) != 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CEconItem::SetInUse( bool bInUse )
if ( bInUse )
m_dirtyBits.m_bInUse = 1;
m_dirtyBits.m_bInUse = 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
const GameItemDefinition_t *CEconItem::GetItemDefinition() const
const CEconItemDefinition *pRet = GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinition( GetDefinitionIndex() );
const GameItemDefinition_t *pTypedRet = dynamic_cast<const GameItemDefinition_t *>( pRet );
AssertMsg( pRet == pTypedRet, "Item definition of inappropriate type." );
return pTypedRet;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CEconItem::IsTradable() const
return !m_dirtyBits.m_bInUse
&& IEconItemInterface::IsTradable();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CEconItem::AdoptMoreRestrictedTradabilityFromItem( const CEconItem *pOther, uint32 nTradabilityFlagsToAccept /*= 0xFFFFFFFF*/ )
if ( !pOther )
int nOtherUntradability = pOther->GetUntradabilityFlags() & nTradabilityFlagsToAccept;
RTime32 otherUntradableTime = pOther->GetTradableAfterDateTime();
// Become untradable if the other item is untradable
AdoptMoreRestrictedTradability( nOtherUntradability, otherUntradableTime );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Given untradability flags and a untradable time, set this item's
// untradability. This does not clear existing untradabilty.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CEconItem::AdoptMoreRestrictedTradability( uint32 nTradabilityFlags, RTime32 nUntradableTime )
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrib_CannotTrade( "cannot trade" );
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrib_TradableAfter( "tradable after date" );
if ( !pAttrib_CannotTrade || !pAttrib_TradableAfter )
// We're already permanently untradable. We can't get more untradable, so we're done.
if ( GetUntradabilityFlags() & k_Untradability_Permanent )
if( nTradabilityFlags & k_Untradability_Permanent )
SetDynamicAttributeValue( pAttrib_CannotTrade, 0u );
else if ( nTradabilityFlags & k_Untradability_Temporary && nUntradableTime > GetTradableAfterDateTime() )
// Take the "tradable after date" if it's larger than ours
SetDynamicAttributeValue( pAttrib_TradableAfter, nUntradableTime );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CEconItem::IsMarketable() const
return !m_dirtyBits.m_bInUse
&& IEconItemInterface::IsMarketable();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CEconItem::IsCommodity() const
return !m_dirtyBits.m_bInUse
&& IEconItemInterface::IsCommodity();
void CEconItem::IterateAttributes( IEconItemAttributeIterator *pIterator ) const
Assert( pIterator );
// custom attributes?
for ( int i = 0; i < GetDynamicAttributeCountInternal(); i++ )
const attribute_t &attrib = GetDynamicAttributeInternal( i );
const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrDef = GetItemSchema()->GetAttributeDefinition( attrib.m_unDefinitionIndex );
if ( !pAttrDef )
if ( !pAttrDef->GetAttributeType()->OnIterateAttributeValue( pIterator, pAttrDef, attrib.m_value ) )
// in static attributes?
const CEconItemDefinition *pItemDef = GetItemDefinition();
if ( !pItemDef )
pItemDef->IterateAttributes( pIterator );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
style_index_t CEconItem::GetStyle() const
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_ItemStyleOverride( "item style override" );
float fStyleOverride = 0.f;
if ( FindAttribute_UnsafeBitwiseCast<attrib_value_t>( this, pAttrDef_ItemStyleOverride, &fStyleOverride ) )
return fStyleOverride;
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_ItemStyleStrange( "style changes on strange level" );
uint32 iMaxStyle = 0;
if ( pAttrDef_ItemStyleStrange && FindAttribute( pAttrDef_ItemStyleStrange, &iMaxStyle ) )
// Use the strange prefix if the weapon has one.
uint32 unScore = 0;
if ( !FindAttribute( GetKillEaterAttr_Score( 0 ), &unScore ) )
return 0;
// What type of event are we tracking and how does it describe itself?
uint32 unKillEaterEventType = 0;
// This will overwrite our default 0 value if we have a value set but leave it if not.
float fKillEaterEventType;
if ( FindAttribute_UnsafeBitwiseCast<attrib_value_t>( this, GetKillEaterAttr_Type( 0 ), &fKillEaterEventType ) )
unKillEaterEventType = fKillEaterEventType;
const char *pszLevelingDataName = GetItemSchema()->GetKillEaterScoreTypeLevelingDataName( unKillEaterEventType );
if ( !pszLevelingDataName )
const CItemLevelingDefinition *pLevelDef = GetItemSchema()->GetItemLevelForScore( pszLevelingDataName, unScore );
if ( !pLevelDef )
return 0;
return Min( pLevelDef->GetLevel(), iMaxStyle );
return m_unStyle;
const char* CEconItem::FindIconURL( bool bLarge ) const
const char* pszSize = bLarge ? "l" : "s";
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrDef_IsFestivized( "is_festivized" );
bool bIsFestivized = pAttrDef_IsFestivized ? FindAttribute( pAttrDef_IsFestivized ) : false;
const CEconItemDefinition *pDef = GetItemDefinition();
// Go through and figure out all the different decorations on
// this item and construct the key to lookup the icon.
// NOTE: These are not currently composable, so they return out when
// a match is found. Once items are more composable, we'll want
// to keep adding all the components together to get the fully
// composed icon (ie. add the strange token, and the festive token, etc.)
const CEconItemPaintKitDefinition* pPaintKitDef = pDef->GetCustomPainkKitDefinition();
if ( pPaintKitDef )
float flWear = 0;
GetCustomPaintKitWear( flWear );
int iWearIndex = EconWear_ToIntCategory( flWear );
const char* pszFmtStr = bIsFestivized ? "%s%sw%df" : "%s%sw%d";
const char* pszValue = pDef->GetIconURL( CFmtStr( pszFmtStr, pszSize, pPaintKitDef->GetName(), iWearIndex ) );
if ( pszValue )
return pszValue;
const CEconStyleInfo *pStyle = pDef->GetStyleInfo( GetStyle() );
if ( pStyle )
const char* pszValue = pDef->GetIconURL( CFmtStr( "%ss%d", pszSize, GetStyle() ) );
if ( pszValue )
return pszValue;
if ( bIsFestivized )
const char* pszValue = pDef->GetIconURL( CFmtStr( "%sf", pszSize ) );
if ( pszValue )
return pszValue;
return pDef->GetIconURL( CFmtStr( "%s", pszSize ) );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
const char *CEconItem::GetIconURLSmall() const
if ( m_pszSmallIcon == NULL )
m_pszSmallIcon = FindIconURL( false );
return m_pszSmallIcon;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
const char *CEconItem::GetIconURLLarge() const
if ( m_pszLargeIcon == NULL )
m_pszLargeIcon = FindIconURL( true );
return m_pszLargeIcon;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CEconItem::IsUsableInCrafting() const
return !m_dirtyBits.m_bInUse
&& IEconItemInterface::IsUsableInCrafting();
#ifdef GC_DLL
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
RTime32 CEconItem::GetAssetInfoExpirationCacheExpirationTime() const
return GetTradableAfterDateTime();
#endif // GC_DLL
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
int CEconItem::GetDynamicAttributeCountInternal() const
if ( m_pCustomData )
return m_pCustomData->m_vecAttributes.Count();
return m_dirtyBits.m_bHasAttribSingleton ? 1 : 0;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CEconItem::attribute_t &CEconItem::GetMutableDynamicAttributeInternal( int iAttrIndexIntoArray )
Assert( iAttrIndexIntoArray >= 0 );
Assert( iAttrIndexIntoArray < GetDynamicAttributeCountInternal() );
if ( m_pCustomData )
return m_pCustomData->m_vecAttributes[ iAttrIndexIntoArray ];
return m_CustomAttribSingleton;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CEconItem::attribute_t *CEconItem::FindDynamicAttributeInternal( const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrDef )
Assert( pAttrDef );
if ( m_pCustomData )
FOR_EACH_VEC( m_pCustomData->m_vecAttributes, i )
if ( m_pCustomData->m_vecAttributes[i].m_unDefinitionIndex == pAttrDef->GetDefinitionIndex() )
return &m_pCustomData->m_vecAttributes[i];
else if ( m_dirtyBits.m_bHasAttribSingleton )
if ( m_CustomAttribSingleton.m_unDefinitionIndex == pAttrDef->GetDefinitionIndex() )
return &m_CustomAttribSingleton;
return NULL;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CEconItem::attribute_t &CEconItem::AddDynamicAttributeInternal()
if ( 0 == GetDynamicAttributeCountInternal() && NULL == m_pCustomData )
m_dirtyBits.m_bHasAttribSingleton = true;
return m_CustomAttribSingleton;
return m_pCustomData->m_vecAttributes[ m_pCustomData->m_vecAttributes.AddToTail() ];
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CEconItem::SetDynamicMaxTimeAttributeValue( const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrDef, RTime32 rtTime )
RTime32 rtExistingTime = 0;
if ( FindAttribute( pAttrDef, &rtExistingTime ) )
//we have the attribute already, and see if the value exceeds what we are going to set
if ( rtExistingTime >= rtTime )
//it doesn't so we need to update
SetDynamicAttributeValue( pAttrDef, rtTime );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CEconItem::SetTradableAfterDateTime( RTime32 rtTime )
//don't bother if the time is in the past (this also covers the 0 case)
if( rtTime < CRTime::RTime32TimeCur() )
//the attribute we are going to assign
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrib_TradableAfter( "tradable after date" );
if( !pAttrib_TradableAfter )
//see if we have a STATIC cannot trade attribute (ignore dynamic, because that could change and be used
// to short out the trade restriction).
//This is currently disabled so we can measure whether or not this is beneficial and if the savings justifies the corner case risk this exposes - JohnO 1/12/15
const GameItemDefinition_t* pItemDef = GetItemDefinition();
if( pItemDef )
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrib_CannotTrade( "cannot trade" );
uint32 unCannotTrade = 0;
if( ::FindAttribute( pItemDef, pAttrib_CannotTrade, &unCannotTrade ) )
//now set it to the maximum time
SetDynamicMaxTimeAttributeValue( pAttrib_TradableAfter, rtTime );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CEconItem::RemoveDynamicAttribute( const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrDef )
Assert( pAttrDef );
Assert( pAttrDef->GetDefinitionIndex() != INVALID_ATTRIB_DEF_INDEX );
if ( m_pCustomData )
for ( int i = 0; i < m_pCustomData->m_vecAttributes.Count(); i++ )
if ( m_pCustomData->m_vecAttributes[i].m_unDefinitionIndex == pAttrDef->GetDefinitionIndex() )
CEconItemCustomData::FreeAttributeMemory( &m_pCustomData->m_vecAttributes[i] );
m_pCustomData->m_vecAttributes.FastRemove( i );
else if ( m_dirtyBits.m_bHasAttribSingleton )
if ( m_CustomAttribSingleton.m_unDefinitionIndex == pAttrDef->GetDefinitionIndex() )
CEconItemCustomData::FreeAttributeMemory( &m_CustomAttribSingleton );
m_dirtyBits.m_bHasAttribSingleton = false;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
/*static*/ void CEconItemCustomData::FreeAttributeMemory( CEconItem::attribute_t *pAttrib )
Assert( pAttrib );
const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrDef = GetItemSchema()->GetAttributeDefinition( pAttrib->m_unDefinitionIndex );
Assert( pAttrDef );
const ISchemaAttributeType *pAttrType = pAttrDef->GetAttributeType();
Assert( pAttrType );
pAttrType->UnloadEconAttributeValue( &pAttrib->m_value );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Frees any unused memory in the internal structures
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CEconItem::Compact()
if ( m_pCustomData )
#ifdef GC_DLL
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
static bool BInsertEquippedInstanceSQL( const CEconItem *pItem, const CEconItem::EquippedInstance_t& equipInst, CSQLAccess& sqlAccess )
Assert( pItem );
const char *pszUpdateOrInsert = "MERGE EquipInstance AS tblEquipInstance "
"USING (SELECT ? AS AccountID, ? AS ClassID, ? AS SlotID) AS tblEquipInstance_NewRow "
"ON (tblEquipInstance.AccountID = tblEquipInstance_NewRow.AccountID AND "
"tblEquipInstance.ClassID = tblEquipInstance_NewRow.ClassID AND "
"tblEquipInstance.SlotID = tblEquipInstance_NewRow.SlotID) "
"UPDATE SET tblEquipInstance.ItemID = ? "
"INSERT (AccountID, ClassID, SlotID, ItemID) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?);";
sqlAccess.AddBindParam( pItem->GetAccountID() ); // USING (SELECT ... AS AccountID)
sqlAccess.AddBindParam( equipInst.m_unEquippedClass ); // USING (SELECT ... AS ClassID)
sqlAccess.AddBindParam( equipInst.m_unEquippedSlot ); // USING (SELECT ... AS SlotID)
sqlAccess.AddBindParam( pItem->GetItemID() ); // UPDATE SET ...
sqlAccess.AddBindParam( pItem->GetAccountID() ); // INSERT (AccountID)
sqlAccess.AddBindParam( equipInst.m_unEquippedClass ); // INSERT (ClassID)
sqlAccess.AddBindParam( equipInst.m_unEquippedSlot ); // INSERT (SlotID)
sqlAccess.AddBindParam( pItem->GetItemID() ); // INSERT (ItemID)
return sqlAccess.BYieldingExecute( "BYieldingOnHandledPeriodicScoreTimePeriod", pszUpdateOrInsert );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
static bool BInsertAllEquippedInstancesSQL( const CEconItem *pItem, CSQLAccess& sqlAccess )
Assert( pItem );
for ( int i = 0; i < pItem->GetEquippedInstanceCount(); i++ )
if ( !BInsertEquippedInstanceSQL( pItem, pItem->GetEquippedInstance( i ), sqlAccess ) )
return false;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Adds non-Item-table inserts to the SQL insert for this object
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CEconItem::BYieldingAddInsertToTransaction( CSQLAccess & sqlAccess )
// @note Tom Bui: This could be simplified greatly, but let's see if it is an issue
CSchItem item;
SerializeToSchemaItem( item );
if( !CSchemaSharedObjectHelper::BYieldingAddInsertToTransaction( sqlAccess, &item ) )
return false;
// attributes get to written to any number of joined tables based on type
for ( int i = 0; i < GetDynamicAttributeCountInternal(); i++ )
const attribute_t &attrib = GetDynamicAttributeInternal( i );
const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrDef = GetItemSchema()->GetAttributeDefinition( attrib.m_unDefinitionIndex );
if ( !pAttrDef )
EmitError( SPEW_GC, "CEconItem::BYieldingAddInsertToTransaction(): attempt to insert unknown attribute ID %d.\n", attrib.m_unDefinitionIndex );
return false;
const ISchemaAttributeType *pAttrType = pAttrDef->GetAttributeType();
Assert( pAttrType );
CPlainAutoPtr<CRecordBase> pAttrRecord( pAttrType->CreateTypedSchRecord() );
pAttrType->ConvertEconAttributeValueToSch( GetItemID(), pAttrDef, attrib.m_value, pAttrRecord.Get() );
if( !sqlAccess.BYieldingInsertRecord( pAttrRecord.Get() ) )
return false;
// currently-equipped positions get written to a joined table
if ( !BInsertAllEquippedInstancesSQL( this, sqlAccess ) )
return false;
// add audit record for the create
CEconItemDefinition *pItemDef = GEconManager()->GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinition( GetDefinitionIndex() );
if ( pItemDef )
const char* pDatabaseAuditTableName = pItemDef->GetDatabaseAuditTableName();
if ( pDatabaseAuditTableName )
CFmtStr1024 sStatement;
sStatement.sprintf( "INSERT INTO %s (ItemID) VALUES (%llu)", pDatabaseAuditTableName, m_ulID );
uint32 nRows;
bool bRet = sqlAccess.BYieldingExecute( sStatement, sStatement, &nRows );
if ( bRet == false )
CSteamID steamID( m_unAccountID, GGCHost()->GetUniverse(), k_EAccountTypeIndividual );
EmitError( SPEW_GC, "Failed to add item audit to table %s for %s and item %llu.\n", pDatabaseAuditTableName, steamID.Render(), m_ulID );
return false;
return true;
// Purpose:
static bool BRemoveEquipInstancesFromSQL( CSQLAccess& sqlAccess, uint32 unAccountID, itemid_t unItemID )
CSchEquipInstance schEquipInstanceWhere;
schEquipInstanceWhere.m_unAccountID = unAccountID;
schEquipInstanceWhere.m_ulItemID = unItemID;
return sqlAccess.BYieldingDeleteRecords( schEquipInstanceWhere, CSET_2_COL( CSchEquipInstance, k_iField_unAccountID, k_iField_ulItemID ) );
// Purpose: Writes the non-PK fields on the object to the database
bool CEconItem::BYieldingAddWriteToTransaction( CSQLAccess & sqlAccess, const CUtlVector< int > &fields )
Assert( sqlAccess.BInTransaction() );
if( IsForeign() )
CSchForeignItem schForeignItem;
schForeignItem.m_ulID = GetItemID();
schForeignItem.m_unInventory = GetInventoryToken();
return CSchemaSharedObjectHelper::BYieldingAddWriteToTransaction( sqlAccess, &schForeignItem, CSET_1_COL( CSchForeignItem, k_iField_unInventory ) );
// Non-foreign items.
CSchItem item;
SerializeToSchemaItem( item );
CColumnSet csDatabaseDirty( item.GetPRecordInfo() );
GetDirtyColumnSet( fields, csDatabaseDirty );
// Write out base item properties if any are dirty. It's possible to get here with only dirty attributes,
// in which case we want to neither write to our item properties nor abort here if the write fails.
if ( !csDatabaseDirty.IsEmpty() && !CSchemaSharedObjectHelper::BYieldingAddWriteToTransaction( sqlAccess, &item, csDatabaseDirty ) )
return false;
// Write out additional attribute properties?
FOR_EACH_VEC( fields, i )
uint32 iFieldID = fields[i] & 0x0000ffff, // low 16 bits are the ID
iFieldIDType = fields[i] & 0xffff0000; // high 16 bits are the ID type
if ( iFieldIDType == kUpdateFieldIDType_FieldID )
// Most item field IDs will be updated above in SerializeToSchemaItem(). Anything that needs custom
// writing behavior should handle it here.
// If we've changed our equip state, remove all of our previous equipped instances (if any) and write
// out our new rows (if any).
if ( iFieldID == CSOEconItem::kEquippedStateFieldNumber )
if ( !BRemoveEquipInstancesFromSQL( sqlAccess, GetAccountID(), GetID() ) )
return false;
if ( !BInsertAllEquippedInstancesSQL( this, sqlAccess ) )
return false;
else if ( iFieldIDType == kUpdateFieldIDType_AttributeID )
const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrDef = GetItemSchema()->GetAttributeDefinition( iFieldID );
Assert( pAttrDef );
// Did we dirty an attribute and then remove it entirely?
const attribute_t *pEconAttr = FindDynamicAttributeInternal( pAttrDef );
if ( !pEconAttr )
const ISchemaAttributeType *pAttrType = pAttrDef->GetAttributeType();
Assert( pAttrType );
CPlainAutoPtr<CRecordBase> pAttrRecord( pAttrType->CreateTypedSchRecord() );
pAttrType->ConvertEconAttributeValueToSch( GetItemID(), pAttrDef, pEconAttr->m_value, pAttrRecord.Get() );
CColumnSet csWhere( pAttrRecord->GetPRecordInfo() );
csWhere.BAddColumn( 0 );
csWhere.BAddColumn( 1 );
CColumnSet csUpdate( CColumnSet::Inverse( csWhere ) );
Assert( !csUpdate.IsEmpty() );
if ( !sqlAccess.BYieldingUpdateRecord( *pAttrRecord.Get(), csWhere, csUpdate ) )
return false;
// Our field ID is something we don't recognize.
AssertMsg( false, "Unknown field ID type in CEconItem::BYieldingAddWriteToTransaction()." );
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: "deletes" an object by setting its owner to 0.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CEconItem::BYieldingAddRemoveToTransaction( CSQLAccess & sqlAccess )
Assert( sqlAccess.BInTransaction() );
// we never remove econ items in the server
sqlAccess.AddBindParam( GetItemID() );
if( !sqlAccess.BYieldingExecute( NULL, "UPDATE Item SET AccountId = 0 WHERE ID = ?" ) )
return false;
if ( !BRemoveEquipInstancesFromSQL( sqlAccess, GetAccountID(), GetItemID() ) )
return false;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Load the interior item from the database.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CEconItem::BYieldingLoadInteriorItem()
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttribLow( "referenced item id low" );
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttribHigh( "referenced item id high" );
// see if it's already loaded
if ( m_pCustomData && m_pCustomData->m_pInteriorItem )
return true;
// we require the low 32 bits...
uint32 unAttribValueBitsLow;
if ( !FindAttribute( pAttribLow, &unAttribValueBitsLow ) )
return false;
// ...but default the high 32 bits to 0 if not present
uint32 unAttribValueBitsHigh = 0;
FindAttribute( pAttribHigh, &unAttribValueBitsHigh ); // return value ignored
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof( uint64 ) == sizeof( itemid_t ) );
uint64 wrappedItemId = ( uint64( unAttribValueBitsHigh ) << 32 ) | uint64( unAttribValueBitsLow );
// allocate scratch object to try and fill with DB contents
CEconItem *pNewItem = new CEconItem;
if ( !pNewItem->BYieldingSerializeFromDatabase( wrappedItemId ) )
delete pNewItem;
return false;
// DB load succeeded -- make sure if we're treating this item ID as an interior item, it isn't
// currently owned by someone. this is a non-fatal error (it could happen if support rolls back
// transactions in weird ways) but it probably means we have something weird going on
if ( pNewItem->GetAccountID() != 0 )
// ...
// everything loaded alright so hook our reference up
m_pCustomData->m_pInteriorItem = pNewItem;
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Directly set the interior item
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CEconItem::SetInteriorItem( CEconItem* pInteriorItem )
m_pCustomData->m_pInteriorItem = pInteriorItem;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
CEconItem* CEconItem::YieldingGetInteriorItem()
if ( !m_pCustomData || !m_pCustomData->m_pInteriorItem )
if ( !BYieldingLoadInteriorItem() )
Assert( !GetInteriorItem() );
return GetInteriorItem();
#endif // GC_DLL
CEconItem* CEconItem::GetInteriorItem()
return m_pCustomData ? m_pCustomData->m_pInteriorItem : NULL;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: This item has been traded. Give it an opportunity to update any internal
// properties in response.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CEconItem::OnTraded( uint32 unTradabilityDelaySeconds )
// if Steam wants us to impose a tradability delay on the item
if ( unTradabilityDelaySeconds != 0 )
RTime32 rtTradableAfter = ( ( CRTime::RTime32TimeCur() / k_nSecondsPerDay ) * k_nSecondsPerDay ) + unTradabilityDelaySeconds;
SetTradableAfterDateTime( rtTradableAfter );
// If we have a "tradable after date" attribute and we were just traded, remove the date
// limit as we're obviously past it.
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrib_TradableAfter( "tradable after date" );
RemoveDynamicAttribute( pAttrib_TradableAfter );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Ownership of this item has changed, so do whatever things are necessary
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CEconItem::OnTransferredOwnership()
// Reset all our strange scores.
for ( int i = 0; i < GetKillEaterAttrCount(); i++ )
const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrDef = GetKillEaterAttr_Score(i);
// Skip over any attributes our schema doesn't understand. We ideally wouldn't ever
// have this happen but if it does we don't want to ignore other valid attributes.
if ( !pAttrDef )
// Ignore any attributes we don't have on this item.
if ( !FindAttribute( pAttrDef ) )
// Zero out the value of this stat attribute.
SetDynamicAttributeValue( pAttrDef, 0u );
// Free accounts have the ability to trade any item out that they received in a trade.
SetFlag( kEconItemFlag_CanBeTradedByFreeAccounts );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: This item has been traded. Give it an opportunity to update any internal
// properties in response.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CEconItem::OnReceivedFromMarket( bool bFromRollback )
#ifdef GC_DLL
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttrib_TradableAfter( "tradable after date" );
if ( !bFromRollback && GEconManager()->GetTradableAfterDurationForPurchase() != 0 )
// Add "tradable after date" attribute for items received from the market, since the funds
// used to purchase the item may be untrusted
RTime32 rtTradableAfter = GEconManager()->GetTradableAfterDateForPurchase();
SetDynamicAttributeValue( pAttrib_TradableAfter, rtTradableAfter );
// Do we need to remove this attribute on rollback?
RemoveDynamicAttribute( pAttrib_TradableAfter );
#endif // GC_DLL
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Parses the bits required to create a econ item from the message.
// Overloaded to include support for attributes.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CEconItem::BParseFromMessage( const CUtlBuffer & buffer )
CSOEconItem msgItem;
if( !msgItem.ParseFromArray( buffer.Base(), buffer.TellMaxPut() ) )
return false;
DeserializeFromProtoBufItem( msgItem );
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Parses the bits required to create a econ item from the message.
// Overloaded to include support for attributes.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CEconItem::BParseFromMessage( const std::string &buffer )
CSOEconItem msgItem;
if( !msgItem.ParseFromString( buffer ) )
return false;
DeserializeFromProtoBufItem( msgItem );
return true;
// Purpose: Overrides all the fields in msgLocal that are present in the
// network message
bool CEconItem::BUpdateFromNetwork( const CSharedObject & objUpdate )
const CEconItem & econObjUpdate = (const CEconItem &)objUpdate;
*this = econObjUpdate;
return true;
#ifdef GC
// Purpose: Adds the relevant bits to update this object to the message. This
// must include any relevant information about which fields are being
// updated. This is called once for all subscribers.
bool CEconItem::BAddToMessage( CUtlBuffer & bufOutput ) const
// StaticAssert( sizeof( int ) >= sizeof( uint32 ) );
CSOEconItem msg;
SerializeToProtoBufItem( msg );
return CProtoBufSharedObjectBase::SerializeToBuffer( msg, bufOutput );
// Purpose: Adds the relevant bits to update this object to the message. This
// must include any relevant information about which fields are being
// updated. This is called once for all subscribers.
bool CEconItem::BAddToMessage( std::string *pBuffer ) const
VPROF_BUDGET( "CEconItem::BAddToMessage::std::string", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_STEAM );
// StaticAssert( sizeof( int ) >= sizeof( uint32 ) );
CSOEconItem msg;
SerializeToProtoBufItem( msg );
return msg.SerializeToString( pBuffer );
// Purpose: Adds just the item ID to the message so that the client can find
// which item to destroy
bool CEconItem::BAddDestroyToMessage( CUtlBuffer & bufDestroy ) const
CSOEconItem msgItem;
msgItem.set_id( GetItemID() );
CProtoBufSharedObjectBase::SerializeToBuffer( msgItem, bufDestroy );
return true;
// Purpose: Adds just the item ID to the message so that the client can find
// which item to destroy
bool CEconItem::BAddDestroyToMessage( std::string *pBuffer ) const
CSOEconItem msgItem;
msgItem.set_id( GetItemID() );
return msgItem.SerializeToString( pBuffer );
#endif //GC
// Purpose: Returns true if this is less than than the object in soRHS. This
// comparison is deterministic, but it may not be pleasing to a user
// since it is just going to compare raw memory. If you need a sort
// that is user-visible you will need to do it at a higher level that
// actually knows what the data in these objects means.
bool CEconItem::BIsKeyLess( const CSharedObject & soRHS ) const
Assert( GetTypeID() == soRHS.GetTypeID() );
const CEconItem & soSchemaRHS = (const CEconItem &)soRHS;
return m_ulID < soSchemaRHS.m_ulID;
// Purpose: Copy the data from the specified schema shared object into this.
// Both objects must be of the same type.
void CEconItem::Copy( const CSharedObject & soRHS )
*this = (const CEconItem &)soRHS;
// Purpose: Dumps diagnostic information about the shared object
void CEconItem::Dump() const
CSOEconItem msgItem;
SerializeToProtoBufItem( msgItem );
CProtoBufSharedObjectBase::Dump( msgItem );
// Purpose: Return short, identifying string about the object
CUtlString CEconItem::GetDebugString() const
CUtlString result;
result.Format( "[CEconItem: ID=%llu, DefIdx=%d]", GetItemID(), GetDefinitionIndex() );
return result;
#ifdef GC
// Purpose: Deserializes an item from a KV object
// Input: pKVItem - Pointer to the KV structure that represents an item
// schema - Econ item schema used for decoding human readable names
// pVecErrors - Pointer to a vector where human readable errors will
// be added
// Output: True if the item deserialized successfully, false otherwise
bool CEconItem::BDeserializeFromKV( KeyValues *pKVItem, CUtlVector<CUtlString> *pVecErrors )
Assert( pVecErrors );
Assert( NULL != pKVItem );
if ( NULL == pKVItem )
return false;
// The basic properties
SetItemID( pKVItem->GetUint64( "ID", INVALID_ITEM_ID ) );
SetInventoryToken( pKVItem->GetInt( "InventoryPos", GetUnacknowledgedPositionFor(UNACK_ITEM_DROPPED) ) ); // Start by assuming it's a drop
SetQuantity( pKVItem->GetInt( "Quantity", 1 ) );
// Look up the following properties based on names from the schema
const char *pchDefName = pKVItem->GetString( "DefName" );
const CEconItemDefinition *pItemDef = GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinitionByName( pchDefName );
if( !pItemDef )
pVecErrors->AddToTail( CUtlString( CFmtStr( "Item definition \"%s\" not found", pchDefName ) ) );
// we can't do any reasonable validation with no item def, so just stop here
return false;
SetDefinitionIndex( pItemDef->GetDefinitionIndex() );
const char *pchQualityName = pKVItem->GetString( "QualityName" );
if( !pchQualityName || ! *pchQualityName )
// set the default quality for the definition
if( pItemDef->GetQuality() == k_unItemQuality_Any )
pVecErrors->AddToTail( CUtlString( CFmtStr( "Quality was not specified and this item def doesn't define one either." ) ) );
SetQuality( pItemDef->GetQuality() );
else if ( !GetItemSchema()->BGetItemQualityFromName( pchQualityName, &m_nQuality ) || k_unItemQuality_Any == GetQuality() )
pVecErrors->AddToTail( CUtlString( CFmtStr( "Quality \"%s\" not found", pchQualityName ) ) );
// make sure the level is sane
SetItemLevel( pKVItem->GetInt( "Level", pItemDef->GetMinLevel() ) );
// read the flags
uint8 unFlags = GetFlags();
if( pKVItem->GetInt( "flag_cannot_trade", 0 ) )
unFlags |= kEconItemFlag_CannotTrade;
unFlags = unFlags & ~kEconItemFlag_CannotTrade;
if( pKVItem->GetInt( "flag_cannot_craft", 0 ) )
unFlags |= kEconItemFlag_CannotBeUsedInCrafting;
unFlags = unFlags & ~kEconItemFlag_CannotBeUsedInCrafting;
if( pKVItem->GetInt( "flag_non_economy", 0 ) )
unFlags |= kEconItemFlag_NonEconomy;
unFlags = unFlags & ~kEconItemFlag_NonEconomy;
SetFlag( unFlags );
// Deserialize the attributes
KeyValues *pKVAttributes = pKVItem->FindKey( "Attributes" );
if ( NULL != pKVAttributes )
FOR_EACH_SUBKEY( pKVAttributes, pKVAttr )
// Try to load each line into an attribute in memory. It's possible that if we fail to successfully
// load some attribute contents here we'll leak small amounts of memory, but if that happens we're
// going to fail to start up anyway so we don't really care.
static_attrib_t staticAttrib;
if ( !staticAttrib.BInitFromKV_SingleLine( __FUNCTION__, pKVAttr, pVecErrors ) )
const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrDef = staticAttrib.GetAttributeDefinition();
Assert( pAttrDef );
const ISchemaAttributeType *pAttrType = pAttrDef->GetAttributeType();
Assert( pAttrType );
// Load the attribute contents into memory on the item.
pAttrType->LoadEconAttributeValue( this, pAttrDef, staticAttrib.m_value );
// Free up our temp loading memory.
pAttrType->UnloadEconAttributeValue( &staticAttrib.m_value );
return ( NULL == pVecErrors || 0 == pVecErrors->Count() );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CEconItem::BYieldingSerializeFromDatabase( itemid_t ulItemID )
static CColumnSet csItem( CSET_FULL( CSchItem ) );
kQueryResultSet_SingleItem_Item = 0,
kQueryResultSet_SingleItem_Attributes_Base = 1,
static uint32 sExpectedResults = 0;
static CFmtStrMax sLoadQuery;
if ( 0 == sLoadQuery.Length() )
"SET @ItemID = ? " );
// Load the item itself.
TSQLCmdStr sStatement;
BuildSelectStatementText( &sStatement, csItem );
sStatement.Append( " WHERE ID = @ItemID " );
sLoadQuery.Append( sStatement );
DbgVerify( kQueryResultSet_SingleItem_Item == sExpectedResults++ );
// Load any associated attributes.
DbgVerify( kQueryResultSet_SingleItem_Attributes_Base == sExpectedResults++ );
const CUtlVector<attr_type_t>& vecAttributeTypes = GetItemSchema()->GetAttributeTypes();
FOR_EACH_VEC( vecAttributeTypes, i )
// We could actually skip loading the "ItemID" column here because we're only loading one item
// of data, but we would have to do some work because we don't actually know the CSch types here
// so it doesn't seem worth it. We'll have to update the LoadSQLAttributesToEconItem() code if
// we ever do this.
BuildSelectStatementText( &sStatement, vecAttributeTypes[i].m_pAttrType->GetFullColumnSet() );
sStatement.Append( " WHERE ItemID = @ItemID " );
sLoadQuery.Append( sStatement );
Assert( kQueryResultSet_SingleItemCount == sExpectedResults );
// Load item and associated attributes from SQL.
CSQLAccess sqlAccess;
sqlAccess.AddBindParam( ulItemID );
if ( !sqlAccess.BYieldingExecute( "CEconItem::BYieldingSerializeFromDatabase", sLoadQuery.Get() ) )
EmitError( SPEW_GC, __FUNCTION__ ": failed to execute SQL load for item ID %llu\n", ulItemID );
return false;
// ...
if ( sqlAccess.GetResultSetCount() < sExpectedResults )
EmitError( SPEW_GC, __FUNCTION__ ": unable to interior item ID %llu. Got %d results back, but expected %d!\n", ulItemID, sqlAccess.GetResultSetCount(), sExpectedResults );
return false;
// Make sure we only got one item back.
const uint32 nRowCount = sqlAccess.GetResultSetRowCount( kQueryResultSet_SingleItem_Item );
if ( nRowCount != 1 )
EmitError( SPEW_GC, __FUNCTION__ ": invalid number of rows returned from SQL loading item ID %llu: %d\n", ulItemID, nRowCount );
return false;
// Make sure we understand what sort of item this is. We can't make any forward progress loading if we don't know
// what definition its attached to.
CSchItem schItem;
sqlAccess.GetResultRecord( kQueryResultSet_SingleItem_Item, 0 ).BWriteToRecord( &schItem, csItem );
const CEconItemDefinition *pItemDef = GetItemSchema()->GetItemDefinition( schItem.m_unDefIndex );
if ( !pItemDef )
EmitError( SPEW_GC, __FUNCTION__ ": unable to find item definition %d for item %llu!\n", schItem.m_unDefIndex, schItem.m_ulID );
return false;
// We have everything we need to complete the load here so default initialize -- free up attribute memory, current
// state, etc.
*this = CEconItem();
// Deserialize from DB schema.
DeserializeFromSchemaItem( schItem );
// Load attributes.
CEconManager::CEconItemAttributeLoader AttributeLoader;
AttributeLoader.LoadSQLAttributesToEconItem( this, sqlAccess, kQueryResultSet_SingleItem_Attributes_Base );
// Done.
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CEconItem::SerializeToSchemaItem( CSchItem &item ) const
VPROF_BUDGET( "CEconItem::SerializeToSchemaItem()", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_STEAM );
item.m_ulID = m_ulID;
item.m_ulOriginalID = GetOriginalID();
item.m_unAccountID = m_unAccountID;
item.m_unDefIndex = m_unDefIndex;
item.m_unLevel = m_unLevel;
item.m_nQuality = m_nQuality;
item.m_unInventory = m_unInventory;
item.m_unQuantity = GetQuantity();
item.m_unFlags = m_unFlags;
item.m_unOrigin = m_unOrigin;
item.m_unStyle = m_unStyle;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CEconItem::DeserializeFromSchemaItem( const CSchItem &item )
VPROF_BUDGET( "CEconItem::DeserializeFromSchemaItem()", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_STEAM );
m_ulID = item.m_ulID;
SetOriginalID( item.m_ulOriginalID ? item.m_ulOriginalID : item.m_ulID );
m_unAccountID = item.m_unAccountID;
m_unDefIndex = item.m_unDefIndex;
m_unLevel = item.m_unLevel;
m_nQuality = item.m_nQuality;
m_unInventory = item.m_unInventory;
SetQuantity( item.m_unQuantity );
m_unFlags = item.m_unFlags;
m_unOrigin = item.m_unOrigin;
m_unStyle = item.m_unStyle;
// set name if any, or remove if non-existent
SetCustomName( READ_VAR_CHAR_FIELD( item, m_VarCharCustomName ) );
// set desc if any, or remove if non-existent
SetCustomDesc( READ_VAR_CHAR_FIELD( item, m_VarCharCustomDesc ) );
#endif // GC
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CEconItem::SerializeToProtoBufItem( CSOEconItem &msgItem ) const
VPROF_BUDGET( "CEconItem::SerializeToProtoBufItem()", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_STEAM );
msgItem.set_id( m_ulID );
if( m_ulID != GetOriginalID() )
msgItem.set_original_id( GetOriginalID() );
msgItem.set_account_id( m_unAccountID );
msgItem.set_def_index( m_unDefIndex );
msgItem.set_level( m_unLevel );
msgItem.set_quality( m_nQuality );
msgItem.set_inventory( m_unInventory );
msgItem.set_quantity( GetQuantity() );
msgItem.set_flags( m_unFlags );
msgItem.set_origin( m_unOrigin );
msgItem.set_style( m_unStyle );
msgItem.set_in_use( m_dirtyBits.m_bInUse );
for( int nAttr = 0; nAttr < GetDynamicAttributeCountInternal(); nAttr++ )
const attribute_t & attr = GetDynamicAttributeInternal( nAttr );
// skip over attributes we don't understand
const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrDef = GetItemSchema()->GetAttributeDefinition( attr.m_unDefinitionIndex );
if ( !pAttrDef )
const ISchemaAttributeType *pAttrType = pAttrDef->GetAttributeType();
Assert( pAttrType );
CSOEconItemAttribute *pMsgAttr = msgItem.add_attribute();
pMsgAttr->set_def_index( attr.m_unDefinitionIndex );
std::string sBytes;
pAttrType->ConvertEconAttributeValueToByteStream( attr.m_value, &sBytes );
pMsgAttr->set_value_bytes( sBytes );
msgItem.set_contains_equipped_state_v2( true );
for ( int i = 0; i < GetEquippedInstanceCount(); i++ )
const EquippedInstance_t &instance = GetEquippedInstance( i );
CSOEconItemEquipped *pMsgEquipped = msgItem.add_equipped_state();
pMsgEquipped->set_new_class( instance.m_unEquippedClass );
pMsgEquipped->set_new_slot( instance.m_unEquippedSlot );
if ( m_pCustomData )
const char *pszCustomName = GetCustomName();
if ( pszCustomName )
msgItem.set_custom_name( pszCustomName );
const char *pszCustomDesc = GetCustomDesc();
if ( pszCustomDesc )
msgItem.set_custom_desc( pszCustomDesc );
const CEconItem *pInteriorItem = GetInteriorItem();
if ( pInteriorItem )
CSOEconItem *pMsgInteriorItem = msgItem.mutable_interior_item();
pInteriorItem->SerializeToProtoBufItem( *pMsgInteriorItem );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CEconItem::DeserializeFromProtoBufItem( const CSOEconItem &msgItem )
VPROF_BUDGET( "CEconItem::DeserializeFromProtoBufItem()", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_STEAM );
// Start by resetting
SAFE_DELETE( m_pCustomData );
m_dirtyBits.m_bHasAttribSingleton = false;
m_dirtyBits.m_bHasEquipSingleton = false;
// Now copy from the message
m_ulID = msgItem.id();
SetOriginalID( msgItem.has_original_id() ? msgItem.original_id() : m_ulID );
m_unAccountID = msgItem.account_id();
m_unDefIndex = msgItem.def_index();
m_unLevel = msgItem.level();
m_nQuality = msgItem.quality();
m_unInventory = msgItem.inventory();
SetQuantity( msgItem.quantity() );
m_unFlags = msgItem.flags();
m_unOrigin = msgItem.origin();
m_unStyle = msgItem.style();
m_dirtyBits.m_bInUse = msgItem.in_use() ? 1 : 0;
// set name if any
if( msgItem.has_custom_name() )
SetCustomName( msgItem.custom_name().c_str() );
// set desc if any
if( msgItem.has_custom_desc() )
SetCustomDesc( msgItem.custom_desc().c_str() );
// read the attributes
for( int nAttr = 0; nAttr < msgItem.attribute_size(); nAttr++ )
// skip over old-format messages
const CSOEconItemAttribute& msgAttr = msgItem.attribute( nAttr );
if ( msgAttr.has_value() || !msgAttr.has_value_bytes() )
// skip over attributes we don't understand
const CEconItemAttributeDefinition *pAttrDef = GetItemSchema()->GetAttributeDefinition( msgAttr.def_index() );
if ( !pAttrDef )
const ISchemaAttributeType *pAttrType = pAttrDef->GetAttributeType();
Assert( pAttrType );
pAttrType->LoadByteStreamToEconAttributeValue( this, pAttrDef, msgAttr.value_bytes() );
// Check to see if the item has an interior object.
if ( msgItem.has_interior_item() )
m_pCustomData->m_pInteriorItem = new CEconItem();
m_pCustomData->m_pInteriorItem->DeserializeFromProtoBufItem( msgItem.interior_item() );
// update equipped state
if ( msgItem.has_contains_equipped_state_v2() && msgItem.contains_equipped_state_v2() )
// unequip from everything...
// ...and re-equip to whatever our current state is
for ( int i = 0; i < msgItem.equipped_state_size(); i++ )
Equip( msgItem.equipped_state(i).new_class(), msgItem.equipped_state(i).new_slot() );
#ifdef GC
#include "econ/localization_provider.h"
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CEconItem::GetDirtyColumnSet( const CUtlVector< int > &fields, CColumnSet &cs ) const
/* @note Tom Bui: We know only the inventory/position field and the quantity field can be dirty...
for ( int nField = 0; nField < CSchItem::k_iFieldMax; ++nField )
if ( bDatabase ? BIsFieldDatabaseDirty( nField ) : BIsFieldNetworkDirty( nField ) )
cs.BAddColumn( nField );
if( fields.HasElement( CSOEconItem::kInventoryFieldNumber ) )
cs.BAddColumn( CSchItem::k_iField_unInventory );
if( fields.HasElement( CSOEconItem::kQuantityFieldNumber ) )
cs.BAddColumn( CSchItem::k_iField_unQuantity );
if( fields.HasElement( CSOEconItem::kStyleFieldNumber ) )
cs.BAddColumn( CSchItem::k_iField_unStyle );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Exports the item for use in another app
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CEconItem::ExportToAPI( CWebAPIValues *pValues ) const
pValues->CreateChildObject( "id" )->SetUInt64Value( m_ulID );
pValues->CreateChildObject( "def_index" )->SetUInt32Value( m_unDefIndex );
pValues->CreateChildObject( "level" )->SetUInt32Value( m_unLevel );
pValues->CreateChildObject( "quality" )->SetInt32Value( m_nQuality );
if( GetCustomName() )
pValues->CreateChildObject( "custom_name" )->SetStringValue( GetCustomName() );
if( GetCustomDesc() )
pValues->CreateChildObject( "custom_desc" )->SetStringValue( GetCustomDesc() );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Imports a view of the item from another app
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CEconItem::BImportFromAPI( CWebAPIValues *pValues )
m_unLevel = pValues->GetChildUInt32Value( "level", 1 );
m_nQuality = pValues->GetChildUInt32Value( "quality", GetItemSchema()->GetDefaultQuality() );
CUtlString sValue;
pValues->GetChildStringValue( sValue, "custom_name", "" );
CGCLocalizationProvider::BEnsureCleanUTF8Truncation( sValue.GetForModify() );
if( !sValue.IsEmpty() )
SetCustomName( sValue.Get() );
pValues->GetChildStringValue( sValue, "custom_desc", "" );
CGCLocalizationProvider::BEnsureCleanUTF8Truncation( sValue.GetForModify() );
if( !sValue.IsEmpty() )
SetCustomDesc( sValue.Get() );
return true;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void CEconItem::EnsureCustomDataExists()
if ( m_pCustomData == NULL )
m_pCustomData = new CEconItemCustomData();
if ( m_dirtyBits.m_bHasEquipSingleton )
m_pCustomData->m_vecEquipped.AddToTail( m_EquipInstanceSingleton );
m_EquipInstanceSingleton = EquippedInstance_t();
m_dirtyBits.m_bHasEquipSingleton = false;
if ( m_dirtyBits.m_bHasAttribSingleton )
m_pCustomData->m_vecAttributes.AddToTail( m_CustomAttribSingleton );
m_dirtyBits.m_bHasAttribSingleton = false;
#ifdef GC_DLL
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
static bool BYieldingAddAuditRecordImpl( GCSDK::CSQLAccess *sqlAccess, uint64 ulItemID, uint32 unOwnerID, EItemAction eAction, uint32 unData )
CEconUserSession *pUserSession = GGCGameBase()->FindEconUserSession( CSteamID( unOwnerID, GGCHost()->GetUniverse(), k_EAccountTypeIndividual ) );
CGCGSSession *pGSSession = pUserSession && pUserSession->GetSteamIDGS().IsValid() ? GGCEcon()->FindGSSession( pUserSession->GetSteamIDGS() ) : NULL;
// Prepare the audit record
CSchItemAudit schItemAudit;
schItemAudit.m_ulItemID = ulItemID;
schItemAudit.m_RTime32Stamp = CRTime::RTime32TimeCur();
schItemAudit.m_eAction = eAction;
schItemAudit.m_unOwnerID = unOwnerID;
schItemAudit.m_unData = unData;
schItemAudit.m_unServerIP = pGSSession ? pGSSession->GetAddr() : 0;
schItemAudit.m_usServerPort = pGSSession ? pGSSession->GetPort() : 0;
return sqlAccess->BYieldingInsertRecord( &schItemAudit );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose:
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool CEconItem::CAuditEntry::BAddAuditEntryToTransaction( CSQLAccess& sqlAccess, const CEconItem *pItem ) const
return BYieldingAddAuditRecordImpl( &sqlAccess, pItem->GetID(), pItem->GetAccountID(), m_eAction, m_unData );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Adds an audit record to the DB for an item
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void YieldingAddAuditRecord( GCSDK::CSQLAccess *sqlAccess, CEconItem *pItem, uint32 unOwnerID, EItemAction eAction, uint32 unData )
YieldingAddAuditRecord( sqlAccess, pItem->GetItemID(), unOwnerID, eAction, unData );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Adds an audit record to the DB for an item
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void YieldingAddAuditRecord( GCSDK::CSQLAccess *sqlAccess, uint64 ulItemID, uint32 unOwnerID, EItemAction eAction, uint32 unData )
Verify( BYieldingAddAuditRecordImpl( sqlAccess, ulItemID, unOwnerID, eAction, unData ) );
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Purpose: Adds an item to the DB
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool YieldingAddItemToDatabase( CEconItem *pItem, const CSteamID & steamID, EItemAction eAction, uint32 unData )
CSQLAccess sqlAccess;
sqlAccess.BBeginTransaction( "YieldingAddItemToDatabase" );
pItem->SetAccountID( steamID.GetAccountID() );
if( !pItem->BYieldingAddInsertToTransaction( sqlAccess ) )
return false;
YieldingAddAuditRecord( &sqlAccess, pItem, steamID.GetAccountID(), eAction, unData );
// commit the item and audit record
if( !sqlAccess.BCommitTransaction() )
EmitError( SPEW_GC, "Failed to add item for %s\n", steamID.Render() );
return false;
return true;
// Purpose:
static CEconItem *FindEquippedItemForClassAndSlot( CEconSharedObjectCache *pSOCache, equipped_class_t unClass, equipped_slot_t unSlot )
Assert( pSOCache );
CGCSharedObjectTypeCache *pItemTypeCache = pSOCache->FindTypeCache( k_EEconTypeItem );
const uint32 unCount = pItemTypeCache ? pItemTypeCache->GetCount() : 0;
for ( uint32 i = 0; i < unCount; i++ )
CEconItem *pItem = static_cast<CEconItem *>( pItemTypeCache->GetObject( i ) );
Assert( pItem );
for ( int j = 0; j < pItem->GetEquippedInstanceCount(); j++ )
const CEconItem::EquippedInstance_t& equipInst = pItem->GetEquippedInstance( j );
if ( equipInst.m_unEquippedClass == unClass && equipInst.m_unEquippedSlot == unSlot )
return pItem;
return NULL;
// Purpose:
/*static*/ void CEconItemEquipInstanceHelpers::AssignItemToSlot( CEconSharedObjectCache *pSOCache, CEconItem *pItem, equipped_class_t unClass, equipped_slot_t unSlot, CEconUserSession *pOptionalSession /* = NULL */ )
VPROF_BUDGET( "CEconEquipInstance::AssignItemToSlot()", VPROF_BUDGETGROUP_STEAM );
Assert( pSOCache );
Assert( GetItemSchema()->IsValidClass( unClass ) );
Assert( GetItemSchema()->IsValidItemSlot( unSlot, unClass ) );
CEconItem *pPreviousEquippedItem = FindEquippedItemForClassAndSlot( pSOCache, unClass, unSlot );
// skip out on expensive work if we're going to equip the item that's already in that slot
if ( pItem == pPreviousEquippedItem )
// do we have an item to unequip first
if ( pPreviousEquippedItem )
pPreviousEquippedItem->UnequipFromClass( unClass );
pSOCache->DirtyObjectField( pPreviousEquippedItem, CSOEconItem::kEquippedStateFieldNumber );
GGCBase()->AddCacheToWritebackQueue( pSOCache );
const bool bPreviousItemIsNowEquipped = pPreviousEquippedItem->IsEquipped();
if ( pOptionalSession && !bPreviousItemIsNowEquipped )
pOptionalSession->OnEquippedStateChange( pPreviousEquippedItem, false );
// are we equipping a new item to this slot, or were we only responsible for unequipping
// the existing item?
if ( pItem )
// notify the session, in case it wants to do anything; the default implementation
// will update the equipped state on the item but other types may have additional
// behavior
const bool bItemWasEquipped = pItem->IsEquipped();
pItem->Equip( unClass, unSlot );
pSOCache->DirtyObjectField( pItem, CSOEconItem::kEquippedStateFieldNumber );
GGCBase()->AddCacheToWritebackQueue( pSOCache );
const bool bItemIsEquipped = pItem->IsEquipped();
Assert( bItemIsEquipped );
// did our equipped state change? this can happen if we equip ourself for the
// first time for this account right now. Keep in mind that this can be either
// a "is newly-equipped" or a "was equipped but is now not" state transition.
if ( pOptionalSession && (bItemWasEquipped != bItemIsEquipped) )
pOptionalSession->OnEquippedStateChange( pItem, bItemIsEquipped );
#define ITEM_ACTION( x ) { x, #x }
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionGSCreate ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionUnpurchase ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionDelete ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionAwardAchievement ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionBanned ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionQuantityChanged ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionRestored ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionAwardTime ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionManualCreate ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionDrop ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionPickUp ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionCraftDestroy ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionCraftCreate ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionLimitExceeded ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionPurchase ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionNameChanged_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionUnlockCrate_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionPaintItem_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionAutoGrantItem ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionCrossGameAchievement ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionAddItemToSocket_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionAddSocketToItem_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionRemoveSocketItem_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionCustomizeItemTexture_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionItemTraded_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionUseItem ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionAwardGift_Receiver ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionNameChanged_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionUnlockCrate_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionPaintItem_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionAddItemToSocket_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionAddSocketToItem_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionRemoveSocketItem_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionCustomizeItemTexture_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionItemTraded_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionUnpackItemBundle ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionCreateItemFromBundle ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionAwardStorePromotionItem ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionConvertItem ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionEarnedItem ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionAwardGift_Giver ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionRefundedItem ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionAwardThirdPartyPromo ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionRemoveItemName_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionRemoveItemName_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionRemoveItemPaint_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionRemoveItemPaint_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionHalloweenDrop ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionSteamWorkshopContributor ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionManualOwnershipChange ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionSupportDelete ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionSupportCreatedByUndo ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionSupportDeletedByUndo ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionSupportQuantityChangedByUndo ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionSupportRename_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionSupportRename_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionSupportDescribe_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionSupportDescribe_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionStrangePartApply_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionStrangePartApply_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionStrangeScoreReset_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionStrangeScoreReset_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionStrangePartRemove_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionStrangePartRemove_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionStrangeRestrictionApply_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionStrangeRestrictionApply_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionTransmogrify_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionTransmogrify_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionHalloweenSpellPageAdd_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionHalloweenSpellPageAdd_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionSupportStrangify_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionSupportStrangify_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionUpgradeCardApply_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionUpgradeCardApply_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionUpgradeCardRemove_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionUpgradeCardRemove_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionDev_ClientLootListRoll ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionPeriodicScoreReward_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionPeriodicScoreReward_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionGiftWrap_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionGiftWrap_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionGiftDelivery_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionGiftDelivery_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionGiftUnwrap_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionGiftUnwrap_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionPackageItem ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionPackageItem_Revoked ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionHandleMapToken ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionCafeOrSchoolItem_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionVACBanned_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionUpgradeThirdPartyPromo ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionExpired ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionTradeRollback_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionTradeRollback_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionCDKeyGrant ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionCDKeyRevoke ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionWeddingRing_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionWeddingRing_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionWeddingRing_AddPartner ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionEconSetUnowned ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionEconSetOwned ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionStrangifyItem_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionStrangifyItem_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionRemoveItemCraftIndex_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionRemoveItemCraftIndex_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionRemoveItemMakersMark_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionRemoveItemMakersMark_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionRemoveItemKillStreak_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionRemoveItemKillStreak_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionCollectItem_RemoveCollection ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionCollectItem_UpdateCollection ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionCollectItem_CollectedItem ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionCollectItem_RedeemCollectionReward ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionPreviewItem_BeginPreviewPeriod ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionPreviewItem_EndPreviewPeriodExpired ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionPreviewItem_EndPreviewPeriodItemBought ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionMvM_ChallengeCompleted_RemoveTicket ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionMvM_ChallengeCompleted_GrantBadge ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionMvM_ChallengeCompleted_UpdateBadgeStamps_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionMvM_ChallengeCompleted_UpdateBadgeStamps_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionMvM_ChallengeCompleted_GrantMissionCompletionLoot ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionMvM_RemoveSquadSurplusVoucher ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionMvM_AwardSquadSurplus_Receiver ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionMvM_AwardSquadSurplus_Giver ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionMvM_ChallengeCompleted_GrantTourCompletionLoot ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionMvM_AwardHelpANoobBonus_Helper ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionHalloween_UpdateMerasmusLootLevel_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionHalloween_UpdateMerasmusLootLevel_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionConsumeItem_Consume_ToolRemove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionConsumeItem_Consume_ToolAdd ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionConsumeItem_Consume_InputRemove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionConsumeItem_Complete_OutputAdd ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionConsumeItem_Complete_ToolRemove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionItemEaterRecharge_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionItemEaterRecharge_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionSupportAddOrModifyAttribute_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionSupportAddOrModifyAttribute_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemAction_UpdateDuckBadgeLevel_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemAction_UpdateDuckBadgeLevel_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemAction_OperationPass_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionSpyVsEngyWar_JoinedWar ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionMarket_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionMarket_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemAction_QuestComplete_Reward ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemAction_QuestComplete_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionStrangeCountTransfer_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionStrangeCountTransfer_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionCraftCollectionUpgrade_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionCraftCollectionUpgrade_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionCraftHalloweenOffering_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionCraftHalloweenOffering_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionRemoveItemGiftedBy_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionRemoveItemGiftedBy_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionAddParticleVerticalAttr_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionAddParticleVerticalAttr_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionAddParticleUseHeadOriginAttr_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionAddParticleUseHeadOriginAttr_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionRemoveItemDynamicAttr_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionRemoveItemDynamicAttr_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionCraftStatClockTradeUp_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionCraftStatClockTradeUp_Add ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionViralCompetitiveBetaPass_Drop ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionSupportDeleteAttribute_Remove ),
ITEM_ACTION( k_EItemActionSupportDeleteAttribute_Add ),
const char *PchFriendlyNameFromEItemAction( EItemAction eItemAction, EItemActionMissingBehavior eMissingBehavior )
Assert( eMissingBehavior == kEItemAction_FriendlyNameLookup_ReturnDummyStringIfMissing || eMissingBehavior == kEItemAction_FriendlyNameLookup_ReturnNULLIfMissing );
switch( eItemAction )
case k_EItemActionGSCreate: return "Created by Gameserver";
case k_EItemActionUnpurchase: return "Unpurchase";
case k_EItemActionDelete: return "Deleted by Owner";
case k_EItemActionAwardAchievement: return "Achievement Award";
case k_EItemActionBanned: return "Banned";
case k_EItemActionQuantityChanged: return "Quantity Changed";
case k_EItemActionRestored: return "Restored";
case k_EItemActionAwardTime: return "Timed Drop";
case k_EItemActionManualCreate: return "Created by Support";
case k_EItemActionDrop: return "Dropped";
case k_EItemActionPickUp: return "Picked up";
case k_EItemActionCraftDestroy: return "Crafted";
case k_EItemActionCraftCreate: return "Crafted";
case k_EItemActionLimitExceeded: return "Destroyed by Backpack Limit";
case k_EItemActionPurchase: return "Purchase";
case k_EItemActionNameChanged_Add: return "Added by Name Change";
case k_EItemActionUnlockCrate_Add: return "Added by Crate Unlock";
case k_EItemActionPaintItem_Add: return "Added by Paint";
case k_EItemActionAutoGrantItem: return "Autogrant";
case k_EItemActionCrossGameAchievement: return "Cross-Game Achievement Award";
case k_EItemActionAddItemToSocket_Add: return "Added to Socket";
case k_EItemActionAddSocketToItem_Add: return "Added by Socket";
case k_EItemActionRemoveSocketItem_Add: return "Removed by Socket";
case k_EItemActionCustomizeItemTexture_Add: return "Added by Custom Texture";
case k_EItemActionItemTraded_Add: return "Trade";
case k_EItemActionUseItem: return "Used";
case k_EItemActionAwardGift_Receiver: return "Gift Received";
case k_EItemActionNameChanged_Remove: return "Removed by Name Change";
case k_EItemActionUnlockCrate_Remove: return "Removed by Crate Unlock";
case k_EItemActionPaintItem_Remove: return "Removed by Paint";
case k_EItemActionAddItemToSocket_Remove: return "Removed from Socket";
case k_EItemActionAddSocketToItem_Remove: return "Removed by Socket";
case k_EItemActionRemoveSocketItem_Remove: return "Removed Socket Item";
case k_EItemActionCustomizeItemTexture_Remove: return "Removed by Custom Texture";
case k_EItemActionItemTraded_Remove: return "Trade";
case k_EItemActionUnpackItemBundle: return "Unpacked Bundle";
case k_EItemActionCreateItemFromBundle: return "Added from Bundle";
case k_EItemActionAwardStorePromotionItem: return "Store Promo Item";
case k_EItemActionConvertItem: return "Converted";
case k_EItemActionEarnedItem: return "Earned";
case k_EItemActionAwardGift_Giver: return "Gift Sent";
case k_EItemActionRefundedItem: return "Item Refunded";
case k_EItemActionAwardThirdPartyPromo: return "Third-Party Promo";
case k_EItemActionRemoveItemName_Remove: return "Removed by Name Removal";
case k_EItemActionRemoveItemName_Add: return "Added by Name Removal";
case k_EItemActionRemoveItemPaint_Remove: return "Removed by Paint Removal";
case k_EItemActionRemoveItemPaint_Add: return "Added by Paint Removal";
case k_EItemActionHalloweenDrop: return "Halloween Drop";
case k_EItemActionSteamWorkshopContributor: return "Steam Workshop Contributor";
case k_EItemActionManualOwnershipChange: return "Support Manual Ownership Change";
case k_EItemActionSupportDelete: return "Deleted by Support";
case k_EItemActionSupportCreatedByUndo: return "Created by Undo";
case k_EItemActionSupportDeletedByUndo: return "Deleted by Undo";
case k_EItemActionSupportQuantityChangedByUndo: return "Quantity Changed by Undo";
case k_EItemActionSupportRename_Add: return "Added by Support Rename";
case k_EItemActionSupportRename_Remove: return "Removed by Support Rename";
case k_EItemActionSupportDescribe_Add: return "Added by Support Describe";
case k_EItemActionSupportDescribe_Remove: return "Removed by Support Describe";
case k_EItemActionStrangePartApply_Add: return "Added by Strange Part Apply";
case k_EItemActionStrangePartApply_Remove: return "Removed by Strange Part Apply";
case k_EItemActionStrangeScoreReset_Add: return "Added by Strange Score Reset";
case k_EItemActionStrangeScoreReset_Remove: return "Removed by Strange Score Reset";
case k_EItemActionStrangePartRemove_Add: return "Added by Strange Part Remove";
case k_EItemActionStrangePartRemove_Remove: return "Removed by Strange Part Remove";
case k_EItemActionStrangeRestrictionApply_Add: return "Added by Strange Restriction Apply";
case k_EItemActionStrangeRestrictionApply_Remove: return "Removed by Strange Restriction Apply";
case k_EItemActionTransmogrify_Add: return "Added by Transmogrify Apply";
case k_EItemActionTransmogrify_Remove: return "Removed by Transmogrify Apply";
case k_EItemActionHalloweenSpellPageAdd_Add: return "Added by Halloween Spell Page Apply";
case k_EItemActionHalloweenSpellPageAdd_Remove: return "Removed by Halloween Spell Page Apply";
case k_EItemActionSupportStrangify_Add: return "Added by Support Strangify";
case k_EItemActionSupportStrangify_Remove: return "Removed by Support Strangify";
case k_EItemActionUpgradeCardApply_Add: return "Added by Upgrade Card Apply";
case k_EItemActionUpgradeCardApply_Remove: return "Removed by Upgrade Card Apply";
case k_EItemActionUpgradeCardRemove_Add: return "Added by Upgrade Card Remove";
case k_EItemActionUpgradeCardRemove_Remove: return "Removed by Upgrade Card Remove";
case k_EItemActionDev_ClientLootListRoll: return "Dev: Client Loot List Roll";
case k_EItemActionPeriodicScoreReward_Add: return "Periodic Score System Reward Grant Add";
case k_EItemActionPeriodicScoreReward_Remove: return "Periodic Score System Reward Remove";
case k_EItemActionGiftWrap_Add: return "Wrapped Gift - Added";
case k_EItemActionGiftWrap_Remove: return "Wrapped Gift - Remove";
case k_EItemActionGiftDelivery_Add: return "Gift Delivered - Add";
case k_EItemActionGiftDelivery_Remove: return "Gift Delivered - Remove";
case k_EItemActionGiftUnwrap_Add: return "Unwrapped Gift - Added";
case k_EItemActionGiftUnwrap_Remove: return "Unwrapped Gift - Remove";
case k_EItemActionPackageItem: return "Added by Steam Purchase";
case k_EItemActionPackageItem_Revoked: return "Revoked by Steam Purchase";
case k_EItemActionHandleMapToken: return "Map Token Applied";
case k_EItemActionCafeOrSchoolItem_Remove: return "Cafe or School Removal";
case k_EItemActionVACBanned_Remove: return "VAC Ban removal";
case k_EItemActionUpgradeThirdPartyPromo: return "Third-Party Promo Upgrade";
case k_EItemActionExpired: return "Expired";
case k_EItemActionTradeRollback_Add: return "Trade Rollback";
case k_EItemActionTradeRollback_Remove: return "Trade Rollback";
case k_EItemActionCDKeyGrant: return "CD Key Grant";
case k_EItemActionCDKeyRevoke: return "CD Key Rollback";
case k_EItemActionWeddingRing_Add: return "Wedding Ring Add";
case k_EItemActionWeddingRing_Remove: return "Wedding Ring Remove";
case k_EItemActionWeddingRing_AddPartner: return "Wedding Ring Add (Partner)";
case k_EItemActionEconSetUnowned: return "Econ SetUnowned";
case k_EItemActionEconSetOwned: return "Econ SetOwned";
case k_EItemActionStrangifyItem_Add: return "Added by Strangify Apply";
case k_EItemActionStrangifyItem_Remove: return "Removed by Strangify Apply";
case k_EItemActionRemoveItemCraftIndex_Remove: return "Removed by Craft Index Removal";
case k_EItemActionRemoveItemCraftIndex_Add: return "Added by Craft Index Removal";
case k_EItemActionRemoveItemMakersMark_Remove: return "Removed by Maker's Mark Removal";
case k_EItemActionRemoveItemMakersMark_Add: return "Added by Maker's Mark Removal";
case k_EItemActionRemoveItemKillStreak_Remove: return "Removed by KillStreak Removal";
case k_EItemActionRemoveItemKillStreak_Add: return "Added by KillStreak Removal";
case k_EItemActionCollectItem_CollectedItem: return "Item Collection: Added to a Collection";
case k_EItemActionCollectItem_RemoveCollection: return "Item Collection: Removed Old Collection Item";
case k_EItemActionCollectItem_UpdateCollection: return "Item Collection: Created New Collection Item";
case k_EItemActionCollectItem_RedeemCollectionReward: return "Item Collection: Redeemed Reward";
case k_EItemActionPreviewItem_BeginPreviewPeriod: return "Item Preview: Begin Preview Period";
case k_EItemActionPreviewItem_EndPreviewPeriodExpired: return "Item Preview: End Preview Period by Expiration";
case k_EItemActionPreviewItem_EndPreviewPeriodItemBought: return "Item Preview: End Preview Period by Item Purchase";
case k_EItemActionMvM_ChallengeCompleted_RemoveTicket: return "Removed MvM Ticket";
case k_EItemActionMvM_ChallengeCompleted_GrantBadge: return "Granted MvM Badge";
case k_EItemActionMvM_ChallengeCompleted_UpdateBadgeStamps_Add: return "Added by MvM Stamp Update";
case k_EItemActionMvM_ChallengeCompleted_UpdateBadgeStamps_Remove: return "Removed by MvM Stamp Update";
case k_EItemActionMvM_ChallengeCompleted_GrantMissionCompletionLoot: return "Added by MvM Mission Completion";
case k_EItemActionMvM_RemoveSquadSurplusVoucher: return "Removed MvM squad surplus voucher";
case k_EItemActionMvM_AwardSquadSurplus_Receiver: return "Received MvM squad surplus";
case k_EItemActionMvM_AwardSquadSurplus_Giver: return "Generated MvM squad surplus";
case k_EItemActionMvM_ChallengeCompleted_GrantTourCompletionLoot: return "Added by MvM Tour Completion";
case k_EItemActionMvM_AwardHelpANoobBonus_Helper: return "Added by MvM Help-A-Noob";
case k_EItemActionHalloween_UpdateMerasmusLootLevel_Add: return "Updating Halloween Merasmus Loot - Adding New item";
case k_EItemActionHalloween_UpdateMerasmusLootLevel_Remove: return "Updating Halloween Merasmus Loot Level - Removing Old Item";
case k_EItemActionConsumeItem_Consume_ToolRemove: return "Dynamic Recipe: Consuming Input Item - Removing Old Recipe-Item";
case k_EItemActionConsumeItem_Consume_ToolAdd: return "Dynamic Recipe: Consuming Input Item - Adding New Recipe-Item";
case k_EItemActionConsumeItem_Consume_InputRemove: return "Dynamic Recipe: Consuming Input Item - Removing Input item";
case k_EItemActionConsumeItem_Complete_OutputAdd: return "Dynamic Recipe: Recipe Complete - Adding Output Item";
case k_EItemActionConsumeItem_Complete_ToolRemove: return "Dynamic Recipe: Recipe Complete - Removing Recipe-Item";
case k_EItemActionItemEaterRecharge_Add: return "Added by Item Eater Recharger";
case k_EItemActionItemEaterRecharge_Remove: return "Removed by Item Eater Recharger";
case k_EItemActionSupportAddOrModifyAttribute_Remove: return "Removed by Support Add/Modify Attribute";
case k_EItemActionSupportAddOrModifyAttribute_Add: return "Added by Support Add/Modify Attribute";
case k_EItemAction_UpdateDuckBadgeLevel_Add: return "Updating Duck Badge Level - Adding New item";
case k_EItemAction_UpdateDuckBadgeLevel_Remove: return "Updating Duck Badge Level - Removing Old Item";
case k_EItemActionSpyVsEngyWar_JoinedWar: return "Added by joining the Spy vs. Engy War";
case k_EItemAction_OperationPass_Add: return "Adding Operation Pass";
case k_EItemAction_QuestDrop: return "Quest Drop";
case k_EItemActionMarket_Add: return "Market - Add";
case k_EItemActionMarket_Remove: return "Market - Remove";
case k_EItemAction_QuestComplete_Reward: return "Added from completing a quest";
case k_EItemAction_QuestComplete_Remove: return "Removed from completing a quest";
case k_EItemActionStrangeCountTransfer_Add: return "Added by using a Strange Count Transfer tool";
case k_EItemActionStrangeCountTransfer_Remove: return "Removed by using a Strange Count Transfer tool";
case k_EItemActionCraftCollectionUpgrade_Add: return "Added by using Craft Collection Upgrade";
case k_EItemActionCraftCollectionUpgrade_Remove: return "Removed by using Craft Collection Upgrade";
case k_EItemActionCraftHalloweenOffering_Add: return "Added by using Craft Halloween Offering";
case k_EItemActionCraftHalloweenOffering_Remove: return "Removed by using Craft Halloween Offering";
case k_EItemActionRemoveItemGiftedBy_Remove: return "Removed by Gifted By Removal";
case k_EItemActionRemoveItemGiftedBy_Add: return "Added by Gifted By Removal";
case k_EItemActionAddParticleVerticalAttr_Remove: return "Removed by Particle Vertical Attr Add";
case k_EItemActionAddParticleVerticalAttr_Add: return "Added by Particle Vertical Attr Add";
case k_EItemActionAddParticleUseHeadOriginAttr_Remove: return "Removed by Particle Use Head Origin Attr Add";
case k_EItemActionAddParticleUseHeadOriginAttr_Add: return "Added by Particle Use Head Origin Attr Add";
case k_EItemActionRemoveItemDynamicAttr_Remove: return "Removed by Dynamic Attribute Removal";
case k_EItemActionRemoveItemDynamicAttr_Add: return "Added by Dynamic Attribute Removal";
case k_EItemActionCraftStatClockTradeUp_Add: return "Added through Stat Clock Trade-Up";
case k_EItemActionCraftStatClockTradeUp_Remove: return "Consumed through Stat Clock Trade-Up";
case k_EItemActionViralCompetitiveBetaPass_Drop: return "Added via Competitive Beta Invite Drop";
case k_EItemActionSupportDeleteAttribute_Remove: return "Removed by Support Delete Attribute";
case k_EItemActionSupportDeleteAttribute_Add: return "Added by Support Delete Attribute";
return eMissingBehavior == kEItemAction_FriendlyNameLookup_ReturnDummyStringIfMissing
? PchNameFromEItemAction( eItemAction )
: PchNameFromEItemActionUnsafe( eItemAction );
const char *PchLocalizedNameFromEItemAction( EItemAction eAction, CLocalizationProvider &localizationProvider )
const char *pchAction = PchNameFromEItemAction( eAction );
if ( !V_strncmp( pchAction, "k_EItemAction", 13 ) )
CFmtStr fmtLocKey( "ItemHistory_Action_%s", &pchAction[13] );
locchar_t *pchLocalizedAction = localizationProvider.Find( fmtLocKey.String() );
if ( pchLocalizedAction != NULL )
return pchLocalizedAction;
if ( BIsActionDestructive( eAction ) )
return localizationProvider.Find( "ItemHistory_Action_GenericRemove" );
else if ( BIsActionCreative( eAction ) )
return localizationProvider.Find( "ItemHistory_Action_GenericAdd" );
return "Unknown";
{ kEconItemOrigin_Drop, "Timed Drop" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_Achievement, "Achievement" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_Purchased, "Purchased" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_Traded, "Traded" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_Crafted, "Crafted" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_StorePromotion, "Store Promotion" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_Gifted, "Gifted" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_SupportGranted, "Support Granted" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_FoundInCrate, "Found in Crate" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_Earned, "Earned" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_ThirdPartyPromotion, "Third-Party Promotion" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_GiftWrapped, "Wrapped Gift" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_HalloweenDrop, "Halloween Drop" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_PackageItem, "Steam Purchase" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_Foreign, "Foreign Item" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_CDKey, "CD Key" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_CollectionReward, "Collection Reward" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_PreviewItem, "Preview Item" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_SteamWorkshopContribution, "Steam Workshop Contribution" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_PeriodicScoreReward, "Periodic score reward" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_MvMMissionCompletionReward, "MvM Badge completion reward" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_MvMSquadSurplusReward, "MvM Squad surplus reward" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_RecipeOutput, "Recipe output" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_QuestDrop, "Quest Drop" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_QuestLoanerItem, "Quest Loaner Item" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_TradeUp, "Trade-Up" },
{ kEconItemOrigin_ViralCompetitiveBetaPassSpread, "Viral Competitive Beta Pass Spread" },
ENUMSTRINGS_END( eEconItemOrigin )
// Purpose:
bool CCrateLootListWrapper::BAttemptCrateSeriesInitialization( const IEconItemInterface *pEconItem )
Assert( m_pLootList == NULL );
// Find out what series this crate belongs to.
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttr_CrateSeries( "set supply crate series" );
if ( !pAttr_CrateSeries )
return false;
int iCrateSeries;
float fCrateSeries; // crate series ID is stored as a float internally because we hate ourselves
if ( !FindAttribute_UnsafeBitwiseCast<attrib_value_t>( pEconItem, pAttr_CrateSeries, &fCrateSeries ) || fCrateSeries == 0.0f )
return false;
iCrateSeries = fCrateSeries;
// Our index is an index into the revolving-loot-lists list. From that list we'll be able to
// get a loot list name, which we'll use to look up the actual contents.
const CEconItemSchema::RevolvingLootListDefinitionMap_t& mapRevolvingLootLists = GetItemSchema()->GetRevolvingLootLists();
int idx = mapRevolvingLootLists.Find( iCrateSeries );
if ( !mapRevolvingLootLists.IsValidIndex( idx ) )
return false;
const char *pszLootList = mapRevolvingLootLists.Element( idx );
// Get the loot list.
m_pLootList = GetItemSchema()->GetLootListByName( pszLootList );
m_unAuditDetailData = iCrateSeries;
return m_pLootList != NULL;
// Purpose:
bool CCrateLootListWrapper::BAttemptLootListStringInitialization( const IEconItemInterface *pEconItem )
Assert( m_pLootList == NULL );
// Find out what series this crate belongs to.
static CSchemaAttributeDefHandle pAttr_LootListName( "loot list name" );
if ( !pAttr_LootListName )
return false;
CAttribute_String str;
if ( !pEconItem->FindAttribute( pAttr_LootListName, &str ) )
return false;
m_pLootList = GetItemSchema()->GetLootListByName( str.value().c_str() );
return m_pLootList != NULL;
// Purpose:
bool CCrateLootListWrapper::BAttemptLineItemInitialization( const IEconItemInterface *pEconItem )
Assert( m_pLootList == NULL );
// Do we have at least one line item specified?
if ( !pEconItem->FindAttribute( CAttributeLineItemLootList::s_pAttrDef_RandomDropLineItems[0] ) )
return false;
m_pLootList = new CAttributeLineItemLootList( pEconItem );
m_bIsDynamicallyAllocatedLootList = true;
return true;