
742 lines
15 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
// lbmlib.c
#include <WINDOWS.H>
#include <STDIO.H>
#include "lbmlib.h"
#include "goldsrc_standin.h"
#define FORMID ('F'+('O'<<8)+((int)'R'<<16)+((int)'M'<<24))
#define ILBMID ('I'+('L'<<8)+((int)'B'<<16)+((int)'M'<<24))
#define PBMID ('P'+('B'<<8)+((int)'M'<<16)+((int)' '<<24))
#define BMHDID ('B'+('M'<<8)+((int)'H'<<16)+((int)'D'<<24))
#define BODYID ('B'+('O'<<8)+((int)'D'<<16)+((int)'Y'<<24))
#define CMAPID ('C'+('M'<<8)+((int)'A'<<16)+((int)'P'<<24))
bmhd_t bmhd;
int Align (int l)
if (l&1)
return l+1;
return l;
= LBMRLEdecompress
= Source must be evenly aligned!
byte *LBMRLEDecompress (byte *source,byte *unpacked, int bpwidth)
int count;
byte b,rept;
count = 0;
rept = *source++;
if (rept > 0x80)
rept = (rept^0xff)+2;
b = *source++;
unpacked += rept;
else if (rept < 0x80)
unpacked += rept;
source += rept;
rept = 0; // rept of 0x80 is NOP
count += rept;
} while (count<bpwidth);
if (count>bpwidth)
Error ("Decompression exceeded width!\n");
return source;
#define BPLANESIZE 128
byte bitplanes[9][BPLANESIZE]; // max size 1024 by 9 bit planes
= MungeBitPlanes8
= This destroys the bit plane data!
void MungeBitPlanes8 (int width, byte *dest)
*dest=width; // shut up the compiler warning
Error ("MungeBitPlanes8 not rewritten!");
#if 0
asm les di,[dest]
asm mov si,-1
asm mov cx,[width]
asm inc si
asm mov dx,8
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*7 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*6 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*5 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*4 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*3 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*2 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*1 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*0 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm stosb
asm dec cx
asm jz done
asm dec dx
asm jnz mungebit
asm jmp mungebyte
void MungeBitPlanes4 (int width, byte *dest)
*dest=width; // shut up the compiler warning
Error ("MungeBitPlanes4 not rewritten!");
#if 0
asm les di,[dest]
asm mov si,-1
asm mov cx,[width]
asm inc si
asm mov dx,8
asm xor al,al
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*3 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*2 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*1 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*0 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm stosb
asm dec cx
asm jz done
asm dec dx
asm jnz mungebit
asm jmp mungebyte
void MungeBitPlanes2 (int width, byte *dest)
*dest=width; // shut up the compiler warning
Error ("MungeBitPlanes2 not rewritten!");
#if 0
asm les di,[dest]
asm mov si,-1
asm mov cx,[width]
asm inc si
asm mov dx,8
asm xor al,al
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*1 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*0 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm stosb
asm dec cx
asm jz done
asm dec dx
asm jnz mungebit
asm jmp mungebyte
void MungeBitPlanes1 (int width, byte *dest)
*dest=width; // shut up the compiler warning
Error ("MungeBitPlanes1 not rewritten!");
#if 0
asm les di,[dest]
asm mov si,-1
asm mov cx,[width]
asm inc si
asm mov dx,8
asm xor al,al
asm shl [BYTE PTR bitplanes + BPLANESIZE*0 +si],1
asm rcl al,1
asm stosb
asm dec cx
asm jz done
asm dec dx
asm jnz mungebit
asm jmp mungebyte
int LoadBMP (const char* szFile, BYTE** ppbBits, BYTE** ppbPalette)
int i, rc = 0;
FILE *pfile = NULL;
RGBQUAD rgrgbPalette[256];
ULONG cbBmpBits;
BYTE* pbBmpBits;
byte *pb, *pbPal = NULL;
ULONG cbPalBytes;
ULONG biTrueWidth;
// Bogus parameter check
if (!(ppbPalette != NULL && ppbBits != NULL))
{ fprintf(stderr, "invalid BMP file\n"); rc = -1000; goto GetOut; }
// File exists?
if ((pfile = fopen(szFile, "rb")) == NULL)
{ fprintf(stderr, "unable to open BMP file\n"); rc = -1; goto GetOut; }
// Read file header
if (fread(&bmfh, sizeof bmfh, 1/*count*/, pfile) != 1)
{ rc = -2; goto GetOut; }
// Bogus file header check
if (!(bmfh.bfReserved1 == 0 && bmfh.bfReserved2 == 0))
{ rc = -2000; goto GetOut; }
// Read info header
if (fread(&bmih, sizeof bmih, 1/*count*/, pfile) != 1)
{ rc = -3; goto GetOut; }
// Bogus info header check
if (!(bmih.biSize == sizeof bmih && bmih.biPlanes == 1))
{ fprintf(stderr, "invalid BMP file header\n"); rc = -3000; goto GetOut; }
// Bogus bit depth? Only 8-bit supported.
if (bmih.biBitCount != 8)
{ fprintf(stderr, "BMP file not 8 bit\n"); rc = -4; goto GetOut; }
// Bogus compression? Only non-compressed supported.
if (bmih.biCompression != BI_RGB)
{ fprintf(stderr, "invalid BMP compression type\n"); rc = -5; goto GetOut; }
// Figure out how many entires are actually in the table
if (bmih.biClrUsed == 0)
bmih.biClrUsed = 256;
cbPalBytes = (1 << bmih.biBitCount) * sizeof( RGBQUAD );
cbPalBytes = bmih.biClrUsed * sizeof( RGBQUAD );
// Read palette (bmih.biClrUsed entries)
if (fread(rgrgbPalette, cbPalBytes, 1/*count*/, pfile) != 1)
{ rc = -6; goto GetOut; }
// convert to a packed 768 byte palette
pbPal = (unsigned char*)malloc(768);
if (pbPal == NULL)
{ rc = -7; goto GetOut; }
pb = pbPal;
// Copy over used entries
for (i = 0; i < (int)bmih.biClrUsed; i++)
*pb++ = rgrgbPalette[i].rgbRed;
*pb++ = rgrgbPalette[i].rgbGreen;
*pb++ = rgrgbPalette[i].rgbBlue;
// Fill in unused entires will 0,0,0
for (i = bmih.biClrUsed; i < 256; i++)
*pb++ = 0;
*pb++ = 0;
*pb++ = 0;
// Read bitmap bits (remainder of file)
cbBmpBits = bmfh.bfSize - ftell(pfile);
pb = (unsigned char*)malloc(cbBmpBits);
if (fread(pb, cbBmpBits, 1/*count*/, pfile) != 1)
{ rc = -7; goto GetOut; }
pbBmpBits = (unsigned char*)malloc(cbBmpBits);
// data is actually stored with the width being rounded up to a multiple of 4
biTrueWidth = (bmih.biWidth + 3) & ~3;
// reverse the order of the data.
pb += (bmih.biHeight - 1) * biTrueWidth;
for(i = 0; i < bmih.biHeight; i++)
memmove(&pbBmpBits[biTrueWidth * i], pb, biTrueWidth);
pb -= biTrueWidth;
pb += biTrueWidth;
bmhd.w = (WORD)bmih.biWidth;
bmhd.h = (WORD)bmih.biHeight;
// Set output parameters
*ppbPalette = pbPal;
*ppbBits = pbBmpBits;
if (pfile)
return rc;
int WriteBMPfile (char *szFile, byte *pbBits, int width, int height, byte *pbPalette)
int i, rc = 0;
FILE *pfile = NULL;
RGBQUAD rgrgbPalette[256];
ULONG cbBmpBits;
BYTE* pbBmpBits;
byte *pb, *pbPal = NULL;
ULONG cbPalBytes;
ULONG biTrueWidth;
// Bogus parameter check
if (!(pbPalette != NULL && pbBits != NULL))
{ rc = -1000; goto GetOut; }
// File exists?
if ((pfile = fopen(szFile, "wb")) == NULL)
{ rc = -1; goto GetOut; }
biTrueWidth = ((width + 3) & ~3);
cbBmpBits = biTrueWidth * height;
cbPalBytes = 256 * sizeof( RGBQUAD );
// Bogus file header check
bmfh.bfType = MAKEWORD( 'B', 'M' );
bmfh.bfSize = sizeof bmfh + sizeof bmih + cbBmpBits + cbPalBytes;
bmfh.bfReserved1 = 0;
bmfh.bfReserved2 = 0;
bmfh.bfOffBits = sizeof bmfh + sizeof bmih + cbPalBytes;
// Write file header
if (fwrite(&bmfh, sizeof bmfh, 1/*count*/, pfile) != 1)
{ rc = -2; goto GetOut; }
// Size of structure
bmih.biSize = sizeof bmih;
// Width
bmih.biWidth = biTrueWidth;
// Height
bmih.biHeight = height;
// Only 1 plane
bmih.biPlanes = 1;
// Only 8-bit supported.
bmih.biBitCount = 8;
// Only non-compressed supported.
bmih.biCompression = BI_RGB;
bmih.biSizeImage = 0;
// huh?
bmih.biXPelsPerMeter = 0;
bmih.biYPelsPerMeter = 0;
// Always full palette
bmih.biClrUsed = 256;
bmih.biClrImportant = 0;
// Write info header
if (fwrite(&bmih, sizeof bmih, 1/*count*/, pfile) != 1)
{ rc = -3; goto GetOut; }
// convert to expanded palette
pb = pbPalette;
// Copy over used entries
for (i = 0; i < (int)bmih.biClrUsed; i++)
rgrgbPalette[i].rgbRed = *pb++;
rgrgbPalette[i].rgbGreen = *pb++;
rgrgbPalette[i].rgbBlue = *pb++;
rgrgbPalette[i].rgbReserved = 0;
// Write palette (bmih.biClrUsed entries)
cbPalBytes = bmih.biClrUsed * sizeof( RGBQUAD );
if (fwrite(rgrgbPalette, cbPalBytes, 1/*count*/, pfile) != 1)
{ rc = -6; goto GetOut; }
pbBmpBits = (unsigned char*)malloc(cbBmpBits);
pb = pbBits;
// reverse the order of the data.
pb += (height - 1) * width;
for(i = 0; i < bmih.biHeight; i++)
memmove(&pbBmpBits[biTrueWidth * i], pb, width);
pb -= width;
// Write bitmap bits (remainder of file)
if (fwrite(pbBmpBits, cbBmpBits, 1/*count*/, pfile) != 1)
{ rc = -7; goto GetOut; }
if (pfile)
return rc;
= LoadLBM
void LoadLBM (char *filename, byte **picture, byte **palette)
byte *LBMbuffer, *picbuffer, *cmapbuffer;
int y,p,planes;
byte *LBM_P, *LBMEND_P;
byte *pic_p;
byte *body_p;
unsigned rowsize;
int formtype,formlength;
int chunktype,chunklength;
void (*mungecall) (int, byte *);
// qiet compiler warnings
picbuffer = NULL;
cmapbuffer = NULL;
mungecall = NULL;
// load the LBM
LoadFile (filename, (void **)&LBMbuffer);
// parse the LBM header
LBM_P = LBMbuffer;
if ( *(int *)LBMbuffer != LittleLong(FORMID) )
Error ("No FORM ID at start of file!\n");
LBM_P += 4;
formlength = BigLong( *(int *)LBM_P );
LBM_P += 4;
LBMEND_P = LBM_P + Align(formlength);
formtype = LittleLong(*(int *)LBM_P);
if (formtype != ILBMID && formtype != PBMID)
Error ("Unrecognized form type: %c%c%c%c\n", formtype&0xff
LBM_P += 4;
// parse chunks
while (LBM_P < LBMEND_P)
chunktype = LBM_P[0] + (LBM_P[1]<<8) + (LBM_P[2]<<16) + (LBM_P[3]<<24);
LBM_P += 4;
chunklength = LBM_P[3] + (LBM_P[2]<<8) + (LBM_P[1]<<16) + (LBM_P[0]<<24);
LBM_P += 4;
switch ( chunktype )
case BMHDID:
memcpy (&bmhd,LBM_P,sizeof(bmhd));
bmhd.w = BigShort(bmhd.w);
bmhd.h = BigShort(bmhd.h);
bmhd.x = BigShort(bmhd.x);
bmhd.y = BigShort(bmhd.y);
bmhd.pageWidth = BigShort(bmhd.pageWidth);
bmhd.pageHeight = BigShort(bmhd.pageHeight);
case CMAPID:
cmapbuffer = (unsigned char*)malloc (768);
memset (cmapbuffer, 0, 768);
memcpy (cmapbuffer, LBM_P, chunklength);
case BODYID:
body_p = LBM_P;
pic_p = picbuffer = (unsigned char*)malloc (bmhd.w*bmhd.h);
if (formtype == PBMID)
// unpack PBM
for (y=0 ; y<bmhd.h ; y++, pic_p += bmhd.w)
if (bmhd.compression == cm_rle1)
body_p = LBMRLEDecompress ((byte *)body_p
, pic_p , bmhd.w);
else if (bmhd.compression == cm_none)
memcpy (pic_p,body_p,bmhd.w);
body_p += Align(bmhd.w);
// unpack ILBM
planes = bmhd.nPlanes;
if (bmhd.masking == ms_mask)
rowsize = (bmhd.w+15)/16 * 2;
switch (bmhd.nPlanes)
case 1:
mungecall = MungeBitPlanes1;
case 2:
mungecall = MungeBitPlanes2;
case 4:
mungecall = MungeBitPlanes4;
case 8:
mungecall = MungeBitPlanes8;
Error ("Can't munge %i bit planes!\n",bmhd.nPlanes);
for (y=0 ; y<bmhd.h ; y++, pic_p += bmhd.w)
for (p=0 ; p<planes ; p++)
if (bmhd.compression == cm_rle1)
body_p = LBMRLEDecompress ((byte *)body_p
, bitplanes[p] , rowsize);
else if (bmhd.compression == cm_none)
memcpy (bitplanes[p],body_p,rowsize);
body_p += rowsize;
mungecall (bmhd.w , pic_p);
LBM_P += Align(chunklength);
free (LBMbuffer);
*picture = picbuffer;
*palette = cmapbuffer;
= WriteLBMfile
void WriteLBMfile (char *filename, byte *data, int width, int height, byte *palette)
byte *lbm, *lbmptr;
int *formlength, *bmhdlength, *cmaplength, *bodylength;
int length;
bmhd_t basebmhd;
lbm = lbmptr = (unsigned char*)malloc (width*height+1000);
// start FORM
*lbmptr++ = 'F';
*lbmptr++ = 'O';
*lbmptr++ = 'R';
*lbmptr++ = 'M';
formlength = (int*)lbmptr;
lbmptr+=4; // leave space for length
*lbmptr++ = 'P';
*lbmptr++ = 'B';
*lbmptr++ = 'M';
*lbmptr++ = ' ';
// write BMHD
*lbmptr++ = 'B';
*lbmptr++ = 'M';
*lbmptr++ = 'H';
*lbmptr++ = 'D';
bmhdlength = (int *)lbmptr;
lbmptr+=4; // leave space for length
memset (&basebmhd,0,sizeof(basebmhd));
basebmhd.w = BigShort((short)width);
basebmhd.h = BigShort((short)height);
basebmhd.nPlanes = (BYTE)BigShort(8);
basebmhd.xAspect = (BYTE)BigShort(5);
basebmhd.yAspect = (BYTE)BigShort(6);
basebmhd.pageWidth = BigShort((short)width);
basebmhd.pageHeight = BigShort((short)height);
memcpy (lbmptr,&basebmhd,sizeof(basebmhd));
lbmptr += sizeof(basebmhd);
length = lbmptr-(byte *)bmhdlength-4;
*bmhdlength = BigLong(length);
if (length&1)
*lbmptr++ = 0; // pad chunk to even offset
// write CMAP
*lbmptr++ = 'C';
*lbmptr++ = 'M';
*lbmptr++ = 'A';
*lbmptr++ = 'P';
cmaplength = (int *)lbmptr;
lbmptr+=4; // leave space for length
memcpy (lbmptr,palette,768);
lbmptr += 768;
length = lbmptr-(byte *)cmaplength-4;
*cmaplength = BigLong(length);
if (length&1)
*lbmptr++ = 0; // pad chunk to even offset
// write BODY
*lbmptr++ = 'B';
*lbmptr++ = 'O';
*lbmptr++ = 'D';
*lbmptr++ = 'Y';
bodylength = (int *)lbmptr;
lbmptr+=4; // leave space for length
memcpy (lbmptr,data,width*height);
lbmptr += width*height;
length = lbmptr-(byte *)bodylength-4;
*bodylength = BigLong(length);
if (length&1)
*lbmptr++ = 0; // pad chunk to even offset
// done
length = lbmptr-(byte *)formlength-4;
*formlength = BigLong(length);
if (length&1)
*lbmptr++ = 0; // pad chunk to even offset
// write output file
SaveFile (filename, lbm, lbmptr-lbm);
free (lbm);