2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
// Purpose:
// $Workfile: $
// $NoKeywords: $
# include "server_pch.h"
# include "decal.h"
# include "host_cmd.h"
# include "cmodel_engine.h"
# include "sv_log.h"
# include "zone.h"
# include "sound.h"
# include "vox.h"
# include "EngineSoundInternal.h"
# include "checksum_engine.h"
# include "host.h"
# include "keys.h"
# include "vengineserver_impl.h"
# include "sv_filter.h"
# include "pr_edict.h"
# include "screen.h"
# include "sys_dll.h"
# include "world.h"
# include "sv_main.h"
# include "networkstringtableserver.h"
# include "datamap.h"
# include "filesystem_engine.h"
# include "string_t.h"
# include "vstdlib/random.h"
# include "networkstringtable.h"
# include "dt_send_eng.h"
# include "sv_packedentities.h"
# include "testscriptmgr.h"
# include "PlayerState.h"
# include "saverestoretypes.h"
# include "tier0/vprof.h"
# include "proto_oob.h"
# include "staticpropmgr.h"
# include "checksum_crc.h"
# include "console.h"
# include "tier0/icommandline.h"
# include "gl_matsysiface.h"
# include "GameEventManager.h"
# ifndef SWDS
# include "vgui_baseui_interface.h"
# endif
# include "cbenchmark.h"
# include "client.h"
# include "hltvserver.h"
# include "replay_internal.h"
# include "replayserver.h"
# include "KeyValues.h"
# include "sv_logofile.h"
# include "cl_steamauth.h"
# include "sv_steamauth.h"
# include "sv_plugin.h"
# include "DownloadListGenerator.h"
# include "sv_steamauth.h"
# include "LocalNetworkBackdoor.h"
# include "cvar.h"
# include "enginethreads.h"
# include "tier1/functors.h"
# include "vstdlib/jobthread.h"
# include "pure_server.h"
# include "datacache/idatacache.h"
# include "filesystem/IQueuedLoader.h"
# include "vstdlib/jobthread.h"
# include "SourceAppInfo.h"
# include "cl_rcon.h"
# include "host_state.h"
# include "voice.h"
2022-11-16 13:51:03 +03:00
# include "cbenchmark.h"
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
# include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
2022-06-15 21:59:06 +03:00
# include "tier0/memalloc.h"
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
extern CNetworkStringTableContainer * networkStringTableContainerServer ;
extern CNetworkStringTableContainer * networkStringTableContainerClient ;
//void OnHibernateWhenEmptyChanged( IConVar *var, const char *pOldValue, float flOldValue );
//ConVar sv_hibernate_when_empty( "sv_hibernate_when_empty", "1", 0, "Puts the server into extremely low CPU usage mode when no clients connected", OnHibernateWhenEmptyChanged );
//ConVar sv_hibernate_ms( "sv_hibernate_ms", "20", 0, "# of milliseconds to sleep per frame while hibernating" );
//ConVar sv_hibernate_ms_vgui( "sv_hibernate_ms_vgui", "20", 0, "# of milliseconds to sleep per frame while hibernating but running the vgui dedicated server frontend" );
//static ConVar sv_hibernate_postgame_delay( "sv_hibernate_postgame_delay", "5", 0, "# of seconds to wait after final client leaves before hibernating.");
ConVar sv_shutdown_timeout_minutes ( " sv_shutdown_timeout_minutes " , " 360 " , FCVAR_REPLICATED , " If sv_shutdown is pending, wait at most N minutes for server to drain before forcing shutdown. " ) ;
static double s_timeForceShutdown = 0.0 ;
extern ConVar deathmatch ;
extern ConVar sv_sendtables ;
// Server default maxplayers value
// This many players on a Lan with same key, is ok.
CGameServer sv ;
CGlobalVars g_ServerGlobalVariables ( false ) ;
static int current_skill ;
static void SV_CheatsChanged_f ( IConVar * pConVar , const char * pOldString , float flOldValue )
ConVarRef var ( pConVar ) ;
if ( var . GetInt ( ) = = 0 )
// cheats were disabled, revert all cheat cvars to their default values
g_pCVar - > RevertFlaggedConVars ( FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
DevMsg ( " FCVAR_CHEAT cvars reverted to defaults. \n " ) ;
static bool g_sv_pure_waiting_on_reload = false ;
static int g_sv_pure_mode = 0 ;
int GetSvPureMode ( )
return g_sv_pure_mode ;
static void SV_Pure_f ( const CCommand & args )
int pure_mode = - 2 ;
if ( args . ArgC ( ) = = 2 )
pure_mode = atoi ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
Msg ( " -------------------------------------------------------- \n " ) ;
if ( pure_mode > = - 1 & & pure_mode < = 2 )
// Not changing?
if ( pure_mode = = GetSvPureMode ( ) )
Msg ( " sv_pure value unchanged (current value is %d). \n " , GetSvPureMode ( ) ) ;
// Set the value.
g_sv_pure_mode = pure_mode ;
Msg ( " sv_pure set to %d. \n " , g_sv_pure_mode ) ;
if ( sv . IsActive ( ) )
g_sv_pure_waiting_on_reload = true ;
Msg ( " sv_pure: Only allow client to use certain files. \n "
" \n "
" -1 - Do not apply any rules or restrict which files the client may load. \n "
" 0 - Apply rules in cfg/pure_server_minimal.txt only. \n "
" 1 - Apply rules in cfg/pure_server_full.txt and then cfg/pure_server_whitelist.txt. \n "
" 2 - Apply rules in cfg/pure_server_full.txt. \n "
" \n "
" See cfg/pure_server_whitelist_example.txt for more details. \n "
) ;
if ( pure_mode = = - 2 )
// If we're a client on a server with sv_pure = 1, display the current whitelist.
# ifndef DEDICATED
if ( cl . IsConnected ( ) )
Msg ( " \n \n " ) ;
extern void CL_PrintWhitelistInfo ( ) ; // from cl_main.cpp
CL_PrintWhitelistInfo ( ) ;
# endif
Msg ( " \n Current sv_pure value is %d. \n " , GetSvPureMode ( ) ) ;
if ( sv . IsActive ( ) & & g_sv_pure_waiting_on_reload )
Msg ( " Note: Waiting for the next changelevel to apply the current value. \n " ) ;
Msg ( " -------------------------------------------------------- \n " ) ;
static ConCommand sv_pure ( " sv_pure " , SV_Pure_f , " Show user data. " ) ;
ConVar sv_pure_kick_clients ( " sv_pure_kick_clients " , " 1 " , 0 , " If set to 1, the server will kick clients with mismatching files. Otherwise, it will issue a warning to the client. " ) ;
ConVar sv_pure_trace ( " sv_pure_trace " , " 0 " , 0 , " If set to 1, the server will print a message whenever a client is verifying a CRC for a file. " ) ;
ConVar sv_pure_consensus ( " sv_pure_consensus " , " 5 " , 0 , " Minimum number of file hashes to agree to form a consensus. " ) ;
ConVar sv_pure_retiretime ( " sv_pure_retiretime " , " 900 " , 0 , " Seconds of server idle time to flush the sv_pure file hash cache. " ) ;
ConVar sv_cheats ( " sv_cheats " , " 0 " , FCVAR_NOTIFY | FCVAR_REPLICATED , " Allow cheats on server " , SV_CheatsChanged_f ) ;
ConVar sv_lan ( " sv_lan " , " 0 " , 0 , " Server is a lan server ( no heartbeat, no authentication, no non-class C addresses ) " ) ;
static ConVar sv_pausable ( " sv_pausable " , " 0 " , FCVAR_NOTIFY , " Is the server pausable. " ) ;
static ConVar sv_contact ( " sv_contact " , " " , FCVAR_NOTIFY , " Contact email for server sysop " ) ;
static ConVar sv_cacheencodedents ( " sv_cacheencodedents " , " 1 " , 0 , " If set to 1, does an optimization to prevent extra SendTable_Encode calls. " ) ;
static ConVar sv_voiceenable ( " sv_voiceenable " , " 1 " , FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_NOTIFY ) ; // set to 0 to disable all voice forwarding.
ConVar sv_downloadurl ( " sv_downloadurl " , " " , FCVAR_REPLICATED , " Location from which clients can download missing files " ) ;
ConVar sv_maxreplay ( " sv_maxreplay " , " 0 " , 0 , " Maximum replay time in seconds " , true , 0 , true , 15 ) ;
static ConVar sv_consistency ( " sv_consistency " , " 1 " , FCVAR_REPLICATED , " Legacy variable with no effect! This was deleted and then added as a temporary kludge to prevent players from being banned by servers running old versions of SMAC " ) ;
/// XXX(JohnS): When steam voice gets ugpraded to Opus we will probably default back to steam. At that time we should
/// note that Steam voice is the highest quality codec below.
2022-07-28 14:27:56 +03:00
static ConVar sv_voicecodec ( " sv_voicecodec " , " vaudio_opus " , 0 ,
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
" Specifies which voice codec to use. Valid options are: \n "
" vaudio_speex - Legacy Speex codec (lowest quality) \n "
" vaudio_celt - Newer CELT codec \n "
2022-07-28 14:27:56 +03:00
" vaudio_opus - Latest Opus codec (highest quality, comes by default) \n "
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
" steam - Use Steam voice API " ) ;
ConVar sv_mincmdrate ( " sv_mincmdrate " , " 10 " , FCVAR_REPLICATED , " This sets the minimum value for cl_cmdrate. 0 == unlimited. " ) ;
ConVar sv_maxcmdrate ( " sv_maxcmdrate " , " 66 " , FCVAR_REPLICATED , " (If sv_mincmdrate is > 0) , this sets the maximum value for cl_cmdrate . " ) ;
ConVar sv_client_cmdrate_difference ( " sv_client_cmdrate_difference " , " 20 " , FCVAR_REPLICATED ,
" cl_cmdrate is moved to within sv_client_cmdrate_difference units of cl_updaterate before it "
" is clamped between sv_mincmdrate and sv_maxcmdrate. " ) ;
ConVar sv_client_min_interp_ratio ( " sv_client_min_interp_ratio " , " 1 " , FCVAR_REPLICATED ,
" This can be used to limit the value of cl_interp_ratio for connected clients "
" (only while they are connected). \n "
" -1 = let clients set cl_interp_ratio to anything \n "
" any other value = set minimum value for cl_interp_ratio "
) ;
ConVar sv_client_max_interp_ratio ( " sv_client_max_interp_ratio " , " 5 " , FCVAR_REPLICATED ,
" This can be used to limit the value of cl_interp_ratio for connected clients "
" (only while they are connected). If sv_client_min_interp_ratio is -1, "
" then this cvar has no effect. "
) ;
ConVar sv_client_predict ( " sv_client_predict " , " -1 " , FCVAR_REPLICATED ,
" This can be used to force the value of cl_predict for connected clients "
" (only while they are connected). \n "
" -1 = let clients set cl_predict to anything \n "
" 0 = force cl_predict to 0 \n "
" 1 = force cl_predict to 1 "
) ;
ConVar sv_restrict_aspect_ratio_fov ( " sv_restrict_aspect_ratio_fov " , " 1 " , FCVAR_REPLICATED ,
" This can be used to limit the effective FOV of users using wide-screen \n "
" resolutions with aspect ratios wider than 1.85:1 (slightly wider than 16:9). \n "
" 0 = do not cap effective FOV \n "
" 1 = limit the effective FOV on windowed mode users using resolutions \n "
" greater than 1.85:1 \n "
" 2 = limit the effective FOV on both windowed mode and full-screen users \n " ,
true , 0 , true , 2 ) ;
void OnTVEnablehanged ( IConVar * pConVar , const char * pOldString , float flOldValue )
ConVarRef var ( pConVar ) ;
ConVarRef replay_enable ( " replay_enable " ) ;
if ( var . GetBool ( ) & & replay_enable . IsValid ( ) & & replay_enable . GetBool ( ) )
var . SetValue ( 0 ) ;
Warning ( " Error: Replay is enabled. Please disable Replay if you wish to enable SourceTV. \n " ) ;
return ;
//Let's check maxclients and make sure we have room for SourceTV
if ( var . GetBool ( ) = = true )
sv . InitMaxClients ( ) ;
ConVar tv_enable ( " tv_enable " , " 0 " , FCVAR_NOTIFY , " Activates SourceTV on server. " , OnTVEnablehanged ) ;
extern ConVar * sv_noclipduringpause ;
static bool s_bForceSend = false ;
void SV_ForceSend ( )
s_bForceSend = true ;
bool g_FlushMemoryOnNextServer ;
int g_FlushMemoryOnNextServerCounter ;
void SV_FlushMemoryOnNextServer ( )
g_FlushMemoryOnNextServer = true ;
g_FlushMemoryOnNextServerCounter + + ;
// Prints important entity creation/deletion events to console
# if defined( _DEBUG )
ConVar sv_deltatrace ( " sv_deltatrace " , " 0 " , 0 , " For debugging, print entity creation/deletion info to console. " ) ;
# define TRACE_DELTA( text ) if ( sv_deltatrace.GetInt() ) { ConMsg( text ); };
# else
# define TRACE_DELTA( funcs )
# endif
# if defined( DEBUG_NETWORKING )
// Opens the recording file
static FILE * OpenRecordingFile ( )
FILE * fp = 0 ;
static bool s_CantOpenFile = false ;
static bool s_NeverOpened = true ;
if ( ! s_CantOpenFile )
fp = fopen ( " svtrace.txt " , s_NeverOpened ? " wt " : " at " ) ;
if ( ! fp )
s_CantOpenFile = true ;
s_NeverOpened = false ;
return fp ;
// Records an argument for a command, flushes when the command is done
void SpewToFile ( char const * pFmt , . . . )
static void SpewToFile ( const char * pFmt , . . . )
static CUtlVector < unsigned char > s_RecordingBuffer ;
char temp [ 2048 ] ;
va_list args ;
va_start ( args , pFmt ) ;
int len = Q_vsnprintf ( temp , sizeof ( temp ) , pFmt , args ) ;
va_end ( args ) ;
Assert ( len < 2048 ) ;
int idx = s_RecordingBuffer . AddMultipleToTail ( len ) ;
memcpy ( & s_RecordingBuffer [ idx ] , temp , len ) ;
if ( 1 ) //s_RecordingBuffer.Size() > 8192)
FILE * fp = OpenRecordingFile ( ) ;
fwrite ( s_RecordingBuffer . Base ( ) , 1 , s_RecordingBuffer . Size ( ) , fp ) ;
fclose ( fp ) ;
s_RecordingBuffer . RemoveAll ( ) ;
# endif // #if defined( DEBUG_NETWORKING )
/*void SV_Init(bool isDedicated)
sv . Init ( isDedicated ) ;
// Purpose:
void SV_Shutdown ( void )
sv . Shutdown ( ) ;
} */
void CGameServer : : Clear ( void )
m_pModelPrecacheTable = NULL ;
m_pGenericPrecacheTable = NULL ;
m_pSoundPrecacheTable = NULL ;
m_pDecalPrecacheTable = NULL ;
m_pDynamicModelsTable = NULL ;
m_bIsLevelMainMenuBackground = false ;
m_bLoadgame = false ;
host_state . SetWorldModel ( NULL ) ;
Q_memset ( m_szStartspot , 0 , sizeof ( m_szStartspot ) ) ;
num_edicts = 0 ;
max_edicts = 0 ;
free_edicts = 0 ;
edicts = NULL ;
// Clear the instance baseline indices in the ServerClasses.
if ( serverGameDLL )
for ( ServerClass * pCur = serverGameDLL - > GetAllServerClasses ( ) ; pCur ; pCur = pCur - > m_pNext )
pCur - > m_InstanceBaselineIndex = INVALID_STRING_INDEX ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_TempEntities . Count ( ) ; i + + )
delete m_TempEntities [ i ] ;
m_TempEntities . Purge ( ) ;
CBaseServer : : Clear ( ) ;
// Purpose: Create any client/server string tables needed internally by the engine
void CGameServer : : CreateEngineStringTables ( void )
int i , j ;
m_StringTables - > SetTick ( m_nTickCount ) ; // set first tick
bool bUseFilenameTables = false ;
char szDownloadableFileTablename [ 255 ] = DOWNLOADABLE_FILE_TABLENAME ;
char szModelPrecacheTablename [ 255 ] = MODEL_PRECACHE_TABLENAME ;
char szGenericPrecacheTablename [ 255 ] = GENERIC_PRECACHE_TABLENAME ;
char szSoundPrecacheTablename [ 255 ] = SOUND_PRECACHE_TABLENAME ;
char szDecalPrecacheTablename [ 255 ] = DECAL_PRECACHE_TABLENAME ;
// This was added into staging at some point and is not enabled in main or rel.
if ( 0 )
bUseFilenameTables = true ;
Q_snprintf ( szDownloadableFileTablename , 255 , " :%s " , DOWNLOADABLE_FILE_TABLENAME ) ;
Q_snprintf ( szModelPrecacheTablename , 255 , " :%s " , MODEL_PRECACHE_TABLENAME ) ;
Q_snprintf ( szGenericPrecacheTablename , 255 , " :%s " , GENERIC_PRECACHE_TABLENAME ) ;
Q_snprintf ( szSoundPrecacheTablename , 255 , " :%s " , SOUND_PRECACHE_TABLENAME ) ;
Q_snprintf ( szDecalPrecacheTablename , 255 , " :%s " , DECAL_PRECACHE_TABLENAME ) ;
m_pDownloadableFileTable = m_StringTables - > CreateStringTableEx (
szDownloadableFileTablename ,
0 ,
0 ,
bUseFilenameTables ) ;
m_pModelPrecacheTable = m_StringTables - > CreateStringTableEx (
szModelPrecacheTablename ,
sizeof ( CPrecacheUserData ) ,
bUseFilenameTables ) ;
m_pGenericPrecacheTable = m_StringTables - > CreateStringTableEx (
szGenericPrecacheTablename ,
sizeof ( CPrecacheUserData ) ,
bUseFilenameTables ) ;
m_pSoundPrecacheTable = m_StringTables - > CreateStringTableEx (
szSoundPrecacheTablename ,
sizeof ( CPrecacheUserData ) ,
bUseFilenameTables ) ;
m_pDecalPrecacheTable = m_StringTables - > CreateStringTableEx (
szDecalPrecacheTablename ,
sizeof ( CPrecacheUserData ) ,
bUseFilenameTables ) ;
m_pInstanceBaselineTable = m_StringTables - > CreateStringTable (
m_pLightStyleTable = m_StringTables - > CreateStringTable (
m_pUserInfoTable = m_StringTables - > CreateStringTable (
1 < < ABSOLUTE_PLAYER_LIMIT_DW ) ; // make it a power of 2
// Fixed-size user data; bit value of either 0 or 1.
m_pDynamicModelsTable = m_StringTables - > CreateStringTable ( " DynamicModels " , 2048 , true , 1 ) ;
// Send the query info..
m_pServerStartupTable = m_StringTables - > CreateStringTable (
4 ) ;
SetQueryPortFromSteamServer ( ) ;
CopyPureServerWhitelistToStringTable ( ) ;
Assert ( m_pModelPrecacheTable & &
m_pGenericPrecacheTable & &
m_pSoundPrecacheTable & &
m_pDecalPrecacheTable & &
m_pInstanceBaselineTable & &
m_pLightStyleTable & &
m_pUserInfoTable & &
m_pServerStartupTable & &
m_pDownloadableFileTable & &
m_pDynamicModelsTable ) ;
// create an empty lightstyle table with unique index names
for ( i = 0 ; i < MAX_LIGHTSTYLES ; i + + )
char name [ 8 ] ; Q_snprintf ( name , 8 , " %i " , i ) ;
j = m_pLightStyleTable - > AddString ( true , name ) ;
Assert ( j = = i ) ; // indices must match
for ( i = 0 ; i < GetMaxClients ( ) ; i + + )
char name [ 8 ] ; Q_snprintf ( name , 8 , " %i " , i ) ;
j = m_pUserInfoTable - > AddString ( true , name ) ;
Assert ( j = = i ) ; // indices must match
// set up the downloadable files generator
DownloadListGenerator ( ) . SetStringTable ( m_pDownloadableFileTable ) ;
void CGameServer : : SetQueryPortFromSteamServer ( )
if ( ! m_pServerStartupTable )
return ;
int queryPort = Steam3Server ( ) . GetQueryPort ( ) ;
m_pServerStartupTable - > AddString ( true , " QueryPort " , sizeof ( queryPort ) , & queryPort ) ;
void CGameServer : : CopyPureServerWhitelistToStringTable ( )
if ( ! m_pPureServerWhitelist )
return ;
CUtlBuffer buf ;
m_pPureServerWhitelist - > Encode ( buf ) ;
m_pServerStartupTable - > AddString ( true , " PureServerWhitelist " , buf . TellPut ( ) , buf . Base ( ) ) ;
void SV_InstallClientStringTableMirrors ( void )
# ifndef SWDS
int numTables = networkStringTableContainerServer - > GetNumTables ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < numTables ; i + + )
// iterate through server tables
CNetworkStringTable * serverTable =
( CNetworkStringTable * ) networkStringTableContainerServer - > GetTable ( i ) ;
if ( ! serverTable )
continue ;
// get mathcing client table
CNetworkStringTable * clientTable =
( CNetworkStringTable * ) networkStringTableContainerClient - > FindTable ( serverTable - > GetTableName ( ) ) ;
if ( ! clientTable )
DevMsg ( " SV_InstallClientStringTableMirrors! Missing client table \" %s \" . \n " , serverTable - > GetTableName ( ) ) ;
continue ;
// link client table to server table
serverTable - > SetMirrorTable ( clientTable ) ;
# endif
# endif
// user <name or userid>
// Dump userdata / masterdata for a user
CON_COMMAND ( user , " Show user data. " )
int uid ;
int i ;
if ( ! sv . IsActive ( ) )
ConMsg ( " Can't 'user', not running a server \n " ) ;
return ;
if ( args . ArgC ( ) ! = 2 )
ConMsg ( " Usage: user <username / userid> \n " ) ;
return ;
uid = atoi ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sv . GetClientCount ( ) ; i + + )
IClient * pClient = sv . GetClient ( i ) ;
if ( ! pClient - > IsConnected ( ) )
continue ;
if ( ( pClient - > GetPlayerSlot ( ) = = uid ) | | ! Q_strcmp ( pClient - > GetClientName ( ) , args [ 1 ] ) )
ConMsg ( " TODO: SV_User_f. \n " ) ;
return ;
ConMsg ( " User not in server. \n " ) ;
// Dump userids for all current players
CON_COMMAND ( users , " Show user info for players on server. " )
if ( ! sv . IsActive ( ) )
ConMsg ( " Can't 'users', not running a server \n " ) ;
return ;
int c = 0 ;
ConMsg ( " <slot:userid: \" name \" > \n " ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sv . GetClientCount ( ) ; i + + )
IClient * pClient = sv . GetClient ( i ) ;
if ( pClient - > IsConnected ( ) )
ConMsg ( " %i:%i: \" %s \" \n " , pClient - > GetPlayerSlot ( ) , pClient - > GetUserID ( ) , pClient - > GetClientName ( ) ) ;
c + + ;
ConMsg ( " %i users \n " , c ) ;
// Purpose: Determine the value of sv.maxclients
bool CL_IsHL2Demo ( ) ; // from cl_main.cpp
bool CL_IsPortalDemo ( ) ; // from cl_main.cpp
extern ConVar tv_enable ;
void SetupMaxPlayers ( int iDesiredMaxPlayers )
int minmaxplayers = 1 ;
int maxmaxplayers = ABSOLUTE_PLAYER_LIMIT ;
int defaultmaxplayers = 1 ;
if ( serverGameClients )
serverGameClients - > GetPlayerLimits ( minmaxplayers , maxmaxplayers , defaultmaxplayers ) ;
if ( minmaxplayers < 1 )
Sys_Error ( " GetPlayerLimits: min maxplayers must be >= 1 (%i) " , minmaxplayers ) ;
else if ( defaultmaxplayers < 1 )
Sys_Error ( " GetPlayerLimits: default maxplayers must be >= 1 (%i) " , minmaxplayers ) ;
if ( minmaxplayers > maxmaxplayers | | defaultmaxplayers > maxmaxplayers )
Sys_Error ( " GetPlayerLimits: min maxplayers %i > max %i " , minmaxplayers , maxmaxplayers ) ;
if ( maxmaxplayers > ABSOLUTE_PLAYER_LIMIT )
Sys_Error ( " GetPlayerLimits: max players limited to %i " , ABSOLUTE_PLAYER_LIMIT ) ;
// Determine absolute limit
sv . m_nMaxClientsLimit = maxmaxplayers ;
// Check for command line override
int newmaxplayers = iDesiredMaxPlayers ;
if ( newmaxplayers > = 1 )
// Never go above what the game .dll can handle
newmaxplayers = min ( newmaxplayers , maxmaxplayers ) ;
sv . m_nMaxClientsLimit = newmaxplayers ;
newmaxplayers = defaultmaxplayers ;
# if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
if ( Replay_IsSupportedModAndPlatform ( ) & & CommandLine ( ) - > CheckParm ( " -replay " ) )
newmaxplayers + = 1 ;
sv . m_nMaxClientsLimit + = 1 ;
# endif
if ( tv_enable . GetBool ( ) )
newmaxplayers + = 1 ;
sv . m_nMaxClientsLimit + = 1 ;
newmaxplayers = clamp ( newmaxplayers , minmaxplayers , sv . m_nMaxClientsLimit ) ;
if ( ( CL_IsHL2Demo ( ) | | CL_IsPortalDemo ( ) ) & & ! sv . IsDedicated ( ) )
newmaxplayers = 1 ;
sv . m_nMaxClientsLimit = 1 ;
if ( sv . GetMaxClients ( ) < newmaxplayers | | ! tv_enable . GetBool ( ) )
sv . SetMaxClients ( newmaxplayers ) ;
void CGameServer : : InitMaxClients ( void )
int newmaxplayers = CommandLine ( ) - > ParmValue ( " -maxplayers " , - 1 ) ;
if ( newmaxplayers = = - 1 )
newmaxplayers = CommandLine ( ) - > ParmValue ( " +maxplayers " , - 1 ) ;
SetupMaxPlayers ( newmaxplayers ) ;
// Purpose: Changes the maximum # of players allowed on the server.
// Server cannot be running when command is issued.
CON_COMMAND ( maxplayers , " Change the maximum number of players allowed on this server. " )
if ( args . ArgC ( ) ! = 2 )
ConMsg ( " \" maxplayers \" is \" %u \" \n " , sv . GetMaxClients ( ) ) ;
return ;
if ( sv . IsActive ( ) )
ConMsg ( " Cannot change maxplayers while the server is running \n " ) ;
return ;
SetupMaxPlayers ( Q_atoi ( args [ 1 ] ) ) ;
int SV_BuildSendTablesArray ( ServerClass * pClasses , SendTable * * pTables , int nMaxTables )
int nTables = 0 ;
for ( ServerClass * pCur = pClasses ; pCur ; pCur = pCur - > m_pNext )
ErrorIfNot ( nTables < nMaxTables , ( " SV_BuildSendTablesArray: too many SendTables! " ) ) ;
pTables [ nTables ] = pCur - > m_pTable ;
+ + nTables ;
return nTables ;
// Builds an alternate copy of the datatable for any classes that have datatables with props excluded.
void SV_InitSendTables ( ServerClass * pClasses )
SendTable * pTables [ MAX_DATATABLES ] ;
int nTables = SV_BuildSendTablesArray ( pClasses , pTables , ARRAYSIZE ( pTables ) ) ;
SendTable_Init ( pTables , nTables ) ;
void SV_TermSendTables ( ServerClass * pClasses )
SendTable_Term ( ) ;
// Purpose: returns which games/mods we're allowed to play
struct ModDirPermissions_t
int m_iAppID ;
const char * m_pchGameDir ;
} ;
static ModDirPermissions_t g_ModDirPermissions [ ] =
{ GetAppSteamAppId ( k_App_CSS ) , GetAppModName ( k_App_CSS ) } ,
{ GetAppSteamAppId ( k_App_DODS ) , GetAppModName ( k_App_DODS ) } ,
{ GetAppSteamAppId ( k_App_HL2MP ) , GetAppModName ( k_App_HL2MP ) } ,
{ GetAppSteamAppId ( k_App_LOST_COAST ) , GetAppModName ( k_App_LOST_COAST ) } ,
{ GetAppSteamAppId ( k_App_HL1DM ) , GetAppModName ( k_App_HL1DM ) } ,
{ GetAppSteamAppId ( k_App_PORTAL ) , GetAppModName ( k_App_PORTAL ) } ,
{ GetAppSteamAppId ( k_App_HL2 ) , GetAppModName ( k_App_HL2 ) } ,
{ GetAppSteamAppId ( k_App_HL2_EP1 ) , GetAppModName ( k_App_HL2_EP1 ) } ,
{ GetAppSteamAppId ( k_App_HL2_EP2 ) , GetAppModName ( k_App_HL2_EP2 ) } ,
{ GetAppSteamAppId ( k_App_TF2 ) , GetAppModName ( k_App_TF2 ) } ,
} ;
bool ServerDLL_Load ( bool bIsServerOnly )
// Load in the game .dll
LoadEntityDLLs ( GetBaseDirectory ( ) , bIsServerOnly ) ;
return true ;
void ServerDLL_Unload ( )
UnloadEntityDLLs ( ) ;
# if !defined(DEDICATED)
# if !defined(_X360)
// Put this function declaration at global scope to avoid the ambiguity of the most vexing parse.
bool CL_IsHL2Demo ( ) ;
# endif
# endif
// Purpose: Loads the game .dll
void SV_InitGameDLL ( void )
// Clear out the command buffer.
Cbuf_Execute ( ) ;
// Don't initialize a second time
if ( sv . dll_initialized )
return ;
# if !defined(SWDS)
# if !defined(_X360)
if ( CL_IsHL2Demo ( ) & & ! sv . IsDedicated ( ) & & Q_stricmp ( COM_GetModDirectory ( ) , " hl2 " ) )
Error ( " The HL2 demo is unable to run Mods. \n " ) ;
return ;
if ( CL_IsPortalDemo ( ) & & ! sv . IsDedicated ( ) & & Q_stricmp ( COM_GetModDirectory ( ) , " portal " ) )
Error ( " The Portal demo is unable to run Mods. \n " ) ;
return ;
// check permissions
if ( Steam3Client ( ) . SteamApps ( ) & & ! CL_IsHL2Demo ( ) & & ! CL_IsPortalDemo ( ) )
bool bVerifiedMod = false ;
// find the game dir we're running
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ARRAYSIZE ( g_ModDirPermissions ) ; i + + )
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( COM_GetModDirectory ( ) , g_ModDirPermissions [ i ] . m_pchGameDir ) )
// we've found the mod, make sure we own the app
if ( Steam3Client ( ) . SteamApps ( ) - > BIsSubscribedApp ( g_ModDirPermissions [ i ] . m_iAppID ) )
bVerifiedMod = true ;
Error ( " No permissions to run '%s' \n " , COM_GetModDirectory ( ) ) ;
return ;
break ;
if ( ! bVerifiedMod )
// make sure they can run the Source engine
if ( ! Steam3Client ( ) . SteamApps ( ) - > BIsSubscribedApp ( 215 ) )
Error ( " A Source engine game is required to run mods \n " ) ;
return ;
# endif // _X360
# endif
COM_TimestampedLog ( " SV_InitGameDLL " ) ;
if ( ! serverGameDLL )
Warning ( " Failed to load server binary \n " ) ;
return ;
// Flag that we've started the game .dll
sv . dll_initialized = true ;
COM_TimestampedLog ( " serverGameDLL->DLLInit " ) ;
// Tell the game DLL to start up
if ( ! serverGameDLL - > DLLInit ( g_AppSystemFactory , g_AppSystemFactory , g_AppSystemFactory , & g_ServerGlobalVariables ) )
Host_Error ( " IDLLFunctions::DLLInit returned false. \n " ) ;
if ( CommandLine ( ) - > FindParm ( " -NoLoadPluginsForClient " ) = = 0 )
g_pServerPluginHandler - > LoadPlugins ( ) ; // load 3rd party plugins
// let's not have any servers with no name
if ( host_name . GetString ( ) [ 0 ] = = 0 )
host_name . SetValue ( serverGameDLL - > GetGameDescription ( ) ) ;
sv_noclipduringpause = ( ConVar * ) g_pCVar - > FindVar ( " sv_noclipduringpause " ) ;
COM_TimestampedLog ( " SV_InitSendTables " ) ;
// Make extra copies of data tables if they have SendPropExcludes.
SV_InitSendTables ( serverGameDLL - > GetAllServerClasses ( ) ) ;
host_state . interval_per_tick = serverGameDLL - > GetTickInterval ( ) ;
if ( host_state . interval_per_tick < MINIMUM_TICK_INTERVAL | |
host_state . interval_per_tick > MAXIMUM_TICK_INTERVAL )
Sys_Error ( " GetTickInterval returned bogus tick interval (%f)[%f to %f is valid range] " , host_state . interval_per_tick ,
// set maxclients limit based on Mod or commandline settings
sv . InitMaxClients ( ) ;
// Execute and server commands the game .dll added at startup
Cbuf_Execute ( ) ;
# if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
extern IReplaySystem * g_pReplay ;
if ( Replay_IsSupportedModAndPlatform ( ) & & sv . IsDedicated ( ) )
if ( ! serverGameDLL - > ReplayInit ( g_fnReplayFactory ) )
Sys_Error ( " Server replay init failed " ) ;
if ( sv . IsDedicated ( ) & & ! g_pReplay - > SV_Init ( g_ServerFactory ) )
Sys_Error ( " Replay system server init failed! " ) ;
# endif
// Release resources associated with extension DLLs.
void SV_ShutdownGameDLL ( void )
if ( ! sv . dll_initialized )
return ;
if ( g_pReplay )
g_pReplay - > SV_Shutdown ( ) ;
// Delete any extra SendTable copies we've attached to the game DLL's classes, if any.
SV_TermSendTables ( serverGameDLL - > GetAllServerClasses ( ) ) ;
g_pServerPluginHandler - > UnloadPlugins ( ) ;
serverGameDLL - > DLLShutdown ( ) ;
UnloadEntityDLLs ( ) ;
sv . dll_initialized = false ;
ServerClass * SV_FindServerClass ( const char * pName )
ServerClass * pCur = serverGameDLL - > GetAllServerClasses ( ) ;
while ( pCur )
if ( Q_stricmp ( pCur - > GetName ( ) , pName ) = = 0 )
return pCur ;
pCur = pCur - > m_pNext ;
return NULL ;
ServerClass * SV_FindServerClass ( int index )
ServerClass * pCur = serverGameDLL - > GetAllServerClasses ( ) ;
int count = 0 ;
while ( ( count < index ) & & ( pCur ! = NULL ) )
count + + ;
pCur = pCur - > m_pNext ;
return pCur ;
// Purpose: General initialization of the server
void CGameServer : : Init ( bool isDedicated )
CBaseServer : : Init ( isDedicated ) ;
m_FullSendTables . SetDebugName ( " m_FullSendTables " ) ;
dll_initialized = false ;
bool CGameServer : : IsPausable ( void ) const
// In single-player, they can always pause it. In multiplayer, check the cvar.
if ( IsMultiplayer ( ) )
return sv_pausable . GetBool ( ) ;
return true ;
void CGameServer : : Shutdown ( void )
m_bIsLevelMainMenuBackground = false ;
CBaseServer : : Shutdown ( ) ;
// Actually performs a shutdown.
framesnapshotmanager - > LevelChanged ( ) ;
IGameEvent * event = g_GameEventManager . CreateEvent ( " server_shutdown " ) ;
if ( event )
event - > SetString ( " reason " , " quit " ) ;
g_GameEventManager . FireEvent ( event ) ;
Steam3Server ( ) . Shutdown ( ) ;
if ( serverGameDLL & & g_iServerGameDLLVersion > = 7 )
serverGameDLL - > GameServerSteamAPIShutdown ( ) ;
// Log_Printf( "Server shutdown.\n" );
g_Log . Close ( ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Each entity can have eight independant sound sources , like voice ,
weapon , feet , etc .
Channel 0 is an auto - allocate channel , the others override anything
allready running on that entity / channel pair .
An attenuation of 0 will play full volume everywhere in the level .
Larger attenuations will drop off . ( max 4 attenuation )
Pitch should be PITCH_NORM ( 100 ) for no pitch shift . Values over 100 ( up to 255 )
shift pitch higher , values lower than 100 lower the pitch .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void SV_StartSound ( IRecipientFilter & filter , edict_t * pSoundEmittingEntity , int iChannel ,
const char * pSample , float flVolume , soundlevel_t iSoundLevel , int iFlags ,
int iPitch , int iSpecialDSP , const Vector * pOrigin , float soundtime , int speakerentity , CUtlVector < Vector > * pUtlVecOrigins )
SoundInfo_t sound ;
sound . SetDefault ( ) ;
sound . nEntityIndex = pSoundEmittingEntity ? NUM_FOR_EDICT ( pSoundEmittingEntity ) : 0 ;
sound . nChannel = iChannel ;
sound . fVolume = flVolume ;
sound . Soundlevel = iSoundLevel ;
sound . nFlags = iFlags ;
sound . nPitch = iPitch ;
sound . nSpecialDSP = iSpecialDSP ;
sound . nSpeakerEntity = speakerentity ;
if ( iFlags & SND_STOP )
Assert ( filter . IsReliable ( ) ) ;
// Compute the sound origin
if ( pOrigin )
VectorCopy ( * pOrigin , sound . vOrigin ) ;
else if ( pSoundEmittingEntity )
IServerEntity * serverEntity = pSoundEmittingEntity - > GetIServerEntity ( ) ;
if ( serverEntity )
CM_WorldSpaceCenter ( serverEntity - > GetCollideable ( ) , & sound . vOrigin ) ;
// Add actual sound origin to vector if requested
if ( pUtlVecOrigins )
( * pUtlVecOrigins ) . AddToTail ( sound . vOrigin ) ;
// set sound delay
if ( soundtime ! = 0.0f )
// add one tick since server time ends at the current tick
// we'd rather delay sounds slightly than skip the beginning samples
// so add one tick of latency
soundtime + = sv . GetTickInterval ( ) ;
sound . fDelay = soundtime - sv . GetFinalTickTime ( ) ;
sound . nFlags | = SND_DELAY ;
#if 0
static float lastSoundTime = 0 ;
Msg ( " SV: [%.3f] Play %s at %.3f \n " , soundtime - lastSoundTime , pSample , soundtime ) ;
lastSoundTime = soundtime ;
# endif
// find precache number for sound
// if this is a sentence, get sentence number
if ( pSample & & TestSoundChar ( pSample , CHAR_SENTENCE ) )
sound . bIsSentence = true ;
sound . nSoundNum = Q_atoi ( PSkipSoundChars ( pSample ) ) ;
if ( sound . nSoundNum > = VOX_SentenceCount ( ) )
ConMsg ( " SV_StartSound: invalid sentence number: %s " , PSkipSoundChars ( pSample ) ) ;
return ;
sound . bIsSentence = false ;
sound . nSoundNum = sv . LookupSoundIndex ( pSample ) ;
if ( ! sound . nSoundNum | | ! sv . GetSound ( sound . nSoundNum ) )
ConMsg ( " SV_StartSound: %s not precached (%d) \n " , pSample , sound . nSoundNum ) ;
return ;
// now sound message is complete, send to clients in filter
sv . BroadcastSound ( sound , filter ) ;
// Purpose: Sets bits of playerbits based on valid multicast recipients
// Input : usepas -
// origin -
// playerbits -
void SV_DetermineMulticastRecipients ( bool usepas , const Vector & origin , CBitVec < ABSOLUTE_PLAYER_LIMIT > & playerbits )
// determine cluster for origin
int cluster = CM_LeafCluster ( CM_PointLeafnum ( origin ) ) ;
byte pvs [ MAX_MAP_LEAFS / 8 ] ;
int visType = usepas ? DVIS_PAS : DVIS_PVS ;
const byte * pMask = CM_Vis ( pvs , sizeof ( pvs ) , cluster , visType ) ;
playerbits . ClearAll ( ) ;
// Check for relevent clients
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sv . GetClientCount ( ) ; i + + )
CGameClient * pClient = sv . Client ( i ) ;
if ( ! pClient - > IsActive ( ) )
continue ;
// HACK: Should above also check pClient->spawned instead of this
if ( ! pClient - > edict | | pClient - > edict - > IsFree ( ) | | pClient - > edict - > GetUnknown ( ) = = NULL )
continue ;
// Always add the or Replay client
# if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
if ( pClient - > IsHLTV ( ) | | pClient - > IsReplay ( ) )
# else
if ( pClient - > IsHLTV ( ) )
# endif
playerbits . Set ( i ) ;
continue ;
Vector vecEarPosition ;
serverGameClients - > ClientEarPosition ( pClient - > edict , & vecEarPosition ) ;
int iBitNumber = CM_LeafCluster ( CM_PointLeafnum ( vecEarPosition ) ) ;
if ( ! ( pMask [ iBitNumber > > 3 ] & ( 1 < < ( iBitNumber & 7 ) ) ) )
continue ;
playerbits . Set ( i ) ;
// Purpose: Write single ConVar change to all connected clients
// Input : *var -
// *newValue -
void SV_ReplicateConVarChange ( ConVar const * var , const char * newValue )
Assert ( var ) ;
Assert ( var - > IsFlagSet ( FCVAR_REPLICATED ) ) ;
Assert ( newValue ) ;
if ( ! sv . IsActive ( ) | | ! sv . IsMultiplayer ( ) )
return ;
NET_SetConVar cvarMsg ( var - > GetName ( ) , Host_CleanupConVarStringValue ( newValue ) ) ;
sv . BroadcastMessage ( cvarMsg ) ;
// Purpose: Execute a command on all clients or a particular client
// Input : *var -
// *newValue -
void SV_ExecuteRemoteCommand ( const char * pCommand , int nClientSlot )
if ( ! sv . IsActive ( ) | | ! sv . IsMultiplayer ( ) )
return ;
NET_StringCmd cmdMsg ( pCommand ) ;
if ( nClientSlot > = 0 )
CEngineSingleUserFilter filter ( nClientSlot + 1 , true ) ;
sv . BroadcastMessage ( cmdMsg , filter ) ;
sv . BroadcastMessage ( cmdMsg ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
CGameServer : : CGameServer ( )
m_nMaxClientsLimit = 0 ;
m_pPureServerWhitelist = NULL ;
m_bHibernating = false ;
m_bLoadedPlugins = false ;
V_memset ( m_szMapname , 0 , sizeof ( m_szMapname ) ) ;
V_memset ( m_szMapFilename , 0 , sizeof ( m_szMapFilename ) ) ;
CGameServer : : ~ CGameServer ( )
if ( m_pPureServerWhitelist )
m_pPureServerWhitelist - > Release ( ) ;
// Purpose: Disconnects the client and cleans out the m_pEnt CBasePlayer container object
// Input : *clientedict -
void CGameServer : : RemoveClientFromGame ( CBaseClient * client )
CGameClient * pClient = ( CGameClient * ) client ;
// we must have an active server and a spawned client
// If we are a local server and we're disconnecting just return
if ( ! pClient - > edict | | ! pClient - > IsSpawned ( ) | | ! IsActive ( ) | | ( pClient - > GetNetChannel ( ) & & pClient - > GetNetChannel ( ) - > IsLoopback ( ) ) )
return ;
Assert ( g_pServerPluginHandler ) ;
g_pServerPluginHandler - > ClientDisconnect ( pClient - > edict ) ;
// release the DLL entity that's attached to this edict, if any
serverGameEnts - > FreeContainingEntity ( pClient - > edict ) ;
static int s_iNetSpikeValue = - 1 ;
int GetNetSpikeValue ( )
// Read from the command line the first time
if ( s_iNetSpikeValue < 0 )
s_iNetSpikeValue = Max ( V_atoi ( CommandLine ( ) - > ParmValue ( " -netspike " , " 0 " ) ) , 0 ) ;
return s_iNetSpikeValue ;
const char szSvNetSpikeUsageText [ ] =
" Write network trace if amount of data sent to client exceeds N bytes. Use zero to disable tracing. \n "
" Note that having this enabled, even if never triggered, impacts performance. Set to zero when not in use. \n "
" For compatibility reasons, this command can be initialized on the command line with the -netspike option. " ;
static void sv_netspike_f ( const CCommand & args )
if ( args . ArgC ( ) ! = 2 )
Msg ( " %s \n \n " , szSvNetSpikeUsageText ) ;
Msg ( " sv_netspike value is currently %d \n " , GetNetSpikeValue ( ) ) ;
return ;
s_iNetSpikeValue = Max ( V_atoi ( args . Arg ( 1 ) ) , 0 ) ;
static ConCommand sv_netspike ( " sv_netspike " , sv_netspike_f , szSvNetSpikeUsageText
) ;
CBaseClient * CGameServer : : CreateNewClient ( int slot )
CBaseClient * pClient = new CGameClient ( slot , this ) ;
return pClient ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
For LAN connections , make sure we don ' t have too many people with same cd key hash
For Authenticated net connections , check the certificate and also double check won userid
from that certificate
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
bool CGameServer : : FinishCertificateCheck ( netadr_t & adr , int nAuthProtocol , const char * szRawCertificate , int clientChallenge )
// Now check auth information
switch ( nAuthProtocol )
default :
RejectConnection ( adr , clientChallenge , " #GameUI_ServerAuthDisabled " ) ;
return false ;
return true ; // the SteamAuthServer() state machine checks this
break ;
if ( AllowDebugDedicatedServerOutsideSteam ( ) )
return true ;
2021-11-16 20:50:27 +03:00
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( ! Host_IsSinglePlayerGame ( ) | | sv . IsDedicated ( ) ) // PROTOCOL_HASHEDCDKEY isn't allowed for multiplayer servers
RejectConnection ( adr , clientChallenge , " #GameUI_ServerCDKeyAuthInvalid " ) ;
return false ;
if ( Q_strlen ( szRawCertificate ) ! = 32 )
RejectConnection ( adr , clientChallenge , " #GameUI_ServerInvalidCDKey " ) ;
return false ;
2021-11-16 20:50:27 +03:00
} */
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
int nHashCount = 0 ;
// Now make sure that this hash isn't "overused"
for ( int i = 0 ; i < GetClientCount ( ) ; i + + )
CBaseClient * pClient = Client ( i ) ;
if ( ! pClient - > IsConnected ( ) )
continue ;
if ( Q_strnicmp ( szRawCertificate , pClient - > m_GUID , SIGNED_GUID_LEN ) )
continue ;
nHashCount + + ;
if ( nHashCount > = MAX_IDENTICAL_CDKEYS )
RejectConnection ( adr , clientChallenge , " #GameUI_ServerCDKeyInUse " ) ;
return false ;
break ;
return true ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
The PVS must include a small area around the client to allow head bobbing
or other small motion on the client side . Otherwise , a bob might cause an
entity that should be visible to not show up , especially when the bob
crosses a waterline .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static int s_FatBytes ;
static byte * s_pFatPVS = 0 ;
CUtlVector < int > g_AreasNetworked ;
static void SV_AddToFatPVS ( const Vector & org )
int i ;
byte pvs [ MAX_MAP_LEAFS / 8 ] ;
CM_Vis ( pvs , sizeof ( pvs ) , CM_LeafCluster ( CM_PointLeafnum ( org ) ) , DVIS_PVS ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < s_FatBytes ; i + + )
s_pFatPVS [ i ] | = pvs [ i ] ;
// Purpose: Zeroes out pvs, this way we can or together multiple pvs's for a player
void SV_ResetPVS ( byte * pvs , int pvssize )
s_pFatPVS = pvs ;
s_FatBytes = Bits2Bytes ( CM_NumClusters ( ) ) ;
if ( s_FatBytes > pvssize )
Sys_Error ( " SV_ResetPVS: Size %i too big for buffer %i \n " , s_FatBytes , pvssize ) ;
Q_memset ( s_pFatPVS , 0 , s_FatBytes ) ;
g_AreasNetworked . RemoveAll ( ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
Calculates a PVS that is the inclusive or of all leafs within 8 pixels of the
given point .
= = = = = = = = = = = = =
void SV_AddOriginToPVS ( const Vector & origin )
SV_AddToFatPVS ( origin ) ;
int area = CM_LeafArea ( CM_PointLeafnum ( origin ) ) ;
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < g_AreasNetworked . Count ( ) ; i + + )
if ( g_AreasNetworked [ i ] = = area )
return ;
g_AreasNetworked . AddToTail ( area ) ;
void CGameServer : : BroadcastSound ( SoundInfo_t & sound , IRecipientFilter & filter )
int num = filter . GetRecipientCount ( ) ;
// don't add sounds while paused, unless we're in developer mode
if ( IsPaused ( ) & & ! developer . GetInt ( ) )
return ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < num ; i + + )
int index = filter . GetRecipientIndex ( i ) ;
if ( index < 1 | | index > GetClientCount ( ) )
Msg ( " CGameServer::BroadcastSound: Recipient Filter for sound (reliable: %s, init: %s) with bogus client index (%i) in list of %i clients \n " ,
filter . IsReliable ( ) ? " yes " : " no " ,
filter . IsInitMessage ( ) ? " yes " : " no " ,
index , num ) ;
continue ;
CGameClient * pClient = Client ( index - 1 ) ;
// client must be fully connect to hear sounds
if ( ! pClient - > IsActive ( ) )
continue ;
pClient - > SendSound ( sound , filter . IsReliable ( ) ) ;
bool CGameServer : : IsInPureServerMode ( ) const
return ( m_pPureServerWhitelist ! = NULL ) ;
CPureServerWhitelist * CGameServer : : GetPureServerWhitelist ( ) const
return m_pPureServerWhitelist ;
//void OnHibernateWhenEmptyChanged( IConVar *var, const char *pOldValue, float flOldValue )
// // We only need to do something special if we were preventing hibernation
// // with sv_hibernate_when_empty but we would otherwise have been hibernating.
// // In that case, punt all connected clients.
// sv.UpdateHibernationState( );
static bool s_bExitWhenEmpty = false ;
static ConVar sv_memlimit ( " sv_memlimit " , " 0 " , 0 ,
" If set, whenever a game ends, if the total memory used by the server is "
" greater than this # of megabytes, the server will exit. " ) ;
static ConVar sv_minuptimelimit ( " sv_minuptimelimit " , " 0 " , 0 ,
" If set, whenever a game ends, if the server uptime is less than "
" this number of hours, the server will continue running regardless of sv_memlimit. " ) ;
static ConVar sv_maxuptimelimit ( " sv_maxuptimelimit " , " 0 " , 0 ,
" If set, whenever a game ends, if the server uptime exceeds "
" this number of hours, the server will exit. " ) ;
#if 0
static void sv_WasteMemory ( void )
uint8 * pWastedRam = new uint8 [ 100 * 1024 * 1024 ] ;
memset ( pWastedRam , 0xff , 100 * 1024 * 1024 ) ; // make sure it gets committed
Msg ( " waste 100mb. using %dMB with an sv_memory_limit of %dMB \n " , ApproximateProcessMemoryUsage ( ) / ( 1024 * 1024 ) , sv_memlimit . GetInt ( ) ) ;
static ConCommand sv_wastememory ( " sv_wastememory " , sv_WasteMemory , " Causes the server to allocate 100MB of ram and never free it " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
# endif
static void sv_ShutDownCancel ( void )
if ( s_bExitWhenEmpty | | ( s_timeForceShutdown > 0.0 ) )
ConMsg ( " sv_shutdown canceled. \n " ) ;
ConMsg ( " sv_shutdown not pending. \n " ) ;
s_bExitWhenEmpty = false ;
s_timeForceShutdown = 0.0 ;
static ConCommand sv_shutdown_cancel ( " sv_shutdown_cancel " , sv_ShutDownCancel , " Cancels pending sv_shutdown command " ) ;
static void sv_ShutDown ( void )
if ( ! sv . IsDedicated ( ) )
Warning ( " sv_shutdown only works on dedicated servers. \n " ) ;
return ;
s_bExitWhenEmpty = true ;
Warning ( " sv_shutdown command received. \n " ) ;
double timeCurrent = Plat_FloatTime ( ) ;
if ( sv . IsHibernating ( ) | | ! sv . IsActive ( ) )
Warning ( " Server is inactive or hibernating. Shutting down right now \n " ) ;
s_timeForceShutdown = timeCurrent + 5.0 ; // don't forget!
HostState_Shutdown ( ) ;
// Check if we should update shutdown timeout
if ( s_timeForceShutdown = = 0.0 & & sv_shutdown_timeout_minutes . GetInt ( ) > 0 )
s_timeForceShutdown = timeCurrent + sv_shutdown_timeout_minutes . GetInt ( ) * 60.0 ;
// Print appropriate message
if ( s_timeForceShutdown > 0.0 )
Warning ( " Server will shut down in %d seconds, or when it becomes empty. \n " , ( int ) ( s_timeForceShutdown - timeCurrent ) ) ;
Warning ( " Server will shut down when it becomes empty. \n " ) ;
static ConCommand sv_shutdown ( " sv_shutdown " , sv_ShutDown , " Sets the server to shutdown next time it's empty " ) ;
bool CGameServer : : IsHibernating ( ) const
return m_bHibernating ;
void CGameServer : : SetHibernating ( bool bHibernating )
static double s_flPlatFloatTimeBeginUptime = Plat_FloatTime ( ) ;
if ( m_bHibernating ! = bHibernating )
m_bHibernating = bHibernating ;
Msg ( m_bHibernating ? " Server is hibernating \n " : " Server waking up from hibernation \n " ) ;
if ( m_bHibernating )
// see if we have any other connected bot clients
for ( int iClient = 0 ; iClient < m_Clients . Count ( ) ; iClient + + )
CBaseClient * pClient = m_Clients [ iClient ] ;
if ( pClient - > IsFakeClient ( ) & & pClient - > IsConnected ( ) & & ! pClient - > IsSplitScreenUser ( ) & & ! pClient - > IsReplay ( ) & & ! pClient - > IsHLTV ( ) )
pClient - > Disconnect ( " Punting bot, server is hibernating " ) ;
// A solo player using the game menu to return to lobby can leave the server paused
SetPaused ( false ) ;
// if we are hibernating, and we want to quit, quit
bool bExit = false ;
if ( s_bExitWhenEmpty )
bExit = true ;
Warning ( " Server shutting down because sv_shutdown was requested and a server is empty. \n " ) ;
if ( sv_memlimit . GetInt ( ) )
if ( ApproximateProcessMemoryUsage ( ) > 1024 * 1024 * sv_memlimit . GetInt ( ) )
if ( ( sv_minuptimelimit . GetFloat ( ) > 0 ) & &
( ( Plat_FloatTime ( ) - s_flPlatFloatTimeBeginUptime ) / 3600.0 < sv_minuptimelimit . GetFloat ( ) ) )
Warning ( " Server is using %dMB with an sv_memory_limit of %dMB, but will not shutdown because sv_minuptimelimit is %.3f hr while current uptime is %.3f \n " ,
ApproximateProcessMemoryUsage ( ) / ( 1024 * 1024 ) , sv_memlimit . GetInt ( ) ,
sv_minuptimelimit . GetFloat ( ) , ( Plat_FloatTime ( ) - s_flPlatFloatTimeBeginUptime ) / 3600.0 ) ;
Warning ( " Server shutting down because of using %dMB with an sv_memory_limit of %dMB \n " , ApproximateProcessMemoryUsage ( ) / ( 1024 * 1024 ) , sv_memlimit . GetInt ( ) ) ;
bExit = true ;
if ( ( sv_maxuptimelimit . GetFloat ( ) > 0 ) & &
( ( Plat_FloatTime ( ) - s_flPlatFloatTimeBeginUptime ) / 3600.0 > sv_maxuptimelimit . GetFloat ( ) ) )
Warning ( " Server will shutdown because sv_maxuptimelimit is %.3f hr while current uptime is %.3f, using %dMB with an sv_memory_limit of %dMB \n " ,
sv_maxuptimelimit . GetFloat ( ) , ( Plat_FloatTime ( ) - s_flPlatFloatTimeBeginUptime ) / 3600.0 ,
ApproximateProcessMemoryUsage ( ) / ( 1024 * 1024 ) , sv_memlimit . GetInt ( ) ) ;
bExit = true ;
//#ifdef _LINUX
// // if we are a child process running forked, we want to exit now. We want to "really" exit. no destructors, no nothing
// if ( IsChildProcess() ) // are we a subprocess?
// {
// syscall( SYS_exit_group, 0 ); // we are not going to perform a normal c++ exit. We _dont_ want to run destructors, etc.
// }
if ( bExit )
HostState_Shutdown ( ) ;
// ResetGameConVarsToDefaults();
if ( g_iServerGameDLLVersion > = 8 )
serverGameDLL - > SetServerHibernation ( m_bHibernating ) ;
// Heartbeat ASAP
Steam3Server ( ) . SendUpdatedServerDetails ( ) ;
if ( Steam3Server ( ) . SteamGameServer ( ) )
Steam3Server ( ) . SteamGameServer ( ) - > ForceHeartbeat ( ) ;
void CGameServer : : UpdateHibernationState ( )
if ( ! IsDedicated ( ) | | sv . m_State = = ss_dead )
return ;
// is this the last client disconnecting?
bool bHaveAnyClients = false ;
// see if we have any other connected clients
for ( int iClient = 0 ; iClient < m_Clients . Count ( ) ; iClient + + )
CBaseClient * pClient = m_Clients [ iClient ] ;
// don't consider the client being removed, it still shows as connected but won't be in a moment
if ( pClient - > IsConnected ( ) & & ( pClient - > IsSplitScreenUser ( ) | | ! pClient - > IsFakeClient ( ) ) )
bHaveAnyClients = true ;
break ;
bool hibernateFromGCServer = ( g_iServerGameDLLVersion < 8 ) | | ! serverGameDLL - > GetServerGCLobby ( ) | | serverGameDLL - > GetServerGCLobby ( ) - > ShouldHibernate ( ) ;
// If a restart was requested and we're supposed to reboot after XX amount of time, reboot the server.
if ( ! bHaveAnyClients & & ( sv_maxuptimelimit . GetFloat ( ) > 0.0f ) & &
Steam3Server ( ) . SteamGameServer ( ) & & Steam3Server ( ) . SteamGameServer ( ) - > WasRestartRequested ( ) )
hibernateFromGCServer = true ;
s_bExitWhenEmpty = true ;
//SetHibernating( sv_hibernate_when_empty.GetBool() && hibernateFromGCServer && !bHaveAnyClients );
SetHibernating ( hibernateFromGCServer & & ! bHaveAnyClients ) ;
void CGameServer : : FinishRestore ( )
# ifndef SWDS
CSaveRestoreData currentLevelData ;
char name [ MAX_OSPATH ] ;
if ( ! m_bLoadgame )
return ;
g_ServerGlobalVariables . pSaveData = & currentLevelData ;
// Build the adjacent map list
serverGameDLL - > BuildAdjacentMapList ( ) ;
if ( ! saverestore - > IsXSave ( ) )
Q_snprintf ( name , sizeof ( name ) , " %s%s.HL2 " , saverestore - > GetSaveDir ( ) , m_szMapname ) ;
Q_snprintf ( name , sizeof ( name ) , " %s: \\ %s.HL2 " , GetCurrentMod ( ) , m_szMapname ) ;
Q_FixSlashes ( name ) ;
saverestore - > RestoreClientState ( name , false ) ;
if ( g_ServerGlobalVariables . eLoadType = = MapLoad_Transition )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < currentLevelData . levelInfo . connectionCount ; i + + )
saverestore - > RestoreAdjacenClientState ( currentLevelData . levelInfo . levelList [ i ] . mapName ) ;
saverestore - > OnFinishedClientRestore ( ) ;
g_ServerGlobalVariables . pSaveData = NULL ;
// Reset
m_bLoadgame = false ;
saverestore - > SetIsXSave ( IsX360 ( ) ) ;
# endif
void CGameServer : : CopyTempEntities ( CFrameSnapshot * pSnapshot )
Assert ( pSnapshot - > m_pTempEntities = = NULL ) ;
if ( m_TempEntities . Count ( ) > 0 )
// copy temp entities if any
pSnapshot - > m_nTempEntities = m_TempEntities . Count ( ) ;
pSnapshot - > m_pTempEntities = new CEventInfo * [ pSnapshot - > m_nTempEntities ] ;
Q_memcpy ( pSnapshot - > m_pTempEntities , m_TempEntities . Base ( ) , m_TempEntities . Count ( ) * sizeof ( CEventInfo * ) ) ;
// clear server list
m_TempEntities . RemoveAll ( ) ;
// If enabled, random crashes start to appear in WriteTempEntities, etc. It looks like
// one thread can be in WriteDeltaEntities while another is in WriteTempEntities, and both are
// partying on g_FrameSnapshotManager.m_FrameSnapshots. Bruce sent e-mail from a customer
// that stated these crashes don't occur when parallel_sendsnapshot is disabled. Zoid said:
// Easiest is just turn off parallel snapshots, it's not much of a win on servers where we
// are running many instances anyway. It's off in Dota and CSGO dedicated servers.
// Bruce also had a patch to disable this in //ValveGames/staging/game/tf/cfg/unencrypted/print_instance_config.py
static ConVar sv_parallel_sendsnapshot ( " sv_parallel_sendsnapshot " , " 0 " ) ;
static void SV_ParallelSendSnapshot ( CGameClient * & pClient )
// HLTV and replay clients must be handled on the main thread
// because they access and modify global state. Skip them.
if ( pClient - > IsHLTV ( ) )
return ;
# if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
if ( pClient - > IsReplay ( ) )
return ;
# endif
CClientFrame * pFrame = pClient - > GetSendFrame ( ) ;
if ( pFrame )
pClient - > SendSnapshot ( pFrame ) ;
pClient - > UpdateSendState ( ) ;
// Replace this parallel processing array entry with NULL so
// that the calling code knows that this entry was handled.
pClient = NULL ;
void CGameServer : : SendClientMessages ( bool bSendSnapshots )
// build individual updates
int receivingClientCount = 0 ;
CGameClient * pReceivingClients [ ABSOLUTE_PLAYER_LIMIT ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < GetClientCount ( ) ; i + + )
CGameClient * client = Client ( i ) ;
// Update Host client send state...
if ( ! client - > ShouldSendMessages ( ) )
continue ;
// Append the unreliable data (player updates and packet entities)
if ( bSendSnapshots & & client - > IsActive ( ) )
// Add this client to the list of clients we're gonna send to.
pReceivingClients [ receivingClientCount ] = client ;
+ + receivingClientCount ;
// Connected, but inactive, just send reliable, sequenced info.
if ( client - > IsFakeClient ( ) )
continue ;
// if client never send a netchannl packet yet, send S2C_CONNECTION
// because it could get lost in multiplayer
if ( NET_IsMultiplayer ( ) & & client - > m_NetChannel - > GetSequenceNr ( FLOW_INCOMING ) = = 0 )
NET_OutOfBandPrintf ( m_Socket , client - > m_NetChannel - > GetRemoteAddress ( ) , " %c00000000000000 " , S2C_CONNECTION ) ;
sv . m_StringTables - > TriggerCallbacks ( client - > m_nDeltaTick ) ;
# endif
client - > m_NetChannel - > Transmit ( ) ;
client - > UpdateSendState ( ) ;
if ( receivingClientCount )
// if any client wants an update, take new snapshot now
CFrameSnapshot * pSnapshot = framesnapshotmanager - > TakeTickSnapshot ( m_nTickCount ) ;
// copy temp ents references to pSnapshot
CopyTempEntities ( pSnapshot ) ;
// Compute the client packs
SV_ComputeClientPacks ( receivingClientCount , pReceivingClients , pSnapshot ) ;
if ( receivingClientCount > 1 & & sv_parallel_sendsnapshot . GetBool ( ) )
// SV_ParallelSendSnapshot will not process HLTV or Replay clients as they
// must be run on the main thread due to un-threadsafe global state access.
// It will replace anything that it does process with a NULL pointer.
ParallelProcess ( " SV_ParallelSendSnapshot " , pReceivingClients , receivingClientCount , & SV_ParallelSendSnapshot ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < receivingClientCount ; + + i )
CGameClient * pClient = pReceivingClients [ i ] ;
if ( ! pClient )
continue ;
CClientFrame * pFrame = pClient - > GetSendFrame ( ) ;
if ( ! pFrame )
continue ;
pClient - > SendSnapshot ( pFrame ) ;
pClient - > UpdateSendState ( ) ;
pSnapshot - > ReleaseReference ( ) ;
void CGameServer : : SetMaxClients ( int number )
m_nMaxclients = clamp ( number , 1 , m_nMaxClientsLimit ) ;
if ( tv_enable . GetBool ( ) = = false )
ConMsg ( " maxplayers set to %i \n " , m_nMaxclients ) ;
ConMsg ( " maxplayers set to %i (extra slot was added for SourceTV) \n " , m_nMaxclients ) ;
deathmatch . SetValue ( m_nMaxclients > 1 ) ;
// A potential optimization of the client data sending; the optimization
// is based around the fact that we think that we're spending all our time in
// cache misses since we are accessing so much memory
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void SV_WriteVoiceCodec ( bf_write & pBuf )
// Only send in multiplayer. Otherwise, we don't want voice.
const char * pCodec = sv . IsMultiplayer ( ) ? sv_voicecodec . GetString ( ) : NULL ;
int nSampleRate = pCodec ? Voice_GetDefaultSampleRate ( pCodec ) : 0 ;
SVC_VoiceInit voiceinit ( pCodec , nSampleRate ) ;
voiceinit . WriteToBuffer ( pBuf ) ;
// Gets voice data from a client and forwards it to anyone who can hear this client.
ConVar voice_debugfeedbackfrom ( " voice_debugfeedbackfrom " , " 0 " ) ;
void SV_BroadcastVoiceData ( IClient * pClient , int nBytes , char * data , int64 xuid )
// Disable voice?
if ( ! sv_voiceenable . GetInt ( ) )
return ;
// Build voice message once
SVC_VoiceData voiceData ;
voiceData . m_nFromClient = pClient - > GetPlayerSlot ( ) ;
voiceData . m_nLength = nBytes * 8 ; // length in bits
voiceData . m_DataOut = data ;
voiceData . m_xuid = xuid ;
if ( voice_debugfeedbackfrom . GetBool ( ) )
Msg ( " Sending voice from: %s - playerslot: %d \n " , pClient - > GetClientName ( ) , pClient - > GetPlayerSlot ( ) + 1 ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sv . GetClientCount ( ) ; i + + )
IClient * pDestClient = sv . GetClient ( i ) ;
bool bSelf = ( pDestClient = = pClient ) ;
// Only send voice to active clients
if ( ! pDestClient - > IsActive ( ) )
continue ;
// Does the game code want cl sending to this client?
bool bHearsPlayer = pDestClient - > IsHearingClient ( voiceData . m_nFromClient ) ;
voiceData . m_bProximity = pDestClient - > IsProximityHearingClient ( voiceData . m_nFromClient ) ;
if ( IsX360 ( ) & & bSelf = = true )
continue ;
if ( ! bHearsPlayer & & ! bSelf )
continue ;
voiceData . m_nLength = nBytes * 8 ;
// Is loopback enabled?
if ( ! bHearsPlayer )
// Still send something, just zero length (this is so the client
// can display something that shows knows the server knows it's talking).
voiceData . m_nLength = 0 ;
pDestClient - > SendNetMsg ( voiceData ) ;
// UNDONE: "player.mdl" ??? This should be set by name in the DLL
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void SV_CreateBaseline ( void )
SV_WriteVoiceCodec ( sv . m_Signon ) ;
ServerClass * pClasses = serverGameDLL - > GetAllServerClasses ( ) ;
// Send SendTable info.
if ( sv_sendtables . GetInt ( ) )
# ifdef _XBOX
Error ( " sv_sendtables not allowed on XBOX. " ) ;
# endif
sv . m_FullSendTablesBuffer . EnsureCapacity ( NET_MAX_PAYLOAD ) ;
sv . m_FullSendTables . StartWriting ( sv . m_FullSendTablesBuffer . Base ( ) , sv . m_FullSendTablesBuffer . Count ( ) ) ;
SV_WriteSendTables ( pClasses , sv . m_FullSendTables ) ;
if ( sv . m_FullSendTables . IsOverflowed ( ) )
Host_Error ( " SV_CreateBaseline: WriteSendTables overflow. \n " ) ;
return ;
// Send class descriptions.
SV_WriteClassInfos ( pClasses , sv . m_FullSendTables ) ;
if ( sv . m_FullSendTables . IsOverflowed ( ) )
Host_Error ( " SV_CreateBaseline: WriteClassInfos overflow. \n " ) ;
return ;
// If we're using the local network backdoor, we'll never use the instance baselines.
if ( ! g_pLocalNetworkBackdoor )
int count = 0 ;
int bytes = 0 ;
for ( int entnum = 0 ; entnum < sv . num_edicts ; entnum + + )
// get the current server version
edict_t * edict = sv . edicts + entnum ;
if ( edict - > IsFree ( ) | | ! edict - > GetUnknown ( ) )
continue ;
ServerClass * pClass = edict - > GetNetworkable ( ) ? edict - > GetNetworkable ( ) - > GetServerClass ( ) : 0 ;
if ( ! pClass )
Assert ( pClass ) ;
continue ; // no Class ?
if ( pClass - > m_InstanceBaselineIndex ! = INVALID_STRING_INDEX )
continue ; // we already have a baseline for this class
SendTable * pSendTable = pClass - > m_pTable ;
// create entity baseline
bf_write writeBuf ( " SV_CreateBaseline->writeBuf " , packedData , sizeof ( packedData ) ) ;
// create basline from zero values
if ( ! SendTable_Encode (
pSendTable ,
edict - > GetUnknown ( ) ,
& writeBuf ,
entnum ,
) )
Host_Error ( " SV_CreateBaseline: SendTable_Encode returned false (ent %d). \n " , entnum ) ;
// copy baseline into baseline stringtable
SV_EnsureInstanceBaseline ( pClass , entnum , packedData , writeBuf . GetNumBytesWritten ( ) ) ;
bytes + = writeBuf . GetNumBytesWritten ( ) ;
count + + ;
DevMsg ( " Created class baseline: %i classes, %i bytes. \n " , count , bytes ) ;
g_GameEventManager . ReloadEventDefinitions ( ) ;
SVC_GameEventList gameevents ;
char data [ NET_MAX_PAYLOAD ] ;
gameevents . m_DataOut . StartWriting ( data , sizeof ( data ) ) ;
g_GameEventManager . WriteEventList ( & gameevents ) ;
gameevents . WriteToBuffer ( sv . m_Signon ) ;
// Purpose: Ensure steam context is initialized for multiplayer gameservers. Idempotent.
void SV_InitGameServerSteam ( )
if ( sv . IsMultiplayer ( ) )
Steam3Server ( ) . Activate ( CSteam3Server : : eServerTypeNormal ) ;
sv . SetQueryPortFromSteamServer ( ) ;
if ( serverGameDLL & & g_iServerGameDLLVersion > = 6 )
serverGameDLL - > GameServerSteamAPIActivated ( ) ;
// Purpose:
// Input : runPhysics -
bool SV_ActivateServer ( )
COM_TimestampedLog ( " SV_ActivateServer " ) ;
# ifndef SWDS
EngineVGui ( ) - > UpdateProgressBar ( PROGRESS_ACTIVATESERVER ) ;
# endif
COM_TimestampedLog ( " serverGameDLL->ServerActivate " ) ;
host_state . interval_per_tick = serverGameDLL - > GetTickInterval ( ) ;
if ( host_state . interval_per_tick < MINIMUM_TICK_INTERVAL | |
host_state . interval_per_tick > MAXIMUM_TICK_INTERVAL )
Sys_Error ( " GetTickInterval returned bogus tick interval (%f)[%f to %f is valid range] " , host_state . interval_per_tick ,
Msg ( " SV_ActivateServer: setting tickrate to %.1f \n " , 1.0f / host_state . interval_per_tick ) ;
bool bPrevState = networkStringTableContainerServer - > Lock ( false ) ;
// Activate the DLL server code
g_pServerPluginHandler - > ServerActivate ( sv . edicts , sv . num_edicts , sv . GetMaxClients ( ) ) ;
// all setup is completed, any further precache statements are errors
sv . m_State = ss_active ;
COM_TimestampedLog ( " SV_CreateBaseline " ) ;
// create a baseline for more efficient communications
SV_CreateBaseline ( ) ;
sv . allowsignonwrites = false ;
// set skybox name
ConVar const * skyname = g_pCVar - > FindVar ( " sv_skyname " ) ;
if ( skyname )
Q_strncpy ( sv . m_szSkyname , skyname - > GetString ( ) , sizeof ( sv . m_szSkyname ) ) ;
Q_strncpy ( sv . m_szSkyname , " unknown " , sizeof ( sv . m_szSkyname ) ) ;
COM_TimestampedLog ( " Send Reconnects " ) ;
// Tell connected clients to reconnect
sv . ReconnectClients ( ) ;
// Tell what kind of server has been started.
if ( sv . IsMultiplayer ( ) )
ConDMsg ( " %i player server started \n " , sv . GetMaxClients ( ) ) ;
ConDMsg ( " Game started \n " ) ;
// Replay setup
# if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
if ( g_pReplay & & g_pReplay - > IsReplayEnabled ( ) )
if ( ! replay )
replay = new CReplayServer ;
replay - > Init ( NET_IsDedicated ( ) ) ;
if ( replay - > IsActive ( ) )
// replay master already running, just activate client
replay - > m_MasterClient - > ActivatePlayer ( ) ;
replay - > StartMaster ( replay - > m_MasterClient ) ;
// create new replay client
ConVarRef replay_name ( " replay_name " ) ;
CGameClient * pClient = ( CGameClient * ) sv . CreateFakeClient ( replay_name . GetString ( ) ) ;
replay - > StartMaster ( pClient ) ;
// make sure replay is disabled
if ( replay )
replay - > Shutdown ( ) ;
# endif // #if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
// HLTV setup
if ( tv_enable . GetBool ( ) )
if ( CommandLine ( ) - > FindParm ( " -nohltv " ) )
// let user know that SourceTV will not work
ConMsg ( " SourceTV is disabled on this server. \n " ) ;
// create SourceTV object if not already there
if ( ! hltv )
hltv = new CHLTVServer ;
hltv - > Init ( NET_IsDedicated ( ) ) ;
if ( hltv - > IsActive ( ) & & hltv - > IsMasterProxy ( ) )
// HLTV master already running, just activate client
hltv - > m_MasterClient - > ActivatePlayer ( ) ;
hltv - > StartMaster ( hltv - > m_MasterClient ) ;
// create new HLTV client
CGameClient * pClient = ( CGameClient * ) sv . CreateFakeClient ( tv_name . GetString ( ) ) ;
hltv - > StartMaster ( pClient ) ;
// make sure HLTV is disabled
if ( hltv )
hltv - > Shutdown ( ) ;
if ( sv . IsDedicated ( ) )
// purge unused models and their data hierarchy (materials, shaders, etc)
modelloader - > PurgeUnusedModels ( ) ;
SV_InitGameServerSteam ( ) ;
networkStringTableContainerServer - > Lock ( bPrevState ) ;
// Heartbeat the master server in case we turned SrcTV on or off.
Steam3Server ( ) . SendUpdatedServerDetails ( ) ;
if ( Steam3Server ( ) . SteamGameServer ( ) )
Steam3Server ( ) . SteamGameServer ( ) - > ForceHeartbeat ( ) ;
COM_TimestampedLog ( " SV_ActivateServer(finished) " ) ;
return true ;
# include "tier0/memdbgoff.h"
static void SV_AllocateEdicts ( )
sv . edicts = ( edict_t * ) Hunk_AllocName ( sv . max_edicts * sizeof ( edict_t ) , " edicts " ) ;
COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT ( MAX_EDICT_BITS + 1 < = 8 * sizeof ( sv . edicts [ 0 ] . m_EdictIndex ) ) ;
// Invoke the constructor so the vtable is set correctly..
for ( int i = 0 ; i < sv . max_edicts ; + + i )
new ( & sv . edicts [ i ] ) edict_t ;
sv . edicts [ i ] . m_EdictIndex = i ;
sv . edicts [ i ] . freetime = 0 ;
ED_ClearFreeEdictList ( ) ;
sv . edictchangeinfo = ( IChangeInfoAccessor * ) Hunk_AllocName ( sv . max_edicts * sizeof ( IChangeInfoAccessor ) , " edictchangeinfo " ) ;
# include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
void CGameServer : : ReloadWhitelist ( const char * pMapName )
// Always return - until we get the whitelist stuff resolved for TF2.
if ( m_pPureServerWhitelist )
m_pPureServerWhitelist - > Release ( ) ;
m_pPureServerWhitelist = NULL ;
g_sv_pure_waiting_on_reload = false ;
// Don't do sv_pure stuff in SP games.
if ( GetMaxClients ( ) < = 1 )
return ;
// Don't use the whitelist if sv_pure is not set.
if ( GetSvPureMode ( ) < 0 )
return ;
// There's a magic number we use in the steam.inf in P4 that we don't update.
// We can use this to detect if they are running out of P4, and if so, don't use the whitelist
const char * pszVersionInP4 = " 2000 " ;
if ( ! Q_strcmp ( GetSteamInfIDVersionInfo ( ) . szVersionString , pszVersionInP4 ) )
return ;
m_pPureServerWhitelist = CPureServerWhitelist : : Create ( g_pFileSystem ) ;
// Load it
m_pPureServerWhitelist - > Load ( GetSvPureMode ( ) ) ;
// Load user whitelists, if allowed
if ( GetSvPureMode ( ) = = 1 )
// Load the per-map whitelist.
const char * pMapWhitelistSuffix = " _whitelist.txt " ;
char testFilename [ MAX_PATH ] = " maps " ;
V_AppendSlash ( testFilename , sizeof ( testFilename ) ) ;
V_strncat ( testFilename , pMapName , sizeof ( testFilename ) ) ;
V_strncat ( testFilename , pMapWhitelistSuffix , sizeof ( testFilename ) ) ;
KeyValues * kv = new KeyValues ( " " ) ;
if ( kv - > LoadFromFile ( g_pFileSystem , testFilename ) )
m_pPureServerWhitelist - > LoadCommandsFromKeyValues ( kv ) ;
kv - > deleteThis ( ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
This is called at the start of each level
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
bool CGameServer : : SpawnServer ( const char * szMapName , const char * szMapFile , const char * startspot )
int i ;
Assert ( serverGameClients ) ;
if ( CommandLine ( ) - > FindParm ( " -NoLoadPluginsForClient " ) ! = 0 )
if ( ! m_bLoadedPlugins )
// Only load plugins once.
m_bLoadedPlugins = true ;
g_pServerPluginHandler - > LoadPlugins ( ) ; // load 3rd party plugins
// Reset the last used count on all models before beginning the new load -- The nServerCount value on models could
// be from a client load connecting to a different server, and we know we're at the beginning of a new load now.
modelloader - > ResetModelServerCounts ( ) ;
ReloadWhitelist ( szMapName ) ;
COM_TimestampedLog ( " SV_SpawnServer(%s) " , szMapName ) ;
# ifndef SWDS
EngineVGui ( ) - > UpdateProgressBar ( PROGRESS_SPAWNSERVER ) ;
# endif
COM_SetupLogDir ( szMapName ) ;
g_Log . Open ( ) ;
g_Log . Printf ( " Loading map \" %s \" \n " , szMapName ) ;
g_Log . PrintServerVars ( ) ;
# ifndef SWDS
SCR_CenterStringOff ( ) ;
# endif
if ( startspot )
ConDMsg ( " Spawn Server: %s: [%s] \n " , szMapName , startspot ) ;
ConDMsg ( " Spawn Server: %s \n " , szMapName ) ;
// Any partially connected client will be restarted if the spawncount is not matched.
gHostSpawnCount = + + m_nSpawnCount ;
// make cvars consistant
deathmatch . SetValue ( IsMultiplayer ( ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
if ( coop . GetInt ( ) )
deathmatch . SetValue ( 0 ) ;
current_skill = ( int ) ( skill . GetFloat ( ) + 0.5 ) ;
current_skill = max ( current_skill , 0 ) ;
current_skill = min ( current_skill , 3 ) ;
skill . SetValue ( ( float ) current_skill ) ;
COM_TimestampedLog ( " StaticPropMgr()->LevelShutdown() " ) ;
# if !defined( SWDS )
g_pShadowMgr - > LevelShutdown ( ) ;
# endif // SWDS
StaticPropMgr ( ) - > LevelShutdown ( ) ;
// if we have an hltv relay proxy running, stop it now
if ( hltv & & ! hltv - > IsMasterProxy ( ) )
hltv - > Shutdown ( ) ;
// NOTE: Replay system does not deal with relay proxies.
COM_TimestampedLog ( " Host_FreeToLowMark " ) ;
Host_FreeStateAndWorld ( true ) ;
Host_FreeToLowMark ( true ) ;
// Clear out the mapversion so it's reset when the next level loads. Needed for changelevels.
g_ServerGlobalVariables . mapversion = 0 ;
COM_TimestampedLog ( " sv.Clear() " ) ;
Clear ( ) ;
COM_TimestampedLog ( " framesnapshotmanager->LevelChanged() " ) ;
// Clear out the state of the most recently sent packed entities from
// the snapshot manager
framesnapshotmanager - > LevelChanged ( ) ;
// set map name
Q_strncpy ( m_szMapname , szMapName , sizeof ( m_szMapname ) ) ;
Q_strncpy ( m_szMapFilename , szMapFile , sizeof ( m_szMapFilename ) ) ;
// set startspot
if ( startspot )
Q_strncpy ( m_szStartspot , startspot , sizeof ( m_szStartspot ) ) ;
m_szStartspot [ 0 ] = 0 ;
if ( g_FlushMemoryOnNextServer )
g_FlushMemoryOnNextServer = false ;
if ( IsX360 ( ) )
g_pQueuedLoader - > PurgeAll ( ) ;
g_pDataCache - > Flush ( ) ;
g_pMaterialSystem - > CompactMemory ( ) ;
g_pFileSystem - > AsyncFinishAll ( ) ;
# if !defined( SWDS )
extern CThreadMutex g_SndMutex ;
g_SndMutex . Lock ( ) ;
g_pFileSystem - > AsyncSuspend ( ) ;
g_pThreadPool - > SuspendExecution ( ) ;
MemAlloc_CompactHeap ( ) ;
g_pThreadPool - > ResumeExecution ( ) ;
g_pFileSystem - > AsyncResume ( ) ;
g_SndMutex . Unlock ( ) ;
# endif // SWDS
// Preload any necessary data from the xzps:
g_pFileSystem - > SetupPreloadData ( ) ;
g_pMDLCache - > InitPreloadData ( false ) ;
// Allocate server memory
max_edicts = MAX_EDICTS ;
g_ServerGlobalVariables . maxEntities = max_edicts ;
g_ServerGlobalVariables . maxClients = GetMaxClients ( ) ;
# ifndef SWDS
g_ClientGlobalVariables . network_protocol = PROTOCOL_VERSION ;
# endif
// Assume no entities beyond world and client slots
num_edicts = GetMaxClients ( ) + 1 ;
COM_TimestampedLog ( " SV_AllocateEdicts " ) ;
SV_AllocateEdicts ( ) ;
serverGameEnts - > SetDebugEdictBase ( edicts ) ;
allowsignonwrites = true ;
serverclasses = 0 ; // number of unique server classes
serverclassbits = 0 ; // log2 of serverclasses
// Assign class ids to server classes here so we can encode temp ents into signon
// if needed
AssignClassIds ( ) ;
COM_TimestampedLog ( " Set up players " ) ;
// allocate player data, and assign the values into the edicts
for ( i = 0 ; i < GetClientCount ( ) ; i + + )
CGameClient * pClient = Client ( i ) ;
// edict for a player is slot + 1, world = 0
pClient - > edict = edicts + i + 1 ;
// Setup up the edict
InitializeEntityDLLFields ( pClient - > edict ) ;
COM_TimestampedLog ( " Set up players(done) " ) ;
m_State = ss_loading ;
// Set initial time values.
m_flTickInterval = host_state . interval_per_tick ;
m_nTickCount = ( int ) ( 1.0 / host_state . interval_per_tick ) + 1 ; // Start at appropriate 1
g_ServerGlobalVariables . tickcount = m_nTickCount ;
g_ServerGlobalVariables . curtime = GetTime ( ) ;
// Load the world model.
g_pFileSystem - > AddSearchPath ( szMapFile , " GAME " , PATH_ADD_TO_HEAD ) ;
g_pFileSystem - > BeginMapAccess ( ) ;
if ( ! CommandLine ( ) - > FindParm ( " -allowstalezip " ) )
if ( g_pFileSystem - > FileExists ( " stale.txt " , " GAME " ) )
Warning ( " This map is not final!! Needs to be rebuilt without -keepstalezip and without -onlyents \n " ) ;
COM_TimestampedLog ( " modelloader->GetModelForName(%s) -- Start " , szMapFile ) ;
host_state . SetWorldModel ( modelloader - > GetModelForName ( szMapFile , IModelLoader : : FMODELLOADER_SERVER ) ) ;
if ( ! host_state . worldmodel )
ConMsg ( " Couldn't spawn server %s \n " , szMapFile ) ;
m_State = ss_dead ;
g_pFileSystem - > EndMapAccess ( ) ;
return false ;
COM_TimestampedLog ( " modelloader->GetModelForName(%s) -- Finished " , szMapFile ) ;
if ( IsMultiplayer ( ) & & ! IsX360 ( ) )
# ifndef SWDS
EngineVGui ( ) - > UpdateProgressBar ( PROGRESS_CRCMAP ) ;
# endif
// Server map CRC check.
V_memset ( worldmapMD5 . bits , 0 , MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH ) ;
if ( ! MD5_MapFile ( & worldmapMD5 , szMapFile ) )
ConMsg ( " Couldn't CRC server map: %s \n " , szMapFile ) ;
m_State = ss_dead ;
g_pFileSystem - > EndMapAccess ( ) ;
return false ;
# ifndef SWDS
EngineVGui ( ) - > UpdateProgressBar ( PROGRESS_CRCCLIENTDLL ) ;
# endif
V_memset ( worldmapMD5 . bits , 0 , MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH ) ;
m_StringTables = networkStringTableContainerServer ;
COM_TimestampedLog ( " SV_CreateNetworkStringTables " ) ;
# ifndef SWDS
# endif
// Create network string tables ( including precache tables )
SV_CreateNetworkStringTables ( ) ;
// Leave empty slots for models/sounds/generic (not for decals though)
PrecacheModel ( " " , 0 ) ;
PrecacheGeneric ( " " , 0 ) ;
PrecacheSound ( " " , 0 ) ;
COM_TimestampedLog ( " Precache world model (%s) " , szMapFile ) ;
# ifndef SWDS
EngineVGui ( ) - > UpdateProgressBar ( PROGRESS_PRECACHEWORLD ) ;
# endif
// Add in world
PrecacheModel ( szMapFile , RES_FATALIFMISSING | RES_PRELOAD , host_state . worldmodel ) ;
COM_TimestampedLog ( " Precache brush models " ) ;
// Add world submodels to the model cache
for ( i = 1 ; i < host_state . worldbrush - > numsubmodels ; i + + )
// Add in world brush models
char localmodel [ 5 ] ; // inline model names "*1", "*2" etc
Q_snprintf ( localmodel , sizeof ( localmodel ) , " *%i " , i ) ;
PrecacheModel ( localmodel , RES_FATALIFMISSING | RES_PRELOAD , modelloader - > GetModelForName ( localmodel , IModelLoader : : FMODELLOADER_SERVER ) ) ;
# ifndef SWDS
EngineVGui ( ) - > UpdateProgressBar ( PROGRESS_CLEARWORLD ) ;
# endif
COM_TimestampedLog ( " SV_ClearWorld " ) ;
// Clear world interaction links
// Loads and inserts static props
SV_ClearWorld ( ) ;
// load the rest of the entities
COM_TimestampedLog ( " InitializeEntityDLLFields " ) ;
InitializeEntityDLLFields ( edicts ) ;
// Clear the free bit on the world edict (entindex: 0).
ED_ClearFreeFlag ( & edicts [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( coop . GetFloat ( ) )
g_ServerGlobalVariables . coop = ( coop . GetInt ( ) ! = 0 ) ;
g_ServerGlobalVariables . deathmatch = ( deathmatch . GetInt ( ) ! = 0 ) ;
g_ServerGlobalVariables . mapname = MAKE_STRING ( m_szMapname ) ;
g_ServerGlobalVariables . startspot = MAKE_STRING ( m_szStartspot ) ;
GetTestScriptMgr ( ) - > CheckPoint ( " map_load " ) ;
// set game event
IGameEvent * event = g_GameEventManager . CreateEvent ( " server_spawn " ) ;
if ( event )
event - > SetString ( " hostname " , host_name . GetString ( ) ) ;
event - > SetString ( " address " , net_local_adr . ToString ( false ) ) ;
event - > SetInt ( " port " , GetUDPPort ( ) ) ;
event - > SetString ( " game " , com_gamedir ) ;
event - > SetString ( " mapname " , GetMapName ( ) ) ;
event - > SetInt ( " maxplayers " , GetMaxClients ( ) ) ;
event - > SetInt ( " password " , 0 ) ; // TODO
# if defined( _WIN32 )
event - > SetString ( " os " , " WIN32 " ) ;
# elif defined ( LINUX )
event - > SetString ( " os " , " LINUX " ) ;
# elif defined ( OSX )
event - > SetString ( " os " , " OSX " ) ;
2022-11-24 22:04:29 +03:00
# elif defined(BSD)
event - > SetString ( " os " ,
# ifdef __FreeBSD__
" FreeBSD "
# else
" BSD "
# endif
) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
# else
# error
# endif
event - > SetInt ( " dedicated " , IsDedicated ( ) ? 1 : 0 ) ;
g_GameEventManager . FireEvent ( event ) ;
COM_TimestampedLog ( " SV_SpawnServer -- Finished " ) ;
g_pFileSystem - > EndMapAccess ( ) ;
return true ;
void CGameServer : : UpdateMasterServerPlayers ( )
if ( ! Steam3Server ( ) . SteamGameServer ( ) )
return ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < GetClientCount ( ) ; i + + )
CGameClient * client = Client ( i ) ;
if ( ! client - > IsConnected ( ) )
continue ;
CPlayerState * pl = serverGameClients - > GetPlayerState ( client - > edict ) ;
if ( ! pl )
continue ;
if ( ! client - > m_SteamID . IsValid ( ) )
continue ;
Steam3Server ( ) . SteamGameServer ( ) - > BUpdateUserData ( client - > m_SteamID , client - > GetClientName ( ) , pl - > frags ) ;
// SV_IsSimulating
bool SV_IsSimulating ( void )
if ( sv . IsPaused ( ) )
return false ;
# ifndef SWDS
// Don't simulate in single player if console is down or the bug UI is active and we're in a game
if ( ! sv . IsMultiplayer ( ) )
if ( g_LostVideoMemory )
return false ;
// Don't simulate in single player if console is down or the bug UI is active and we're in a game
if ( cl . IsActive ( ) & & ( Con_IsVisible ( ) | | EngineVGui ( ) - > ShouldPause ( ) ) )
return false ;
# endif //SWDS
return true ;
// Purpose:
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool SV_HasPlayers ( )
/*int i;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sv . clients . Count ( ) ; i + + )
if ( sv . clients [ i ] - > active )
return true ;
return false ; */
return sv . GetClientCount ( ) > 0 ;
// Purpose: Run physics code (simulating == false means we're paused, but we'll still
// allow player usercmds to be processed
void SV_Think ( bool bIsSimulating )
VPROF ( " SV_Physics " ) ;
tmZone ( TELEMETRY_LEVEL1 , TMZF_NONE , " SV_Think(%s) " , bIsSimulating ? " simulating " : " not simulating " ) ;
// @FD The staging branch already did away with "frames" and wakes on tick
// optimally. Currently the hibernating flag essentially means "is empty
// and available to host a game," which is used for the GC matchmaking.
sv . UpdateHibernationState ( ) ;
if ( s_timeForceShutdown > 0.0 )
if ( s_timeForceShutdown < Plat_FloatTime ( ) )
Warning ( " Server shutting down because sv_shutdown was requested and timeout has expired. \n " ) ;
HostState_Shutdown ( ) ;
// if ( sv.IsDedicated() )
// {
// sv.UpdateReservedState();
// if ( sv.IsHibernating() )
// {
// // if we're hibernating, just sleep for a while and do not call server.dll to run a frame
// int nMilliseconds = sv_hibernate_ms.GetInt();
//#ifndef DEDICATED // Non-Linux
// if ( g_bIsVGuiBasedDedicatedServer )
// {
// // Keep VGUi happy
// nMilliseconds = sv_hibernate_ms_vgui.GetInt();
// }
// g_pNetworkSystem->SleepUntilMessages( NS_SERVER, nMilliseconds );
// return;
// }
// }
g_ServerGlobalVariables . tickcount = sv . m_nTickCount ;
g_ServerGlobalVariables . curtime = sv . GetTime ( ) ;
g_ServerGlobalVariables . frametime = bIsSimulating ? host_state . interval_per_tick : 0 ;
// in singleplayer only run think/simulation if localplayer is connected
bIsSimulating = bIsSimulating & & ( sv . IsMultiplayer ( ) | | cl . IsActive ( ) ) ;
g_pServerPluginHandler - > GameFrame ( bIsSimulating ) ;
2022-11-16 13:51:03 +03:00
if ( bIsSimulating )
GetBenchResultsMgr ( ) - > Frame ( ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
// Purpose:
// Input : simulating -
void SV_PreClientUpdate ( bool bIsSimulating )
if ( ! serverGameDLL )
return ;
serverGameDLL - > PreClientUpdate ( bIsSimulating ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
CFunctor * g_pDeferredServerWork ;
void SV_FrameExecuteThreadDeferred ( )
if ( g_pDeferredServerWork )
( * g_pDeferredServerWork ) ( ) ;
delete g_pDeferredServerWork ;
g_pDeferredServerWork = NULL ;
void SV_SendClientUpdates ( bool bIsSimulating , bool bSendDuringPause )
bool bForcedSend = s_bForceSend ;
s_bForceSend = false ;
// ask game.dll to add any debug graphics
SV_PreClientUpdate ( bIsSimulating ) ;
// This causes network messages to be sent
sv . SendClientMessages ( bIsSimulating | | bForcedSend ) ;
// tricky, increase stringtable tick at least one tick
// so changes made after this point are not counted to this server
// frame since we already send out the client snapshots
networkStringTableContainerServer - > SetTick ( sv . m_nTickCount + 1 ) ;
void SV_Frame ( bool finalTick )
VPROF ( " SV_Frame " ) ;
if ( serverGameDLL & & finalTick )
serverGameDLL - > Think ( finalTick ) ;
if ( ! sv . IsActive ( ) | | ! Host_ShouldRun ( ) )
return ;
g_ServerGlobalVariables . frametime = host_state . interval_per_tick ;
bool bIsSimulating = SV_IsSimulating ( ) ;
bool bSendDuringPause = sv_noclipduringpause ? sv_noclipduringpause - > GetBool ( ) : false ;
// unlock sting tables to allow changes, helps to find unwanted changes (bebug build only)
networkStringTableContainerServer - > Lock ( false ) ;
2022-11-16 13:51:03 +03:00
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
// Run any commands from client and play client Think functions if it is time.
sv . RunFrame ( ) ; // read network input etc
bool simulated = false ;
if ( SV_HasPlayers ( ) )
bool serverCanSimulate = ( serverGameDLL & & ! serverGameDLL - > IsRestoring ( ) ) ? true : false ;
if ( serverCanSimulate & & ( bIsSimulating | | bSendDuringPause ) )
simulated = true ;
sv . m_nTickCount + + ;
networkStringTableContainerServer - > SetTick ( sv . m_nTickCount ) ;
SV_Think ( bIsSimulating ) ;
else if ( sv . IsMultiplayer ( ) )
SV_Think ( false ) ; // let the game.dll systems think
// This value is read on another thread, so this needs to only happen once per frame and be atomic.
sv . m_bSimulatingTicks = simulated ;
// Send the results of movement and physics to the clients
if ( finalTick )
if ( ! IsEngineThreaded ( ) | | sv . IsMultiplayer ( ) )
SV_SendClientUpdates ( bIsSimulating , bSendDuringPause ) ;
g_pDeferredServerWork = CreateFunctor ( SV_SendClientUpdates , bIsSimulating , bSendDuringPause ) ;
// lock string tables
networkStringTableContainerServer - > Lock ( true ) ;
// let the steam auth server process new connections
if ( IsPC ( ) & & sv . IsMultiplayer ( ) )
Steam3Server ( ) . RunFrame ( ) ;