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2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "igamesystem.h"
#include "gamestats.h"
#include "tier1/utlstring.h"
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "tier1/utlbuffer.h"
#ifndef SWDS
#include "iregistry.h"
#include "tier1/utldict.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "vehicle_base.h"
#if defined( _X360 )
#include "xbox/xbox_win32stubs.h"
#define GAMESTATS_LOG_FILE "gamestats.log"
#define ONE_DAY_IN_SECONDS 86400
// Lower threshold in debug for testing...
#if defined( _DEBUG )
#define WALKED_AWAY_FROM_KEYBOARD_SECONDS 15.0f // 15 seconds of movement == might be paused
#define WALKED_AWAY_FROM_KEYBOARD_SECONDS 300.0f // 5 minutes of no movement == might be paused
extern IUploadGameStats *gamestatsuploader;
extern ConVar skill;
static CBaseGameStats s_GameStats_Singleton;
CBaseGameStats *gamestats = &s_GameStats_Singleton; //start out pointing at the basic version which does nothing by default
bool UserCmdChanged( const CUserCmd& lhs, const CUserCmd& rhs );
bool StatsTrackingIsFullyEnabled( void );
//used to drive most of the game stat event handlers as well as track basic stats under the hood of CBaseGameStats
class CBaseGameStats_Driver : public CAutoGameSystemPerFrame
CBaseGameStats_Driver( void );
typedef CAutoGameSystemPerFrame BaseClass;
// IGameSystem overloads
virtual bool Init();
virtual void Shutdown();
// Level init, shutdown
virtual void LevelInitPreEntity();
virtual void LevelShutdownPreEntity();
// Called during game save
virtual void OnSave();
// Called during game restore, after the local player has connected and entities have been fully restored
virtual void OnRestore();
virtual void FrameUpdatePostEntityThink();
void PossibleMapChange( void );
CUtlString m_PrevMapName; //used to track "OnMapChange" events
int m_iLoadedVersion;
char m_szLoadedUserID[ 17 ]; // GUID
bool m_bEnabled; //false if incapable of uploading or the user doesn't want to enable stat tracking
bool m_bShuttingDown;
bool m_bInLevel;
bool m_bFirstLevel;
time_t m_tLastUpload;
float m_flLevelStartTime;
bool m_bStationary;
float m_flLastMovementTime;
CUserCmd m_LastUserCmd;
bool m_bGamePaused;
float m_flPauseStartTime;
static CBaseGameStats_Driver CBGSDriver;
CBaseGameStats_Driver::CBaseGameStats_Driver( void ) :
BaseClass( "CGameStats" ),
m_iLoadedVersion( -1 ),
m_bEnabled( false ),
m_bShuttingDown( false ),
m_bInLevel( false ),
m_bFirstLevel( true ),
m_flLevelStartTime( 0.0f ),
m_bStationary( false ),
m_flLastMovementTime( 0.0f ),
m_bGamePaused( false )
m_szLoadedUserID[0] = 0;;
m_tLastUpload = 0;
static FileHandle_t g_LogFileHandle = FILESYSTEM_INVALID_HANDLE;
CBaseGameStats::CBaseGameStats() :
m_bLogging( false ),
m_bLoggingToFile( false )
bool CBaseGameStats::StatTrackingAllowed( void )
return CBGSDriver.m_bEnabled;
// Don't care about vcr hooks here...
#undef localtime
#undef asctime
#undef time
#include <time.h>
void CBaseGameStats::StatsLog( char const *fmt, ... )
if ( !m_bLogging && !m_bLoggingToFile )
char buf[ 2048 ];
va_list argptr;
va_start( argptr, fmt );
Q_vsnprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), fmt, argptr );
va_end( argptr );
// Prepend timestamp and spew it
// Prepend the time.
time_t aclock;
time( &aclock );
struct tm *newtime = localtime( &aclock );
char timeString[ 128 ];
Q_strncpy( timeString, asctime( newtime ), sizeof( timeString ) );
// Get rid of the \n.
char *pEnd = strstr( timeString, "\n" );
if ( pEnd )
*pEnd = 0;
if ( m_bLogging )
DevMsg( "[GS %s - %7.2f] %s", timeString, gpGlobals->realtime, buf );
if ( m_bLoggingToFile )
g_LogFileHandle = filesystem->Open( GAMESTATS_LOG_FILE, "a", GAMESTATS_PATHID );
filesystem->FPrintf( g_LogFileHandle, "[GS %s - %7.2f] %s", timeString, gpGlobals->realtime, buf );
filesystem->Flush( g_LogFileHandle );
static char s_szSaveFileName[256] = "";
static char s_szStatUploadRegistryKeyName[256] = "";
static char s_szPseudoUniqueID[20] = "";
const char *CBaseGameStats::GetStatSaveFileName( void )
AssertMsg( s_szSaveFileName[0] != '\0', "Don't know what file to save stats to." );
return s_szSaveFileName;
const char *CBaseGameStats::GetStatUploadRegistryKeyName( void )
AssertMsg( s_szStatUploadRegistryKeyName[0] != '\0', "Don't know the registry key to use to mark stats uploads." );
return s_szStatUploadRegistryKeyName;
const char *CBaseGameStats::GetUserPseudoUniqueID( void )
AssertMsg( s_szPseudoUniqueID[0] != '\0', "Don't have a pseudo unique ID." );
return s_szPseudoUniqueID;
void CBaseGameStats::Event_Init( void )
SetSteamStatistic( filesystem->IsSteam() );
SetCyberCafeStatistic( gamestatsuploader->IsCyberCafeUser() );
ConVarRef pDXLevel( "mat_dxlevel" );
if( pDXLevel.IsValid() )
SetDXLevelStatistic( pDXLevel.GetInt() );
StatsLog( "CBaseGameStats::Event_Init [%dth session]\n", m_BasicStats.m_Summary.m_nCount );
void CBaseGameStats::Event_Shutdown( void )
StatsLog( "CBaseGameStats::Event_Shutdown [%dth session]\n", m_BasicStats.m_Summary.m_nCount );
StatsLog( "\n====================================================================\n\n" );
void CBaseGameStats::Event_MapChange( const char *szOldMapName, const char *szNewMapName )
StatsLog( "CBaseGameStats::Event_MapChange to [%s]\n", szNewMapName );
void CBaseGameStats::Event_LevelInit( void )
StatsLog( "CBaseGameStats::Event_LevelInit [%s]\n", CBGSDriver.m_PrevMapName.String() );
BasicGameStatsRecord_t *map = gamestats->m_BasicStats.FindOrAddRecordForMap( CBGSDriver.m_PrevMapName.String() );
// HACK HACK: Punching this hole through only works in single player!!!
if ( gpGlobals->maxClients == 1 )
ConVarRef closecaption( "closecaption" );
if( closecaption.IsValid() )
SetCaptionsStatistic( closecaption.GetBool() );
SetHDRStatistic( gamestatsuploader->IsHDREnabled() );
SetSkillStatistic( skill.GetInt() );
SetSteamStatistic( filesystem->IsSteam() );
SetCyberCafeStatistic( gamestatsuploader->IsCyberCafeUser() );
void CBaseGameStats::Event_LevelShutdown( float flElapsed )
BasicGameStatsRecord_t *map = m_BasicStats.FindOrAddRecordForMap( CBGSDriver.m_PrevMapName.String() );
Assert( map );
map->m_nSeconds += (int)flElapsed;
gamestats->m_BasicStats.m_Summary.m_nSeconds += (int)flElapsed;
StatsLog( "CBaseGameStats::Event_LevelShutdown [%s] %.2f elapsed %d total\n", CBGSDriver.m_PrevMapName.String(), flElapsed, gamestats->m_BasicStats.m_Summary.m_nSeconds );
void CBaseGameStats::Event_PlayerKilled( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
if( CBGSDriver.m_bInLevel )
BasicGameStatsRecord_t *map = m_BasicStats.FindOrAddRecordForMap( CBGSDriver.m_PrevMapName.String() );
StatsLog( " Player died %dth time in level [%s]!!!\n", map->m_nDeaths, CBGSDriver.m_PrevMapName.String() );
StatsLog( " Player died, but not in a level!!!\n" );
Assert( 0 );
StatsLog( "CBaseGameStats::Event_PlayerKilled [%s] [%dth death]\n", pPlayer->GetPlayerName(), m_BasicStats.m_Summary.m_nDeaths );
void CBaseGameStats::Event_SaveGame( void )
StatsLog( "CBaseGameStats::Event_SaveGame [%s]\n", CBGSDriver.m_PrevMapName.String() );
void CBaseGameStats::Event_LoadGame( void )
char const *pchSaveFile = engine->GetMostRecentlyLoadedFileName();
StatsLog( "CBaseGameStats::Event_LoadGame [%s] from %s\n", CBGSDriver.m_PrevMapName.String(), pchSaveFile );
void CBaseGameStats::Event_Commentary()
if( CBGSDriver.m_bInLevel )
BasicGameStatsRecord_t *map = m_BasicStats.FindOrAddRecordForMap( CBGSDriver.m_PrevMapName.String() );
StatsLog( "CBaseGameStats::Event_Commentary [%d]\n", m_BasicStats.m_Summary.m_nCommentary );
void CBaseGameStats::Event_Credits()
StatsLog( "CBaseGameStats::Event_Credits\n" );
float elapsed = 0.0f;
if( CBGSDriver.m_bInLevel )
elapsed = gpGlobals->realtime - CBGSDriver.m_flLevelStartTime;
if( elapsed < 0.0f )
Assert( 0 );
Warning( "EVENT_CREDITS with negative elapsed time (rt %f starttime %f)\n", gpGlobals->realtime, CBGSDriver.m_flLevelStartTime );
elapsed = 0.0f;
// Only set this one time!!!
if( gamestats->m_BasicStats.m_nSecondsToCompleteGame == 0 )
if( gamestats->UserPlayedAllTheMaps() )
gamestats->m_BasicStats.m_nSecondsToCompleteGame = elapsed + gamestats->m_BasicStats.m_Summary.m_nSeconds;
void CBaseGameStats::Event_CrateSmashed()
StatsLog( "CBaseGameStats::Event_CrateSmashed\n" );
void CBaseGameStats::Event_Punted( CBaseEntity *pObject )
StatsLog( "CBaseGameStats::Event_Punted [%s]\n", pObject->GetClassname() );
void CBaseGameStats::Event_PlayerTraveled( CBasePlayer *pBasePlayer, float distanceInInches, bool bInVehicle, bool bSprinting )
void CBaseGameStats::Event_FlippedVehicle( CBasePlayer *pDriver, CPropVehicleDriveable *pVehicle )
StatsLog( "CBaseGameStats::Event_FlippedVehicle [%s] flipped [%s]\n", pDriver->GetPlayerName(), pVehicle->GetClassname() );
// Called before .sav file is actually loaded (player should still be in previous level, if any)
void CBaseGameStats::Event_PreSaveGameLoaded( char const *pSaveName, bool bInGame )
StatsLog( "CBaseGameStats::Event_PreSaveGameLoaded [%s] %s\n", pSaveName, bInGame ? "in-game" : "at console" );
bool CBaseGameStats::SaveToFileNOW( bool bForceSyncWrite /* = false */ )
if ( !StatsTrackingIsFullyEnabled() )
return false;
CUtlBuffer buf;
buf.Put( s_szPseudoUniqueID, 16 );
if( ShouldTrackStandardStats() )
m_BasicStats.SaveToBuffer( buf );
gamestats->AppendCustomDataToSaveBuffer( buf );
char fullpath[ 512 ] = { 0 };
if ( filesystem->FileExists( GetStatSaveFileName(), GAMESTATS_PATHID ) )
filesystem->RelativePathToFullPath( GetStatSaveFileName(), GAMESTATS_PATHID, fullpath, sizeof( fullpath ) );
// filename is local to game dir for Steam, so we need to prepend game dir for regular file save
char gamePath[256];
engine->GetGameDir( gamePath, 256 );
Q_StripTrailingSlash( gamePath );
Q_snprintf( fullpath, sizeof( fullpath ), "%s/%s", gamePath, GetStatSaveFileName() );
Q_strlower( fullpath );
Q_FixSlashes( fullpath );
// StatsLog( "SaveToFileNOW '%s'\n", fullpath );
if( CBGSDriver.m_bShuttingDown || bForceSyncWrite ) //write synchronously
filesystem->WriteFile( fullpath, GAMESTATS_PATHID, buf );
StatsLog( "Shut down wrote to '%s'\n", fullpath );
// Allocate memory for async system to use (and free afterward!!!)
size_t nBufferSize = buf.TellPut();
void *pMem = malloc(nBufferSize);
CUtlBuffer statsBuffer( pMem, nBufferSize );
statsBuffer.Put( buf.Base(), nBufferSize );
// Write data async
filesystem->AsyncWrite( fullpath, statsBuffer.Base(), statsBuffer.TellPut(), true, false );
return true;
void CBaseGameStats::Event_PlayerConnected( CBasePlayer *pBasePlayer )
StatsLog( "CBaseGameStats::Event_PlayerConnected [%s]\n", pBasePlayer->GetPlayerName() );
void CBaseGameStats::Event_PlayerDisconnected( CBasePlayer *pBasePlayer )
StatsLog( "CBaseGameStats::Event_PlayerDisconnected\n", pBasePlayer->GetPlayerName() );
void CBaseGameStats::Event_PlayerDamage( CBasePlayer *pBasePlayer, const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
//StatsLog( "CBaseGameStats::Event_PlayerDamage [%s] took %.2f damage\n", pBasePlayer->GetPlayerName(), info.GetDamage() );
void CBaseGameStats::Event_PlayerKilledOther( CBasePlayer *pAttacker, CBaseEntity *pVictim, const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
StatsLog( "CBaseGameStats::Event_PlayerKilledOther [%s] killed [%s]\n", pAttacker->GetPlayerName(), pVictim->GetClassname() );
void CBaseGameStats::Event_WeaponFired( CBasePlayer *pShooter, bool bPrimary, char const *pchWeaponName )
StatsLog( "CBaseGameStats::Event_WeaponFired [%s] %s weapon [%s]\n", pShooter->GetPlayerName(), bPrimary ? "primary" : "secondary", pchWeaponName );
void CBaseGameStats::Event_WeaponHit( CBasePlayer *pShooter, bool bPrimary, char const *pchWeaponName, const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
StatsLog( "CBaseGameStats::Event_WeaponHit [%s] %s weapon [%s] damage [%f]\n", pShooter->GetPlayerName(), bPrimary ? "primary" : "secondary", pchWeaponName, info.GetDamage() );
void CBaseGameStats::Event_PlayerEnteredGodMode( CBasePlayer *pBasePlayer )
StatsLog( "CBaseGameStats::Event_PlayerEnteredGodMode [%s] entered GOD mode\n", pBasePlayer->GetPlayerName() );
void CBaseGameStats::Event_PlayerEnteredNoClip( CBasePlayer *pBasePlayer )
StatsLog( "CBaseGameStats::Event_PlayerEnteredNoClip [%s] entered NOCLIPe\n", pBasePlayer->GetPlayerName() );
void CBaseGameStats::Event_DecrementPlayerEnteredNoClip( CBasePlayer *pBasePlayer )
StatsLog( "CBaseGameStats::Event_DecrementPlayerEnteredNoClip [%s] decrementing NOCLIPe\n", pBasePlayer->GetPlayerName() );
void CBaseGameStats::Event_IncrementCountedStatistic( const Vector& vecAbsOrigin, char const *pchStatisticName, float flIncrementAmount )
StatsLog( "Incrementing %s by %f at pos (%d, %d, %d)\n", pchStatisticName, flIncrementAmount, (int)vecAbsOrigin.x, (int)vecAbsOrigin.y, (int)vecAbsOrigin.z );
bool CBaseGameStats::UploadStatsFileNOW( void )
if( !StatsTrackingIsFullyEnabled() )
StatsLog( "UploadStatsFileNOW: stats tracking not fully enabled, not uploading file\n" );
return false;
if (!HaveValidData() )
StatsLog( "UploadStatsFileNOW: no valid game data, not uploading file\n" );
return false;
if ( !filesystem->FileExists( gamestats->GetStatSaveFileName(), GAMESTATS_PATHID ) )
StatsLog( "UploadStatsFileNOW: can't find stats file, not uploading file\n" );
return false;
int curtime = Plat_FloatTime();
CBGSDriver.m_tLastUpload = curtime;
// Update the registry
#ifndef SWDS
IRegistry *reg = InstanceRegistry( "Steam" );
Assert( reg );
reg->WriteInt( GetStatUploadRegistryKeyName(), CBGSDriver.m_tLastUpload );
ReleaseInstancedRegistry( reg );
CUtlBuffer buf;
filesystem->ReadFile( GetStatSaveFileName(), GAMESTATS_PATHID, buf );
unsigned int uBlobSize = buf.TellPut();
if ( uBlobSize == 0 )
StatsLog( "UploadStatsFileNOW: can't read stats file, not uploading file\n" );
return false;
const void *pvBlobData = ( const void * )buf.Base();
if( gamestatsuploader )
bool bRet = gamestatsuploader->UploadGameStats( "",
pvBlobData );
StatsLog( "UploadStatsFileNow: UploadGameStats %s\n", bRet ? "succeeded" : "failed" );
return false;
void CBaseGameStats::LoadingEvent_PlayerIDDifferentThanLoadedStats( void )
StatsLog( "CBaseGameStats::LoadingEvent_PlayerIDDifferentThanLoadedStats\n" );
bool CBaseGameStats::LoadFromFile( void )
if ( filesystem->FileExists( gamestats->GetStatSaveFileName(), GAMESTATS_PATHID ) )
char fullpath[ 512 ];
filesystem->RelativePathToFullPath( gamestats->GetStatSaveFileName(), GAMESTATS_PATHID, fullpath, sizeof( fullpath ) );
StatsLog( "Loading stats from '%s'\n", fullpath );
CUtlBuffer buf;
if ( filesystem->ReadFile( gamestats->GetStatSaveFileName(), GAMESTATS_PATHID, buf ) )
bool bRetVal = true;
int version = buf.GetShort();
return false; //file is beyond our comprehension
// Set global parse version
CBGSDriver.m_iLoadedVersion = version;
buf.Get( CBGSDriver.m_szLoadedUserID, 16 );
CBGSDriver.m_szLoadedUserID[ sizeof( CBGSDriver.m_szLoadedUserID ) - 1 ] = 0;
if ( s_szPseudoUniqueID[ 0 ] != 0 )
if ( Q_stricmp( CBGSDriver.m_szLoadedUserID, s_szPseudoUniqueID ) )
//UserID changed, blow away log!!!
filesystem->RemoveFile( gamestats->GetStatSaveFileName(), GAMESTATS_PATHID );
Warning( "Userid changed, clearing stats file\n" );
CBGSDriver.m_szLoadedUserID[0] = '\0';
CBGSDriver.m_iLoadedVersion = -1;
bRetVal = false;
bRetVal = false;
// Peek ahead in buffer to see if we have the "no default stats" secret flag set.
int iCheckForStandardStatsInFile = *( int * )buf.PeekGet();
bool bValid = true;
if ( iCheckForStandardStatsInFile != GAMESTATS_STANDARD_NOT_SAVED )
//the GAMESTATS_STANDARD_NOT_SAVED flag coincides with user completion time, rewind so the gamestats parser can grab it
bValid = gamestats->m_BasicStats.ParseFromBuffer( buf, version );
// skip over the flag
if( !bValid )
if( ( buf.TellPut() - buf.TellGet() ) != 0 ) //more data left, must be custom data
gamestats->LoadCustomDataFromBuffer( buf );
return bRetVal;
return false;
bool CBaseGameStats_Driver::Init()
const char *pGameDir = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-game", "hl2" );
//standardizing is a good thing
char szLoweredGameDir[256];
Q_strncpy( szLoweredGameDir, pGameDir, sizeof( szLoweredGameDir ) );
Q_strlower( szLoweredGameDir );
gamestats = gamestats->OnInit( gamestats, szLoweredGameDir );
//determine constant strings needed for saving and uploading
Q_strncpy( s_szSaveFileName, szLoweredGameDir, sizeof( s_szSaveFileName ) );
Q_strncat( s_szSaveFileName, "_gamestats.dat", sizeof( s_szSaveFileName ) );
Q_strncpy( s_szStatUploadRegistryKeyName, "GameStatsUpload_", sizeof( s_szStatUploadRegistryKeyName ) );
Q_strncat( s_szStatUploadRegistryKeyName, szLoweredGameDir, sizeof( s_szStatUploadRegistryKeyName ) );
gamestats->m_bLoggingToFile = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-gamestatsloggingtofile" ) ? true : false;
if ( gamestats->m_bLoggingToFile )
gamestats->m_bLogging = true;
gamestats->m_bLogging = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-gamestatslogging" ) ? true : false;
#if 0
// This should only impact us internally!!!
if ( IsPC() && !filesystem->IsSteam() )
Warning( "Forcing gamestats logging to file, remove before shipping!!!\n" );
gamestats->m_bLoggingToFile = true;
if ( gamestatsuploader )
m_bEnabled = gamestatsuploader->IsGameStatsLoggingEnabled();
if ( m_bEnabled )
gamestatsuploader->GetPseudoUniqueId( s_szPseudoUniqueID, sizeof( s_szPseudoUniqueID ) );
if ( StatsTrackingIsFullyEnabled() )
// FIXME: Load m_tLastUpload from registry and save it back out, too
#ifndef SWDS
IRegistry *reg = InstanceRegistry( "Steam" );
Assert( reg );
m_tLastUpload = reg->ReadInt( gamestats->GetStatUploadRegistryKeyName(), 0 );
ReleaseInstancedRegistry( reg );
//load existing stats
if ( s_szPseudoUniqueID[ 0 ] != 0 )
if( gamestats->AutoSave_OnInit() )
if( gamestats->AutoUpload_OnInit() )
m_bEnabled = false; //unable to generate a pseudo-unique ID, disable tracking
return true;
void CBaseGameStats_Driver::Shutdown()
m_bShuttingDown = true;
if( gamestats->AutoSave_OnShutdown() )
if( gamestats->AutoUpload_OnShutdown() )
filesystem->Close( g_LogFileHandle );
void CBaseGameStats_Driver::PossibleMapChange( void )
//detect and copy map changes
if ( Q_stricmp( m_PrevMapName.String(), STRING( gpGlobals->mapname ) ) )
CUtlString PrevMapBackup = m_PrevMapName;
m_PrevMapName = STRING( gpGlobals->mapname );
gamestats->Event_MapChange( PrevMapBackup.String(), STRING( gpGlobals->mapname ) );
if( gamestats->AutoSave_OnMapChange() )
if( gamestats->AutoUpload_OnMapChange() )
void CBaseGameStats_Driver::LevelInitPreEntity()
m_bInLevel = true;
m_bFirstLevel = false;
if ( Q_stricmp( s_szPseudoUniqueID, "unknown" ) == 0 )
// "unknown" means this is a dedicated server and we weren't able to generate a unique ID (e.g. Linux server).
// Change the unique ID to be a hash of IP & port. We couldn't do this earlier because IP is not known until level
// init time.
ConVar *hostip = cvar->FindVar( "hostip" );
ConVar *hostport = cvar->FindVar( "hostport" );
if ( hostip && hostport )
int crcInput[2];
crcInput[0] = hostip->GetInt();
crcInput[1] = hostport->GetInt();
if ( crcInput[0] && crcInput[1] )
CRC32_t crc = CRC32_ProcessSingleBuffer( crcInput, sizeof( crcInput ) );
Q_snprintf( s_szPseudoUniqueID, ARRAYSIZE( s_szPseudoUniqueID ), "H:%x", crc );
m_flPauseStartTime = 0.0f;
m_flLevelStartTime = gpGlobals->realtime;
if( gamestats->AutoSave_OnLevelInit() )
if( gamestats->AutoUpload_OnLevelInit() )
void CBaseGameStats_Driver::LevelShutdownPreEntity()
float flElapsed = gpGlobals->realtime - m_flLevelStartTime;
if ( flElapsed < 0.0f )
Assert( 0 );
Warning( "EVENT_LEVELSHUTDOWN: with negative elapsed time (rt %f starttime %f)\n", gpGlobals->realtime, m_flLevelStartTime );
flElapsed = 0.0f;
//Assert( m_bInLevel ); //so, apparently shutdowns can happen before inits
if ( m_bInLevel && ( gpGlobals->eLoadType != MapLoad_Background ) )
gamestats->Event_LevelShutdown( flElapsed );
if( gamestats->AutoSave_OnLevelShutdown() )
gamestats->SaveToFileNOW( true );
if( gamestats->AutoUpload_OnLevelShutdown() )
m_bInLevel = false;
void CBaseGameStats_Driver::OnSave()
void CBaseGameStats_Driver::OnRestore()
void CBaseGameStats_Driver::FrameUpdatePostEntityThink()
bool bGamePaused = ( gpGlobals->frametime == 0.0f );
if ( !m_bInLevel )
m_flPauseStartTime = 0.0f;
else if ( m_bGamePaused != bGamePaused )
if ( bGamePaused )
m_flPauseStartTime = gpGlobals->realtime;
else if ( m_flPauseStartTime != 0.0f )
float flPausedTime = gpGlobals->realtime - m_flPauseStartTime;
if ( flPausedTime < 0.0f )
Assert( 0 );
Warning( "Game paused time showing up negative (rt %f pausestart %f)\n", gpGlobals->realtime, m_flPauseStartTime );
flPausedTime = 0.0f;
// Remove this from global time counters
// Msg( "Pause: adding %f to level starttime\n", flPausedTime );
m_flLevelStartTime += flPausedTime;
m_flPauseStartTime = 0.0f;
// Msg( "Paused for %.2f seconds\n", flPausedTime );
m_bGamePaused = bGamePaused;
bool UserCmdChanged( const CUserCmd& lhs, const CUserCmd& rhs )
if ( lhs.viewangles != rhs.viewangles )
return true;
if ( lhs.forwardmove != rhs.forwardmove )
return true;
if ( lhs.sidemove != rhs.sidemove )
return true;
if ( lhs.upmove != rhs.upmove )
return true;
if ( lhs.buttons != rhs.buttons )
return true;
if ( lhs.impulse != rhs.impulse )
return true;
if ( lhs.weaponselect != rhs.weaponselect )
return true;
if ( lhs.weaponsubtype != rhs.weaponsubtype )
return true;
if ( lhs.mousedx != rhs.mousedx )
return true;
if ( lhs.mousedy != rhs.mousedy )
return true;
return false;
bool StatsTrackingIsFullyEnabled( void )
return CBGSDriver.m_bEnabled && gamestats->StatTrackingEnabledForMod();
void CBaseGameStats::Clear( void )
void CBaseGameStats::SetSteamStatistic( bool bUsingSteam )
if( CBGSDriver.m_bFirstLevel )
m_BasicStats.m_Summary.m_bSteam = bUsingSteam;
if( CBGSDriver.m_bInLevel )
BasicGameStatsRecord_t *map = m_BasicStats.FindOrAddRecordForMap( CBGSDriver.m_PrevMapName.String() );
map->m_bSteam = bUsingSteam;
m_BasicStats.m_bSteam = bUsingSteam;
void CBaseGameStats::SetCyberCafeStatistic( bool bIsCyberCafeUser )
if( CBGSDriver.m_bFirstLevel )
m_BasicStats.m_Summary.m_bCyberCafe = bIsCyberCafeUser;
if( CBGSDriver.m_bInLevel )
BasicGameStatsRecord_t *map = m_BasicStats.FindOrAddRecordForMap( CBGSDriver.m_PrevMapName.String() );
map->m_bCyberCafe = bIsCyberCafeUser;
m_BasicStats.m_bCyberCafe = bIsCyberCafeUser;
void CBaseGameStats::SetHDRStatistic( bool bHDREnabled )
if( bHDREnabled )
if( CBGSDriver.m_bInLevel )
BasicGameStatsRecord_t *map = m_BasicStats.FindOrAddRecordForMap( CBGSDriver.m_PrevMapName.String() );
if( CBGSDriver.m_bFirstLevel )
void CBaseGameStats::SetCaptionsStatistic( bool bClosedCaptionsEnabled )
if( CBGSDriver.m_bInLevel )
BasicGameStatsRecord_t *map = m_BasicStats.FindOrAddRecordForMap( CBGSDriver.m_PrevMapName.String() );
if( CBGSDriver.m_bFirstLevel )
void CBaseGameStats::SetSkillStatistic( int iSkillSetting )
int skill = clamp( iSkillSetting, 1, 3 ) - 1;
if( CBGSDriver.m_bInLevel )
BasicGameStatsRecord_t *map = m_BasicStats.FindOrAddRecordForMap( CBGSDriver.m_PrevMapName.String() );
++map->m_nSkill[ skill ];
if ( CBGSDriver. m_bFirstLevel )
++m_BasicStats.m_Summary.m_nSkill[ skill ];
void CBaseGameStats::SetDXLevelStatistic( int iDXLevel )
m_BasicStats.m_nDXLevel = iDXLevel;
void CBaseGameStats::SetHL2UnlockedChapterStatistic( void )
// Now grab the hl2/cfg/config.cfg and suss out the sv_unlockedchapters cvar to estimate how far they got in HL2
char const *relative = "cfg/config.cfg";
char fullpath[ 512 ];
char gamedir[256];
engine->GetGameDir( gamedir, 256 );
Q_snprintf( fullpath, sizeof( fullpath ), "%s/../hl2/%s", gamedir, relative );
if ( filesystem->FileExists( fullpath ) )
FileHandle_t fh = filesystem->Open( fullpath, "rb" );
// read file into memory
int size = filesystem->Size(fh);
char *configBuffer = new char[ size + 1 ];
filesystem->Read( configBuffer, size, fh );
configBuffer[size] = 0;
filesystem->Close( fh );
// loop through looking for all the cvars to apply
const char *search = Q_stristr(configBuffer, "sv_unlockedchapters" );
if ( search )
// read over the token
search = strtok( (char *)search, " \n" );
search = strtok( NULL, " \n" );
if ( search[0]== '\"' )
// read the value
int iChapter = Q_atoi( search );
m_BasicStats.m_nHL2ChaptureUnlocked = iChapter;
// free
delete [] configBuffer;
static void CC_ResetGameStats( const CCommand &args )
gamestats->StatsLog( "CC_ResetGameStats : Server cleared game stats\n" );
static ConCommand resetGameStats("_resetgamestats", CC_ResetGameStats, "Erases current game stats and writes out a blank stats file", 0 );
class CPointGamestatsCounter : public CPointEntity
DECLARE_CLASS( CPointGamestatsCounter, CPointEntity );
void InputSetName( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputIncrement( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputEnable( inputdata_t &inputdata );
void InputDisable( inputdata_t &inputdata );
string_t m_strStatisticName;
bool m_bDisabled;
BEGIN_DATADESC( CPointGamestatsCounter )
DEFINE_KEYFIELD( m_strStatisticName, FIELD_STRING, "Name" ),
// Inputs
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_FLOAT, "Increment", InputIncrement ),
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "Enable", InputEnable ),
DEFINE_INPUTFUNC( FIELD_VOID, "Disable", InputDisable ),
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( point_gamestats_counter, CPointGamestatsCounter )
CPointGamestatsCounter::CPointGamestatsCounter() :
m_strStatisticName( NULL_STRING ),
m_bDisabled( false )
// Purpose: Changes name of statistic
void CPointGamestatsCounter::InputSetName( inputdata_t &inputdata )
m_strStatisticName = inputdata.value.StringID();
// Purpose: Changes name of statistic
void CPointGamestatsCounter::InputIncrement( inputdata_t &inputdata )
if ( m_bDisabled )
if ( NULL_STRING == m_strStatisticName )
DevMsg( 1, "CPointGamestatsCounter::InputIncrement: No stat name specified for point_gamestats_counter @%f, %f, %f [ent index %d]\n",
GetAbsOrigin().x, GetAbsOrigin().y, GetAbsOrigin().z, entindex() );
gamestats->Event_IncrementCountedStatistic( GetAbsOrigin(), STRING( m_strStatisticName ), inputdata.value.Float() );
void CPointGamestatsCounter::InputEnable( inputdata_t &inputdata )
m_bDisabled = false;
void CPointGamestatsCounter::InputDisable( inputdata_t &inputdata )
m_bDisabled = true;