2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: builds an intended movement command to send to the server
// $Workfile: $
// $Date: $
// $NoKeywords: $
# include "cbase.h"
2024-07-17 08:08:43 +02:00
# include "baseentity_shared.h"
# include "c_baseanimating.h"
2024-07-10 16:10:00 +02:00
# include <cmath>
# include <cstdio>
# include "bone_setup.h"
2024-07-15 06:51:22 +02:00
# include "convar.h"
2024-07-11 01:47:26 +02:00
# include "studio.h"
2024-07-10 16:10:00 +02:00
# include "util_shared.h"
# include "c_baseplayer.h"
# include "c_baseentity.h"
2024-01-25 13:27:03 +01:00
# include "cdll_bounded_cvars.h"
# include "cdll_client_int.h"
# include "cdll_util.h"
# include "dbg.h"
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
# include "kbutton.h"
2024-01-25 13:27:03 +01:00
# include "shareddefs.h"
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
# include "usercmd.h"
# include "in_buttons.h"
# include "input.h"
# include "iviewrender.h"
# include "iclientmode.h"
# include "prediction.h"
# include "bitbuf.h"
# include "checksum_md5.h"
2022-03-02 11:45:17 +03:00
# include "touch.h"
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
# include "hltvcamera.h"
2024-01-25 13:27:03 +01:00
# include "util_shared.h"
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
# if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
# include "replay/replaycamera.h"
# endif
# include <ctype.h> // isalnum()
# include <voice_status.h>
# include "cam_thirdperson.h"
# ifdef SIXENSE
# include "sixense/in_sixense.h"
# endif
# include "client_virtualreality.h"
# include "sourcevr/isourcevirtualreality.h"
// NVNT Include
# include "haptics/haptic_utils.h"
# include <vgui/ISurface.h>
extern ConVar in_joystick ;
extern ConVar cam_idealpitch ;
extern ConVar cam_idealyaw ;
// For showing/hiding the scoreboard
# include <game/client/iviewport.h>
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
# include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
// FIXME, tie to entity state parsing for player!!!
int g_iAlive = 1 ;
static int s_ClearInputState = 0 ;
// Defined in pm_math.c
float anglemod ( float a ) ;
// FIXME void V_Init( void );
static int in_impulse = 0 ;
static int in_cancel = 0 ;
ConVar cl_anglespeedkey ( " cl_anglespeedkey " , " 0.67 " , 0 ) ;
ConVar cl_yawspeed ( " cl_yawspeed " , " 210 " , FCVAR_NONE , " Client yaw speed. " , true , - 100000 , true , 100000 ) ;
ConVar cl_pitchspeed ( " cl_pitchspeed " , " 225 " , FCVAR_NONE , " Client pitch speed. " , true , - 100000 , true , 100000 ) ;
ConVar cl_pitchdown ( " cl_pitchdown " , " 89 " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
ConVar cl_pitchup ( " cl_pitchup " , " 89 " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
# if defined( CSTRIKE_DLL )
ConVar cl_sidespeed ( " cl_sidespeed " , " 400 " , FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
ConVar cl_upspeed ( " cl_upspeed " , " 320 " , FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
ConVar cl_forwardspeed ( " cl_forwardspeed " , " 400 " , FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
ConVar cl_backspeed ( " cl_backspeed " , " 400 " , FCVAR_ARCHIVE | FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
# else
ConVar cl_sidespeed ( " cl_sidespeed " , " 450 " , FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
ConVar cl_upspeed ( " cl_upspeed " , " 320 " , FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
ConVar cl_forwardspeed ( " cl_forwardspeed " , " 450 " , FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
ConVar cl_backspeed ( " cl_backspeed " , " 450 " , FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT ) ;
# endif // CSTRIKE_DLL
ConVar lookspring ( " lookspring " , " 0 " , FCVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
ConVar lookstrafe ( " lookstrafe " , " 0 " , FCVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
ConVar in_joystick ( " joystick " , " 0 " , FCVAR_ARCHIVE ) ;
ConVar thirdperson_platformer ( " thirdperson_platformer " , " 0 " , 0 , " Player will aim in the direction they are moving. " ) ;
ConVar thirdperson_screenspace ( " thirdperson_screenspace " , " 0 " , 0 , " Movement will be relative to the camera, eg: left means screen-left " ) ;
ConVar sv_noclipduringpause ( " sv_noclipduringpause " , " 0 " , FCVAR_REPLICATED | FCVAR_CHEAT , " If cheats are enabled, then you can noclip with the game paused (for doing screenshots, etc.) . " ) ;
2024-07-16 01:08:33 +02:00
ConVar cl_showimpacts ( " cl_showimpacts " , " 0 " ) ;
2024-07-15 18:21:56 +02:00
ConVar cl_showfirebullethitboxes ( " cl_showfirebullethitboxes " , " 0 " ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
extern ConVar cl_mouselook ;
# define UsingMouselook() cl_mouselook.GetBool()
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Continuous button event tracking is complicated by the fact that two different
input sources ( say , mouse button 1 and the control key ) can both press the
same button , but the button should only be released when both of the
pressing key have been released .
When a key event issues a button command ( + forward , + attack , etc ) , it appends
its key number as a parameter to the command so it can be matched up with
the release .
state bit 0 is the current state of the key
state bit 1 is edge triggered on the up to down transition
state bit 2 is edge triggered on the down to up transition
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
kbutton_t in_speed ;
kbutton_t in_walk ;
kbutton_t in_jlook ;
kbutton_t in_strafe ;
kbutton_t in_commandermousemove ;
kbutton_t in_forward ;
kbutton_t in_back ;
kbutton_t in_moveleft ;
kbutton_t in_moveright ;
// Display the netgraph
kbutton_t in_graph ;
kbutton_t in_joyspeed ; // auto-speed key from the joystick (only works for player movement, not vehicles)
static kbutton_t in_klook ;
kbutton_t in_left ;
kbutton_t in_right ;
static kbutton_t in_lookup ;
static kbutton_t in_lookdown ;
static kbutton_t in_use ;
static kbutton_t in_jump ;
static kbutton_t in_attack ;
static kbutton_t in_attack2 ;
static kbutton_t in_up ;
static kbutton_t in_down ;
static kbutton_t in_duck ;
static kbutton_t in_reload ;
static kbutton_t in_alt1 ;
static kbutton_t in_alt2 ;
static kbutton_t in_score ;
static kbutton_t in_break ;
static kbutton_t in_zoom ;
static kbutton_t in_grenade1 ;
static kbutton_t in_grenade2 ;
static kbutton_t in_attack3 ;
kbutton_t in_ducktoggle ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = =
void IN_CenterView_f ( void )
QAngle viewangles ;
if ( UsingMouselook ( ) = = false )
if ( ! : : input - > CAM_InterceptingMouse ( ) )
engine - > GetViewAngles ( viewangles ) ;
viewangles [ PITCH ] = 0 ;
engine - > SetViewAngles ( viewangles ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = =
void IN_Joystick_Advanced_f ( void )
: : input - > Joystick_Advanced ( ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = =
Removes references to + use and replaces them with the keyname in the output string . If
a binding is unfound , then the original text is retained .
NOTE : Only works for text with + word in it .
= = = = = = = = = = = =
int KB_ConvertString ( char * in , char * * ppout )
char sz [ 4096 ] ;
char binding [ 64 ] ;
char * p ;
char * pOut ;
char * pEnd ;
const char * pBinding ;
if ( ! ppout )
return 0 ;
* ppout = NULL ;
p = in ;
pOut = sz ;
while ( * p )
if ( * p = = ' + ' )
pEnd = binding ;
while ( * p & & ( V_isalnum ( * p ) | | ( pEnd = = binding ) ) & & ( ( pEnd - binding ) < 63 ) )
* pEnd + + = * p + + ;
* pEnd = ' \0 ' ;
pBinding = NULL ;
if ( strlen ( binding + 1 ) > 0 )
// See if there is a binding for binding?
pBinding = engine - > Key_LookupBinding ( binding + 1 ) ;
if ( pBinding )
* pOut + + = ' [ ' ;
pEnd = ( char * ) pBinding ;
pEnd = binding ;
while ( * pEnd )
* pOut + + = * pEnd + + ;
if ( pBinding )
* pOut + + = ' ] ' ;
* pOut + + = * p + + ;
* pOut = ' \0 ' ;
int maxlen = strlen ( sz ) + 1 ;
pOut = ( char * ) malloc ( maxlen ) ;
Q_strncpy ( pOut , sz , maxlen ) ;
* ppout = pOut ;
return 1 ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Allows the engine to request a kbutton handler by name , if the key exists .
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
kbutton_t * CInput : : FindKey ( const char * name )
CKeyboardKey * p ;
p = m_pKeys ;
while ( p )
if ( ! Q_stricmp ( name , p - > name ) )
return p - > pkey ;
p = p - > next ;
return NULL ;
= = = = = = = = = = = =
Add a kbutton_t * to the list of pointers the engine can retrieve via KB_Find
= = = = = = = = = = = =
void CInput : : AddKeyButton ( const char * name , kbutton_t * pkb )
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
CKeyboardKey * p ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
kbutton_t * kb ;
kb = FindKey ( name ) ;
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if ( kb )
return ;
p = new CKeyboardKey ;
Q_strncpy ( p - > name , name , sizeof ( p - > name ) ) ;
p - > pkey = pkb ;
p - > next = m_pKeys ;
m_pKeys = p ;
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
// Purpose:
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
CInput : : CInput ( void )
m_pCommands = NULL ;
m_pCameraThirdData = NULL ;
m_pVerifiedCommands = NULL ;
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
// Purpose:
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
CInput : : ~ CInput ( void )
= = = = = = = = = = = =
Add kbutton_t definitions that the engine can query if needed
= = = = = = = = = = = =
void CInput : : Init_Keyboard ( void )
m_pKeys = NULL ;
AddKeyButton ( " in_graph " , & in_graph ) ;
AddKeyButton ( " in_jlook " , & in_jlook ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = =
Clear kblist
= = = = = = = = = = = =
void CInput : : Shutdown_Keyboard ( void )
CKeyboardKey * p , * n ;
p = m_pKeys ;
while ( p )
n = p - > next ;
delete p ;
p = n ;
m_pKeys = NULL ;
= = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = =
void KeyDown ( kbutton_t * b , const char * c )
int k = - 1 ;
if ( c & & c [ 0 ] )
k = atoi ( c ) ;
if ( k = = b - > down [ 0 ] | | k = = b - > down [ 1 ] )
return ; // repeating key
if ( ! b - > down [ 0 ] )
b - > down [ 0 ] = k ;
else if ( ! b - > down [ 1 ] )
b - > down [ 1 ] = k ;
if ( c [ 0 ] )
DevMsg ( 1 , " Three keys down for a button '%c' '%c' '%c'! \n " , b - > down [ 0 ] , b - > down [ 1 ] , c [ 0 ] ) ;
return ;
if ( b - > state & 1 )
return ; // still down
b - > state | = 1 + 2 ; // down + impulse down
= = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = =
void KeyUp ( kbutton_t * b , const char * c )
if ( ! c | | ! c [ 0 ] )
b - > down [ 0 ] = b - > down [ 1 ] = 0 ;
b - > state = 4 ; // impulse up
return ;
int k = atoi ( c ) ;
if ( b - > down [ 0 ] = = k )
b - > down [ 0 ] = 0 ;
else if ( b - > down [ 1 ] = = k )
b - > down [ 1 ] = 0 ;
return ; // key up without coresponding down (menu pass through)
if ( b - > down [ 0 ] | | b - > down [ 1 ] )
//Msg ("Keys down for button: '%c' '%c' '%c' (%d,%d,%d)!\n", b->down[0], b->down[1], c, b->down[0], b->down[1], c);
return ; // some other key is still holding it down
if ( ! ( b - > state & 1 ) )
return ; // still up (this should not happen)
b - > state & = ~ 1 ; // now up
b - > state | = 4 ; // impulse up
void IN_CommanderMouseMoveDown ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_commandermousemove , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_CommanderMouseMoveUp ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_commandermousemove , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_BreakDown ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_break , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_BreakUp ( const CCommand & args )
KeyUp ( & in_break , args [ 1 ] ) ;
# if defined( _DEBUG )
DebuggerBreak ( ) ;
# endif
} ;
void IN_KLookDown ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_klook , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_KLookUp ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_klook , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_JLookDown ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_jlook , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_JLookUp ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_jlook , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_UpDown ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_up , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_UpUp ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_up , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_DownDown ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_down , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_DownUp ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_down , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_LeftDown ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_left , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_LeftUp ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_left , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_RightDown ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_right , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_RightUp ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_right , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_ForwardDown ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_forward , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_ForwardUp ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_forward , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_BackDown ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_back , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_BackUp ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_back , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_LookupDown ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_lookup , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_LookupUp ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_lookup , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_LookdownDown ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_lookdown , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_LookdownUp ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_lookdown , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_MoveleftDown ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_moveleft , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_MoveleftUp ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_moveleft , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_MoverightDown ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_moveright , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_MoverightUp ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_moveright , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_WalkDown ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_walk , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_WalkUp ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_walk , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_SpeedDown ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_speed , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_SpeedUp ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_speed , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_StrafeDown ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_strafe , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_StrafeUp ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_strafe , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_Attack2Down ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_attack2 , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_Attack2Up ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_attack2 , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_UseDown ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_use , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_UseUp ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_use , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_JumpDown ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_jump , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_JumpUp ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_jump , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_DuckDown ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_duck , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_DuckUp ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_duck , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_ReloadDown ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_reload , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_ReloadUp ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_reload , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_Alt1Down ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_alt1 , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_Alt1Up ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_alt1 , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_Alt2Down ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_alt2 , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_Alt2Up ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_alt2 , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_GraphDown ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_graph , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_GraphUp ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_graph , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_ZoomDown ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_zoom , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_ZoomUp ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_zoom , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_Grenade1Up ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_grenade1 , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_Grenade1Down ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_grenade1 , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_Grenade2Up ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_grenade2 , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_Grenade2Down ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_grenade2 , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_XboxStub ( const CCommand & args ) { /*do nothing*/ }
void IN_Attack3Down ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyDown ( & in_attack3 , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_Attack3Up ( const CCommand & args ) { KeyUp ( & in_attack3 , args [ 1 ] ) ; }
void IN_DuckToggle ( const CCommand & args )
if ( : : input - > KeyState ( & in_ducktoggle ) )
KeyUp ( & in_ducktoggle , args [ 1 ] ) ;
KeyDown ( & in_ducktoggle , args [ 1 ] ) ;
void IN_AttackDown ( const CCommand & args )
KeyDown ( & in_attack , args [ 1 ] ) ;
void IN_AttackUp ( const CCommand & args )
KeyUp ( & in_attack , args [ 1 ] ) ;
in_cancel = 0 ;
// Special handling
void IN_Cancel ( const CCommand & args )
in_cancel = 1 ;
void IN_Impulse ( const CCommand & args )
in_impulse = atoi ( args [ 1 ] ) ;
void IN_ScoreDown ( const CCommand & args )
KeyDown ( & in_score , args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( gViewPortInterface )
gViewPortInterface - > ShowPanel ( PANEL_SCOREBOARD , true ) ;
void IN_ScoreUp ( const CCommand & args )
KeyUp ( & in_score , args [ 1 ] ) ;
if ( gViewPortInterface )
gViewPortInterface - > ShowPanel ( PANEL_SCOREBOARD , false ) ;
GetClientVoiceMgr ( ) - > StopSquelchMode ( ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = =
Return 1 to allow engine to process the key , otherwise , act on it as needed
= = = = = = = = = = = =
int CInput : : KeyEvent ( int down , ButtonCode_t code , const char * pszCurrentBinding )
// Deal with camera intercepting the mouse
if ( ( code = = MOUSE_LEFT ) | | ( code = = MOUSE_RIGHT ) )
if ( m_fCameraInterceptingMouse )
return 0 ;
if ( g_pClientMode )
return g_pClientMode - > KeyInput ( down , code , pszCurrentBinding ) ;
return 1 ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Returns 0.25 if a key was pressed and released during the frame ,
0.5 if it was pressed and held
0 if held then released , and
1.0 if held for the entire time
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
float CInput : : KeyState ( kbutton_t * key )
float val = 0.0 ;
int impulsedown , impulseup , down ;
impulsedown = key - > state & 2 ;
impulseup = key - > state & 4 ;
down = key - > state & 1 ;
if ( impulsedown & & ! impulseup )
// pressed and held this frame?
val = down ? 0.5 : 0.0 ;
if ( impulseup & & ! impulsedown )
// released this frame?
val = down ? 0.0 : 0.0 ;
if ( ! impulsedown & & ! impulseup )
// held the entire frame?
val = down ? 1.0 : 0.0 ;
if ( impulsedown & & impulseup )
if ( down )
// released and re-pressed this frame
val = 0.75 ;
// pressed and released this frame
val = 0.25 ;
// clear impulses
key - > state & = 1 ;
return val ;
void CInput : : IN_SetSampleTime ( float frametime )
m_flKeyboardSampleTime = frametime ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
static ConVar in_usekeyboardsampletime ( " in_usekeyboardsampletime " , " 1 " , 0 , " Use keyboard sample time smoothing. " ) ;
float CInput : : DetermineKeySpeed ( float frametime )
if ( in_usekeyboardsampletime . GetBool ( ) )
if ( m_flKeyboardSampleTime < = 0 )
return 0.0f ;
frametime = MIN ( m_flKeyboardSampleTime , frametime ) ;
m_flKeyboardSampleTime - = frametime ;
float speed ;
speed = frametime ;
if ( in_speed . state & 1 )
speed * = cl_anglespeedkey . GetFloat ( ) ;
return speed ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void CInput : : AdjustYaw ( float speed , QAngle & viewangles )
if ( ! ( in_strafe . state & 1 ) )
viewangles [ YAW ] - = speed * cl_yawspeed . GetFloat ( ) * KeyState ( & in_right ) ;
viewangles [ YAW ] + = speed * cl_yawspeed . GetFloat ( ) * KeyState ( & in_left ) ;
// thirdperson platformer mode
// use movement keys to aim the player relative to the thirdperson camera
if ( CAM_IsThirdPerson ( ) & & thirdperson_platformer . GetInt ( ) )
float side = KeyState ( & in_moveleft ) - KeyState ( & in_moveright ) ;
float forward = KeyState ( & in_forward ) - KeyState ( & in_back ) ;
if ( side | | forward )
viewangles [ YAW ] = RAD2DEG ( atan2 ( side , forward ) ) + g_ThirdPersonManager . GetCameraOffsetAngles ( ) [ YAW ] ;
if ( side | | forward | | KeyState ( & in_right ) | | KeyState ( & in_left ) )
cam_idealyaw . SetValue ( g_ThirdPersonManager . GetCameraOffsetAngles ( ) [ YAW ] - viewangles [ YAW ] ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void CInput : : AdjustPitch ( float speed , QAngle & viewangles )
// only allow keyboard looking if mouse look is disabled
if ( UsingMouselook ( ) = = false )
float up , down ;
if ( in_klook . state & 1 )
view - > StopPitchDrift ( ) ;
viewangles [ PITCH ] - = speed * cl_pitchspeed . GetFloat ( ) * KeyState ( & in_forward ) ;
viewangles [ PITCH ] + = speed * cl_pitchspeed . GetFloat ( ) * KeyState ( & in_back ) ;
up = KeyState ( & in_lookup ) ;
down = KeyState ( & in_lookdown ) ;
viewangles [ PITCH ] - = speed * cl_pitchspeed . GetFloat ( ) * up ;
viewangles [ PITCH ] + = speed * cl_pitchspeed . GetFloat ( ) * down ;
if ( up | | down )
view - > StopPitchDrift ( ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void CInput : : ClampAngles ( QAngle & viewangles )
if ( viewangles [ PITCH ] > cl_pitchdown . GetFloat ( ) )
viewangles [ PITCH ] = cl_pitchdown . GetFloat ( ) ;
if ( viewangles [ PITCH ] < - cl_pitchup . GetFloat ( ) )
viewangles [ PITCH ] = - cl_pitchup . GetFloat ( ) ;
# ifndef PORTAL // Don't constrain Roll in Portal because the player can be upside down! -Jeep
if ( viewangles [ ROLL ] > 50 )
viewangles [ ROLL ] = 50 ;
if ( viewangles [ ROLL ] < - 50 )
viewangles [ ROLL ] = - 50 ;
# endif
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Moves the local angle positions
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void CInput : : AdjustAngles ( float frametime )
float speed ;
QAngle viewangles ;
// Determine control scaling factor ( multiplies time )
speed = DetermineKeySpeed ( frametime ) ;
if ( speed < = 0.0f )
return ;
// Retrieve latest view direction from engine
engine - > GetViewAngles ( viewangles ) ;
// Adjust YAW
AdjustYaw ( speed , viewangles ) ;
// Adjust PITCH if keyboard looking
AdjustPitch ( speed , viewangles ) ;
// Make sure values are legitimate
ClampAngles ( viewangles ) ;
// Store new view angles into engine view direction
engine - > SetViewAngles ( viewangles ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void CInput : : ComputeSideMove ( CUserCmd * cmd )
// thirdperson platformer movement
if ( CAM_IsThirdPerson ( ) & & thirdperson_platformer . GetInt ( ) )
// no sideways movement in this mode
return ;
// thirdperson screenspace movement
if ( CAM_IsThirdPerson ( ) & & thirdperson_screenspace . GetInt ( ) )
float ideal_yaw = cam_idealyaw . GetFloat ( ) ;
float ideal_sin = sin ( DEG2RAD ( ideal_yaw ) ) ;
float ideal_cos = cos ( DEG2RAD ( ideal_yaw ) ) ;
float movement = ideal_cos * KeyState ( & in_moveright )
+ ideal_sin * KeyState ( & in_back )
+ - ideal_cos * KeyState ( & in_moveleft )
+ - ideal_sin * KeyState ( & in_forward ) ;
cmd - > sidemove + = cl_sidespeed . GetFloat ( ) * movement ;
return ;
// If strafing, check left and right keys and act like moveleft and moveright keys
if ( in_strafe . state & 1 )
cmd - > sidemove + = cl_sidespeed . GetFloat ( ) * KeyState ( & in_right ) ;
cmd - > sidemove - = cl_sidespeed . GetFloat ( ) * KeyState ( & in_left ) ;
// Otherwise, check strafe keys
cmd - > sidemove + = cl_sidespeed . GetFloat ( ) * KeyState ( & in_moveright ) ;
cmd - > sidemove - = cl_sidespeed . GetFloat ( ) * KeyState ( & in_moveleft ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void CInput : : ComputeUpwardMove ( CUserCmd * cmd )
cmd - > upmove + = cl_upspeed . GetFloat ( ) * KeyState ( & in_up ) ;
cmd - > upmove - = cl_upspeed . GetFloat ( ) * KeyState ( & in_down ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void CInput : : ComputeForwardMove ( CUserCmd * cmd )
// thirdperson platformer movement
if ( CAM_IsThirdPerson ( ) & & thirdperson_platformer . GetInt ( ) )
// movement is always forward in this mode
float movement = KeyState ( & in_forward )
| | KeyState ( & in_moveright )
| | KeyState ( & in_back )
| | KeyState ( & in_moveleft ) ;
cmd - > forwardmove + = cl_forwardspeed . GetFloat ( ) * movement ;
return ;
// thirdperson screenspace movement
if ( CAM_IsThirdPerson ( ) & & thirdperson_screenspace . GetInt ( ) )
float ideal_yaw = cam_idealyaw . GetFloat ( ) ;
float ideal_sin = sin ( DEG2RAD ( ideal_yaw ) ) ;
float ideal_cos = cos ( DEG2RAD ( ideal_yaw ) ) ;
float movement = ideal_cos * KeyState ( & in_forward )
+ ideal_sin * KeyState ( & in_moveright )
+ - ideal_cos * KeyState ( & in_back )
+ - ideal_sin * KeyState ( & in_moveleft ) ;
cmd - > forwardmove + = cl_forwardspeed . GetFloat ( ) * movement ;
return ;
if ( ! ( in_klook . state & 1 ) )
cmd - > forwardmove + = cl_forwardspeed . GetFloat ( ) * KeyState ( & in_forward ) ;
cmd - > forwardmove - = cl_backspeed . GetFloat ( ) * KeyState ( & in_back ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void CInput : : ScaleMovements ( CUserCmd * cmd )
// float spd;
// clip to maxspeed
// FIXME FIXME: This doesn't work
return ;
spd = engine - > GetClientMaxspeed ( ) ;
if ( spd = = 0.0 )
return ;
// Scale the speed so that the total velocity is not > spd
float fmov = sqrt ( ( cmd - > forwardmove * cmd - > forwardmove ) + ( cmd - > sidemove * cmd - > sidemove ) + ( cmd - > upmove * cmd - > upmove ) ) ;
if ( fmov > spd & & fmov > 0.0 )
float fratio = spd / fmov ;
if ( ! IsNoClipping ( ) )
cmd - > forwardmove * = fratio ;
cmd - > sidemove * = fratio ;
cmd - > upmove * = fratio ;
= = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = =
void CInput : : ControllerMove ( float frametime , CUserCmd * cmd )
if ( IsPC ( ) )
if ( ! m_fCameraInterceptingMouse & & m_fMouseActive )
MouseMove ( cmd ) ;
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
JoyStickMove ( frametime , cmd ) ;
2022-04-16 12:58:59 +03:00
TouchMove ( cmd ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
// NVNT if we have a haptic device..
if ( haptics & & haptics - > HasDevice ( ) )
if ( engine - > IsPaused ( ) | | engine - > IsLevelMainMenuBackground ( ) | | vgui : : surface ( ) - > IsCursorVisible ( ) | | ! engine - > IsInGame ( ) )
// NVNT send a menu process to the haptics system.
haptics - > MenuProcess ( ) ;
return ;
// NVNT cstrike fov grabing.
C_BasePlayer * player = C_BasePlayer : : GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
if ( player ) {
haptics - > UpdatePlayerFOV ( player - > GetFOV ( ) ) ;
# endif
// NVNT calculate move with the navigation on the haptics system.
haptics - > CalculateMove ( cmd - > forwardmove , cmd - > sidemove , frametime ) ;
// NVNT send a game process to the haptics system.
haptics - > GameProcess ( ) ;
# if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
// NVNT update our avatar effect.
UpdateAvatarEffect ( ) ;
# endif
// Purpose:
// Input : *weapon -
void CInput : : MakeWeaponSelection ( C_BaseCombatWeapon * weapon )
m_hSelectedWeapon = weapon ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Send the intended movement message to the server
if active = = 1 then we are 1 ) not playing back demos ( where our commands are ignored ) and
2 ) we have finished signing on to server
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
void CInput : : ExtraMouseSample ( float frametime , bool active )
CUserCmd dummy ;
CUserCmd * cmd = & dummy ;
cmd - > Reset ( ) ;
QAngle viewangles ;
engine - > GetViewAngles ( viewangles ) ;
QAngle originalViewangles = viewangles ;
if ( active )
// Determine view angles
AdjustAngles ( frametime ) ;
// Determine sideways movement
ComputeSideMove ( cmd ) ;
// Determine vertical movement
ComputeUpwardMove ( cmd ) ;
// Determine forward movement
ComputeForwardMove ( cmd ) ;
// Scale based on holding speed key or having too fast of a velocity based on client maximum
// speed.
ScaleMovements ( cmd ) ;
// Allow mice and other controllers to add their inputs
ControllerMove ( frametime , cmd ) ;
# ifdef SIXENSE
g_pSixenseInput - > SixenseFrame ( frametime , cmd ) ;
if ( g_pSixenseInput - > IsEnabled ( ) )
g_pSixenseInput - > SetView ( frametime , cmd ) ;
# endif
// Retreive view angles from engine ( could have been set in IN_AdjustAngles above )
engine - > GetViewAngles ( viewangles ) ;
// Set button and flag bits, don't blow away state
# ifdef SIXENSE
if ( g_pSixenseInput - > IsEnabled ( ) )
// Some buttons were set in SixenseUpdateKeys, so or in any real keypresses
cmd - > buttons | = GetButtonBits ( 0 ) ;
cmd - > buttons = GetButtonBits ( 0 ) ;
# else
cmd - > buttons = GetButtonBits ( 0 ) ;
# endif
// Use new view angles if alive, otherwise user last angles we stored off.
if ( g_iAlive )
VectorCopy ( viewangles , cmd - > viewangles ) ;
VectorCopy ( viewangles , m_angPreviousViewAngles ) ;
VectorCopy ( m_angPreviousViewAngles , cmd - > viewangles ) ;
// Let the move manager override anything it wants to.
if ( g_pClientMode - > CreateMove ( frametime , cmd ) )
// Get current view angles after the client mode tweaks with it
engine - > SetViewAngles ( cmd - > viewangles ) ;
prediction - > SetLocalViewAngles ( cmd - > viewangles ) ;
// Let the headtracker override the view at the very end of the process so
// that vehicles and other stuff in g_pClientMode->CreateMove can override
// first
if ( active & & UseVR ( ) )
C_BasePlayer * pPlayer = C_BasePlayer : : GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
if ( pPlayer & & ! pPlayer - > GetVehicle ( ) )
QAngle curViewangles , newViewangles ;
Vector curMotion , newMotion ;
engine - > GetViewAngles ( curViewangles ) ;
curMotion . Init (
cmd - > forwardmove ,
cmd - > sidemove ,
cmd - > upmove ) ;
g_ClientVirtualReality . OverridePlayerMotion ( frametime , originalViewangles , curViewangles , curMotion , & newViewangles , & newMotion ) ;
engine - > SetViewAngles ( newViewangles ) ;
cmd - > forwardmove = newMotion [ 0 ] ;
cmd - > sidemove = newMotion [ 1 ] ;
cmd - > upmove = newMotion [ 2 ] ;
cmd - > viewangles = newViewangles ;
prediction - > SetLocalViewAngles ( cmd - > viewangles ) ;
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
void CInput : : CreateMove ( int sequence_number , float input_sample_frametime , bool active )
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
CUserCmd * cmd = & m_pCommands [ sequence_number % MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP ] ;
CVerifiedUserCmd * pVerified = & m_pVerifiedCommands [ sequence_number % MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP ] ;
cmd - > Reset ( ) ;
cmd - > command_number = sequence_number ;
cmd - > tick_count = gpGlobals - > tickcount ;
QAngle viewangles ;
engine - > GetViewAngles ( viewangles ) ;
QAngle originalViewangles = viewangles ;
if ( active | | sv_noclipduringpause . GetInt ( ) )
// Determine view angles
AdjustAngles ( input_sample_frametime ) ;
// Determine sideways movement
ComputeSideMove ( cmd ) ;
// Determine vertical movement
ComputeUpwardMove ( cmd ) ;
// Determine forward movement
ComputeForwardMove ( cmd ) ;
// Scale based on holding speed key or having too fast of a velocity based on client maximum
// speed.
ScaleMovements ( cmd ) ;
// Allow mice and other controllers to add their inputs
ControllerMove ( input_sample_frametime , cmd ) ;
# ifdef SIXENSE
g_pSixenseInput - > SixenseFrame ( input_sample_frametime , cmd ) ;
if ( g_pSixenseInput - > IsEnabled ( ) )
g_pSixenseInput - > SetView ( input_sample_frametime , cmd ) ;
# endif
// need to run and reset mouse input so that there is no view pop when unpausing
if ( ! m_fCameraInterceptingMouse & & m_fMouseActive )
float mx , my ;
GetAccumulatedMouseDeltasAndResetAccumulators ( & mx , & my ) ;
ResetMouse ( ) ;
// Retreive view angles from engine ( could have been set in IN_AdjustAngles above )
engine - > GetViewAngles ( viewangles ) ;
// Latch and clear impulse
cmd - > impulse = in_impulse ;
in_impulse = 0 ;
// Latch and clear weapon selection
if ( m_hSelectedWeapon ! = NULL )
C_BaseCombatWeapon * weapon = m_hSelectedWeapon ;
cmd - > weaponselect = weapon - > entindex ( ) ;
cmd - > weaponsubtype = weapon - > GetSubType ( ) ;
// Always clear weapon selection
m_hSelectedWeapon = NULL ;
// Set button and flag bits
# ifdef SIXENSE
if ( g_pSixenseInput - > IsEnabled ( ) )
// Some buttons were set in SixenseUpdateKeys, so or in any real keypresses
cmd - > buttons | = GetButtonBits ( 1 ) ;
cmd - > buttons = GetButtonBits ( 1 ) ;
# else
// Set button and flag bits
cmd - > buttons = GetButtonBits ( 1 ) ;
# endif
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
// Using joystick?
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
# ifdef SIXENSE
2022-04-16 12:58:59 +03:00
if ( in_joystick . GetInt ( ) | | g_pSixenseInput - > IsEnabled ( ) | | touch_enable . GetInt ( ) )
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
# else
2022-04-16 12:58:59 +03:00
if ( in_joystick . GetInt ( ) | | touch_enable . GetInt ( ) )
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
# endif
if ( cmd - > forwardmove > 0 )
cmd - > buttons | = IN_FORWARD ;
else if ( cmd - > forwardmove < 0 )
cmd - > buttons | = IN_BACK ;
// Use new view angles if alive, otherwise user last angles we stored off.
if ( g_iAlive )
VectorCopy ( viewangles , cmd - > viewangles ) ;
VectorCopy ( viewangles , m_angPreviousViewAngles ) ;
VectorCopy ( m_angPreviousViewAngles , cmd - > viewangles ) ;
// Let the move manager override anything it wants to.
if ( g_pClientMode - > CreateMove ( input_sample_frametime , cmd ) )
// Get current view angles after the client mode tweaks with it
# ifdef SIXENSE
// Only set the engine angles if sixense is not enabled. It is done in SixenseInput::SetView otherwise.
if ( ! g_pSixenseInput - > IsEnabled ( ) )
engine - > SetViewAngles ( cmd - > viewangles ) ;
# else
engine - > SetViewAngles ( cmd - > viewangles ) ;
# endif
if ( UseVR ( ) )
C_BasePlayer * pPlayer = C_BasePlayer : : GetLocalPlayer ( ) ;
if ( pPlayer & & ! pPlayer - > GetVehicle ( ) )
QAngle curViewangles , newViewangles ;
Vector curMotion , newMotion ;
engine - > GetViewAngles ( curViewangles ) ;
curMotion . Init (
cmd - > forwardmove ,
cmd - > sidemove ,
cmd - > upmove ) ;
g_ClientVirtualReality . OverridePlayerMotion ( input_sample_frametime , originalViewangles , curViewangles , curMotion , & newViewangles , & newMotion ) ;
engine - > SetViewAngles ( newViewangles ) ;
cmd - > forwardmove = newMotion [ 0 ] ;
cmd - > sidemove = newMotion [ 1 ] ;
cmd - > upmove = newMotion [ 2 ] ;
cmd - > viewangles = newViewangles ;
Vector vPos ;
g_ClientVirtualReality . GetTorsoRelativeAim ( & vPos , & cmd - > viewangles ) ;
engine - > SetViewAngles ( cmd - > viewangles ) ;
m_flLastForwardMove = cmd - > forwardmove ;
cmd - > random_seed = MD5_PseudoRandom ( sequence_number ) & 0x7fffffff ;
HLTVCamera ( ) - > CreateMove ( cmd ) ;
# if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
ReplayCamera ( ) - > CreateMove ( cmd ) ;
# endif
# if defined( HL2_CLIENT_DLL )
// copy backchannel data
int i ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < m_EntityGroundContact . Count ( ) ; i + + )
cmd - > entitygroundcontact . AddToTail ( m_EntityGroundContact [ i ] ) ;
m_EntityGroundContact . RemoveAll ( ) ;
# endif
2024-01-25 13:27:03 +01:00
// Send interpolated simulation time for lag compensation
2024-07-16 05:13:14 +02:00
for ( int i = 0 ; i < = ClientEntityList ( ) . GetHighestEntityIndex ( ) ; i + + )
2024-07-10 16:10:00 +02:00
auto pEntity = ClientEntityList ( ) . GetEnt ( i ) ;
if ( ! pEntity )
continue ;
2024-07-17 08:08:43 +02:00
cmd - > simulationdata [ pEntity - > index ] . m_flInterpolatedSimulationTime = pEntity - > m_flInterpolatedSimulationTime ;
cmd - > simulationdata [ pEntity - > index ] . m_flSimulationTime = pEntity - > m_flSimulationTime ;
2024-07-10 16:10:00 +02:00
2024-01-25 13:27:03 +01:00
2024-07-15 06:51:22 +02:00
static ConVarRef cl_showhitboxes ( " cl_showhitboxes " ) ;
2024-07-15 18:21:56 +02:00
if ( cl_showhitboxes . GetBool ( ) )
cmd - > debug_hitboxes = CUserCmd : : DEBUG_HITBOXES_ALWAYS_ON ;
else if ( cl_showfirebullethitboxes . GetBool ( ) )
2024-07-15 06:51:22 +02:00
2024-07-15 18:21:56 +02:00
cmd - > debug_hitboxes = CUserCmd : : DEBUG_HITBOXES_ON_BULLET ;
else if ( cl_showimpacts . GetInt ( ) = = 1 | | cl_showimpacts . GetInt ( ) = = 3 )
cmd - > debug_hitboxes = CUserCmd : : DEBUG_HITBOXES_ON_HIT ;
2024-07-15 06:51:22 +02:00
2024-07-15 18:21:56 +02:00
cmd - > debug_hitboxes = CUserCmd : : DEBUG_HITBOXES_OFF ;
2024-07-15 06:51:22 +02:00
2024-07-15 18:21:56 +02:00
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
pVerified - > m_cmd = * cmd ;
pVerified - > m_crc = cmd - > GetChecksum ( ) ;
// Purpose:
// Input : buf -
// buffersize -
// slot -
void CInput : : EncodeUserCmdToBuffer ( bf_write & buf , int sequence_number )
CUserCmd nullcmd ;
CUserCmd * cmd = GetUserCmd ( sequence_number ) ;
WriteUsercmd ( & buf , cmd , & nullcmd ) ;
// Purpose:
// Input : buf -
// buffersize -
// slot -
void CInput : : DecodeUserCmdFromBuffer ( bf_read & buf , int sequence_number )
CUserCmd nullcmd ;
CUserCmd * cmd = & m_pCommands [ sequence_number % MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP ] ;
ReadUsercmd ( & buf , cmd , & nullcmd ) ;
void CInput : : ValidateUserCmd ( CUserCmd * usercmd , int sequence_number )
// Validate that the usercmd hasn't been changed
CRC32_t crc = usercmd - > GetChecksum ( ) ;
if ( crc ! = m_pVerifiedCommands [ sequence_number % MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP ] . m_crc )
* usercmd = m_pVerifiedCommands [ sequence_number % MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP ] . m_cmd ;
// Purpose:
// Input : *buf -
// from -
// to -
bool CInput : : WriteUsercmdDeltaToBuffer ( bf_write * buf , int from , int to , bool isnewcommand )
Assert ( m_pCommands ) ;
CUserCmd nullcmd ;
CUserCmd * f , * t ;
int startbit = buf - > GetNumBitsWritten ( ) ;
if ( from = = - 1 )
f = & nullcmd ;
f = GetUserCmd ( from ) ;
if ( ! f )
// DevMsg( "WARNING! User command delta too old (from %i, to %i)\n", from, to );
f = & nullcmd ;
ValidateUserCmd ( f , from ) ;
t = GetUserCmd ( to ) ;
if ( ! t )
// DevMsg( "WARNING! User command too old (from %i, to %i)\n", from, to );
t = & nullcmd ;
ValidateUserCmd ( t , to ) ;
// Write it into the buffer
WriteUsercmd ( buf , t , f ) ;
if ( buf - > IsOverflowed ( ) )
int endbit = buf - > GetNumBitsWritten ( ) ;
Msg ( " WARNING! User command buffer overflow(%i %i), last cmd was %i bits long \n " ,
from , to , endbit - startbit ) ;
return false ;
return true ;
// Purpose:
// Input : slot -
// Output : CUserCmd
CUserCmd * CInput : : GetUserCmd ( int sequence_number )
Assert ( m_pCommands ) ;
CUserCmd * usercmd = & m_pCommands [ sequence_number % MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP ] ;
if ( usercmd - > command_number ! = sequence_number )
return NULL ; // usercmd was overwritten by newer command
return usercmd ;
// Purpose:
// Input : bits -
// in_button -
// in_ignore -
// *button -
// reset -
// Output : static void
static void CalcButtonBits ( int & bits , int in_button , int in_ignore , kbutton_t * button , bool reset )
// Down or still down?
if ( button - > state & 3 )
bits | = in_button ;
int clearmask = ~ 2 ;
if ( in_ignore & in_button )
// This gets taken care of below in the GetButtonBits code
//bits &= ~in_button;
// Remove "still down" as well as "just down"
clearmask = ~ 3 ;
if ( reset )
button - > state & = clearmask ;
= = = = = = = = = = = =
Returns appropriate button info for keyboard and mouse state
Set bResetState to 1 to clear old state info
= = = = = = = = = = = =
int CInput : : GetButtonBits ( int bResetState )
int bits = 0 ;
CalcButtonBits ( bits , IN_SPEED , s_ClearInputState , & in_speed , bResetState ) ;
CalcButtonBits ( bits , IN_WALK , s_ClearInputState , & in_walk , bResetState ) ;
CalcButtonBits ( bits , IN_ATTACK , s_ClearInputState , & in_attack , bResetState ) ;
CalcButtonBits ( bits , IN_DUCK , s_ClearInputState , & in_duck , bResetState ) ;
CalcButtonBits ( bits , IN_JUMP , s_ClearInputState , & in_jump , bResetState ) ;
CalcButtonBits ( bits , IN_FORWARD , s_ClearInputState , & in_forward , bResetState ) ;
CalcButtonBits ( bits , IN_BACK , s_ClearInputState , & in_back , bResetState ) ;
CalcButtonBits ( bits , IN_USE , s_ClearInputState , & in_use , bResetState ) ;
CalcButtonBits ( bits , IN_LEFT , s_ClearInputState , & in_left , bResetState ) ;
CalcButtonBits ( bits , IN_RIGHT , s_ClearInputState , & in_right , bResetState ) ;
CalcButtonBits ( bits , IN_MOVELEFT , s_ClearInputState , & in_moveleft , bResetState ) ;
CalcButtonBits ( bits , IN_MOVERIGHT , s_ClearInputState , & in_moveright , bResetState ) ;
CalcButtonBits ( bits , IN_ATTACK2 , s_ClearInputState , & in_attack2 , bResetState ) ;
CalcButtonBits ( bits , IN_RELOAD , s_ClearInputState , & in_reload , bResetState ) ;
CalcButtonBits ( bits , IN_ALT1 , s_ClearInputState , & in_alt1 , bResetState ) ;
CalcButtonBits ( bits , IN_ALT2 , s_ClearInputState , & in_alt2 , bResetState ) ;
CalcButtonBits ( bits , IN_SCORE , s_ClearInputState , & in_score , bResetState ) ;
CalcButtonBits ( bits , IN_ZOOM , s_ClearInputState , & in_zoom , bResetState ) ;
CalcButtonBits ( bits , IN_GRENADE1 , s_ClearInputState , & in_grenade1 , bResetState ) ;
CalcButtonBits ( bits , IN_GRENADE2 , s_ClearInputState , & in_grenade2 , bResetState ) ;
CalcButtonBits ( bits , IN_ATTACK3 , s_ClearInputState , & in_attack3 , bResetState ) ;
if ( KeyState ( & in_ducktoggle ) )
bits | = IN_DUCK ;
// Cancel is a special flag
if ( in_cancel )
bits | = IN_CANCEL ;
if ( gHUD . m_iKeyBits & IN_WEAPON1 )
bits | = IN_WEAPON1 ;
if ( gHUD . m_iKeyBits & IN_WEAPON2 )
bits | = IN_WEAPON2 ;
// Clear out any residual
bits & = ~ s_ClearInputState ;
if ( bResetState )
s_ClearInputState = 0 ;
return bits ;
// Causes an input to have to be re-pressed to become active
void CInput : : ClearInputButton ( int bits )
s_ClearInputState | = bits ;
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
float CInput : : GetLookSpring ( void )
return lookspring . GetInt ( ) ;
// Purpose:
// Output : float
float CInput : : GetLastForwardMove ( void )
return m_flLastForwardMove ;
# if defined( HL2_CLIENT_DLL )
// Purpose: back channel contact info for ground contact
// Output :
void CInput : : AddIKGroundContactInfo ( int entindex , float minheight , float maxheight )
CEntityGroundContact data ;
data . entindex = entindex ;
data . minheight = minheight ;
data . maxheight = maxheight ;
if ( m_EntityGroundContact . Count ( ) > = MAX_EDICTS )
// some overflow here, probably bogus anyway
Assert ( 0 ) ;
m_EntityGroundContact . RemoveAll ( ) ;
return ;
m_EntityGroundContact . AddToTail ( data ) ;
# endif
static ConCommand startcommandermousemove ( " +commandermousemove " , IN_CommanderMouseMoveDown ) ;
static ConCommand endcommandermousemove ( " -commandermousemove " , IN_CommanderMouseMoveUp ) ;
static ConCommand startmoveup ( " +moveup " , IN_UpDown ) ;
static ConCommand endmoveup ( " -moveup " , IN_UpUp ) ;
static ConCommand startmovedown ( " +movedown " , IN_DownDown ) ;
static ConCommand endmovedown ( " -movedown " , IN_DownUp ) ;
static ConCommand startleft ( " +left " , IN_LeftDown ) ;
static ConCommand endleft ( " -left " , IN_LeftUp ) ;
static ConCommand startright ( " +right " , IN_RightDown ) ;
static ConCommand endright ( " -right " , IN_RightUp ) ;
static ConCommand startforward ( " +forward " , IN_ForwardDown ) ;
static ConCommand endforward ( " -forward " , IN_ForwardUp ) ;
static ConCommand startback ( " +back " , IN_BackDown ) ;
static ConCommand endback ( " -back " , IN_BackUp ) ;
static ConCommand startlookup ( " +lookup " , IN_LookupDown ) ;
static ConCommand endlookup ( " -lookup " , IN_LookupUp ) ;
static ConCommand startlookdown ( " +lookdown " , IN_LookdownDown ) ;
static ConCommand lookdown ( " -lookdown " , IN_LookdownUp ) ;
static ConCommand startstrafe ( " +strafe " , IN_StrafeDown ) ;
static ConCommand endstrafe ( " -strafe " , IN_StrafeUp ) ;
static ConCommand startmoveleft ( " +moveleft " , IN_MoveleftDown ) ;
static ConCommand endmoveleft ( " -moveleft " , IN_MoveleftUp ) ;
static ConCommand startmoveright ( " +moveright " , IN_MoverightDown ) ;
static ConCommand endmoveright ( " -moveright " , IN_MoverightUp ) ;
static ConCommand startspeed ( " +speed " , IN_SpeedDown ) ;
static ConCommand endspeed ( " -speed " , IN_SpeedUp ) ;
static ConCommand startwalk ( " +walk " , IN_WalkDown ) ;
static ConCommand endwalk ( " -walk " , IN_WalkUp ) ;
static ConCommand startattack ( " +attack " , IN_AttackDown ) ;
static ConCommand endattack ( " -attack " , IN_AttackUp ) ;
static ConCommand startattack2 ( " +attack2 " , IN_Attack2Down ) ;
static ConCommand endattack2 ( " -attack2 " , IN_Attack2Up ) ;
static ConCommand startuse ( " +use " , IN_UseDown ) ;
static ConCommand enduse ( " -use " , IN_UseUp ) ;
static ConCommand startjump ( " +jump " , IN_JumpDown ) ;
static ConCommand endjump ( " -jump " , IN_JumpUp ) ;
static ConCommand impulse ( " impulse " , IN_Impulse ) ;
static ConCommand startklook ( " +klook " , IN_KLookDown ) ;
static ConCommand endklook ( " -klook " , IN_KLookUp ) ;
static ConCommand startjlook ( " +jlook " , IN_JLookDown ) ;
static ConCommand endjlook ( " -jlook " , IN_JLookUp ) ;
static ConCommand startduck ( " +duck " , IN_DuckDown ) ;
static ConCommand endduck ( " -duck " , IN_DuckUp ) ;
static ConCommand startreload ( " +reload " , IN_ReloadDown ) ;
static ConCommand endreload ( " -reload " , IN_ReloadUp ) ;
static ConCommand startalt1 ( " +alt1 " , IN_Alt1Down ) ;
static ConCommand endalt1 ( " -alt1 " , IN_Alt1Up ) ;
static ConCommand startalt2 ( " +alt2 " , IN_Alt2Down ) ;
static ConCommand endalt2 ( " -alt2 " , IN_Alt2Up ) ;
static ConCommand startscore ( " +score " , IN_ScoreDown ) ;
static ConCommand endscore ( " -score " , IN_ScoreUp ) ;
static ConCommand startshowscores ( " +showscores " , IN_ScoreDown ) ;
static ConCommand endshowscores ( " -showscores " , IN_ScoreUp ) ;
static ConCommand startgraph ( " +graph " , IN_GraphDown ) ;
static ConCommand endgraph ( " -graph " , IN_GraphUp ) ;
static ConCommand startbreak ( " +break " , IN_BreakDown ) ;
static ConCommand endbreak ( " -break " , IN_BreakUp ) ;
static ConCommand force_centerview ( " force_centerview " , IN_CenterView_f ) ;
static ConCommand joyadvancedupdate ( " joyadvancedupdate " , IN_Joystick_Advanced_f , " " , FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE ) ;
static ConCommand startzoom ( " +zoom " , IN_ZoomDown ) ;
static ConCommand endzoom ( " -zoom " , IN_ZoomUp ) ;
static ConCommand endgrenade1 ( " -grenade1 " , IN_Grenade1Up ) ;
static ConCommand startgrenade1 ( " +grenade1 " , IN_Grenade1Down ) ;
static ConCommand endgrenade2 ( " -grenade2 " , IN_Grenade2Up ) ;
static ConCommand startgrenade2 ( " +grenade2 " , IN_Grenade2Down ) ;
static ConCommand startattack3 ( " +attack3 " , IN_Attack3Down ) ;
static ConCommand endattack3 ( " -attack3 " , IN_Attack3Up ) ;
static ConCommand toggle_duck ( " toggle_duck " , IN_DuckToggle ) ;
# endif
// Xbox 360 stub commands
static ConCommand xboxmove ( " xmove " , IN_XboxStub ) ;
static ConCommand xboxlook ( " xlook " , IN_XboxStub ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = =
void CInput : : Init_All ( void )
Assert ( ! m_pCommands ) ;
m_pCommands = new CUserCmd [ MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP ] ;
m_pVerifiedCommands = new CVerifiedUserCmd [ MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP ] ;
m_fMouseInitialized = false ;
m_fRestoreSPI = false ;
m_fMouseActive = false ;
Q_memset ( m_rgOrigMouseParms , 0 , sizeof ( m_rgOrigMouseParms ) ) ;
Q_memset ( m_rgNewMouseParms , 0 , sizeof ( m_rgNewMouseParms ) ) ;
Q_memset ( m_rgCheckMouseParam , 0 , sizeof ( m_rgCheckMouseParam ) ) ;
m_rgNewMouseParms [ MOUSE_ACCEL_THRESHHOLD1 ] = 0 ; // no 2x
m_rgNewMouseParms [ MOUSE_ACCEL_THRESHHOLD2 ] = 0 ; // no 4x
m_rgNewMouseParms [ MOUSE_SPEED_FACTOR ] = 1 ; // 0 = disabled, 1 = threshold 1 enabled, 2 = threshold 2 enabled
m_fMouseParmsValid = false ;
m_fJoystickAdvancedInit = false ;
m_fHadJoysticks = false ;
m_flLastForwardMove = 0.0 ;
// Initialize inputs
if ( IsPC ( ) )
Init_Mouse ( ) ;
Init_Keyboard ( ) ;
// Initialize third person camera controls.
Init_Camera ( ) ;
= = = = = = = = = = = =
= = = = = = = = = = = =
void CInput : : Shutdown_All ( void )
DeactivateMouse ( ) ;
Shutdown_Keyboard ( ) ;
delete [ ] m_pCommands ;
m_pCommands = NULL ;
delete [ ] m_pVerifiedCommands ;
m_pVerifiedCommands = NULL ;
void CInput : : LevelInit ( void )
# if defined( HL2_CLIENT_DLL )
// Remove any IK information
m_EntityGroundContact . RemoveAll ( ) ;
# endif