2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
# ifdef _WIN32
# pragma once
# endif
# include "tier1/utllinkedlist.h"
# include "rangecheckedvar.h"
# include "lerp_functions.h"
# include "animationlayer.h"
# include "convar.h"
# include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
# define COMPARE_HISTORY(a,b) \
( memcmp ( m_VarHistory [ a ] . GetValue ( ) , m_VarHistory [ b ] . GetValue ( ) , sizeof ( Type ) * GetMaxCount ( ) ) = = 0 )
// Define this to have it measure whether or not the interpolated entity list
// is accurate.
# define LATCH_ANIMATION_VAR (1<<0) // use AnimTime as sample basis
# define LATCH_SIMULATION_VAR (1<<1) // use SimulationTime as sample basis
# define EXCLUDE_AUTO_LATCH (1<<2)
# define INTERPOLATE_LINEAR_ONLY (1<<4) // don't do hermite interpolation
# define EXTRA_INTERPOLATION_HISTORY_STORED 0.05f // It stores this much extra interpolation history,
// so you can always call Interpolate() this far
// in the past from your last call and be able to
// get an interpolated value.
// this global keeps the last known server packet tick (to avoid calling engine->GetLastTimestamp() all the time)
extern float g_flLastPacketTimestamp ;
inline void Interpolation_SetLastPacketTimeStamp ( float timestamp )
Assert ( timestamp > 0 ) ;
g_flLastPacketTimestamp = timestamp ;
// Before calling Interpolate(), you can use this use this to setup the context if
// you want to enable extrapolation.
class CInterpolationContext
public :
CInterpolationContext ( )
m_bOldAllowExtrapolation = s_bAllowExtrapolation ;
m_flOldLastTimeStamp = s_flLastTimeStamp ;
// By default, disable extrapolation unless they call EnableExtrapolation.
s_bAllowExtrapolation = false ;
// this is the context stack
m_pNext = s_pHead ;
s_pHead = this ;
~ CInterpolationContext ( )
// restore values from prev stack element
s_bAllowExtrapolation = m_bOldAllowExtrapolation ;
s_flLastTimeStamp = m_flOldLastTimeStamp ;
Assert ( s_pHead = = this ) ;
s_pHead = m_pNext ;
static void EnableExtrapolation ( bool state )
s_bAllowExtrapolation = state ;
static bool IsThereAContext ( )
return s_pHead ! = NULL ;
static bool IsExtrapolationAllowed ( )
return s_bAllowExtrapolation ;
static void SetLastTimeStamp ( float timestamp )
s_flLastTimeStamp = timestamp ;
static float GetLastTimeStamp ( )
return s_flLastTimeStamp ;
private :
CInterpolationContext * m_pNext ;
bool m_bOldAllowExtrapolation ;
float m_flOldLastTimeStamp ;
static CInterpolationContext * s_pHead ;
static bool s_bAllowExtrapolation ;
static float s_flLastTimeStamp ;
} ;
extern ConVar cl_extrapolate_amount ;
template < class T >
inline T ExtrapolateInterpolatedVarType ( const T & oldVal , const T & newVal , float divisor , float flExtrapolationAmount )
return newVal ;
inline Vector ExtrapolateInterpolatedVarType ( const Vector & oldVal , const Vector & newVal , float divisor , float flExtrapolationAmount )
return Lerp ( 1.0f + flExtrapolationAmount * divisor , oldVal , newVal ) ;
inline float ExtrapolateInterpolatedVarType ( const float & oldVal , const float & newVal , float divisor , float flExtrapolationAmount )
return Lerp ( 1.0f + flExtrapolationAmount * divisor , oldVal , newVal ) ;
inline QAngle ExtrapolateInterpolatedVarType ( const QAngle & oldVal , const QAngle & newVal , float divisor , float flExtrapolationAmount )
return Lerp < QAngle > ( 1.0f + flExtrapolationAmount * divisor , oldVal , newVal ) ;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// IInterpolatedVar interface.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
abstract_class IInterpolatedVar
public :
virtual ~ IInterpolatedVar ( ) { }
virtual void Setup ( void * pValue , int type ) = 0 ;
virtual void SetInterpolationAmount ( float seconds ) = 0 ;
// Returns true if the new value is different from the prior most recent value.
virtual void NoteLastNetworkedValue ( ) = 0 ;
virtual bool NoteChanged ( float changetime , bool bUpdateLastNetworkedValue ) = 0 ;
virtual void Reset ( ) = 0 ;
// Returns 1 if the value will always be the same if currentTime is always increasing.
virtual int Interpolate ( float currentTime ) = 0 ;
virtual int GetType ( ) const = 0 ;
virtual void RestoreToLastNetworked ( ) = 0 ;
virtual void Copy ( IInterpolatedVar * pSrc ) = 0 ;
virtual const char * GetDebugName ( ) = 0 ;
virtual void SetDebugName ( const char * pName ) = 0 ;
virtual void SetDebug ( bool bDebug ) = 0 ;
} ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
struct CInterpolatedVarEntryBase
CInterpolatedVarEntryBase ( )
value = NULL ;
count = 0 ;
changetime = 0 ;
~ CInterpolatedVarEntryBase ( )
delete [ ] value ;
value = NULL ;
// This will transfer the data from another varentry. This is used to avoid allocation
// pointers can be transferred (only one varentry has a copy), but not trivially copied
void FastTransferFrom ( CInterpolatedVarEntryBase & src )
Assert ( ! value ) ;
value = src . value ;
count = src . count ;
changetime = src . changetime ;
src . value = 0 ;
src . count = 0 ;
CInterpolatedVarEntryBase & operator = ( const CInterpolatedVarEntryBase & src )
delete [ ] value ;
value = NULL ;
count = 0 ;
if ( src . value )
count = src . count ;
value = new Type [ count ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i + + )
value [ i ] = src . value [ i ] ;
return * this ;
Type * GetValue ( ) { return value ; }
const Type * GetValue ( ) const { return value ; }
void Init ( int maxCount )
if ( ! maxCount )
DeleteEntry ( ) ;
// resize
if ( maxCount ! = count )
DeleteEntry ( ) ;
if ( ! value )
count = maxCount ;
value = new Type [ maxCount ] ;
Assert ( count = = maxCount ) ;
Type * NewEntry ( const Type * pValue , int maxCount , float time )
changetime = time ;
Init ( maxCount ) ;
if ( value & & maxCount )
memcpy ( value , pValue , maxCount * sizeof ( Type ) ) ;
return value ;
void DeleteEntry ( )
delete [ ] value ;
value = NULL ;
count = 0 ;
float changetime ;
int count ;
Type * value ;
private :
CInterpolatedVarEntryBase ( const CInterpolatedVarEntryBase & src ) ;
} ;
template < typename Type >
struct CInterpolatedVarEntryBase < Type , false >
CInterpolatedVarEntryBase ( ) { }
~ CInterpolatedVarEntryBase ( ) { }
const Type * GetValue ( ) const { return & value ; }
Type * GetValue ( ) { return & value ; }
void Init ( int maxCount )
Assert ( maxCount = = 1 ) ;
2021-10-23 14:41:59 +03:00
Type * NewEntry ( Type * pValue , int maxCount , float time )
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
Assert ( maxCount = = 1 ) ;
changetime = time ;
memcpy ( & value , pValue , maxCount * sizeof ( Type ) ) ;
return & value ;
void FastTransferFrom ( CInterpolatedVarEntryBase & src )
* this = src ;
void DeleteEntry ( ) { }
float changetime ;
Type value ;
} ;
template < typename T >
class CSimpleRingBuffer
public :
CSimpleRingBuffer ( int startSize = 4 )
m_pElements = 0 ;
m_maxElement = 0 ;
m_firstElement = 0 ;
m_count = 0 ;
m_growSize = 16 ;
EnsureCapacity ( startSize ) ;
~ CSimpleRingBuffer ( )
delete [ ] m_pElements ;
m_pElements = NULL ;
inline int Count ( ) const { return m_count ; }
int Head ( ) const { return ( m_count > 0 ) ? 0 : InvalidIndex ( ) ; }
bool IsIdxValid ( int i ) const { return ( i > = 0 & & i < m_count ) ? true : false ; }
bool IsValidIndex ( int i ) const { return IsIdxValid ( i ) ; }
static int InvalidIndex ( ) { return - 1 ; }
T & operator [ ] ( int i )
Assert ( IsIdxValid ( i ) ) ;
i + = m_firstElement ;
i = WrapRange ( i ) ;
return m_pElements [ i ] ;
const T & operator [ ] ( int i ) const
Assert ( IsIdxValid ( i ) ) ;
i + = m_firstElement ;
i = WrapRange ( i ) ;
return m_pElements [ i ] ;
void EnsureCapacity ( int capSize )
if ( capSize > m_maxElement )
int newMax = m_maxElement + ( ( capSize + m_growSize - 1 ) / m_growSize ) * m_growSize ;
T * pNew = new T [ newMax ] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_maxElement ; i + + )
// ------------
// If you wanted to make this a more generic container you'd probably want this code
// instead - since FastTransferFrom() is an optimization dependent on types stored
// here defining this operation.
//pNew[i] = m_pElements[WrapRange(i+m_firstElement)];
pNew [ i ] . FastTransferFrom ( m_pElements [ WrapRange ( i + m_firstElement ) ] ) ;
// ------------
m_firstElement = 0 ;
m_maxElement = newMax ;
delete [ ] m_pElements ;
m_pElements = pNew ;
int AddToHead ( )
EnsureCapacity ( m_count + 1 ) ;
int i = m_firstElement + m_maxElement - 1 ;
m_count + + ;
i = WrapRange ( i ) ;
m_firstElement = i ;
return 0 ;
int AddToHead ( const T & elem )
AddToHead ( ) ;
m_pElements [ m_firstElement ] = elem ;
return 0 ;
int AddToTail ( )
EnsureCapacity ( m_count + 1 ) ;
m_count + + ;
return WrapRange ( m_firstElement + m_count - 1 ) ;
void RemoveAll ( )
m_count = 0 ;
m_firstElement = 0 ;
void RemoveAtHead ( )
if ( m_count > 0 )
m_firstElement = WrapRange ( m_firstElement + 1 ) ;
m_count - - ;
void Truncate ( int newLength )
if ( newLength < m_count )
Assert ( newLength > = 0 ) ;
m_count = newLength ;
private :
inline int WrapRange ( int i ) const
return ( i > = m_maxElement ) ? ( i - m_maxElement ) : i ;
T * m_pElements ;
unsigned short m_maxElement ;
unsigned short m_firstElement ;
unsigned short m_count ;
unsigned short m_growSize ;
} ;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// CInterpolatedVarArrayBase - the main implementation of IInterpolatedVar.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
class CInterpolatedVarArrayBase : public IInterpolatedVar
public :
friend class CInterpolatedVarPrivate ;
CInterpolatedVarArrayBase ( const char * pDebugName = " no debug name " ) ;
virtual ~ CInterpolatedVarArrayBase ( ) ;
// IInterpolatedVar overrides.
public :
virtual void Setup ( void * pValue , int type ) ;
virtual void SetInterpolationAmount ( float seconds ) ;
virtual void NoteLastNetworkedValue ( ) ;
virtual bool NoteChanged ( float changetime , bool bUpdateLastNetworkedValue ) ;
virtual void Reset ( ) ;
virtual int Interpolate ( float currentTime ) ;
virtual int GetType ( ) const ;
virtual void RestoreToLastNetworked ( ) ;
virtual void Copy ( IInterpolatedVar * pInSrc ) ;
virtual const char * GetDebugName ( ) { return m_pDebugName ; }
public :
// Just like the IInterpolatedVar functions, but you can specify an interpolation amount.
bool NoteChanged ( float changetime , float interpolation_amount , bool bUpdateLastNetworkedValue ) ;
int Interpolate ( float currentTime , float interpolation_amount ) ;
void DebugInterpolate ( Type * pOut , float currentTime ) ;
void GetDerivative ( Type * pOut , float currentTime ) ;
void GetDerivative_SmoothVelocity ( Type * pOut , float currentTime ) ; // See notes on ::Derivative_HermiteLinearVelocity for info.
void ClearHistory ( ) ;
void AddToHead ( float changeTime , const Type * values , bool bFlushNewer ) ;
const Type & GetPrev ( int iArrayIndex = 0 ) const ;
const Type & GetCurrent ( int iArrayIndex = 0 ) const ;
// Returns the time difference betweem the most recent sample and its previous sample.
float GetInterval ( ) const ;
bool IsValidIndex ( int i ) ;
Type * GetHistoryValue ( int index , float & changetime , int iArrayIndex = 0 ) ;
int GetHead ( ) { return 0 ; }
int GetNext ( int i )
int next = i + 1 ;
if ( ! m_VarHistory . IsValidIndex ( next ) )
return m_VarHistory . InvalidIndex ( ) ;
return next ;
void SetHistoryValuesForItem ( int item , Type & value ) ;
void SetLooping ( bool looping , int iArrayIndex = 0 ) ;
void SetMaxCount ( int newmax ) ;
int GetMaxCount ( ) const ;
// Get the time of the oldest entry.
float GetOldestEntry ( ) ;
// set a debug name (if not provided by constructor)
void SetDebugName ( const char * pName ) { m_pDebugName = pName ; }
virtual void SetDebug ( bool bDebug ) { m_bDebug = bDebug ; }
bool GetInterpolationInfo ( float currentTime , int * pNewer , int * pOlder , int * pOldest ) ;
protected :
typedef CInterpolatedVarEntryBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > CInterpolatedVarEntry ;
typedef CSimpleRingBuffer < CInterpolatedVarEntry > CVarHistory ;
friend class CInterpolationInfo ;
class CInterpolationInfo
public :
bool m_bHermite ;
int oldest ; // Only set if using hermite.
int older ;
int newer ;
float frac ;
} ;
protected :
void RemoveOldEntries ( float oldesttime ) ;
void RemoveEntriesPreviousTo ( float flTime ) ;
bool GetInterpolationInfo (
CInterpolationInfo * pInfo ,
float currentTime ,
float interpolation_amount ,
int * pNoMoreChanges ) ;
void TimeFixup_Hermite (
CInterpolatedVarEntry & fixup ,
CInterpolatedVarEntry * & prev ,
CInterpolatedVarEntry * & start ,
CInterpolatedVarEntry * & end ) ;
// Force the time between prev and start to be dt (and extend prev out farther if necessary).
void TimeFixup2_Hermite (
CInterpolatedVarEntry & fixup ,
CInterpolatedVarEntry * & prev ,
CInterpolatedVarEntry * & start ,
float dt
) ;
void _Extrapolate (
Type * pOut ,
CInterpolatedVarEntry * pOld ,
CInterpolatedVarEntry * pNew ,
float flDestinationTime ,
float flMaxExtrapolationAmount
) ;
void _Interpolate ( Type * out , float frac , CInterpolatedVarEntry * start , CInterpolatedVarEntry * end ) ;
void _Interpolate_Hermite ( Type * out , float frac , CInterpolatedVarEntry * pOriginalPrev , CInterpolatedVarEntry * start , CInterpolatedVarEntry * end , bool looping = false ) ;
void _Derivative_Hermite ( Type * out , float frac , CInterpolatedVarEntry * pOriginalPrev , CInterpolatedVarEntry * start , CInterpolatedVarEntry * end ) ;
void _Derivative_Hermite_SmoothVelocity ( Type * out , float frac , CInterpolatedVarEntry * b , CInterpolatedVarEntry * c , CInterpolatedVarEntry * d ) ;
void _Derivative_Linear ( Type * out , CInterpolatedVarEntry * start , CInterpolatedVarEntry * end ) ;
bool ValidOrder ( ) ;
protected :
// The underlying data element
Type * m_pValue ;
CVarHistory m_VarHistory ;
// Store networked values so when we latch we can detect which values were changed via networking
Type * m_LastNetworkedValue ;
float m_LastNetworkedTime ;
byte m_fType ;
byte m_nMaxCount ;
byte * m_bLooping ;
float m_InterpolationAmount ;
const char * m_pDebugName ;
bool m_bDebug : 1 ;
} ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : CInterpolatedVarArrayBase ( const char * pDebugName )
m_pDebugName = pDebugName ;
m_pValue = NULL ;
m_InterpolationAmount = 0.0f ;
m_nMaxCount = 0 ;
m_LastNetworkedTime = 0 ;
m_LastNetworkedValue = NULL ;
m_bLooping = NULL ;
m_bDebug = false ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : ~ CInterpolatedVarArrayBase ( )
ClearHistory ( ) ;
delete [ ] m_bLooping ;
delete [ ] m_LastNetworkedValue ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline void CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : Setup ( void * pValue , int type )
m_pValue = ( Type * ) pValue ;
m_fType = type ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline void CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : SetInterpolationAmount ( float seconds )
m_InterpolationAmount = seconds ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline int CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : GetType ( ) const
return m_fType ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
void CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : NoteLastNetworkedValue ( )
memcpy ( m_LastNetworkedValue , m_pValue , m_nMaxCount * sizeof ( Type ) ) ;
m_LastNetworkedTime = g_flLastPacketTimestamp ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline bool CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : NoteChanged ( float changetime , float interpolation_amount , bool bUpdateLastNetworkedValue )
Assert ( m_pValue ) ;
// This is a big optimization where it can potentially avoid expensive interpolation
// involving this variable if it didn't get an actual new value in here.
bool bRet = true ;
if ( m_VarHistory . Count ( ) )
if ( memcmp ( m_pValue , m_VarHistory [ 0 ] . GetValue ( ) , sizeof ( Type ) * m_nMaxCount ) = = 0 )
bRet = false ;
if ( m_bDebug )
char const * pDiffString = bRet ? " differs " : " identical " ;
Msg ( " %s LatchChanged at %f changetime %f: %s \n " , GetDebugName ( ) , gpGlobals - > curtime , changetime , pDiffString ) ;
AddToHead ( changetime , m_pValue , true ) ;
if ( bUpdateLastNetworkedValue )
NoteLastNetworkedValue ( ) ;
#if 0
// Since we don't clean out the old entries until Interpolate(), make sure that there
// aren't any super old entries hanging around.
RemoveOldEntries ( gpGlobals - > curtime - interpolation_amount - 2.0f ) ;
# else
// JAY: It doesn't seem like the above code is correct. This is keeping more than two seconds of history
// for variables that aren't being interpolated for some reason. For example, the player model isn't drawn
// in first person, so the history is only truncated here and will accumulate ~40 entries instead of 2 or 3
// changing over to the method in Interpolate() means that we always have a 3-sample neighborhood around
// any data we're going to need. Unless gpGlobals->curtime is different when samples are added vs. when
// they are interpolated I can't see this having any ill effects.
RemoveEntriesPreviousTo ( gpGlobals - > curtime - interpolation_amount - EXTRA_INTERPOLATION_HISTORY_STORED ) ;
# endif
return bRet ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline bool CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : NoteChanged ( float changetime , bool bUpdateLastNetworkedValue )
return NoteChanged ( changetime , m_InterpolationAmount , bUpdateLastNetworkedValue ) ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline void CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : RestoreToLastNetworked ( )
Assert ( m_pValue ) ;
memcpy ( m_pValue , m_LastNetworkedValue , m_nMaxCount * sizeof ( Type ) ) ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline void CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : ClearHistory ( )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_VarHistory . Count ( ) ; i + + )
m_VarHistory [ i ] . DeleteEntry ( ) ;
m_VarHistory . RemoveAll ( ) ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline void CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : AddToHead ( float changeTime , const Type * values , bool bFlushNewer )
int newslot ;
if ( bFlushNewer )
// Get rid of anything that has a timestamp after this sample. The server might have
// corrected our clock and moved us back, so our current changeTime is less than a
// changeTime we added samples during previously.
while ( m_VarHistory . Count ( ) )
if ( ( m_VarHistory [ 0 ] . changetime + 0.0001f ) > changeTime )
m_VarHistory . RemoveAtHead ( ) ;
break ;
newslot = m_VarHistory . AddToHead ( ) ;
newslot = m_VarHistory . AddToHead ( ) ;
for ( int i = 1 ; i < m_VarHistory . Count ( ) ; i + + )
if ( m_VarHistory [ i ] . changetime < = changeTime )
break ;
m_VarHistory [ newslot ] . FastTransferFrom ( m_VarHistory [ i ] ) ;
newslot = i ;
CInterpolatedVarEntry * e = & m_VarHistory [ newslot ] ;
2022-01-19 18:59:42 +03:00
e - > NewEntry ( ( Type * ) values , m_nMaxCount , changeTime ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline void CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : Reset ( )
ClearHistory ( ) ;
if ( m_pValue )
AddToHead ( gpGlobals - > curtime , m_pValue , false ) ;
AddToHead ( gpGlobals - > curtime , m_pValue , false ) ;
AddToHead ( gpGlobals - > curtime , m_pValue , false ) ;
memcpy ( m_LastNetworkedValue , m_pValue , m_nMaxCount * sizeof ( Type ) ) ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline float CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : GetOldestEntry ( )
float lastVal = 0 ;
if ( m_VarHistory . Count ( ) )
lastVal = m_VarHistory [ m_VarHistory . Count ( ) - 1 ] . changetime ;
return lastVal ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline void CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : RemoveOldEntries ( float oldesttime )
int newCount = m_VarHistory . Count ( ) ;
for ( int i = m_VarHistory . Count ( ) ; - - i > 2 ; )
if ( m_VarHistory [ i ] . changetime > oldesttime )
break ;
newCount = i ;
m_VarHistory . Truncate ( newCount ) ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline void CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : RemoveEntriesPreviousTo ( float flTime )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_VarHistory . Count ( ) ; i + + )
if ( m_VarHistory [ i ] . changetime < flTime )
// We need to preserve this sample (ie: the one right before this timestamp)
// and the sample right before it (for hermite blending), and we can get rid
// of everything else.
m_VarHistory . Truncate ( i + 3 ) ;
break ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline bool CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : GetInterpolationInfo (
typename CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : CInterpolationInfo * pInfo ,
float currentTime ,
float interpolation_amount ,
int * pNoMoreChanges
Assert ( m_pValue ) ;
CVarHistory & varHistory = m_VarHistory ;
float targettime = currentTime - interpolation_amount ;
pInfo - > m_bHermite = false ;
pInfo - > frac = 0 ;
pInfo - > oldest = pInfo - > older = pInfo - > newer = varHistory . InvalidIndex ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < varHistory . Count ( ) ; i + + )
pInfo - > older = i ;
float older_change_time = m_VarHistory [ i ] . changetime ;
if ( older_change_time = = 0.0f )
break ;
if ( targettime < older_change_time )
pInfo - > newer = pInfo - > older ;
continue ;
if ( pInfo - > newer = = varHistory . InvalidIndex ( ) )
// Have it linear interpolate between the newest 2 entries.
pInfo - > newer = pInfo - > older ;
// Since the time given is PAST all of our entries, then as long
// as time continues to increase, we'll be returning the same value.
if ( pNoMoreChanges )
* pNoMoreChanges = 1 ;
return true ;
float newer_change_time = varHistory [ pInfo - > newer ] . changetime ;
float dt = newer_change_time - older_change_time ;
if ( dt > 0.0001f )
pInfo - > frac = ( targettime - older_change_time ) / ( newer_change_time - older_change_time ) ;
pInfo - > frac = MIN ( pInfo - > frac , 2.0f ) ;
int oldestindex = i + 1 ;
if ( ! ( m_fType & INTERPOLATE_LINEAR_ONLY ) & & varHistory . IsIdxValid ( oldestindex ) )
pInfo - > oldest = oldestindex ;
float oldest_change_time = varHistory [ oldestindex ] . changetime ;
float dt2 = older_change_time - oldest_change_time ;
if ( dt2 > 0.0001f )
pInfo - > m_bHermite = true ;
// If pInfo->newer is the most recent entry we have, and all 2 or 3 other
// entries are identical, then we're always going to return the same value
// if currentTime increases.
if ( pNoMoreChanges & & pInfo - > newer = = m_VarHistory . Head ( ) )
if ( COMPARE_HISTORY ( pInfo - > newer , pInfo - > older ) )
if ( ! pInfo - > m_bHermite | | COMPARE_HISTORY ( pInfo - > newer , pInfo - > oldest ) )
* pNoMoreChanges = 1 ;
return true ;
// Didn't find any, return last entry???
if ( pInfo - > newer ! = varHistory . InvalidIndex ( ) )
pInfo - > older = pInfo - > newer ;
return true ;
// This is the single-element case
pInfo - > newer = pInfo - > older ;
return ( pInfo - > older ! = varHistory . InvalidIndex ( ) ) ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline bool CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : GetInterpolationInfo ( float currentTime , int * pNewer , int * pOlder , int * pOldest )
CInterpolationInfo info ;
bool result = GetInterpolationInfo ( & info , currentTime , m_InterpolationAmount , NULL ) ;
if ( pNewer )
* pNewer = ( int ) info . newer ;
if ( pOlder )
* pOlder = ( int ) info . older ;
if ( pOldest )
* pOldest = ( int ) info . oldest ;
return result ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline void CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : DebugInterpolate ( Type * pOut , float currentTime )
float interpolation_amount = m_InterpolationAmount ;
int noMoreChanges = 0 ;
CInterpolationInfo info ;
GetInterpolationInfo ( & info , currentTime , interpolation_amount , & noMoreChanges ) ;
CVarHistory & history = m_VarHistory ;
if ( info . m_bHermite )
// base cast, we have 3 valid sample point
_Interpolate_Hermite ( pOut , info . frac , & history [ info . oldest ] , & history [ info . older ] , & history [ info . newer ] ) ;
else if ( info . newer = = info . older )
// This means the server clock got way behind the client clock. Extrapolate the value here based on its
// previous velocity (out to a certain amount).
int realOlder = info . newer + 1 ;
if ( CInterpolationContext : : IsExtrapolationAllowed ( ) & &
IsValidIndex ( realOlder ) & &
history [ realOlder ] . changetime ! = 0.0 & &
interpolation_amount > 0.000001f & &
CInterpolationContext : : GetLastTimeStamp ( ) < = m_LastNetworkedTime )
// At this point, we know we're out of data and we have the ability to get a velocity to extrapolate with.
// However, we only want to extraploate if the server is choking. We don't want to extrapolate if
// the object legimately stopped moving and the server stopped sending updates for it.
// The way we know that the server is choking is if we haven't heard ANYTHING from it for a while.
// The server's update interval should be at least as often as our interpolation amount (otherwise,
// we wouldn't have the ability to interpolate).
// So right here, if we see that we haven't gotten any server updates since the last interpolation
// history update to this entity (and since we're in here, we know that we're out of interpolation data),
// then we can assume that the server is choking and decide to extrapolate.
// The End
// Use the velocity here (extrapolate up to 1/4 of a second).
_Extrapolate ( pOut , & history [ realOlder ] , & history [ info . newer ] , currentTime - interpolation_amount , cl_extrapolate_amount . GetFloat ( ) ) ;
_Interpolate ( pOut , info . frac , & history [ info . older ] , & history [ info . newer ] ) ;
_Interpolate ( pOut , info . frac , & history [ info . older ] , & history [ info . newer ] ) ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline int CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : Interpolate ( float currentTime , float interpolation_amount )
int noMoreChanges = 0 ;
CInterpolationInfo info ;
if ( ! GetInterpolationInfo ( & info , currentTime , interpolation_amount , & noMoreChanges ) )
return noMoreChanges ;
CVarHistory & history = m_VarHistory ;
if ( m_bDebug )
// "value will hold" means we are either extrapolating, or the samples in GetInterpolationInfo are all the same... In either case there are no more "changes" until we latch a new
// value and we can remove this var from the interpolated var list (bit perf optimization)
Msg ( " %s Interpolate at %f%s \n " , GetDebugName ( ) , currentTime , noMoreChanges ? " [value will hold] " : " " ) ;
Type * backupValues = ( Type * ) _alloca ( m_nMaxCount * sizeof ( Type ) ) ;
memcpy ( backupValues , m_pValue , sizeof ( Type ) * m_nMaxCount ) ;
# endif
if ( info . m_bHermite )
// base cast, we have 3 valid sample point
_Interpolate_Hermite ( m_pValue , info . frac , & history [ info . oldest ] , & history [ info . older ] , & history [ info . newer ] ) ;
else if ( info . newer = = info . older )
// This means the server clock got way behind the client clock. Extrapolate the value here based on its
// previous velocity (out to a certain amount).
int realOlder = info . newer + 1 ;
if ( CInterpolationContext : : IsExtrapolationAllowed ( ) & &
IsValidIndex ( realOlder ) & &
history [ realOlder ] . changetime ! = 0.0 & &
interpolation_amount > 0.000001f & &
CInterpolationContext : : GetLastTimeStamp ( ) < = m_LastNetworkedTime )
// At this point, we know we're out of data and we have the ability to get a velocity to extrapolate with.
// However, we only want to extraploate if the server is choking. We don't want to extrapolate if
// the object legimately stopped moving and the server stopped sending updates for it.
// The way we know that the server is choking is if we haven't heard ANYTHING from it for a while.
// The server's update interval should be at least as often as our interpolation amount (otherwise,
// we wouldn't have the ability to interpolate).
// So right here, if we see that we haven't gotten any server updates since the last interpolation
// history update to this entity (and since we're in here, we know that we're out of interpolation data),
// then we can assume that the server is choking and decide to extrapolate.
// The End
// Use the velocity here (extrapolate up to 1/4 of a second).
_Extrapolate ( m_pValue , & history [ realOlder ] , & history [ info . newer ] , currentTime - interpolation_amount , cl_extrapolate_amount . GetFloat ( ) ) ;
_Interpolate ( m_pValue , info . frac , & history [ info . older ] , & history [ info . newer ] ) ;
_Interpolate ( m_pValue , info . frac , & history [ info . older ] , & history [ info . newer ] ) ;
if ( memcmp ( backupValues , m_pValue , sizeof ( Type ) * m_nMaxCount ) ! = 0 )
extern int g_nInterpolatedVarsChanged ;
extern bool g_bRestoreInterpolatedVarValues ;
+ + g_nInterpolatedVarsChanged ;
// This undoes the work that we do in here so if someone is in the debugger, they
// can find out which variable changed.
if ( g_bRestoreInterpolatedVarValues )
memcpy ( m_pValue , backupValues , sizeof ( Type ) * m_nMaxCount ) ;
return noMoreChanges ;
# endif
// Clear out all entries before the oldest since we should never access them again.
// Usually, Interpolate() calls never go backwards in time, but C_BaseAnimating::BecomeRagdollOnClient for one
// goes slightly back in time
RemoveEntriesPreviousTo ( currentTime - interpolation_amount - EXTRA_INTERPOLATION_HISTORY_STORED ) ;
return noMoreChanges ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
void CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : GetDerivative ( Type * pOut , float currentTime )
CInterpolationInfo info ;
if ( ! GetInterpolationInfo ( & info , currentTime , m_InterpolationAmount , NULL ) )
return ;
if ( info . m_bHermite )
_Derivative_Hermite ( pOut , info . frac , & m_VarHistory [ info . oldest ] , & m_VarHistory [ info . older ] , & m_VarHistory [ info . newer ] ) ;
_Derivative_Linear ( pOut , & m_VarHistory [ info . older ] , & m_VarHistory [ info . newer ] ) ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
void CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : GetDerivative_SmoothVelocity ( Type * pOut , float currentTime )
CInterpolationInfo info ;
if ( ! GetInterpolationInfo ( & info , currentTime , m_InterpolationAmount , NULL ) )
return ;
CVarHistory & history = m_VarHistory ;
bool bExtrapolate = false ;
int realOlder = 0 ;
if ( info . m_bHermite )
_Derivative_Hermite_SmoothVelocity ( pOut , info . frac , & history [ info . oldest ] , & history [ info . older ] , & history [ info . newer ] ) ;
return ;
else if ( info . newer = = info . older & & CInterpolationContext : : IsExtrapolationAllowed ( ) )
// This means the server clock got way behind the client clock. Extrapolate the value here based on its
// previous velocity (out to a certain amount).
realOlder = info . newer + 1 ;
if ( IsValidIndex ( realOlder ) & & history [ realOlder ] . changetime ! = 0.0 )
// At this point, we know we're out of data and we have the ability to get a velocity to extrapolate with.
// However, we only want to extraploate if the server is choking. We don't want to extrapolate if
// the object legimately stopped moving and the server stopped sending updates for it.
// The way we know that the server is choking is if we haven't heard ANYTHING from it for a while.
// The server's update interval should be at least as often as our interpolation amount (otherwise,
// we wouldn't have the ability to interpolate).
// So right here, if we see that we haven't gotten any server updates for a whole interpolation
// interval, then we know the server is choking.
// The End
if ( m_InterpolationAmount > 0.000001f & &
CInterpolationContext : : GetLastTimeStamp ( ) < = ( currentTime - m_InterpolationAmount ) )
bExtrapolate = true ;
if ( bExtrapolate )
// Get the velocity from the last segment.
_Derivative_Linear ( pOut , & history [ realOlder ] , & history [ info . newer ] ) ;
// Now ramp it to zero after cl_extrapolate_amount..
float flDestTime = currentTime - m_InterpolationAmount ;
float diff = flDestTime - history [ info . newer ] . changetime ;
diff = clamp ( diff , 0.f , cl_extrapolate_amount . GetFloat ( ) * 2 ) ;
if ( diff > cl_extrapolate_amount . GetFloat ( ) )
float scale = 1 - ( diff - cl_extrapolate_amount . GetFloat ( ) ) / cl_extrapolate_amount . GetFloat ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_nMaxCount ; i + + )
pOut [ i ] * = scale ;
_Derivative_Linear ( pOut , & history [ info . older ] , & history [ info . newer ] ) ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline int CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : Interpolate ( float currentTime )
return Interpolate ( currentTime , m_InterpolationAmount ) ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline void CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : Copy ( IInterpolatedVar * pInSrc )
CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > * pSrc = dynamic_cast < CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > * > ( pInSrc ) ;
if ( ! pSrc | | pSrc - > m_nMaxCount ! = m_nMaxCount )
if ( pSrc )
AssertMsg3 ( false , " pSrc->m_nMaxCount (%i) != m_nMaxCount (%i) for %s. " , pSrc - > m_nMaxCount , m_nMaxCount , m_pDebugName ) ;
AssertMsg ( false , " pSrc was null in CInterpolatedVarArrayBase<Type, IS_ARRAY>::Copy. " ) ;
return ;
Assert ( ( m_fType & ~ EXCLUDE_AUTO_INTERPOLATE ) = = ( pSrc - > m_fType & ~ EXCLUDE_AUTO_INTERPOLATE ) ) ;
Assert ( m_pDebugName = = pSrc - > GetDebugName ( ) ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_nMaxCount ; i + + )
m_LastNetworkedValue [ i ] = pSrc - > m_LastNetworkedValue [ i ] ;
m_bLooping [ i ] = pSrc - > m_bLooping [ i ] ;
m_LastNetworkedTime = pSrc - > m_LastNetworkedTime ;
// Copy the entries.
m_VarHistory . RemoveAll ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < pSrc - > m_VarHistory . Count ( ) ; i + + )
int newslot = m_VarHistory . AddToTail ( ) ;
CInterpolatedVarEntry * dest = & m_VarHistory [ newslot ] ;
CInterpolatedVarEntry * src = & pSrc - > m_VarHistory [ i ] ;
dest - > NewEntry ( src - > GetValue ( ) , m_nMaxCount , src - > changetime ) ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline const Type & CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : GetPrev ( int iArrayIndex ) const
Assert ( m_pValue ) ;
Assert ( iArrayIndex > = 0 & & iArrayIndex < m_nMaxCount ) ;
if ( m_VarHistory . Count ( ) > 1 )
return m_VarHistory [ 1 ] . GetValue ( ) [ iArrayIndex ] ;
return m_pValue [ iArrayIndex ] ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline const Type & CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : GetCurrent ( int iArrayIndex ) const
Assert ( m_pValue ) ;
Assert ( iArrayIndex > = 0 & & iArrayIndex < m_nMaxCount ) ;
if ( m_VarHistory . Count ( ) > 0 )
return m_VarHistory [ 0 ] . GetValue ( ) [ iArrayIndex ] ;
return m_pValue [ iArrayIndex ] ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline float CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : GetInterval ( ) const
if ( m_VarHistory . Count ( ) > 1 )
return m_VarHistory [ 0 ] . changetime - m_VarHistory [ 1 ] . changetime ;
return 0.0f ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline bool CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : IsValidIndex ( int i )
return m_VarHistory . IsValidIndex ( i ) ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline Type * CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : GetHistoryValue ( int index , float & changetime , int iArrayIndex )
Assert ( iArrayIndex > = 0 & & iArrayIndex < m_nMaxCount ) ;
if ( m_VarHistory . IsIdxValid ( index ) )
CInterpolatedVarEntry * entry = & m_VarHistory [ index ] ;
changetime = entry - > changetime ;
return & entry - > GetValue ( ) [ iArrayIndex ] ;
changetime = 0.0f ;
return NULL ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline void CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : SetHistoryValuesForItem ( int item , Type & value )
Assert ( item > = 0 & & item < m_nMaxCount ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_VarHistory . Count ( ) ; i + + )
CInterpolatedVarEntry * entry = & m_VarHistory [ i ] ;
entry - > GetValue ( ) [ item ] = value ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline void CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : SetLooping ( bool looping , int iArrayIndex )
Assert ( iArrayIndex > = 0 & & iArrayIndex < m_nMaxCount ) ;
m_bLooping [ iArrayIndex ] = looping ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline void CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : SetMaxCount ( int newmax )
bool changed = ( newmax ! = m_nMaxCount ) ? true : false ;
// BUGBUG: Support 0 length properly?
newmax = MAX ( 1 , newmax ) ;
m_nMaxCount = newmax ;
// Wipe everything any time this changes!!!
if ( changed )
delete [ ] m_bLooping ;
delete [ ] m_LastNetworkedValue ;
m_bLooping = new byte [ m_nMaxCount ] ;
m_LastNetworkedValue = new Type [ m_nMaxCount ] ;
memset ( m_bLooping , 0 , sizeof ( byte ) * m_nMaxCount ) ;
memset ( m_LastNetworkedValue , 0 , sizeof ( Type ) * m_nMaxCount ) ;
Reset ( ) ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline int CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : GetMaxCount ( ) const
return m_nMaxCount ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline void CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : _Interpolate ( Type * out , float frac , CInterpolatedVarEntry * start , CInterpolatedVarEntry * end )
Assert ( start ) ;
Assert ( end ) ;
if ( start = = end )
// quick exit
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_nMaxCount ; i + + )
out [ i ] = end - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] ;
Lerp_Clamp ( out [ i ] ) ;
return ;
Assert ( frac > = 0.0f & & frac < = 1.0f ) ;
// Note that QAngle has a specialization that will do quaternion interpolation here...
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_nMaxCount ; i + + )
if ( m_bLooping [ i ] )
out [ i ] = LoopingLerp ( frac , start - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] , end - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] ) ;
out [ i ] = Lerp ( frac , start - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] , end - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] ) ;
Lerp_Clamp ( out [ i ] ) ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline void CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : _Extrapolate (
Type * pOut ,
CInterpolatedVarEntry * pOld ,
CInterpolatedVarEntry * pNew ,
float flDestinationTime ,
float flMaxExtrapolationAmount
if ( fabs ( pOld - > changetime - pNew - > changetime ) < 0.001f | | flDestinationTime < = pNew - > changetime )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_nMaxCount ; i + + )
pOut [ i ] = pNew - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] ;
float flExtrapolationAmount = MIN ( flDestinationTime - pNew - > changetime , flMaxExtrapolationAmount ) ;
float divisor = 1.0f / ( pNew - > changetime - pOld - > changetime ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_nMaxCount ; i + + )
pOut [ i ] = ExtrapolateInterpolatedVarType ( pOld - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] , pNew - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] , divisor , flExtrapolationAmount ) ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline void CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : TimeFixup2_Hermite (
typename CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : CInterpolatedVarEntry & fixup ,
typename CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : CInterpolatedVarEntry * & prev ,
typename CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : CInterpolatedVarEntry * & start ,
float dt1
float dt2 = start - > changetime - prev - > changetime ;
// If times are not of the same interval renormalize the earlier sample to allow for uniform hermite spline interpolation
if ( fabs ( dt1 - dt2 ) > 0.0001f & &
dt2 > 0.0001f )
// Renormalize
float frac = dt1 / dt2 ;
// Fixed interval into past
fixup . changetime = start - > changetime - dt1 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_nMaxCount ; i + + )
if ( m_bLooping [ i ] )
fixup . GetValue ( ) [ i ] = LoopingLerp ( 1 - frac , prev - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] , start - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] ) ;
fixup . GetValue ( ) [ i ] = Lerp ( 1 - frac , prev - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] , start - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] ) ;
// Point previous sample at fixed version
prev = & fixup ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline void CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : TimeFixup_Hermite (
typename CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : CInterpolatedVarEntry & fixup ,
typename CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : CInterpolatedVarEntry * & prev ,
typename CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : CInterpolatedVarEntry * & start ,
typename CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : CInterpolatedVarEntry * & end )
TimeFixup2_Hermite ( fixup , prev , start , end - > changetime - start - > changetime ) ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline void CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : _Interpolate_Hermite (
Type * out ,
float frac ,
CInterpolatedVarEntry * prev ,
CInterpolatedVarEntry * start ,
CInterpolatedVarEntry * end ,
bool looping )
Assert ( start ) ;
Assert ( end ) ;
// Disable range checks because we can produce weird values here and it's not an error.
// After interpolation, we will clamp the values.
CDisableRangeChecks disableRangeChecks ;
CInterpolatedVarEntry fixup ;
fixup . Init ( m_nMaxCount ) ;
TimeFixup_Hermite ( fixup , prev , start , end ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_nMaxCount ; i + + )
// Note that QAngle has a specialization that will do quaternion interpolation here...
if ( m_bLooping [ i ] )
out [ i ] = LoopingLerp_Hermite ( frac , prev - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] , start - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] , end - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] ) ;
out [ i ] = Lerp_Hermite ( frac , prev - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] , start - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] , end - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] ) ;
// Clamp the output from interpolation. There are edge cases where something like m_flCycle
// can get set to a really high or low value when we set it to zero after a really small
// time interval (the hermite blender will think it's got a really high velocity and
// skyrocket it off into la-la land).
Lerp_Clamp ( out [ i ] ) ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline void CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : _Derivative_Hermite (
Type * out ,
float frac ,
CInterpolatedVarEntry * prev ,
CInterpolatedVarEntry * start ,
CInterpolatedVarEntry * end )
Assert ( start ) ;
Assert ( end ) ;
// Disable range checks because we can produce weird values here and it's not an error.
// After interpolation, we will clamp the values.
CDisableRangeChecks disableRangeChecks ;
CInterpolatedVarEntry fixup ;
fixup . value = ( Type * ) _alloca ( sizeof ( Type ) * m_nMaxCount ) ;
TimeFixup_Hermite ( fixup , prev , start , end ) ;
float divisor = 1.0f / ( end - > changetime - start - > changetime ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_nMaxCount ; i + + )
Assert ( ! m_bLooping [ i ] ) ;
out [ i ] = Derivative_Hermite ( frac , prev - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] , start - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] , end - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] ) ;
out [ i ] * = divisor ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline void CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : _Derivative_Hermite_SmoothVelocity (
Type * out ,
float frac ,
CInterpolatedVarEntry * b ,
CInterpolatedVarEntry * c ,
CInterpolatedVarEntry * d )
CInterpolatedVarEntry fixup ;
fixup . Init ( m_nMaxCount ) ;
TimeFixup_Hermite ( fixup , b , c , d ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_nMaxCount ; i + + )
Type prevVel = ( c - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] - b - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] ) / ( c - > changetime - b - > changetime ) ;
Type curVel = ( d - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] - c - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] ) / ( d - > changetime - c - > changetime ) ;
out [ i ] = Lerp ( frac , prevVel , curVel ) ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline void CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : _Derivative_Linear (
Type * out ,
CInterpolatedVarEntry * start ,
CInterpolatedVarEntry * end )
if ( start = = end | | fabs ( start - > changetime - end - > changetime ) < 0.0001f )
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_nMaxCount ; i + + )
out [ i ] = start - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] * 0 ;
float divisor = 1.0f / ( end - > changetime - start - > changetime ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_nMaxCount ; i + + )
out [ i ] = ( end - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] - start - > GetValue ( ) [ i ] ) * divisor ;
template < typename Type , bool IS_ARRAY >
inline bool CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , IS_ARRAY > : : ValidOrder ( )
float newestchangetime = 0.0f ;
bool first = true ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < m_VarHistory . Count ( ) ; i + + )
CInterpolatedVarEntry * entry = & m_VarHistory [ i ] ;
if ( first )
first = false ;
newestchangetime = entry - > changetime ;
continue ;
// They should get older as wel walk backwards
if ( entry - > changetime > newestchangetime )
Assert ( 0 ) ;
return false ;
newestchangetime = entry - > changetime ;
return true ;
template < typename Type , int COUNT >
class CInterpolatedVarArray : public CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , true >
public :
CInterpolatedVarArray ( const char * pDebugName = " no debug name " )
: CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , true > ( pDebugName )
this - > SetMaxCount ( COUNT ) ;
} ;
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// CInterpolatedVar.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
template < typename Type >
class CInterpolatedVar : public CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , false >
public :
CInterpolatedVar ( const char * pDebugName = NULL )
: CInterpolatedVarArrayBase < Type , false > ( pDebugName )
this - > SetMaxCount ( 1 ) ;
} ;
# include "tier0/memdbgoff.h"