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2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
//===================== Copyright (c) Valve Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ======================
#if defined( WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
#include <windows.h> // SRC only!!
#endif //
#include "filesystem.h"
#include "tier0/icommandline.h"
#include "tier1/keyvalues.h"
#include "tier2/keyvaluesmacros.h"
#include "kvc_paintkit.h"
// memdbgon must be the last include file in a .cpp file!!!
#include "tier0/memdbgon.h"
static void WriteIndent( IBaseFileSystem *pFileSystem, FileHandle_t hFile, bool bOptTabs, int nOptTabWidth, int nIndentLevel )
if ( nIndentLevel <= 0 )
if ( bOptTabs || nOptTabWidth <= 0 )
char *szTabIndent = ( char * )stackalloc( nIndentLevel + 1 );
V_memset( szTabIndent, '\t', nIndentLevel );
szTabIndent[nIndentLevel] = '\0';
pFileSystem->Write( szTabIndent, nIndentLevel, hFile );
const int nSpaceCount = nIndentLevel * nOptTabWidth;
char *szSpaceIndent = ( char * )stackalloc( nSpaceCount + 1 );
V_memset( szSpaceIndent, ' ', nSpaceCount );
szSpaceIndent[nSpaceCount] = '\0';
pFileSystem->Write( szSpaceIndent, nSpaceCount, hFile );
static void WritePadding( IBaseFileSystem *pFileSystem, FileHandle_t hFile, bool bOptTabs, int nOptTabWidth, int nCurrentColumn, int nTargetColumn )
if ( nCurrentColumn <= 0 || nTargetColumn <= 0 || nTargetColumn <= nCurrentColumn )
WriteIndent( pFileSystem, hFile, bOptTabs, nOptTabWidth, 1 );
if ( bOptTabs || nOptTabWidth <= 0 )
if ( nOptTabWidth <= 0 )
nOptTabWidth = 4; // Can't handle 0 tab width, use 4
nTargetColumn = ( nTargetColumn + nOptTabWidth - 1 ) / nOptTabWidth * nOptTabWidth; // Round to next tab stop
Assert( nTargetColumn % nOptTabWidth == 0 );
const int nTabCount = ( nTargetColumn - nCurrentColumn ) / nOptTabWidth;
char *szTabPadding = ( char * )stackalloc( nTabCount + 1 );
V_memset( szTabPadding, '\t', nTabCount );
szTabPadding[nTabCount] = '\0';
pFileSystem->Write( szTabPadding, nTabCount, hFile );
nTargetColumn = ( nTargetColumn + nOptTabWidth - 1 ) / nOptTabWidth * nOptTabWidth; // Round to next tab stop
Assert( nTargetColumn % nOptTabWidth == 0 );
const int nSpaceCount = nTargetColumn - nCurrentColumn;
char *szSpacePadding = ( char * )stackalloc( nSpaceCount + 1 );
V_memset( szSpacePadding, ' ', nSpaceCount );
szSpacePadding[nSpaceCount] = '\0';
pFileSystem->Write( szSpacePadding, nSpaceCount, hFile );
static void WriteConvertedString( IBaseFileSystem *pFileSystem, FileHandle_t hFile, const char *pszString )
// handle double quote chars within the string
// the worst possible case is that the whole string is quotes
int nSrcLen = Q_strlen( pszString );
char *szConvertedString = ( char * )stackalloc( ( nSrcLen + 1 ) * sizeof( char ) * 2 );
int j = 0;
for ( int i = 0; i <= nSrcLen; ++i )
if ( pszString[i] == '\"' )
szConvertedString[j] = '\\';
szConvertedString[j] = pszString[i];
pFileSystem->Write( szConvertedString, V_strlen( szConvertedString ), hFile );
template <size_t maxLenInChars> static int CleanFloatString( OUT_Z_ARRAY char (&pszFloatBuf)[maxLenInChars] )
int nStrLen = V_strlen( pszFloatBuf );
const char *pDecimal = V_strnchr( pszFloatBuf, '.', maxLenInChars - 1 );
if ( pDecimal )
++pDecimal; // Keep number after decimal always
char *pToStrip = pszFloatBuf + nStrLen - 1;
while ( pToStrip > pDecimal && *pToStrip == '0' )
*pToStrip = '\0';
return nStrLen;
static void SaveToFile_R( KeyValues *pkv, IBaseFileSystem *pFileSystem, FileHandle_t hFile, bool bOptTabs, int nOptTabWidth, int nIndentLevel, int nValueColumn = -1 )
WriteIndent( pFileSystem, hFile, bOptTabs, nOptTabWidth, nIndentLevel );
pFileSystem->Write( "\"", 1, hFile );
WriteConvertedString( pFileSystem, hFile, pkv->GetName() );
pFileSystem->Write( "\"", 1, hFile );
if ( pkv->GetFirstSubKey() )
int nMaxSubKeyNameLength = 0;
for ( KeyValues *pkvSubKey = pkv->GetFirstSubKey(); pkvSubKey; pkvSubKey = pkvSubKey->GetNextKey() )
const int nNameLength = V_strlen( pkvSubKey->GetName() );
nMaxSubKeyNameLength = Max( nNameLength, nMaxSubKeyNameLength );
int nSubKeyValueColumn = -1;
if ( nMaxSubKeyNameLength > 0 )
nSubKeyValueColumn = nMaxSubKeyNameLength + 1;
pFileSystem->Write( "\n", 1, hFile );
WriteIndent( pFileSystem, hFile, bOptTabs, nOptTabWidth, nIndentLevel );
pFileSystem->Write( "{\n", 2, hFile );
for ( KeyValues *pkvSubKey = pkv->GetFirstSubKey(); pkvSubKey; pkvSubKey = pkvSubKey->GetNextKey() )
SaveToFile_R( pkvSubKey, pFileSystem, hFile, bOptTabs, nOptTabWidth, nIndentLevel + 1, nSubKeyValueColumn );
WriteIndent( pFileSystem, hFile, bOptTabs, nOptTabWidth, nIndentLevel );
pFileSystem->Write( "}\n", 2, hFile );
if ( nValueColumn > 0 )
const int nNameLength = V_strlen( pkv->GetName() );
WritePadding( pFileSystem, hFile, bOptTabs, nOptTabWidth, nNameLength, nValueColumn );
WriteIndent( pFileSystem, hFile, bOptTabs, nOptTabWidth, 1 ); // Don't know which column to align things on
pFileSystem->Write( "\"", 1, hFile );
switch ( pkv->GetDataType() )
case KeyValues::TYPE_STRING:
const char *pszStringValue = pkv->GetString();
if ( pszStringValue )
WriteConvertedString( pFileSystem, hFile, pszStringValue );
case KeyValues::TYPE_WSTRING:
const wchar_t *pszWString = pkv->GetWString();
if ( pszWString )
const size_t nTmpBufSize = 4096;
char *szTmpBuf = ( char * )stackalloc( nTmpBufSize * sizeof( char ) );
V_memset( szTmpBuf, '\0', nTmpBufSize );
const int nResult = Q_UnicodeToUTF8( pszWString, szTmpBuf, nTmpBufSize );
if ( nResult != 0 )
WriteConvertedString( pFileSystem, hFile, szTmpBuf );
case KeyValues::TYPE_INT:
char szTmpBuf[32] = {};
V_snprintf( szTmpBuf, sizeof( szTmpBuf ), "%d", pkv->GetInt() );
pFileSystem->Write( szTmpBuf, V_strlen( szTmpBuf ), hFile );
case KeyValues::TYPE_UINT64:
char szTmpBuf[32] = {};
// write "0x" + 16 char 0-padded hex encoded 64 bit value
#ifdef WIN32
Q_snprintf( szTmpBuf, sizeof( szTmpBuf ), "0x%016I64X", *( ( uint64 * )pkv->GetUint64() ) );
Q_snprintf( szTmpBuf, sizeof( szTmpBuf ), "0x%016llX", *( ( uint64 * )pkv->GetUint64() ) );
pFileSystem->Write( szTmpBuf, V_strlen( szTmpBuf ), hFile );
case KeyValues::TYPE_FLOAT:
char szTmpBuf[32] = {};
V_snprintf( szTmpBuf, sizeof( szTmpBuf ), "%f", pkv->GetFloat() );
int nStrLen = V_strlen( szTmpBuf );
nStrLen = CleanFloatString( szTmpBuf );
pFileSystem->Write( szTmpBuf, nStrLen, hFile );
case KeyValues::TYPE_COLOR:
char szTmpBuf[32] = {};
const Color c = pkv->GetColor();
V_snprintf( szTmpBuf, sizeof( szTmpBuf ), "%d", c.r() );
pFileSystem->Write( " ", 1, hFile );
V_snprintf( szTmpBuf, sizeof( szTmpBuf ), "%d", c.g() );
pFileSystem->Write( " ", 1, hFile );
V_snprintf( szTmpBuf, sizeof( szTmpBuf ), "%d", c.b() );
pFileSystem->Write( " ", 1, hFile );
V_snprintf( szTmpBuf, sizeof( szTmpBuf ), "%d", c.a() );
pFileSystem->Write( "\"\n", 2, hFile );
static bool SaveCleanKeyValuesToFile( KeyValues *pkv, IBaseFileSystem *pFileSystem, const char *pszFileName, const char *pszPathID = nullptr, bool bOptTabs = true, int nOptSpaceIndent = 4 )
// Write out KeyValues to the specified file but cleaner than KeyValues::SaveToFile
// create a write file
FileHandle_t hFile = pFileSystem->Open( pszFileName, "wb", pszPathID );
Msg( "CleanSaveKeyValuesToFile: Couldn't open file \"%s\" for writing in path \"%s\".\n",
pszFileName ? pszFileName : "NULL", pszPathID ? pszPathID : "NULL" );
return false;
for ( KeyValues *pkvTmp = pkv; pkvTmp; pkvTmp = pkvTmp->GetNextKey() )
SaveToFile_R( pkvTmp, pFileSystem, hFile, bOptTabs, nOptSpaceIndent, 0 );
pFileSystem->Close( hFile );
return true;
void ProcessPaintKitKeyValuesFile( const char *pszPaintKitKeyValuesFile, bool bOptFix, bool bOptVerbose )
if ( bOptVerbose )
Msg( "Processing: %s\n", pszPaintKitKeyValuesFile );
char szFullPath[MAX_PATH] = {};
if ( !V_IsAbsolutePath( pszPaintKitKeyValuesFile ) )
g_pFullFileSystem->RelativePathToFullPath_safe( pszPaintKitKeyValuesFile, nullptr, szFullPath );
if ( !V_IsAbsolutePath( szFullPath ) )
char szTmpA[MAX_PATH] = {};
char szTmpB[MAX_PATH] = {};
if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->GetCurrentDirectoryA( szTmpA, ARRAYSIZE( szTmpB ) ) )
Msg( "Error: non-resolvable, non-absolute path specified (%s) and couldn't determine current directory\n", pszPaintKitKeyValuesFile );
V_ComposeFileName( szTmpA, pszPaintKitKeyValuesFile, szTmpB, ARRAYSIZE( szTmpB ) );
V_FixupPathName( szTmpA, ARRAYSIZE( szTmpA ), szTmpB );
g_pFullFileSystem->GetCaseCorrectFullPath( szTmpB, szFullPath );
if ( !V_IsAbsolutePath( szFullPath ) )
Msg( "Error: Couldn't find absolute path to file: %s\n", pszPaintKitKeyValuesFile );
if ( !g_pFullFileSystem->FileExists( szFullPath ) )
Msg( "Error: Couldn't find file: %s\n", szFullPath );
KeyValues *pkv = new KeyValues( "" );
const bool bLoaded = pkv->LoadFromFile( g_pFullFileSystem, szFullPath );
if ( bLoaded )
for ( KeyValues *pkvTmp = pkv; pkvTmp; pkvTmp = pkvTmp->GetNextKey() )
HandleKeyValuesMacros( pkvTmp );
char szFilename[MAX_PATH] = {};
if ( bOptFix )
V_strcpy_safe( szFilename, szFullPath );
V_strcat_safe( szFilename, "_fix" );
if ( bOptVerbose )
Msg( " Saving: %s\n", szFilename );
if ( !SaveCleanKeyValuesToFile( pkv, g_pFullFileSystem, szFilename, nullptr, false ) )
Msg( "Error: Couldn't write: %s\n", szFilename );
V_strcpy_safe( szFilename, szFullPath );
V_strcat_safe( szFilename, "_bak" );
if ( bOptVerbose )
Msg( " Copying: %s -> %s\n", szFullPath, szFilename );
if ( CopyFile( szFullPath, szFilename, false ) )
if ( bOptVerbose )
Msg( " Saving: %s\n", szFullPath );
if ( !SaveCleanKeyValuesToFile( pkv, g_pFullFileSystem, szFullPath, nullptr, false ) )
Msg( "Error: Couldn't write: %s\n", szFullPath );
Msg( "Error: Couldn't copy %s to %s, aborting\n", szFullPath, szFilename );
pkv->SaveToFile( g_pFullFileSystem, "c:/tmp/bar.txt" );
Msg( " + Couldn't Load: %s\n", szFullPath );
void ProcessPaintKitKeyValuesFiles( const CUtlVector< CUtlSymbol > &workList )
// This bit of hackery allows us to access files on the harddrive
g_pFullFileSystem->AddSearchPath( "", "LOCAL", PATH_ADD_TO_HEAD );
const bool bOptFix = CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-f" ) != nullptr;
const bool bOptVerbose = CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-v" ) != nullptr;
for ( int i = 0; i < workList.Count(); ++i )
ProcessPaintKitKeyValuesFile( workList[i].String(), bOptFix, bOptVerbose );