
241 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#if defined( REPLAY_ENABLED )
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "vgui_controls/EditablePanel.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ImagePanel.h"
#include "vgui_controls/ImageList.h"
#include "tf/vgui/tf_controls.h"
#include "replay/replayhandle.h"
#include "replay/ireplayperformanceeditor.h"
#include "replay/ireplayperformancecontroller.h"
class CPlayerCell;
class CCameraOptionsPanel;
class CRecLightPanel;
class CReplay;
class CReplayPerformance;
class CReplayTipLabel;
class CSavingDialog;
// NOTE: Should not change order here - if you do, you need to modify g_pCamNames.
enum CameraMode_t
class CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel : public vgui::EditablePanel,
public IReplayPerformanceEditor
DECLARE_CLASS_SIMPLE( CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel, vgui::EditablePanel );
CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel( Panel *parent, ReplayHandle_t hReplay );
virtual ~CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel();
virtual void ShowPanel( bool bShow );
bool OnEndOfReplayReached();
void OnInGameMouseWheelEvent( int nDelta );
void UpdateCameraSelectionPosition( CameraMode_t nCameraMode );
void UpdateFreeCamSettings( const SetViewParams_t &params );
void UpdateTimeScale( float flScale );
void HandleUiToggle();
void Exit();
void Exit_ShowDialogs();
virtual void ApplySchemeSettings( vgui::IScheme *pScheme );
virtual void ApplySettings( KeyValues *pInResourceData );
virtual void PerformLayout();
virtual void OnCommand( const char *command );
virtual void OnMouseWheeled( int nDelta );
virtual void OnTick();
void Achievements_Think( float flElapsed );
void Achievements_OnSpaceBarPressed();
void Achievements_Grant();
friend class CReplayButton;
friend class CSavingDialog;
void SetButtonTip( wchar_t *pTipText, Panel *pContextPanel );
void ShowButtonTip( bool bShow );
void ShowSavingDialog();
// IReplayPerformanceEditor:
virtual CReplay *GetReplay();
virtual void OnRewindComplete();
// Called when the user attempts to change to a different camera, etc.
// Returns true if request is immediately granted - false means the event
// was queued and the user has been asked if they are OK with nuking any
// changes after the current time.
bool OnStateChangeRequested( const char *pEventStr );
void EnsureRecording( bool bShouldSnip = true ); // Start recording now if not already doing so
bool IsPaused();
void UpdateCameraButtonImages( bool bForceUseUnselected = false );
void LayoutPlayerCells();
void SetupHighlightPanel( EditablePanel *pPanel, CPlayerCell *pPlayerCell );
void UpdateTimeLabels();
void ClearPlayerCellData();
void HandleMouseWheel( int nDelta );
enum ControlButtons_t
CReplayPerformance *GetPerformance() const;
CReplayPerformance *GetSavedPerformance() const;
int GetCameraModeFromButtonIndex( CameraMode_t iCamera );
void AddSetViewEvent();
void AddTimeScaleEvent( float flTimeScale );
void AddPanelKeyboardInputDisableList( vgui::Panel *pPanel );
CameraMode_t IsMouseOverActiveCameraOptionsPanel( int nMouseX, int nMouseY );
void SetOrRemoveInTick( int nTick, bool bRemoveIfSet );
void SetOrRemoveOutTick( int nTick, bool bRemoveIfSet );
void SetOrRemoveTick( int nTick, bool bUseInTick, bool bRemoveIfSet );
void ToggleMenu();
void OnMenuCommand_Save( bool bExitEditorWhenDone = false );
void OnMenuCommand_SaveAs( bool bExitEditorWhenDone = false );
void OnMenuCommand_Exit();
void DisplaySavedTip( bool bSucceess );
void OnSaveComplete();
void SaveAs( const wchar_t *pTitle );
void ShowRewindConfirmMessage();
static void OnConfirmSaveAs( bool bShouldSave, wchar_t *pTitle, void *pContext );
static void OnConfirmDestroyChanges( bool bConfirmed, void *pContext );
static void OnConfirmDiscard( bool bConfirmed, void *pContext );
static void OnConfirmExit( bool bConfirmed, void *pContext );
static void OnConfirmRewind( bool bConfirmed, void *pContext );
MESSAGE_FUNC_PARAMS( OnSliderMoved, "SliderMoved", pParams );
ReplayHandle_t m_hReplay;
float m_flLastTime; // Can't use gpGlobals->frametime when playback is paused
float m_flOldFps;
CExLabel *m_pCurTimeLabel;
CExLabel *m_pTotalTimeLabel;
CExLabel *m_pPlayerNameLabel;
KeyValues *m_pPlayerCellData;
CPlayerCell *m_pPlayerCells[2][MAX_PLAYERS+1];
vgui::ImageList *m_pImageList;
EditablePanel *m_pMouseTargetPanel;
EditablePanel *m_pBottom;
CPlayerCell *m_pCurTargetCell;
CExImageButton *m_pCameraButtons[NCAMS];
CExImageButton *m_pCtrlButtons[NUM_CTRLBUTTONS];
float m_flTimeScaleProxy;
EditablePanel *m_pPlayerCellsPanel;
vgui::ImagePanel *m_pCameraSelection;
CameraMode_t m_iCameraSelection; // NOTE: Indexes into some arrays
CReplayTipLabel *m_pButtonTip;
CSavingDialog *m_pSavingDlg;
enum MenuItems_t
CExImageButton *m_pMenuButton;
vgui::Menu *m_pMenu;
int m_aMenuItemIds[ NUM_MENUITEMS ];
CExButton *m_pSlowMoButton;
CCameraOptionsPanel *m_pCameraOptionsPanels[NCAMS];
CUtlLinkedList< vgui::Panel *, int > m_lstDisableKeyboardInputPanels;
int m_nRedBlueLabelRightX;
int m_nBottomPanelStartY;
int m_nBottomPanelHeight;
int m_nRedBlueSigns[2];
int m_iCurPlayerTarget;
float m_flSpaceDownStart; // The time at which user started holding down space bar
bool m_bSpaceDown;
bool m_bSpacePressed;
int m_nLastRoundedTime;
bool m_bMousePressed;
bool m_bMouseDown;
float m_flDefaultFramerate; // host_framerate before perf editor started mucking about with it
CameraMode_t m_nMouseClickedOverCameraSettingsPanel; // Allows user to drag slider outside of camera settings panel w/o the panel disappearing
CRecLightPanel *m_pRecLightPanel;
bool m_bShownAtLeastOnce; // Has the replay editor shown at least once? In other words, has the user hit the space bar at all yet?
char m_szSuspendedEvent[128];
bool m_bAchievementAwarded; // Was an achievement awarded during this editing session?
float m_flLastTimeSpaceBarPressed;
float m_flActiveTimeInEditor; // Will be zero'd out if user is idle (ie if they don't press space bar often enough)
CPanelAnimationVarAliasType( int, m_nRightMarginWidth, "right_margin_width", "0", "proportional_xpos" );
bool m_bCurrentTargetNeedsVisibilityUpdate;
CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel *ReplayUI_InitPerformanceEditor( ReplayHandle_t hReplay );
CReplayPerformanceEditorPanel *ReplayUI_GetPerformanceEditor();
void ReplayUI_ClosePerformanceEditor();