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2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
File: PMPrintingDialogExtensions.h
Contains: Mac OS X Printing Manager Print Dialog Extension Interfaces.
Version: QuickTime 7.3
Copyright: (c) 2007 (c) 1999-2001 by Apple Computer, Inc., all rights reserved
Bugs?: For bug reports, consult the following page on
the World Wide Web:
#ifndef __MACTYPES__
#include <MacTypes.h>
#ifndef __CFSTRING__
#include <CFString.h>
#include <PMApplication.h>
#ifndef __PMTICKET__
#include <PMTicket.h>
#include <PMPluginHeader.h>
#pragma once
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
#pragma import on
#pragma options align=mac68k
#pragma pack(push, 2)
#pragma pack(2)
Feature request flags...
typedef UInt32 PMPDEFlags;
enum {
kPMPDENoFlags = 0x00000000, /* Empty flag word. */
kPMPDENoSummary = 0x00000001, /* Won't provide summary string. */
kPMPDEAllFlags = (unsigned long)0xFFFFFFFF /* All flags set.*/
Parameters for printing events:
--> kEventParamDirectObject typeControlRef
--> kEventParamPDEHeight typeUInt32
When sent to the this event is sent to the PageSetup or Print Dialog, the PDE pane
will be resized to match the new height. The kEventParamDirectObject needs to be the
embedderUserPane that is passed into Initialize
enum {
kEventClassPrinting = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('prnt'),
kEventPrintingPDEResize = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('rqsz'),
kEventParamPDEHeight = FOUR_CHAR_CODE('pdeh')
Define Printing Dialog Extensions CFPlugIn constants.
First, the base string for all constants relating to Printing Dialog Extensions.
#define kPMPDEBase "com.apple.printing.pde"
Define the Type and Interface keys for Printing Dialog Extensions.
#define kPMPDEAppType CFSTR("com.apple.printing.pde.app")
#define KPMPDEPrinterType CFSTR("com.apple.printing.pde.pm")
#define kPMPDEInterface CFSTR("com.apple.printing.pde.ui")
Define the Kind IDs for Universal and Standard Printing Dialog Extensions.
/* Implemented Universal */
#define kPMPageAttributesKindID CFSTR("com.apple.print.pde.PageAttributesKind")
#define kPMCopiesAndPagesPDEKindID CFSTR("com.apple.print.pde.CopiesAndPagesKind")
#define kPMLayoutPDEKindID CFSTR("com.apple.print.pde.LayoutUserOptionKind")
#define kPMOutputOptionsPDEKindID CFSTR("com.apple.print.pde.OutputOptionsKind")
#define kPMDuplexPDEKindID CFSTR("com.apple.print.pde.DuplexKind")
/* Unimplemented Universal */
#define kPMCoverPagePDEKindID CFSTR("com.apple.print.pde.CoverPageKind")
#define kPMPaperSourcePDEKindID CFSTR("com.apple.print.pde.PaperSourceKind")
#define kPMPriorityPDEKindID CFSTR("com.apple.print.pde.PriorityKind")
#define kPMRotationScalingPDEKindID CFSTR("com.apple.print.pde.RotationScalingKind")
/* Implemented Standard */
#define kPMPaperFeedPDEKindID CFSTR("com.apple.print.pde.PaperFeedKind")
/* Unimplemented Standard */
#define kPMColorPDEKindID CFSTR("com.apple.print.pde.ColorKind")
#define kPMQualityMediaPDEKindID CFSTR("com.apple.print.pde.QualityMediaPDEKind")
/* These constants are used by PDE's to obtain the PMTicketRef data for the corresponding
piece of data.
#define kPDE_PMPrintSettingsRef CFSTR("PMPrintSettingsTicket")
#define kPDE_PMPageFormatRef CFSTR("PMPageFormatTicket")
#define kPDE_PMJobTemplateRef CFSTR("PMJobTemplateTicket")
#define kPDE_PMPrinterInfoRef CFSTR("PMPrinterInfoTicket")
Type Definitions
Basic types...
typedef struct OpaquePMPDERef* PMPDERef;
typedef struct OpaquePMPDEContext* PMPDEContext;
/* Just for testing this .... */
/* Type and Interface IDs. */
#define kDialogExtensionIntfIDStr CFSTR("A996FD7E-B738-11D3-8519-0050E4603277")
#define kGeneralPageSetupDialogTypeIDStr CFSTR("6E6ED964-B738-11D3-952F-0050E4603277")
#define kGeneralPrintDialogTypeIDStr CFSTR("C1BF838E-B72A-11D3-9644-0050E4603277")
#define kAppPageSetupDialogTypeIDStr CFSTR("B9A0DA98-E57F-11D3-9E83-0050E4603277")
#define kAppPrintDialogTypeIDStr CFSTR("BCB07250-E57F-11D3-8CA6-0050E4603277")
#define kPrinterModuleTypeIDStr CFSTR("BDB091F4-E57F-11D3-B5CC-0050E4603277")
/* Versioning info. */
/* Update following values when you append new APIs to the end of interface: */
#define kPDEBuildVersionMajor 1
#define kPDEBuildVersionMinor 0
/* Update following values when you obsolete some APIs in the interface. */
/* Since this will break the upward compatibility chain such practice is */
/* strongly discouraged - if it can be helped at all. */
#define kPDEBaseVersionMajor 1
#define kPDEBaseVersionMinor 0
/* Interface layout - object and vtable: */
typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , PMPDEPrologueProcPtr )(PMPDEContext *context, OSType *creator, CFStringRef *userOptionKind, CFStringRef *title, UInt32 *maxH, UInt32 *maxV);
typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , PMPDEInitializeProcPtr )(PMPDEContext context, PMPDEFlags *flags, PMPDERef ref, ControlRef embedderUserPane, PMPrintSession printSession);
typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , PMPDESyncProcPtr )(PMPDEContext context, PMPrintSession printSession, Boolean reinitializePlugIn);
typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , PMPDEGetSummaryTextProcPtr )(PMPDEContext context, CFArrayRef *titleArray, CFArrayRef *summaryArray);
typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , PMPDEOpenProcPtr )(PMPDEContext context);
typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , PMPDECloseProcPtr )(PMPDEContext context);
typedef CALLBACK_API_C( OSStatus , PMPDETerminateProcPtr )(PMPDEContext context, OSStatus status);
struct PlugInIntfVTable {
/* ---- API 'IMMUTABLE' Begin: ----*/
/* The plugin header is required with all plugins.*/
/* This must lead object's layout.*/
PMPlugInHeader plugInHeader;
/* ---- API Version 1.0 Begin: ----*/
/* Entry points for Printing Dialog Extension modules...*/
PMPDEPrologueProcPtr Prologue;
PMPDEInitializeProcPtr Initialize;
PMPDESyncProcPtr Sync;
PMPDEGetSummaryTextProcPtr GetSummaryText;
PMPDEOpenProcPtr Open;
PMPDECloseProcPtr Close;
PMPDETerminateProcPtr Terminate;
typedef struct PlugInIntfVTable PlugInIntfVTable;
struct PlugInIntf {
/* Plugin interface is an object containing vtable address:*/
PlugInIntfVTable * vtable;
typedef struct PlugInIntf PlugInIntf;
/* Some commonly used routines used by PDEs */
* PMCreateLocalizedPaperSizeCFString()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: not available
* CarbonLib: not available
* Mac OS X: in version 10.0 and later
PMTicketRef listofPaperTickets,
UInt16 paperToUse);
/* Lower level version of the same function, this time passing the single PaperInfo.*/
* PMCreatePaperSizeCFString()
* Availability:
* Non-Carbon CFM: not available
* CarbonLib: not available
* Mac OS X: in version 10.1 and later
PMCreatePaperSizeCFString(PMTicketRef selectedPaper);
#pragma options align=reset
#pragma pack(pop)
#pragma pack()
#pragma import off
#pragma import reset
#ifdef __cplusplus