
259 lines
7.7 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
@echo off
set TTEXE=..\..\devtools\bin\timeprecise.exe
if not exist %TTEXE% goto no_ttexe
goto no_ttexe_end
set TTEXE=time /t
rem echo ==================== buildshaders %* ==================
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
%TTEXE% -cur-Q
set tt_start=%ERRORLEVEL%
set tt_chkpt=%tt_start%
REM ****************
REM usage: buildshaders <shaderProjectName> [-x360]
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
REM ****************
set arg_filename=%1
rem set shadercompilecommand=echo shadercompile.exe -mpi_graphics -mpi_TrackEvents
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
set shadercompilecommand=shadercompile.exe
set shadercompileworkers=128
set x360_args=
set targetdir=..\..\..\game\hl2\shaders
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
set SrcDirBase=..\..
set ChangeToDir=../../../game/bin
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
set shaderDir=shaders
set SDKArgs=
set SHADERINCPATH=vshtmp9/... fxctmp9/...
set DIRECTX_SDK_VER=pc09.00
set DIRECTX_SDK_BIN_DIR=dx9sdk\utilities
if /i "%2" == "-x360" goto dx_sdk_x360
if /i "%2" == "-dx9_30" goto dx_sdk_dx9_30
if /i "%2" == "-dx10" goto dx_sdk_dx10
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
goto dx_sdk_end
set DIRECTX_SDK_VER=x360.00
set DIRECTX_SDK_BIN_DIR=x360xdk\bin\win32
goto dx_sdk_end
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
set DIRECTX_SDK_VER=pc09.30
set DIRECTX_SDK_BIN_DIR=dx10sdk\utilities\dx9_30
goto dx_sdk_end
set DIRECTX_SDK_VER=pc10.00
set DIRECTX_SDK_BIN_DIR=dx10sdk\utilities\dx10_40
goto dx_sdk_end
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if "%1" == "" goto usage
set inputbase=%1
if /i "%3" == "-force30" goto set_force30_arg
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
goto set_force_end
goto set_force_end
if /i "%2" == "-x360" goto set_x360_args
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if /i "%2" == "-game" goto set_mod_args
goto build_shaders
REM ****************
REM ****************
echo "usage: buildshaders <shaderProjectName> [-x360 or -dx10 or -game] [gameDir if -game was specified] [-source sourceDir]"
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
echo " gameDir is where gameinfo.txt is (where it will store the compiled shaders)."
echo " sourceDir is where the source code is (where it will find scripts and compilers)."
echo "ex : buildshaders myshaders"
echo "ex : buildshaders myshaders -game c:\steam\steamapps\sourcemods\mymod -source c:\mymod\src"
goto :end
REM ****************
REM ****************
set x360_args=-x360
set SHADERINCPATH=vshtmp9_360/... fxctmp9_360/...
goto build_shaders
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
REM ****************
REM MOD ARGS - look for -game or the vproject environment variable
REM ****************
if not exist %sourcesdk%\bin\shadercompile.exe goto NoShaderCompile
set ChangeToDir=%sourcesdk%\bin
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if /i "%4" NEQ "-source" goto NoSourceDirSpecified
set SrcDirBase=%~5
REM ** use the -game parameter to tell us where to put the files
set targetdir=%~3\shaders
set SDKArgs=-nompi -game "%~3"
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
if not exist "%~3\gameinfo.txt" goto InvalidGameDirectory
goto build_shaders
REM ****************
REM ****************
echo -
echo Error: "%~3" is not a valid game directory.
echo (The -game directory must have a gameinfo.txt file)
echo -
goto end
echo ERROR: If you specify -game on the command line, you must specify -source.
goto usage
goto end
echo -
echo - ERROR: shadercompile.exe doesn't exist in %sourcesdk%\bin
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
echo -
goto end
REM ****************
REM ****************
rem echo --------------------------------
rem echo %inputbase%
rem echo --------------------------------
REM make sure that target dirs exist
REM files will be built in these targets and copied to their final destination
if not exist %shaderDir% mkdir %shaderDir%
if not exist %shaderDir%\fxc mkdir %shaderDir%\fxc
if not exist %shaderDir%\vsh mkdir %shaderDir%\vsh
if not exist %shaderDir%\psh mkdir %shaderDir%\psh
REM Nuke some files that we will add to later.
if exist filelist.txt del /f /q filelist.txt
if exist filestocopy.txt del /f /q filestocopy.txt
if exist filelistgen.txt del /f /q filelistgen.txt
if exist inclist.txt del /f /q inclist.txt
if exist vcslist.txt del /f /q vcslist.txt
REM ****************
REM Revert any targets (vcs or inc) that are opened for integrate.
REM ****************
perl "%SrcDirBase%\devtools\bin\p4revertshadertargets.pl" %x360_args% -source "%SrcDirBase%" %inputbase%
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
REM ****************
REM Generate a makefile for the shader project
REM ****************
perl "%SrcDirBase%\devtools\bin\updateshaders.pl" %x360_args% -source "%SrcDirBase%" %inputbase%
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
REM ****************
REM Run the makefile, generating minimal work/build list for fxc files, go ahead and compile vsh and psh files.
REM ****************
rem nmake /S /C -f makefile.%inputbase% clean > clean.txt 2>&1
echo Building inc files, asm vcs files, and VMPI worklist for %inputbase%...
nmake /S /C -f makefile.%inputbase%
REM ****************
REM Copy the inc files to their target
REM ****************
if exist "inclist.txt" (
echo Publishing shader inc files to target...
perl %SrcDirBase%\devtools\bin\copyshaderincfiles.pl inclist.txt %x360_args%
REM ****************
REM Deal with perforce operations for inc files
REM ****************
if exist inclist.txt if not "%VALVE_NO_AUTO_P4_SHADERS%" == "1" (
echo Executing perforce operations on .inc files.
perl ..\..\devtools\bin\p4autocheckout.pl inclist.txt "Shader Auto Checkout INC" . %SHADERINCPATH%
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
REM ****************
REM Add the executables to the worklist.
REM ****************
if /i "%DIRECTX_SDK_VER%" == "pc09.00" (
rem echo "Copy extra files for dx 9 std
if /i "%DIRECTX_SDK_VER%" == "pc09.30" (
echo %SrcDirBase%\devtools\bin\d3dx9_33.dll >> filestocopy.txt
if /i "%DIRECTX_SDK_VER%" == "pc10.00" (
echo %SrcDirBase%\devtools\bin\d3dx10_33.dll >> filestocopy.txt
if /i "%DIRECTX_SDK_VER%" == "x360.00" (
rem echo "Copy extra files for xbox360
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
echo %SrcDirBase%\%DIRECTX_SDK_BIN_DIR%\dx_proxy.dll >> filestocopy.txt
echo %SrcDirBase%\..\game\bin\shadercompile.exe >> filestocopy.txt
echo %SrcDirBase%\..\game\bin\shadercompile_dll.dll >> filestocopy.txt
echo %SrcDirBase%\..\game\bin\vstdlib.dll >> filestocopy.txt
echo %SrcDirBase%\..\game\bin\tier0.dll >> filestocopy.txt
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
REM ****************
REM Cull duplicate entries in work/build list
REM ****************
if exist filestocopy.txt type filestocopy.txt | perl "%SrcDirBase%\devtools\bin\uniqifylist.pl" > uniquefilestocopy.txt
if exist filelistgen.txt if not "%dynamic_shaders%" == "1" (
echo Generating action list...
copy filelistgen.txt filelist.txt >nul
rem %SrcDirBase%\devtools\bin\fxccombogen.exe <filelistgen.txt 1>nul 2>filelist.txt
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
REM ****************
REM Execute distributed process on work/build list
REM ****************
set shader_path_cd=%cd%
if exist "filelist.txt" if exist "uniquefilestocopy.txt" if not "%dynamic_shaders%" == "1" (
echo Running distributed shader compilation...
cd %ChangeToDir%
%shadercompilecommand% -mpi_workercount %shadercompileworkers% -allowdebug -shaderpath "%shader_path_cd:/=\%" %x360_args% %SDKArgs%
cd %shader_path_cd%
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
REM ****************
REM PC and 360 Shader copy
REM Publish the generated files to the output dir using ROBOCOPY (smart copy) or XCOPY
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
REM This batch file may have been invoked standalone or slaved (master does final smart mirror copy)
REM ****************
if not "%dynamic_shaders%" == "1" (
if exist makefile.%inputbase%.copy echo Publishing shaders to target...
if exist makefile.%inputbase%.copy perl %SrcDirBase%\devtools\bin\copyshaders.pl makefile.%inputbase%.copy %x360_args%
REM ****************
REM Deal with perforce operations for vcs files
REM ****************
if not "%dynamic_shaders%" == "1" if exist vcslist.txt if not "%VALVE_NO_AUTO_P4_SHADERS%" == "1" (
echo Executing perforce operations on .vcs files.
perl ..\..\devtools\bin\p4autocheckout.pl vcslist.txt "Shader Auto Checkout VCS" ../../../game/hl2/shaders ../../../game/hl2/shaders/...
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
REM ****************
REM ****************
%TTEXE% -diff %tt_start%