2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: A base class for the client-side representation of entities.
// This class encompasses both entities that are created on the server
// and networked to the client AND entities that are created on the
// client.
// $NoKeywords: $
# ifdef _WIN32
# pragma once
# endif
# include "mathlib/vector.h"
# include "icliententityinternal.h"
# include "engine/ivmodelinfo.h"
# include "engine/ivmodelrender.h"
# include "client_class.h"
# include "iclientshadowmgr.h"
# include "ehandle.h"
# include "iclientunknown.h"
# include "client_thinklist.h"
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
# include "predictableid.h"
# endif
# include "soundflags.h"
# include "shareddefs.h"
# include "networkvar.h"
# include "interpolatedvar.h"
# include "collisionproperty.h"
# include "particle_property.h"
# include "toolframework/itoolentity.h"
# include "tier0/threadtools.h"
2024-08-23 00:37:28 +02:00
# include "css_enhanced/c_entityoutput.h"
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
class C_Team ;
class IPhysicsObject ;
class IClientVehicle ;
class CPredictionCopy ;
class C_BasePlayer ;
struct studiohdr_t ;
class CStudioHdr ;
class CDamageModifier ;
class IRecipientFilter ;
class CUserCmd ;
struct solid_t ;
class ISave ;
class IRestore ;
class C_BaseAnimating ;
class C_AI_BaseNPC ;
struct EmitSound_t ;
class C_RecipientFilter ;
class CTakeDamageInfo ;
class C_BaseCombatCharacter ;
class CEntityMapData ;
class ConVar ;
class CDmgAccumulator ;
struct CSoundParameters ;
typedef unsigned int AimEntsListHandle_t ;
# define INVALID_AIMENTS_LIST_HANDLE (AimEntsListHandle_t)~0
extern void RecvProxy_IntToColor32 ( const CRecvProxyData * pData , void * pStruct , void * pOut ) ;
extern void RecvProxy_LocalVelocity ( const CRecvProxyData * pData , void * pStruct , void * pOut ) ;
enum CollideType_t
} ;
class VarMapEntry_t
public :
unsigned short type ;
unsigned short m_bNeedsToInterpolate ; // Set to false when this var doesn't
// need Interpolate() called on it anymore.
void * data ;
IInterpolatedVar * watcher ;
} ;
struct VarMapping_t
VarMapping_t ( )
m_nInterpolatedEntries = 0 ;
CUtlVector < VarMapEntry_t > m_Entries ;
int m_nInterpolatedEntries ;
float m_lastInterpolationTime ;
} ;
2024-08-23 00:37:28 +02:00
// Structure passed to input handlers.
struct inputdata_t
CBaseEntity * pActivator ; // The entity that initially caused this chain of output events.
CBaseEntity * pCaller ; // The entity that fired this particular output.
variant_t value ; // The data parameter for this output.
int nOutputID ; // The unique ID of the output that was fired.
} ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
// How many data slots to use when in multiplayer.
struct serialentity_t ;
typedef CHandle < C_BaseEntity > EHANDLE ; // The client's version of EHANDLE.
typedef void ( C_BaseEntity : : * BASEPTR ) ( void ) ;
typedef void ( C_BaseEntity : : * ENTITYFUNCPTR ) ( C_BaseEntity * pOther ) ;
// For entity creation on the client
typedef C_BaseEntity * ( * DISPATCHFUNCTION ) ( void ) ;
# include "touchlink.h"
# include "groundlink.h"
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
// Purpose: For fully client side entities we use this information to determine
// authoritatively if the server has acknowledged creating this entity, etc.
struct PredictionContext
PredictionContext ( )
m_bActive = false ;
m_nCreationCommandNumber = - 1 ;
m_pszCreationModule = NULL ;
m_nCreationLineNumber = 0 ;
m_hServerEntity = NULL ;
// The command_number of the usercmd which created this entity
bool m_bActive ;
int m_nCreationCommandNumber ;
char const * m_pszCreationModule ;
int m_nCreationLineNumber ;
// The entity to whom we are attached
CHandle < C_BaseEntity > m_hServerEntity ;
} ;
# endif
// Purpose: think contexts
struct thinkfunc_t
BASEPTR m_pfnThink ;
string_t m_iszContext ;
int m_nNextThinkTick ;
int m_nLastThinkTick ;
} ;
# define CREATE_PREDICTED_ENTITY( className ) \
C_BaseEntity : : CreatePredictedEntityByName ( className , __FILE__ , __LINE__ ) ;
// Entity flags that only exist on the client.
# define ENTCLIENTFLAG_GETTINGSHADOWRENDERBOUNDS 0x0001 // Tells us if we're getting the real ent render bounds or the shadow render bounds.
# define ENTCLIENTFLAG_ALWAYS_INTERPOLATE 0x0004 // Used by view models.
// Purpose: Base client side entity object
class C_BaseEntity : public IClientEntity
// Construction
friend class CPrediction ;
friend void cc_cl_interp_all_changed ( IConVar * pConVar , const char * pOldString , float flOldValue ) ;
public :
C_BaseEntity ( ) ;
virtual ~ C_BaseEntity ( ) ;
static C_BaseEntity * CreatePredictedEntityByName ( const char * classname , const char * module , int line , bool persist = false ) ;
// FireBullets uses shared code for prediction.
virtual void FireBullets ( const FireBulletsInfo_t & info ) ;
virtual void ModifyFireBulletsDamage ( CTakeDamageInfo * dmgInfo ) { }
virtual bool ShouldDrawUnderwaterBulletBubbles ( ) ;
virtual bool ShouldDrawWaterImpacts ( void ) { return true ; }
virtual bool HandleShotImpactingWater ( const FireBulletsInfo_t & info ,
const Vector & vecEnd , ITraceFilter * pTraceFilter , Vector * pVecTracerDest ) ;
virtual ITraceFilter * GetBeamTraceFilter ( void ) ;
virtual void DispatchTraceAttack ( const CTakeDamageInfo & info , const Vector & vecDir , trace_t * ptr , CDmgAccumulator * pAccumulator = NULL ) ;
virtual void TraceAttack ( const CTakeDamageInfo & info , const Vector & vecDir , trace_t * ptr , CDmgAccumulator * pAccumulator = NULL ) ;
virtual void DoImpactEffect ( trace_t & tr , int nDamageType ) ;
virtual void MakeTracer ( const Vector & vecTracerSrc , const trace_t & tr , int iTracerType ) ;
virtual int GetTracerAttachment ( void ) ;
void ComputeTracerStartPosition ( const Vector & vecShotSrc , Vector * pVecTracerStart ) ;
void TraceBleed ( float flDamage , const Vector & vecDir , trace_t * ptr , int bitsDamageType ) ;
virtual int BloodColor ( ) ;
virtual const char * GetTracerType ( ) ;
virtual void Spawn ( void ) ;
virtual void SpawnClientEntity ( void ) ;
virtual void Precache ( void ) ;
virtual void Activate ( ) ;
virtual void ParseMapData ( CEntityMapData * mapData ) ;
virtual bool KeyValue ( const char * szKeyName , const char * szValue ) ;
virtual bool KeyValue ( const char * szKeyName , float flValue ) ;
virtual bool KeyValue ( const char * szKeyName , const Vector & vecValue ) ;
virtual bool GetKeyValue ( const char * szKeyName , char * szValue , int iMaxLen ) ;
// Entities block Line-Of-Sight for NPCs by default.
// Set this to false if you want to change this behavior.
void SetBlocksLOS ( bool bBlocksLOS ) ;
bool BlocksLOS ( void ) ;
void SetAIWalkable ( bool bBlocksLOS ) ;
bool IsAIWalkable ( void ) ;
void Interp_SetupMappings ( VarMapping_t * map ) ;
// Returns 1 if there are no more changes (ie: we could call RemoveFromInterpolationList).
int Interp_Interpolate ( VarMapping_t * map , float currentTime ) ;
void Interp_RestoreToLastNetworked ( VarMapping_t * map ) ;
void Interp_UpdateInterpolationAmounts ( VarMapping_t * map ) ;
void Interp_HierarchyUpdateInterpolationAmounts ( ) ;
// Called by the CLIENTCLASS macros.
virtual bool Init ( int entnum , int iSerialNum ) ;
// Called in the destructor to shutdown everything.
void Term ( ) ;
// memory handling, uses calloc so members are zero'd out on instantiation
void * operator new ( size_t stAllocateBlock ) ;
void * operator new [ ] ( size_t stAllocateBlock ) ;
void * operator new ( size_t stAllocateBlock , int nBlockUse , const char * pFileName , int nLine ) ;
void * operator new [ ] ( size_t stAllocateBlock , int nBlockUse , const char * pFileName , int nLine ) ;
void operator delete ( void * pMem ) ;
void operator delete ( void * pMem , int nBlockUse , const char * pFileName , int nLine ) { operator delete ( pMem ) ; }
// This just picks one of the routes to IClientUnknown.
IClientUnknown * GetIClientUnknown ( ) { return this ; }
virtual C_BaseAnimating * GetBaseAnimating ( ) { return NULL ; }
virtual void SetClassname ( const char * className ) ;
string_t m_iClassname ;
// IClientUnknown overrides.
public :
virtual void SetRefEHandle ( const CBaseHandle & handle ) ;
virtual const CBaseHandle & GetRefEHandle ( ) const ;
void SetToolHandle ( HTOOLHANDLE handle ) ;
HTOOLHANDLE GetToolHandle ( ) const ;
void EnableInToolView ( bool bEnable ) ;
bool IsEnabledInToolView ( ) const ;
void SetToolRecording ( bool recording ) ;
bool IsToolRecording ( ) const ;
bool HasRecordedThisFrame ( ) const ;
virtual void RecordToolMessage ( ) ;
// used to exclude entities from being recorded in the SFM tools
void DontRecordInTools ( ) ;
bool ShouldRecordInTools ( ) const ;
virtual void Release ( ) ;
virtual ICollideable * GetCollideable ( ) { return & m_Collision ; }
virtual IClientNetworkable * GetClientNetworkable ( ) { return this ; }
virtual IClientRenderable * GetClientRenderable ( ) { return this ; }
virtual IClientEntity * GetIClientEntity ( ) { return this ; }
virtual C_BaseEntity * GetBaseEntity ( ) { return this ; }
virtual IClientThinkable * GetClientThinkable ( ) { return this ; }
// Methods of IClientRenderable
public :
virtual const Vector & GetRenderOrigin ( void ) ;
virtual const QAngle & GetRenderAngles ( void ) ;
virtual Vector GetObserverCamOrigin ( void ) { return GetRenderOrigin ( ) ; } // Return the origin for player observers tracking this target
virtual const matrix3x4_t & RenderableToWorldTransform ( ) ;
virtual bool IsTransparent ( void ) ;
virtual bool IsTwoPass ( void ) ;
virtual bool UsesPowerOfTwoFrameBufferTexture ( ) ;
virtual bool UsesFullFrameBufferTexture ( ) ;
virtual bool IgnoresZBuffer ( void ) const ;
virtual const model_t * GetModel ( void ) const ;
virtual int DrawModel ( int flags ) ;
virtual void ComputeFxBlend ( void ) ;
virtual int GetFxBlend ( void ) ;
virtual bool LODTest ( ) { return true ; } // NOTE: UNUSED
virtual void GetRenderBounds ( Vector & mins , Vector & maxs ) ;
virtual IPVSNotify * GetPVSNotifyInterface ( ) ;
virtual void GetRenderBoundsWorldspace ( Vector & absMins , Vector & absMaxs ) ;
virtual void GetShadowRenderBounds ( Vector & mins , Vector & maxs , ShadowType_t shadowType ) ;
// Determine the color modulation amount
virtual void GetColorModulation ( float * color ) ;
virtual void OnThreadedDrawSetup ( ) { }
public :
virtual bool TestCollision ( const Ray_t & ray , unsigned int fContentsMask , trace_t & tr ) ;
virtual bool TestHitboxes ( const Ray_t & ray , unsigned int fContentsMask , trace_t & tr ) ;
// To mimic server call convention
C_BaseEntity * GetOwnerEntity ( void ) const ;
void SetOwnerEntity ( C_BaseEntity * pOwner ) ;
C_BaseEntity * GetEffectEntity ( void ) const ;
void SetEffectEntity ( C_BaseEntity * pEffectEnt ) ;
// This function returns a value that scales all damage done by this entity.
// Use CDamageModifier to hook in damage modifiers on a guy.
virtual float GetAttackDamageScale ( void ) ;
// IClientNetworkable implementation.
public :
virtual void NotifyShouldTransmit ( ShouldTransmitState_t state ) ;
// save out interpolated values
virtual void PreDataUpdate ( DataUpdateType_t updateType ) ;
virtual void PostDataUpdate ( DataUpdateType_t updateType ) ;
virtual void ValidateModelIndex ( void ) ;
// pvs info. NOTE: Do not override these!!
virtual void SetDormant ( bool bDormant ) ;
virtual bool IsDormant ( void ) ;
// Tells the entity that it's about to be destroyed due to the client receiving
// an uncompressed update that's caused it to destroy all entities & recreate them.
virtual void SetDestroyedOnRecreateEntities ( void ) ;
virtual int GetEFlags ( ) const ;
virtual void SetEFlags ( int iEFlags ) ;
void AddEFlags ( int nEFlagMask ) ;
void RemoveEFlags ( int nEFlagMask ) ;
bool IsEFlagSet ( int nEFlagMask ) const ;
// checks to see if the entity is marked for deletion
bool IsMarkedForDeletion ( void ) ;
virtual int entindex ( void ) const ;
// This works for client-only entities and returns the GetEntryIndex() of the entity's handle,
// so the sound system can get an IClientEntity from it.
int GetSoundSourceIndex ( ) const ;
// Server to client message received
virtual void ReceiveMessage ( int classID , bf_read & msg ) ;
virtual void * GetDataTableBasePtr ( ) ;
// IClientThinkable.
public :
// Called whenever you registered for a think message (with SetNextClientThink).
virtual void ClientThink ( ) ;
virtual ClientThinkHandle_t GetThinkHandle ( ) ;
virtual void SetThinkHandle ( ClientThinkHandle_t hThink ) ;
public :
void AddVar ( void * data , IInterpolatedVar * watcher , int type , bool bSetup = false ) ;
void RemoveVar ( void * data , bool bAssert = true ) ;
VarMapping_t * GetVarMapping ( ) ;
VarMapping_t m_VarMap ;
public :
// An inline version the game code can use
CCollisionProperty * CollisionProp ( ) ;
const CCollisionProperty * CollisionProp ( ) const ;
CParticleProperty * ParticleProp ( ) ;
const CParticleProperty * ParticleProp ( ) const ;
// Simply here for game shared
bool IsFloating ( ) ;
virtual bool ShouldSavePhysics ( ) ;
// save/restore stuff
virtual void OnSave ( ) ;
virtual void OnRestore ( ) ;
// capabilities for save/restore
virtual int ObjectCaps ( void ) ;
// only overload these if you have special data to serialize
virtual int Save ( ISave & save ) ;
virtual int Restore ( IRestore & restore ) ;
private :
int SaveDataDescBlock ( ISave & save , datamap_t * dmap ) ;
int RestoreDataDescBlock ( IRestore & restore , datamap_t * dmap ) ;
// Called after restoring data into prediction slots. This function is used in place of proxies
// on the variables, so if some variable like m_nModelIndex needs to update other state (like
// the model pointer), it is done here.
void OnPostRestoreData ( ) ;
public :
// Called after spawn, and in the case of self-managing objects, after load
virtual bool CreateVPhysics ( ) ;
// Convenience routines to init the vphysics simulation for this object.
// This creates a static object. Something that behaves like world geometry - solid, but never moves
IPhysicsObject * VPhysicsInitStatic ( void ) ;
// This creates a normal vphysics simulated object
IPhysicsObject * VPhysicsInitNormal ( SolidType_t solidType , int nSolidFlags , bool createAsleep , solid_t * pSolid = NULL ) ;
// This creates a vphysics object with a shadow controller that follows the AI
// Move the object to where it should be and call UpdatePhysicsShadowToCurrentPosition()
IPhysicsObject * VPhysicsInitShadow ( bool allowPhysicsMovement , bool allowPhysicsRotation , solid_t * pSolid = NULL ) ;
private :
// called by all vphysics inits
bool VPhysicsInitSetup ( ) ;
public :
void VPhysicsSetObject ( IPhysicsObject * pPhysics ) ;
// destroy and remove the physics object for this entity
virtual void VPhysicsDestroyObject ( void ) ;
// Purpose: My physics object has been updated, react or extract data
virtual void VPhysicsUpdate ( IPhysicsObject * pPhysics ) ;
inline IPhysicsObject * VPhysicsGetObject ( void ) const { return m_pPhysicsObject ; }
virtual int VPhysicsGetObjectList ( IPhysicsObject * * pList , int listMax ) ;
virtual bool VPhysicsIsFlesh ( void ) ;
// IClientEntity implementation.
public :
virtual bool SetupBones ( matrix3x4_t * pBoneToWorldOut , int nMaxBones , int boneMask , float currentTime ) ;
virtual void SetupWeights ( const matrix3x4_t * pBoneToWorld , int nFlexWeightCount , float * pFlexWeights , float * pFlexDelayedWeights ) ;
virtual bool UsesFlexDelayedWeights ( ) { return false ; }
virtual void DoAnimationEvents ( void ) ;
// Add entity to visible entities list?
virtual void AddEntity ( void ) ;
virtual const Vector & GetAbsOrigin ( void ) const ;
virtual const QAngle & GetAbsAngles ( void ) const ;
const Vector & GetNetworkOrigin ( ) const ;
const QAngle & GetNetworkAngles ( ) const ;
void SetNetworkOrigin ( const Vector & org ) ;
void SetNetworkAngles ( const QAngle & ang ) ;
const Vector & GetLocalOrigin ( void ) const ;
void SetLocalOrigin ( const Vector & origin ) ;
vec_t GetLocalOriginDim ( int iDim ) const ; // You can use the X_INDEX, Y_INDEX, and Z_INDEX defines here.
void SetLocalOriginDim ( int iDim , vec_t flValue ) ;
const QAngle & GetLocalAngles ( void ) const ;
void SetLocalAngles ( const QAngle & angles ) ;
vec_t GetLocalAnglesDim ( int iDim ) const ; // You can use the X_INDEX, Y_INDEX, and Z_INDEX defines here.
void SetLocalAnglesDim ( int iDim , vec_t flValue ) ;
virtual const Vector & GetPrevLocalOrigin ( ) const ;
virtual const QAngle & GetPrevLocalAngles ( ) const ;
void SetLocalTransform ( const matrix3x4_t & localTransform ) ;
void SetModelName ( string_t name ) ;
string_t GetModelName ( void ) const ;
int GetModelIndex ( void ) const ;
void SetModelIndex ( int index ) ;
virtual int CalcOverrideModelIndex ( ) { return - 1 ; }
// These methods return a *world-aligned* box relative to the absorigin of the entity.
// This is used for collision purposes and is *not* guaranteed
// to surround the entire entity's visual representation
// NOTE: It is illegal to ask for the world-aligned bounds for
// SOLID_BSP objects
virtual const Vector & WorldAlignMins ( ) const ;
virtual const Vector & WorldAlignMaxs ( ) const ;
// This defines collision bounds *in whatever space is currently defined by the solid type*
// SOLID_BBOX: World Align
// SOLID_OBB: Entity space
// SOLID_BSP: Entity space
void SetCollisionBounds ( const Vector & mins , const Vector & maxs ) ;
// NOTE: These use the collision OBB to compute a reasonable center point for the entity
virtual const Vector & WorldSpaceCenter ( ) const ;
// FIXME: Do we want this?
const Vector & WorldAlignSize ( ) const ;
bool IsPointSized ( ) const ;
// Returns a radius of a sphere
// *centered at the world space center* bounding the collision representation
// of the entity. NOTE: The world space center *may* move when the entity rotates.
float BoundingRadius ( ) const ;
// Used when the collision prop is told to ask game code for the world-space surrounding box
virtual void ComputeWorldSpaceSurroundingBox ( Vector * pVecWorldMins , Vector * pVecWorldMaxs ) ;
// Returns the entity-to-world transform
matrix3x4_t & EntityToWorldTransform ( ) ;
const matrix3x4_t & EntityToWorldTransform ( ) const ;
// Some helper methods that transform a point from entity space to world space + back
void EntityToWorldSpace ( const Vector & in , Vector * pOut ) const ;
void WorldToEntitySpace ( const Vector & in , Vector * pOut ) const ;
// This function gets your parent's transform. If you're parented to an attachment,
// this calculates the attachment's transform and gives you that.
// You must pass in tempMatrix for scratch space - it may need to fill that in and return it instead of
// pointing you right at a variable in your parent.
matrix3x4_t & GetParentToWorldTransform ( matrix3x4_t & tempMatrix ) ;
void GetVectors ( Vector * forward , Vector * right , Vector * up ) const ;
// Sets abs angles, but also sets local angles to be appropriate
void SetAbsOrigin ( const Vector & origin ) ;
void SetAbsAngles ( const QAngle & angles ) ;
void AddFlag ( int flags ) ;
void RemoveFlag ( int flagsToRemove ) ;
void ToggleFlag ( int flagToToggle ) ;
int GetFlags ( void ) const ;
void ClearFlags ( ) ;
MoveType_t GetMoveType ( void ) const ;
MoveCollide_t GetMoveCollide ( void ) const ;
virtual SolidType_t GetSolid ( void ) const ;
virtual int GetSolidFlags ( void ) const ;
bool IsSolidFlagSet ( int flagMask ) const ;
void SetSolidFlags ( int nFlags ) ;
void AddSolidFlags ( int nFlags ) ;
void RemoveSolidFlags ( int nFlags ) ;
bool IsSolid ( ) const ;
virtual class CMouthInfo * GetMouth ( void ) ;
// Retrieve sound spatialization info for the specified sound on this entity
// Return false to indicate sound is not audible
virtual bool GetSoundSpatialization ( SpatializationInfo_t & info ) ;
// Attachments
virtual int LookupAttachment ( const char * pAttachmentName ) { return - 1 ; }
virtual bool GetAttachment ( int number , matrix3x4_t & matrix ) ;
virtual bool GetAttachment ( int number , Vector & origin ) ;
virtual bool GetAttachment ( int number , Vector & origin , QAngle & angles ) ;
virtual bool GetAttachmentVelocity ( int number , Vector & originVel , Quaternion & angleVel ) ;
// Team handling
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virtual C_Team * GetTeam ( void ) ;
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virtual int GetTeamNumber ( void ) const ;
virtual void ChangeTeam ( int iTeamNum ) ; // Assign this entity to a team.
virtual int GetRenderTeamNumber ( void ) ;
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virtual bool InSameTeam ( C_BaseEntity * pEntity ) ; // Returns true if the specified entity is on the same team as this one
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virtual bool InLocalTeam ( void ) ;
// ID Target handling
virtual bool IsValidIDTarget ( void ) { return false ; }
virtual const char * GetIDString ( void ) { return " " ; } ;
// See CSoundEmitterSystem
virtual void ModifyEmitSoundParams ( EmitSound_t & params ) ;
void EmitSound ( const char * soundname , float soundtime = 0.0f , float * duration = NULL ) ; // Override for doing the general case of CPASAttenuationFilter( this ), and EmitSound( filter, entindex(), etc. );
void EmitSound ( const char * soundname , HSOUNDSCRIPTHANDLE & handle , float soundtime = 0.0f , float * duration = NULL ) ; // Override for doing the general case of CPASAttenuationFilter( this ), and EmitSound( filter, entindex(), etc. );
void StopSound ( const char * soundname ) ;
void StopSound ( const char * soundname , HSOUNDSCRIPTHANDLE & handle ) ;
void GenderExpandString ( char const * in , char * out , int maxlen ) ;
static float GetSoundDuration ( const char * soundname , char const * actormodel ) ;
static bool GetParametersForSound ( const char * soundname , CSoundParameters & params , const char * actormodel ) ;
static bool GetParametersForSound ( const char * soundname , HSOUNDSCRIPTHANDLE & handle , CSoundParameters & params , const char * actormodel ) ;
static void EmitSound ( IRecipientFilter & filter , int iEntIndex , const char * soundname , const Vector * pOrigin = NULL , float soundtime = 0.0f , float * duration = NULL ) ;
static void EmitSound ( IRecipientFilter & filter , int iEntIndex , const char * soundname , HSOUNDSCRIPTHANDLE & handle , const Vector * pOrigin = NULL , float soundtime = 0.0f , float * duration = NULL ) ;
static void StopSound ( int iEntIndex , const char * soundname ) ;
static soundlevel_t LookupSoundLevel ( const char * soundname ) ;
static soundlevel_t LookupSoundLevel ( const char * soundname , HSOUNDSCRIPTHANDLE & handle ) ;
static void EmitSound ( IRecipientFilter & filter , int iEntIndex , const EmitSound_t & params ) ;
static void EmitSound ( IRecipientFilter & filter , int iEntIndex , const EmitSound_t & params , HSOUNDSCRIPTHANDLE & handle ) ;
static void StopSound ( int iEntIndex , int iChannel , const char * pSample ) ;
static void EmitAmbientSound ( int entindex , const Vector & origin , const char * soundname , int flags = 0 , float soundtime = 0.0f , float * duration = NULL ) ;
// These files need to be listed in scripts/game_sounds_manifest.txt
static HSOUNDSCRIPTHANDLE PrecacheScriptSound ( const char * soundname ) ;
static void PrefetchScriptSound ( const char * soundname ) ;
// For each client who appears to be a valid recipient, checks the client has disabled CC and if so, removes them from
// the recipient list.
static void RemoveRecipientsIfNotCloseCaptioning ( C_RecipientFilter & filter ) ;
static void EmitCloseCaption ( IRecipientFilter & filter , int entindex , char const * token , CUtlVector < Vector > & soundorigins , float duration , bool warnifmissing = false ) ;
// Moves all aiments into their correct position for the frame
static void MarkAimEntsDirty ( ) ;
static void CalcAimEntPositions ( ) ;
static bool IsPrecacheAllowed ( ) ;
static void SetAllowPrecache ( bool allow ) ;
static bool m_bAllowPrecache ;
static bool IsSimulatingOnAlternateTicks ( ) ;
// C_BaseEntity local functions
public :
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virtual void UpdatePartitionListEntry ( ) ;
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// This can be used to setup the entity as a client-only entity.
// Override this to perform per-entity clientside setup
virtual bool InitializeAsClientEntity ( const char * pszModelName , RenderGroup_t renderGroup ) ;
// This function gets called on all client entities once per simulation phase.
// It dispatches events like OnDataChanged(), and calls the legacy function AddEntity().
virtual void Simulate ( ) ;
// This event is triggered during the simulation phase if an entity's data has changed. It is
// better to hook this instead of PostDataUpdate() because in PostDataUpdate(), server entity origins
// are incorrect and attachment points can't be used.
virtual void OnDataChanged ( DataUpdateType_t type ) ;
// This is called once per frame before any data is read in from the server.
virtual void OnPreDataChanged ( DataUpdateType_t type ) ;
bool IsStandable ( ) const ;
bool IsBSPModel ( ) const ;
// If this is a vehicle, returns the vehicle interface
virtual IClientVehicle * GetClientVehicle ( ) { return NULL ; }
// Returns the aiment render origin + angles
virtual void GetAimEntOrigin ( IClientEntity * pAttachedTo , Vector * pAbsOrigin , QAngle * pAbsAngles ) ;
// get network origin from previous update
virtual const Vector & GetOldOrigin ( ) ;
// Methods relating to traversing hierarchy
C_BaseEntity * GetMoveParent ( void ) const ;
C_BaseEntity * GetRootMoveParent ( ) ;
C_BaseEntity * FirstMoveChild ( void ) const ;
C_BaseEntity * NextMovePeer ( void ) const ;
inline ClientEntityHandle_t GetClientHandle ( ) const { return ClientEntityHandle_t ( m_RefEHandle ) ; }
inline bool IsServerEntity ( void ) ;
virtual RenderGroup_t GetRenderGroup ( ) ;
virtual void GetToolRecordingState ( KeyValues * msg ) ;
virtual void CleanupToolRecordingState ( KeyValues * msg ) ;
// The value returned by here determines whether or not (and how) the entity
// is put into the spatial partition.
virtual CollideType_t GetCollideType ( void ) ;
virtual bool ShouldDraw ( ) ;
inline bool IsVisible ( ) const { return m_hRender ! = INVALID_CLIENT_RENDER_HANDLE ; }
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void UpdateVisibility ( ) ;
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// Returns true if the entity changes its position every frame on the server but it doesn't
// set animtime. In that case, the client returns true here so it copies the server time to
// animtime in OnDataChanged and the position history is correct for interpolation.
virtual bool IsSelfAnimating ( ) ;
// Set appropriate flags and store off data when these fields are about to change
virtual void OnLatchInterpolatedVariables ( int flags ) ;
// For predictable entities, stores last networked value
void OnStoreLastNetworkedValue ( ) ;
// Initialize things given a new model.
virtual CStudioHdr * OnNewModel ( ) ;
virtual void OnNewParticleEffect ( const char * pszParticleName , CNewParticleEffect * pNewParticleEffect ) ;
bool IsSimulatedEveryTick ( ) const ;
bool IsAnimatedEveryTick ( ) const ;
void SetSimulatedEveryTick ( bool sim ) ;
void SetAnimatedEveryTick ( bool anim ) ;
void Interp_Reset ( VarMapping_t * map ) ;
virtual void ResetLatched ( ) ;
float GetInterpolationAmount ( int flags ) ;
float GetLastChangeTime ( int flags ) ;
// Interpolate the position for rendering
virtual bool Interpolate ( float currentTime ) ;
// Did the object move so far that it shouldn't interpolate?
bool Teleported ( void ) ;
// Is this a submodel of the world ( *1 etc. in name ) ( brush models only )
virtual bool IsSubModel ( void ) ;
// Deal with EF_* flags
virtual void CreateLightEffects ( void ) ;
void AddToAimEntsList ( ) ;
void RemoveFromAimEntsList ( ) ;
// Reset internal fields
virtual void Clear ( void ) ;
// Helper to draw raw brush models
virtual int DrawBrushModel ( bool bTranslucent , int nFlags , bool bTwoPass ) ;
// returns the material animation start time
virtual float GetTextureAnimationStartTime ( ) ;
// Indicates that a texture animation has wrapped
virtual void TextureAnimationWrapped ( ) ;
// Set the next think time. Pass in CLIENT_THINK_ALWAYS to have Think() called each frame.
virtual void SetNextClientThink ( float nextThinkTime ) ;
// anything that has health can override this...
virtual void SetHealth ( int iHealth ) { }
virtual int GetHealth ( ) const { return 0 ; }
virtual int GetMaxHealth ( ) const { return 1 ; }
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
virtual bool IsVisibleToTargetID ( void ) { return false ; }
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
// Returns the health fraction
float HealthFraction ( ) const ;
// Should this object cast shadows?
virtual ShadowType_t ShadowCastType ( ) ;
// Should this object receive shadows?
virtual bool ShouldReceiveProjectedTextures ( int flags ) ;
// Shadow-related methods
virtual bool IsShadowDirty ( ) ;
virtual void MarkShadowDirty ( bool bDirty ) ;
virtual IClientRenderable * GetShadowParent ( ) ;
virtual IClientRenderable * FirstShadowChild ( ) ;
virtual IClientRenderable * NextShadowPeer ( ) ;
// Sets up a render handle so the leaf system will draw this entity.
void AddToLeafSystem ( ) ;
void AddToLeafSystem ( RenderGroup_t group ) ;
// remove entity form leaf system again
void RemoveFromLeafSystem ( ) ;
// A method to apply a decal to an entity
virtual void AddDecal ( const Vector & rayStart , const Vector & rayEnd ,
const Vector & decalCenter , int hitbox , int decalIndex , bool doTrace , trace_t & tr , int maxLODToDecal = ADDDECAL_TO_ALL_LODS ) ;
virtual void AddColoredDecal ( const Vector & rayStart , const Vector & rayEnd ,
const Vector & decalCenter , int hitbox , int decalIndex , bool doTrace , trace_t & tr , Color cColor , int maxLODToDecal = ADDDECAL_TO_ALL_LODS ) ;
// A method to remove all decals from an entity
void RemoveAllDecals ( void ) ;
// Is this a brush model?
bool IsBrushModel ( ) const ;
// A random value 0-1 used by proxies to make sure they're not all in sync
float ProxyRandomValue ( ) const { return m_flProxyRandomValue ; }
// The spawn time of this entity
float SpawnTime ( ) const { return m_flSpawnTime ; }
virtual bool IsClientCreated ( void ) const ;
virtual void UpdateOnRemove ( void ) ;
virtual void SUB_Remove ( void ) ;
// Prediction stuff
void CheckInitPredictable ( const char * context ) ;
void AllocateIntermediateData ( void ) ;
void DestroyIntermediateData ( void ) ;
void ShiftIntermediateDataForward ( int slots_to_remove , int previous_last_slot ) ;
void * GetPredictedFrame ( int framenumber ) ;
void * GetOriginalNetworkDataObject ( void ) ;
bool IsIntermediateDataAllocated ( void ) const ;
void InitPredictable ( void ) ;
void ShutdownPredictable ( void ) ;
virtual void SetPredictable ( bool state ) ;
bool GetPredictable ( void ) const ;
void PreEntityPacketReceived ( int commands_acknowledged ) ;
void PostEntityPacketReceived ( void ) ;
bool PostNetworkDataReceived ( int commands_acknowledged ) ;
bool GetPredictionEligible ( void ) const ;
void SetPredictionEligible ( bool canpredict ) ;
} ;
2024-08-23 00:37:28 +02:00
virtual int SaveData ( const char * context , int slot , int type ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
virtual int RestoreData ( const char * context , int slot , int type ) ;
virtual char const * DamageDecal ( int bitsDamageType , int gameMaterial ) ;
virtual void DecalTrace ( trace_t * pTrace , char const * decalName ) ;
virtual void ImpactTrace ( trace_t * pTrace , int iDamageType , const char * pCustomImpactName ) ;
virtual bool ShouldPredict ( void ) { return false ; } ;
// interface function pointers
void ( C_BaseEntity : : * m_pfnThink ) ( void ) ;
virtual void Think ( void )
AssertMsg ( m_pfnThink ! = & C_BaseEntity : : Think , " Infinite recursion is infinitely bad. " ) ;
if ( m_pfnThink )
( this - > * m_pfnThink ) ( ) ;
void PhysicsDispatchThink ( BASEPTR thinkFunc ) ;
// Toggle the visualization of the entity's abs/bbox
} ;
void ToggleBBoxVisualization ( int fVisFlags ) ;
void DrawBBoxVisualizations ( void ) ;
// Methods implemented on both client and server
public :
void SetSize ( const Vector & vecMin , const Vector & vecMax ) ; // UTIL_SetSize( pev, mins, maxs );
char const * GetClassname ( void ) ;
char const * GetDebugName ( void ) ;
static int PrecacheModel ( const char * name ) ;
static bool PrecacheSound ( const char * name ) ;
static void PrefetchSound ( const char * name ) ;
void Remove ( ) ; // UTIL_Remove( this );
public :
// Returns the attachment point index on our parent that our transform is relative to.
// 0 if we're relative to the parent's absorigin and absangles.
unsigned char GetParentAttachment ( ) const ;
// Externalized data objects ( see sharreddefs.h for DataObjectType_t )
bool HasDataObjectType ( int type ) const ;
void AddDataObjectType ( int type ) ;
void RemoveDataObjectType ( int type ) ;
void * GetDataObject ( int type ) ;
void * CreateDataObject ( int type ) ;
void DestroyDataObject ( int type ) ;
void DestroyAllDataObjects ( void ) ;
// Determine approximate velocity based on updates from server
void EstimateAbsVelocity ( Vector & vel ) ;
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
// The player drives simulation of this entity
void SetPlayerSimulated ( C_BasePlayer * pOwner ) ;
bool IsPlayerSimulated ( void ) const ;
CBasePlayer * GetSimulatingPlayer ( void ) ;
void UnsetPlayerSimulated ( void ) ;
# endif
// Sorry folks, here lies TF2-specific stuff that really has no other place to go
virtual bool CanBePoweredUp ( void ) { return false ; }
virtual bool AttemptToPowerup ( int iPowerup , float flTime , float flAmount = 0 , C_BaseEntity * pAttacker = NULL , CDamageModifier * pDamageModifier = NULL ) { return false ; }
void SetCheckUntouch ( bool check ) ;
bool GetCheckUntouch ( ) const ;
virtual bool IsCurrentlyTouching ( void ) const ;
virtual void StartTouch ( C_BaseEntity * pOther ) ;
virtual void Touch ( C_BaseEntity * pOther ) ;
virtual void EndTouch ( C_BaseEntity * pOther ) ;
void ( C_BaseEntity : : * m_pfnTouch ) ( C_BaseEntity * pOther ) ;
void PhysicsStep ( void ) ;
protected :
static bool sm_bDisableTouchFuncs ; // Disables PhysicsTouch and PhysicsStartTouch function calls
public :
touchlink_t * PhysicsMarkEntityAsTouched ( C_BaseEntity * other ) ;
void PhysicsTouch ( C_BaseEntity * pentOther ) ;
void PhysicsStartTouch ( C_BaseEntity * pentOther ) ;
// HACKHACK:Get the trace_t from the last physics touch call (replaces the even-hackier global trace vars)
static const trace_t & GetTouchTrace ( void ) ;
// FIXME: Should be private, but I can't make em private just yet
void PhysicsImpact ( C_BaseEntity * other , trace_t & trace ) ;
void PhysicsMarkEntitiesAsTouching ( C_BaseEntity * other , trace_t & trace ) ;
void PhysicsMarkEntitiesAsTouchingEventDriven ( C_BaseEntity * other , trace_t & trace ) ;
// Physics helper
static void PhysicsRemoveTouchedList ( C_BaseEntity * ent ) ;
static void PhysicsNotifyOtherOfUntouch ( C_BaseEntity * ent , C_BaseEntity * other ) ;
static void PhysicsRemoveToucher ( C_BaseEntity * other , touchlink_t * link ) ;
groundlink_t * AddEntityToGroundList ( CBaseEntity * other ) ;
void PhysicsStartGroundContact ( CBaseEntity * pentOther ) ;
static void PhysicsNotifyOtherOfGroundRemoval ( CBaseEntity * ent , CBaseEntity * other ) ;
static void PhysicsRemoveGround ( CBaseEntity * other , groundlink_t * link ) ;
static void PhysicsRemoveGroundList ( CBaseEntity * ent ) ;
void StartGroundContact ( CBaseEntity * ground ) ;
void EndGroundContact ( CBaseEntity * ground ) ;
void SetGroundChangeTime ( float flTime ) ;
float GetGroundChangeTime ( void ) ;
// Remove this as ground entity for all object resting on this object
void WakeRestingObjects ( ) ;
bool HasNPCsOnIt ( ) ;
bool PhysicsCheckWater ( void ) ;
void PhysicsCheckVelocity ( void ) ;
void PhysicsAddHalfGravity ( float timestep ) ;
void PhysicsAddGravityMove ( Vector & move ) ;
virtual unsigned int PhysicsSolidMaskForEntity ( void ) const ;
void SetGroundEntity ( C_BaseEntity * ground ) ;
C_BaseEntity * GetGroundEntity ( void ) ;
void PhysicsPushEntity ( const Vector & push , trace_t * pTrace ) ;
void PhysicsCheckWaterTransition ( void ) ;
// Performs the collision resolution for fliers.
void PerformFlyCollisionResolution ( trace_t & trace , Vector & move ) ;
void ResolveFlyCollisionBounce ( trace_t & trace , Vector & vecVelocity , float flMinTotalElasticity = 0.0f ) ;
void ResolveFlyCollisionSlide ( trace_t & trace , Vector & vecVelocity ) ;
void ResolveFlyCollisionCustom ( trace_t & trace , Vector & vecVelocity ) ;
void PhysicsCheckForEntityUntouch ( void ) ;
// Creates the shadow (if it doesn't already exist) based on shadow cast type
void CreateShadow ( ) ;
// Destroys the shadow; causes its type to be recomputed if the entity doesn't go away immediately.
void DestroyShadow ( ) ;
protected :
// think function handling
enum thinkmethods_t
} ;
public :
// Unlinks from hierarchy
// Set the movement parent. Your local origin and angles will become relative to this parent.
// If iAttachment is a valid attachment on the parent, then your local origin and angles
// are relative to the attachment on this entity.
void SetParent ( C_BaseEntity * pParentEntity , int iParentAttachment = 0 ) ;
bool PhysicsRunThink ( thinkmethods_t thinkMethod = THINK_FIRE_ALL_FUNCTIONS ) ;
bool PhysicsRunSpecificThink ( int nContextIndex , BASEPTR thinkFunc ) ;
virtual void PhysicsSimulate ( void ) ;
virtual bool IsAlive ( void ) ;
bool IsInWorld ( void ) { return true ; }
bool IsWorld ( ) { return entindex ( ) = = 0 ; }
2024-08-23 00:37:28 +02:00
virtual bool IsTrigger ( void ) { return false ; } ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
virtual bool IsPlayer ( void ) const { return false ; } ;
virtual bool IsBaseCombatCharacter ( void ) { return false ; } ;
virtual C_BaseCombatCharacter * MyCombatCharacterPointer ( void ) { return NULL ; }
virtual bool IsNPC ( void ) { return false ; }
C_AI_BaseNPC * MyNPCPointer ( void ) ;
virtual bool IsNextBot ( ) { return false ; }
// TF2 specific
virtual bool IsBaseObject ( void ) const { return false ; }
virtual bool IsBaseCombatWeapon ( void ) const { return false ; }
virtual class C_BaseCombatWeapon * MyCombatWeaponPointer ( ) { return NULL ; }
virtual bool IsCombatItem ( void ) const { return false ; }
virtual bool IsBaseTrain ( void ) const { return false ; }
// Returns the eye point + angles (used for viewing + shooting)
virtual Vector EyePosition ( void ) ;
virtual const QAngle & EyeAngles ( void ) ; // Direction of eyes
virtual const QAngle & LocalEyeAngles ( void ) ; // Direction of eyes in local space (pl.v_angle)
// position of ears
virtual Vector EarPosition ( void ) ;
Vector EyePosition ( void ) const ; // position of eyes
const QAngle & EyeAngles ( void ) const ; // Direction of eyes in world space
const QAngle & LocalEyeAngles ( void ) const ; // Direction of eyes
Vector EarPosition ( void ) const ; // position of ears
// Called by physics to see if we should avoid a collision test....
virtual bool ShouldCollide ( int collisionGroup , int contentsMask ) const ;
// Sets physics parameters
void SetFriction ( float flFriction ) ;
void SetGravity ( float flGravity ) ;
float GetGravity ( void ) const ;
// Sets the model from a model index
void SetModelByIndex ( int nModelIndex ) ;
// Set model... (NOTE: Should only be used by client-only entities
// Returns false if the model name is bogus or otherwise can't be loaded
bool SetModel ( const char * pModelName ) ;
void SetModelPointer ( const model_t * pModel ) ;
// Access movetype and solid.
void SetMoveType ( MoveType_t val , MoveCollide_t moveCollide = MOVECOLLIDE_DEFAULT ) ; // Set to one of the MOVETYPE_ defines.
void SetMoveCollide ( MoveCollide_t val ) ; // Set to one of the MOVECOLLIDE_ defines.
void SetSolid ( SolidType_t val ) ; // Set to one of the SOLID_ defines.
// NOTE: Setting the abs velocity in either space will cause a recomputation
// in the other space, so setting the abs velocity will also set the local vel
void SetLocalVelocity ( const Vector & vecVelocity ) ;
void SetAbsVelocity ( const Vector & vecVelocity ) ;
const Vector & GetLocalVelocity ( ) const ;
const Vector & GetAbsVelocity ( ) const ;
void ApplyLocalVelocityImpulse ( const Vector & vecImpulse ) ;
void ApplyAbsVelocityImpulse ( const Vector & vecImpulse ) ;
void ApplyLocalAngularVelocityImpulse ( const AngularImpulse & angImpulse ) ;
// NOTE: Setting the abs velocity in either space will cause a recomputation
// in the other space, so setting the abs velocity will also set the local vel
void SetLocalAngularVelocity ( const QAngle & vecAngVelocity ) ;
const QAngle & GetLocalAngularVelocity ( ) const ;
// void SetAbsAngularVelocity( const QAngle &vecAngAbsVelocity );
// const QAngle& GetAbsAngularVelocity( ) const;
const Vector & GetBaseVelocity ( ) const ;
void SetBaseVelocity ( const Vector & v ) ;
virtual const Vector & GetViewOffset ( ) const ;
virtual void SetViewOffset ( const Vector & v ) ;
# ifdef SIXENSE
const Vector & GetEyeOffset ( ) const ;
void SetEyeOffset ( const Vector & v ) ;
const QAngle & GetEyeAngleOffset ( ) const ;
void SetEyeAngleOffset ( const QAngle & qa ) ;
# endif
// Invalidates the abs state of all children
void InvalidatePhysicsRecursive ( int nChangeFlags ) ;
ClientRenderHandle_t GetRenderHandle ( ) const ;
void SetRemovalFlag ( bool bRemove ) ;
// Effects...
bool IsEffectActive ( int nEffectMask ) const ;
void AddEffects ( int nEffects ) ;
void RemoveEffects ( int nEffects ) ;
int GetEffects ( void ) const ;
void ClearEffects ( void ) ;
void SetEffects ( int nEffects ) ;
// Computes the abs position of a point specified in local space
void ComputeAbsPosition ( const Vector & vecLocalPosition , Vector * pAbsPosition ) ;
// Computes the abs position of a direction specified in local space
void ComputeAbsDirection ( const Vector & vecLocalDirection , Vector * pAbsDirection ) ;
// These methods encapsulate MOVETYPE_FOLLOW, which became obsolete
void FollowEntity ( CBaseEntity * pBaseEntity , bool bBoneMerge = true ) ;
void StopFollowingEntity ( ) ; // will also change to MOVETYPE_NONE
bool IsFollowingEntity ( ) ;
CBaseEntity * GetFollowedEntity ( ) ;
// For shadows rendering the correct body + sequence...
virtual int GetBody ( ) { return 0 ; }
virtual int GetSkin ( ) { return 0 ; }
// Stubs on client
void NetworkStateManualMode ( bool activate ) { }
void NetworkStateChanged ( ) { }
void NetworkStateChanged ( void * pVar ) { }
void NetworkStateSetUpdateInterval ( float N ) { }
void NetworkStateForceUpdate ( ) { }
// Think functions with contexts
int RegisterThinkContext ( const char * szContext ) ;
BASEPTR ThinkSet ( BASEPTR func , float flNextThinkTime = 0 , const char * szContext = NULL ) ;
void SetNextThink ( float nextThinkTime , const char * szContext = NULL ) ;
float GetNextThink ( const char * szContext = NULL ) ;
float GetLastThink ( const char * szContext = NULL ) ;
int GetNextThinkTick ( const char * szContext = NULL ) ;
int GetLastThinkTick ( const char * szContext = NULL ) ;
// These set entity flags (EFL_*) to help optimize queries
void CheckHasThinkFunction ( bool isThinkingHint = false ) ;
void CheckHasGamePhysicsSimulation ( ) ;
bool WillThink ( ) ;
bool WillSimulateGamePhysics ( ) ;
int GetFirstThinkTick ( ) ; // get first tick thinking on any context
float GetAnimTime ( ) const ;
void SetAnimTime ( float at ) ;
float GetSimulationTime ( ) const ;
void SetSimulationTime ( float st ) ;
float GetCreateTime ( ) { return m_flCreateTime ; }
void SetCreateTime ( float flCreateTime ) { m_flCreateTime = flCreateTime ; }
int GetCreationTick ( ) const ;
# ifdef _DEBUG
void FunctionCheck ( void * pFunction , const char * name ) ;
ENTITYFUNCPTR TouchSet ( ENTITYFUNCPTR func , char * name )
//COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( sizeof(func) == 4 );
m_pfnTouch = func ;
//FunctionCheck( *(reinterpret_cast<void **>(&m_pfnTouch)), name );
return func ;
# endif
// Gets the model instance + shadow handle
virtual ModelInstanceHandle_t GetModelInstance ( ) { return m_ModelInstance ; }
void SetModelInstance ( ModelInstanceHandle_t hInstance ) { m_ModelInstance = hInstance ; }
bool SnatchModelInstance ( C_BaseEntity * pToEntity ) ;
virtual ClientShadowHandle_t GetShadowHandle ( ) const { return m_ShadowHandle ; }
virtual ClientRenderHandle_t & RenderHandle ( ) ;
void CreateModelInstance ( ) ;
// Sets the origin + angles to match the last position received
void MoveToLastReceivedPosition ( bool force = false ) ;
protected :
// Only meant to be called from subclasses
void DestroyModelInstance ( ) ;
// Interpolate entity
static void ProcessTeleportList ( ) ;
static void ProcessInterpolatedList ( ) ;
static void CheckInterpolatedVarParanoidMeasurement ( ) ;
// overrideable rules if an entity should interpolate
virtual bool ShouldInterpolate ( ) ;
// Call this in OnDataChanged if you don't chain it down!
void MarkMessageReceived ( ) ;
// Gets the last message time
float GetLastMessageTime ( ) const { return m_flLastMessageTime ; }
// For non-players
int PhysicsClipVelocity ( const Vector & in , const Vector & normal , Vector & out , float overbounce ) ;
// Allow entities to perform client-side fades
virtual unsigned char GetClientSideFade ( ) { return 255 ; }
protected :
// Two part guts of Interpolate(). Shared with C_BaseAnimating.
} ;
// bNoMoreChanges is set to 1 if you can call RemoveFromInterpolationList on the entity.
int BaseInterpolatePart1 ( float & currentTime , Vector & oldOrigin , QAngle & oldAngles , Vector & oldVel , int & bNoMoreChanges ) ;
void BaseInterpolatePart2 ( Vector & oldOrigin , QAngle & oldAngles , Vector & oldVel , int nChangeFlags ) ;
public :
// Accessors for above
2022-03-01 23:00:42 +03:00
static int GetPredictionRandomSeed ( void ) ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
static void SetPredictionRandomSeed ( const CUserCmd * cmd ) ;
static C_BasePlayer * GetPredictionPlayer ( void ) ;
static void SetPredictionPlayer ( C_BasePlayer * player ) ;
static void CheckCLInterpChanged ( ) ;
// Collision group accessors
int GetCollisionGroup ( ) const ;
void SetCollisionGroup ( int collisionGroup ) ;
void CollisionRulesChanged ( ) ;
static C_BaseEntity * Instance ( int iEnt ) ;
// Doesn't do much, but helps with trace results
static C_BaseEntity * Instance ( IClientEntity * ent ) ;
static C_BaseEntity * Instance ( CBaseHandle hEnt ) ;
// For debugging shared code
static bool IsServer ( void ) ;
static bool IsClient ( void ) ;
static char const * GetDLLType ( void ) ;
static void SetAbsQueriesValid ( bool bValid ) ;
static bool IsAbsQueriesValid ( void ) ;
// Enable/disable abs recomputations on a stack.
static void PushEnableAbsRecomputations ( bool bEnable ) ;
static void PopEnableAbsRecomputations ( ) ;
// This requires the abs recomputation stack to be empty and just sets the global state.
// It should only be used at the scope of the frame loop.
static void EnableAbsRecomputations ( bool bEnable ) ;
static bool IsAbsRecomputationsEnabled ( void ) ;
// Bloat the culling bbox past the parent ent's bbox in local space if EF_BONEMERGE_FASTCULL is set.
virtual void BoneMergeFastCullBloat ( Vector & localMins , Vector & localMaxs , const Vector & thisEntityMins , const Vector & thisEntityMaxs ) const ;
// Accessors for color.
const color32 GetRenderColor ( ) const ;
void SetRenderColor ( byte r , byte g , byte b ) ;
void SetRenderColor ( byte r , byte g , byte b , byte a ) ;
void SetRenderColorR ( byte r ) ;
void SetRenderColorG ( byte g ) ;
void SetRenderColorB ( byte b ) ;
void SetRenderColorA ( byte a ) ;
void SetRenderMode ( RenderMode_t nRenderMode , bool bForceUpdate = false ) ;
RenderMode_t GetRenderMode ( ) const ;
public :
// Determine what entity this corresponds to
int index ;
// Render information
unsigned char m_nRenderFX ;
unsigned char m_nRenderFXBlend ;
// Entity flags that are only for the client (ENTCLIENTFLAG_ defines).
unsigned short m_EntClientFlags ;
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bool m_bUseIks ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
CNetworkColor32 ( m_clrRender ) ;
private :
// Model for rendering
const model_t * model ;
public :
// Time animation sequence or frame was last changed
float m_flAnimTime ;
float m_flOldAnimTime ;
2024-01-27 22:11:01 +01:00
float m_flInterpolatedAnimTime ;
CInterpolatedVar < float > m_iv_flAnimTime ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
float m_flSimulationTime ;
float m_flOldSimulationTime ;
2024-01-25 13:27:03 +01:00
float m_flInterpolatedSimulationTime ;
CInterpolatedVar < float > m_iv_flSimulationTime ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
float m_flCreateTime ;
byte m_ubInterpolationFrame ;
byte m_ubOldInterpolationFrame ;
private :
// Effects to apply
int m_fEffects ;
unsigned char m_nRenderMode ;
unsigned char m_nOldRenderMode ;
public :
// Used to store the state we were added to the BSP as, so it can
// reinsert the entity if the state changes.
ClientRenderHandle_t m_hRender ; // link into spatial partition
// Interpolation says don't draw yet
bool m_bReadyToDraw ;
// Should we be interpolating?
static bool IsInterpolationEnabled ( ) ;
// Should we interpolate this tick? (Used to be EF_NOINTERP)
bool IsNoInterpolationFrame ( ) ;
int m_nNextThinkTick ;
int m_nLastThinkTick ;
// Object model index
short m_nModelIndex ;
int m_nModelIndexOverrides [ MAX_VISION_MODES ] ;
# endif
char m_takedamage ;
char m_lifeState ;
int m_iHealth ;
// was pev->speed
float m_flSpeed ;
// Team Handling
int m_iTeamNum ;
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
// Certain entities (projectiles) can be created on the client
CPredictableId m_PredictableID ;
PredictionContext * m_pPredictionContext ;
# endif
// used so we know when things are no longer touching
int touchStamp ;
// Called after predicted entity has been acknowledged so that no longer needed entity can
// be deleted
// Return true to force deletion right now, regardless of isbeingremoved
virtual bool OnPredictedEntityRemove ( bool isbeingremoved , C_BaseEntity * predicted ) ;
bool IsDormantPredictable ( void ) const ;
bool BecameDormantThisPacket ( void ) const ;
void SetDormantPredictable ( bool dormant ) ;
2024-07-13 19:18:03 +02:00
// TODO_ENHANCED: make trigger predictables.
virtual void GetGroundVelocityToApply ( Vector & vecGroundVel ) { vecGroundVel = GetBaseVelocity ( ) ; }
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
int GetWaterLevel ( ) const ;
void SetWaterLevel ( int nLevel ) ;
int GetWaterType ( ) const ;
void SetWaterType ( int nType ) ;
float GetElasticity ( void ) const ;
int GetTextureFrameIndex ( void ) ;
void SetTextureFrameIndex ( int iIndex ) ;
virtual bool GetShadowCastDistance ( float * pDist , ShadowType_t shadowType ) const ;
virtual bool GetShadowCastDirection ( Vector * pDirection , ShadowType_t shadowType ) const ;
virtual C_BaseEntity * GetShadowUseOtherEntity ( void ) const ;
virtual void SetShadowUseOtherEntity ( C_BaseEntity * pEntity ) ;
CInterpolatedVar < QAngle > & GetRotationInterpolator ( ) ;
CInterpolatedVar < Vector > & GetOriginInterpolator ( ) ;
virtual bool AddRagdollToFadeQueue ( void ) { return true ; }
// Dirty bits
void MarkRenderHandleDirty ( ) ;
// used by SourceTV since move-parents may be missing when child spawns.
void HierarchyUpdateMoveParent ( ) ;
virtual bool IsDeflectable ( ) { return false ; }
protected :
int m_nFXComputeFrame ;
// FIXME: Should I move the functions handling these out of C_ClientEntity
// and into C_BaseEntity? Then we could make these private.
// Client handle
CBaseHandle m_RefEHandle ; // Reference ehandle. Used to generate ehandles off this entity.
private :
// Set by tools if this entity should route "info" to various tools listening to HTOOLENTITIES
bool m_bEnabledInToolView ;
bool m_bToolRecording ;
HTOOLHANDLE m_ToolHandle ;
int m_nLastRecordedFrame ;
bool m_bRecordInTools ; // should this entity be recorded in the tools (we exclude some things like models for menus)
# endif
protected :
// pointer to the entity's physics object (vphysics.dll)
IPhysicsObject * m_pPhysicsObject ;
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
bool m_bPredictionEligible ;
# endif
int m_nSimulationTick ;
// Think contexts
int GetIndexForThinkContext ( const char * pszContext ) ;
CUtlVector < thinkfunc_t > m_aThinkFunctions ;
int m_iCurrentThinkContext ;
// Object eye position
Vector m_vecViewOffset ;
# if defined(SIXENSE)
Vector m_vecEyeOffset ;
QAngle m_EyeAngleOffset ;
# endif
// Allow studio models to tell us what their m_nBody value is
virtual int GetStudioBody ( void ) { return 0 ; }
public :
// This can be used to setup the entity as a client-only entity. It gets an entity handle,
// a render handle, and is put into the spatial partition.
bool InitializeAsClientEntityByIndex ( int iIndex , RenderGroup_t renderGroup ) ;
private :
friend void OnRenderStart ( ) ;
// Figure out the smoothly interpolated origin for all server entities. Happens right before
// letting all entities simulate.
static void InterpolateServerEntities ( ) ;
// Check which entities want to be drawn and add them to the leaf system.
static void AddVisibleEntities ( ) ;
// For entities marked for recording, post bone messages to IToolSystems
static void ToolRecordEntities ( ) ;
// Computes the base velocity
void UpdateBaseVelocity ( void ) ;
// Physics-related private methods
void PhysicsPusher ( void ) ;
void PhysicsNone ( void ) ;
void PhysicsNoclip ( void ) ;
void PhysicsParent ( void ) ;
void PhysicsStepRunTimestep ( float timestep ) ;
void PhysicsToss ( void ) ;
void PhysicsCustom ( void ) ;
// Simulation in local space of rigid children
void PhysicsRigidChild ( void ) ;
// Computes absolute position based on hierarchy
void CalcAbsolutePosition ( ) ;
void CalcAbsoluteVelocity ( ) ;
// Computes new angles based on the angular velocity
void SimulateAngles ( float flFrameTime ) ;
// Implement this if you use MOVETYPE_CUSTOM
virtual void PerformCustomPhysics ( Vector * pNewPosition , Vector * pNewVelocity , QAngle * pNewAngles , QAngle * pNewAngVelocity ) ;
// methods related to decal adding
void AddStudioDecal ( const Ray_t & ray , int hitbox , int decalIndex , bool doTrace , trace_t & tr , int maxLODToDecal = ADDDECAL_TO_ALL_LODS ) ;
void AddColoredStudioDecal ( const Ray_t & ray , int hitbox , int decalIndex , bool doTrace , trace_t & tr , Color cColor , int maxLODToDecal ) ;
void AddBrushModelDecal ( const Ray_t & ray , const Vector & decalCenter , int decalIndex , bool doTrace , trace_t & tr ) ;
void ComputePackedOffsets ( void ) ;
int ComputePackedSize_R ( datamap_t * map ) ;
int GetIntermediateDataSize ( void ) ;
void UnlinkChild ( C_BaseEntity * pParent , C_BaseEntity * pChild ) ;
void LinkChild ( C_BaseEntity * pParent , C_BaseEntity * pChild ) ;
void HierarchySetParent ( C_BaseEntity * pNewParent ) ;
void UnlinkFromHierarchy ( ) ;
// Computes the water level + type
void UpdateWaterState ( ) ;
// Checks a sweep without actually performing the move
void PhysicsCheckSweep ( const Vector & vecAbsStart , const Vector & vecAbsDelta , trace_t * pTrace ) ;
void MoveToAimEnt ( ) ;
// Sets/Gets the next think based on context index
void SetNextThink ( int nContextIndex , float thinkTime ) ;
void SetLastThink ( int nContextIndex , float thinkTime ) ;
float GetNextThink ( int nContextIndex ) const ;
int GetNextThinkTick ( int nContextIndex ) const ;
// Object velocity
Vector m_vecVelocity ;
CInterpolatedVar < Vector > m_iv_vecVelocity ;
Vector m_vecAbsVelocity ;
// was pev->avelocity
QAngle m_vecAngVelocity ;
// QAngle m_vecAbsAngVelocity;
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
// It's still in the list for "fixup purposes" and simulation, but don't try to render it any more...
bool m_bDormantPredictable ;
// So we can clean it up
int m_nIncomingPacketEntityBecameDormant ;
# endif
// The spawn time of the entity
float m_flSpawnTime ;
// Timestamp of message arrival
float m_flLastMessageTime ;
// Base velocity
Vector m_vecBaseVelocity ;
// Gravity multiplier
float m_flGravity ;
// Model instance data..
ModelInstanceHandle_t m_ModelInstance ;
// Shadow data
ClientShadowHandle_t m_ShadowHandle ;
// A random value used by material proxies for each model instance.
float m_flProxyRandomValue ;
ClientThinkHandle_t m_hThink ;
int m_iEFlags ; // entity flags EFL_*
// Object movetype
unsigned char m_MoveType ;
unsigned char m_MoveCollide ;
unsigned char m_iParentAttachment ; // 0 if we're relative to the parent's absorigin and absangles.
unsigned char m_iOldParentAttachment ;
unsigned char m_nWaterLevel ;
unsigned char m_nWaterType ;
// For client/server entities, true if the entity goes outside the PVS.
// Unused for client only entities.
bool m_bDormant ;
// Prediction system
bool m_bPredictable ;
// Hierarchy
CHandle < C_BaseEntity > m_pMoveParent ;
CHandle < C_BaseEntity > m_pMoveChild ;
CHandle < C_BaseEntity > m_pMovePeer ;
CHandle < C_BaseEntity > m_pMovePrevPeer ;
// The moveparent received from networking data
CHandle < C_BaseEntity > m_hNetworkMoveParent ;
CHandle < C_BaseEntity > m_hOldMoveParent ;
string_t m_ModelName ;
CNetworkVarEmbedded ( CCollisionProperty , m_Collision ) ;
CNetworkVarEmbedded ( CParticleProperty , m_Particles ) ;
// Physics state
float m_flElasticity ;
float m_flShadowCastDistance ;
EHANDLE m_ShadowDirUseOtherEntity ;
EHANDLE m_hGroundEntity ;
float m_flGroundChangeTime ;
// Friction.
float m_flFriction ;
Vector m_vecAbsOrigin ;
// Object orientation
QAngle m_angAbsRotation ;
Vector m_vecOldOrigin ;
QAngle m_vecOldAngRotation ;
Vector m_vecOrigin ;
CInterpolatedVar < Vector > m_iv_vecOrigin ;
QAngle m_angRotation ;
CInterpolatedVar < QAngle > m_iv_angRotation ;
// Specifies the entity-to-world transform
matrix3x4_t m_rgflCoordinateFrame ;
// Last values to come over the wire. Used for interpolation.
Vector m_vecNetworkOrigin ;
QAngle m_angNetworkAngles ;
// Behavior flags
int m_fFlags ;
// used to cull collision tests
int m_CollisionGroup ;
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
// For storing prediction results and pristine network state
byte * m_pIntermediateData [ MULTIPLAYER_BACKUP ] ;
byte * m_pOriginalData ;
int m_nIntermediateDataCount ;
bool m_bIsPlayerSimulated ;
# endif
CNetworkVar ( bool , m_bSimulatedEveryTick ) ;
CNetworkVar ( bool , m_bAnimatedEveryTick ) ;
CNetworkVar ( bool , m_bAlternateSorting ) ;
unsigned char m_iTextureFrameIndex ;
// Bbox visualization
unsigned char m_fBBoxVisFlags ;
// The list that holds OnDataChanged events uses this to make sure we don't get multiple
// OnDataChanged calls in the same frame if the client receives multiple packets.
int m_DataChangeEventRef ;
# if !defined( NO_ENTITY_PREDICTION )
// Player who is driving my simulation
CHandle < CBasePlayer > m_hPlayerSimulationOwner ;
# endif
// The owner!
EHANDLE m_hOwnerEntity ;
EHANDLE m_hEffectEntity ;
// This is a random seed used by the networking code to allow client - side prediction code
// randon number generators to spit out the same random numbers on both sides for a particular
// usercmd input.
static int m_nPredictionRandomSeed ;
static C_BasePlayer * m_pPredictionPlayer ;
static bool s_bAbsQueriesValid ;
static bool s_bAbsRecomputationEnabled ;
static bool s_bInterpolate ;
int m_fDataObjectTypes ;
AimEntsListHandle_t m_AimEntsListHandle ;
int m_nCreationTick ;
public :
float m_fRenderingClipPlane [ 4 ] ; //world space clip plane when drawing
bool m_bEnableRenderingClipPlane ; //true to use the custom clip plane when drawing
float * GetRenderClipPlane ( void ) ; // Rendering clip plane, should be 4 floats, return value of NULL indicates a disabled render clip plane
2024-08-23 00:37:28 +02:00
public : // CSSENHANCED
// interface function pts
void ( CBaseEntity : : * m_pfnMoveDone ) ( void ) ;
virtual void MoveDone ( void ) { if ( m_pfnMoveDone ) ( this - > * m_pfnMoveDone ) ( ) ; } ;
// handles an input (usually caused by outputs)
// returns true if the the value in the pass in should be set, false if the input is to be ignored
virtual bool AcceptInput ( const char * szInputName , CBaseEntity * pActivator , CBaseEntity * pCaller , variant_t Value , int outputID ) ;
void PhysicsTouchTriggers ( const Vector * pPrevAbsOrigin = NULL ) ;
float GetLocalTime ( void ) const ;
void IncrementLocalTime ( float flTimeDelta ) ;
// returns -1 for now as i dont think it's needed
float GetMoveDoneTime ( ) const ;
void SetMoveDoneTime ( float flTime ) ;
int GetSpawnFlags ( void ) const ;
void AddSpawnFlags ( int nFlags ) ;
void RemoveSpawnFlags ( int nFlags ) ;
void ClearSpawnFlags ( void ) ;
bool HasSpawnFlags ( int nFlags ) const ;
string_t GetEntityName ( ) ;
// Input handlers.
void InputAlternativeSorting ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
void InputAlpha ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
void InputColor ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
void InputSetParent ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
void SetParentAttachment ( const char * szInputName , const char * szAttachment , bool bMaintainOffset ) ;
void InputSetParentAttachment ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
void InputSetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
void InputClearParent ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
void InputSetTeam ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
void InputUse ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
void InputKill ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
void InputKillHierarchy ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
void InputSetDamageFilter ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
void InputDispatchEffect ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
void InputEnableDamageForces ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
void InputDisableDamageForces ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
void InputAddContext ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
void InputRemoveContext ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
void InputClearContext ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
void InputDispatchResponse ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
void InputDisableShadow ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
void InputEnableShadow ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
void InputAddOutput ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
void InputFireUser1 ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
void InputFireUser2 ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
void InputFireUser3 ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
void InputFireUser4 ( inputdata_t & inputdata ) ;
float m_flLocalTime ; // XYZ_TODO: Network this?
float m_flMoveDoneTime ;
int m_spawnflags ;
char m_iName [ MAX_PATH ] ;
// Damage filtering
string_t m_iszDamageFilterName ; // The name of the entity to use as our damage filter.
EHANDLE m_hDamageFilter ; // The entity that controls who can damage us.
// User outputs. Fired when the "FireInputX" input is triggered.
C_OutputEvent m_OnUser1 ;
C_OutputEvent m_OnUser2 ;
C_OutputEvent m_OnUser3 ;
C_OutputEvent m_OnUser4 ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
protected :
void AddToInterpolationList ( ) ;
void RemoveFromInterpolationList ( ) ;
unsigned short m_InterpolationListEntry ; // Entry into g_InterpolationList (or g_InterpolationList.InvalidIndex if not in the list).
void AddToTeleportList ( ) ;
void RemoveFromTeleportList ( ) ;
unsigned short m_TeleportListEntry ;
CThreadFastMutex m_CalcAbsolutePositionMutex ;
CThreadFastMutex m_CalcAbsoluteVelocityMutex ;
// TF prevents drawing of any entity attached to players that aren't items in the inventory of the player.
// This is to prevent servers creating fake cosmetic items and attaching them to players.
public :
virtual bool ValidateEntityAttachedToPlayer ( bool & bShouldRetry ) ;
bool EntityDeemedInvalid ( void ) { return ( m_bValidatedOwner & & m_bDeemedInvalid ) ; }
protected :
bool m_bValidatedOwner ;
bool m_bDeemedInvalid ;
bool m_bWasDeemedInvalid ;
RenderMode_t m_PreviousRenderMode ;
color32 m_PreviousRenderColor ;
# endif
} ;
inline bool FClassnameIs ( C_BaseEntity * pEntity , const char * szClassname )
Assert ( pEntity ) ;
if ( pEntity = = NULL )
return false ;
return ! strcmp ( pEntity - > GetClassname ( ) , szClassname ) ? true : false ;
# define SetThink( a ) ThinkSet( static_cast <void (CBaseEntity::*)(void)> (a), 0, NULL )
# define SetContextThink( a, b, context ) ThinkSet( static_cast <void (CBaseEntity::*)(void)> (a), (b), context )
# ifdef _DEBUG
# define SetTouch( a ) TouchSet( static_cast <void (C_BaseEntity::*)(C_BaseEntity *)> (a), #a )
# else
# define SetTouch( a ) m_pfnTouch = static_cast <void (C_BaseEntity::*)(C_BaseEntity *)> (a)
# endif
// An inline version the game code can use
inline CCollisionProperty * C_BaseEntity : : CollisionProp ( )
return & m_Collision ;
inline const CCollisionProperty * C_BaseEntity : : CollisionProp ( ) const
return & m_Collision ;
// An inline version the game code can use
inline CParticleProperty * C_BaseEntity : : ParticleProp ( )
return & m_Particles ;
inline const CParticleProperty * C_BaseEntity : : ParticleProp ( ) const
return & m_Particles ;
// Purpose: Returns whether this entity was created on the client.
inline bool C_BaseEntity : : IsServerEntity ( void )
return index ! = - 1 ;
// Inline methods
inline matrix3x4_t & C_BaseEntity : : EntityToWorldTransform ( )
Assert ( s_bAbsQueriesValid ) ;
CalcAbsolutePosition ( ) ;
return m_rgflCoordinateFrame ;
inline const matrix3x4_t & C_BaseEntity : : EntityToWorldTransform ( ) const
Assert ( s_bAbsQueriesValid ) ;
const_cast < C_BaseEntity * > ( this ) - > CalcAbsolutePosition ( ) ;
return m_rgflCoordinateFrame ;
inline const Vector & C_BaseEntity : : GetNetworkOrigin ( ) const
return m_vecNetworkOrigin ;
inline const QAngle & C_BaseEntity : : GetNetworkAngles ( ) const
return m_angNetworkAngles ;
inline const model_t * C_BaseEntity : : GetModel ( void ) const
return model ;
inline int C_BaseEntity : : GetModelIndex ( void ) const
return m_nModelIndex ;
// Some helper methods that transform a point from entity space to world space + back
inline void C_BaseEntity : : EntityToWorldSpace ( const Vector & in , Vector * pOut ) const
if ( GetAbsAngles ( ) = = vec3_angle )
VectorAdd ( in , GetAbsOrigin ( ) , * pOut ) ;
VectorTransform ( in , EntityToWorldTransform ( ) , * pOut ) ;
inline void C_BaseEntity : : WorldToEntitySpace ( const Vector & in , Vector * pOut ) const
if ( GetAbsAngles ( ) = = vec3_angle )
VectorSubtract ( in , GetAbsOrigin ( ) , * pOut ) ;
VectorITransform ( in , EntityToWorldTransform ( ) , * pOut ) ;
inline const Vector & C_BaseEntity : : GetAbsVelocity ( ) const
Assert ( s_bAbsQueriesValid ) ;
const_cast < C_BaseEntity * > ( this ) - > CalcAbsoluteVelocity ( ) ;
return m_vecAbsVelocity ;
inline C_BaseEntity * C_BaseEntity : : Instance ( IClientEntity * ent )
return ent ? ent - > GetBaseEntity ( ) : NULL ;
// For debugging shared code
inline bool C_BaseEntity : : IsServer ( void )
return false ;
inline bool C_BaseEntity : : IsClient ( void )
return true ;
inline const char * C_BaseEntity : : GetDLLType ( void )
return " client " ;
// Methods relating to solid type + flags
inline void C_BaseEntity : : SetSolidFlags ( int nFlags )
CollisionProp ( ) - > SetSolidFlags ( nFlags ) ;
inline bool C_BaseEntity : : IsSolidFlagSet ( int flagMask ) const
return CollisionProp ( ) - > IsSolidFlagSet ( flagMask ) ;
inline int C_BaseEntity : : GetSolidFlags ( void ) const
return CollisionProp ( ) - > GetSolidFlags ( ) ;
inline void C_BaseEntity : : AddSolidFlags ( int nFlags )
CollisionProp ( ) - > AddSolidFlags ( nFlags ) ;
inline void C_BaseEntity : : RemoveSolidFlags ( int nFlags )
CollisionProp ( ) - > RemoveSolidFlags ( nFlags ) ;
inline bool C_BaseEntity : : IsSolid ( ) const
return CollisionProp ( ) - > IsSolid ( ) ;
inline void C_BaseEntity : : SetSolid ( SolidType_t val )
CollisionProp ( ) - > SetSolid ( val ) ;
inline SolidType_t C_BaseEntity : : GetSolid ( ) const
return CollisionProp ( ) - > GetSolid ( ) ;
inline void C_BaseEntity : : SetCollisionBounds ( const Vector & mins , const Vector & maxs )
CollisionProp ( ) - > SetCollisionBounds ( mins , maxs ) ;
// Methods relating to bounds
inline const Vector & C_BaseEntity : : WorldAlignMins ( ) const
Assert ( ! CollisionProp ( ) - > IsBoundsDefinedInEntitySpace ( ) ) ;
Assert ( CollisionProp ( ) - > GetCollisionAngles ( ) = = vec3_angle ) ;
return CollisionProp ( ) - > OBBMins ( ) ;
inline const Vector & C_BaseEntity : : WorldAlignMaxs ( ) const
Assert ( ! CollisionProp ( ) - > IsBoundsDefinedInEntitySpace ( ) ) ;
Assert ( CollisionProp ( ) - > GetCollisionAngles ( ) = = vec3_angle ) ;
return CollisionProp ( ) - > OBBMaxs ( ) ;
inline const Vector & C_BaseEntity : : WorldAlignSize ( ) const
Assert ( ! CollisionProp ( ) - > IsBoundsDefinedInEntitySpace ( ) ) ;
Assert ( CollisionProp ( ) - > GetCollisionAngles ( ) = = vec3_angle ) ;
return CollisionProp ( ) - > OBBSize ( ) ;
inline float CBaseEntity : : BoundingRadius ( ) const
return CollisionProp ( ) - > BoundingRadius ( ) ;
inline bool CBaseEntity : : IsPointSized ( ) const
return CollisionProp ( ) - > BoundingRadius ( ) = = 0.0f ;
// Methods relating to traversing hierarchy
inline C_BaseEntity * C_BaseEntity : : GetMoveParent ( void ) const
return m_pMoveParent ;
inline C_BaseEntity * C_BaseEntity : : FirstMoveChild ( void ) const
return m_pMoveChild ;
inline C_BaseEntity * C_BaseEntity : : NextMovePeer ( void ) const
return m_pMovePeer ;
// Velocity
inline const Vector & C_BaseEntity : : GetLocalVelocity ( ) const
return m_vecVelocity ;
inline const QAngle & C_BaseEntity : : GetLocalAngularVelocity ( ) const
return m_vecAngVelocity ;
inline const Vector & C_BaseEntity : : GetBaseVelocity ( ) const
return m_vecBaseVelocity ;
inline void C_BaseEntity : : SetBaseVelocity ( const Vector & v )
m_vecBaseVelocity = v ;
inline void C_BaseEntity : : SetFriction ( float flFriction )
m_flFriction = flFriction ;
inline void C_BaseEntity : : SetGravity ( float flGravity )
m_flGravity = flGravity ;
inline float C_BaseEntity : : GetGravity ( void ) const
return m_flGravity ;
inline int C_BaseEntity : : GetWaterLevel ( ) const
return m_nWaterLevel ;
inline void C_BaseEntity : : SetWaterLevel ( int nLevel )
m_nWaterLevel = nLevel ;
inline float C_BaseEntity : : GetElasticity ( void ) const
return m_flElasticity ;
inline const color32 CBaseEntity : : GetRenderColor ( ) const
return m_clrRender . Get ( ) ;
inline void C_BaseEntity : : SetRenderColor ( byte r , byte g , byte b )
color32 clr = { r , g , b , m_clrRender - > a } ;
m_clrRender = clr ;
inline void C_BaseEntity : : SetRenderColor ( byte r , byte g , byte b , byte a )
color32 clr = { r , g , b , a } ;
m_clrRender = clr ;
inline void C_BaseEntity : : SetRenderColorR ( byte r )
SetRenderColor ( r , GetRenderColor ( ) . g , GetRenderColor ( ) . b ) ;
inline void C_BaseEntity : : SetRenderColorG ( byte g )
SetRenderColor ( GetRenderColor ( ) . r , g , GetRenderColor ( ) . b ) ;
inline void C_BaseEntity : : SetRenderColorB ( byte b )
SetRenderColor ( GetRenderColor ( ) . r , GetRenderColor ( ) . g , b ) ;
inline void C_BaseEntity : : SetRenderColorA ( byte a )
SetRenderColor ( GetRenderColor ( ) . r , GetRenderColor ( ) . g , GetRenderColor ( ) . b , a ) ;
inline RenderMode_t CBaseEntity : : GetRenderMode ( ) const
return ( RenderMode_t ) m_nRenderMode ;
// checks to see if the entity is marked for deletion
inline bool C_BaseEntity : : IsMarkedForDeletion ( void )
return ( m_iEFlags & EFL_KILLME ) ;
inline void C_BaseEntity : : AddEFlags ( int nEFlagMask )
m_iEFlags | = nEFlagMask ;
inline void C_BaseEntity : : RemoveEFlags ( int nEFlagMask )
m_iEFlags & = ~ nEFlagMask ;
inline bool CBaseEntity : : IsEFlagSet ( int nEFlagMask ) const
return ( m_iEFlags & nEFlagMask ) ! = 0 ;
inline unsigned char CBaseEntity : : GetParentAttachment ( ) const
return m_iParentAttachment ;
inline ClientRenderHandle_t CBaseEntity : : GetRenderHandle ( ) const
return m_hRender ;
inline ClientRenderHandle_t & CBaseEntity : : RenderHandle ( )
return m_hRender ;
# ifdef SIXENSE
inline const Vector & CBaseEntity : : GetEyeOffset ( ) const
return m_vecEyeOffset ;
inline void CBaseEntity : : SetEyeOffset ( const Vector & v )
m_vecEyeOffset = v ;
inline const QAngle & CBaseEntity : : GetEyeAngleOffset ( ) const
return m_EyeAngleOffset ;
inline void CBaseEntity : : SetEyeAngleOffset ( const QAngle & qa )
m_EyeAngleOffset = qa ;
# endif
// Methods to cast away const
inline Vector C_BaseEntity : : EyePosition ( void ) const
return const_cast < C_BaseEntity * > ( this ) - > EyePosition ( ) ;
inline const QAngle & C_BaseEntity : : EyeAngles ( void ) const // Direction of eyes in world space
return const_cast < C_BaseEntity * > ( this ) - > EyeAngles ( ) ;
inline const QAngle & C_BaseEntity : : LocalEyeAngles ( void ) const // Direction of eyes
return const_cast < C_BaseEntity * > ( this ) - > LocalEyeAngles ( ) ;
inline Vector C_BaseEntity : : EarPosition ( void ) const // position of ears
return const_cast < C_BaseEntity * > ( this ) - > EarPosition ( ) ;
inline VarMapping_t * C_BaseEntity : : GetVarMapping ( )
return & m_VarMap ;
// Should we be interpolating?
inline bool C_BaseEntity : : IsInterpolationEnabled ( )
return s_bInterpolate ;
// Should we be interpolating during this frame? (was EF_NOINTERP)
inline bool C_BaseEntity : : IsNoInterpolationFrame ( )
return m_ubOldInterpolationFrame ! = m_ubInterpolationFrame ;
// Purpose:
// Input : handle -
// Output : inline void
inline void C_BaseEntity : : SetToolHandle ( HTOOLHANDLE handle )
m_ToolHandle = handle ;
# endif
// Purpose:
// Input : -
// Output : inline HTOOLHANDLE
inline HTOOLHANDLE C_BaseEntity : : GetToolHandle ( ) const
return m_ToolHandle ;
# else
return ( HTOOLHANDLE ) 0 ;
# endif
inline bool C_BaseEntity : : IsEnabledInToolView ( ) const
return m_bEnabledInToolView ;
# else
return false ;
# endif
// Purpose:
// Input : -
// Output : inline bool
inline bool C_BaseEntity : : ShouldRecordInTools ( ) const
return m_bRecordInTools ;
# else
return true ;
# endif
2024-08-23 00:37:28 +02:00
inline float C_BaseEntity : : GetLocalTime ( void ) const
return m_flLocalTime ;
inline void C_BaseEntity : : IncrementLocalTime ( float flTimeDelta )
m_flLocalTime + = flTimeDelta ;
inline float C_BaseEntity : : GetMoveDoneTime ( ) const
return ( m_flMoveDoneTime > = 0 ) ? m_flMoveDoneTime - GetLocalTime ( ) : - 1 ;
inline int C_BaseEntity : : GetSpawnFlags ( void ) const
return m_spawnflags ;
inline void C_BaseEntity : : AddSpawnFlags ( int nFlags )
m_spawnflags | = nFlags ;
inline void C_BaseEntity : : RemoveSpawnFlags ( int nFlags )
m_spawnflags & = ~ nFlags ;
inline void C_BaseEntity : : ClearSpawnFlags ( void )
m_spawnflags = 0 ;
inline bool C_BaseEntity : : HasSpawnFlags ( int nFlags ) const
return ( m_spawnflags & nFlags ) ! = 0 ;
inline string_t C_BaseEntity : : GetEntityName ( )
return m_iName ;
2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
C_BaseEntity * CreateEntityByName ( const char * className ) ;
# endif // C_BASEENTITY_H