
354 lines
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2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
// Base Settings for Source(TM) Projects
$IgnoreRedundancyWarning "ON"
// Disable frame pointer omission to allow fast stack walking, necessary for
// good ETW profiling.
$Conditional NOFPO "1"
$MacroRequired "SRCDIR"
$MacroRequired "OUTBINNAME"
$MacroRequired "OUTBINDIR"
$MacroRequired "LIBPUBLIC"
$MacroRequired "LIBCOMMON"
$MacroRequired "PLATSUBDIR"
$MacroRequiredAllowEmpty "GAMENAME"
$MacroRequiredAllowEmpty "INTERMEDIATESUBDIR"
$MacroRequiredAllowEmpty "_UNITYSUBDIR"
$MacroRequiredAllowEmpty "_STATICSUBDIR"
$Configuration "Release"
// General
$OutputDirectory ".\Release$_SUBDIRSUFFIX" [!$RETAIL && !$PROFILE]
$IntermediateDirectory ".\Release$_SUBDIRSUFFIX" [!$RETAIL && !$PROFILE]
$OutputDirectory ".\Retail$_SUBDIRSUFFIX" [$RETAIL]
$IntermediateDirectory ".\Retail$_SUBDIRSUFFIX" [$RETAIL]
$OutputDirectory ".\Profile$_SUBDIRSUFFIX" [!$RETAIL && $PROFILE]
$IntermediateDirectory ".\Profile$_SUBDIRSUFFIX" [!$RETAIL && $PROFILE]
// Project Defaults
$ConfigurationType "Application (.exe)"
$CharacterSet "Use Multi-Byte Character Set"
$WholeProgramOptimization "Use Link Time Code Generation" [$LTCG]
// Action
// General
$AdditionalIncludeDirectories "$SRCDIR\common;$SRCDIR\public;$SRCDIR\public\tier0;$SRCDIR\public\tier1"
$DebugInformationFormat "Program Database (/Zi)"
$WarningLevel "Level 4 (/W4)"
// Optimization
$Optimization "Maximize Speed (/O2)"
$InlineFunctionExpansion "Any Suitable (/Ob2)"
$EnableIntrinsicFunctions "Yes (/Oi)"
$FavorSizeOrSpeed "Favor Fast Code (/Ot)"
// Preprocessor
// Code Generation
$EnableStringPooling "Yes (/GF)"
$EnableC++Exceptions "No"
$RuntimeLibrary "Multi-threaded (/MT)"
$BufferSecurityCheck "No" [$RETAIL]
$BufferSecurityCheck "Yes" [!$RETAIL]
$EnableFunctionLevelLinking "Yes (/Gy)"
$FloatingPointModel "Fast (/fp:fast)"
// Language
$DefaultCharUnsigned "No"
$TreatWCHAR_TAsBuiltInType "Yes (/Zc:wchar_t)"
$ForceConformanceInForLoopScope "Yes (/Zc:forScope)"
$EnableRunTimeTypeInfo "Yes (/GR)"
$OpenMPSupport "No"
// Precompiled Headers
$Create/UsePrecompiledHeader "Not Using Precompiled Headers"
// Output Files
$ExpandAttributedSource "No"
$AssemblerOutput "No Listing"
$ASMListLocation "$(IntDir)/"
$ObjectFileName "$(IntDir)/"
$ProgramDatabaseFileName "$(IntDir)/"
// Browse Information
$EnableBrowseInformation "None"
$BrowseFile "$(IntDir)/"
// Advanced
$CompileAs "Compile as C++ Code (/TP)"
$UseFullPaths "Yes (/FC)"
$ErrorReporting "Prompt Immediately (/errorReport:prompt)"
// Enable extra debugging information. This switch requires VS 2013 Update 3.
// With VS 2013 make sure that Edit-And-Continue is disabled in the debugger settings so that
// the debugger uses the enhanced debug information.
// http://randomascii.wordpress.com/2013/09/11/debugging-optimized-codenew-in-visual-studio-2012/
$AdditionalOptions "$BASE /Zo"
// Command Line
$AdditionalOptions "$BASE /Oy-" [$NOFPO]
// General
$OutputFile "$(OutDir)/$OUTBINNAME.exe"
$ShowProgress "Not Set"
$EnableIncrementalLinking "No (/INCREMENTAL:NO)"
$SuppressStartupBanner "Yes (/NOLOGO)"
$UseUNICODEResponseFiles "No"
// Input
$IgnoreSpecificLibrary "libc;libcd;libcmtd;libcpmtd;libcpmtd0;libcpmtd1"
// Manifest File
$GenerateManifest "Yes"
// Debugging
$GenerateDebugInfo "Yes (/DEBUG)"
$GenerateProgramDatabaseFile "$(IntDir)/$(TargetName).pdb"
// System
$SubSystem "Windows (/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS)"
// RandomizeBaseAddress (/DYNAMICBASE, /ASLR) is a hugely important security setting.
// However it can cause confusion during development and can make tracking down certain
// bugs tricky by making code/stack/heap addresses change between runs. Enable for retail,
// but disable for development builds.
$RandomizedBaseAddress "true" [$RETAIL]
$RandomizedBaseAddress "false" [!$RETAIL]
// Optimization
$References "Eliminate Unreferenced Data (/OPT:REF)"
// COMDAT folding can be very confusing when debugging and profiling because it can
// cause execution to go through nonsensical functions (that happen to be binary
// equivalent to the logical function). The performance benefit is small enough that
// it is not worth enabling in the development builds. It should be enabled on retail
// builds.
$EnableCOMDATFolding "Remove Redundant COMDATs (/OPT:ICF)" [$RETAIL]
$EnableCOMDATFolding "No (/OPT:NOICF)" [!$RETAIL]
// Embedded IDL
// Advanced
$ErrorReporting "Prompt Immediately (/ERRORREPORT:PROMPT)"
// Most DLLs cannot yet handle SafeSEH
$ImageHasSafeExceptionHandlers "false"
// Command Line
// General
$SuppressStartupBanner "Yes (/nologo)"
// Input And Output
$AdditionalManifestFiles "$SRCDIR\public\windows_default.manifest" [!$SOURCESDK]
// Isolated COM
// Advanced
// Command Line
// General
$SuppressStartupBanner "Yes (/nologo)"
$SuppressStartupBanner "Yes (/nologo)"
$OutputFile "$(OutDir)/$OUTBINNAME.bsc"
// General
$PreprocessorDefinitions "NDEBUG;_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE;_CRT_NONSTDC_NO_DEPRECATE;%(PreprocessorDefinitions)"
$Culture "English (United States) (0x409)"
// Command Line
$ExcludedFromBuild "No"
$ExcludedFromBuild "No"
$ExcludedFromBuild "No"
// General