
219 lines
5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
#include "cbase.h"
#include "c_walker_strider.h"
#include "beamdraw.h"
#include "clienteffectprecachesystem.h"
extern ConVar vehicle_free_pitch, vehicle_free_roll;
IMPLEMENT_CLIENTCLASS_DT( C_WalkerStrider, DT_WalkerStrider, CWalkerStrider )
RecvPropInt( RECVINFO( m_bCrouched ) )
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( walker_strider, C_WalkerStrider );
ConVar cl_brush_ropes( "cl_brush_ropes", "0" );
m_bCrouched = false;
for ( int i=0; i < STRIDER_NUM_ROPES; i++ )
if ( m_hRopes[i].Get() )
float sideDist = 90;
float downDist = -400;
#include "studio.h"
bool C_WalkerStrider::GetAttachment( int iAttachment, matrix3x4_t &attachmentToWorld )
// This is a TOTAL hack, but we don't have any nodes that work well at all for mounted guns.
CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = GetModelPtr( );
if ( !pStudioHdr || iAttachment < 1 || iAttachment > pStudioHdr->GetNumAttachments() )
return false;
Vector vLocalPos( 0, 0, 0 );
const mstudioattachment_t &pAttachment = pStudioHdr->pAttachment( iAttachment-1 );
if ( stricmp( pAttachment.pszName(), "build_point_left_gun" ) == 0 )
vLocalPos.y = sideDist;
else if ( stricmp( pAttachment.pszName(), "build_point_right_gun" ) == 0 )
vLocalPos.y = -sideDist;
else if ( stricmp( pAttachment.pszName(), "ThirdPersonCameraOrigin" ) == 0 )
// Ok, it's not one of our magical attachments. Use the regular attachment setup stuff.
return BaseClass::GetAttachment( iAttachment, attachmentToWorld );
if ( m_bCrouched )
vLocalPos.z += downDist;
// Now build the output matrix.
matrix3x4_t localMatrix;
SetIdentityMatrix( localMatrix );
PositionMatrix( vLocalPos, localMatrix );
ConcatTransforms( EntityToWorldTransform(), localMatrix, attachmentToWorld );
return true;
void C_WalkerStrider::ReceiveMessage( int classID, bf_read &msg )
if ( classID != GetClientClass()->m_ClassID )
// message is for subclass
BaseClass::ReceiveMessage( classID, msg );
Vector vHitPos;
msg.ReadBitVec3Coord( vHitPos );
CStriderBeamEffect eff;
eff.m_vHitPos = vHitPos;
eff.m_flStartTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
m_BeamEffects.AddToTail( eff );
float flTestSlack = 280;
float flTestSlack2 = 380;
void C_WalkerStrider::OnDataChanged( DataUpdateType_t type )
BaseClass::OnDataChanged( type );
if ( type == DATA_UPDATE_CREATED )
if ( cl_brush_ropes.GetInt() )
// Create some ropes and hang them off certain attachments.
int indices[7] =
LookupAttachment( "kneeL" ),
LookupAttachment( "kneeR" ),
LookupAttachment( "kneeB" ),
LookupAttachment( "MiniGun" ),
LookupAttachment( "left foot" ),
LookupAttachment( "right foot" ),
LookupAttachment( "back foot" )
m_hRopes[0] = C_RopeKeyframe::Create( this, this, indices[0], indices[1] );
m_hRopes[1] = C_RopeKeyframe::Create( this, this, indices[0], indices[2] );
m_hRopes[2] = C_RopeKeyframe::Create( this, this, indices[1], indices[2] );
for ( int i=0; i < 3; i++ )
if ( m_hRopes[i].Get() )
m_hRopes[i]->SetSlack( flTestSlack );
m_hRopes[3] = C_RopeKeyframe::Create( this, this, indices[3], indices[4] );
m_hRopes[4] = C_RopeKeyframe::Create( this, this, indices[3], indices[5] );
m_hRopes[5] = C_RopeKeyframe::Create( this, this, indices[3], indices[6] );
for ( i=3; i < 6; i++ )
if ( m_hRopes[i].Get() )
m_hRopes[i]->SetSlack( flTestSlack2 );
void C_WalkerStrider::ClientThink()
// Retire beam effects.
int iNext;
for ( int i=m_BeamEffects.Head(); i != m_BeamEffects.InvalidIndex(); i=iNext )
iNext = m_BeamEffects.Next( i );
if ( gpGlobals->curtime >= (m_BeamEffects[i].m_flStartTime + STRIDER_BEAM_LIFETIME) )
m_BeamEffects.Remove( i );
int C_WalkerStrider::DrawModel( int flags )
BaseClass::DrawModel( flags );
IMaterial *pMaterial = materials->FindMaterial( STRIDER_BEAM_MATERIAL, TEXTURE_GROUP_CLIENT_EFFECTS );
Vector vGunPos;
QAngle vAngles;
BaseClass::GetAttachment( LookupAttachment( "BigGun" ), vGunPos, vAngles );
// Draw our beam effects.
FOR_EACH_LL( m_BeamEffects, i )
CStriderBeamEffect *pEff = &m_BeamEffects[i];
float flAlpha = (gpGlobals->curtime - pEff->m_flStartTime) / STRIDER_BEAM_LIFETIME;
flAlpha = 1.0 - clamp( flAlpha, 0, 1 );
CBeamSegDraw segDraw;
segDraw.Start( 2, pMaterial );
CBeamSeg seg;
seg.m_vColor.Init( 1, 0, 0 );
seg.m_flWidth = STRIDER_BEAM_WIDTH;
seg.m_flAlpha = flAlpha;
seg.m_flTexCoord = 0;
seg.m_vPos = vGunPos;
segDraw.NextSeg( &seg );
seg.m_flTexCoord = 1;
seg.m_vPos = pEff->m_vHitPos;
segDraw.NextSeg( &seg );
return 1;