
1286 lines
32 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "cbase.h"
#include "hl2mp_gamerules.h"
#include "viewport_panel_names.h"
#include "gameeventdefs.h"
#include <KeyValues.h>
#include "ammodef.h"
#include "c_hl2mp_player.h"
#include "eventqueue.h"
#include "player.h"
#include "gamerules.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "items.h"
#include "entitylist.h"
#include "mapentities.h"
#include "in_buttons.h"
#include <ctype.h>
#include "voice_gamemgr.h"
#include "iscorer.h"
#include "hl2mp_player.h"
#include "weapon_hl2mpbasehlmpcombatweapon.h"
#include "team.h"
#include "voice_gamemgr.h"
#include "hl2mp_gameinterface.h"
#include "hl2mp_cvars.h"
#ifdef DEBUG
#include "hl2mp_bot_temp.h"
extern void respawn(CBaseEntity *pEdict, bool fCopyCorpse);
extern bool FindInList( const char **pStrings, const char *pToFind );
ConVar sv_hl2mp_weapon_respawn_time( "sv_hl2mp_weapon_respawn_time", "20", FCVAR_GAMEDLL | FCVAR_NOTIFY );
ConVar sv_hl2mp_item_respawn_time( "sv_hl2mp_item_respawn_time", "30", FCVAR_GAMEDLL | FCVAR_NOTIFY );
ConVar sv_report_client_settings("sv_report_client_settings", "0", FCVAR_GAMEDLL | FCVAR_NOTIFY );
extern ConVar mp_chattime;
extern CBaseEntity *g_pLastCombineSpawn;
extern CBaseEntity *g_pLastRebelSpawn;
RecvPropBool( RECVINFO( m_bTeamPlayEnabled ) ),
SendPropBool( SENDINFO( m_bTeamPlayEnabled ) ),
LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( hl2mp_gamerules, CHL2MPGameRulesProxy );
static HL2MPViewVectors g_HL2MPViewVectors(
Vector( 0, 0, 64 ), //VEC_VIEW (m_vView)
Vector(-16, -16, 0 ), //VEC_HULL_MIN (m_vHullMin)
Vector( 16, 16, 72 ), //VEC_HULL_MAX (m_vHullMax)
Vector(-16, -16, 0 ), //VEC_DUCK_HULL_MIN (m_vDuckHullMin)
Vector( 16, 16, 36 ), //VEC_DUCK_HULL_MAX (m_vDuckHullMax)
Vector( 0, 0, 28 ), //VEC_DUCK_VIEW (m_vDuckView)
Vector(-10, -10, -10 ), //VEC_OBS_HULL_MIN (m_vObsHullMin)
Vector( 10, 10, 10 ), //VEC_OBS_HULL_MAX (m_vObsHullMax)
Vector( 0, 0, 14 ), //VEC_DEAD_VIEWHEIGHT (m_vDeadViewHeight)
Vector(-16, -16, 0 ), //VEC_CROUCH_TRACE_MIN (m_vCrouchTraceMin)
Vector( 16, 16, 60 ) //VEC_CROUCH_TRACE_MAX (m_vCrouchTraceMax)
static const char *s_PreserveEnts[] =
"", // END Marker
void RecvProxy_HL2MPRules( const RecvProp *pProp, void **pOut, void *pData, int objectID )
CHL2MPRules *pRules = HL2MPRules();
Assert( pRules );
*pOut = pRules;
BEGIN_RECV_TABLE( CHL2MPGameRulesProxy, DT_HL2MPGameRulesProxy )
RecvPropDataTable( "hl2mp_gamerules_data", 0, 0, &REFERENCE_RECV_TABLE( DT_HL2MPRules ), RecvProxy_HL2MPRules )
void* SendProxy_HL2MPRules( const SendProp *pProp, const void *pStructBase, const void *pData, CSendProxyRecipients *pRecipients, int objectID )
CHL2MPRules *pRules = HL2MPRules();
Assert( pRules );
return pRules;
BEGIN_SEND_TABLE( CHL2MPGameRulesProxy, DT_HL2MPGameRulesProxy )
SendPropDataTable( "hl2mp_gamerules_data", 0, &REFERENCE_SEND_TABLE( DT_HL2MPRules ), SendProxy_HL2MPRules )
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
class CVoiceGameMgrHelper : public IVoiceGameMgrHelper
virtual bool CanPlayerHearPlayer( CBasePlayer *pListener, CBasePlayer *pTalker, bool &bProximity )
return ( pListener->GetTeamNumber() == pTalker->GetTeamNumber() );
CVoiceGameMgrHelper g_VoiceGameMgrHelper;
IVoiceGameMgrHelper *g_pVoiceGameMgrHelper = &g_VoiceGameMgrHelper;
// NOTE: the indices here must match TEAM_TERRORIST, TEAM_CT, TEAM_SPECTATOR, etc.
char *sTeamNames[] =
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
// Create the team managers
for ( int i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE( sTeamNames ); i++ )
CTeam *pTeam = static_cast<CTeam*>(CreateEntityByName( "team_manager" ));
pTeam->Init( sTeamNames[i], i );
g_Teams.AddToTail( pTeam );
m_bTeamPlayEnabled = teamplay.GetBool();
m_flIntermissionEndTime = 0.0f;
m_flGameStartTime = 0;
m_tmNextPeriodicThink = 0;
m_flRestartGameTime = 0;
m_bCompleteReset = false;
m_bHeardAllPlayersReady = false;
m_bAwaitingReadyRestart = false;
m_bChangelevelDone = false;
const CViewVectors* CHL2MPRules::GetViewVectors()const
return &g_HL2MPViewVectors;
const HL2MPViewVectors* CHL2MPRules::GetHL2MPViewVectors()const
return &g_HL2MPViewVectors;
CHL2MPRules::~CHL2MPRules( void )
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
// Note, don't delete each team since they are in the gEntList and will
// automatically be deleted from there, instead.
void CHL2MPRules::CreateStandardEntities( void )
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
// Create the entity that will send our data to the client.
g_pLastCombineSpawn = NULL;
g_pLastRebelSpawn = NULL;
CBaseEntity *pEnt =
CBaseEntity::Create( "hl2mp_gamerules", vec3_origin, vec3_angle );
Assert( pEnt );
// FlWeaponRespawnTime - what is the time in the future
// at which this weapon may spawn?
float CHL2MPRules::FlWeaponRespawnTime( CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon )
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
if ( weaponstay.GetInt() > 0 )
// make sure it's only certain weapons
if ( !(pWeapon->GetWeaponFlags() & ITEM_FLAG_LIMITINWORLD) )
return 0; // weapon respawns almost instantly
return sv_hl2mp_weapon_respawn_time.GetFloat();
return 0; // weapon respawns almost instantly
bool CHL2MPRules::IsIntermission( void )
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
return m_flIntermissionEndTime > gpGlobals->curtime;
return false;
void CHL2MPRules::PlayerKilled( CBasePlayer *pVictim, const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
if ( IsIntermission() )
BaseClass::PlayerKilled( pVictim, info );
void CHL2MPRules::Think( void )
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
if ( g_fGameOver ) // someone else quit the game already
// check to see if we should change levels now
if ( m_flIntermissionEndTime < gpGlobals->curtime )
if ( !m_bChangelevelDone )
ChangeLevel(); // intermission is over
m_bChangelevelDone = true;
// float flTimeLimit = mp_timelimit.GetFloat() * 60;
float flFragLimit = fraglimit.GetFloat();
if ( GetMapRemainingTime() < 0 )
if ( flFragLimit )
if( IsTeamplay() == true )
CTeam *pCombine = g_Teams[TEAM_COMBINE];
CTeam *pRebels = g_Teams[TEAM_REBELS];
if ( pCombine->GetScore() >= flFragLimit || pRebels->GetScore() >= flFragLimit )
// check if any player is over the frag limit
for ( int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ )
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i );
if ( pPlayer && pPlayer->FragCount() >= flFragLimit )
if ( gpGlobals->curtime > m_tmNextPeriodicThink )
m_tmNextPeriodicThink = gpGlobals->curtime + 1.0;
if ( m_flRestartGameTime > 0.0f && m_flRestartGameTime <= gpGlobals->curtime )
if( m_bAwaitingReadyRestart && m_bHeardAllPlayersReady )
UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTCENTER, "All players ready. Game will restart in 5 seconds" );
UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "All players ready. Game will restart in 5 seconds" );
m_flRestartGameTime = gpGlobals->curtime + 5;
m_bAwaitingReadyRestart = false;
void CHL2MPRules::GoToIntermission( void )
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
if ( g_fGameOver )
g_fGameOver = true;
m_flIntermissionEndTime = gpGlobals->curtime + mp_chattime.GetInt();
for ( int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++ )
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i );
if ( !pPlayer )
pPlayer->ShowViewPortPanel( PANEL_SCOREBOARD );
pPlayer->AddFlag( FL_FROZEN );
bool CHL2MPRules::CheckGameOver()
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
if ( g_fGameOver ) // someone else quit the game already
// check to see if we should change levels now
if ( m_flIntermissionEndTime < gpGlobals->curtime )
ChangeLevel(); // intermission is over
return true;
return false;
// when we are within this close to running out of entities, items
// marked with the ITEM_FLAG_LIMITINWORLD will delay their respawn
// FlWeaponRespawnTime - Returns 0 if the weapon can respawn
// now, otherwise it returns the time at which it can try
// to spawn again.
float CHL2MPRules::FlWeaponTryRespawn( CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon )
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
if ( pWeapon && (pWeapon->GetWeaponFlags() & ITEM_FLAG_LIMITINWORLD) )
if ( gEntList.NumberOfEntities() < (gpGlobals->maxEntities - ENTITY_INTOLERANCE) )
return 0;
// we're past the entity tolerance level, so delay the respawn
return FlWeaponRespawnTime( pWeapon );
return 0;
// VecWeaponRespawnSpot - where should this weapon spawn?
// Some game variations may choose to randomize spawn locations
Vector CHL2MPRules::VecWeaponRespawnSpot( CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon )
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
CWeaponHL2MPBase *pHL2Weapon = dynamic_cast< CWeaponHL2MPBase*>( pWeapon );
if ( pHL2Weapon )
return pHL2Weapon->GetOriginalSpawnOrigin();
return pWeapon->GetAbsOrigin();
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
CItem* IsManagedObjectAnItem( CBaseEntity *pObject )
return dynamic_cast< CItem*>( pObject );
CWeaponHL2MPBase* IsManagedObjectAWeapon( CBaseEntity *pObject )
return dynamic_cast< CWeaponHL2MPBase*>( pObject );
bool GetObjectsOriginalParameters( CBaseEntity *pObject, Vector &vOriginalOrigin, QAngle &vOriginalAngles )
if ( CItem *pItem = IsManagedObjectAnItem( pObject ) )
if ( pItem->m_flNextResetCheckTime > gpGlobals->curtime )
return false;
vOriginalOrigin = pItem->GetOriginalSpawnOrigin();
vOriginalAngles = pItem->GetOriginalSpawnAngles();
pItem->m_flNextResetCheckTime = gpGlobals->curtime + sv_hl2mp_item_respawn_time.GetFloat();
return true;
else if ( CWeaponHL2MPBase *pWeapon = IsManagedObjectAWeapon( pObject ))
if ( pWeapon->m_flNextResetCheckTime > gpGlobals->curtime )
return false;
vOriginalOrigin = pWeapon->GetOriginalSpawnOrigin();
vOriginalAngles = pWeapon->GetOriginalSpawnAngles();
pWeapon->m_flNextResetCheckTime = gpGlobals->curtime + sv_hl2mp_weapon_respawn_time.GetFloat();
return true;
return false;
void CHL2MPRules::ManageObjectRelocation( void )
int iTotal = m_hRespawnableItemsAndWeapons.Count();
if ( iTotal > 0 )
for ( int i = 0; i < iTotal; i++ )
CBaseEntity *pObject = m_hRespawnableItemsAndWeapons[i].Get();
if ( pObject )
Vector vSpawOrigin;
QAngle vSpawnAngles;
if ( GetObjectsOriginalParameters( pObject, vSpawOrigin, vSpawnAngles ) == true )
float flDistanceFromSpawn = (pObject->GetAbsOrigin() - vSpawOrigin ).Length();
if ( flDistanceFromSpawn > WEAPON_MAX_DISTANCE_FROM_SPAWN )
bool shouldReset = false;
IPhysicsObject *pPhysics = pObject->VPhysicsGetObject();
if ( pPhysics )
shouldReset = pPhysics->IsAsleep();
shouldReset = (pObject->GetFlags() & FL_ONGROUND) ? true : false;
if ( shouldReset )
pObject->Teleport( &vSpawOrigin, &vSpawnAngles, NULL );
pObject->EmitSound( "AlyxEmp.Charge" );
IPhysicsObject *pPhys = pObject->VPhysicsGetObject();
if ( pPhys )
void CHL2MPRules::AddLevelDesignerPlacedObject( CBaseEntity *pEntity )
if ( m_hRespawnableItemsAndWeapons.Find( pEntity ) == -1 )
m_hRespawnableItemsAndWeapons.AddToTail( pEntity );
void CHL2MPRules::RemoveLevelDesignerPlacedObject( CBaseEntity *pEntity )
if ( m_hRespawnableItemsAndWeapons.Find( pEntity ) != -1 )
m_hRespawnableItemsAndWeapons.FindAndRemove( pEntity );
// Where should this item respawn?
// Some game variations may choose to randomize spawn locations
Vector CHL2MPRules::VecItemRespawnSpot( CItem *pItem )
return pItem->GetOriginalSpawnOrigin();
// What angles should this item use to respawn?
QAngle CHL2MPRules::VecItemRespawnAngles( CItem *pItem )
return pItem->GetOriginalSpawnAngles();
// At what time in the future may this Item respawn?
float CHL2MPRules::FlItemRespawnTime( CItem *pItem )
return sv_hl2mp_item_respawn_time.GetFloat();
// CanHaveWeapon - returns false if the player is not allowed
// to pick up this weapon
bool CHL2MPRules::CanHavePlayerItem( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CBaseCombatWeapon *pItem )
if ( weaponstay.GetInt() > 0 )
if ( pPlayer->Weapon_OwnsThisType( pItem->GetClassname(), pItem->GetSubType() ) )
return false;
return BaseClass::CanHavePlayerItem( pPlayer, pItem );
// WeaponShouldRespawn - any conditions inhibiting the
// respawning of this weapon?
int CHL2MPRules::WeaponShouldRespawn( CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon )
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
if ( pWeapon->HasSpawnFlags( SF_NORESPAWN ) )
// Purpose: Player has just left the game
void CHL2MPRules::ClientDisconnected( edict_t *pClient )
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
CBasePlayer *pPlayer = (CBasePlayer *)CBaseEntity::Instance( pClient );
if ( pPlayer )
// Remove the player from his team
if ( pPlayer->GetTeam() )
pPlayer->GetTeam()->RemovePlayer( pPlayer );
BaseClass::ClientDisconnected( pClient );
// Deathnotice.
void CHL2MPRules::DeathNotice( CBasePlayer *pVictim, const CTakeDamageInfo &info )
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
// Work out what killed the player, and send a message to all clients about it
const char *killer_weapon_name = "world"; // by default, the player is killed by the world
int killer_ID = 0;
// Find the killer & the scorer
CBaseEntity *pInflictor = info.GetInflictor();
CBaseEntity *pKiller = info.GetAttacker();
CBasePlayer *pScorer = GetDeathScorer( pKiller, pInflictor );
// Custom kill type?
if ( info.GetDamageCustom() )
killer_weapon_name = GetDamageCustomString( info );
if ( pScorer )
killer_ID = pScorer->GetUserID();
// Is the killer a client?
if ( pScorer )
killer_ID = pScorer->GetUserID();
if ( pInflictor )
if ( pInflictor == pScorer )
// If the inflictor is the killer, then it must be their current weapon doing the damage
if ( pScorer->GetActiveWeapon() )
killer_weapon_name = pScorer->GetActiveWeapon()->GetClassname();
killer_weapon_name = pInflictor->GetClassname(); // it's just that easy
killer_weapon_name = pInflictor->GetClassname();
// strip the NPC_* or weapon_* from the inflictor's classname
if ( strncmp( killer_weapon_name, "weapon_", 7 ) == 0 )
killer_weapon_name += 7;
else if ( strncmp( killer_weapon_name, "npc_", 4 ) == 0 )
killer_weapon_name += 4;
else if ( strncmp( killer_weapon_name, "func_", 5 ) == 0 )
killer_weapon_name += 5;
else if ( strstr( killer_weapon_name, "physics" ) )
killer_weapon_name = "physics";
if ( strstr( killer_weapon_name, "physbox" ) )
killer_weapon_name = "physics";
2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
if ( strcmp( killer_weapon_name, "prop_combine_ball" ) == 0 )
killer_weapon_name = "combine_ball";
else if ( strcmp( killer_weapon_name, "grenade_ar2" ) == 0 )
killer_weapon_name = "smg1_grenade";
else if ( strcmp( killer_weapon_name, "satchel" ) == 0 || strcmp( killer_weapon_name, "tripmine" ) == 0)
killer_weapon_name = "slam";
IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "player_death" );
if( event )
event->SetInt("userid", pVictim->GetUserID() );
event->SetInt("attacker", killer_ID );
event->SetString("weapon", killer_weapon_name );
event->SetInt( "priority", 7 );
gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event );
void CHL2MPRules::ClientSettingsChanged( CBasePlayer *pPlayer )
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
CHL2MP_Player *pHL2Player = ToHL2MPPlayer( pPlayer );
if ( pHL2Player == NULL )
const char *pCurrentModel = modelinfo->GetModelName( pPlayer->GetModel() );
const char *szModelName = engine->GetClientConVarValue( engine->IndexOfEdict( pPlayer->edict() ), "cl_playermodel" );
//If we're different.
if ( stricmp( szModelName, pCurrentModel ) )
//Too soon, set the cvar back to what it was.
//Note: this will make this function be called again
//but since our models will match it'll just skip this whole dealio.
if ( pHL2Player->GetNextModelChangeTime() >= gpGlobals->curtime )
char szReturnString[512];
Q_snprintf( szReturnString, sizeof (szReturnString ), "cl_playermodel %s\n", pCurrentModel );
engine->ClientCommand ( pHL2Player->edict(), szReturnString );
Q_snprintf( szReturnString, sizeof( szReturnString ), "Please wait %d more seconds before trying to switch.\n", (int)(pHL2Player->GetNextModelChangeTime() - gpGlobals->curtime) );
ClientPrint( pHL2Player, HUD_PRINTTALK, szReturnString );
if ( HL2MPRules()->IsTeamplay() == false )
const char *pszCurrentModelName = modelinfo->GetModelName( pHL2Player->GetModel() );
char szReturnString[128];
Q_snprintf( szReturnString, sizeof( szReturnString ), "Your player model is: %s\n", pszCurrentModelName );
ClientPrint( pHL2Player, HUD_PRINTTALK, szReturnString );
if ( Q_stristr( szModelName, "models/human") )
pHL2Player->ChangeTeam( TEAM_REBELS );
pHL2Player->ChangeTeam( TEAM_COMBINE );
if ( sv_report_client_settings.GetInt() == 1 )
UTIL_LogPrintf( "\"%s\" cl_cmdrate = \"%s\"\n", pHL2Player->GetPlayerName(), engine->GetClientConVarValue( pHL2Player->entindex(), "cl_cmdrate" ));
BaseClass::ClientSettingsChanged( pPlayer );
int CHL2MPRules::PlayerRelationship( CBaseEntity *pPlayer, CBaseEntity *pTarget )
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
// half life multiplay has a simple concept of Player Relationships.
// you are either on another player's team, or you are not.
if ( !pPlayer || !pTarget || !pTarget->IsPlayer() || IsTeamplay() == false )
if ( (*GetTeamID(pPlayer) != '\0') && (*GetTeamID(pTarget) != '\0') && !stricmp( GetTeamID(pPlayer), GetTeamID(pTarget) ) )
const char *CHL2MPRules::GetGameDescription( void )
if ( IsTeamplay() )
return "Team Deathmatch";
return "Deathmatch";
bool CHL2MPRules::IsConnectedUserInfoChangeAllowed( CBasePlayer *pPlayer )
return true;
float CHL2MPRules::GetMapRemainingTime()
// if timelimit is disabled, return 0
if ( mp_timelimit.GetInt() <= 0 )
return 0;
// timelimit is in minutes
float timeleft = (m_flGameStartTime + mp_timelimit.GetInt() * 60.0f ) - gpGlobals->curtime;
return timeleft;
// Purpose:
void CHL2MPRules::Precache( void )
CBaseEntity::PrecacheScriptSound( "AlyxEmp.Charge" );
bool CHL2MPRules::ShouldCollide( int collisionGroup0, int collisionGroup1 )
if ( collisionGroup0 > collisionGroup1 )
// swap so that lowest is always first
if ( (collisionGroup0 == COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER || collisionGroup0 == COLLISION_GROUP_PLAYER_MOVEMENT) &&
collisionGroup1 == COLLISION_GROUP_WEAPON )
return false;
return BaseClass::ShouldCollide( collisionGroup0, collisionGroup1 );
bool CHL2MPRules::ClientCommand( CBaseEntity *pEdict, const CCommand &args )
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
if( BaseClass::ClientCommand( pEdict, args ) )
return true;
CHL2MP_Player *pPlayer = (CHL2MP_Player *) pEdict;
if ( pPlayer->ClientCommand( args ) )
return true;
return false;
// shared ammo definition
// JAY: Trying to make a more physical bullet response
#define BULLET_MASS_GRAINS_TO_LB(grains) (0.002285*(grains)/16.0f)
#define BULLET_MASS_GRAINS_TO_KG(grains) lbs2kg(BULLET_MASS_GRAINS_TO_LB(grains))
// exaggerate all of the forces, but use real numbers to keep them consistent
// convert a velocity in ft/sec and a mass in grains to an impulse in kg in/s
#define BULLET_IMPULSE(grains, ftpersec) ((ftpersec)*12*BULLET_MASS_GRAINS_TO_KG(grains)*BULLET_IMPULSE_EXAGGERATION)
CAmmoDef *GetAmmoDef()
static CAmmoDef def;
static bool bInitted = false;
if ( !bInitted )
bInitted = true;
def.AddAmmoType("AR2", DMG_BULLET, TRACER_LINE_AND_WHIZ, 0, 0, 60, BULLET_IMPULSE(200, 1225), 0 );
def.AddAmmoType("AR2AltFire", DMG_DISSOLVE, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0 );
def.AddAmmoType("Pistol", DMG_BULLET, TRACER_LINE_AND_WHIZ, 0, 0, 150, BULLET_IMPULSE(200, 1225), 0 );
def.AddAmmoType("SMG1", DMG_BULLET, TRACER_LINE_AND_WHIZ, 0, 0, 225, BULLET_IMPULSE(200, 1225), 0 );
def.AddAmmoType("357", DMG_BULLET, TRACER_LINE_AND_WHIZ, 0, 0, 12, BULLET_IMPULSE(800, 5000), 0 );
def.AddAmmoType("XBowBolt", DMG_BULLET, TRACER_LINE, 0, 0, 10, BULLET_IMPULSE(800, 8000), 0 );
def.AddAmmoType("Buckshot", DMG_BULLET | DMG_BUCKSHOT, TRACER_LINE, 0, 0, 30, BULLET_IMPULSE(400, 1200), 0 );
def.AddAmmoType("RPG_Round", DMG_BURN, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0 );
def.AddAmmoType("SMG1_Grenade", DMG_BURN, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0 );
def.AddAmmoType("Grenade", DMG_BURN, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0 );
def.AddAmmoType("slam", DMG_BURN, TRACER_NONE, 0, 0, 5, 0, 0 );
return &def;
ConVar cl_autowepswitch(
"Automatically switch to picked up weapons (if more powerful)" );
#ifdef DEBUG
// Handler for the "bot" command.
void Bot_f()
// Look at -count.
int count = 1;
count = clamp( count, 1, 16 );
int iTeam = TEAM_COMBINE;
// Look at -frozen.
bool bFrozen = false;
// Ok, spawn all the bots.
while ( --count >= 0 )
BotPutInServer( bFrozen, iTeam );
ConCommand cc_Bot( "bot", Bot_f, "Add a bot.", FCVAR_CHEAT );
bool CHL2MPRules::FShouldSwitchWeapon( CBasePlayer *pPlayer, CBaseCombatWeapon *pWeapon )
if ( pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon() && pPlayer->IsNetClient() )
// Player has an active item, so let's check cl_autowepswitch.
const char *cl_autowepswitch = engine->GetClientConVarValue( engine->IndexOfEdict( pPlayer->edict() ), "cl_autowepswitch" );
if ( cl_autowepswitch && atoi( cl_autowepswitch ) <= 0 )
return false;
return BaseClass::FShouldSwitchWeapon( pPlayer, pWeapon );
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
void CHL2MPRules::RestartGame()
// bounds check
if ( mp_timelimit.GetInt() < 0 )
mp_timelimit.SetValue( 0 );
m_flGameStartTime = gpGlobals->curtime;
if ( !IsFinite( m_flGameStartTime.Get() ) )
Warning( "Trying to set a NaN game start time\n" );
m_flGameStartTime.GetForModify() = 0.0f;
// now respawn all players
for (int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ )
CHL2MP_Player *pPlayer = (CHL2MP_Player*) UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i );
if ( !pPlayer )
if ( pPlayer->GetActiveWeapon() )
pPlayer->RemoveAllItems( true );
respawn( pPlayer, false );
// Respawn entities (glass, doors, etc..)
CTeam *pRebels = GetGlobalTeam( TEAM_REBELS );
CTeam *pCombine = GetGlobalTeam( TEAM_COMBINE );
if ( pRebels )
pRebels->SetScore( 0 );
if ( pCombine )
pCombine->SetScore( 0 );
m_flIntermissionEndTime = 0;
m_flRestartGameTime = 0.0;
m_bCompleteReset = false;
IGameEvent * event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "round_start" );
if ( event )
event->SetInt("fraglimit", 0 );
event->SetInt( "priority", 6 ); // HLTV event priority, not transmitted
gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event );
void CHL2MPRules::CleanUpMap()
// Recreate all the map entities from the map data (preserving their indices),
// then remove everything else except the players.
// Get rid of all entities except players.
CBaseEntity *pCur = gEntList.FirstEnt();
while ( pCur )
CBaseHL2MPCombatWeapon *pWeapon = dynamic_cast< CBaseHL2MPCombatWeapon* >( pCur );
// Weapons with owners don't want to be removed..
if ( pWeapon )
if ( !pWeapon->GetPlayerOwner() )
UTIL_Remove( pCur );
// remove entities that has to be restored on roundrestart (breakables etc)
else if ( !FindInList( s_PreserveEnts, pCur->GetClassname() ) )
UTIL_Remove( pCur );
pCur = gEntList.NextEnt( pCur );
// Really remove the entities so we can have access to their slots below.
// Cancel all queued events, in case a func_bomb_target fired some delayed outputs that
// could kill respawning CTs
// Now reload the map entities.
class CHL2MPMapEntityFilter : public IMapEntityFilter
virtual bool ShouldCreateEntity( const char *pClassname )
// Don't recreate the preserved entities.
if ( !FindInList( s_PreserveEnts, pClassname ) )
return true;
// Increment our iterator since it's not going to call CreateNextEntity for this ent.
if ( m_iIterator != g_MapEntityRefs.InvalidIndex() )
m_iIterator = g_MapEntityRefs.Next( m_iIterator );
return false;
virtual CBaseEntity* CreateNextEntity( const char *pClassname )
if ( m_iIterator == g_MapEntityRefs.InvalidIndex() )
// This shouldn't be possible. When we loaded the map, it should have used
// CCSMapLoadEntityFilter, which should have built the g_MapEntityRefs list
// with the same list of entities we're referring to here.
Assert( false );
return NULL;
CMapEntityRef &ref = g_MapEntityRefs[m_iIterator];
m_iIterator = g_MapEntityRefs.Next( m_iIterator ); // Seek to the next entity.
if ( ref.m_iEdict == -1 || engine->PEntityOfEntIndex( ref.m_iEdict ) )
// Doh! The entity was delete and its slot was reused.
// Just use any old edict slot. This case sucks because we lose the baseline.
return CreateEntityByName( pClassname );
// Cool, the slot where this entity was is free again (most likely, the entity was
// freed above). Now create an entity with this specific index.
return CreateEntityByName( pClassname, ref.m_iEdict );
int m_iIterator; // Iterator into g_MapEntityRefs.
CHL2MPMapEntityFilter filter;
filter.m_iIterator = g_MapEntityRefs.Head();
MapEntity_ParseAllEntities( engine->GetMapEntitiesString(), &filter, true );
void CHL2MPRules::CheckChatForReadySignal( CHL2MP_Player *pPlayer, const char *chatmsg )
if( m_bAwaitingReadyRestart && FStrEq( chatmsg, mp_ready_signal.GetString() ) )
if( !pPlayer->IsReady() )
pPlayer->SetReady( true );
void CHL2MPRules::CheckRestartGame( void )
// Restart the game if specified by the server
int iRestartDelay = mp_restartgame.GetInt();
if ( iRestartDelay > 0 )
if ( iRestartDelay > 60 )
iRestartDelay = 60;
// let the players know
char strRestartDelay[64];
Q_snprintf( strRestartDelay, sizeof( strRestartDelay ), "%d", iRestartDelay );
UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTCENTER, "Game will restart in %s1 %s2", strRestartDelay, iRestartDelay == 1 ? "SECOND" : "SECONDS" );
UTIL_ClientPrintAll( HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, "Game will restart in %s1 %s2", strRestartDelay, iRestartDelay == 1 ? "SECOND" : "SECONDS" );
m_flRestartGameTime = gpGlobals->curtime + iRestartDelay;
m_bCompleteReset = true;
mp_restartgame.SetValue( 0 );
if( mp_readyrestart.GetBool() )
m_bAwaitingReadyRestart = true;
m_bHeardAllPlayersReady = false;
const char *pszReadyString = mp_ready_signal.GetString();
// Don't let them put anything malicious in there
if( pszReadyString == NULL || Q_strlen(pszReadyString) > 16 )
pszReadyString = "ready";
IGameEvent *event = gameeventmanager->CreateEvent( "hl2mp_ready_restart" );
if ( event )
gameeventmanager->FireEvent( event );
mp_readyrestart.SetValue( 0 );
// cancel any restart round in progress
m_flRestartGameTime = -1;
void CHL2MPRules::CheckAllPlayersReady( void )
for (int i = 1; i <= gpGlobals->maxClients; i++ )
CHL2MP_Player *pPlayer = (CHL2MP_Player*) UTIL_PlayerByIndex( i );
if ( !pPlayer )
if ( !pPlayer->IsReady() )
m_bHeardAllPlayersReady = true;
// Purpose:
const char *CHL2MPRules::GetChatFormat( bool bTeamOnly, CBasePlayer *pPlayer )
if ( !pPlayer ) // dedicated server output
return NULL;
const char *pszFormat = NULL;
// team only
if ( bTeamOnly == TRUE )
if ( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_SPECTATOR )
pszFormat = "HL2MP_Chat_Spec";
const char *chatLocation = GetChatLocation( bTeamOnly, pPlayer );
if ( chatLocation && *chatLocation )
pszFormat = "HL2MP_Chat_Team_Loc";
pszFormat = "HL2MP_Chat_Team";
// everyone
if ( pPlayer->GetTeamNumber() != TEAM_SPECTATOR )
pszFormat = "HL2MP_Chat_All";
pszFormat = "HL2MP_Chat_AllSpec";
return pszFormat;