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2020-04-22 12:56:21 -04:00
; Shader specific constant:
; $SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_5 = [sOffset, tOffset, 0, 0]
#include "macros.vsh"
; Vertex blending
&AllocateRegister( \$worldPos );
; Transform position from object to world
dp4 $worldPos.x, $vPos, $cModel0
dp4 $worldPos.y, $vPos, $cModel1
dp4 $worldPos.z, $vPos, $cModel2
&AllocateRegister( \$projPos );
; Transform position from object to projection space
dp4 $projPos.x, $vPos, $cModelViewProj0
dp4 $projPos.y, $vPos, $cModelViewProj1
dp4 $projPos.z, $vPos, $cModelViewProj2
dp4 $projPos.w, $vPos, $cModelViewProj3
mov oPos, $projPos
; Fog
&CalcFog( $worldPos, $projPos );
&FreeRegister( \$projPos );
; Lighting
; Transform tangent space basis vectors to env map space (world space)
; This will produce a set of vectors mapping from tangent space to env space
; We'll use this to transform normals from the normal map from tangent space
; to environment map space.
; NOTE: use dp3 here since the basis vectors are vectors, not points
dp3 oT1.x, $vTangentS, $cModel0
dp3 oT2.x, $vTangentS, $cModel1
dp3 oT3.x, $vTangentS, $cModel2
dp3 oT1.y, $vTangentT, $cModel0
dp3 oT2.y, $vTangentT, $cModel1
dp3 oT3.y, $vTangentT, $cModel2
dp3 oT1.z, $vNormal, $cModel0
dp3 oT2.z, $vNormal, $cModel1
dp3 oT3.z, $vNormal, $cModel2
; Compute the vector from vertex to camera
&AllocateRegister( \$worldEyeVect );
sub $worldEyeVect.xyz, $cEyePos, $worldPos
&FreeRegister( \$worldPos );
; Move it into the w component of the texture coords, as the wacky
; pixel shader wants it there.
mov oT1.w, $worldEyeVect.x
mov oT2.w, $worldEyeVect.y
mov oT3.w, $worldEyeVect.z
alloc $tangentEyeVect
; transform the eye vector to tangent space
dp3 $tangentEyeVect.x, $worldEyeVect, $vTangentS
dp3 $tangentEyeVect.y, $worldEyeVect, $vTangentT
dp3 $tangentEyeVect.z, $worldEyeVect, $vNormal
&FreeRegister( \$worldEyeVect );
&Normalize( $tangentEyeVect );
; stick the tangent space eye vector into oD0
mad oD0.xyz, $tangentEyeVect, $cHalf, $cHalf
&FreeRegister( \$tangentEyeVect );
; Texture coordinates
dp4 oT0.x, $vTexCoord0, $SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_0
dp4 oT0.y, $vTexCoord0, $SHADER_SPECIFIC_CONST_1