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2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# build "my current enlistment" remotely
# does a handful of steps:
# 1. makes sure the users has ssh key auth setup to the target host (as automatic as possible)
# 2. creates a p4 client on the remote host that's a mirror of their local client
# 3. sync's the remote client to the same (submitted) change as the local client
# 4. pickles up local changes, scp's them to the remote host, and applies them to the remote client
# 5. runs vpc and make, reporting status/errors to the user
import getopt
import getpass
import marshal
import os
import p4helpers
import stat
import sys
import subprocess
import tempfile
##### Don't merge this block to another branch, this section needs to be altered to match the requirements
##### of the p4 branch you are merging into!!
g_Branch = "//ValveGames/staging"
# branchspec needs the leading \t to make the p4 formatting happy when making a changelist
g_BranchSpec = "\t//ValveGames/staging/src/... //%s/src/..."
g_VPCCommand = { 'linux' : "dedicated /dedicated /f /tf /dod /cstrike /hl2mp" , 'osx' : "port /tf /dod /portal /hl2 /episodic /hl2mp /cstrike" }
#### merge block ends
g_bVerbose = True
g_bDebugVerbose = False
g_bBatchMode = False
g_bSimulateOnly = False
g_lRemotePlatforms = [ 'linux', 'osx' ]
g_lBuildConfigs = [ 'debug', 'release' ]
g_szSSHBin = 'ssh'
g_szSCPBin = 'scp'
g_szVCodePickle = os.path.join( "src", "devtools", "vcodepickle.py" )
g_szMoreBin = 'less'
g_szSSHKeyDir = '.ssh'
g_szSSHAgentAddKeyCmd = 'ssh-add'
g_szCleanTarget = ''
if sys.platform == 'win32':
# relative to the top of the enlistment
g_szSSHBin = 'src\\devtools\\bin\\putty\\plink.exe'
g_szSCPBin = 'src\\devtools\\bin\\putty\\pscp.exe'
g_szMoreBin = '%WINDIR%\\notepad.exe'
g_szSSHKeyDir = 'ssh'
g_szSSHKeyConvertCmd = 'start /wait src\\devtools\\bin\\putty\\puttygen.exe'
g_szSSHAgentAddKeyCmd = 'src\\devtools\\bin\\putty\\pageant.exe'
g_mapPlatformToBuildHostInfo = { "linux" : { "hostname" : "linuxpiston.valvesoftware.com",
"sshkey" : { "win32" : { "regkey" : "Software\\SimonTatham\\Putty\\SshHostKeys",
"valueName" : "rsa2@22:linuxpiston.valvesoftware.com",
"value" : "0x23,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" },
"posix": "linuxpiston.valvesoftware.com ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAuaBcCG8rj9X/y1Jw9NRHniRiRZz2cW4pe88VrvJpbymsKGYfRbikJ+Hp4iTro6ls64j4If3fupUHIrzRvLRvyjoQZfXhcnDR3mBQkcx37oOay8uKwJ5sNtEPUX8pTpsDO8UvlpURz8IVeixxHejUpU746rRtau17OLDd86Nd0kErSKuRN4QV2aAcXQ/yQj6gWdjF04s0LBBsyGCYnGVgeIe1UtWZoBi67pjzgtA6czrQwmqR2TZt87Q7q3LqAwhWqFchN55xUh84KAqpqtNkVYEOOsHJ6lOoKakqksPW27fuB1YYwZMf8HV5jihObHhxWI5kq8lxnRWYGc+3KftRfQ==" } },
"osx" : { "hostname" : "macslave01.valvesoftware.com",
"sshkey" : { "win32" : { "regkey" : "Software\\SimonTatham\\Putty\\SshHostKeys",
"valueName" : "rsa2@22:macslave01.valvesoftware.com",
"value" : "0x23,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" },
"posix": "macslave01.valvesoftware.com ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAxQ7P5X/vMp9EKmUlZvyHNPz0L3wgvrJZPuVc4FxDKlBHiH7ijW8k88YMXW2vWC/NjQdPIN5GeJOthY/6aAnMWUJ83iyGU2v2yYgQ3DdLevzrSaabYH+ynOfqoodR/NeNRbWbQJ5mWADpGwmgYVsWEYv7/rtjjvY9m90jpmoc2kk+F9UptNn8+WqMc8lH6GoKQZNrI2x5ijViCvZa5QRZ9GAu8UNPBvWWz/qNvr+YXliDNeAKn2flLJfp2bDPQgoE6S9WwST0ML5Nxy5wEkS78AXTYdoEi56NPVbOXT/EWwg97SMVp2krzRq3wZfdWI/WlZk0QjcaptuGPxej0Pux+Q==" } } }
g_szFetchSSHPrivateKeyScriptlet = '''
export LANG="C";
if [ -f ${KEYFILE} -a -f ${KEYFILE}.pub ]; then
echo "using existing ssh private/public key" >&2;
echo "generating ssh keypair" >&2;
mkdir -p ~/.ssh;
ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 1024 -f ${KEYFILE} -q -N "";
grep -q "`head -2 ${KEYFILE}.pub | tail -1`" ~/.ssh/authorized_keys;
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
echo "adding key to authorized keys file" >&2;
cat ${KEYFILE}.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys;
cat ${KEYFILE};
exit $?;'''
g_szCreateClientScriptletTemplate = '''
export LANG="C";
export P4CLIENT=%(P4CLIENT)s;
export P4PORT=perforce.valvesoftware.com:1666;
mkdir -p P4Clients/${P4CLIENT};
cd P4Clients/${P4CLIENT};
echo "creating p4 client ${P4CLIENT}" >&2;
p4 client -i << EOF
Client: ${P4CLIENT}
Owner: ${USER}
Root: ${PWD}
Options: noallwrite clobber nocompress unlocked nomodtime rmdir
SubmitOptions: revertunchanged
LineEnd: local
if [ $RET -ne 0 ]; then
echo "client creation failed" >&2;
exit $RET;
g_szRemoteP4ScriptletTemplate = '''
export LANG="C";
export P4CLIENT=%(P4CLIENT)s;
export P4PORT=perforce.valvesoftware.com:1666;
mkdir -p P4Clients/${P4CLIENT};
cd P4Clients/${P4CLIENT};
p4 %(P4COMMAND)s;
exit $?;
g_szRemoteUnpickleScriptletTemplate = '''
export LANG="C";
export P4CLIENT=%(P4CLIENT)s;
export P4PORT=perforce.valvesoftware.com:1666;
mkdir -p P4Clients/${P4CLIENT};
cd P4Clients/${P4CLIENT};
/usr/bin/env python ./src/devtools/vcodepickle.py --restore --file %(PICKLEFILE)s;
exit $?;
g_szRemoteBuildScriptletTemplate = '''
export LANG="C";
export P4CLIENT=%(P4CLIENT)s;
export P4PORT=perforce.valvesoftware.com:1666;
export BUILDLOG=remote_build.log
export CRITWARNLOG=critical_warnings.log
export SOLUTION=remote_build
mkdir -p P4Clients/${P4CLIENT};
cd P4Clients/${P4CLIENT}/src;
cp /dev/null ${BUILDLOG}
./devtools/bin/vpc /mksln ${SOLUTION} +%(VPCGROUP)s >> ${BUILDLOG} 2>> ${BUILDLOG};
echo -e "\n\n\n=================== Starting %(CONFIG)s Build ===================\n" >> ${BUILDLOG};
make -f ${SOLUTION}.mak CFG=%(CONFIG)s -k %(TARGET)s >> ${BUILDLOG} 2>> ${BUILDLOG};
# look for warnings we promote to errors - needs to be kept
# in sync with the buildbot rules
grep "call will abort" ${BUILDLOG} > ${CRITWARNLOG};
grep "is used uninitialized" ${BUILDLOG} >> ${CRITWARNLOG};
if [ $BUILDFAIL -eq 0 -a $NOCRITICALWARNINGS -eq 1 ]; then
if [ $NOCRITICALWARNINGS -eq 0 ]; then
echo "!!! The following warnings will be promoted to errors !!!" >&2
echo >&2;
cat ${CRITWARNLOG} >&2
echo >&2
cat ${BUILDLOG} >&2
exit $RET
g_szRemoteVsignTestTemplate = '''
export P4CLIENT=%(P4CLIENT)s;
cd P4Clients/${P4CLIENT}/src;
cp ./devtools/bin/vsign ./devtools/bin/vsign_test;
chmod +w ./devtools/bin/vsign_test
./devtools/bin/vsign -signvalve ./devtools/bin/vsign_test;
exit $?;
g_szRemoteVsignSetPassphraseTemplate = '''
export P4CLIENT=%(P4CLIENT)s;
cd P4Clients/${P4CLIENT}/src;
mkdir -p ~/Library/Application\ Support/Steam;
./devtools/bin/vsign -set_passphrase CodeSignature %(PASSPHRASE)s;
exit $?;
def usage():
global g_mapPlatformToBuildHostInfo
print "usage: ", sys.argv[0], " [options]"
print ""
print "-p,--platform= %s" % g_mapPlatformToBuildHostInfo.keys()
print "-c,--config= [ 'debug', 'release' ] (default builds both )"
print "-e,--exhaustive build all build configurations on all platforms"
print "--rebuild do a clean build"
print "-b,--batch supress user prompts"
print "-r,--root= if you have a strange p4 client spec (cough, JoeR, cough)"
print " specify the directory *containing* src"
print "output related options:"
print "-q,--quiet reduce spew"
print "-d,--debug debug level spew"
print "-s,--simulate dry-run"
def runLocalCommand( szCommand, bWait=True ):
global g_bSimulateOnly
global g_bDebugVerbose
if g_bDebugVerbose:
print ">>> runLocalCommand( %s )\n" % szCommand
if g_bSimulateOnly:
return( 0, None, None )
po = subprocess.Popen( szCommand, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=sys.stdin )
if bWait:
( stdout, stderr ) = po.communicate()
if g_bDebugVerbose:
print stdout
print stderr
return ( po.returncode, stdout, stderr )
return ( 0, "", "" )
def runRemoteCommand( szRemoteUser, szRemoteHost, szCommand, bPromptForPasswd = False, bCheckReturn = True ):
global g_bSimulateOnly
global g_bDebugVerbose
global g_bBatchMode
global g_szSSHBin
global g_mapPlatformToBuildHostInfo
szSSHCmd = g_szSSHBin
if bPromptForPasswd and g_bBatchMode:
raise RuntimeError( "can't prompt for password in batch mode" )
if sys.platform == 'win32':
szSSHCmd += " -agent -batch"
if bPromptForPasswd:
szPasswd = getpass.getpass( "password for %s@%s: " % (szRemoteUser, szRemoteHost) )
szSSHCmd += ' -pw "%s"' % szPasswd
cmd = '%s %s@%s' % ( szSSHCmd,
szRemoteHost )
fd = fname = None
if sys.platform == 'win32':
# windows shell FTW
(fd, fname) = tempfile.mkstemp()
os.write( fd, szCommand )
os.close( fd )
cmd += " -m %s" % fname
if g_bDebugVerbose: print "tmpfile %s contains %s" % ( fname, szCommand )
cmd += " '%s'" % szCommand
if g_bDebugVerbose:
print ">>> runRemoteCommand( %s )\n" % cmd
if g_bSimulateOnly:
return ( 0, "simulation mode", "" )
po = subprocess.Popen( cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=sys.stdin )
( stdout, stderr ) = po.communicate()
if fd is not None:
os.unlink( fname )
if po.returncode != 0 and bCheckReturn:
print "looks like something went wrong with a remote command"
print ">>> %s " % cmd
print "returned %d" % po.returncode
if sys.platform == 'win32':
print "tempfile contains %s" % szCommand
print "produced stdout:"
print stdout
print ""
print "produced stderr:"
print stderr
raise RuntimeError( "runRemoteCommand returned non-zero result" )
if g_bDebugVerbose: print "return: %d\nstdout: %s\nstderr: %s" % ( po.returncode, stdout, stderr )
return ( po.returncode, stdout, stderr )
def addHostKeyToKnownHostKeys( szPlatformName ):
global g_mapPlatformToBuildHostInfo
global g_bDebugVerbose
if sys.platform == 'win32':
mapRegKeyInfo = g_mapPlatformToBuildHostInfo[ szPlatformName ][ 'sshkey' ][ 'win32' ]
import _winreg
knownHostsKey = _winreg.OpenKey( _winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
mapRegKeyInfo[ 'regkey' ],
sam = _winreg.KEY_SET_VALUE )
if g_bDebugVerbose: print "OpenKey %s succeeded" % mapRegKeyInfo[ 'regkey' ]
knownHostsKey = _winreg.CreateKey( _winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER,
mapRegKeyInfo[ 'regkey' ] )
if g_bDebugVerbose: print "CreateKey %s succeeded" % mapRegKeyInfo[ 'regkey' ]
value, type = _winreg.QueryValueEx( knownHostsKey, mapRegKeyInfo[ 'valueName' ] )
assert( type == _winreg.REG_SZ and value == mapRegKeyInfo[ 'value' ] )
if g_bDebugVerbose: print "QueryValueEx %s succeeded" % mapRegKeyInfo[ 'valueName' ]
_winreg.SetValueEx( knownHostsKey,
mapRegKeyInfo[ 'valueName' ], False,
_winreg.REG_SZ, mapRegKeyInfo[ 'value' ] )
if g_bDebugVerbose: print "SetValueEx %s=%s succeeded" % ( mapRegKeyInfo[ 'valueName' ],
mapRegKeyInfo[ 'value' ] )
_winreg.CloseKey( knownHostsKey )
if g_bDebugVerbose: print "CloseKey succeeded"
assert( "implement addHostKeyToKnownKeys" )
def calculateRemoteView( mapClientInfo, szRemoteClientName, szBranchName ):
global g_BranchSpec
szRemoteView = g_BranchSpec % ( szRemoteClientName )
return szRemoteView
def main():
global g_bVerbose
global g_bDebugVerbose
global g_bSimulateOnly
global g_bBatchMode
global g_lRemotePlatforms
global g_lBuildConfigs
global g_szSSHKeyDir
global g_szSSHAddKeyCmd
global g_szCleanTarget
global g_szSSHKeyConvertCmd
global g_szVCodePickle
global g_szMoreBin
global g_szFetchSSHPrivateKeyScriptlet
global g_szCreateClientScriptletTemplate
global g_szRemoteP4ScriptletTemplate
global g_szRemoteBuildScriptletTemplate
global g_mapPlatformToBuildHostInfo
global g_VPCCommand
global g_Branch
bSetBuildConfigs = False
bSetBuildPlatform = False
szBranchName = ""
szUserName = getpass.getuser()
szP4ChangeToSync = "all"
clientInfo = p4helpers.GetClientInfo()
szLocalClientName = clientInfo[ 'Client' ]
szLocalClientRoot = clientInfo[ 'Root' ]
opts, args = getopt.getopt( sys.argv[1:], "bdsvqp:c:r:e?l", [ "change=", "batch", "config=", "exhaustive", "debug", "simulate", "verbose", "quiet", "platform=", "root=", "rebuild", "limited-sync" ] )
except getopt.GetoptError, e:
print ""
print "Argument error: ", e
print ""
for o, a in opts:
if o in ( "-?" ):
if o in ( "-b", "--batch" ):
g_bBatchMode = True
if o in ( "--rebuild" ):
g_szCleanTarget = "clean"
if o in ( "-c", "--config" ):
if a not in [ 'debug', 'release' ]:
raise RuntimeError( "configuration '%s' not understood" % a )
g_lBuildConfigs = [ a ]
bSetBuildConfigs = True;
if o in ( "-r", "--root" ):
szLocalClientRoot = a
if o in ( "-e", "--exhaustive" ):
g_lRemotePlatforms = g_mapPlatformToBuildHostInfo.keys()
if o in ( "-p", "--platform" ):
if a not in g_mapPlatformToBuildHostInfo.keys():
raise RuntimeError( "platform '%s' not supported" % a )
g_lRemotePlatforms = [ a ]
bSetBuildPlatform = True
if o in ( "-v", "--verbose" ):
g_bVerbose = True
if o in ( "-q", "--quiet" ):
g_bVerbose = False
g_bDebugVerbose = False
if o in ( "-d", "--debug" ):
g_bDebugVerbose = True
if o in ( "-s", "--simulate" ):
g_bSimulateOnly = True
if o in ( "--change" ):
szP4ChangeToSync = a
if not os.getcwd().lower().startswith( clientInfo[ 'Root' ].lower() ):
print ""
print "I need to be run from the root (%s)" % szLocalClientRoot
print "or any subdirectory of your p4 client (%s)" % szLocalClientName
print ""
print "If these values look wrong, make sure you have p4 configured"
print "correctly for command-line use."
p4path = p4helpers.P4Where( os.path.join( szLocalClientRoot, "src\..." ) )
# try the cwd as the place src/ is to support "interesting" client specs
szLocalClientRoot = os.path.split( os.getcwd() )[0]
p4path = p4helpers.P4Where( os.path.join( szLocalClientRoot, "src\..." ) )
print "couldn't find src where I expected it, perhaps you need the -r option?"
# on source only build release by default
if ( bSetBuildConfigs == False ):
g_lBuildConfigs = ['release' ]
if not p4path.lower().startswith( g_Branch ):
raise RunTimeError( "couldn't map local enlistment to staging branch" )
# do everything relative to the client root directory
os.chdir( szLocalClientRoot )
if g_bVerbose: print "building configuration(s) %s on platform(s) %s" % ( g_lBuildConfigs, g_lRemotePlatforms )
szLocallySyncedRevision = p4helpers.GetSyncedRevision( szLocalClientRoot )
szPickleFile = 'vcodepickle_%s.zip' % szLocalClientName
if g_bVerbose: print "pickling local changes to %s..." % szPickleFile,
( ret, stdout, stderr ) = runLocalCommand( '%s --backup --file %s -c %s --exclude "*.exe" --exclude "*.dll" --exclude "*.pdb" --include "*/src/*"' % ( g_szVCodePickle, szPickleFile, szP4ChangeToSync ) )
if g_bVerbose: sys.stdout.flush(); print "done."
for platform in g_lRemotePlatforms:
if g_bVerbose: print "\nbuilding on platform %s\n" % ( platform )
szRemoteHost = g_mapPlatformToBuildHostInfo[ platform ][ 'hostname' ]
szRemoteClientName = "%s_%s_remote_build_%s" % ( szUserName, g_Branch.replace( "//", "" ).replace( "/", "_" ), szRemoteHost[ : szRemoteHost.find(".") ] )
# figure out where the private key for this host would be, if we were to have one
absKeyDirPath = os.path.join( os.path.expanduser("~"), g_szSSHKeyDir )
szSSHPrivKeyFile = os.path.join( absKeyDirPath, 'id_rsa_%s@%s' % ( szUserName, szRemoteHost ) )
if sys.platform == 'win32':
szSSHPrivKeyFile += '.ppk'
if g_bDebugVerbose: print "adding remote host key for %s to known keys..." % platform
addHostKeyToKnownHostKeys( platform )
# if we don't have a key for this host, run the scriptlet to create one
if not os.path.exists( szSSHPrivKeyFile ):
if not os.path.exists( absKeyDirPath ):
os.makedirs( absKeyDirPath )
if g_bVerbose: print "creating ssh public/private keypair..."
( ret, stdout, stderr ) = runRemoteCommand( szUserName, szRemoteHost, g_szFetchSSHPrivateKeyScriptlet, bPromptForPasswd = True )
if not g_bSimulateOnly:
assert( len( stdout ) )
assert( not g_bBatchMode )
f = open( szSSHPrivKeyFile, "w" )
f.write( stdout )
if sys.platform == 'win32':
os.rename( szSSHPrivKeyFile, szSSHPrivKeyFile + ".tmp" )
# let's assume we need to convert their key into putty format
print ""
print " !!!!! ACHTUNG !!!!!"
print ""
print "your private key doesn't seem to be in putty format (yet)."
print ""
print "I'm going to launch puttygen, which should present a dialog"
print "saying it's successfully imported the key, and that you need"
print "to save it in putty format before use."
print ""
print "1. click OK to dismiss this dialog"
print "2. Choose File->Save Private Key"
print "3. Confirm saving the key without a passphrase"
print "4. paste this path into the save dialog:"
print " %s" % szSSHPrivKeyFile.replace( "/", "\\" )
print "5. quit puttygen"
print ""
raw_input( "Press return to continue: " )
runLocalCommand( "%s %s" % ( g_szSSHKeyConvertCmd, szSSHPrivKeyFile + ".tmp" ) )
os.remove( szSSHPrivKeyFile + ".tmp" )
# on posix, ssh wants the keyfile to be tightly controlled
os.chmod( szSSHPrivKeyFile, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR )
# try loading the ssh key into their agent
if g_bDebugVerbose: print "adding private key to ssh authentication agent..."
( ret, stdout, stderr ) = runLocalCommand( "%s %s" % ( g_szSSHAgentAddKeyCmd, szSSHPrivKeyFile ), bWait = False )
# figure out what the remote view should look like
if g_bDebugVerbose: print "calculating remote view..."
szRemoteView = calculateRemoteView( clientInfo, szRemoteClientName, szBranchName )
if g_bDebugVerbose: print "remote view: %s" % szRemoteView
# do the magic substituion on the client create scriptlet
if g_bVerbose: print "syncing remote p4 client spec...",
szClientCreateScriptlet = g_szCreateClientScriptletTemplate % { "P4CLIENT" : szRemoteClientName,
"VIEWSPEC" : szRemoteView,
"REVISION" : szLocallySyncedRevision }
( ret, stdout, stderr ) = runRemoteCommand( szUserName, szRemoteHost, szClientCreateScriptlet )
if g_bVerbose: sys.stdout.flush(); print "done."
if platform == "osx":
if g_bVerbose: print "checking if vsign is set up...",
szRemoteCheckVsignScriptlet = g_szRemoteVsignTestTemplate % { "P4CLIENT" : szRemoteClientName }
( ret, stdout, stderr ) = runRemoteCommand( szUserName, szRemoteHost, szRemoteCheckVsignScriptlet, False, False )
if g_bVerbose: sys.stdout.flush(); print "done."
if( ret != 0 ):
passphrase = raw_input("Please enter code signature passphrase for public universe: ")
if g_bVerbose: print "setting vsign passphrase...",
szremoteSetVsignPassphraseScriptlet = g_szRemoteVsignSetPassphraseTemplate % { "P4CLIENT" : szRemoteClientName,
"PASSPHRASE": passphrase}
( ret, stdout, stderr ) = runRemoteCommand( szUserName, szRemoteHost, szremoteSetVsignPassphraseScriptlet, False, False )
if g_bVerbose: sys.stdout.flush(); print "done."
if g_bVerbose: print "reverting any open files on remote p4client...",
szClientSyncScriptlet = g_szRemoteP4ScriptletTemplate % { "P4CLIENT" : szRemoteClientName,
"P4COMMAND": 'revert ...' }
( ret, stdout, stderr ) = runRemoteCommand( szUserName, szRemoteHost, szClientSyncScriptlet )
if g_bVerbose: sys.stdout.flush(); print "done."
if g_bVerbose: print "syncing remote p4client to changelist %s (this could take a while)..." % szLocallySyncedRevision,
szClientSyncScriptlet = g_szRemoteP4ScriptletTemplate % { "P4CLIENT" : szRemoteClientName,
"P4COMMAND": 'sync @%s' % szLocallySyncedRevision }
( ret, stdout, stderr ) = runRemoteCommand( szUserName, szRemoteHost, szClientSyncScriptlet )
if g_bVerbose: sys.stdout.flush(); print "done."
if g_bVerbose: print "transferring pickled changes...",
( ret, stdout, stderr ) = runLocalCommand( "%s %s %s@%s:P4Clients/%s/" % ( g_szSCPBin, szPickleFile, szUserName, szRemoteHost, szRemoteClientName ) )
if g_bVerbose: sys.stdout.flush(); print "done."
if g_bVerbose: print "applying changes to remote client...",
szUnpickleScriptlet = g_szRemoteUnpickleScriptletTemplate % { "P4CLIENT" : szRemoteClientName,
"PICKLEFILE": szPickleFile }
( ret, stdout, stderr ) = runRemoteCommand( szUserName, szRemoteHost, szUnpickleScriptlet )
if g_bVerbose: sys.stdout.flush(); print "done."
for buildConfig in g_lBuildConfigs:
if g_bVerbose: print "running remote %s build..." % buildConfig,
szBuildScriptlet = g_szRemoteBuildScriptletTemplate % { "P4CLIENT" : szRemoteClientName,
"VPCGROUP" : g_VPCCommand[ platform ],
"CONFIG" : buildConfig,
"TARGET" : "%s all" % g_szCleanTarget }
( ret, stdout, stderr ) = runRemoteCommand( szUserName, szRemoteHost, szBuildScriptlet, bCheckReturn = False )
if g_bVerbose: sys.stdout.flush(); print "done."
if len(stderr):
# figure out the correct newline character - can't we all just get along?
NL = "\n"
if sys.platform == "win32":
NL = "\r\n"
# look for a couple common cases
errlines = stderr.split( "\n" )
(fd, name) = tempfile.mkstemp( suffix=".txt" )
os.write( fd, NL.join( errlines ) )
os.close( fd )
print "build output in file://%s" % name
bFoundErrors = False
for errline in errlines:
if errline.lower().find( "error:" ) >= 0:
bFoundErrors = True
print " " + errline
if ret !=0 and not bFoundErrors:
iLines = 5
print "first %d lines of build log:" % iLines
print NL.join( errlines[ :iLines ] )
if len(errlines) > iLines:
print "..."
if ret != 0:
if not g_bBatchMode:
resp = raw_input( "display full build log (Y/N)? " )
if resp.lower() == "y":
cmd = "%s %s" % ( g_szMoreBin, name )
runLocalCommand( cmd )
print stdout
if ret != 0:
if __name__ == '__main__':