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2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
//========= Copyright Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ============//
// Purpose: Public interfaces to vphysics DLL
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "interface.h"
#include "mathlib/vector.h"
#include "mathlib/vector4d.h"
#include "vcollide.h"
// Forward declarations
class IPhysicsObjectPairHash;
class IPhysicsConstraint;
class IPhysicsConstraintGroup;
class IPhysicsFluidController;
class IPhysicsSpring;
class IPhysicsVehicleController;
class IPhysicsCollisionSet;
class IPhysicsPlayerController;
class IPhysicsFrictionSnapshot;
struct Ray_t;
struct constraint_ragdollparams_t;
struct constraint_hingeparams_t;
struct constraint_fixedparams_t;
struct constraint_ballsocketparams_t;
struct constraint_slidingparams_t;
struct constraint_pulleyparams_t;
struct constraint_lengthparams_t;
struct constraint_groupparams_t;
struct vehicleparams_t;
struct matrix3x4_t;
struct fluidparams_t;
struct springparams_t;
struct objectparams_t;
struct debugcollide_t;
class CGameTrace;
typedef CGameTrace trace_t;
struct physics_stats_t;
struct physics_performanceparams_t;
struct physsaveparams_t;
struct physrestoreparams_t;
struct physprerestoreparams_t;
namespace VPhysicsInterfaceV30
// Forward declarations
class IPhysicsObject;
class IPhysicsEnvironment;
class IPhysicsSurfaceProps;
class IConvexInfo;
enum PhysInterfaceId_t
class ISave;
class IRestore;
abstract_class IVPhysicsDebugOverlay
virtual void AddEntityTextOverlay(int ent_index, int line_offset, float duration, int r, int g, int b, int a, PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *format, ...) = 0;
virtual void AddBoxOverlay(const Vector& origin, const Vector& mins, const Vector& max, QAngle const& orientation, int r, int g, int b, int a, float duration) = 0;
virtual void AddTriangleOverlay(const Vector& p1, const Vector& p2, const Vector& p3, int r, int g, int b, int a, bool noDepthTest, float duration) = 0;
virtual void AddLineOverlay(const Vector& origin, const Vector& dest, int r, int g, int b,bool noDepthTest, float duration) = 0;
virtual void AddTextOverlay(const Vector& origin, float duration, PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *format, ...) = 0;
virtual void AddTextOverlay(const Vector& origin, int line_offset, float duration, PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *format, ...) = 0;
virtual void AddScreenTextOverlay(float flXPos, float flYPos,float flDuration, int r, int g, int b, int a, const char *text) = 0;
virtual void AddSweptBoxOverlay(const Vector& start, const Vector& end, const Vector& mins, const Vector& max, const QAngle & angles, int r, int g, int b, int a, float flDuration) = 0;
virtual void AddTextOverlayRGB(const Vector& origin, int line_offset, float duration, float r, float g, float b, float alpha, PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char *format, ...) = 0;
abstract_class IPhysics
virtual IPhysicsEnvironment *CreateEnvironment( void ) = 0;
virtual void DestroyEnvironment( IPhysicsEnvironment * ) = 0;
virtual IPhysicsEnvironment *GetActiveEnvironmentByIndex( int index ) = 0;
// Creates a fast hash of pairs of objects
// Useful for maintaining a table of object relationships like pairs that do not collide.
virtual IPhysicsObjectPairHash *CreateObjectPairHash() = 0;
virtual void DestroyObjectPairHash( IPhysicsObjectPairHash *pHash ) = 0;
// holds a cache of these by id. So you can get by id to search for the previously created set
// UNDONE: Sets are currently limited to 32 elements. More elements will return NULL in create.
// NOTE: id is not allowed to be zero.
virtual IPhysicsCollisionSet *FindOrCreateCollisionSet( unsigned int id, int maxElementCount ) = 0;
virtual IPhysicsCollisionSet *FindCollisionSet( unsigned int id ) = 0;
virtual void DestroyAllCollisionSets() = 0;
// CPhysConvex is a single convex solid
class CPhysConvex;
// CPhysPolysoup is an abstract triangle soup mesh
class CPhysPolysoup;
class ICollisionQuery;
class IVPhysicsKeyParser;
struct convertconvexparams_t;
// UNDONE: Find a better place for this? Should be in collisionutils, but it's needs VPHYSICS' solver.
struct truncatedcone_t
Vector origin;
Vector normal;
float h; // height of the cone (hl units)
float theta; // cone angle (degrees)
abstract_class IPhysicsCollision
virtual ~IPhysicsCollision( void ) {}
// produce a convex element from verts (convex hull around verts)
virtual CPhysConvex *ConvexFromVerts( Vector **pVerts, int vertCount ) = 0;
// produce a convex element from planes (csg of planes)
virtual CPhysConvex *ConvexFromPlanes( float *pPlanes, int planeCount, float mergeDistance ) = 0;
// calculate volume of a convex element
virtual float ConvexVolume( CPhysConvex *pConvex ) = 0;
// Convert an array of convex elements to a compiled collision model (this deletes the convex elements)
virtual CPhysCollide *ConvertConvexToCollide( CPhysConvex **pConvex, int convexCount ) = 0;
virtual float ConvexSurfaceArea( CPhysConvex *pConvex ) = 0;
// store game-specific data in a convex solid
virtual void SetConvexGameData( CPhysConvex *pConvex, unsigned int gameData ) = 0;
// If not converted, free the convex elements with this call
virtual void ConvexFree( CPhysConvex *pConvex ) = 0;
// concave objects
// create a triangle soup
virtual CPhysPolysoup *PolysoupCreate( void ) = 0;
// destroy the container and memory
virtual void PolysoupDestroy( CPhysPolysoup *pSoup ) = 0;
// add a triangle to the soup
virtual void PolysoupAddTriangle( CPhysPolysoup *pSoup, const Vector &a, const Vector &b, const Vector &c, int materialIndex7bits ) = 0;
// convert the convex into a compiled collision model
virtual CPhysCollide *ConvertPolysoupToCollide( CPhysPolysoup *pSoup, bool useMOPP ) = 0;
// Get the memory size in bytes of the collision model for serialization
virtual int CollideSize( CPhysCollide *pCollide ) = 0;
// serialize the collide to a block of memory
virtual int CollideWrite( char *pDest, CPhysCollide *pCollide ) = 0;
// Free a collide that was created with ConvertConvexToCollide()
// UNDONE: Move this up near the other Collide routines when the version is changed
virtual void DestroyCollide( CPhysCollide *pCollide ) = 0;
// compute the volume of a collide
virtual float CollideVolume( CPhysCollide *pCollide ) = 0;
// compute surface area for tools
virtual float CollideSurfaceArea( CPhysCollide *pCollide ) = 0;
// Get the support map for a collide in the given direction
virtual Vector CollideGetExtent( const CPhysCollide *pCollide, const Vector &collideOrigin, const QAngle &collideAngles, const Vector &direction ) = 0;
// Get an AABB for an oriented collision model
virtual void CollideGetAABB( Vector &mins, Vector &maxs, const CPhysCollide *pCollide, const Vector &collideOrigin, const QAngle &collideAngles ) = 0;
// Convert a bbox to a collide
virtual CPhysCollide *BBoxToCollide( const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs ) = 0;
// Trace an AABB against a collide
virtual void TraceBox( const Vector &start, const Vector &end, const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs, const CPhysCollide *pCollide, const Vector &collideOrigin, const QAngle &collideAngles, trace_t *ptr ) = 0;
virtual void TraceBox( const Ray_t &ray, const CPhysCollide *pCollide, const Vector &collideOrigin, const QAngle &collideAngles, trace_t *ptr ) = 0;
// Trace one collide against another
virtual void TraceCollide( const Vector &start, const Vector &end, const CPhysCollide *pSweepCollide, const QAngle &sweepAngles, const CPhysCollide *pCollide, const Vector &collideOrigin, const QAngle &collideAngles, trace_t *ptr ) = 0;
// loads a set of solids into a vcollide_t
virtual void VCollideLoad( vcollide_t *pOutput, int solidCount, const char *pBuffer, int size ) = 0;
// destroyts the set of solids created by VCollideLoad
virtual void VCollideUnload( vcollide_t *pVCollide ) = 0;
// begins parsing a vcollide. NOTE: This keeps pointers to the text
// If you free the text and call members of IVPhysicsKeyParser, it will crash
virtual IVPhysicsKeyParser *VPhysicsKeyParserCreate( const char *pKeyData ) = 0;
// Free the parser created by VPhysicsKeyParserCreate
virtual void VPhysicsKeyParserDestroy( IVPhysicsKeyParser *pParser ) = 0;
// creates a list of verts from a collision mesh
virtual int CreateDebugMesh( CPhysCollide const *pCollisionModel, Vector **outVerts ) = 0;
// destroy the list of verts created by CreateDebugMesh
virtual void DestroyDebugMesh( int vertCount, Vector *outVerts ) = 0;
// create a queryable version of the collision model
virtual ICollisionQuery *CreateQueryModel( CPhysCollide *pCollide ) = 0;
// destroy the queryable version
virtual void DestroyQueryModel( ICollisionQuery *pQuery ) = 0;
virtual IPhysicsCollision *ThreadContextCreate( void ) = 0;
virtual void ThreadContextDestroy( IPhysicsCollision *pThreadContex ) = 0;
virtual unsigned int ReadStat( int statID ) = 0;
// UNDONE: Move this up when changing the interface version
virtual void TraceBox( const Ray_t &ray, unsigned int contentsMask, IConvexInfo *pConvexInfo, const CPhysCollide *pCollide, const Vector &collideOrigin, const QAngle &collideAngles, trace_t *ptr ) = 0;
virtual void CollideGetMassCenter( CPhysCollide *pCollide, Vector *pOutMassCenter ) = 0;
virtual void CollideSetMassCenter( CPhysCollide *pCollide, const Vector &massCenter ) = 0;
// query the collide index in the physics model for the instance
virtual int CollideIndex( const CPhysCollide *pCollide ) = 0;
virtual CPhysCollide *ConvertConvexToCollideParams( CPhysConvex **pConvex, int convexCount, const convertconvexparams_t &convertParams ) = 0;
virtual CPhysConvex *BBoxToConvex( const Vector &mins, const Vector &maxs ) = 0;
// get the approximate cross-sectional area projected orthographically on the bbox of the collide
// NOTE: These are fractional areas - unitless. Basically this is the fraction of the OBB on each axis that
// would be visible if the object were rendered orthographically.
// NOTE: This has been precomputed when the collide was built or this function will return 1,1,1
virtual Vector CollideGetOrthographicAreas( const CPhysCollide *pCollide ) = 0;
// dumps info about the collide to Msg()
virtual void OutputDebugInfo( const CPhysCollide *pCollide ) = 0;
// relatively slow test for box vs. truncated cone
virtual bool IsBoxIntersectingCone( const Vector &boxAbsMins, const Vector &boxAbsMaxs, const truncatedcone_t &cone ) = 0;
// this can be used to post-process a collision model
abstract_class ICollisionQuery
virtual ~ICollisionQuery() {}
// number of convex pieces in the whole solid
virtual int ConvexCount( void ) = 0;
// triangle count for this convex piece
virtual int TriangleCount( int convexIndex ) = 0;
// get the stored game data
virtual unsigned int GetGameData( int convexIndex ) = 0;
// Gets the triangle's verts to an array
virtual void GetTriangleVerts( int convexIndex, int triangleIndex, Vector *verts ) = 0;
// UNDONE: This doesn't work!!!
virtual void SetTriangleVerts( int convexIndex, int triangleIndex, const Vector *verts ) = 0;
// returns the 7-bit material index
virtual int GetTriangleMaterialIndex( int convexIndex, int triangleIndex ) = 0;
// sets a 7-bit material index for this triangle
virtual void SetTriangleMaterialIndex( int convexIndex, int triangleIndex, int index7bits ) = 0;
// Purpose: Ray traces from game engine.
abstract_class IPhysicsGameTrace
virtual void VehicleTraceRay( const Ray_t &ray, void *pVehicle, trace_t *pTrace ) = 0;
virtual void VehicleTraceRayWithWater( const Ray_t &ray, void *pVehicle, trace_t *pTrace ) = 0;
virtual bool VehiclePointInWater( const Vector &vecPoint ) = 0;
// The caller should implement this to return contents masks per convex on a collide
abstract_class IConvexInfo
virtual unsigned int GetContents( int convexGameData ) = 0;
class CPhysicsEventHandler;
abstract_class IPhysicsCollisionData
virtual void GetSurfaceNormal( Vector &out ) = 0; // normal points toward second object (object index 1)
virtual void GetContactPoint( Vector &out ) = 0; // contact point of collision (in world space)
virtual void GetContactSpeed( Vector &out ) = 0; // speed of surface 1 relative to surface 0 (in world space)
struct vcollisionevent_t
IPhysicsObject *pObjects[2];
int surfaceProps[2];
bool isCollision;
bool isShadowCollision;
float deltaCollisionTime;
float collisionSpeed; // only valid at postCollision
IPhysicsCollisionData *pInternalData; // may change pre/post collision
abstract_class IPhysicsCollisionEvent
// returns the two objects that collided, time between last collision of these objects
// and an opaque data block of collision information
// NOTE: PreCollision/PostCollision ALWAYS come in matched pairs!!!
virtual void PreCollision( vcollisionevent_t *pEvent ) = 0;
virtual void PostCollision( vcollisionevent_t *pEvent ) = 0;
// This is a scrape event. The object has scraped across another object consuming the indicated energy
virtual void Friction( IPhysicsObject *pObject, float energy, int surfaceProps, int surfacePropsHit, IPhysicsCollisionData *pData ) = 0;
virtual void StartTouch( IPhysicsObject *pObject1, IPhysicsObject *pObject2, IPhysicsCollisionData *pTouchData ) = 0;
virtual void EndTouch( IPhysicsObject *pObject1, IPhysicsObject *pObject2, IPhysicsCollisionData *pTouchData ) = 0;
virtual void FluidStartTouch( IPhysicsObject *pObject, IPhysicsFluidController *pFluid ) = 0;
virtual void FluidEndTouch( IPhysicsObject *pObject, IPhysicsFluidController *pFluid ) = 0;
virtual void PostSimulationFrame() = 0;
virtual void ObjectEnterTrigger( IPhysicsObject *pTrigger, IPhysicsObject *pObject ) {}
virtual void ObjectLeaveTrigger( IPhysicsObject *pTrigger, IPhysicsObject *pObject ) {}
abstract_class IPhysicsObjectEvent
// these can be used to optimize out queries on sleeping objects
// Called when an object is woken after sleeping
virtual void ObjectWake( IPhysicsObject *pObject ) = 0;
// called when an object goes to sleep (no longer simulating)
virtual void ObjectSleep( IPhysicsObject *pObject ) = 0;
class IPhysicsConstraintEvent
// the constraint is now inactive, the game code is required to delete it or re-activate it.
virtual void ConstraintBroken( IPhysicsConstraint * ) = 0;
struct hlshadowcontrol_params_t
Vector targetPosition;
QAngle targetRotation;
float maxAngular;
float maxDampAngular;
float maxSpeed;
float maxDampSpeed;
float dampFactor;
float teleportDistance;
// UNDONE: At some point allow this to be parameterized using hlshadowcontrol_params_t.
// All of the infrastructure is in place to do that.
abstract_class IPhysicsShadowController
virtual ~IPhysicsShadowController( void ) {}
virtual void Update( const Vector &position, const QAngle &angles, float timeOffset ) = 0;
virtual void MaxSpeed( float maxSpeed, float maxAngularSpeed ) = 0;
virtual void StepUp( float height ) = 0;
// If the teleport distance is non-zero, the object will be teleported to
// the target location when the error exceeds this quantity.
virtual void SetTeleportDistance( float teleportDistance ) = 0;
virtual bool AllowsTranslation() = 0;
virtual bool AllowsRotation() = 0;
// There are two classes of shadow objects:
// 1) Game physics controlled, shadow follows game physics (this is the default)
// 2) Physically controlled - shadow position is a target, but the game hasn't guaranteed that the space can be occupied by this object
virtual void SetPhysicallyControlled( bool isPhysicallyControlled ) = 0;
virtual bool IsPhysicallyControlled() = 0;
virtual void GetLastImpulse( Vector *pOut ) = 0;
virtual void UseShadowMaterial( bool bUseShadowMaterial ) = 0;
virtual void ObjectMaterialChanged( int materialIndex ) = 0;
class CPhysicsSimObject;
class IPhysicsMotionController;
// Callback for simulation
class IMotionEvent
// These constants instruct the simulator as to how to apply the values copied to linear & angular
// GLOBAL/LOCAL refer to the coordinate system of the values, whereas acceleration/force determine whether or not
// mass is divided out (forces must be divided by mass to compute acceleration)
virtual simresult_e Simulate( IPhysicsMotionController *pController, IPhysicsObject *pObject, float deltaTime, Vector &linear, AngularImpulse &angular ) = 0;
abstract_class IPhysicsMotionController
virtual ~IPhysicsMotionController( void ) {}
virtual void SetEventHandler( IMotionEvent *handler ) = 0;
virtual void AttachObject( IPhysicsObject *pObject, bool checkIfAlreadyAttached ) = 0;
virtual void DetachObject( IPhysicsObject *pObject ) = 0;
// returns the number of objects currently attached to the controller
virtual int CountObjects( void ) = 0;
// NOTE: pObjectList is an array with at least CountObjects() allocated
virtual void GetObjects( IPhysicsObject **pObjectList ) = 0;
// detaches all attached objects
virtual void ClearObjects( void ) = 0;
// wakes up all attached objects
virtual void WakeObjects( void ) = 0;
enum priority_t
virtual void SetPriority( priority_t priority ) = 0;
// -------------------
// Collision filter function. Return 0 if objects should not be tested for collisions, nonzero otherwise
// Install with IPhysicsEnvironment::SetCollisionFilter()
// -------------------
abstract_class IPhysicsCollisionSolver
virtual int ShouldCollide( IPhysicsObject *pObj0, IPhysicsObject *pObj1, void *pGameData0, void *pGameData1 ) = 0;
virtual int ShouldSolvePenetration( IPhysicsObject *pObj0, IPhysicsObject *pObj1, void *pGameData0, void *pGameData1, float dt ) = 0;
// pObject has already done the max number of collisions this tick, should we freeze it to save CPU?
virtual bool ShouldFreezeObject( IPhysicsObject *pObject ) = 0;
// The system has already done too many collision checks, performance will suffer.
// How many more should it do?
virtual int AdditionalCollisionChecksThisTick( int currentChecksDone ) = 0;
enum PhysicsTraceType_t
abstract_class IPhysicsTraceFilter
virtual bool ShouldHitObject( IPhysicsObject *pObject, int contentsMask ) = 0;
virtual PhysicsTraceType_t GetTraceType() const = 0;
abstract_class IPhysicsEnvironment
virtual ~IPhysicsEnvironment( void ) {}
virtual void SetDebugOverlay( CreateInterfaceFn debugOverlayFactory ) = 0;
virtual IVPhysicsDebugOverlay *GetDebugOverlay( void ) = 0;
// gravity is a 3-vector in in/s^2
virtual void SetGravity( const Vector &gravityVector ) = 0;
virtual void GetGravity( Vector &gravityVector ) = 0;
// air density is in kg / m^3 (water is 1000)
// This controls drag, air that is more dense has more drag.
virtual void SetAirDensity( float density ) = 0;
virtual float GetAirDensity( void ) = 0;
// object creation
// create a polygonal object. pCollisionModel was created by the physics builder DLL in a pre-process.
virtual IPhysicsObject *CreatePolyObject( const CPhysCollide *pCollisionModel, int materialIndex, const Vector &position, const QAngle &angles, objectparams_t *pParams ) = 0;
// same as above, but this one cannot move or rotate (infinite mass/inertia)
virtual IPhysicsObject *CreatePolyObjectStatic( const CPhysCollide *pCollisionModel, int materialIndex, const Vector &position, const QAngle &angles, objectparams_t *pParams ) = 0;
// Create a perfectly spherical object
virtual IPhysicsObject *CreateSphereObject( float radius, int materialIndex, const Vector &position, const QAngle &angles, objectparams_t *pParams, bool isStatic ) = 0;
// Create a polygonal fluid body out of the specified collision model
// This object will affect any other objects that collide with the collision model
virtual IPhysicsFluidController *CreateFluidController( IPhysicsObject *pFluidObject, fluidparams_t *pParams ) = 0;
// Create a simulated spring that connects 2 objects
virtual IPhysicsSpring *CreateSpring( IPhysicsObject *pObjectStart, IPhysicsObject *pObjectEnd, springparams_t *pParams ) = 0;
// Create a constraint in the space of pReferenceObject which is attached by the constraint to pAttachedObject
virtual IPhysicsConstraint *CreateRagdollConstraint( IPhysicsObject *pReferenceObject, IPhysicsObject *pAttachedObject, IPhysicsConstraintGroup *pGroup, const constraint_ragdollparams_t &ragdoll ) = 0;
virtual IPhysicsConstraint *CreateHingeConstraint( IPhysicsObject *pReferenceObject, IPhysicsObject *pAttachedObject, IPhysicsConstraintGroup *pGroup, const constraint_hingeparams_t &hinge ) = 0;
virtual IPhysicsConstraint *CreateFixedConstraint( IPhysicsObject *pReferenceObject, IPhysicsObject *pAttachedObject, IPhysicsConstraintGroup *pGroup, const constraint_fixedparams_t &fixed ) = 0;
virtual IPhysicsConstraint *CreateSlidingConstraint( IPhysicsObject *pReferenceObject, IPhysicsObject *pAttachedObject, IPhysicsConstraintGroup *pGroup, const constraint_slidingparams_t &sliding ) = 0;
virtual IPhysicsConstraint *CreateBallsocketConstraint( IPhysicsObject *pReferenceObject, IPhysicsObject *pAttachedObject, IPhysicsConstraintGroup *pGroup, const constraint_ballsocketparams_t &ballsocket ) = 0;
virtual IPhysicsConstraint *CreatePulleyConstraint( IPhysicsObject *pReferenceObject, IPhysicsObject *pAttachedObject, IPhysicsConstraintGroup *pGroup, const constraint_pulleyparams_t &pulley ) = 0;
virtual IPhysicsConstraint *CreateLengthConstraint( IPhysicsObject *pReferenceObject, IPhysicsObject *pAttachedObject, IPhysicsConstraintGroup *pGroup, const constraint_lengthparams_t &length ) = 0;
virtual IPhysicsConstraintGroup *CreateConstraintGroup( const constraint_groupparams_t &groupParams ) = 0;
// destroy an object created with CreatePolyObject() or CreatePolyObjectStatic()
virtual void DestroyObject( IPhysicsObject * ) = 0;
virtual void DestroySpring( IPhysicsSpring * ) = 0;
// Destroy an object created with CreateFluidController()
virtual void DestroyFluidController( IPhysicsFluidController * ) = 0;
virtual void DestroyConstraint( IPhysicsConstraint * ) = 0;
virtual void DestroyConstraintGroup( IPhysicsConstraintGroup *pGroup ) = 0;
// install a function to filter collisions/penentration
virtual void SetCollisionSolver( IPhysicsCollisionSolver *pSolver ) = 0;
// run the simulator for deltaTime seconds
virtual void Simulate( float deltaTime ) = 0;
// true if currently running the simulator (i.e. in a callback during physenv->Simulate())
virtual bool IsInSimulation( void ) const = 0;
// Manage the timestep (period) of the simulator. The main functions are all integrated with
// this period as dt.
virtual float GetSimulationTimestep( void ) = 0;
virtual void SetSimulationTimestep( float timestep ) = 0;
// returns the current simulation clock's value. This is an absolute time.
virtual float GetSimulationTime( void ) = 0;
virtual void ResetSimulationClock( void ) = 0;
// Collision callbacks (game code collision response)
virtual void SetCollisionEventHandler( IPhysicsCollisionEvent *pCollisionEvents ) = 0;
virtual void SetObjectEventHandler( IPhysicsObjectEvent *pObjectEvents ) = 0;
virtual void SetConstraintEventHandler( IPhysicsConstraintEvent *pConstraintEvents ) = 0;
virtual IPhysicsShadowController *CreateShadowController( IPhysicsObject *pObject, bool allowTranslation, bool allowRotation ) = 0;
virtual void DestroyShadowController( IPhysicsShadowController * ) = 0;
virtual IPhysicsPlayerController *CreatePlayerController( IPhysicsObject *pObject ) = 0;
virtual void DestroyPlayerController( IPhysicsPlayerController * ) = 0;
virtual IPhysicsMotionController *CreateMotionController( IMotionEvent *pHandler ) = 0;
virtual void DestroyMotionController( IPhysicsMotionController *pController ) = 0;
virtual IPhysicsVehicleController *CreateVehicleController( IPhysicsObject *pVehicleBodyObject, const vehicleparams_t &params, unsigned int nVehicleType, IPhysicsGameTrace *pGameTrace ) = 0;
virtual void DestroyVehicleController( IPhysicsVehicleController * ) = 0;
virtual void SetQuickDelete( bool bQuick ) = 0;
virtual int GetActiveObjectCount( void ) = 0;
virtual void GetActiveObjects( IPhysicsObject **pOutputObjectList ) = 0;
virtual void CleanupDeleteList( void ) = 0;
virtual void EnableDeleteQueue( bool enable ) = 0;
// Save/Restore methods
virtual bool Save( const physsaveparams_t &params ) = 0;
virtual void PreRestore( const physprerestoreparams_t &params ) = 0;
virtual bool Restore( const physrestoreparams_t &params ) = 0;
virtual void PostRestore() = 0;
// Debugging:
virtual bool IsCollisionModelUsed( CPhysCollide *pCollide ) = 0;
// Physics world version of the enginetrace API:
virtual void TraceRay( const Ray_t &ray, unsigned int fMask, IPhysicsTraceFilter *pTraceFilter, trace_t *pTrace ) = 0;
virtual void SweepCollideable( const CPhysCollide *pCollide, const Vector &vecAbsStart, const Vector &vecAbsEnd,
const QAngle &vecAngles, unsigned int fMask, IPhysicsTraceFilter *pTraceFilter, trace_t *pTrace ) = 0;
// performance tuning
virtual void GetPerformanceSettings( physics_performanceparams_t *pOutput ) = 0;
virtual void SetPerformanceSettings( const physics_performanceparams_t *pSettings ) = 0;
// perf/cost statistics
virtual void ReadStats( physics_stats_t *pOutput ) = 0;
virtual void ClearStats() = 0;
enum callbackflags
CALLBACK_NEVER_DELETED = 0x0200, // HACKHACK: This means this object will never be deleted (set on the world)
CALLBACK_MARKED_FOR_DELETE = 0x0400, // This allows vphysics to skip some work for this object since it will be
// deleted later this frame. (Set automatically by destroy calls)
CALLBACK_ENABLING_COLLISION = 0x0800, // This is active during the time an object is enabling collisions
// allows us to skip collisions between "new" objects and objects marked for delete
CALLBACK_DO_FLUID_SIMULATION = 0x1000, // remove this to opt out of fluid simulations
CALLBACK_IS_PLAYER_CONTROLLER= 0x2000, // HACKHACK: Set this on players until player cotrollers are unified with shadow controllers
CALLBACK_MARKED_FOR_TEST = 0x8000, // debug -- marked object is being debugged
abstract_class IPhysicsObject
virtual ~IPhysicsObject( void ) {}
// returns true if this object is static/unmoveable
// NOTE: returns false for objects that are not created static, but set EnableMotion(false);
// Call IsMoveable() to find if the object is static OR has motion disabled
virtual bool IsStatic( void ) = 0;
// "wakes up" an object
virtual void Wake( void ) = 0;
virtual void Sleep( void ) = 0;
virtual bool IsAsleep( void ) = 0;
// Game can store data in each object (link back to game object)
virtual void SetGameData( void *pGameData ) = 0;
virtual void *GetGameData( void ) const = 0;
// This flags word can be defined by the game as well
virtual void SetGameFlags( unsigned short userFlags ) = 0;
virtual unsigned short GetGameFlags( void ) const = 0;
virtual void SetGameIndex( unsigned short gameIndex ) = 0;
virtual unsigned short GetGameIndex( void ) const = 0;
// setup various callbacks for this object
virtual void SetCallbackFlags( unsigned short callbackflags ) = 0;
// get the current callback state for this object
virtual unsigned short GetCallbackFlags( void ) = 0;
// mass accessors
virtual void SetMass( float mass ) = 0;
virtual float GetMass( void ) const = 0;
// get 1/mass (it's cached)
virtual float GetInvMass( void ) const = 0;
virtual Vector GetInertia( void ) const = 0;
virtual Vector GetInvInertia( void ) const = 0;
virtual void SetInertia( const Vector &inertia ) = 0;
virtual void SetDamping( const float *speed, const float *rot ) = 0;
virtual void GetDamping( float *speed, float *rot ) = 0;
// material index
virtual int GetMaterialIndex() const = 0;
virtual void SetMaterialIndex( int materialIndex ) = 0;
// Enable / disable collisions for this object
virtual void EnableCollisions( bool enable ) = 0;
// Enable / disable gravity for this object
virtual void EnableGravity( bool enable ) = 0;
// Enable / disable air friction / drag for this object
virtual void EnableDrag( bool enable ) = 0;
// Enable / disable motion (pin / unpin the object)
virtual void EnableMotion( bool enable ) = 0;
// call this when the collision filter conditions change due to this
// object's state (e.g. changing solid type or collision group)
virtual void RecheckCollisionFilter() = 0;
// NOTE: These are here for convenience, but you can do them yourself by using the matrix
// returned from GetPositionMatrix()
// convenient coordinate system transformations (params - dest, src)
virtual void LocalToWorld( Vector *worldPosition, const Vector &localPosition ) = 0;
virtual void WorldToLocal( Vector *localPosition, const Vector &worldPosition ) = 0;
// transforms a vector (no translation) from object-local to world space
virtual void LocalToWorldVector( Vector *worldVector, const Vector &localVector ) = 0;
// transforms a vector (no translation) from world to object-local space
virtual void WorldToLocalVector( Vector *localVector, const Vector &worldVector ) = 0;
// push on an object
// force vector is direction & magnitude of impulse kg in / s
virtual void ApplyForceCenter( const Vector &forceVector ) = 0;
virtual void ApplyForceOffset( const Vector &forceVector, const Vector &worldPosition ) = 0;
// Calculates the force/torque on the center of mass for an offset force impulse (pass output to ApplyForceCenter / ApplyTorqueCenter)
virtual void CalculateForceOffset( const Vector &forceVector, const Vector &worldPosition, Vector *centerForce, AngularImpulse *centerTorque ) = 0;
// Calculates the linear/angular velocities on the center of mass for an offset force impulse (pass output to AddVelocity)
virtual void CalculateVelocityOffset( const Vector &forceVector, const Vector &worldPosition, Vector *centerVelocity, AngularImpulse *centerAngularVelocity ) = 0;
// apply torque impulse. This will change the angular velocity on the object.
// HL Axes, kg degrees / s
virtual void ApplyTorqueCenter( const AngularImpulse &torque ) = 0;
// NOTE: This will teleport the object
virtual void SetPosition( const Vector &worldPosition, const QAngle &angles, bool isTeleport ) = 0;
virtual void SetPositionMatrix( const matrix3x4_t&matrix, bool isTeleport ) = 0;
virtual void GetPosition( Vector *worldPosition, QAngle *angles ) = 0;
virtual void GetPositionMatrix( matrix3x4_t *positionMatrix ) = 0;
// force the velocity to a new value
// NOTE: velocity is in worldspace, angularVelocity is relative to the object's
// local axes (just like pev->velocity, pev->avelocity)
virtual void SetVelocity( const Vector *velocity, const AngularImpulse *angularVelocity ) = 0;
// like the above, but force the change into the simulator immediately
virtual void SetVelocityInstantaneous( const Vector *velocity, const AngularImpulse *angularVelocity ) = 0;
// NOTE: velocity is in worldspace, angularVelocity is relative to the object's
// local axes (just like pev->velocity, pev->avelocity)
virtual void GetVelocity( Vector *velocity, AngularImpulse *angularVelocity ) = 0;
// NOTE: These are velocities, not forces. i.e. They will have the same effect regardless of
// the object's mass or inertia
virtual void AddVelocity( const Vector *velocity, const AngularImpulse *angularVelocity ) = 0;
virtual void GetVelocityAtPoint( const Vector &worldPosition, Vector &velocity ) = 0;
virtual float GetEnergy() = 0;
// returns true if the object is in contact with another object
// if true, puts a point on the contact surface in contactPoint, and
// a pointer to the object in contactObject
// NOTE: You can pass NULL for either to avoid computations
// JAY: This is still an experiment
virtual bool GetContactPoint( Vector *contactPoint, IPhysicsObject **contactObject ) = 0;
// refactor this a bit - move some of this to IPhysicsShadowController
virtual void SetShadow( float maxSpeed, float maxAngularSpeed, bool allowPhysicsMovement, bool allowPhysicsRotation ) = 0;
virtual void UpdateShadow( const Vector &targetPosition, const QAngle &targetAngles, bool tempDisableGravity, float timeOffset ) = 0;
// returns number of ticks since last Update() call
virtual int GetShadowPosition( Vector *position, QAngle *angles ) = 0;
virtual IPhysicsShadowController *GetShadowController( void ) const = 0;
virtual const CPhysCollide *GetCollide( void ) const = 0;
virtual const char *GetName() = 0;
virtual void RemoveShadowController() = 0;
virtual bool IsMoveable() = 0;
// applies the math of the shadow controller to this object.
// for use in your own controllers
// returns the new value of secondsToArrival with dt time elapsed
virtual float ComputeShadowControl( const hlshadowcontrol_params_t &params, float secondsToArrival, float dt ) = 0;
// coefficients are optional, pass either
virtual void SetDragCoefficient( float *pDrag, float *pAngularDrag ) = 0;
// Get the radius if this is a sphere object (zero if this is a polygonal mesh)
virtual float GetSphereRadius() = 0;
virtual float CalculateLinearDrag( const Vector &unitDirection ) const = 0;
virtual float CalculateAngularDrag( const Vector &objectSpaceRotationAxis ) const = 0;
virtual void SetBuoyancyRatio( float ratio ) = 0; // Override bouyancy
virtual void BecomeTrigger() = 0;
virtual void RemoveTrigger() = 0;
virtual bool IsTrigger() = 0;
virtual bool IsFluid() = 0; // fluids are special triggers with fluid controllers attached, they return true to IsTrigger() as well!
// sets the object to be hinged. Fixed it place, but able to rotate around one axis.
virtual void BecomeHinged( int localAxis ) = 0;
// resets the object to original state
virtual void RemoveHinged() = 0;
virtual bool IsHinged() = 0;
virtual unsigned int GetContents() = 0;
virtual void SetContents( unsigned int contents ) = 0;
virtual Vector GetMassCenterLocalSpace() = 0;
// used to iterate the contact points of an object
virtual IPhysicsFrictionSnapshot *CreateFrictionSnapshot() = 0;
virtual void DestroyFrictionSnapshot( IPhysicsFrictionSnapshot *pSnapshot ) = 0;
// dumps info about the object to Msg()
virtual void OutputDebugInfo() = 0;
virtual void GetImplicitVelocity( Vector *velocity, AngularImpulse *angularVelocity ) = 0;
// this is a hack to recheck current contacts
// some of them may not be valid if the object's collision rules have recently changed
// UNDONE: Force this in RecheckCollisionFilter() ?
virtual void RecheckContactPoints() = 0;
abstract_class IPhysicsSpring
virtual ~IPhysicsSpring( void ) {}
virtual void GetEndpoints( Vector *worldPositionStart, Vector *worldPositionEnd ) = 0;
virtual void SetSpringConstant( float flSpringContant) = 0;
virtual void SetSpringDamping( float flSpringDamping) = 0;
virtual void SetSpringLength( float flSpringLenght) = 0;
// Get the starting object
virtual IPhysicsObject *GetStartObject( void ) = 0;
// Get the end object
virtual IPhysicsObject *GetEndObject( void ) = 0;
// Purpose: These properties are defined per-material. This is accessible at
// each triangle in a collision mesh
struct surfacephysicsparams_t
// vphysics physical properties
float friction;
float elasticity; // collision elasticity - used to compute coefficient of restitution
float density; // physical density (in kg / m^3)
float thickness; // material thickness if not solid (sheet materials) in inches
float dampening;
struct surfaceaudioparams_t
// sounds / audio data
float reflectivity; // like elasticity, but how much sound should be reflected by this surface
float hardnessFactor; // like elasticity, but only affects impact sound choices
float roughnessFactor; // like friction, but only affects scrape sound choices
// audio thresholds
float roughThreshold; // surface roughness > this causes "rough" scrapes, < this causes "smooth" scrapes
float hardThreshold; // surface hardness > this causes "hard" impacts, < this causes "soft" impacts
float hardVelocityThreshold; // collision velocity > this causes "hard" impacts, < this causes "soft" impacts
// NOTE: Hard impacts must meet both hardnessFactor AND velocity thresholds
struct surfacesoundnames_t
unsigned short stepleft;
unsigned short stepright;
unsigned short impactSoft;
unsigned short impactHard;
unsigned short scrapeSmooth;
unsigned short scrapeRough;
unsigned short bulletImpact;
unsigned short rolling;
unsigned short breakSound;
unsigned short strainSound;
struct surfacegameprops_t
// game movement data
float maxSpeedFactor; // Modulates player max speed when walking on this surface
float jumpFactor; // Indicates how much higher the player should jump when on the surface
// Game-specific data
unsigned short material;
// Indicates whether or not the player is on a ladder.
unsigned char climbable;
unsigned char pad;
// Purpose: Each different material has an entry like this
struct surfacedata_t
surfacephysicsparams_t physics; // physics parameters
surfaceaudioparams_t audio; // audio parameters
surfacesoundnames_t sounds; // names of linked sounds
surfacegameprops_t game; // Game data / properties
abstract_class IPhysicsSurfaceProps
virtual ~IPhysicsSurfaceProps( void ) {}
// parses a text file containing surface prop keys
virtual int ParseSurfaceData( const char *pFilename, const char *pTextfile ) = 0;
// current number of entries in the database
virtual int SurfacePropCount( void ) = 0;
virtual int GetSurfaceIndex( const char *pSurfacePropName ) = 0;
virtual void GetPhysicsProperties( int surfaceDataIndex, float *density, float *thickness, float *friction, float *elasticity ) = 0;
virtual surfacedata_t *GetSurfaceData( int surfaceDataIndex ) = 0;
virtual const char *GetString( unsigned short stringTableIndex ) = 0;
virtual const char *GetPropName( int surfaceDataIndex ) = 0;
// sets the global index table for world materials
virtual void SetWorldMaterialIndexTable( int *pMapArray, int mapSize ) = 0;
// NOTE: Same as GetPhysicsProperties, but maybe more convenient
virtual void GetPhysicsParameters( int surfaceDataIndex, surfacephysicsparams_t *pParamsOut ) = 0;
abstract_class IPhysicsFluidController
virtual ~IPhysicsFluidController( void ) {}
virtual void SetGameData( void *pGameData ) = 0;
virtual void *GetGameData( void ) const = 0;
virtual void GetSurfacePlane( Vector *pNormal, float *pDist ) = 0;
virtual float GetDensity() = 0;
virtual void WakeAllSleepingObjects() = 0;
virtual int GetContents() const = 0;
// Purpose: parameter block for creating fluid dynamic motion
// UNDONE: Expose additional fluid model paramters?
struct fluidparams_t
Vector4D surfacePlane; // x,y,z normal, dist (plane constant) fluid surface
Vector currentVelocity; // velocity of the current in inches/second
float damping; // damping factor for buoyancy (tweak)
float torqueFactor;
float viscosityFactor;
void *pGameData;
bool useAerodynamics;// true if this controller should calculate surface pressure
int contents;
fluidparams_t() = default;
2020-04-22 17:56:21 +01:00
fluidparams_t( fluidparams_t const& src )
Vector4DCopy( src.surfacePlane, surfacePlane );
VectorCopy( src.currentVelocity, currentVelocity );
damping = src.damping;
torqueFactor = src.torqueFactor;
viscosityFactor = src.viscosityFactor;
contents = src.contents;
// Purpose: parameter block for creating linear springs
// UNDONE: Expose additional spring model paramters?
struct springparams_t
memset( this, 0, sizeof(*this) );
float constant; // spring constant
float naturalLength;// relaxed length
float damping; // damping factor
float relativeDamping; // relative damping (damping proportional to the change in the relative position of the objects)
Vector startPosition;
Vector endPosition;
bool useLocalPositions; // start & end Position are in local space to start and end objects if this is true
bool onlyStretch; // only apply forces when the length is greater than the natural length
// Purpose: parameter block for creating polygonal objects
struct objectparams_t
Vector *massCenterOverride;
float mass;
float inertia;
float damping;
float rotdamping;
float rotInertiaLimit;
const char *pName; // used only for debugging
void *pGameData;
float volume;
float dragCoefficient;
bool enableCollisions;
struct convertconvexparams_t
bool buildOuterConvexHull;
bool buildDragAxisAreas;
bool buildOptimizedTraceTables;
float dragAreaEpsilon;
CPhysConvex *pForcedOuterHull;
void Defaults()
dragAreaEpsilon = 0.25f; // 0.5in x 0.5in square
buildOuterConvexHull = false;
buildDragAxisAreas = false;
buildOptimizedTraceTables = false;
pForcedOuterHull = NULL;
// Physics interface IDs
// Note that right now the order of the enum also defines the order of save/load
// Purpose: parameter blocks for save and load operations
struct physsaveparams_t
ISave *pSave;
void *pObject;
PhysInterfaceId_t type;
struct physrestoreparams_t
IRestore *pRestore;
void **ppObject;
PhysInterfaceId_t type;
void *pGameData;
const char *pName; // used only for debugging
const CPhysCollide *pCollisionModel;
IPhysicsEnvironment *pEnvironment;
IPhysicsGameTrace *pGameTrace;
struct physrecreateparams_t
void *pOldObject;
void *pNewObject;
struct physprerestoreparams_t
int recreatedObjectCount;
physrecreateparams_t recreatedObjectList[1];
#define DEFINE_PIID( type, enumval ) \
template <> inline PhysInterfaceId_t GetPhysIID<type>( type ** ) { return enumval; }
template <class PHYSPTR> inline PhysInterfaceId_t GetPhysIID(PHYSPTR **); // will get link error if no match
} // end namespace VPhysicsInterfaceV30