//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- // BotChatter.db // Author: Michael S. Booth, Turtle Rock Studios (www.turtlerockstudios.com) // // This database defines "Places" (phrases that describe a location in the world) // and "Chatter" (phrases used for everything else) the bots use to talk via their radio. // // Phrases (ie: either Place or Chatter) can contain any number of wav filenames that // contain voice recordings saying something appropriate for that phrase's concept. // For instance, the Chatter entry for "Affirmative" contains several wav files saying // things that mean "yes", such as "affirmative", "yes sir", "roger that", and so on. // // Some phrases have a "Radio" line. This maps that phrase to a Standard Radio event and // is used when the player has restricted the bots to only using Standard Radio messages. // In that case, that radio message will be played instead of the normal phrase. // // The keyword "Important" flags that phrase as being "mission critical", and means it // will be spoken if the player has set the bots to "minimal" chatter. // // "Count" and "Place" qualifiers mean that any subsequent wav files will only be selected // if the bot is referring to the given Count or Place. // // // VOICE ACTOR NOTES: // Unless otherwise stated, these phrases should be spoken in a terse, matter-of-fact manner. // The bots will utter "batches" of phrases to communicate the situation. For example, if a bot // discovers many enemies near the bridge, and one of them is carrying the bomb, he will say // something like: // "Bridge" ... "There's the bomber" ... "Need help!" // // // ***NOTE: Total filename length must be less than 64! // BaseDir bot // // Places must be first in this database // Place BombsiteA a.wav End Place BombsiteB b.wav End Place BombsiteC c.wav End Place HostageRescueZone rescue_zone.wav rescue_zone2.wav End Place VipRescueZone rescue_zone.wav rescue_zone2.wav End Place CTSpawn ct_spawn.wav End Place TSpawn t_spawn.wav End Place Bridge bridge.wav End Place Middle middle.wav End Place House house.wav End Place Apartment apartment.wav End Place Apartments apartments.wav End Place Market market.wav market2.wav End Place Sewers sewers.wav sewers2.wav End Place Tunnel tunnel.wav tunnel2.wav End Place Ducts vents.wav vents2.wav ventilation_system.wav End Place Village villiage.wav End Place Roof roof.wav End Place Upstairs upstairs.wav End Place Downstairs downstairs.wav End Place Basement basement.wav End Place Crawlspace crawlspace.wav End Place Kitchen kitchen.wav kitchen2.wav End Place Inside inside.wav End Place Outside outside.wav End Place Tower tower.wav End Place WineCellar wine_cellar.wav End Place Garage garage.wav End Place Courtyard courtyard.wav End Place Water water.wav End Place FrontDoor front_door.wav front_door2.wav End Place BackDoor back_door.wav End Place SideDoor side_door.wav End Place BackWay back_way.wav End Place FrontYard front_yard.wav End Place BackYard back_yard.wav End Place SideYard side_yard.wav End Place Lobby lobby.wav End Place Vault vault.wav End Place Elevator elevator.wav elevator2.wav End Place DoubleDoors double_doors.wav End Place SecurityDoors security_doors.wav End Place LongHall long_hall.wav End Place SideHall side_hall.wav End Place FrontHall front_hall.wav End Place BackHall back_hall.wav End Place MainHall main_hall.wav End Place FarSide far_side.wav End Place Windows windows.wav End Place Window window.wav End Place Attic attic.wav End Place StorageRoom storage_room.wav End Place ProjectorRoom projector_room.wav End Place MeetingRoom meeting_room.wav End Place ConferenceRoom conference_room.wav End Place ComputerRoom computer_room.wav End Place BigOffice big_office.wav End Place LittleOffice little_office.wav End Place Dumpster dumpster.wav End Place Airplane airplane.wav End Place Underground underground.wav End Place Bunker bunker.wav End Place Mines mines.wav old_mines.wav End Place Front front.wav End Place Back back.wav End Place Rear rear.wav End Place Side side.wav End Place Ramp ramp.wav ramp2.wav End Place Underpass underpass.wav End Place Overpass overpass.wav End Place Stairs stairs.wav End Place Ladder ladder.wav End Place Gate gate.wav End Place GateHouse gatehouse.wav End Place LoadingDock loading_dock.wav End Place GuardHouse guardhouse.wav End Place Entrance entrance.wav End Place VendingMachines vending_machines.wav vending_machines2.wav End Place Loft loft.wav End Place Balcony balcony.wav End Place Alley alley.wav End Place BackAlley back_alley.wav End Place SideAlley side_alley.wav End Place FrontRoom front_room.wav End Place BackRoom back_room.wav End Place SideRoom side_room.wav End Place Crates crates.wav End Place Truck truck.wav End Place Bedroom bedroom.wav bedroom2.wav End Place FamilyRoom family_room.wav End Place Bathroom bathroom.wav bathroom2.wav End Place LivingRoom living_room.wav End Place Den den.wav End Place Office office.wav End Place Atrium atrium.wav End Place Entryway entryway.wav End Place Foyer foyer.wav End Place Stairwell stairwell.wav End Place Fence fence.wav End Place Deck deck.wav End Place Porch porch.wav End Place Patio patio.wav End Place Wall wall.wav End //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Chatter phrases follow // // one or more enemies have just been sighted for the first time Chatter EnemySpotted Radio EVENT_RADIO_ENEMY_SPOTTED Count 1 one_guy.wav Count 2 two_of_them.wav Count 3 three.wav three_of_them.wav Count Many // VOICE NOTE: The bot is scared here - there are a lot of enemies! a_bunch_of_them.wav theyre_all_over_the_place2.wav theyre_everywhere2.wav theres_too_many_of_them.wav theres_too_many.wav too_many2.wav the_actions_hot_here.wav its_a_party.wav End // the bot has recently seen an enemy die Chatter EnemyDown Radio EVENT_RADIO_ENEMY_DOWN enemy_down.wav enemy_down2.wav End // the bot says this when asked to "report in" while he is fighting enemies Chatter InCombat Radio EVENT_RADIO_ENEMY_SPOTTED attacking.wav attacking_enemies.wav engaging_enemies.wav in_combat.wav in_combat2.wav returning_fire.wav End // the bot has been asked to "report in" and sees nothing interesting in his area Chatter Clear Radio EVENT_RADIO_SECTOR_CLEAR clear.wav clear2.wav clear3.wav clear4.wav area_clear.wav all_clear_here.wav nothing_moving_over_here.wav all_quiet.wav nothing_happening_over_here.wav i_got_nothing.wav nothing.wav nothing_here.wav theres_nobody_home.wav End // the bot hasn't seen anything in a long time and is asking his teammates to report in Chatter RequestReport Radio EVENT_RADIO_REPORT_IN_TEAM report_in_team.wav anyone_see_them.wav anyone_see_anything.wav where_are_they.wav where_could_they_be.wav End // the bot has killed the enemy has was fighting Chatter KilledMyEnemy Radio EVENT_RADIO_ENEMY_DOWN hes_dead.wav hes_down.wav got_him.wav dropped_him.wav killed_him.wav ruined_his_day.wav wasted_him.wav took_him_out.wav took_him_out2.wav took_him_down.wav made_him_cry.wav hes_broken.wav hes_done.wav End // the bot was chasing after his enemy and lost track of him // VOICE NOTE: Minor frustration/disappointment/exasperation here Chatter LostEnemy he_got_away.wav he_got_away2.wav i_dont_know_where_he_went.wav i_lost_him.wav End // the bot is telling his team that the last enemy has been killed // VOICE NOTE: Happy/smugness/satisfaction Chatter NoEnemiesLeft that_was_it.wav that_was_the_last_one.wav that_was_the_last_guy.wav End // the bot is telling his team there is one enemy left // VOICE NOTE: Anticipation Chatter OneEnemyLeft one_guy_left.wav theres_one_left.wav End // the bot is telling his team there are two enemies left Chatter TwoEnemiesLeft two_enemies_left.wav two_to_go.wav End // the bot is telling his team there are three enemies left Chatter ThreeEnemiesLeft three_left.wav three_to_go.wav three_to_go2.wav End // the bot is in trouble and is asking for help // VOICE NOTE: he's trying to keep it together, but he is mortally frightened Chatter Help Radio EVENT_RADIO_TAKING_FIRE taking_fire_need_assistance2.wav i_could_use_some_help.wav i_could_use_some_help_over_here.wav help.wav need_help.wav need_help2.wav im_in_trouble.wav End // the bot is agreeing with the last radio command Chatter Affirmative Radio EVENT_RADIO_AFFIRMATIVE Important affirmative.wav roger.wav roger_that.wav End // the bot has declined the last radio command Chatter Negative Radio EVENT_RADIO_NEGATIVE Important ahh_negative.wav negative.wav negative2.wav no.wav nnno_sir.wav no_sir.wav End //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Bomb defuse scenario chatter // // the (CT) bot has checked a bombsite and not found the bomb - he tells his teammates that site is clear Chatter BombsiteClear Radio EVENT_RADIO_SECTOR_CLEAR Important clear.wav clear2.wav clear3.wav area_clear.wav nothing.wav nothing_here.wav End // the (CT) bot has begun defusing the bomb Chatter DefusingBomb Radio EVENT_RADIO_COVER_ME Important defusing.wav defusing_bomb.wav defusing_bomb_now.wav End // the (CT) bot is announcing his intention to guard the dropped bomb Chatter GoingToGuardLooseBomb im_going_to_guard_the_bomb.wav im_going_to_guard_the_bomb2.wav im_going_to_keep_an_eye_on_the_bomb.wav im_going_to_watch_the_bomb.wav End // the (CT) bot it telling his team that he is guarding the dropped bomb Chatter GuardingLooseBomb Radio EVENT_RADIO_IN_POSITION guarding_the_dropped_bomb.wav ive_got_the_bomb.wav ive_got_the_bomb_here.wav the_bombs_here.wav the_bombs_here_on_the_ground.wav End // the (Terrorist) bot is planting the bomb Chatter PlantingBomb Radio EVENT_RADIO_COVER_ME // for maps with no places, and also to be occasionally vague about where we're planting Place ANY planting_the_bomb.wav planting.wav Place BombsiteA planting_at_a.wav Place BombsiteB planting_at_b.wav Place BombsiteC planting_at_c.wav End // the (Terrorist) bot is announcing his intention to plant the bomb at a specific bomb site Chatter GoingToPlantBomb Radio EVENT_RADIO_FOLLOW_ME // for maps with no places, and to be vague occasionally Place ANY im_gonna_go_plant.wav im_gonna_go_plant_the_bomb.wav Place BombsiteA im_gonna_plant_the_bomb_at_a.wav taking_the_bomb_to_a.wav Place BombsiteB going_to_plant_the_bomb_at_b.wav im_gonna_plant_the_bomb_at_b.wav taking_the_bomb_to_b.wav Place BombsiteC im_gonna_plant_the_bomb_at_c.wav im_gonna_plant_the_bomb_at_c2.wav taking_the_bomb_to_c.wav End // the (CT) bot has spotted the bomb carrier // VOICE NOTE: Intensity/determination/anger Chatter SpottedBomber Radio EVENT_RADIO_ENEMY_SPOTTED Important i_see_the_bomber.wav theres_the_bomber.wav hes_got_the_bomb.wav hes_got_the_bomb2.wav hes_got_the_package.wav spotted_the_delivery_boy.wav End // the bot has spotted a dropped bomb on the ground Chatter SpottedLooseBomb Important bombs_on_the_ground.wav bombs_on_the_ground_here.wav the_bomb_is_down.wav the_bomb_is_on_the_ground.wav they_dropped_the_bomb.wav End // the (CT) bot heard a Terrorist pick up the dropped bomb // VOICE NOTE: Anxiety/urgency Chatter TheyPickedUpTheBomb Important they_took_the_bomb.wav they_took_the_bomb2.wav they_got_the_bomb.wav they_picked_up_the_bomb.wav End // the (CT) bot has found the location of the ticking bomb Chatter PlantedBombPlace Radio EVENT_RADIO_NEED_BACKUP Important // for maps with no places Place UNDEFINED theres_the_bomb.wav theres_the_bomb2.wav Place BombsiteA the_bombs_at_a.wav //they_planted_at_a.wav (can't use these, because T's respond with this as well) the_bombs_ticking_at_a.wav Place BombsiteB the_bombs_at_b.wav //they_planted_at_b.wav the_bombs_ticking_at_b.wav Place BombsiteC the_bombs_at_c.wav //they_planted_at_c.wav the_bombs_ticking_at_c.wav End // the bot is asking his teammates where the bomb is Chatter WhereIsTheBomb Important wheres_the_bomb.wav wheres_the_bomb2.wav wheres_the_bomb3.wav where_is_it.wav End // the (CT) bot is announcing his intention to guard a bombsite Chatter GoingToDefendBombsite // for maps with no places, or we're just being vague Place ANY im_going_to_camp.wav Place BombsiteA im_going_to_guard_bombsite_a.wav im_going_to_camp_a.wav Place BombsiteB im_going_to_guard_bombsite_b.wav im_going_to_camp_b.wav Place BombsiteC im_going_to_guard_bombsite_c.wav im_going_to_camp_c.wav End // the (CT) bot is announcing that he is currently guarding a bombsite Chatter DefendingBombsite // for maps with no places Place UNDEFINED bombsite.wav bombsite2.wav Place BombsiteA i_got_a_covered.wav guarding_a.wav im_camping_a.wav heading_to_a.wav Place BombsiteB i_got_b_covered.wav guarding_b.wav im_camping_b.wav heading_to_b.wav Place BombsiteC i_got_c_covered.wav guarding_c.wav im_camping_c.wav heading_to_c.wav End // the (CT) bot is announcing that the bombsite is secure and ready for someone to defuse the bomb Chatter BombsiteSecure Radio EVENT_RADIO_SECTOR_CLEAR Important bombsite_secure.wav bombsite_secured.wav bombsite_under_control.wav weve_got_the_situation.wav End // the (CT) bot is encouraging the player to defuse the bomb Chatter WaitingForHumanToDefuseBomb its_all_up_to_you_sir.wav bombsite_secure_ready_for_you.wav well_cover_you_while_you_defuse.wav well_cover_you_you_defuse.wav End // the (CT) bot is anxiously encouraging the player to defuse the bomb // VOICE NOTE: Very nervous/anxious/worried Chatter WaitingForHumanToDefuseBombPanic we_need_you_to_defuse_that_bomb_sir.wav dont_worry_hell_get_it.wav please_defuse_the_bomb_sir.wav sir_defuse_the_bomb.wav time_is_running_out.wav time_is_running_out2.wav uh_sir_the_bomb.wav End // when the bomb was defused with less than 2 seconds left // VOICE NOTE: Relief/happy Chatter BarelyDefused i_wasnt_worried_for_a_minute.wav that_was_a_close_one.wav well_done.wav whew_that_was_close.wav End //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // Hostage Rescue chatter // // the (Terrorist) bot is announcing his intention to guard the hostages Chatter GoingToGuardHostages camping_hostages.wav im_going_to_camp_the_hostages.wav im_going_to_guard_the_hostages.wav im_going_to_guard_the_hostages2.wav End // the (Terrorist) bot is currently guarding some hostages Chatter GuardingHostages keeping_an_eye_on_the_hostages.wav guarding_the_hostages.wav guarding_hostages.wav watching_the_hostages.wav im_with_the_hostages.wav im_with_the_hostages2.wav im_at_the_hostages.wav End // the (Terrorist) bot is announcing his intetion to guard an escape zone Chatter GoingToGuardHostageEscapeZone im_going_to_cover_the_escape_zone.wav im_going_to_watch_the_escape_zone.wav im_going_to_keep_an_eye_on_the_escape.wav heading_to_the_escape_zone.wav heading_to_the_rescue_zone.wav im_going_to_keep_an_eye_on_the_rescue.wav im_going_to_watch_the_rescue_zone.wav End // the (Terrorist) bot is currently guarding an escape zone Chatter GuardingHostageEscapeZone watching_the_escape_route.wav im_at_the_escape_zone.wav watching_the_escape_zone.wav guarding_the_escape_zone.wav guarding_the_escape_zone2.wav End // the (Terrorist) bot is telling his friends that the CT's are taking the hostages right now // VOICE NOTE: Anxiety/frustration/anger Chatter HostagesBeingTaken Radio EVENT_RADIO_NEED_BACKUP Important theyre_with_the_hostages.wav theyre_taking_the_hostages.wav theyre_rescuing_the_hostages.wav hostages2.wav End // the (Terrorist) bot has just discovered that the hostages are gone // VOICE NOTE: Anxiety/frustration/anger Chatter HostagesTaken Important they_took_the_hostages.wav theyve_got_the_hostages.wav the_hostages_are_gone.wav End // the (CT) bot is announcing that he is talking to the hostages Chatter TalkingToHostages talking_to_hostages.wav rescuing_hostages.wav End // the (CT) bot is annoucing that he has the hostages and is taking them to the escape zone Chatter EscortingHostages the_hostages_are_with_me.wav taking_the_hostages_to_safety.wav ive_got_the_hostages.wav i_have_the_hostages.wav End // the (CT) bot is guarding the hostages and is encouraging the human player to come rescue them Chatter WaitingForHumanToRescueHostages Radio EVENT_RADIO_SECTOR_CLEAR the_hostages_are_waiting.wav hostages_secure_ready_for_you.wav the_hostages_are_eager.wav the_hostages_are_ready.wav weve_got_the_situation.wav End //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // VIP Scenario chatter // // the (Terrorist) bot has spotted the VIP // VOICE NOTE: Intensity/anger/determination Chatter SpottedVIP Radio EVENT_RADIO_ENEMY_SPOTTED Important i_see_our_target.wav target_spotted.wav target_acquired.wav End // the (Terrorist) bot is announcing his intention to guard an escape zone Chatter GoingToGuardVIPEscapeZone im_going_to_cover_the_escape_zone.wav im_going_to_watch_the_escape_zone.wav im_going_to_keep_an_eye_on_the_escape.wav heading_to_the_escape_zone.wav End // the (Terrorist) bot is guarding an escape zone Chatter GuardingVIPEscapeZone watching_the_escape_route.wav im_at_the_escape_zone.wav watching_the_escape_zone.wav guarding_the_escape_zone.wav guarding_the_escape_zone2.wav End //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // the bot was saying something and died in mid-sentance // VOICE NOTE: death cry Chatter Pain pain2.wav pain4.wav pain5.wav pain8.wav pain9.wav pain10.wav End // the bot is congratulating his team for winning the round Chatter WonRound good_job_team.wav nice_work_team.wav way_to_be_team.wav well_done.wav End // the bot is celebrating because his team crushed the enemies very quickly // VOICE NOTE: Hoots and hollers of excitement, bragging, boasting, etc Chatter WonRoundQuickly i_am_dangerous.wav do_not_mess_with_me.wav we_owned_them.wav they_never_knew_what_hit_them.wav thats_the_way_this_is_done.wav and_thats_how_its_done.wav owned.wav yesss.wav yesss2.wav yea_baby.wav whoo.wav whoo2.wav oh_yea.wav oh_yea2.wav End // the bot won the round and is the last player alive // VOICE NOTE: Bragging, boasting, etc Chatter LastManStanding i_am_dangerous.wav do_not_mess_with_me.wav this_is_my_house.wav i_got_more_where_that_came_from.wav i_am_on_fire.wav look_out_brag.wav thats_right.wav End // the bot emits a short, exicited noise because he did something especially good // VOICE NOTE: Hoots and hollers of excitement Chatter ThrillEmote yesss.wav yesss2.wav yea_baby.wav whoo.wav whoo2.wav oh_yea.wav oh_yea2.wav End // the bot is afraid (usually because he is outnumbered by enemies) // VOICE NOTE: Worry/anxiety/fear Chatter ScaredEmote whoa.wav uh_oh.wav oh_no.wav yikes.wav oh.wav oh_boy.wav oh_boy2.wav aah.wav End // the bot is agreeing with a plan someone else announced Chatter AgreeWithPlan me_too.wav ill_come_with_you.wav ill_go_with_you.wav ill_go_too.wav i_got_your_back.wav i_got_your_back2.wav im_with_you.wav sounds_like_a_plan.wav good_idea.wav End // the bot is telling a friend that he will "cover them" and watch their back Chatter CoveringFriend Radio EVENT_RADIO_AFFIRMATIVE i_got_your_back.wav i_got_your_back2.wav im_with_you.wav End // the bot is responding to someone's request for help // VOICE NOTE: Confident/assuring Chatter OnMyWay Radio EVENT_RADIO_AFFIRMATIVE on_my_way.wav on_my_way2.wav im_coming.wav hang_on_im_coming.wav be_right_there.wav End // the bot has decided to hide for a little while, instead of seeking out the enemy // VOICE NOTE: Anxiety/worry/cowardice Chatter WaitingHere lets_wait_here.wav lets_hold_up_here_for_a_minute.wav im_gonna_hang_back.wav im_going_to_wait_here.wav im_waiting_here.wav End // the bot has been in combat for a long time, and can't get away // VOICE NOTE: Anxiety/worry/fear Chatter PinnedDown Radio EVENT_RADIO_NEED_BACKUP they_got_me_pinned_down_here.wav im_pinned_down.wav End // the bot heard an enemy noise // VOICE NOTE: Said as an undertone/afterthought Chatter HeardNoise i_hear_them.wav hang_on_i_heard_something.wav i_hear_something.wav i_heard_them.wav i_heard_something_over_there.wav End // the bot has been blinded by a Flashbang Grenade // VOICE NOTE: Surprise/shock/fear/anxiety Chatter Blinded ive_been_blinded.wav my_eyes.wav i_cant_see.wav im_blind.wav End // the bot is congratulating a friend on a well placed shot // VOICE NOTE: upbeat/supportive/impressed Chatter NiceShot good_one.wav good_one2.wav nice_shot.wav nice_shot2.wav good_shot.wav good_shot2.wav nice.wav nice2.wav very_nice.wav End // the bot is congratulating a human player on a well placed shot // VOICE NOTE: upbeat/supportive/impressed Chatter NiceShotSir good_one_sir.wav good_one_sir2.wav nice_shot_sir.wav nice_one_sir.wav End // the bot is congratulating the "commander" in the solo game // VOICE NOTE: upbeat/supportive/impressed Chatter NiceShotCommander nice_shot_commander.wav nice_shot_commander2.wav good_shot_commander.wav good_shot_commander2.wav nice_one_commander.wav good_one_sir.wav good_one_sir2.wav nice_shot_sir.wav nice_one_sir.wav End // when the player dies in the solo game // VOICE NOTE: Intense/worry/anxiety Chatter CommanderDown Radio EVENT_RADIO_REGROUP_TEAM the_commander_is_down_repeat.wav the_commander_is_down.wav weve_lost_the_commander.wav End // the bot has decided to follow a human player Chatter FollowingSir Radio EVENT_RADIO_AFFIRMATIVE lead_on_sir.wav lead_the_way_sir.wav lead_the_way.wav ok_sir_lets_go.wav End // the bot has decided to follow the human player in the solo game Chatter FollowingCommander Radio EVENT_RADIO_AFFIRMATIVE lead_on_sir.wav lead_the_way_sir.wav lead_the_way.wav ok_sir_lets_go.wav lead_on_commander.wav lead_the_way_commander.wav ok_cmdr_lets_go.wav End // the bot is expressing its shock that a friend has killed another friend (friendly fire) // VOICE NOTE: Grief/sadness/worry/astonishment Chatter KilledFriend what_happened.wav noo.wav oh_my_god.wav oh_man.wav oh_no_sad.wav what_have_you_done.wav End // the bot is crying out because he was injured by friendly fire // VOICE NOTE: Pain/anger/frustration Chatter FriendlyFire Important cut_it_out.wav what_are_you_doing.wav stop_it.wav ow_its_me.wav ow.wav ouch.wav im_on_your_side.wav hold_your_fire.wav hey.wav hey2.wav ouch.wav ouch.wav ouch.wav End //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // The items below are not used (yet) // Chatter PepTalk alright_lets_do_this.wav tag_them_and_bag_them.wav you_heard_the_man_lets_go.wav End Chatter OnARollBrag i_got_more_where_that_came_from.wav who_wants_some_more.wav i_am_on_fire.wav look_out_brag.wav thats_right.wav whos_the_man.wav End Chatter TauntCamper come_out_wherever_you_are.wav where_are_you_hiding.wav come_out_and_fight_like_a_man.wav come_to_papa.wav End Chatter PreventEscapeBrag they_wont_get_away.wav they_wont_get_away2.wav they_will_not_escape.wav End Chatter SniperWarning sniper.wav sniper2.wav watch_it_theres_a_sniper.wav End Chatter SniperKilled got_the_sniper.wav got_the_sniper2.wav sniper_down.wav took_out_the_sniper.wav the_sniper_is_dead.wav End // we saw enemies, but now they're all dead Chatter ClearedArea area_secure.wav neutralized.wav End Chatter Agree ok.wav ok2.wav alright.wav alright2.wav yea_ok.wav End Chatter Disagree no2.wav i_dont_think_so.wav naa.wav no_thanks.wav End Chatter CoverMe cover_me.wav cover_me2.wav End Chatter FrustrationEmote aw_hell.wav great.wav aww_man.wav thats_not_good.wav End Chatter FollowingFriend ill_come_with_you.wav ill_go_with_you.wav ill_go_too.wav i_got_your_back.wav i_got_your_back2.wav im_with_you.wav End Chatter ReportingIn reporting_in.wav End Chatter BombTickingDown we_gotta_find_that_bomb.wav time_is_running_out.wav theres_not_much_time_left.wav End Chatter HostageDown hostage_down.wav End Chatter RequestHostageLocation where_are_the_hostages.wav End Chatter MeToo me_too.wav End