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2024-09-07 15:58:38 +02:00
//=========== (C) Copyright 1999 Valve, L.L.C. All rights reserved. ===========
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Valve, L.L.C.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Valve, L.L.C., or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// Don't change this file, it defines engine events
// Server events
"server_spawn" // send once a server starts
"hostname" "string" // public host name
"address" "string" // hostame, IP or DNS name
"ip" "long"
"port" "short" // server port
"game" "string" // game dir
"mapname" "string" // map name
"maxplayers" "long" // max players
"os" "string" // WIN32, LINUX
"dedicated" "bool" // true if dedicated server
"password" "bool" // true if password protected
2024-09-20 04:13:08 +02:00
"levelname" "string" // The level name that failed changelevel
2024-09-07 15:58:38 +02:00
"server_shutdown" // server shut down
"reason" "string" // reason why server was shut down
"server_cvar" // a server console var has changed
"cvarname" "string" // cvar name, eg "mp_roundtime"
"cvarvalue" "string" // new cvar value
"server_message" // a generic server message
"text" "string" // the message text
"name" "string" // player name
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"networkid" "string" // player network (i.e steam) id
"ip" "string" // IP address
"duration" "string" // length of the ban
"by" "string" // banned by...
"kicked" "bool" // whether the player was also kicked
"networkid" "string" // player network (i.e steam) id
"ip" "string" // IP address
"by" "string" // removed by...
2024-09-20 04:13:08 +02:00
"player_connect" // a new client connected - we should only really have server listeners for this, due to the IP being exposed
2024-09-07 15:58:38 +02:00
"name" "string" // player name
"index" "byte" // player slot (entity index-1)
"userid" "short" // user ID on server (unique on server)
"networkid" "string" // player network (i.e steam) id
"address" "string" // ip:port
"bot" "short" // is a bot
2024-09-20 04:13:08 +02:00
"player_connect_client" // a new client connected
"name" "string" // player name
"index" "byte" // player slot (entity index-1)
"userid" "short" // user ID on server (unique on server)
"networkid" "string" // player network (i.e steam) id
"bot" "short" // is a bot
2024-09-07 15:58:38 +02:00
"player_info" // a player changed his name
"name" "string" // player name
"index" "byte" // player slot (entity index-1)
"userid" "short" // user ID on server (unique on server)
"networkid" "string" // player network (i.e steam) id
"bot" "bool" // true if player is a AI bot
"player_disconnect" // a client was disconnected
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"reason" "string" // "self", "kick", "ban", "cheat", "error"
"name" "string" // player name
"networkid" "string" // player network (i.e steam) id
"bot" "short" // is a bot
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"text" "string" // the say text
"client_disconnect" // client side disconnect message
"message" "string" // Why are we disconnecting? This could be a localization token or an English-language string
"client_beginconnect" // client tries to connect to server
"address" "string" // Name we used to connect to the server
"ip" "long"
"port" "short" // server port
"source" "string" // what caused us to attempt this connection? (blank for general command line, "serverbrowser", "quickplay", etc)
"client_connected" // client has completed the challenge / handshake process and is in SIGNONSTATE_CONNECTED
"address" "string" // Name we used to connect to the server
"ip" "long"
"port" "short" // server port
"address" "string" // Name we used to connect to the server
"ip" "long"
"port" "short" // server port