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2024-09-07 15:58:38 +02:00
//=========== (C) Copyright 1999 Valve, L.L.C. All rights reserved. ===========
// The copyright to the contents herein is the property of Valve, L.L.C.
// The contents may be used and/or copied only with the written permission of
// Valve, L.L.C., or in accordance with the terms and conditions stipulated in
// the agreement/contract under which the contents have been supplied.
// No spaces in event names, max length 32
// All strings are case sensitive
// total game event byte length must be < 1024
// valid data key types are:
// none : value is not networked
// string : a zero terminated string
// bool : unsigned int, 1 bit
// byte : unsigned int, 8 bit
// short : signed int, 16 bit
// long : signed int, 32 bit
// float : float, 32 bit
"team_info" // info about team
"teamid" "byte" // unique team id
"teamname" "string" // team name eg "Team Blue"
"team_score" // team score changed
"teamid" "byte" // team id
"score" "short" // total team score
"teamplay_broadcast_audio" // emits a sound to everyone on a team
"team" "byte" // unique team id
"sound" "string" // name of the sound to emit
// Player events
"player_team" // player change his team
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"team" "byte" // team id
"oldteam" "byte" // old team id
"disconnect" "bool" // team change because player disconnects
"autoteam" "bool" // true if the player was auto assigned to the team
"silent" "bool" // if true wont print the team join messages
"name" "string" // player's name
"player_class" // a player changed his class
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"class" "string" // new player class / model
"player_death" // a game event, name may be 32 charaters long
"userid" "short" // user ID who died
"attacker" "short" // user ID who killed
"userid" "short" // player index who was hurt
"attacker" "short" // player index who attacked
"health" "byte" // remaining health points
"player_chat" // a public player chat
"teamonly" "bool" // true if team only chat
"userid" "short" // chatting player
"text" "string" // chat text
"player_score" // players scores changed
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"kills" "short" // # of kills
"deaths" "short" // # of deaths
"score" "short" // total game score
"player_spawn" // player spawned in game
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"player_shoot" // player shoot his weapon
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"weapon" "byte" // weapon ID
"mode" "byte" // weapon mode
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"entity" "short" // entity used by player
"userid" "short" // user ID on server
"oldname" "string" // players old (current) name
"newname" "string" // players new name
"hintmessage" "string" // localizable string of a hint
"entindex" "short"
// Game events
"game_init" // sent when a new game is started
"game_newmap" // send when new map is completely loaded
"mapname" "string" // map name
"game_start" // a new game starts
"roundslimit" "long" // max round
"timelimit" "long" // time limit
"fraglimit" "long" // frag limit
"objective" "string" // round objective
"game_end" // a game ended
"winner" "byte" // winner team/user id
"timelimit" "long" // round time limit in seconds
"fraglimit" "long" // frag limit in seconds
"objective" "string" // round objective
"winner" "byte" // winner team/user i
"reason" "byte" // reson why team won
"message" "string" // end round message
"game_message" // a message send by game logic to everyone
"target" "byte" // 0 = console, 1 = HUD
"text" "string" // the message text
"entindex" "long"
"userid" "short"
"material" "byte" // BREAK_GLASS, BREAK_WOOD, etc
"entindex" "long"
"userid" "short"
"entindex_killed" "long"
"entindex_attacker" "long"
"entindex_inflictor" "long"
"damagebits" "long"
"numadvanced" "short"
"numbronze" "short"
"numsilver" "short"
"numgold" "short"
"achievement_name" "string" // non-localized name of achievement
"cur_val" "short" // # of steps toward achievement
"max_val" "short" // total # of steps in achievement
// sent whenever an achievement that's tracked on the HUD increases
"achievement_id" "long" // ID of achievement that went up
"cur_val" "short" // # of steps toward achievement
"max_val" "short" // total # of steps in achievement
"entindex" "long" // entity picked up
"entindex" "long" // entity ignited
"user_data_downloaded" // fired when achievements/stats are downloaded from Steam or XBox Live
"entindex" "long"
"oldmode" "short"
"newmode" "short"
"obs_target" "short"
"mode" "short"
"old_target" "short"
"obs_target" "short"
// Client side VoteController talking to HUD
"issue" "string"
"param1" "string"
"team" "byte"
"initiator" "long" // entity id of the player who initiated the vote
"vote_option1" "byte"
"vote_option2" "byte"
"vote_option3" "byte"
"vote_option4" "byte"
"vote_option5" "byte"
"potentialVotes" "byte"
"details" "string"
"param1" "string"
"team" "byte"
"team" "byte"
"vote_option" "byte" // which option the player voted on
"team" "short"
"entityid" "long" // entity id of the voter
"count" "byte" // Number of options - up to MAX_VOTE_OPTIONS
"option1" "string"
"option2" "string"
"option3" "string"
"option4" "string"
"option5" "string"
// Replay events
"views" "long"
"likes" "long"
"favorited" "long"
// Economy events